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Insect herbivores and fungal pathogens can independently affect plant fitness, and may have interactive effects. However, few studies have experimentally quantified the joint effects of insects and fungal pathogens on seed production in non-agricultural populations. We examined the factorial effects of insect herbivore exclusion (via insecticide) and fungal pathogen exclusion (via fungicide) on the population-level seed production of four common graminoid species (Andropogon gerardii, Schizachyrium scoparium, Poa pratensis, and Carex siccata) over two growing seasons in Minnesota, USA. We detected no interactive effects of herbivores and pathogens on seed production. However, the seed production of all four species was affected by either insecticide or fungicide in at least one year of the study. Insecticide consistently doubled the seed production of the historically most common species in the North American tallgrass prairie, A. gerardii (big bluestem). This is the first report of insect removal increasing seed production in this species. Insecticide increased A. gerardii number of seeds per seed head in one year, and mass per seed in both years, suggesting that consumption of flowers and seed embryos contributed to the effect on seed production. One of the primary insect species consuming A. gerardii flowers and seed embryos was likely the Cecidomyiid midge, Contarinia wattsi. Effects on all other plant species varied among years. Herbivores and pathogens likely reduce the dispersal and colonization ability of plants when they reduce seed output. Therefore, impacts on seed production of competitive dominant species may help to explain their relatively poor colonization abilities. Reduced seed output by dominant graminoids may thereby promote coexistence with subdominant species through competition-colonization tradeoffs.  相似文献   

Virtually all studies of plant-herbivore-natural enemy interactions focus on plant quality as the major constraint on development and survival. However, for many gregarious feeding insect herbivores that feed on small or ephemeral plants, the quantity of resources is much more limiting, yet this area has received virtually no attention. Here, in both lab and semi-field experiments using tents containing variably sized clusters of food plants, we studied the effects of periodic food deprivation in a tri-trophic system where quantitative constraints are profoundly important on insect performance. The large cabbage white Pieris brassicae, is a specialist herbivore of relatively small wild brassicaceous plants that grow in variable densities, with black mustard (Brassica nigra) being one of the most important. Larvae of P. brassicae are in turn attacked by a specialist endoparasitoid wasp, Cotesia glomerata. Increasing the length of food deprivation of newly molted final instar caterpillars significantly decreased herbivore and parasitoid survival and biomass, but shortened their development time. Moreover, the ability of caterpillars to recover when provided with food again was correlated with the length of the food deprivation period. In outdoor tents with natural vegetation, we created conditions similar to those faced by P. brassicae in nature by manipulating plant density. Low densities of B. nigra lead to potential starvation of P. brassicae broods and their parasitoids, replicating nutritional conditions of the lab experiments. The ability of both unparasitized and parasitized caterpillars to find corner plants was similar but decreased with central plant density. Survival of both the herbivore and parasitoid increased with plant density and was higher for unparasitized than for parasitized caterpillars. Our results, in comparison with previous studies, reveal that quantitative constraints are far more important that qualitative constraints on the performance of gregarious insect herbivores and their gregarious parasitoids in nature.  相似文献   

Arizona and New Mexico receive half of their annual precipitation during the summer monsoon season, making this large-scale rain event critical for ecosystem productivity. We used the monsoon rains to explore the responses of soil bacterial and fungal communities to natural moisture pulses in a semiarid grassland. Through 454 pyrosequencing of the 16S rRNA gene and ITS region, we phylogenetically characterized these communities at 22 time points during a summer season. Relative humidity increased before the rains arrived, creating conditions in soil that allowed for the growth of microorganisms. During the course of the study, the relative abundances of most bacterial phyla showed little variation, though some bacterial populations responded immediately to an increase in soil moisture once the monsoon rains arrived. The Firmicutes phylum experienced over a sixfold increase in relative abundance with increasing water availability. Conversely, Actinobacteria, the dominant taxa at our site, were negatively affected by the increase in water availability. No relationship was found between bacterial diversity and soil water potential. Bacterial community structure was unrelated to all environmental variables that we measured, with the exception of a significant relationship with atmospheric relative humidity. Relative abundances of fungal phyla fluctuated more throughout the season than bacterial abundances did. Variation in fungal community structure was unrelated to soil water potential and to most environmental variables. However, ordination analysis showed a distinct fungal community structure late in the season, probably due to plant senescence.  相似文献   

