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Major oil spills can have long-term impacts since oil pollution does not only result in acute mortality of marine organisms, but also affects productivity levels, predator-prey dynamics, and damages habitats that support marine communities. However, despite the conservation implications of oil accidents, the monitoring and assessment of its lasting impacts still remains a difficult and daunting task. Here, we used European shags to evaluate the overall, lasting effects of the Prestige oil spill (2002) on the affected marine ecosystem. Using δ 15N and Hg analysis, we trace temporal changes in feeding ecology potentially related to alterations of the food web due to the spill. Using climatic and oceanic data, we also investigate the influence of North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index, the sea surface temperature (SST) and the chlorophyll a (Chl a) on the observed changes. Analysis of δ 15N and Hg concentrations revealed that after the Prestige oil spill, shag chicks abruptly switched their trophic level from a diet based on a high percentage of demersal-benthic fish to a higher proportion of pelagic/semi-pelagic species. There was no evidence that Chl a, SST and NAO reflected any particular changes or severity in environmental conditions for any year or season that may explain the sudden change observed in trophic level. Thus, this study highlighted an impact on the marine food web for at least three years. Our results provide the best evidence to date of the long-term consequences of the Prestige oil spill. They also show how, regardless of wider oceanographic variability, lasting impacts on predator-prey dynamics can be assessed using biochemical markers. This is particularly useful if larger scale and longer term monitoring of all trophic levels is unfeasible due to limited funding or high ecosystem complexity.  相似文献   

In Mediterranean areas, river systems are key for maintaining regional biodiversity by providing a high diversity of habitats. We studied bird community recovery for 9 years (2001–2009) during landscape restoration and Guadiamar Green Corridor establishment in the area affected by the Aznalcóllar mine spill (SW Spain, 1998). One year following plant restoration (3 years after the spill), values for α‐ and β‐bird species diversity were high, sooner than reported for similar restoration processes elsewhere. Species richness, ecological diversity, and abundance increased only slightly in the following 8 years. Overlap between communities in sequential years, measured by similarity indexes, increased throughout the study period to about 70% during final survey years, and most breeding bird species present before the accident again inhabit the area. Only 5 years after the mine accident, bird communities in the restored site were similar in species richness, abundance, and diversity to an unaffected reference site; redundancy analysis demonstrated that bird communities were also similar between the reference river and the Guadiamar. Despite the severity of the mine accident, our results suggest a swift recovery of the bird community. We attribute this success to the rapid restoration of habitat availability and the resilience of the birds. This long‐term study contributes to our limited knowledge of bird species response to habitat restoration following toxic spills in Mediterranean habitats.  相似文献   

Pathogen analysis in wild great apes is both time- and resource-consuming. Therefore, we examined the potential use of urinary neopterin, a sensitive marker of cell-mediated immune system activation, as a disease marker and unspecific screening tool to facilitate informed pathogen analysis in great ape health monitoring. To test this, urinary neopterin was correlated to other disease markers such as sickness behaviors, fever, and urine parameters. Seasonal variation in urinary neopterin levels was investigated as well. The study encompassed noninvasively collected longitudinal data of young wild chimpanzees from the Taï National Park, Côte d´Ivoire. Relationships between disease markers were examined using a linear mixed model and a case study approach. Seasonal variation in urinary neopterin was tested using a linear mixed model. While the linear mixed model found no obvious relationship between urinary neopterin levels and other disease markers, the case study approach revealed a pattern resembling those found in humans. Urinary neopterin levels indicated seasonal immune system activation peaking in times of low ambient temperatures. We suggest the use of urinary neopterin as an unspecific screening tool in great ape health monitoring to identify relevant samples, individuals, and time periods for selective pathogen analysis and zoonotic risk assessment.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Dense nesting cover (DNC) has been a conspicuous component of habitat management for upland-nesting ducks for >30 years, but its benefits for nesting ducks have been contentious. During 1994–1999 we monitored 3,058 dabbling duck (Anas spp.) nests in 84 DNC fields located throughout the Canadian Parklands to examine sources of among-field variation in nest density and nesting success. Nest density averaged 1.51 (SE=0.15) nests/ha and overall nesting success was 20.4%, but there was pronounced annual variation in both estimates. Nesting success increased with increasing field size (range = 6–111 ha), but nest density remained constant. Nest density increased with percent wetland habitat within DNC fields and declined with percent perennial cover in the surrounding 2.4 × 2.4-km landscape, but these variables were not important for predicting nesting success. Nest abundance and nesting success roughly doubled in fields seeded with alfalfa (Medicago sativa) or sweet clovers (Melilotus spp.), but there was no benefit from using native as opposed to tame grasses. We recommend that waterfowl managers in the Canadian Parklands establish DNC with alfalfa in large fields in landscapes with abundant wetlands but minimal competing cover.  相似文献   

