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Maintenance of cell survival is essential for proper embryonic development. In the mouse, Notchless homolog 1 (Drosophila) (Nle1) is instrumental for survival of cells of the inner cell mass upon implantation. Here, we analyze the function of Nle1 after implantation using the Meox2tm1(cre)Sor mouse that expresses the Cre recombinase specifically in the epiblast at E5.5. First, we find that NLE1 function is required in epiblast cells, as Nle1-deficient cells are rapidly eliminated. In this report, we also show that the Meox2Cre transgene is active in specific tissues during organogenesis. In particular, we detect high Cre expression in the vertebral column, ribs, limbs and tailbud. We took advantage of this dynamic expression profile to analyze the effects of inducing mosaic deletion of Nle1 in the embryo. We show that Nle1 deletion in this context, results in severe developmental anomalies leading to lethality at birth. Mutant embryos display multiple developmental defects in particular during axial skeletal formation. We also provide evidence that axial defects are due to an increase in apoptotic cell death in the somite at E9.5. These data demonstrate an essential role for Nle1 during organogenesis and in particular during axial development.  相似文献   

The receptor-like kinase SUPPRESSOR OF BIR1, 1 (SOBIR1) functions as a critical regulator in plant immunity. It is required for activation of cell death and defense responses in Arabidopsis bak1-interacting receptor-like kinase 1,1 (bir1-1) mutant plants. Here we report that the ER quality control component UDP-glucose:glycoprotein glucosyltransferase (UGGT) is required for the biogenesis of SOBIR1 and mutations in UGGT suppress the spontaneous cell death and constitutive defense responses in bir1-1. Loss of function of STT3a, which encodes a subunit of the oligosaccharyltransferase complex, also suppresses the autoimmune phenotype in bir1-1. However, it has no effect on the accumulation of SOBIR1, suggesting that additional signaling components other than SOBIR1 may be regulated by ER quality control. Our study provides clear evidence that ER quality control play critical roles in regulating defense activation in bir1-1.  相似文献   

Congenital heart valve defects in humans occur in approximately 2% of live births and are a major source of compromised cardiac function. In this study we demonstrate that normal heart valve development and cardiac function are dependent upon Galnt1, the gene that encodes a member of the family of glycosyltransferases (GalNAc-Ts) responsible for the initiation of mucin-type O-glycosylation. In the adult mouse, compromised cardiac function that mimics human congenital heart disease, including aortic and pulmonary valve stenosis and regurgitation; altered ejection fraction; and cardiac dilation, was observed in Galnt1 null animals. The underlying phenotype is aberrant valve formation caused by increased cell proliferation within the outflow tract cushion of developing hearts, which is first detected at developmental stage E11.5. Developing valves from Galnt1 deficient animals displayed reduced levels of the proteases ADAMTS1 and ADAMTS5, decreased cleavage of the proteoglycan versican and increased levels of other extracellular matrix proteins. We also observed increased BMP and MAPK signaling. Taken together, the ablation of Galnt1 appears to disrupt the formation/remodeling of the extracellular matrix and alters conserved signaling pathways that regulate cell proliferation. Our study provides insight into the role of this conserved protein modification in cardiac valve development and may represent a new model for idiopathic valve disease.  相似文献   

The heart is the first organ required to function during embryonic development and is absolutely necessary for embryo survival. Cardiac activity is dependent on both the sinoatrial node (SAN), which is the pacemaker of heart''s electrical activity, and the cardiac conduction system which transduces the electrical signal though the heart tissue, leading to heart muscle contractions. Defects in the development of cardiac electrical function may lead to severe heart disorders. The Erbb2 (Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2) gene encodes a member of the EGF receptor family of receptor tyrosine kinases. The Erbb2 receptor lacks ligand-binding activity but forms heterodimers with other EGF receptors, stabilising their ligand binding and enhancing kinase-mediated activation of downstream signalling pathways. Erbb2 is absolutely necessary in normal embryonic development and homozygous mouse knock-out Erbb2 embryos die at embryonic day (E)10.5 due to severe cardiac defects. We have isolated a mouse line, l11Jus8, from a random chemical mutagenesis screen, which carries a hypomorphic missense mutation in the Erbb2 gene. Homozygous mutant embryos exhibit embryonic lethality by E12.5-13. The l11Jus8 mutants display cardiac haemorrhage and a failure of atrial function due to defects in atrial electrical signal propagation, leading to an atrial-specific conduction block, which does not affect ventricular conduction. The l11Jus8 mutant phenotype is distinct from those reported for Erbb2 knockout mouse mutants. Thus, the l11Jus8 mouse reveals a novel function of Erbb2 during atrial conduction system development, which when disrupted causes death at mid-gestation.  相似文献   

