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We present a comparative study, using molecular dynamics, of systems of diatomic, hard dumb-bell, molecules in which the interatomic distance is either constrained to a fixed value or is allowed to vary freely between preset limits. A significant improvement in simulation effciency can be attained by allowing the bond length to vary. We find that thermodynamic properties, and some time correlation functions, are only slightly affected by the removal of the rigid bond-length constraint. The atomic velocity correlation function responds dramatically at short times to changes in the degree of non-rigidity, but at long times these differences are much less important.  相似文献   


We report on unrestrained molecular dynamics simulations of an RNA tetramer binding to a tetra-nucleotide overhang at the 5′-end of an RNA hairpin (nicked structure) and of the corresponding continuous hairpin with Na+ as counterions. The simulations lead to stable structures and in this way a structural model for the coaxially stacked RNA hairpin is generated. The stacking interface in the coaxially stacked nicked hairpin structure is characterized by a reduced twist and shift and a slightly increased propeller twist as compared to the continuous system. This leads to an increased overlap between C22 and G23 in the stacking interface of the nicked structure. In the simulations the continuous RNA hairpin has an almost straight helical axis. On the other hand, the corresponding axis for the nicked structure exhibits a marked kink of 39°. The stacking interface exhibits no increased flexibility as compared to the corresponding base pair step in the continuous structure.  相似文献   

It may be questioned whether potential models that have been developed independently for two different pure compounds would behave properly when used in computer simulations of mixtures of these compounds. Since they are optimized for the pure compounds there is no guarantee whatsoever that the terms describing the interaction between dissimilar molecules are correct. If the simulational and experimental values of several thermodynamical properties of the mixture relative to those of the pure compounds agree closely, however, this strongly indicates that no separate optimizations need be carried out for the mixtures. Here we present the results of isothermal-isobaric Molecular Dynamics simulations of liquid methanol, water and equimolar methanol-water mixtures, using simple point charge models. The potential parameters of the models for the pure liquids had been independently optimized. No adjustment of parameters was made for the mixture, but nonetheless the experimental volume contraction and excess enthalpy upon mixing were reproduced almost perfectly.  相似文献   

生物大分子的微观结构动力学决定其生物学功能,其力学-化学耦合规律是分子生物力学的重点关注方向。分子动力学模拟是耦合生物大分子力学-化学性质微观结构动力学基础的有效手段,其结果可用于预测结构-功能关系、指导实验设计和诠释实验结果。本文简要介绍了分子动力学模拟的方法学特点、基本工作原理及其在分子生物力学中的应用,并展望了未来可能的发展方向和应用前景。  相似文献   


The quasielastic neutron scattering index β and the modulus of a protein's quasi-electric dipole moment were utilized to quantitate the thermostability of wildtype TC230 and its mutants. Charged residues Arg314, Glu246, Glu291, and some prolines near the C-terminus of the sequence (Pro228, Pro296, and Pro308) were identified to be critical for the thermostability of wildtype TC230 according to these two criteria. By analyzing the molecular conformation changes during the simulation, it was demonstrated how the mutant P228S was destabilized by disrupting two salt-bridges Asp1160Dl-Lys215N and Glu2100El-Lys217N at an adjacent β-turn. The destabilization of P296S also shown to be intimate correlated with the break down of ion pair Lysl88N-Glu2910El. The sensitivity of its electrostatic network to the local structure is an important feature. It reveals that the ‘proline effect’ and electrostatic interactions together influences the thermostability of TC230 a lot.  相似文献   

Using the potential of mean constrained force method, molecular dynamics simulations with atomistic details were performed to examine the partitioning and nature of interactions of two nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, namely aspirin and ibuprofen, in bilayers of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine. Two charge states (neutral and anionic) of the drugs were simulated to understand the effect of protonation or pH on drug partitioning. Both drugs, irrespective of their charge state, were found to have high partition coefficients in the lipid bilayer from water. However, the values and trends of the free energy change and the location of the minima in the bilayer are seen to be influenced by the drug structure and charge state. In the context of the transport of the drugs through the bilayer, the charged forms were found to permeate fully hydrated in contrast to the neutral forms that permeate unhydrated.  相似文献   