The present study had three goals: (i) to evaluate the relative quantities of aerosolized Bacillus atrophaeus spores deposited on the vertical, horizontal top, and horizontal bottom surfaces in a chamber; (ii) to assess the relative recoveries of the aerosolized spores from glass and stainless steel surfaces with a polyester swab and a macrofoam sponge wipe; and (iii) to estimate the relative recovery efficiencies of aerosolized B. atrophaeus spores and Pantoea agglomerans using a foam spatula at several different bacterial loads by aerosol distribution on glass surfaces. The majority of spores were collected from the bottom horizontal surface regardless of which swab type and extraction protocol were used. Swabbing with a macrofoam sponge wipe was more efficient in recovering spores from surfaces contaminated with high bioaerosol concentrations than swabbing with a polyester swab. B. atrophaeus spores and P. agglomerans culturable cells were detected on glass surfaces using foam spatulas when the theoretical surface bacterial loads were 2.88 × 104 CFU and 8.09 × 106 CFU per 100-cm2 area, respectively. The median recovery efficiency from the surfaces using foam spatulas was equal to 9.9% for B. atrophaeus spores when the recovery was calculated relative to the theoretical surface spore load. Using a foam spatula permits reliable sampling of spores on the bioaerosol-exposed surfaces in a wide measuring range. The culturable P. agglomerans cells were recovered with a median efficiency of 0.001%, but staining the swab extracts with fluorescent dyes allowed us to observe that the viable cell numbers were higher by 1.83 log units than culturable organisms. However, additional work is needed to improve the analysis of the foam extracts in order to decrease the limit of detection of Bacillus spores and Gram-negative bacteria on contaminated surfaces.Surface sampling is performed on a frequent basis in all situations where clean environment monitoring is needed, e.g., in health care facilities and in the pharmaceutical industry and food industry. An anthrax bioterrorist event in the fall of 2001 has emphasized the importance of efficient sampling methods for detection of pathogenic microorganisms on surfaces within intentionally contaminated locations (22). Unfortunately, our knowledge on the most effective sampling methodology as well as the level of confidence we may have in the results obtained by wiping, swabbing, and other sample collection strategies is still limited (1). Moreover, in most of the studies performed so far, bacteria and/or spores were collected from test samples or coupons of various materials, inoculated with a suspension of microorganisms that had been placed and spread over the surface, and then dried (14, 15). This may not mimic the true situation of surface contamination by a pathogen that has been intentionally released. Edmonds et al. (12) recently reported lower swabbing efficiencies of different types of swab materials used for sampling glass, polycarbonate, and vinyl surfaces contaminated with dry aerosol-deposited Bacillus atrophaeus spores compared to the surfaces inoculated by spore suspensions. Solid surface contamination from exposure to aerosolized spores fits the real world better than the previous models.Therefore, in our study we decided to generate aerosols of various concentrations of B. atrophaeus spores as well as the vegetative cells of Pantoea agglomerans inside a chamber where the bioaerosol particles were allowed to gravitationally settle on solid surfaces. The aerosolization of P. agglomerans was performed to verify the recovery of Gram-negative bacteria according to the recommendations of Budowle et al. (5). The main goal of our study was to establish the range of detection when bioaerosol-contaminated surfaces were swabbed using a commercially available foam spatula.  相似文献   

We examined the long-term success of prairie planting on a former strip mine in northeastern Illinois. The site was reclaimed and planted with prairie species in the 1970s. Total biomass increased over time, largely as a result of an increase in biomass of non-prairie species. Biomass of prairie species remained unchanged because of an increase in Panicum virgatum (switchgrass) offsetting decreases in Sorghastrum nutans (Indian grass). Total biomass was less than values published for other restored prairies (78 ± 4 g/m2to 298 ± 72 g/m2 for our site, as opposed to 302-489 g/m2 for the Trelease Prairie). Mycorrhizal inoculum potential (MIP) was variable across the site. There were also relatively few species of mycorrhizal fungi present as spores. Gigaspora sp., Scutellospora sp., Glomus sp., Glomus geosporum, and Glomus cf. fasciculatum were identified from spores. On a transect dominated by warm-season (C4) prairie grasses, MIP of rhizosphere soil collected under these species was lower than the MIP of rhizosphere soil collected under exotic cool-season (C3) grasses on a transect dominated by C3 species. On a transect with mixed warm-and cool-season vegetation, however, MIP did not differ under the two vegetation types. These results suggest that within-site patchiness rather than cover type is influencing MIP. Values of MIP were lower than those reported for native Illinois prairie.  相似文献   