Crk and CrkL are noncatalytic adaptor proteins necessary for the formation of neuromuscular synapses which function downstream of muscle-specific kinase (MuSK), a receptor tyrosine kinase expressed in skeletal muscle, and the MuSK binding protein Dok-7. How Crk/CrkL regulate neuromuscular endplate formation is not known. To better understand the roles of Crk/CrkL, we identified CrkL binding proteins using mass spectrometry and have identified Sorbs1 and Sorbs2 as two functionally redundant proteins that associate with the initiating MuSK/Dok-7/Crk/CrkL complex, regulate acetylcholine receptor (AChR) clustering in vitro, and are localized at synapses in vivo.  相似文献   

It is known that platelet-activating factor (PAF) induces severe endothelial barrier leakiness, but the signaling mechanisms remain unclear. Here, using a wide range of biochemical and morphological approaches applied in both mouse models and cultured endothelial cells, we addressed the mechanisms of PAF-induced disruption of interendothelial junctions (IEJs) and of increased endothelial permeability. The formation of interendothelial gaps filled with filopodia and lamellipodia is the cellular event responsible for the disruption of endothelial barrier. We observed that PAF ligation of its receptor induced the activation of the Rho GTPase Rac1. Following PAF exposure, both Rac1 and its guanine nucleotide exchange factor Tiam1 were found associated with a membrane fraction from which they co-immunoprecipitated with PAF receptor. In the same time frame with Tiam1-Rac1 translocation, the junctional proteins ZO-1 and VE-cadherin were relocated from the IEJs, and formation of numerous interendothelial gaps was recorded. Notably, the response was independent of myosin light chain phosphorylation and thus distinct from other mediators, such as histamine and thrombin. The changes in actin status are driven by the PAF-induced localized actin polymerization as a consequence of Rac1 translocation and activation. Tiam1 was required for the activation of Rac1, actin polymerization, relocation of junctional associated proteins, and disruption of IEJs. Thus, PAF-induced IEJ disruption and increased endothelial permeability requires the activation of a Tiam1-Rac1 signaling module, suggesting a novel therapeutic target against increased vascular permeability associated with inflammatory diseases.The endothelial barrier is made up of endothelial cells (ECs)4 connected to each other by interendothelial junctions (IEJs) consisting of protein complexes organized as tight junctions (TJs) and adherens junctions (AJs). In addition, the focal adhesion complex located at the basal plasma membrane enables firm contact of ECs with the underlying basement membrane and also contributes to the barrier function (1-3). The glycocalyx, the endothelial monolayer, and the basement membrane all together constitute the vascular barrier.The structural integrity of the ECs along with their proper functionality are the two most important factors controlling the tightness of the endothelial barrier. Changes affecting these factors cause loss of barrier restrictiveness and leakiness. Therefore, defining and understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms controlling these processes is of paramount importance. Increased width of IEJs in response to permeability-increasing mediators (4) regulates the magnitude of transendothelial exchange of fluid and solutes. Disruption of IEJs and the resultant barrier leakiness contribute to the genesis of diverse pathological conditions, such as inflammation (5), metastasis (6, 7), and uncontrolled angiogenesis (8, 9).Accumulated evidence demonstrated that IEJs changes are responsible for increased or decreased vascular permeability, and the generally accepted mechanism responsible for them was the myosin light chain (MLC)-mediated contraction of ECs (5, 10). However, published evidence showed that an increase in vascular permeability could be obtained without a direct involvement of any