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With the goal of improving N fertilizer management to maximize soil organic carbon (SOC) storage and minimize N losses in high-intensity cropping system, a 6-years greenhouse vegetable experiment was conducted from 2004 to 2010 in Shouguang, northern China. Treatment tested the effects of organic manure and N fertilizer on SOC, total N (TN) pool and annual apparent N losses. The results demonstrated that SOC and TN concentrations in the 0-10cm soil layer decreased significantly without organic manure and mineral N applications, primarily because of the decomposition of stable C. Increasing C inputs through wheat straw and chicken manure incorporation couldn''t increase SOC pools over the 4 year duration of the experiment. In contrast to the organic manure treatment, the SOC and TN pools were not increased with the combination of organic manure and N fertilizer. However, the soil labile carbon fractions increased significantly when both chicken manure and N fertilizer were applied together. Additionally, lower optimized N fertilizer inputs did not decrease SOC and TN accumulation compared with conventional N applications. Despite the annual apparent N losses for the optimized N treatment were significantly lower than that for the conventional N treatment, the unchanged SOC over the past 6 years might limit N storage in the soil and more surplus N were lost to the environment. Consequently, optimized N fertilizer inputs according to root-zone N management did not influence the accumulation of SOC and TN in soil; but beneficial in reducing apparent N losses. N fertilizer management in a greenhouse cropping system should not only identify how to reduce N fertilizer input but should also be more attentive to improving soil fertility with better management of organic manure. 相似文献
The effects of mineral fertilizer (NPK) and organic manure on the community structure of soil ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) was investigated in a long-term (16-year) fertilizer experiment. The experiment included seven treatments: organic manure, half organic manure N plus half fertilizer N, fertilizer NPK, fertilizer NP, fertilizer NK, fertilizer PK, and the control (without fertilization). N fertilization greatly increased soil nitrification potential, and mineral N fertilizer had a greater impact than organic manure, while N deficiency treatment (PK) had no significant effect. AOB community structure was analyzed by PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) of the amoA gene, which encodes the α subunit of ammonia monooxygenase. DGGE profiles showed that the AOB community was more diverse in N-fertilized treatments than in the PK-fertilized treatment or the control, while one dominant band observed in the control could not be detected in any of the fertilized treatments. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the DGGE bands derived from N-fertilized treatments belonged to Nitrosospira cluster 3, indicating that N fertilization resulted in the dominance of Nitrosospira cluster 3 in soil. These results demonstrate that long-term application of N fertilizers could result in increased soil nitrification potential and the AOB community shifts in soil. Our results also showed the different effects of mineral fertilizer N versus organic manure N; the effects of P and K on the soil AOB community; and the importance of balanced fertilization with N, P, and K in promoting nitrification functions in arable soils. 相似文献
