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Saline-soluble glycinins and insoluble glutelins are the major storage proteins in soybean (Glycine max) and rice (Oryza sativa), respectively. In spite of their differences in solubility properties, both proteins are members of the 11S globulin gene family based on their similarities in primary sequences and processing of the coded protein. Wild-type and methionine-modified glycinin coding sequences were expressed in transgenic rice plants under the control of the rice glutelin GluB-1 promoter. Glycinins were specifically synthesized in the endosperm tissue and co-localized with glutelins in type II protein bodies. They assembled into 7S and 11S species, similar to what was observed in developing soybean seeds. This pattern was quite different from that displayed by the rice glutelins in untransformed plants, in which processed subunits sedimenting at 2S were apparent. In glycinin-expressing transgenic plants, however, glutelins were observed sedimenting at 7S and 11S with lesser amounts in the 2S region. A portion of the glycinins was also found associated in the insoluble glutelin fraction. Renaturation experiments suggested that the hybrid glycinin-glutelin oligomers were formed through specific interactions. Overall, these results indicate that despite significant differences in the assembly of soybean glycinin and rice glutelin, both proteins can assemble with each other to form soluble hexameric oligomers or insoluble aggregates.  相似文献   

The peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) seeds harvested at the last stage of maturation were divided into five grades by size. The content of total protein, salt-soluble protein, arachin, conarachin I and 2s globulin in these seeds were measured. No obvious differences in germination percentage and the length of radicle and hypocotyl within 3d germination in dark were observed among the five grades of seeds. But there were significant differences in the seedling growth after two weeks of germination in light. There was a very close correlation between the storage protein in cotyledons and the seedling growth. When seeds germinated in light, the efficiency of mobilization of the salt-soluble protein in the cotyledons was higher than that in the cotyledons of the seeds germinating in dark. All of the salt-soluble protein in cotyledons was used up after 14d seedling growth in light. SDS-PAGE of salt-soluble protein showed that 23.5, 38.5 and 41 kD subunits of arachin were first mobilized during germination. The 18 kD subunits of arachin were not mobilized until the above-mentioned subunits were used up. The 60.5 kD subunit of conarachin I and 2s globulin were degradated within 2 to 3 days during germination.  相似文献   

Eighty soybeans (Glyane max Merr) cultivars, includingx a resistant line Oxley 615 were each inoculated with seven streams of soybean mosaic virus SMV. Susceptible cultivers produced smaller plants with delaved maturity, and reduced seed yield relative to the non inoculared plants Someptible cultivars had.a higher level of morrled seeds and seat transmission ot SMV from the morrled seeds than the resistance line Oxley 615. The SMV strain cultivar interaction was significant for all traits, suggsesting that soybean cultivars should be tested against specific SMV strains to determine their response to this virus.  相似文献   

为了解不同种皮色地方稻种的总黄酮含量与其种子萌发品质的相关性,测定了17份云南地方稻种谷粒、糙米和谷壳的总黄酮含量,以及谷粒和糙米的发芽势、发芽率、发芽指数和活力指数4项萌发指标。结果表明,红皮和紫皮谷粒及糙米的总黄酮含量显著、极显著高于白皮,而谷壳的总黄酮含量则无明显差异。红皮谷粒的4项萌发指标均高于紫皮和白皮,但仅红皮与白皮谷粒之间的发芽势差异达到极显著水平;红皮糙米的4项萌发指标极显著地高于紫米和白米,且除发芽指数外,紫米的其他3项萌发指标显著或极显著地高于白米,表明有色种皮谷粒、糙米的总黄酮含量较高,其萌发指标也相应较高。相关分析表明,谷粒的总黄酮含量与4项萌发指标之间没有明显的相关性,但糙米的总黄酮含量则与4项萌发指标呈显著正相关;谷壳的黄酮含量与种子萌发无关,而糙米的黄酮含量则显著地影响种子的萌发特性。  相似文献   

大豆植株不同冠层种子活力及其萌发中抗氧化酶活性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以吉农15号和吉农24号大豆(Glycine max)品种为材料,根据植株高度平均分为下部、中下部、中部、中上部和上部5个冠层,分析不同冠层种子百粒重、种子活力及萌发7天子叶中抗氧化酶活性和丙二醛含量的变化。结果表明,随着植株冠层的升高,大豆百粒重呈先略上升后逐渐下降的趋势,上部冠层种子的百粒重最小。大豆植株下部与中下部冠层种子的发芽率和发芽势较高;并且该两层的种子活力指数显著高于中上部与上部冠层,种子萌发后幼苗的茎粗也显著大于中上部及上部冠层幼苗。下部与中下部冠层种子萌发时子叶中的抗氧化酶活性高于上部,而丙二醛含量低于上部,说明该两层的大豆种子活力高,萌发后幼苗健壮且子叶新陈代谢旺盛,是优选良种的最佳冠层。  相似文献   

