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The protein encoded by ORF9 is essential for varicella-zoster virus (VZV) replication. Previous studies documented its presence in the trans-Golgi network and its involvement in secondary envelopment. In this work, we deleted the ORF9p acidic cluster, destroying its interaction with ORF47p, and this resulted in a nuclear accumulation of both proteins. This phenotype results in an accumulation of primary enveloped capsids in the perinuclear space, reflecting a capsid de-envelopment defect.  相似文献   

Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) encodes five gene products that do not have homologs in herpes simplex virus. One of these genes, VZV open reading frame 32 (ORF32), is predicted to encode a protein of 16 kDa. VZV ORF32 protein was shown to be phosphorylated and located in the cytosol of virus-infected cells. Antibody to ORF32 protein immunoprecipitated 16- and 18-kDa phosphoproteins from VZV-infected cells. Since VZV encodes two protein kinases that might phosphorylate ORF32 protein, immunoprecipitations were performed with cells infected with VZV mutants unable to express either of the viral protein kinases. Cells infected with VZV unable to express the ORF66 protein kinase contained both the 16- and 18-kDa ORF32 phosphoproteins; however, cells infected with the VZV ORF47 protein kinase mutant showed only the 16-kDa ORF32 phosphoprotein. Treatment of [35S]methionine-labeled proteins with calf intestine alkaline phosphatase resulted in a decrease in size of the ORF32 proteins from 16 and 18 kDa to 15 and 17 kDa, respectively. VZV unable to express ORF32 protein replicated in human melanoma cells to titers similar to those seen with parental virus; however, VZV unable to express ORF32 was impaired for replication in U20S osteosarcoma cells. Thus, VZV ORF32 protein is posttranslationally modified by the ORF47 protein kinase. Since the VZV ORF47 protein kinase has recently been shown to be critical for replication in human fetal skin and lymphocytes, its ability to modify the ORF32 protein suggests that the latter protein may have a role for VZV replication in human tissues.  相似文献   

To study the function of the varicella-zoster virus (VZV) gB cytoplasmic domain during viral infection, we produced a VZV recombinant virus that expresses a truncated form of gB lacking the C-terminal 36 amino acids of its cytoplasmic domain (VZV gB-36). VZV gB-36 replicates in noncomplementing cells and grows at a rate similar to that of native VZV. However, cells infected with VZVgB-36 form extensive syncytia compared to the relatively small syncytia formed during native VZV infection. In addition, electron microscopy shows that very little virus is present on the surfaces of cells infected with VZV gB-36, while cells infected with native VZV exhibit abundant virions on the cell surface. The C-terminal 36 amino acids of the gB cytoplasmic domain have been shown in transfection-based experiments to contain both an endoplasmic reticulum-to-Golgi transport signal (the C-terminal 17 amino acids) and a consensus YXXphi (where Y is tyrosine, X is any amino acid, and phi is any bulky hydrophobic amino acid) signal sequence (YSRV) that mediates the internalization of gB from the plasma membrane. As predicted based on these data, gB-36 expressed during the infection of cultured cells is transported inefficiently to the Golgi. Despite lacking the YSRV signal sequence, gB-36 is internalized from the plasma membrane; however, in contrast to native gB, it fails to localize to the Golgi. Therefore, the C-terminal 36 amino acids of the VZV gB cytoplasmic domain are required for normal viral egress and for both the pre- and post-Golgi transport of gB.  相似文献   

The herpes simplex virus (HSV) ICP0 protein acts to overcome intrinsic cellular defenses that repress viral α gene expression. In that vein, viruses that have mutations in ICP0''s RING finger or are deleted for the gene are sensitive to interferon, as they fail to direct degradation of promyelocytic leukemia protein (PML), a component of host nuclear domain 10s. While varicella-zoster virus is also insensitive to interferon, ORF61p, its ICP0 ortholog, failed to degrade PML. A recombinant virus with each coding region of the gene for ICP0 replaced with sequences encoding ORF61p was constructed. This virus was compared to an ICP0 deletion mutant and wild-type HSV. The recombinant degraded only Sp100 and not PML and grew to higher titers than its ICP0 null parental virus, but it was sensitive to interferon, like the virus from which it was derived. This analysis permitted us to compare the activities of ICP0 and ORF61p in identical backgrounds and revealed distinct biologic roles for these proteins.Alphaherpesviruses encode orthologs of the herpes simplex virus (HSV) α gene product ICP0. ICP0 is a nuclear phosphoprotein that behaves as a promiscuous