The Tibetan Plateau reacts particularly sensitively to possible effects of climate change. Approximately two thirds of the total area is affected by permafrost. To get a better understanding of the role of permafrost on soil organic carbon pools and stocks, investigations were carried out including both discontinuous (site Huashixia, HUA) and continuous permafrost (site Wudaoliang, WUD). Three organic carbon fractions were isolated using density separation combined with ultrasonic dispersion: the light fractions (<1.6 g cm −3) of free particulate organic matter (FPOM) and occluded particulate organic matter (OPOM), plus a heavy fraction (>1.6 g cm −3) of mineral associated organic matter (MOM). The fractions were analyzed for C, N, and their portion of organic C. FPOM contained an average SOC content of 252 g kg −1. Higher SOC contents (320 g kg −1) were found in OPOM while MOM had the lowest SOC contents (29 g kg −1). Due to their lower density the easily decomposable fractions FPOM and OPOM contribute 27% (HUA) and 22% (WUD) to the total SOC stocks. In HUA mean SOC stocks (0–30 cm depth) account for 10.4 kg m −2, compared to 3.4 kg m −2 in WUD. 53% of the SOC is stored in the upper 10 cm in WUD, in HUA only 39%. Highest POM values of 36% occurred in profiles with high soil moisture content. SOC stocks, soil moisture and active layer thickness correlated strongly in discontinuous permafrost while no correlation between SOC stocks and active layer thickness and only a weak relation between soil moisture and SOC stocks could be found in continuous permafrost. Consequently, permafrost-affected soils in discontinuous permafrost environments are susceptible to soil moisture changes due to alterations in quantity and seasonal distribution of precipitation, increasing temperature and therefore evaporation. 相似文献
通过大田定位试验,在小麦-玉米轮作条件下,以小麦品种‘西农889’和玉米品种‘郑单958’为供试作物,采取不施肥秸秆不还田(CK)、秸秆还田(S)、秸秆还田+腐熟有机肥(SM)、秸秆还田+氮肥(SN)、秸秆还田+氮肥+磷肥(SNP)共5种处理,对不同处理下土壤电导率、蔗糖酶活性和脲酶活性的动态变化及作物产量进行了研究。结果显示:(1)秸秆还田后土壤的电导率变化呈先上升后下降趋势,不同处理间周年电导率平均值表现为SNP>SN>SM>S>CK,且差异显著。(2)秸秆还田配合施用氮肥处理的土壤蔗糖酶活性和脲酶活性最高,蔗糖酶活性最大值(70.62mg.g-1.d-1)为对照的1.36倍,脲酶活性最大值(3.58mg.g-1.d-1)比对照提高了9.15%。(3)土壤有机碳含量在S、SM处理之间差异不显著,而S、SM处理与CK、SN、SNP处理之间差异显著,SM处理比对照处理提高了8.91%。(4)土壤全氮含量在不同处理之间差异显著,并以SNP处理最高,其次是SM处理,S、SN处理再次之,且SNP、SM、S、SN处理土壤全氮含量分别比对照提高了19.8%、11.1%、9.88%和7.41%。(5)秸秆还田处理的作物产量显著高于CK,并以秸秆配施氮磷肥处理的小麦产量最高,比CK提高了50.6%;秸秆配施氮肥处理的玉米产量最高,比CK提高了34.3%。研究表明,秸秆还田配施有机肥、无机肥可以有效促进有机物矿质化,显著增加土壤养分含量,增强土壤酶活性,提高土壤有机碳含量,从而促进作物增产。 相似文献
Although vegetation rehabilitation on semi-arid and arid regions may enhance soil carbon sequestration, its effects on soil carbon fractions remain uncertain. We carried out a study after planting Artemisia ordosica (AO, 17 years), Astragalus mongolicum (AM, 5 years), and Salix psammophila (SP, 16 years) on shifting sand land (SL) in the Mu Us Desert, northwest China. We measured total soil carbon (TSC) and its components, soil inorganic carbon (SIC) and soil organic carbon (SOC), as well as the light and heavy fractions within soil organic carbon (LF-SOC and HF-SOC), under the SL and shrublands at depths of 100 cm. TSC stock under SL was 27.6 Mg ha ?1, and vegetation rehabilitation remarkably elevated it by 40.6 Mgha ?1, 4.5 Mgha ?1, and 14.1 Mgha ?1 under AO, AM and SP land, respectively. Among the newly formed TSC under the three shrublands, SIC, LF-SOC and HF-SOC accounted for 75.0%, 10.7% and 13.1% for AO, respectively; they made up 37.0%, 50.7% and 10.6% for AM, respectively; they occupied 68.6%, 18.8% and 10.0% for SP, respectively. The accumulation rates of TSC within 0–100 cm reached 238.6 g m ?2y ?1, 89.9 g m ?2y ?1 and 87.9 g m ?2y ?1 under AO, AM and SP land, respectively. The present study proved that the accumulation of SIC considerably contributed to soil carbon sequestration, and vegetation rehabilitation on shifting sand land has a great potential for soil carbon sequestration. 相似文献
