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Aging results in a progressive loss of skeletal muscle, a condition known as sarcopenia. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations accumulate with aging in skeletal muscle and correlate with muscle loss, although no causal relationship has been established.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We investigated the relationship between mtDNA mutations and sarcopenia at the gene expression and biochemical levels using a mouse model that expresses a proofreading-deficient version (D257A) of the mitochondrial DNA Polymerase γ, resulting in increased spontaneous mtDNA mutation rates. Gene expression profiling of D257A mice followed by Parametric Analysis of Gene Set Enrichment (PAGE) indicates that the D257A mutation is associated with a profound downregulation of gene sets associated with mitochondrial function. At the biochemical level, sarcopenia in D257A mice is associated with a marked reduction (35–50%) in the content of electron transport chain (ETC) complexes I, III and IV, all of which are partly encoded by mtDNA. D257A mice display impaired mitochondrial bioenergetics associated with compromised state-3 respiration, lower ATP content and a resulting decrease in mitochondrial membrane potential (Δψm). Surprisingly, mitochondrial dysfunction was not accompanied by an increase in mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) production or oxidative damage.


These findings demonstrate that mutations in mtDNA can be causal in sarcopenia by affecting the assembly of functional ETC complexes, the lack of which provokes a decrease in oxidative phosphorylation, without an increase in oxidative stress, and ultimately, skeletal muscle apoptosis and sarcopenia.  相似文献   