activator of viral and cellular genes (7, 11, 28, 29). ICP0 also functions as an E3 ubiquitin ligase to target several host proteins for proteasomal degradation (4, 10, 11, 16, 26). Through this activity, ICP0 promotes degradation of components of nuclear domain 10 (ND10) bodies, including the promyelocytic leukemia protein (PML) and Sp100. These proteins are implicated in silencing of herpesvirus genomes (9, 10, 22, 34). Therefore, ICP0-mediated degradation of ND10 components may disrupt silencing of HSV genes to enable efficient gene expression. This hypothesis provides a plausible mechanistic explanation of how ICP0 induces gene activation.Introduction of DNA encoding the ICP0 orthologs from HSV, bovine herpesvirus, equine herpesvirus, and varicella-zoster virus (VZV) can also affect nuclear structures and proteins (27). In addition, and more specific to this report, ORF61p, the VZV ortholog, activates viral promoters and enhances infectivity of viral DNA like ICP0, the prototype for this gene family (24, 25). However, we have previously demonstrated two key biological differences between the HSV and VZV orthologs. We first showed that unlike ICP0, ORF61p is unable to complement depletion of BAG3, a host cochaperone protein. As a result, VZV is affected by silencing of BAG3 (15), whereas growth of HSV is altered only when ICP0 is not expressed (17). Furthermore, we have shown that while both proteins target components of ND10s, expression of ICP0 results in degradation of both PML and Sp100, whereas ORF61p specifically reduces Sp100 levels (16). These findings suggest that these proteins have evolved separately to provide different functions for virus replication.Virus mutants lacking the ICP0 gene have an increased particle-to-PFU ratio, a substantially lower yield, and decreased levels of α gene expression, in a multiplicity-of-infection (MOI)- and cell-type-dependent manner (2, 4, 8, 33). These mutants are also defective at degrading ND10 components (23). Depletion of PML and Sp100 accelerates virus gene expression and increases plaquing efficiency of HSV ICP0-defective viruses but has no effect on wild-type virus, suggesting that PML and Sp100 are components of an intrinsic anti-HSV defense mechanism that is counteracted by ICP0''s E3 ligase activity (9, 10). Interestingly, ICP0 null viruses are also hypersensitive to interferon (IFN) (26), a property that was suggested to be mediated via PML (3).To directly compare the activities of the two orthologs, we constructed an HSV mutant virus that expresses ORF61p in place of ICP0. The resulting chimeric virus only partially rescues the ICP0 null phenotype. Our studies emphasize the biological differences between ICP0 and ORF61p and shed light on the requirements for PML and Sp100 during infection.  相似文献   

Herpesviruses acquire their envelope by budding into the lumen of cytoplasmic membrane vesicles. This process is initiated by component(s) on viral particles, which recognize the budding site where the viral glycoproteins are present and recruit cellular cargo transport and sorting machinery to the site to complete the budding process. Proteins in the tegument layer, connecting capsid and envelope, are candidates for the recognition of budding sites on vesicle membrane and induction of budding and final envelopment. We examined several outer and matrix tegument proteins of Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) and found that ORF45 associates with lipid rafts (LRs) of cellular membrane. LRs are membrane micro-domains, which have been implicated as relay stations in intracellular signaling and transport including viral entry and virion assembly. The ability of ORF45 to target LR is dependent on the mono-ubiquitylation of ORF45 at Lys297 as the mutation at Lys297 (K297R) abolished LR-association of ORF45. The K297R mutation also impairs ORF45 and viral particle co-localization with trans-Golgi network and endosomes, but facilitates ORF45 and viral particles co-localizing with lysosomes. More importantly, the recombinant KSHV carrying ORF45 K297R mutant (BAC-K297R) was found severely defective in producing mature and infectious virion particles in comparison to wild type KSHV (BAC16). Taken together, our results reveal a new function of KSHV tegument protein ORF45 in targeting LR of host cell membrane, promoting viral particles co-localization with trans-Golgi and endosome vesicles and facilitating the maturation and release of virion particles, suggesting that ORF45 plays a role in bringing KSHV particles to the budding site on cytoplasmic vesicle membrane and triggering the viral budding process for final envelopment and virion maturation.  相似文献   