Chemical composition of soil organic carbon (SOC) is central to soil fertility. We hypothesize that change in SOC content resulting from various long-term fertilization strategies accompanies the shift in SOC chemical structure. This study examined the effect of fertilization strategies along with the time of fertilizer application on the SOC composition by 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The soils (Aquic Inceptisol) subjected to seven fertilizer treatments were collected in 1989, 1999 and 2009, representing 0, 10 and 20 years of fertilization, respectively. The seven fertilizer treatments were (1–3) balanced fertilization with application of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) including organic compost (OM), half organic compost plus half chemical fertilizer (1/2OM), and pure chemical NPK fertilizer (NPK); (4–6) unbalanced chemical fertilization without application of one of the major elements including NP fertilizer (NP), PK fertilizer (PK), and NK fertilizer (NK); and (7) an unamended control (CK). The SOC content in the balanced fertilization treatments were 2.3–52.6% and 9.4–64.6% higher than in the unbalanced fertilization/CK treatments in 1999 and 2009, respectively, indicating significant differences in SOC content with time of fertilizer application between the two treatment groups. There was a significantly greater proportion of O-alkyl C and a lower proportion of aromatic C in the balanced fertilization than in unbalanced fertilization/CK treatments in 1999, but not in 2009, because their proportions in the former treatments approached the latter in 2009. Principal component analysis further showed that the C functional groups from various fertilization strategies tended to become compositionally similar with time. The results suggest that a shift in SOC chemical composition may be firstly dominated by fertilization strategies, followed by fertilization duration. 相似文献
The bioavailability and fractionation of Cu reflect its deliverability in soil. Little research has investigated Cu supply to crops in soil under long-term rotation and fertilisation on the Loess Plateau. A field experiment was conducted in randomized complete block design to determine the bioavailability and distribution of Cu fractions in a Heilu soil (Calcaric Regosol) after 18 years of rotation and fertilisation. The experiment started in 1984, including five cropping systems (fallow control, alfalfa cropping, maize cropping, winter wheat cropping, and grain-legume rotation of pea/winter wheat/winter wheat + millet) and five fertiliser treatments (unfertilised control, N, P, N + P, and N + P + manure). Soil samples were collected in 2002 for chemical analysis. Available Cu was assessed by diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA) extraction, and Cu was fractionated by sequential extraction. Results showed that DTPA-Cu was lower in cropping systems compared with fallow control. Application of fertilisers resulted in no remarkable changes in DTPA-Cu compared with unfertilised control. Correlation and path analyses revealed that soil pH and CaCO 3 directly affected Cu bioavailability, whereas available P indirectly affected Cu bioavailability. The concentrations of Cu fractions (carbonate and Fe/Al oxides) in the plough layer were lower in cropping systems, while the values in the plough sole were higher under grain-legume rotation relative to fallow control. Manure with NP fertiliser increased Cu fractions bound to organic matter and minerals in the plough layer, and its effects in the plough sole varied with cropping systems. The direct sources (organic-matter-bound fraction and carbonate-bound fraction) of available Cu contributed much to Cu bioavailability. The mineral-bound fraction of Cu acted as an indicator of Cu supply potential in the soil. 相似文献