Agricultural improvement (addition of fertilizers, liming) of seminatural acidic grasslands across Ireland and the UK has resulted in significant shifts in floristic composition, soil chemistry, and microbial community structure. Although several factors have been proposed as responsible for driving shifts in microbial communities, the exact causes of such changes are not well defined. Phosphate was added to grassland microcosms to investigate the effect on fungal and bacterial communities. Plant species typical of unimproved grasslands (Agrostis capillaris, Festuca ovina) and agriculturally improved grasslands (Lolium perenne) were grown, and phosphate was added 25 days after seed germination, with harvesting after a further 50 days. Phosphate addition significantly increased root biomass (p < 0.001) and shoot biomass (p < 0.05), soil pH (by 0.1 U), and microbial activity (by 5.33 mg triphenylformazan [TPF] g−1 soil; p < 0.001). A slight decrease (by 0.257 mg biomass-C g−1 soil; p < 0.05) in microbial biomass after phosphate addition was found. The presence of plant species significantly decreased soil pH (p < 0.05; by up to 0.2 U) and increased microbial activity (by up to 6.02 mg TPF g−1 soil) but had no significant effect on microbial biomass. Microbial communities were profiled using automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis. Multidimensional scaling plots and canonical correspondence analysis revealed that phosphate addition and its interactions with upland grassland plant species resulted in considerable changes in the fungal and bacterial communities of upland soil. The fungal community structure was significantly affected by both phosphate (R = 0.948) and plant species (R = 0.857), and the bacterial community structure was also significantly affected by phosphate (R = 0.758) and plant species (R = 0.753). Differences in microbial community structure following P addition were also revealed by similarity percentage analysis. These data suggest that phosphate application may be an important contributor to microbial community structural change during agricultural management of upland grasslands.  相似文献   

Many hypotheses address the associations of plant community composition with natural enemies, including: (i) plant species diversity may reduce enemy attack, (ii) attack may increase as host abundance increases, (iii) enemy spillover may lead to increased attack on one host species due to transmission from another host species, or enemy dilution may lead to reduced attack on a host that would otherwise have more attack, (iv) physical characteristics of the plant community may influence attack, and (v) plant vigor may affect attack. Restoration experiments with replicated plant communities provide an exceptional opportunity to explore these hypotheses. To explore the relative predictive strengths of these related hypotheses and to investigate the potential effect of several restoration site preparation techniques, we surveyed arthropod herbivore and fungal pathogen attack on the six most common native plant species in a restoration experiment. Multi-model inference revealed a weak but consistent negative correlation with pathogen attack and host diversity across the plant community, and no correlation between herbivory and host diversity. Our analyses also revealed host species-specific relationships between attack and abundance of the target host species, other native plant species, introduced plant species, and physical community characteristics. We found no relationship between enemy attack and plant vigor. We found minimal differences in plant community composition among several diverse site preparation techniques, and limited effects of site preparation techniques on attack. The strongest associations of community characteristics with attack varied among plant species with no community-wide patterns, suggesting that no single hypothesis successfully predicts the dominant community-wide trends in enemy attack.  相似文献   

