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Structural determination of proteins is rather challenging for proteins with molecular masses between 40 - 200 kDa. Considering that more than half of natural proteins have a molecular mass between 40 - 200 kDa1,2, a robust and high-throughput method with a nanometer resolution capability is needed. Negative staining (NS) electron microscopy (EM) is an easy, rapid, and qualitative approach which has frequently been used in research laboratories to examine protein structure and protein-protein interactions. Unfortunately, conventional NS protocols often generate structural artifacts on proteins, especially with lipoproteins that usually form presenting rouleaux artifacts. By using images of lipoproteins from cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) as a standard, the key parameters in NS specimen preparation conditions were recently screened and reported as the optimized NS protocol (OpNS), a modified conventional NS protocol 3 . Artifacts like rouleaux can be greatly limited by OpNS, additionally providing high contrast along with reasonably high‐resolution (near 1 nm) images of small and asymmetric proteins. These high-resolution and high contrast images are even favorable for an individual protein (a single object, no average) 3D reconstruction, such as a 160 kDa antibody, through the method of electron tomography4,5. Moreover, OpNS can be a high‐throughput tool to examine hundreds of samples of small proteins. For example, the previously published mechanism of 53 kDa cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) involved the screening and imaging of hundreds of samples 6. Considering cryo-EM rarely successfully images proteins less than 200 kDa has yet to publish any study involving screening over one hundred sample conditions, it is fair to call OpNS a high-throughput method for studying small proteins. Hopefully the OpNS protocol presented here can be a useful tool to push the boundaries of EM and accelerate EM studies into small protein structure, dynamics and mechanisms.  相似文献   

Vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) has become a standard method for determination of absolute stereochemistry, particularly now that reliable commercial instrumentation has become available. These instruments use a now well‐documented Fourier transform infrared‐based approach to measure VCD that has virtually displaced initial dispersive infrared‐based designs. Nonetheless, many papers have appeared reporting dispersive VCD data, especially for biopolymers. Instrumentation designed with these original methods, particularly after more recent updates optimizing performance in selected spectral regions, has been shown still to have advantages for specific applications. This article presents a mini‐review of dispersive VCD instrument designs and includes sample spectra obtained for various biopolymer (particularly peptide) samples. Complementary reviews of Fourier transform‐VCD designs are broadly available.  相似文献   

The major heat shock protein (Hsp) chaperones Hsp70 and Hsp90 both bind the co-chaperone Hop (Hsp70/Hsp90 organizing protein), which coordinates Hsp actions in folding protein substrates. Hop contains three tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) domains that have binding sites for the conserved EEVD C termini of Hsp70 and Hsp90. Crystallographic studies have shown that EEVD interacts with positively charged amino acids in Hop TPR-binding pockets (called carboxylate clamps), and point mutations of these carboxylate clamp positions can disrupt Hsp binding. In this report, we use circular dichroism to assess the effects of point mutations and Hsp70/Hsp90 peptide binding on Hop conformation. Our results show that Hop global conformation is destabilized by single point mutations in carboxylate clamp positions at pH 5, while the structure of individual TPR domains is unaffected. Binding of peptides corresponding to the C termini of Hsp70 and Hsp90 alters the global conformation of wild-type Hop, whereas peptide binding does not alter conformation of individual TPR domains. These results provide biophysical evidence that Hop-binding pockets are directly involved with domain:domain interactions, both influencing Hop global conformation and Hsp binding, and contributing to proper coordination of Hsp70 and Hsp90 interactions with protein substrates.  相似文献   

The circular dichroism (CD) spectrum of tumor necrosis factor-α has been measured into the vacuum UV to 168 nm. Analysis of the CD for secondary structure is in good agreement with X-ray diffraction results, but the analysis is somewhat unstable. Adding the CD of this protein together with its X-ray determined secondary structure to the basis set should improve subsequent analyses of CD spectra for other all-β proteins.  相似文献   

This article describes the development and creation of the Protein Circular Dichroism Data Bank (PCDDB), a deposition and searchable data bank for validated circular dichroism spectra located at http://pcddb.cryst.bbk.ac.uk/.  相似文献   

Spatial arrangement of carbon in protein structure is analyzed here. Particularly, the carbon fractions around individual atoms are compared. It is hoped that it follows the principle of 31.45% carbon around individual atoms. The results reveal that globular protein''s atoms follow this principle. A comparative study on monomer versus dimer reveal that carbon is better distributed in dimeric form than in its monomeric form. Similar study on solid versus liquid structures reveals that the liquid (NMR) structure has better carbon distribution over the corresponding solid (X-Ray) structure. The carbon fraction distributions in fiber and toxin protein are compared. Fiber proteins follow the principle of carbon fraction distribution. At the same time it has another broad spectrum of carbon distribution than in globular proteins. The toxin protein follows an abnormal carbon fraction distribution. The carbon fraction distribution plays an important role in deciding the structure and shape of proteins. It is hoped to help in understanding the protein folding and function.  相似文献   