为探明磷肥在旱地小麦生产上的作用,寻求旱地小麦最佳施磷方式,在山西省闻喜县进行了低磷(75kg·hm~(-2))、中磷(112.5 kg·hm~(-2))、高磷(150 kg·hm~(-2))3个施磷量条件下20 cm、40 cm 2个深度施磷的田间试验,研究其对旱地麦田土壤水分及植株氮素吸收、利用的影响。结果表明:增加施磷量,越冬期-孕穗期0~100 cm土层土壤蓄水量提高,且深层施磷效果较好,尤其有利于返青期土壤蓄水量提高。增加施磷量,各生育时期植株含氮率提高,各生育时期植株氮素积累量显著提高,且深层施磷效果较好,尤其开花期含氮率。增加施磷量,花前各器官氮素运转量显著提高,深层施磷叶片氮素运转量对籽粒的贡献率提高,成熟期叶片氮素积累量及其所占比例显著降低。40 cm深度施磷150 kg·hm~(-2)花后氮素积累量最高。此外,越冬-孕穗期0~100 cm土层土壤蓄水量与花前氮素运转量关系密切,尤其与叶片氮素运转量关系密切,开花期土壤水分与花后氮素积累量关系系数最大。总之,增加施磷量,有利于提高花前1 m内土壤水分,有利于促进植株氮素积累、运转,且深层施磷效果显著,尤其可促进叶片氮素转移到籽粒,有利于开花期含氮率提高,有利于花后氮素积累。最终,40 cm深度施磷150 kg·hm~(-2)可显著提高旱地小麦氮肥吸收效率、氮肥生产效率、氮素收获指数。 相似文献
Nitrogen (N) inputs from atmospheric deposition can increase soil organic carbon (SOC) storage in temperate and boreal forests, thereby mitigating the adverse effects of anthropogenic CO2 emissions on global climate. However, direct evidence of N-induced SOC sequestration from low-dose, long-term N addition experiments (that is, addition of < 50 kg N ha−1 y−1 for > 10 years) is scarce worldwide and virtually absent for European temperate forests. Here, we examine how tree growth, fine roots, physicochemical soil properties as well as pools of SOC and soil total N responded to 20 years of regular, low-dose N addition in two European coniferous forests in Switzerland and Denmark. At the Swiss site, the addition of 22 kg N ha−1 y−1 (or 1.3 times throughfall deposition) stimulated tree growth, but decreased soil pH and exchangeable calcium. At the Danish site, the addition of 35 kg N ha−1 y−1 (1.5 times throughfall deposition) impaired tree growth, increased fine root biomass and led to an accumulation of N in several belowground pools. At both sites, elevated N inputs increased SOC pools in the moderately decomposed organic horizons, but decreased them in the mineral topsoil. Hence, long-term N addition led to a vertical redistribution of SOC pools, whereas overall SOC storage within 30 cm depth was unaffected. Our results imply that an N-induced shift of SOC from older, mineral-associated pools to younger, unprotected pools might foster the vulnerability of SOC in temperate coniferous forest soils. 相似文献
The large pool of actively cycling carbon (C) held in soils is susceptible to release due to changes in landuse, management,
or climate. Yet, the amount and distribution of potentially mineralizable C present in soils of various types and the method
by which this soil C fraction can best be quantified, are not well established. The distribution of total organic C (TOC),
extractable C pools (hot-water-extractable and acid-hydrolyzable), and in vitro mineralizable C in 138 surface soils across
a north Florida watershed was found to be quite heterogeneous. Thus, these C quality parameters could not statistically distinguish
the eight landuses or four major soil orders represented. Only wetland and upland forest soils, with the largest and smallest
C pool size, respectively, were consistently different from the soils of other landuse types. Variations in potential C mineralization
were best explained by TOC (62%) and hot-water-extractable C (59%), whereas acid-hydrolyzable C (32%) and clay content (35%)
were generally not adequate indicators of C bioavailability. Within certain landuse and soil orders (Alfisol, Wetland and
Rangeland, all with >3% clay content), however, C mineralization and clay content were directly linearly correlated, indicating
a possible stimulatory effect of clay on microbial processing of C. Generally, the sandy nature of these surface soils imparted
a lack of protection against C mineralization and likely resulted in the lack of landuse/soil order differences in the soil
C pools. If a single parameter is to be chosen to quantify the potential for soil C mineralization in southeastern U.S. coastal
plain soils, we recommend TOC as the most efficient soil variable to measure.