As a large double-stranded DNA virus, herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) assembles capsids in the nucleus where the viral particles exit by budding through the inner nuclear membrane. Although a number of viral and host proteins are involved, the machinery of viral egress is not well understood. In a search for host interacting proteins of ICP34.5, which is a virulence factor of HSV-1, we identified a cellular protein, p32 (gC1qR/HABP1), by mass spectrophotometer analysis. When expressed, ICP34.5 associated with p32 in mammalian cells. Upon HSV-1 infection, p32 was recruited to the inner nuclear membrane by ICP34.5, which paralleled the phosphorylation and rearrangement of nuclear lamina. Knockdown of p32 in HSV-1-infected cells significantly reduced the production of cell-free viruses, suggesting that p32 is a mediator of HSV-1 nuclear egress. These observations suggest that the interaction between HSV-1 ICP34.5 and p32 leads to the disintegration of nuclear lamina and facilitates the nuclear egress of HSV-1 particles.  相似文献   

The genome of varicella-zoster virus (VZV), a human alphaherpesvirus, consists of two unique regions, unique long (UL) and unique short (US), each of which is flanked by inverted repeats. During replication, four isomers of the viral DNA are generated which are distinguished by the relative orientations of UL and US. VZV virions predominantly package two isomeric forms of the genome that have a fixed orientation of UL. An open reading frame (ORF) of unknown function, ORFS/L, also referred to as ORF0, is located at the extreme terminus of UL, directly adjacent to the a-like sequences, which are known to be involved in cleavage and packaging of viral DNA. We demonstrate here that the ORFS/L protein localizes to the Golgi network in infected and transfected cells. Furthermore, we were able to demonstrate that deletion of the predicted ORFS/L gene is lethal, while retention of the N-terminal 28 amino acid residues resulted in viable yet replication-impaired virus. The growth defect was only partially attributable to the expression of the ORFS/L product, suggesting that the 5′ region of ORFS/L contains a sequence element crucial for cleavage/packaging of viral DNA. Consequently, mutations introduced into the extreme 5′ terminus of ORFS/L resulted in a defect in DNA cleavage, indicating that the region is indeed involved in the processing of viral DNA. Since the sequence element has no counterpart at the other end of UL, we concluded that our results can provide an explanation for the almost exclusive orientation of the UL seen in packaged VZV DNA.Varicella-zoster virus ([VZV] Human Herpesvirus 3), is a highly cell-associated alphaherpesvirus that causes chicken pox (varicella) upon infection of naïve individuals (2). During primary infection, VZV is able to establish latency in cranial nerves, as well as dorsal root and autonomic ganglia, where it remains dormant until a reactivation event occurs (11). Reactivation of VZV occurs primarily in elderly or immunocompromised individuals and results in the development of shingles (herpes zoster), which is often associated with severe pain and postherpetic neuralgia (1).The VZV genome, the smallest among the human herpesviruses, is approximately 125 kbp in size and encodes at least 70 unique open reading frames (ORFs) (1). As has been reported for all alphaherpesviruses, the VZV genome consists of two unique regions, unique long (UL) and unique short (US), each flanked by inverted repeat regions (TRL, IRL, TRS, and IRS) (9). In contrast to herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), the prototype alphaherpesvirus, VZV contains only very short repeats (88 bp) on either end of UL, characteristic of members of the Varicellovirus genus (6). During alphaherpesvirus replication, four isomers of viral DNA are generated which can be distinguished by the orientation of UL and US relative to each other. While all four possible isomers of HSV-1 DNA are packaged in virions as equimolar populations, virions produced by VZV and other varicelloviruses, such as equine herpesvirus type 1 (EHV-1), contain predominantly only two of the four possible isomeric forms of the genome (6, 10, 12, 15, 23). It was shown by Southern blot analysis of VZV virion DNA that inversion of the UL region is rare and occurs in only approximately 5% of cases (6), which also may be attributed to a rare circular configuration of the genome within the virion (14). A previous report on EHV-1 suggested that inversion of the UL region in infected cells is common but that packaging occurs in a directional manner (23). For both VZV and EHV-1, the reason for the more-or-less exclusive orientation of UL within the virion still remains unknown.The organization of the VZV genome is similar to that of HSV-1, and over 90% of the VZV ORFs have counterparts in the HSV-1 genome (1, 13). One of the genes with a predicted HSV-1 homologue is ORFS/L, also referred to as ORF0. ORFS/L is predicted to encode a tail-anchored 157-amino-acid (aa) residue type 2 transmembrane protein and was discovered by Kemble and coworkers (13). The