Cowpox virus (CPXV) causes most zoonotic orthopoxvirus (OPV) infections in Europe and Northern as well as Central Asia. The virus has the broadest host range of OPV and is transmitted to humans from rodents and other wild or domestic animals. Increasing numbers of human CPXV infections in a population with declining immunity have raised concerns about the virus’ zoonotic potential. While there have been reports on the proteome of other human-pathogenic OPV, namely vaccinia virus (VACV) and monkeypox virus (MPXV), the protein composition of the CPXV mature virion (MV) is unknown. This study focused on the comparative analysis of the VACV and CPXV MV proteome by label-free single-run proteomics using nano liquid chromatography and high-resolution tandem mass spectrometry (nLC-MS/MS). The presented data reveal that the common VACV and CPXV MV proteome contains most of the known conserved and essential OPV proteins and is associated with cellular proteins known to be essential for viral replication. While the species-specific proteome could be linked mainly to less genetically-conserved gene products, the strain-specific protein abundance was found to be of high variance in proteins associated with entry, host-virus interaction and protein processing.  相似文献   

Germinating peanut cotvledons and germinating castor bean endosperm have been compared with respect to their rates of fat dissimilation and with respect to the anatomical distribution of respiratory activity. The lipid mobilization is much slower in peanut cotyledons than in castor bean endosperm. Light has essentially no effect on either system. As germination progresses, the majority of the succinic dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase activities become localized in the vein regions of peanut cotyledons. In the castor bean endosperm these two activities are uniformly distributed throughout the storage parenchyma and increase with germination until the organ becomes soft and visibly senescent.  相似文献   

Fu  Yuying  Zhang  Zhihao  Liu  Jun  Chen  Min  Pan  Ronghui  Hu  Weimin  Guan  Yajing  Hu  Jin 《Journal of Plant Growth Regulation》2020,39(2):669-679
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - Chilling stress is an important limiting factor for rice growth and development. To examine the effect of spermidine (Spd) and trehalose (TH) priming in...  相似文献   

水稻红米的遗传分析与组织学研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
用来源于倍加单倍体的红米水稻(rdh)与无色米水稻做正反交,结果表明:杂种F1种子颜色由其所着生的母体植株基因型决定.当rdh作母本时,所结下的F1种子全是红色,当蜀恢527,蜀恢168,蜀恢368三个具有无色颖果皮(简称无色米)水稻作母本时,所结下的F1种子全是无色的.而且不管母本有没有颜色,所产生的F2种子都是红色,F3代产生红色种子与无色种子的单株分离,而且红色种子的单株对无色种子的单株是3:1(1%水平达极显著),根据杂种F1、F2和F3代种子颜色和植株分离比例,rdh种子红色表现型是由单显性基因控制的,并受母性影响.组织学研究发现rdh颖果皮有3个基本的结构层:果皮、种皮和糊粉层.果皮是类黄酮色素累积的部位,红色色素就在果皮层累积.在未成熟的种子中,种皮是累积叶绿素的部位,在成熟种子中叶绿素消失.在未成熟的种子中,糊粉层白色.显微镜分析灌浆期的rdh种子不显红色,而显绿色,绿色来自于种皮,果皮无色透明.风干期的rdh种子显示:红色色素在果皮层累积,同期种皮的绿色清晰可见.rdh成熟种子红色色素急剧增加,同期绿色渐渐消失,最后肉眼观测不到.组织切片显示种子外皮中,果皮是最厚的一层,糊粉层次之,种皮最薄.果皮外层由4列较小的长方形细胞构成,里层由5~8列不规则的细胞构成.种皮由3列薄壁细胞构成.糊粉层由5~8列椭圆形细胞构成.色素累积的发育时间实验显示红色的沉积是从种子风干期开始到完全成熟期为止.在蜀恢527无色种子中,绿色色素从受精后开始积累,到风干期达到最深;然后绿色开始变浅,成熟种子中没有绿色.比较而言,rdh种子在发育早期,从灌浆到风干期呈现的颜色与蜀恢527相同,均是绿色;但从风干期开始,较多的红色色素开始累积,到种子接近成熟,红色仍在加深,这时种皮的绿色还隐约可见;直到种子完全成熟,红色达到最深,同时绿色渐渐消失.  相似文献   