Soil is commonly composed of particles of different sizes, and soil particle size may greatly affect the growth of plants because it affects soil physical and chemical properties. However, no study has tested the effects of soil particle heterogeneity on the growth of clonal plants. We conducted a greenhouse experiment in which individual ramets of the wetland plant Bolboschoenus planiculmis were grown in three homogeneous soil treatments with uniformly sized quartz particles (small: 0.75 mm, medium: 1.5 mm, or large: 3 mm), one homogeneous treatment with an even mixture of large and medium particles, and two heterogeneous treatments consisting of 16 or 4 patches of large and medium particles. Biomass, ramet number, rhizome length and spacer length were significantly greater in the treatment with only medium particles than in the one with only large particles. Biomass, ramet number, rhizome length and tuber number in the patchy treatments were greater in patches of medium than of large particles; this difference was more pronounced when patches were small than when they were large. Soil particle size and soil particle heterogeneity can greatly affect the growth of clonal plants. Thus, studies to test the effects of soil heterogeneity on clonal plants should distinguish the effects of nutrient heterogeneity from those of particle heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Ecosystems - Net primary productivity (NPP) is a key ecosystem function of plant communities. Climate change is expected to affect NPP both directly and indirectly through associated edaphic and...  相似文献   

Nutrient nitrogen and water availability are co-limiting factors for grassland productivity in the Inner Mongolian steppe. The objective of this study was to evaluate the interactive effects of water and nitrogen (N) addition on soil abiotic factors and soil nematode community composition. A 3-year experiment with addition of water (with and without irrigation simulating wet year precipitation) and nitrogen (0, 25, and 50?kg?N?ha?1) was conducted at two sites in Inner Mongolia with histories of heavy grazing (HG) and moderate grazing (MG). The results showed that HG had several lower nematode ecological indicators; namely, the Simpson index (P?<?0.01), maturity index (MI, including free-living nematodes), and plant parasite index (PPI, including plant-parasitic nematodes). In addition, HG had a lower proportion of omnivores–predators and higher proportion of bacterivores (P?<?0.01), with reduced soil moisture, total nitrogen and total carbon (C), and increased C/N ratio. A relatively low addition of N did not influence soil total carbon and total nitrogen and had only a slight effect on the composition and structure of the soil nematode community. Water addition increased the proportion of plant parasites, reduced the proportion of bacterivores and omnivores–predators and increased the soil total carbon and total nitrogen. Redundancy analysis revealed that grazing history alone explained more variation in nematode taxon composition (17.4%, P?<?0.01) and PPI (35.6%, P?<?0.01) and MI (17.5%, P?<?0.01) and Simpson index (10.5%, P?<?0.01). Water addition explained more variation in the nematode feeding group (24.4%, P?<?0.01), total nematodes (7.9%, P?<?0.01) and PPI (78.7%, P?<?0.01). Nitrogen addition explained variation in the nematode taxon composition (6.2%, P?<?0.01). These results suggested that HG caused soil degradation, and water addition facilitated plant parasites and enhanced soil properties, whereas application of small amounts of nitrogen to N-limited semiarid grasslands did not induce clear changes in this system in the short term.  相似文献   

应用逐步回归法,分析了5~9月松嫩盐碱草地植物群落的生物量、丰富度、多样性和均匀度与同月土壤因子间的关系。松嫩盐碱草地植物群落特征受若干土壤因子的共同影响,不同月份影响因子的变化较复杂。5~7月土壤盐分和养分共同影响着松嫩盐碱草地植物群落生物量,但是土壤盐分因子与群落生物量的相关性更明显(5月的Ca2+质量分数,6月和7月的Mg2+质量分数)。土壤盐分因子在整个生长季内对松嫩盐碱草地植物群落生物量的直接作用都大于土壤养分因子的。6月时影响松嫩盐碱草地植物群落丰富度、Simpson指数和Shannon指数的土壤养分因子增加,其中土壤全氮质量分数的直接作用是所有土壤因子中最大的。8月植物群落生物量、Simpson指数和Shannon指数仅受土壤盐分因子影响,其中生物量与土壤pH值以及Simpson指数与土壤碱化度都是极显著负相关,Shannon指数与土壤含盐量显著负相关。6~9月的松嫩盐碱草地植物群落均匀度也同时受土壤养分和盐分因子的作用,其中6月和9月时土壤盐分因子对群落均匀度的直接作用更突出。生长末期(9月)松嫩盐碱草地植物群落生物量与土壤因子间的关系以及生长初期(5月)植物群落均匀度与土壤因子间的关系都不明显。  相似文献   