contractile mechanism (11-16).The main component of the vascular barrier, the ECs, has more than 10% of their total protein represented by actin (17), which under physiological salt concentrations subsists as monomers (G-actin) and assembled into filaments (F-actin). A large number of actin-interacting proteins may modulate the assembly, disassembly, and organization of G-actin and of actin filaments within a given cell type. Similar to the complexity of actin-interacting proteins found in other cell types, the ECs utilize their actin binding proteins to stabilize the endothelial monolayer in order to efficiently function as a selective barrier (11). In undisturbed ECs, the actin microfilaments are organized as different networks with distinctive functional and morphological characteristics: the peripheral filaments also known as peripheral dense band (PDB), the cytoplasmic fibers identified as stress fibers (SF), and the actin from the membrane cytoskeleton (18). The peripheral web, localized immediately under the membrane, is associated with (i) the luminal plasmalemma (on the apical side), (ii) the IEJ complexes on the lateral surfaces, and (iii) the focal adhesion complexes on the abluminal side (the basal part) of polarized ECs. The SF reside inside the endothelial cytoplasm and are believed to be directly connected with the plasmalemma proper on the luminal as well as on the abluminal side of the cell. As described, the endothelial actin cytoskeleton (specifically the SF) seems to be a stable structure helping the cells to remain flat under flow (19). It is also established that the actin fibers participate in correct localization of different junctional complexes while keeping them in place (20). However, it was suggested that the dynamic equilibrium between F- and G-actin might modulate the tightness of endothelial barrier in response to different challenges (13).Mediators effective at nanomolar concentrations or less that disrupt the endothelial barrier and increase vascular permeability include C2 toxin of Clostridium botulinum, vascular permeability factor, better known as vascular endothelial growth factor, and PAF (21). C2 toxin increases endothelial permeability by ribosylating monomeric G-actin at Arg-177 (22). This results in the impairment of actin polymerization (23), followed by rounding of ECs (16) and the disruption of junctional integrity. Vascular permeability factor was shown to open IEJs by redistribution of junctional proteins (24, 25) and by interfering with the equilibrium of actin pools (26). PAF (1-O-alkyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocoline), a naturally synthesized phospholipid is active at 10-10 m or less (27). PAF is synthesized by and acts on a variety of cell types, including platelets (28), neutrophils (29), monocytes (30), and ECs (31). PAF-mediated activation of ECs induced cell migration (32), angiogenesis (7), and vascular hyperpermeability (33) secondary to disassembly of IEJs (34). The effects of PAF on the endothelium are initiated through a G protein-coupled receptor (PAF-R) localized at the plasmalemma, in a large endosomal compartment inside the cell (34), and also in the nuclear membrane (35). In ECs, PAF-R was shown to signal through Gαq and downstream activation of phospholipase C isozymes (PLCβ3 and PLCγ1), and via cSrc (32, 36). Studies have shown that PAF challenge induced endothelial actin cytoskeletal rearrangement (37) and marked vascular leakiness (38); however, the signaling pathways have not been elucidated.Therefore, in the present study, we carried out a systematic analysis of PAF-induced morphological and biochemical changes of endothelial barrier in vivo and in cultured ECs. We found that the opening of endothelial barrier and the increased vascular leakiness induced by PAF are the result of a shift in actin pools without involvement of EC contraction, followed by a redistribution of tight junctional associated protein ZO-1 and adherens junctional protein VE-cadherin.  相似文献   