Author Contributions Conceived of or designed study: Sabine Grunwald, Nick Comerford, and James Sickman—Performed research: Mi-Youn Ahn—Analyzed
data: Mi-Youn Ahn, Andrew Zimmerman, and Nick Comerford—Contributed new methods or models: Andrew Zimmerman, Nick Comerford,
and James Sickman—Wrote the paper: Mi-Youn Ahn, Andrew Zimmerman, and Nick Comerford. 相似文献
目的:研究施用生物有机肥改善盐碱土。方法:将生物有机肥施入轻度盐碱土中,研究其对土壤理化性质的影响。结果:生物有机肥可以改善轻度盐碱土pH值,有效缓解由于植物生长所造成的土壤养分的消耗。结论:生物有机肥可在轻度盐碱土中广泛使用,在施用时应根据不同地区的土壤气候条件确定最佳施肥量。 相似文献
A lack of appropriate proxies has traditionally hampered our ability to distinguish riverine organic carbon (OC) sources at the landscape scale. However, the dissection of C 4 grasslands by C 3-enriched riparian vegetation, and the distinct carbon stable isotope signature (δ 13C) of these two photosynthetic pathways, provides a unique setting to assess the relative contribution of riparian and more distant sources to riverine C pools. Here, we compared δ 13C signatures of bulk sub-basin vegetation (δ 13C VEG) with those of riverine OC pools for a wide range of sites within two contrasting river basins in Madagascar. Although C 3-derived carbon dominated in the eastern Rianala catchment, consistent with the dominant vegetation, we found that in the C 4-dominated Betsiboka basin, riverine OC is disproportionately sourced from the C 3-enriched riparian fringe, irrespective of climatic season, even though δ 13C VEG estimates suggest as much as 96% of vegetation cover in some Betsiboka sub-basins may be accounted for by C 4 biomass. For example, δ 13C values for river bed OC were on average 6.9 ± 2.7‰ depleted in 13C compared to paired estimates of δ 13C VEG. The disconnection of the wider C 4-dominated basin is considered the primary driver of the under-representation of C 4-derived C within riverine OC pools in the Betsiboka basin, although combustion of grassland biomass by fire is likely a subsidiary constraint on the quantity of terrestrial organic matter available for export to these streams and rivers. Our findings carry implications for the use of sedimentary δ 13C signatures as proxies for past forest-grassland distribution and climate, as the C 4 component may be considerably underestimated due to its disconnection from riverine OC pools. 相似文献
利用1949年至1998年间7次森林资源清查资料,结合使用森林生物量实测资料,采用改良的生物量换算因子法,推算了中国50年来森林碳库和平均碳密度的变化,分析了中国森林植被的CO2源汇功能,结果表明,70年代中期以前,主要由于森林砍伐等人为作用,中国森林碳库和碳密度都是减少的,碳储量减少了0.62PgC(Pg=10^15g),年均减少约0.024PgC。之后,呈增加趋势。在最近的20多年中,森林碳库由70年代末期的4.38PgC增加到1998年的4.75PgC,共增加0.37PgC,年平均增加0.022PgC。这种增加主要由人工造林增加所致。20多年来,由于人工林增加导致碳汇增加0.45PgC,年平均增加吸收0.021PgC/a。人工林的平均碳密度也显增加,共增加了约一倍。这除了人工成林增多外,气温上升和CO2浓度施肥也可能是促进森林生长的重要因子。 相似文献
Urban trees sequester carbon into biomass and provide many ecosystem service benefits aboveground leading to worldwide tree planting schemes. Since soils hold ∼75% of ecosystem organic carbon, understanding the effect of urban trees on soil organic carbon (SOC) and soil properties that underpin belowground ecosystem services is vital. We use an observational study to investigate effects of three important tree genera and mixed-species woodlands on soil properties (to 1 m depth) compared to adjacent urban grasslands. Aboveground biomass and belowground ecosystem service provision by urban trees are found not to be directly coupled. Indeed, SOC enhancement relative to urban grasslands is genus-specific being highest under Fraxinus excelsior and Acer spp., but similar to grasslands under Quercus robur and mixed woodland. Tree cover type does not influence soil bulk density or C∶N ratio, properties which indicate the ability of soils to provide regulating ecosystem services such as nutrient cycling and flood mitigation. The trends observed in this study suggest that genus selection is important to maximise long-term SOC storage under urban trees, but emerging threats from genus-specific pathogens must also be considered. 相似文献