连作对麦冬根际土壤细菌群落的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以中草药麦冬为研究对象,采用变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)方法,考察连作对麦冬根际土壤细菌群落的影响。结果表明,重茬麦冬根际细菌群落的Shannon-Wiener指数从苗期至快速生长期、再到块根膨大期分别为3.36-3.40-3.69,丰富度指数为55.0-61.5-63.5,均匀度指数为0.84-0.82-0.89;而同期正茬根际细菌群落的上述指数值分别为3.66-3.33-3.72、67.5-53.5-63.5和0.87-0.84-0.90。通过对土壤细菌群落的DGGE图谱进行主成分分析,结果显示,上述各个时期重茬与正茬样本均发生显著分离,表明连作改变了麦冬根际细菌群落的多样性变化趋势和结构组成。进一步比较麦冬块根膨大期根际主要功能菌群的数量变化,发现连作后氨化细菌和好气性纤维素分解菌数量增加,而硝化细菌和固氮菌的数量减少。对比发现重茬麦冬的产量仅为正茬的70.6%,表明麦冬连作减产与其根际土壤细菌群落的变化相关。  相似文献   

Plant-derived organic matter inputs are thought to be a key driver of soil bacterial community composition and associated soil processes. We sought to investigate the role of acid grassland vegetation on soil bacterial community structure by assessing bacterial diversity in combination with other soil variables in temporally and spatially distinct samples taken from a field-based plant removal experiment. Removal of aboveground vegetation resulted in reproducible differences in soil properties, soil respiration and bacterial diversity. Vegetated soils had significantly increased carbon and nitrogen concentrations and exhibited higher rates of respiration. Molecular analyses revealed that the soils were broadly dominated by Alphaproteobacterial and Acidobacterial lineages, with increased abundances of Alphaproteobacteria in vegetated soils and more Acidobacteria in bare soils. This field-based study contributes to a growing body of evidence documenting the effect of soil nutrient status on the relative abundances of dominant soil bacterial taxa, with Proteobacterial taxa dominating over Acidobacteria in soils exhibiting higher rates of C turnover. Furthermore, we highlight the role of aboveground vegetation in mediating this effect by demonstrating that plant removal can alter the relative abundances of dominant soil taxa with concomitant changes in soil CO2-C efflux.  相似文献   

城市化对土壤环境的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
廖金凤 《生态科学》2001,20(1):91-95
城市化对土壤环境产生深刻的影响,城市污水灌溉、工业废气和汽车废气、城市生活垃圾等都会改变土壤的理化性质。防治土壤污染、改善城市土壤环境,必须工业合理布局,治理工业污染源,加强农业环境的监测等。  相似文献   

城市化对土壤环境的影响   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
廖金凤 《生态科学》2001,20(Z1):91-95
城市化对土壤环境产生深刻影响,城市污水灌溉、工业废气和汽车废气、城市生活垃圾等都会改变土壤的理化性质。防治土壤污染、改善城市土壤环境,必须工业合理布局,治理工业污染源,加强农业环境的监测等。  相似文献   