A controlled clinical trial has been carried out to compare radical mastectomy with wide excision (extended tylectomy) in the treatment of early breast cancer. Only patients aged 50 and over were included and 370 entered the trial during a period of 10 years. Postoperative radiotherapy was given in each case. In patients with clinically involved axillary nodes there was a significantly higher incidence of local and distant recurrence in those having a wide excision, and the survival of these patients was significantly less than those who had a radical mastectomy. In patients with clinically uninvolved nodes, although there was a significantly higher incidence of local recurrence in those having a wide excision, there was no increased incidence of distant recurrence and the survival rate was similar to those having a radical mastectomy.  相似文献   

The Dreissena-Monitor is a biological early warning system for the aquatic environment. It is based on the valve movements of up to 2 × 42 specimens of the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha, exposed in a flow-through system of 2 experimental channels connected to the water to be tested. A computer records whether a mussel is open or closed. After an analysis period of 5 min, the percentage of open mussels and the number of valve movements are computed as running averages for each experimental channel. With consideration being given to the normal behaviour of the mussels and the response of the system during several toxicity tests, reliable alarm-thresholds were established which are based on dynamic limits. In addition to these alarm functions (including the automatically safekeeping of a water sample) and the primary measurements, the computer fulfils every function necessary for an early warning system, e.g., complete storage and documentation of all data, validity-check of the primary measurements, and graphical presentation of all results. Together with more than 20 biological early warning systems, the Dreissena-Monitor was tested and evaluated by a joint federal government/federal states project group in Germany. As one of three systems, the Dreissena-Monitor is now recommended for implementation at the measuring stations of the ‘German Commission for the Protection of the Rhine Against Pollution.’ Starting in 1992, the Dreissena-Monitor is now applied at 13 water control stations in Germany (Rhine, Elbe, Danube, several tributaries). The experience of the users at the different stations have revealed that the Dreissena-Monitor complies quite well with the main functional requirements of an early warning system: (1) reliable, unattended operation for at least 1 week, (2) ease of handling, (3) an average of less than 3 h of maintenance per week, and (4) automatic detection of alarm situations within 30 min. In particular, the Dreissena-Monitor detected some water alarms at different rivers that give first clues on the sources of emission.  相似文献   

A study has been made of the leaching of Cd, Zn, Pb, and Cu in three representative soils within the zone affected by the spill from a pyrite mine in Aznalcollar (Sevilla, Spain) employing packed soil columns. According to the breakthrough and cumulative leaching curves, the relative mobilities of the different toxic elements in the columns are as follows: Cd> Zn> Cu> Pb. The effect of leaching on the distribution of metals as a function of depth using intact soil cores was also studied. The results showed that the soils themselves have a good capacity for immobilizing the soluble fraction of the elements from the spilled mud. This capacity varied as follows: clayey soil with a high carbonate content > clayey soil with a moderate carbonate content > sandy-clay loam soil with a low carbonate content. However, sandy soils with a low carbonate content could pose a risk to groundwater if initial contamination was high. These results could be considered during the evaluation of remedial technologies for the immobilization of soil metals.  相似文献   

Accurate determination of the evolutionary relationships between genes is a foundational challenge in biology. Homology—evolutionary relatedness—is in many cases readily determined based on sequence similarity analysis. By contrast, whether or not two genes directly descended from a common ancestor by a speciation event (orthologs) or duplication event (paralogs) is more challenging, yet provides critical information on the history of a gene. Since 2009, this task has been the focus of the Quest for Orthologs (QFO) Consortium. The sixth QFO meeting took place in Okazaki, Japan in conjunction with the 67th National Institute for Basic Biology conference. Here, we report recent advances, applications, and oncoming challenges that were discussed during the conference. Steady progress has been made toward standardization and scalability of new and existing tools. A feature of the conference was the presentation of a panel of accessible tools for phylogenetic profiling and several developments to bring orthology beyond the gene unit—from domains to networks. This meeting brought into light several challenges to come: leveraging orthology computations to get the most of the incoming avalanche of genomic data, integrating orthology from domain to biological network levels, building better gene models, and adapting orthology approaches to the broad evolutionary and genomic diversity recognized in different forms of life and viruses.  相似文献   