Viruses hijack host factors for their high speed protein synthesis, but information about these factors is largely unknown. In searching for genes that are involved in viral replication, we carried out a forward genetic screen for Drosophila mutants that are more resistant or sensitive to Drosophila C virus (DCV) infection-caused death, and found a virus-resistant line in which the expression of pelo gene was deficient. Our mechanistic studies excluded the viral resistance of pelo deficient flies resulting from the known Drosophila anti-viral pathways, and revealed that pelo deficiency limits the high level synthesis of the DCV capsid proteins but has no or very little effect on the expression of some other viral proteins, bulk cellular proteins, and transfected exogenous genes. The restriction of replication of other types of viruses in pelo deficient flies was also observed, suggesting pelo is required for high level production of capsids of all kinds of viruses. We show that both pelo deficiency and high level DCV protein synthesis increase aberrant 80S ribosomes, and propose that the preferential requirement of pelo for high level synthesis of viral capsids is at least partly due to the role of pelo in dissociation of stalled 80S ribosomes and clearance of aberrant viral RNA and proteins. Our data demonstrated that pelo is a host factor that is required for high efficiency translation of viral capsids and targeting pelo could be a strategy for general inhibition of viral infection.  相似文献   

Collagen II is a fibril-forming collagen that is mainly expressed in cartilage. Collagen II–deficient mice produce structurally abnormal cartilage that lacks growth plates in long bones, and as a result these mice develop a skeleton without endochondral bone formation. Here, we report that Col2a1-null mice are unable to dismantle the notochord. This defect is associated with the inability to develop intervertebral discs (IVDs). During normal embryogenesis, the nucleus pulposus of future IVDs forms from regional expansion of the notochord, which is simultaneously dismantled in the region of the developing vertebral bodies. However, in Col2a1-null mice, the notochord is not removed in the vertebral bodies and persists as a rod-like structure until birth. It has been suggested that this regional notochordal degeneration results from changes in cell death and proliferation. Our experiments with wild-type mice showed that differential proliferation and apoptosis play no role in notochordal reorganization. An alternative hypothesis is that the cartilage matrix exerts mechanical forces that induce notochord removal. Several of our findings support this hypothesis. Immunohistological analyses, in situ hybridization, and biochemical analyses demonstrate that collagens I and III are ectopically expressed in Col2a1-null cartilage. Assembly of the abnormal collagens into a mature insoluble matrix is retarded and collagen fibrils are sparse, disorganized, and irregular. We propose that this disorganized abnormal cartilage collagen matrix is structurally weakened and is unable to constrain proteoglycan-induced osmotic swelling pressure. The accumulation of fluid leads to tissue enlargement and a reduction in the internal swelling pressure. These changes may be responsible for the abnormal notochord removal in Col2a1-null mice.Our studies also show that chondrocytes do not need a collagen II environment to express cartilage-specific matrix components and to hypertrophy. Furthermore, biochemical analysis of collagen XI in mutant cartilage showed that α1(XI) and α2 (XI) chains form unstable collagen XI molecules, demonstrating that the α3(XI) chain, which is an alternative, posttranslationally modified form of the Col2a1 gene, is essential for assembly and stability of triple helical collagen XI.  相似文献   

Previous studies revealed that extracellular regulated kinase-1 and-2(ERK1/2) cascade plays pivotal roles in regulating oocyte meiotic cell cycle progression. However, most knowledge about the in vivo function of ERK1/2 in mammalian oocytes was indirectly obtained from analyzing the phenotypes of Mos knockout mice. In this study, we knocked out Erk1 and Erk2 in mouse oocytes as early as the primordial follicle stage using the well-characterized Gdf9-Cre mouse model, and for the first time directly investigated the in vivo function of ERK1/2 in mouse oocytes. In this novel mouse model, we observed that ERK1/2 activities in oocyte are dispensable for primordial follicle maintenance,activation and follicle growth. Different from the Mos null oocytes, the ERK1/2-deleted oocytes had well-assembled spindles at metaphase Ⅰ(MⅠ), extruded polar body-1(PB1) with normal sizes, and did not undergo a full parthenogenetic activation characterized for pronuclear formation. However, the ovulated ERK1/2-deleted oocytes had poorly-assembled metaphase Ⅱ(MⅡ) spindles, spontaneously released polar body-2(PB2), and were arrested at another metaphase called metaphase Ⅲ(MⅢ). In addition, ERK1/2 deletion prevented male pronuclear formation after fertilization, and caused female infertility. In conclusion, these results indicate that ERK1/2 activities are required for not only MⅡ-arrest maintenance, but also efficient pronuclear formation in mouse oocytes.  相似文献   

Cyclic di-GMP (c-di-GMP) is a broadly conserved, intracellular second-messenger molecule that regulates biofilm formation by many bacteria. The synthesis of c-di-GMP is catalyzed by diguanylate cyclases (DGCs) containing the GGDEF domain, while its degradation is achieved through the phosphodiesterase activities of EAL and HD-GYP domains. c-di-GMP controls biofilm formation by Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf0-1 by promoting the cell surface localization of a large adhesive protein, LapA. LapA localization is regulated posttranslationally by a c-di-GMP effector system consisting of LapD and LapG, which senses cytoplasmic c-di-GMP and modifies the LapA protein in the outer membrane. Despite the apparent requirement for c-di-GMP for biofilm formation by P. fluorescens Pf0-1, no DGCs from this strain have been characterized to date. In this study, we undertook a systematic mutagenesis of 30 predicted DGCs and found that mutations in just 4 cause reductions in biofilm formation by P. fluorescens Pf0-1 under the conditions tested. These DGCs were characterized genetically and biochemically to corroborate the hypothesis that they function to produce c-di-GMP in vivo. The effects of DGC gene mutations on phenotypes associated with biofilm formation were analyzed. One DGC preferentially affects LapA localization, another DGC mainly controls swimming motility, while a third DGC affects both LapA and motility. Our data support the conclusion that different c-di-GMP-regulated outputs can be specifically controlled by distinct DGCs.  相似文献   