Reciprocal crosses between red and achromatic rice revealed that the seed color of F1 was determined by its female parent. According to the seed color and plant segregation ratio of F1, F2, and F3 generations, the red phenotype of red double-haploid seed was determined by a dominant, monogene with maternal effect. Histological study showed that the red pigments accumulated in the pericarp layer only. The assay of developmental timing of pigment accumulation showed that the red color accumulated from desiccation stage to perfectly maturation stage of the seeds.  相似文献   

用高灵敏度的单光子计数系统探测人工老化(40 ℃, 相对湿度90%) 0、7、14和21 d的水稻种子吸胀初期的超弱化学发光强度变化,首次观测到水稻(Oryza sativa L.) 种子吸胀初期超弱化学发光强度与其老化程度有关.加水激活水稻种子的超弱化学发光,其强度依赖于种子的老化程度.实验结果表明水稻种子的人工老化时间越短,则吸胀初期(20~30 min)超弱化学发光的强度越强, 萌发率越高.水稻种子萌发率与超弱化学发光强度呈显著正相关.观测水稻种子吸胀初期超弱化学发光强度的变化可望成为检测种子老化程度的一种快速、简便、无损伤的新方法.  相似文献   

The soybean allergenic protein, Gly m Bd 30K [Ogawa et al., J. Nutr. Sci. Vitaminol., 37, 555–565 (1991)] which is most strongly and frequently recognized by the IgE antibodies in sera of soybean-sensitive patients with atopic dermatitis, has been characterized. The allergen was isolated from the crude 7S-globulin fraction as an oligomeric form with a molecular weight of more than 3000,000 by gel-filtration chromatography. On two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, the native oligomeric allergen had an isoelectric point of about pH 4.5 and was dissociated into a monomeric form with a molecular weight of about 32,000 by the treatment with sodium dodecyl sulfate and 2-mercaptoethanol. The monomeric allergen had an N-terminal amino acid sequence and amino acid composition identical with those of the soybean seed 34-kDa oil-body-associated protein or the soybean vacuolar protein P34 with close homology to papain-like thiol proteinases [Kalinski et al., J. Biol. Chem., 267, 12068 (1992)]. The identity was further confirmed by the immunological cross-reactivity to the antibodies produced against each of the purified allargen and the 34-kDa oil-body-associated protein. By this observation, Gly m Bd 30K was shown to have about 30% sequence homology with Der pI, a house dust mite allergen that is a thiol proteinase from Dermatophagoides pteronyssius.  相似文献   

Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] seeds and cotyledons weregrown in an in vitro culture system to investigate the relationshipsbetween cell expansion (net water uptake by the seed) and drymatter accumulation. Seeds or cotyledons grown in a completenutrient medium containing 200 mol m–3 sucrose continueddry matter accumulation for up to 16 d after in planta seedsreached physiological maturity (maximum seed dry weight). Seedor cotyledon water content increased throughout the cultureperiod and the water concentration remained above 600 g kg–1fresh weight. These data indicate that the cessation of seeddry matter accumulation is controlled by the physiological environmentof the seed and is not a pre-determined seed characteristic.Adding 600 mol m–3 mannitol to the medium caused a decreasein seed water content and concentration. Seeds in this mediumstopped accumulating dry matter at a water concentration ofapproximately 550 g kg–1. The data suggest that dry matteraccumulation by soybean seeds can continue only as long as thereis a net uptake of water to drive cell expansion. In the absenceof a net water uptake, continued dry matter accumulation causesdesiccation which triggers maturation. Key words: Glycine max (L.) Merrill, solution culture, duration of seed growth, water content, dry matter accumulation  相似文献   

Spinach seeds (Spinacia oleracea L.) given massive doses of γ-irradiation (500 krad) germinate and form a seedling with two green cotyledons and a radicle, but develop no further. Irradiated cotyledons show no increase in cell number or total DNA over a 7-day period in the light, while in control cotyledons there is a small increase in cell number and large increases in total DNA and chloroplast number. The chloroplasts of irradiated cotyledons are delayed in their division, become greatly enlarged and contain large amounts of starch. The whole population of chloroplasts subsequently undergoes a wave of division. The daughter chloroplasts show normal thylakoid development, but have some abnormal structural features caused by the radiation stress. Information on the effect of X-irradiation, ultraviolet irradiation, and 5-fluorodeoxyuridine on chloroplast replication and on chloroplast and nuclear DNA synthesis was obtained from cultured spinach leaf discs. It appears that chloroplast replication is more resistant to ionizing radiation than cell division and can proceed in the absence of nuclear DNA synthesis and greatly reduced chloroplast DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

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