A very important part of the living cells of biological systems is the lipid membrane. The mechanical properties of this membrane play an important role in biophysical studies. Investigation as to how the insertion of additional phospholipids in one leaflet of a bilayer affects the physical properties of the obtained asymmetric lipid membrane is of recent practical interest. In this work a coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulation was carried out in order to compute the pressure tensor, the lateral pressure, the surface tension and the first moment of lateral pressure in each leaflet of such a bilayer. Our simulations indicate that adding more phospholipids into one monolayer results in asymmetrical changes in the lateral pressure of the individual bilayer leaflets. Interestingly, it has been observed that a change in phospholipid density in one leaflet affects the physical properties of unperturbed leaflet as well. The asymmetric behavior of the physical properties of the two leaflets as a result of a change in the contribution of the various intermolecular forces in the presence of additional phospholipids may be expressed formally.  相似文献   

The tumor suppressor protein p53 can lose its function upon DNA-contact mutations (R273C and R273H) in the core DNA-binding domain. The activity can be restored by second-site suppressor or rescue mutations (R273C_T284R, R273H_T284R, and R273H_S240R). In this paper, we elucidate the structural and functional consequence of p53 proteins upon DNA-contact mutations and rescue mutations and the underlying mechanisms at the atomic level by means of molecular dynamics simulations. Furthermore, we also apply the docking approach to investigate the binding phenomena between the p53 protein and DNA upon DNA-contact mutations and rescue mutations. This study clearly illustrates that, due to DNA-contact mutants, the p53 structure loses its stability and becomes more rigid than the native protein. This structural loss might affect the p53-DNA interaction and leads to inhibition of the cancer suppression. Rescue mutants (R273C_T284R, R273H_T284R and R273H_S240R) can restore the functional activity of the p53 protein upon DNA-contact mutations and show a good interaction between the p53 protein and a DNA molecule, which may lead to reactivate the cancer suppression function. Understanding the effects of p53 cancer and rescue mutations at the molecular level will be helpful for designing drugs for p53 associated cancer diseases. These drugs should be designed so that they can help to inhibit the abnormal function of the p53 protein and to reactivate the p53 function (cell apoptosis) to treat human cancer.  相似文献   

By directly affecting structure, dynamics and interaction networks of their targets, post-translational modifications (PTMs) of proteins play a key role in different cellular processes ranging from enzymatic activation to regulation of signal transduction to cell-cycle control. Despite the great importance of understanding how PTMs affect proteins at the atomistic level, a systematic framework for treating post-translationally modified amino acids by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, a premier high-resolution computational biology tool, has never been developed. Here, we report and validate force field parameters (GROMOS 45a3 and 54a7) required to run and analyze MD simulations of more than 250 different types of enzymatic and non-enzymatic PTMs. The newly developed GROMOS 54a7 parameters in particular exhibit near chemical accuracy in matching experimentally measured hydration free energies (RMSE = 4.2 kJ/mol over the validation set). Using this tool, we quantitatively show that the majority of PTMs greatly alter the hydrophobicity and other physico-chemical properties of target amino acids, with the extent of change in many cases being comparable to the complete range spanned by native amino acids.  相似文献   

Engineered protein nanopores, such as those based on α-hemolysin from Staphylococcus aureus have shown great promise as components of next-generation DNA sequencing devices. However, before such protein nanopores can be used to their full potential, the conformational dynamics and translocation pathway of the DNA within them must be characterized at the individual molecule level. Here, we employ atomistic molecular dynamics simulations of single-stranded DNA movement through a model α-hemolysin pore under an applied electric field. The simulations enable characterization of the conformations adopted by single-stranded DNA, and allow exploration of how the conformations may impact on translocation within the wild-type model pore and a number of mutants. Our results show that specific interactions between the protein nanopore and the DNA can have a significant impact on the DNA conformation often leading to localized coiling, which in turn, can alter the order in which the DNA bases exit the nanopore. Thus, our simulations show that strategies to control the conformation of DNA within a protein nanopore would be a distinct advantage for the purposes of DNA sequencing.  相似文献   