Stream water dissolved organic carbon (DOC) correlates positively with soil organic carbon (SOC) in many biomes. Does this relationship hold in a small geographic region when variations of temperature, precipitation and vegetation are driven by a significant altitudinal gradient? We examined the spatial connectivity between concentrations of DOC in headwater stream and contents of riparian SOC and water-soluble soil organic carbon (WSOC), riparian soil C:N ratio, and temperature in four vegetation types along an altitudinal gradient in the Wuyi Mountains, China. Our analyses showed that annual mean concentrations of headwater stream DOC were lower in alpine meadow (AM) than in subtropical evergreen broadleaf forest (EBF), coniferous forest (CF), and subalpine dwarf forest (SDF). Headwater stream DOC concentrations were negatively correlated with riparian SOC as well as WSOC contents, and were unrelated to riparian soil C:N ratio. Our findings suggest that DOC concentrations in headwater streams are affected by different factors at regional and local scales. The dilution effect of higher precipitation and adsorption of soil DOC to higher soil clay plus silt content at higher elevation may play an important role in causing lower DOC concentrations in AM stream of the Wuyi Mountains. Our results suggest that upscaling and downscaling of the drivers of DOC export from forested watersheds when exploring the response of carbon flux to climatic change or other drivers must done with caution. 相似文献
以中国北亚热带地区退化灌木林补植改造7 a和11 a后形成的木荷-青冈栎混交林为研究对象,以保留的灌木林为对照,分析了造林初期林龄对林分土壤活性有机碳含量的影响。结果表明:(1) 7 a和11 a生木荷-青冈栎林0~50 cm各土层土壤总有机碳含量比灌木林分别增加了22.79%~43.34%和52.33%~96.13%,易氧化碳含量增加了11.11%~25.18%和57.89%~100.90%,轻组有机质含量增加了18.18%~85.20%和74.50%~93.75%,水溶性有机碳含量7 a生木荷-青冈栎林比灌木林降低了4.10%~9.53%(10~20 cm除外),而11 a生林分比灌木林增加了0.71%~5.37%。(2) 3种林分土壤活性有机碳在总有机碳中所占的比率大小顺序、水溶性有机碳/土壤总有机碳均为灌木林>7 a生木荷-青冈栎林>11 a生木荷-青冈栎林,易氧化碳/土壤总有机碳为11 a生木荷-青冈栎林>灌木林>7 a生木荷-青冈栎林。(3)3种林分各活性有机碳组分与土壤总有机碳的相关性均达到极显著水平,而水溶性有机碳与总有机碳的相关系数相对较低;各林分土壤总有机碳、易氧化碳、轻组有机质与土壤养分的相关性均达到极显著水平,而灌木林水溶性有机碳与土壤水解氮、速效钾相关性不显著。研究认为,灌木林改造为常绿阔叶人工林,林分土壤有机碳在幼林期已有显著变化,随着林龄增长,人工林有机碳的积累还有待进一步研究。 相似文献
Improved management of agricultural soils has potential for sequestering carbon (C) and reducing the accumulation of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Development of management practices to increase C sequestration is dependent on improved understanding of soil processes influencing long-term storage of C. A field study was conducted to compare surface C source quality and above- vs. belowground addition of annual or perennial plant biomass effects on particulate organic matter (POM), total labile C (TLC), and total organic C (TOC). Since microaggregate stabilization within macroaggregates is the main mechanism for sequestering C, aggregate size distribution, expressed as mean weight diameter (MWD), and wet aggregate stability (WAS) was also measured. After 5 years, POM decreased in plots receiving surface application of readily available substrate (sucrose and alfalfa pellets) and the bare surface control. Plots receiving plant additions [wood chips, growing wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) crop, growing switchgrass ( Panicum virgatum L.) crop, and fallow receiving either wheat or switchgrass residue] exhibited higher TLC and TOC content. Plots receiving plant residue maintained MWD, and those supporting live plants exhibited increasing WAS. Surface plant residue protected the soil against raindrop impact and reduced the intensity of wetting and drying cycles allowing the development of larger more stable aggregates resulting in C accrual. 相似文献
Soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration is important for improving soil fertility of cropland and for the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere. The efficiency of SOC sequestration depends on the quantity and quality of the organic matter, soil type, and climate. Little is known about the SOC sequestration efficiency of organic amendments in Vertisols. Thus, we conducted the research based on 29 years (1982–2011) of long-term fertilization experiment with a no fertilizer control and five fertilization regimes: CK (control, no fertilizer), NPK (mineral NPK fertilizers alone), NPK+1/2W (mineral NPK fertilizers combined with half the amount of wheat straw), NPK+W (mineral NPK fertilizers combined with full the amount of wheat straw), NPK+PM (mineral NPK fertilizers