Numerous molecular, cellular, and physiological biomarkers have been used to assess the responses of marine animals to petroleum compounds. To be used in ecological risk assessment after an oil spill, a biomarker response needs to be linked to petroleum exposure and not strongly influenced by internal and external confounding factors. Biomarker responses to petroleum PAH, dominated by alklated two-and three-ringed aromatics, can be quite different than responses to pyrogenic PAH, dominated by four-and five-ringed aromatics. In many field sites there is a mixture of petrogenic and pyrogenic PAH, along with other contaminants, making it difficult to relate biomarker responses to a particular contaminant class. Biomarkers used to assess marine animal responses in the field include the cytochrome P450 system, heat stress protein, histopathology, and bile fluorescent compounds (FAC). Other biomarkers, including DNA/chromosomal damage and phase 2 enzymes, have been shown to respond after laboratory exposure, but more work needs to be done to demonstrate their usefulness in the field. One of the most useful biomarkers of petroleum exposure are the FAC responses in fish, which can be used to distinguish between petrogenic and pyrogenic PAH exposure. Few of the presently used biomarkers are linked to higher order biological effects, e.g. toxicity, reproductive failure.  相似文献   

Symbiotic associations can be disrupted by disturbance or by changing environmental conditions. Endophytes are fungal and bacterial symbionts of plants that can affect performance. As in more widely known symbioses, acute or chronic stressor exposure might trigger disassociation of endophytes from host plants. We tested this hypothesis by examining the effects of oil exposure following the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill on endophyte diversity and abundance in Spartina alterniflora – the foundational plant in northern Gulf coast salt marshes affected by the spill. We compared bacterial and fungal endophytes isolated from plants in reference areas to isolates from plants collected in areas with residual oil that has persisted for more than three years after the DWH spill. DNA sequence-based estimates showed that oil exposure shifted endophyte diversity and community structure. Plants from oiled areas exhibited near total loss of leaf fungal endophytes. Root fungal endophytes exhibited a more modest decline and little change was observed in endophytic bacterial diversity or abundance, though a shift towards hydrocarbon metabolizers was found in plants from oiled sites. These results show that plant-endophyte symbioses can be disrupted by stressor exposure, and indicate that symbiont community disassembly in marsh plants is an enduring outcome of the DWH spill.  相似文献   

恐怖袭击是一项主要针对平民百姓,旨在造成巨大伤亡的暴力活动.恐怖分子的动机具有政治目的.与犯罪群体不同的是,恐怖分子通过宣称对其行为负责来最大限度地吸引公众的注意力.在所有的恐怖袭击中炸弹是最常见的方式,这对各国的国家安全都带来了巨大威胁.本文对恐怖袭击的特征、恐怖爆炸装置及杀伤破坏作用进行了探讨,并且着重分析了爆炸造成的机体损伤.  相似文献   

Studies have shown a link between living on a farm, exposure to microbial components (e.g., endotoxins or β-d-glucans), and a lower risk for allergic diseases and asthma. Due to the lack of validated sampling methods, studies of asthma and atopy have not relied on exposure assessment based on culture techniques. Our objective was therefore to compare several dust sampling methods for the detection of cultivable-microorganism exposure in stables. Sixteen French farms were sampled using four different methods: (i) active air sampling using a pump, (ii) passive dust sampling with a plastic box, (iii) dust sampling with an electrostatic dust fall collector (wipe), and (iv) dust sampling using a spatula to collect dust already settled on a windowsill. The results showed that collection of settled dust samples with either plastic boxes or wipes was reproducible (pairwise correlations, 0.72 and 0.73, respectively) and resulted in highly correlated results (pairwise correlation between the two methods, 0.82). We also found that settled dust samples collected with a plastic box correctly reflected the composition of the samples collected in the air of the stable when there was no farmer activity. A loss of microbial diversity was observed when dust was kept for 3 months at room temperature. We therefore conclude that measurement of viable microorganisms within a reasonable time frame gives an accurate representation of the microbial composition of stable air.Several studies published in the early 2000s have shown that the risks of becoming atopic and presenting with symptoms of hay fever and asthma are lower for children who spend their early infancy on farms (2, 9, 13, 14, 26, 32). This protective effect was found to be associated with several factors, including contact with farm animals and high-level exposure to microbial components (including endotoxins, extracellular polysaccharides, and glucans) (33). The ALEX (ALlergy and EndotoXin) study showed that continual long-term exposure to stables until the age of 5 years was associated with the lowest frequencies of asthma, hay fever, and atopic sensitization (25). More recently, the PARSIFAL (Prevention of Allergy—Risk Factors for Sensitization Related to Farming and Anthroposophic Lifestyle) study confirmed the inverse association between bacterial endotoxins from mattress dust and atopic wheeze. This association was no longer significant, however, after adjustment for exposure to fungal beta(1,3)-glucans and fungal extracellular polysaccharides (28). In a recent review, von Mutius suggested that mold or other microbial components might modulate immune responses and thereby protect against allergic diseases, as previously suggested for endotoxins (33). Indeed, a study by Sudre et al. showed that huge amounts of pollen, bacteria, and fungi are found in the air of cowsheds (31). Last, this brief overview highlights the facts that (i) only a few antigens and microbial substances have been studied and identified in the cowshed environment so far and (ii) it is likely, given the immunological mechanisms, that other microbes or compounds may be involved in the protective “farming effect.”However, assessment of aerial microbial diversity in a large sample of farms and stables is difficult to perform. Ideally, such assessment would require the measurement of the inhaled dose of fungal spores and bacteria over a substantial period of time for each individual included in a cohort. Because such an approach is not applicable to large cohorts, settled-dust sampling has been proposed in numerous studies as an unsophisticated and cost-effective way to assess long-term exposure to airborne components (10, 11, 15, 17, 29, 30, 34). However, settled-dust analysis is only a surrogate measure for airborne exposure, and distortions between settled-dust and airborne-dust microbial flora should be evaluated. We present here a study aiming to assess whether the microbial composition of dust collected in cowsheds is representative of airborne microbial flora. In this study, we assess the richness and diversity of bacteria and fungi from airborne and settled dust collected by several methods in the cowsheds of 16 French farms during the winter season.  相似文献   