To study structure-activity relationship of antimicrobial peptides and to design novel antimicrobial peptides with selectivity for bacterial cells, we have performed molecular dynamics simulations of the interaction of Piscidin (Pis1) and its two analogues (Pis1-AA and Pis1-PG) with dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) bilayer through 45 ns. Our results inform us of the detailed location and orientation of the peptide with respect to the bilayer as well as provide about hydrogen-bond-formation patterns and electrostatics interactions. Simulations show that Pis1 and Pis-AA form the most hydrogen bonds and Pis-PG forms the fewest hydrogen bonds with lipid. Thus, Pis1 and Pis-AA should have stronger interactions with the lipid head group when compared to Pis-PG. Experimental studies have shown that Pis1 and Pis1-AA have a high antimicrobial and hemolytic activities, and Pis1-PG has low hemolytic activity while keeps potent antimicrobial activity. Our results complement the previous experimental studies. According to our MD results and previous experimental studies, Pis1 and Pis1-AA are more effective at the zwitterionic bilayer comparing Pis1-PG. These properties of Pis1-PG could be accordance with its low hemolytic activities.  相似文献   

The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a member of the receptor tyrosine kinase family that plays a role in multiple cellular processes. Activation of EGFR requires binding of a ligand on the extracellular domain to promote conformational changes leading to dimerization and transphosphorylation of intracellular kinase domains. Seven ligands are known to bind EGFR with affinities ranging from sub-nanomolar to near micromolar dissociation constants. In the case of EGFR, distinct conformational states assumed upon binding a ligand is thought to be a determining factor in activation of a downstream signaling network. Previous biochemical studies suggest the existence of both low affinity and high affinity EGFR ligands. While these studies have identified functional effects of ligand binding, high-resolution structural data are lacking. To gain a better understanding of the molecular basis of EGFR binding affinities, we docked each EGFR ligand to the putative active state extracellular domain dimer and 25.0 ns molecular dynamics simulations were performed. MM-PBSA/GBSA are efficient computational approaches to approximate free energies of protein-protein interactions and decompose the free energy at the amino acid level. We applied these methods to the last 6.0 ns of each ligand-receptor simulation. MM-PBSA calculations were able to successfully rank all seven of the EGFR ligands based on the two affinity classes: EGF>HB-EGF>TGF-α>BTC>EPR>EPG>AR. Results from energy decomposition identified several interactions that are common among binding ligands. These findings reveal that while several residues are conserved among the EGFR ligand family, no single set of residues determines the affinity class. Instead we found heterogeneous sets of interactions that were driven primarily by electrostatic and Van der Waals forces. These results not only illustrate the complexity of EGFR dynamics but also pave the way for structure-based design of therapeutics targeting EGF ligands or the receptor itself.  相似文献   

The force-induced unfolding of calmodulin (CaM) was investigated at atomistic details with steered molecular dynamics. The two isolated CaM domains as well as the full-length CaM were simulated in N-C-terminal pulling scheme, and the isolated N-lobe of CaM was studied specially in two other pulling schemes to test the effect of pulling direction and compare with relevant experiments. Both Ca2+-loaded CaM and Ca2+-free CaM were considered in order to define the Ca2+ influence to the CaM unfolding. The results reveal that the Ca2+ significantly affects the stability and unfolding behaviors of both the isolated CaM domains and the full-length CaM. In Ca2+-loaded CaM, N-terminal domain unfolds in priori to the C-terminal domain. But in Ca2+-free CaM, the unfolding order changes, and C-terminal domain unfolds first. The force-extension curves of CaM unfolding indicate that the major unfolding barrier comes from conquering the interaction of two EF-hand motifs in both N- and C- terminal domains. Our results provide the atomistic-level insights in the force-induced CaM unfolding and explain the observation in recent AFM experiments.  相似文献   

We have investigated structural and dynamic properties of the synthetic peptide hlF1-11 (GRRRSVQWCA, i.e., the first 11 N-terminal amino acids of the human lactoferrin protein) in water, 250 mM NaCl solution, 50% (V/V) water–trifluoroethanol mixture, and in the membrane mimetic 4:4:1 methanol–chloroform–water mixture. For comparison, we have also performed analogous simulations for the biologically inactive control peptide featuring Ala substitutions in the 2, 3, 6 and 9 positions of the hlF1-11 sequence. Statistical analyses of the trajectories indicate that only in the membrane-mimicking medium hlF1-11 adopts preferentially a conformation suitable to interact effectively with the membrane. In this conformation the peptide cationic region is rather flexible and elongated, while the C-terminal hydrophobic moiety appears as a more rigid hairpin-shaped loop approximately perpendicular to the cationic region. No such conformation is statistically relevant for the control peptide.  相似文献   