Ovulation is critical for successful reproduction and correlates with ovarian cancer risk, yet genetic studies of ovulation have been limited. It has long been thought that the mechanism controlling ovulation is highly divergent due to speciation and fast evolution. Using genetic tools available in Drosophila, we now report that ovulation in Drosophila strongly resembles mammalian ovulation at both the cellular and molecular levels. Just one of up to 32 mature follicles per ovary pair loses posterior follicle cells (“trimming”) and protrudes into the oviduct, showing that a selection process prefigures ovulation. Follicle cells that remain after egg release form a “corpus luteum (CL)” at the end of the ovariole, develop yellowish pigmentation, and express genes encoding steroid hormone biosynthetic enzymes that are required for full fertility. Finally, matrix metalloproteinase 2 (Mmp2), a type of protease thought to facilitate mammalian ovulation, is expressed in mature follicle and CL cells. Mmp2 activity is genetically required for trimming, ovulation and CL formation. Our studies provide new insights into the regulation of Drosophila ovulation and establish Drosophila as a model for genetically investigating ovulation in diverse organisms, including mammals.  相似文献   

Axonal transport, a form of long-distance, bi-directional intracellular transport that occurs between the cell body and synaptic terminal, is critical in maintaining the function and viability of neurons. We have identified a requirement for the stathmin (stai) gene in the maintenance of axonal microtubules and regulation of axonal transport in Drosophila . The stai gene encodes a cytosolic phosphoprotein that regulates microtubule dynamics by partitioning tubulin dimers between pools of soluble tubulin and polymerized microtubules, and by directly binding to microtubules and promoting depolymerization. Analysis of stai function in Drosophila , which has a single stai gene, circumvents potential complications with studies performed in vertebrate systems in which mutant phenotypes may be compensated by genetic redundancy of other members of the stai gene family. This has allowed us to identify an essential function for stai in the maintenance of the integrity of axonal microtubules. In addition to the severe disruption in the abundance and architecture of microtubules in the axons of stai mutant Drosophila , we also observe additional neurological phenotypes associated with loss of stai function including a posterior paralysis and tail-flip phenotype in third instar larvae, aberrant accumulation of transported membranous organelles in stai deficient axons, a progressive bang-sensitive response to mechanical stimulation reminiscent of the class of Drosophila mutants used to model human epileptic seizures, and a reduced adult lifespan. Reductions in the levels of Kinesin-1, the primary anterograde motor in axonal transport, enhance these phenotypes. Collectively, our results indicate that stai has an important role in neuronal function, likely through the maintenance of microtubule integrity in the axons of nerves of the peripheral nervous system necessary to support and sustain long-distance axonal transport.  相似文献   



The family of RecQ DNA helicases plays an important role in the maintenance of genomic integrity. Mutations in three of the five known RecQ family members in humans, BLM, WRN and RecQ4, lead to disorders that are characterized by predisposition to cancer and premature aging.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To address the in vivo functions of Drosophila RecQ4 (dRecQ4), we generated mutant alleles of dRecQ4 using the targeted gene knock-out technique. Our data show that dRecQ4 mutants are homozygous lethal with defects in DNA replication, cell cycle progression and cell proliferation. Two sets of experiments suggest that dRecQ4 also plays a role in DNA double strand break repair. First, mutant animals exhibit sensitivity to gamma irradiation. Second, the efficiency of DsRed reconstitution via single strand annealing repair is significantly reduced in the dRecQ4 mutant animals. Rescue experiments further show that both the N-terminal domain and the helicase domain are essential to dRecQ4 function in vivo. The N-terminal domain is sufficient for the DNA repair function of dRecQ4.


Together, our results show that dRecQ4 is an essential gene that plays an important role in not only DNA replication but also DNA repair and cell cycle progression in vivo.  相似文献   

The production and dissemination of spores by members of the fungal kingdom is a major reason for the success of this eukaryotic lineage in colonizing most terrestrial ecosystems. Ballistospores are a type of spore produced by basidiomycete fungi, such as the mushrooms and plant pathogenic rusts. These spores are forcefully discharged through a unique liquid-drop fusion mechanism, enabling the aerosolization of these particles that can contribute to plant disease and human allergies. The genes responsible for this process are unknown due to technical challenges in studying many of the fungi that produce ballistospores. Here, we applied newly-developed techniques in a forward genetic screen to identify genes required for ballistospore formation or function in a tractable red yeast, a species of Sporobolomyces. One strain bearing a mutation in the PHS1 gene was identified as a mirror mutant. PHS1 encodes 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydratase required for the third step in very long chain fatty acid biosynthesis. The Sporobolomyces PHS1 gene complements the essential functions of a S. cerevisiae phs1 mutant. The Sporobolomyces phs1 mutant strain has less dehydratase activity and a reduction in very long chain fatty acids compared to wild type. The mutant strain also exhibits sensitivity to cell wall stress agents and loss of shooting due to a delay in ballistospore formation, indicating that the role of Phs1 in spore dissemination may be primarily in cellular integrity.  相似文献   

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