Gibberellins (GAs) are plant hormones with diverse roles in plant growth and development. SPINDLY (SPY) is one of several genes identified in Arabidopsis that are involved in GA response and it is thought to encode an O-GlcNAc transferase. Genetic analysis suggests that SPY negatively regulates GA response. To test the hypothesis that SPY acts specifically as a negatively acting component of GA signal transduction, spy mutants and plants containing a 35S:SPY construct have been examined. A detailed investigation of the spy mutant phenotype suggests that SPY may play a role in plant development beyond its role in GA signaling. Consistent with this suggestion, the analysis of spy er plants suggests that the ERECTA (ER) gene, which has not been implicated as having a role in GA signaling, appears to enhance the non-GA spy mutant phenotypes. Arabidopsis plants containing a 35S:SPY construct possess reduced GA response at seed germination, but also possess phenotypes consistent with increased GA response, although not identical to spy mutants, during later vegetative and reproductive development. Based on these results, the hypothesis that SPY is specific for GA signaling is rejected. Instead, it is proposed that SPY is a negative regulator of GA response that has additional roles in plant development.  相似文献   

To explore the response of the soil microbial community to nitrobenzene (NB) exposure in a Spartina marsh, a short-term (45 d) mesocosm study was conducted at three NB concentrations of (10, 50, and 100) mg kg?1. Dry soil, sterile and unsterile controls were also compared. The ability of the microbes to biodegrade NB was studied in an effort to predict the outcome of NB in the mesocosm. The results indicated that a microbial community is capable of doing so. Microbial enumeration and enzyme assays showed that the fluctuations in microbial communities and polyphenol oxidase activities are related to the initial NB concentration. Moreover, cluster analyses through denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) revealed very similar patterns (95.5%) throughout the 45 d term, indicating that the microbial community regenerates when NB is exhausted. Although volatilization and photolysis were the major processes responsible for the reduction in NB in contaminated mesocosms and the microbial community regenerated at the end of incubation, the data indicate potential ecological risks in outfall areas even if the discharged wastewater complies with the national wastewater discharge standards.  相似文献   

Understanding the factors influencing host-selection behavior of parasitoids is essential in studies on host-parasitoid ecology and evolution, and in combining sustainable strategies of pest management, such as host-plant resistance and biological control. The effects of host-plant resistance on the olfactory response and parasitism success by Cotesia vestalis, a parasitoid of diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella) larvae were examined. Here, it was demonstrated that host-plant resistance can strongly influence foraging behavior and parasitism success of the parasitoid. In olfactometer experiments, C. vestalis did not differentiate between crucifer plant types with similar levels of susceptibility or resistance to P. xylostella but showed a strong preference for susceptible compared with partially-resistant host plants. The influence of previous oviposition activity varied with the host-plant type experienced by the parasitoid. In cage experiments, C. vestalis preferred to parasitize P. xylostella larvae on a susceptible plant compared with larvae on a partially resistant host plant when exposed to hosts for 24 h. However, this preference appeared to be transitory, and was not found after 96 h exposure. The present study suggests that combining partial host-plant resistance with biological control by C. vestalis for the control of P. xylostella may in some circumstances be antagonistic and negatively affect parasitism success.  相似文献   

The indirect effects of native generalist insect herbivores on interactions between exotic and native grassland plants have received limited attention. Crested wheatgrass ( Agropyron cristatum ) is the most common exotic rangeland grass in western North America. Crested wheatgrass communities are resistant to colonization by native plant species and have strong competitive effects on native species, imposing problems for the restoration of native grasslands. Grasshoppers are generalist herbivores that are often abundant in Crested wheatgrass–dominated sites in the northern Great Plains. We conducted two experiments in a Crested wheatgrass–dominated grassland in western North Dakota to test the hypothesis that grasshopper herbivory influences local Crested wheatgrass community composition by impeding native seedlings. Grasshopper herbivory negatively affected the species richness, abundance, and Shannon diversity of native plants in 3 of 4 years. Although additional research is needed to determine if grasshoppers actively select native plants, the effects of grasshopper herbivory may be an important consideration in the restoration of Crested wheatgrass areas. Our findings illustrate the importance of understanding the impact of native generalist invertebrate herbivores on the relationships between exotic and native plants.  相似文献   

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