Interleukin-2 (IL-2) is a representative of a growing family of small proteins termed lymphokines which are responsible for mediating cell differentiation, growth and function in the immune system. Many of these proteins are being evaluated for their clinical potential. From the perspective of drug development, structure-function analysis of these molecules and their receptors require the use methodologies different than those traditionally employed for small peptides and other natural products. However, similar pharmacologic principles apply and an understanding of ligand-receptor interactions and the associated responses is required in order to efficiently pursue agonist and antagonist design. Although IL-2 is a protein of only 133 amino acid residues for which a low resolution X-ray structure does exist, the complexity of its receptor system has provided an added challenge to structure-function studies. Consequently, little is known concerning the receptor contact residues for this protein. We have attempted to utilize established principles of protein and peptide structure to manipulate the conformation of IL-2 in a manner which has provided analogs helpful for receptor interaction studies. These proteins have not only providing useful information on the nature of the IL-2 receptor but have also revealed potential strategies for the design of IL-2 agonists and antagonists.  相似文献   

The type A gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA(A)) receptor is a major inhibitory neurotransmitter-gated ion channel. Previously, we identified a membrane-proximal beta-rich (MPBR) domain in fragment C166-L296 of GABA(A) receptor alpha(1) subunit, forming nativelike pentamers. In the present study, another structural domain, the amino-terminal domain, was shown to exist in the fragment Q28-E165. The secondary structures of both fragments were beta-rich as measured using FTIR spectroscopy and estimated from the CD spectra to be 42% and 51% beta-strand for Q28-E165 and C166-L296, respectively. The CD spectrum of the combined fragment Q28-L296 was additive of the spectra of the two fragments. In addition, denaturation curves of both fragments were characteristic of cooperative transitions, supporting their domainlike nature. C166-L296 required 6.5 M of guanidine chloride for total denaturation, therefore it is extraordinarily stable, more so than Q28-E165. Moreover, effects of detergent on the molecular masses of Q28-E165 and C166-L296, as monitored using laser-scattering spectroscopy, indicated that intermolecular interactions were much more significant in C166-L296 than in Q28-E165. Effects of pH on their molecular masses suggested that ionic forces were involved in these interactions. Together the results show that the two adjacent fragments form independent folding units, MPBR and amino-terminal domains, different in secondary structure content, denaturation profile, and polymerization status, and suggest that the former may play a more important role in receptor assembly and that the extraordinary stability may underlie its intrinsic tendency to form oligomers. More significantly, the present study has provided direct evidence for the long-postulated multidomain nature of this family of receptors.  相似文献   

Ribonuclease A (RNase A) with several high affinity binding sites is a possible target for many organic and inorganic molecules. 3'-Azido-3'-deoxythymidine (AZT) is the first clinically effective drug for the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. The drug interactions with protein and nucleic acids are associated with its mechanism of action in vivo. This study was designed to examine the interaction of AZT with RNase A under physiological conditions. Reaction mixtures of constant protein concentration (2%) and different drug contents (0.0001-0.1 mM) are studied by UV-visible, FTIR, and circular dichroism spectroscopic methods in order to determine the drug binding mode, the drug binding constant, and the effects of drug complexation on the protein and AZT conformations in aqueous solution. The spectroscopic results showed one major binding for the AZT-RNase complexes with an overall binding constant of 5.29 x 10(5) M(-1). An increase in the protein alpha helicity was observed upon AZT interaction, whereas drug sugar pucker remained in the C2'-endo/anti conformation in the AZT-RNase complexes.  相似文献   

The trifluoroethanol (TFE)-induced structural changes of two proteins widely used in folding experiments, bovine alpha-lactalbumin, and bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A, have been investigated. The experiments were performed using circular dichroism spectroscopy in the far- and near-UV region to monitor changes in the secondary and tertiary structures, respectively, and dynamic light scattering to measure the hydrodynamic dimensions and the intermolecular interactions of the proteins in different conformational states. Both proteins behave rather differently under the influence of TFE: alpha-lactalbumin exhibits a molten globule state at low TFE concentrations before it reaches the so-called TFE state, whereas ribonuclease A is directly transformed into the TFE state at TFE concentrations above 40% (v/v). The properties of the TFE-induced states are compared with those of equilibrium and kinetic intermediate states known from previous work to rationalize the use of TFE in yielding information about the folding of proteins. Additionally, we report on the properties of TFE/water and TFE/buffer mixtures derived from dynamic light scattering investigations under conditions used in our experiments.  相似文献   