gene is located at the very beginning of UL, directly adjacent to the a-like sequences that contain PacI and PacII sites crucial for the cleavage and packaging of concatameric VZV DNA (Fig. (Fig.1)1) (13, 20). Although no function has yet been attributed to the ORFS/L (ORF0) gene or its product, bioinformatic analysis of the VZV genome indicated that it represents a homologue of HSV-1 UL56 (RefSeq accession no. NC_001348) (7, 8). While UL56 is dispensable for HSV-1 replication in vitro, it plays an important role in pathogenicity in vivo (3, 21). Little is known about the molecular mechanism of UL56 function in the case of HSV-1, but UL56 orthologues are specified by most members of the Alphaherpesvirinae subfamily (26). It was shown that the HSV-2 UL56 product localizes to the Golgi network and interacts with KIF1A, a kinesin motor protein, suggesting a role in vesicular trafficking (16, 17).Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Overview of the VZV ORFS/L genomic region and the mutants generated. (A) Schematic representation of the VZV genome with a focus on the terminal region containing ORFS/L. Scale bars provide an accurate measure of the genome and the expanded region. (B) Overview of the mutants generated with mutations in the ORFS/L region. A cross indicates the deletion of the corresponding region. Black arrows indicate the loci of stop codon or HA tag insertion.A previous study of Kemble and coworkers also addressed the localization of the ORFS/L protein using a rabbit polyclonal antibody. It was reported that the ORFS/L product was found exclusively in the cytoplasm, which is contradictory to the findings for the HSV-2 orthologue and also to the localization of the ORFS/L protein based on in silico predictions from the primary sequence (13). ORFS/L of the P-Oka strain was recently shown to be unglycosylated but present in the virion (18). Furthermore, ORFS/L expression was detected in skin lesions of individuals, as well as neurons of dorsal root ganglia, during virus reactivation (13). In addition, the deletion of aa 29 to aa 157 of ORFS/L was shown to have an effect on viral replication in vitro and in vivo in the SCID-hu mouse model with thymus-liver implants. In this study, a virus-encoded luciferase reporter system was used to evaluate the growth properties of several bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)-derived VZV mutants (28). However, it has remained unknown whether the observed growth defect is dependent on ORFS/L gene function or is due to the deletion of another critical sequence element.In this study, we sought to perform a systematic analysis of ORFS/L sequences. We were able to demonstrate that the ORFS/L protein localizes to the Golgi network in infected and transfected cells, providing further evidence for its predicted structure as a tail-anchored type 2 transmembrane protein and lending further support to the notion that it is the orthologue of HSV UL56. In addition, we showed that the ORFS/L gene product is important for efficient VZV replication in vitro. However, we also identified a 5′ region of the predicted ORFS/L that is essential for replication and plays a role in cleavage of viral DNA, as previously suggested by Davison and colleagues (6, 7). Since this essential region is not present at the opposite end of UL, it could provide an explanation for the almost exclusive packaging in VZV virions of two viral DNA isomers with an invariable UL orientation.  相似文献   

The ORF49 tegument protein of varicella-zoster virus (VZV) is one of the core gene products that is conserved among herpesvirus family members. Although ORF49 is known to be a cell-tropic factor, its detailed functions remain elusive. ORF44 is another core gene product reported to be essential, although its characterization and detailed functional analysis have not been reported. These two core gene products form a complex in other herpesviruses beyond the host species and herpesvirus subfamilies. Here, we show that complex formation between ORF44 and ORF49 is conserved in VZV. We serendipitously found that binding is eliminated by an amino acid substitution at position 129 (phenylalanine 129), and four amino acids in the carboxyl-terminal half of the acidic cluster in ORF49 (i.e., aspartate-phenylalanine-aspartate-glutamate from positions 41 to 44 [41DFDE44]) were identified as its binding motif. Alanine substitutions in each domain rendered the ORF44F129A mutation lethal for VZV, similar to deletion of the entire ORF44. The phenotype of the ORF49-41AAAA44 mutation was comparable to that of the ORF49-defective virus, including small-plaque formation, impaired growth, and low infectious virus production. These results suggest that the interaction between ORF44 and ORF49 is essential for their role in VZV infection and that ORF49 is required for the efficient production of infectious progeny virus mediated by the conserved interaction between the two proteins.  相似文献   

Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) open reading frame 29 (ORF29) encodes a single-stranded DNA binding protein. During lytic infection, ORF29p is localized primarily to infected-cell nuclei, whereas during latency it appears in the cytoplasm of infected neurons. Following reactivation, ORF29p accumulates in the nucleus. In this report, we analyze the cellular localization patterns of ORF29p during VZV infection and during autonomous expression. Our results demonstrate that ORF29p is excluded from the nucleus in a cell-type-specific manner and that its cellular localization pattern may be altered by subsequent expression of VZV ORF61p or herpes simplex virus type 1 ICP0. In these cases, ORF61p and ICP0 induce nuclear accumulation of ORF29p in cell lines where it normally remains cytoplasmic. One cellular system utilized by ICP0 to influence protein abundance is the proteasome degradation pathway. Inhibition of the 26S proteasome, but not heat shock treatment, resulted in accumulation of ORF29p in the nucleus, similar to the effect of ICP0 expression. Immunofluorescence microscopy and pulse-chase experiments reveal that stabilization of ORF29p correlates with its nuclear accumulation and is dependent on a functional nuclear localization signal. ORF29p nuclear translocation in cultured enteric neurons and cells derived from an astrocytoma is reversible, as the protein's distribution and stability revert to the previous states when the proteasomal activity is restored. Thus, stabilization of ORF29p leads to its nuclear accumulation. Although proteasome inhibition induces ORF29p nuclear accumulation, this is not sufficient to reactivate latent VZV or target the immediate-early protein ORF62p to the nucleus in cultured guinea pig enteric neurons.  相似文献   

Our previous studies have found that hepatitis C virus (HCV) particles are enriched in apolipoprotein E (apoE) and that apoE is required for HCV infectivity and production. Studies by others, however, suggested that both microsomal transfer protein (MTP) and apoB are important for HCV production. To define the roles of apoB and apoE in the HCV life cycle, we developed a single-cycle HCV growth assay to determine the correlation of HCV assembly with apoB and apoE expression, as well as the influence of MTP inhibitors on the formation of HCV particles. The small interfering RNA (siRNA)-mediated knockdown of apoE expression remarkably suppressed the formation of HCV particles. However, apoE expressed ectopically could restore the defect of HCV production posed by the siRNA-mediated knockdown of endogenous apoE expression. In contrast, apoB-specific antibodies and siRNAs had no significant effect on HCV infectivity and production, respectively, suggesting that apoB does not play a significant role in the HCV life cycle. Additionally, two MTP inhibitors, CP-346086 and BMS-2101038, efficiently blocked secretion of apoB-containing lipoproteins but did not affect HCV production unless apoE expression and secretion were inhibited. At higher concentrations, however, MTP inhibitors blocked apoE expression and secretion and consequently suppressed the formation of HCV particles. Furthermore, apoE was found to be sensitive to trypsin digestion and to interact with NS5A in purified HCV particles and HCV-infected cells, as demonstrated by coimmunoprecipitation. Collectively, these findings demonstrate that apoE but not apoB is required for HCV assembly, probably via a specific interaction with NS5A.Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the leading cause of chronic viral hepatitis, affecting approximately 170 million people worldwide (8, 40). HCV coinfection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is also common, occurring overall in 25 to 30% of HIV-positive persons (1). Individuals with chronic HCV infection are at high risk for the development of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. A pegylated interferon and ribavirin combination is the standard therapy to treat hepatitis C but suffers from limited efficacy (<50% antiviral response among patients infected with the dominant genotype 1 HCV) and severe side effects (18, 27). More efficacious and safer antiviral drugs for effective treatment of hepatitis C are urgently needed. A thorough understanding of the HCV life cycle will likely provide novel targets for antiviral drug discovery and development to control HCV infection.HCV is an enveloped RNA virus containing a single-stranded, positive-sense RNA genome and is classified as a Hepacivirus in the Flaviviridae family (11, 33). The viral RNA genome carries a single open reading frame flanked by untranslated regions (UTRs) at both the 5′ and 3′ ends. The 5′ and 3′ UTRs contain cis-acting RNA elements important for the initiation of HCV polyprotein translation and viral RNA replication (24). Upon translation, the HCV polyprotein precursor is proteolytically processed by cellular peptidases and viral proteases into at least 10 different viral proteins (C, E1, E2, p7, NS2, NS3, NS4A, NS4B, NS5A, and NS5B). Studies with subgenomic HCV RNAs demonstrated that the NS3 to NS5B proteins, in association with intracellular membranes and cellular proteins, are essential and sufficient for HCV RNA replication in the cell (5, 14, 25). The newly synthesized HCV proteins and RNA genome are assembled to form progeny HCV particles by undetermined mechanisms.Our earlier work found that infectious HCV particles are highly enriched in apolipoprotein E (apoE), which is a major determinant of HCV infectivity and production in cell culture (10). ApoE-specific monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) effectively neutralized HCV infectivity, in a dose-dependent manner. The knockdown of apoE expression by specific small interfering RNA (siRNA) remarkably suppressed HCV production, suggesting that apoE is also important for the formation of infectious particles and/or egression (10). However, studies by others suggested that HCV assembly and production are dependent on microsomal transfer protein (MTP) and apolipoprotein B (apoB), both of which are essential components required for the assembly and secretion of very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDLs) (19, 21). In those studies, both apoB-specific siRNAs and MTP inhibitors were found to suppress HCV production (19, 21). It was speculated that HCV shares the same assembly and secretion pathway with VLDLs.To define the roles of apoB and apoE in the formation of HCV particles and egression, we developed a single-cycle HCV growth assay. Using this assay system, we have demonstrated that apoE but not apoB is required for the infectivity and formation of infectious HCV particles. First of all, apoB-specific MAb and polyclonal antibodies did not affect HCV infection. Additionally, apoE-specific siRNA potently inhibited the formation of infectious HCV particles, whereas HCV production was unaffected by the siRNA-mediated knockdown of apoB expression. Furthermore, two MTP inhibitors, CP-346086 and BMS-2101038, efficiently blocked apoB secretion but did not significantly affect HCV production prior to the blockage of apoE expression/secretion. At higher concentrations, however, both MTP inhibitors blocked apoE secretion and consequently suppressed the formation of infectious HCV particles. To further understand the role of apoE in HCV assembly, we carried out coimmunoprecipitation (co-IP) experiments and found that apoE-specific MAb pulled down NS5A but not other HCV proteins from lysed HCV particles, suggesting a specific interaction between apoE and NS5A during the formation of infectious HCV particles. Collectively, our findings demonstrate that apoE but not apoB is required for HCV assembly, probably via a specific interaction with NS5A.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) predominantly infects human hepatocytes, although extrahepatic virus reservoirs are being discussed. Infection of cells is initiated via cell-free and direct cell-to-cell transmission routes. Cell type-specific determinants of HCV entry and RNA replication have been reported. Moreover, several host factors required for synthesis and secretion of lipoproteins from liver cells, in part expressed in tissue-specific fashion, have been implicated in HCV assembly. However, the minimal cell type-specific requirements for HCV assembly have remained elusive. Here we report that production of HCV trans-complemented particles (HCVTCP) from nonliver cells depends on ectopic expression of apolipoprotein E (ApoE). For efficient virus production by full-length HCV genomes, microRNA 122 (miR-122)-mediated enhancement of RNA replication is additionally required. Typical properties of cell culture-grown HCV (HCVcc) particles from ApoE-expressing nonliver cells are comparable to those of virions derived from human hepatoma cells, although specific infectivity of virions is modestly reduced. Thus, apolipoprotein B (ApoB), microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTTP), and apolipoprotein C1 (ApoC1), previously implicated in HCV assembly, are dispensable for production of infectious HCV. In the absence of ApoE, release of core protein from infected cells is reduced, and production of extracellular as well as intracellular infectivity is ablated. Since envelopment of capsids was not impaired, we conclude that ApoE acts after capsid envelopment but prior to secretion of infectious HCV. Remarkably, the lack of ApoE also abrogated direct HCV cell-to-cell transmission. These findings highlight ApoE as a host factor codetermining HCV tissue tropism due to its involvement in a late assembly step and viral cell-to-cell transmission.  相似文献   

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