We noninvasively monitored the partial pressure of oxygen (pO2) in rat’s small intestine using a model of chronic mesenteric ischemia by electron paramagnetic resonance oximetry over a 7-day period. The particulate probe lithium octa-n-butoxynaphthalocyanine (LiNc-BuO) was embedded into the oxygen permeable material polydimethyl siloxane by cast-molding and polymerization (Oxy-Chip). A one-time surgical procedure was performed to place the Oxy-Chip on the outer wall of the small intestine (SI). The superior mesenteric artery (SMA) was banded to ~30 % of blood flow for experimental rats. Noninvasive measurement of pO2 was performed at the baseline for control rats or immediate post-banding and on days 1, 3, and 7. The SI pO2 for control rats remained stable over the 7-day period. The pO2 on day-7 was 54.5 ± 0.9 mmHg (mean ± SE). SMA-banded rats were significantly different from controls with a noted reduction in pO2 post banding with a progressive decline to a final pO2 of 20.9 ± 4.5 mmHg (mean ± SE; p = 0.02). All SMA-banded rats developed adhesions around the Oxy-Chip, yet remained asymptomatic. The hypoxia marker Hypoxyprobe? was used to validate the low tissue pO2. Brown cytoplasmic staining was consistent with hypoxia. Mild brown staining was noted predominantly on the villus tips in control animals. SMA-banded rats had an extended region of hypoxic involvement in the villus with a higher intensity of cytoplasmic staining. Deep brown stainings of the enteric nervous system neurons and connective tissue both within layers and in the mesentery were noted. SMA-banded rats with lower pO2 values had a higher intensity of staining. Thus, monitoring SI pO2 using the probe Oxy-Chip provides a valid measure of tissue oxygenation. Tracking pO2 in conditions that produce chronic mesenteric ischemia will contribute to our understanding of intestinal tissue oxygenation and how changes impact symptom evolution and the trajectory of chronic disease.  相似文献   

2002年6~9月,作者在天山山区对伊犁鼠兔以往各定位观测点开展了生存现状和栖息环境变化的调查,与10年前的研究资料作对比研究。结果表明,在曾有伊犁鼠兔分布的6个定位观测区内,仅有1处保持原状,其它3处种群呈现减少趋势,已有2处定位观测区的鼠兔基本消失,其中包括伊犁鼠兔的模式标本产地。根据野外调查的结果初步推算,伊犁鼠兔的数量已由过去的2900只降至1300只左右,成熟个体由2100只降至930只左右,在近10年间伊犁鼠兔的种群数量至少减少了55%以上。目前,伊犁鼠兔是数量减少、种群持续衰退、栖息地被严重分割的受胁物种。受IUCN/SSC兔形目专家组的委托,按新制定的《IUCN物种红色名录濒危等级和标准》(3.1版)重新评估,结果表明,伊犁鼠兔基本符合濒危物种A2abc和C2a(i)项标准,从两方面指标可归为濒危(EN)级物种。  相似文献   

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