A rapid method for similarity searches (FASTP program) was used to identify similarities between a protein database and the human basic proteins from myelin [P2 protein and 17.2K, 18.5K, and 21.5K variants of myelin basic protein (MBP)]. From similarity scores, we concluded that none of the presently known proteins are in a family containing the MBPs. No new members were found for the lipid-binding family of which P2 is a member. Sequence similarities deemed relevant to the molecular mimicry hypothesis for virus-induced autoimmunity were identified in FASTP data with the aid of microcomputer programs. Several MBP/viral protein similarities were found that have not been reported previously. Of note because of their association with demyelinating conditions were proteins from visna and vaccinia. Similarity with visna was specific to the 21.5K and 20.2K MBPs. The most interesting new possibility for mimicry involving the P2 protein was between the influenza A NS2 protein and a sequence region of P2 thought to be neuritogenic in animals and mitogenic for lymphocytes from some patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). This may have relevance for some cases of GBS associated with the 1976 U.S.A. swine flu vaccination program. Because FASTP reports only the best similarities between proteins, searches with FASTP may not have detected all the examples of mimicry present in the database. Searches might also be more effective if similarities could be scored on immunological rather than structural relatedness.  相似文献   

The Protein Circular Dichroism Data Bank (PCDDB) [https://pcddb.cryst.bbk.ac.uk] is an established resource for the biological, biophysical, chemical, bioinformatics, and molecular biology communities. It is a freely-accessible repository of validated protein circular dichroism (CD) spectra and associated sample and metadata, with entries having links to other bioinformatics resources including, amongst others, structure (PDB), AlphaFold, and sequence (UniProt) databases, as well as to published papers which produced the data and cite the database entries. It includes primary (unprocessed) and final (processed) spectral data, which are available in both text and pictorial formats, as well as detailed sample and validation information produced for each of the entries. Recently the metadata content associated with each of the entries, as well as the number and structural breadth of the protein components included, have been expanded. The PCDDB includes data on both wild-type and mutant proteins, and because CD studies primarily examine proteins in solution, it also contains examples of the effects of different environments on their structures, plus thermal unfolding/folding series. Methods for both sequence and spectral comparisons are included.The data included in the PCDDB complement results from crystal, cryo-electron microscopy, NMR spectroscopy, bioinformatics characterisations and classifications, and other structural information available for the proteins via links to other databases. The entries in the PCDDB have been used for the development of new analytical methodologies, for interpreting spectral and other biophysical data, and for providing insight into structures and functions of individual soluble and membrane proteins and protein complexes.  相似文献   



The deposition of self-assembled amyloidogenic proteins is associated with multiple diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus. The toxic misfolding and self-assembling of amyloidogenic proteins are believed to underlie protein misfolding diseases. Novel drug candidates targeting self-assembled amyloidogenic proteins represent a potential therapeutic approach for protein misfolding diseases.

Scope of review

In this perspective review, we provide an overview of the recent progress in identifying inhibitors that block the aggregation of amyloidogenic proteins and the clinical applications thereof.

Major conclusions

Compounds such as polyphenols, certain short peptides, and monomer- or oligomer-specific antibodies, can interfere with the self-assembly of amyloidogenic proteins, prevent the formation of oligomers, amyloid fibrils and the consequent cytotoxicity.

General significance

Some inhibitors have been tested in clinical trials for treating protein misfolding diseases. Inhibitors that target the aggregation of amyloidogenic proteins bring new hope to therapy for protein misfolding diseases.  相似文献   

Although shikonin, a naphthoquinone derivative, has showed anti-cancer activity, its precise molecular anti-tumor mechanism remains to be elucidated. In this study, we investigated the effects of shikonin on human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in vitro and in vivo. Our results showed that shikonin induced apoptosis of Huh7 and BEL7402 but not nontumorigenic cells. ROS generation was detected, and ROS scavengers completely inhibited shikonin-induced apoptosis, indicating that ROS play an essential role. Although the JNK activity was significantly elevated after shikonin treatment, JNK was not linked to apoptosis. However, downregulation of Akt and RIP1/NF-κB activity was found to be involved in shikonin-induced apoptosis. Ectopic expression of Akt or RIP1 partly abrogated the effects of shikonin, and Akt inhibitor and RIP1 inhibitor synergistically induced apoptosis in conjunction with shikonin treatment. ROS scavengers blocked shikonin-induced inactivation of Akt and RIP1/NF-κB, but Akt or RIP1/NF-κB did not regulate ROS generation, suggesting that Akt and RIP1/NF-κB signals are downstream of ROS generation. In addition, the results of xenograft experiments in mice were consistent with in vitro studies. Taken together, our data show that shikonin, which may be a promising agent in the treatment of liver cancer, induced apoptosis in HCC cells through the ROS/Akt and RIP1/NF-κB pathways.  相似文献   

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