combined with pig manure) and NPK+CM (mineral NPK fertilizers combined cattle manure). Total mean annual C inputs were 0.45, 1.55, 2.66, 3.71, 4.68 and 6.56 ton/ha/yr for CK, NPK, NPKW1/2, NPKW, NPKPM and NPKCM, respectively. Mean SOC sequestration rate was 0.20 ton/ha/yr in the NPK treatment, and 0.39, 0.50, 0.51 and 0.97 ton/ha/yr in the NPKW1/2, NPKW, NPKPM, and NPKCM treatments, respectively. A linear relationship was observed between annual C input and SOC sequestration rate (SOCsequestration rate = 0.16 Cinput –0.10, R = 0.95, P<0.01), suggesting a C sequestration efficiency of 16%. The Vertisol required an annual C input of 0.63 ton/ha/yr to maintain the initial SOC level. Moreover, the C sequestration efficiencies of wheat straw, pig manure and cattle manure were 17%, 11% and 17%, respectively. The results indicate that the Vertisol has a large potential to sequester SOC with a high efficiency, and applying cattle manure or wheat straw is a recommendable SOC sequestration practice in Vertisols. 相似文献
We examined the effects of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO 2) enrichment on belowground carbon (C) pools and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in a chaparral community in southern California. Chambers enclosing intact mesocosms dominated by Adenostoma fasciculatum were exposed for 3.5 years to CO 2 levels ranging from 250 to 750 ppm. Pools of total C in bulk soil and in water-stable aggregates (WSA) increased 1.5- and threefold, respectively, between the 250- and 650-ppm treatments. In addition, the abundance of live AM hyphae and spores rose markedly over the same range of CO 2, and the community composition shifted toward dominance by the AM genera Scutellospora and Acaulospora. Net ecosystem exchange of C with the atmosphere declined with CO 2 treatment. It appears that under CO 2 enrichment, extra C was added to the soil via AM fungi. Moreover, AM fungi were predominant in WSA and may shunt C into these aggregates versus bulk soil. Alternatively, C may be retained longer within WSA than within bulk soil. We note that differences between the soil fractions may act as a potential feedback on C cycling between the soil and atmosphere. 相似文献
Little attention has been paid to the accumulation of soil organic matter (SOM) in the fringes of the mid-latitude desert. In this paper, soil samples from a long-term field experiment conducted from 1990 to 2013 at a research station in Urumqi, China by different fertilizer treatments, were used to determine soil properties and soil dissolved organic matter (DOM) by chemical analysis, fluorescence excitation emission matrix (EEM) spectroscopy, and high resolution-transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM). The binding features of DOM under the addition of Ca 2+ were analyzed using a two-dimensional (2D) Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer further to explore the response of the DOM to increasing concentrations of Ca 2+. Long-term application of chemical fertilizers and goat manure increased soil organic carbon (SOC) by 1.34- and 1.86-fold, respectively, relative to the non-fertilized control (8.95g.kg -1). Compared with the control, application of chemical fertilizers and manure significantly increased the concentrations of Ca, Mg, Si, humic and fulvic acid-like substances in DOM but decreased the amounts of trivalent metals (Al and Fe) and protein-like substances. Although crystalline Al/Fe nanoparticles and amorphous or short-range-order Si/Al nanoparticles existed in all DOM samples, crystalline Ca/Si nanoparticles were predominant in the samples treated with goat manure. Although organic matter and Si-O-containing nanoparticles were involved in the binding of Ca 2+ to DOM, application of chemical fertilizers weakened Ca 2+ association with components of the amide II group (1510 cm -1) and Si-O linkage (1080 cm -1), whereas application of goat manure enhanced the affinity of Ca 2+ for Si-O linkage. Our results suggested that the enrichment of Ca in gray desert soil possibly helps accumulate SOM by forming crystalline Ca/Si nanoparticles in addition to Ca 2+ and organic matter complexes. 相似文献