Point mutations in the human prion protein gene, leading to amino acid substitutions in the human prion protein contribute to conversion of PrPC to PrPSc and amyloid formation, resulting in prion diseases such as familial Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker disease (GSS), and fatal familial insomnia. We have investigated impressions of prevalent mutations including Q217R, D202N, F198S, on the human prion protein and compared the mutant models with wild types. Structural analyses of models were performed with molecular modeling and molecular dynamics simulation methods. According to our results, frequently occurred mutations are observed in conserved and fully conserved sequences of human prion protein and the most fluctuation values occur in the Helix 1 around residues 144–152 and C-terminal end of the Helix 2. Our analysis of results obtained from MD simulation clearly shows that this long-range effect plays an important role in the conformational fluctuations in mutant structures of human prion protein. Results obtained from molecular modeling such as creation or elimination of some hydrogen bonds, increase or decrease of the accessible surface area and molecular surface, loss or accumulation of negative or positive charges on specific positions, and altering the polarity and pKa values, show that amino acid point mutations, though not urgently change the stability of PrP, might have some local impacts on the protein interactions which are required for oligomerization into fibrillar species.  相似文献   

Cyanovirin-N (CVN) is a highly potent anti-HIV carbohydrate-binding agent that establishes its microbicide activity through interaction with mannose-rich glycoprotein gp120 on the virion surface. The m4-CVN and P51G-m4-CVN mutants represent simple models for studying the high-affinity binding site, BM. A recently determined 1.35 Å high-resolution structure of P51G-m4-CVN provided details on the di-mannose binding mechanism, and suggested that the Arg-76 and Glu-41 residues are critical components of high mannose specificity and affinity. We performed molecular-dynamics simulations in solution and a crystal environment to study the role of Arg-76. Network analysis and clustering were used to characterize the dynamics of Arg-76. The results of our explicit solvent solution and crystal simulations showed a significant correlation with conformations of Arg-76 proposed from x-ray crystallographic studies. However, the crystal simulation showed that the crystal environment strongly biases conformational sampling of the Arg-76 residue. The solution simulations demonstrated no conformational preferences for Arg-76, which would support its critical role as the residue that locks the ligand in the bound state. Instead, a comparative analysis of trajectories from >50 ns of simulation for two mutants revealed the existence of a very stable eight-hydrogen-bond network between the di-mannose ligand and predominantly main-chain atoms. This network may play a key role in the specific recognition and strong binding of mannose oligomers in CVN and its homologs.  相似文献   


A Molecular Dynamics simulation of a 1.1 molal aqueous BeCl2 solution was performed with the flexible BJH model for water and a newly developed three-body potential for Be2+ -H2O interactions derived from ab-initio calculations. The properties of the potential are discussed and radial distribution functions, angular distributions and dynamic properties of the solution like vibrational modes and hindered rotations are analyzed.  相似文献   

In order to perform a molecular dynamics (MD) simulation of the incommensurate crystalline structure hexamethylenetetramine suberate (C 6 H 12 N 4 )(HOOC-(CH 2 ) 6 -COOH), we present in a first step the separate simulations of the crystalline structure of each of the two pure components, hexamethylenetetramine (HMT) and suberic acid. The domain decomposition parallel MD program ddgmq is used for this purpose. A second-generation consistent force field (CFF91) is employed to describe the interactions between atoms. Starting from experimental crystal structures, both pure components were heated from low to high temperatures. Our MD results show that the HMT system can be well represented by CFF91. In the case of suberic acid the layered structure of the crystal is largely preserved although deviations in the unit cell lengths from the experimental values are ~10%. Rather than attempt a complex re-parametrisation of CFF91 we chose to impose a fixed compensating external pressure tensor to correct for the deficiencies of the chosen force field. After optimising this compensating external pressure tensor at one temperature we find that experimental lattice constants and angles can be well reproduced over a range of temperatures.  相似文献   

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