Forty-five different point mutations in POLG, the gene encoding the catalytic subunit of the human mitochondrial DNA polymerase (pol γ), cause the early onset mitochondrial DNA depletion disorder, Alpers syndrome. Sequence analysis of the C-terminal polymerase region of pol γ revealed a cluster of four Alpers mutations at highly conserved residues in the thumb subdomain (G848S, c.2542g→a; T851A, c.2551a→g; R852C, c.2554c→t; R853Q, c.2558g→a) and two Alpers mutations at less conserved positions in the adjacent palm subdomain (Q879H, c.2637g→t and T885S, c.2653a→t). Biochemical characterization of purified, recombinant forms of pol γ revealed that Alpers mutations in the thumb subdomain reduced polymerase activity more than 99% relative to the wild-type enzyme, whereas the palm subdomain mutations retained 50–70% wild-type polymerase activity. All six mutant enzymes retained physical and functional interaction with the pol γ accessory subunit (p55), and none of the six mutants exhibited defects in misinsertion fidelity in vitro. However, differential DNA binding by these mutants suggests a possible orientation of the DNA with respect to the polymerase during catalysis. To our knowledge this study represents the first structure-function analysis of the thumb subdomain in pol γ and examines the consequences of mitochondrial disease mutations in this region.As the only DNA polymerase found in animal cell mitochondria, DNA polymerase γ (pol γ)3 bears sole responsibility for DNA synthesis in all replication and repair transactions involving mitochondrial DNA (1, 2). Mammalian cell pol γ is a heterotrimeric complex composed of one catalytic subunit of 140 kDa (p140) and two 55-kDa accessory subunits (p55) that form a dimer (3). The catalytic subunit contains an N-terminal exonuclease domain connected by a linker region to a C-terminal polymerase domain. Whereas the exonuclease domain contains essential motifs I, II, and III for its activity, the polymerase domain comprising the thumb, palm, and finger subdomains contains motifs A, B, and C that are crucial for polymerase activity. The catalytic subunit is a family A DNA polymerase that includes bacterial pol I and T7 DNA polymerase and possesses DNA polymerase, 3′ → 5′ exonuclease, and 5′-deoxyribose phosphate lyase activities (for review, see Refs. 1 and 2). The 55-kDa accessory subunit (p55) confers processive DNA synthesis and tight binding of the pol γ complex to DNA (4, 5).Depletion of mtDNA as well as the accumulation of deletions and point mutations in mtDNA have been observed in several mitochondrial disorders (for review, see Ref. 6). mtDNA depletion syndromes are caused by defects in nuclear genes responsible for replication and maintenance of the mitochondrial genome (7). Mutation of POLG, the gene encoding the catalytic subunit of pol γ, is frequently involved in disorders linked to mutagenesis of mtDNA (8, 9). Presently, more than 150 point mutations in POLG are linked with a wide variety of mitochondrial diseases, including the autosomal dominant (ad) and recessive forms of progressive external ophthalmoplegia (PEO), Alpers syndrome, parkinsonism, ataxia-neuropathy syndromes, and male infertility (tools.niehs.nih.gov/polg) (9).Alpers syndrome, a hepatocerebral mtDNA depletion disorder, and myocerebrohepatopathy are rare heritable autosomal recessive diseases primarily affecting young children (1012). These diseases generally manifest during the first few weeks to years of life, and symptoms gradually develop in a stepwise manner eventually leading to death. Alpers syndrome is characterized by refractory seizures, psychomotor regression, and hepatic failure (11, 12). Mutation of POLG was first linked to Alpers syndrome in 2004 (13), and to date 45 different point mutations in POLG (18 localized to the polymerase domain) are associated with Alpers syndrome (9, 14, 15). However, only two Alpers mutations (A467T and W748S, both in the linker region) have been biochemically characterized (16, 17).During the initial cloning and sequencing of the human, Drosophila, and chicken pol γ genes, we noted a highly conserved region N-terminal to motif A in the polymerase domain that was specific to pol γ (18). This region corresponds to part of the thumb subdomain that tracks DNA into the active site of both Escherichia coli pol I and T7 DNA polymerase (1921). A high concentration of disease mutations, many associated with Alpers syndrome, is found in the thumb subdomain.Here we investigated six mitochondrial disease mutations clustered in the N-terminal portion of the polymerase domain of the enzyme (Fig. 1A). Four mutations (G848S, c.2542g→a; T851A, c.2551a→g; R852C, c.2554c→t; R853Q, c.2558g→a) reside in the thumb subdomain and two (Q879H, c.2637g→t and T885S, c.2653a→t) are located in the palm subdomain. These mutations are associated with Alpers, PEO, mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes (MELAS), ataxia-neuropathy syndrome, Leigh syndrome, and myocerebrohepatopathy (
POLG mutationDiseaseGeneticsReference
G848SAlpers syndromeIn trans with A467T, Q497H, T251I-P587L, or W748S-E1143G in Alpers syndrome15, 35, 4350
Leigh syndromeIn trans with R232H in Leigh syndrome49
MELASIn trans with R627Q in MELAS38
PEO with ataxia-neuropathyIn trans with G746S and E1143G in PEO with ataxia50
PEOIn trans with T251I and P587L in PEO51, 52
T851AAlpers syndromeIn trans with R1047W48, 53
In trans with H277C
R852CAlpers syndromeIn trans with A467T14, 48, 50
In cis with G11D and in trans with W748S-E1143G or A467T
Ataxia-neuropathyIn trans with G11D-R627Q15
R853QMyocerebrohepatopathyIn trans with T251I-P587L15
Q879HAlpers syndrome with valproate-induced hepatic failureIn cis with E1143G and in trans with A467T-T885S35, 54
T885SAlpers syndrome with valproate-induced hepatic failureIn cis with A467T and in trans with Q879H-E1143G35, 54
Open in a separate windowOpen in a separate windowFIGURE 1.POLG mutations characterized in this study. A, the location of the six mutations characterized is shown in red in the primary sequence of pol γ. Four mutations, the G848S, T851A, R852C, and R853Q, are located in the thumb domain, whereas two mutations, the Q879H and T885S, are in the palm domain of the polymerase region. B, sequence alignment of pol γ from yeast to humans. The amino acids characterized in this study are shown in red. Yellow-highlighted amino acids are highly conserved, and blue-highlighted amino acids are moderately conserved.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA Mutations and Pathogenesis   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
Eric A. Schon  Eduardo Bonilla  Salvatore DiMauro 《Journal of bioenergetics and biomembranes》1997,29(2):131-149
Approximately three years ago, this journal published a review on the clinical and molecular analysis of mitochondrial encephalomyopathies, with emphasis on defects in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). At that time, approximately 30 point mutations associated with a variety of maternally-inherited (or rarely, sporadic) disorders had been described. Since that time, almost twenty new pathogenic mtDNA point mutations have been described, and the pace of discovery of such mutations shows no signs of abating. This accumulating body of data has begun to reveal some patterns that may be relevant to pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Length Mutations in Human Mitochondrial DNA   总被引:42,自引:8,他引:42  
R. L. Cann  A. C. Wilson 《Genetics》1983,104(4):699-711
By high-resolution, restriction mapping of mitochondrial DNAs purified from 112 human individuals, we have identified 14 length variants caused by small additions and deletions (from about 6 to 14 base pairs in length). Three of the 14 length differences are due to mutations at two locations within the D loop, whereas the remaining 11 occur at seven sites that are probably within other noncoding sequences and at junctions between coding sequences. In five of the nine regions of length polymorphism, there is a sequence of five cytosines in a row, this sequence being comparatively rare in coding DNA. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that, in most of the polymorphic regions, a given length mutation has arisen several times independently in different human lineages. The average rate at which length mutations have been arising and surviving in the human species is estimated to be many times higher for noncoding mtDNA than for noncoding nuclear DNA. The mystery of why vertebrate mtDNA is more prone than nuclear DNA to evolve by point mutation is now compounded by the discovery of a similar bias toward rapid evolution by length mutation.  相似文献   

High Mitochondrial DNA Stability in B-Cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia     
María Cerezo  Hans-Jürgen Bandelt  Idoia Martín-Guerrero  Maite Ardanaz  Ana Vega  ángel Carracedo  áfrica García-Orad  Antonio Salas 《PloS one》2009,4(11)


Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) leads to progressive accumulation of lymphocytes in the blood, bone marrow, and lymphatic tissues. Previous findings have suggested that the mtDNA could play an important role in CLL.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control-region was analyzed in lymphocyte cell DNA extracts and compared with their granulocyte counterpart extract of 146 patients suffering from B-Cell CLL; B-CLL (all recruited from the Basque country). Major efforts were undertaken to rule out methodological artefacts that would render a high false positive rate for mtDNA instabilities and thus lead to erroneous interpretation of sequence instabilities. Only twenty instabilities were finally confirmed, most of them affecting the homopolymeric stretch located in the second hypervariable segment (HVS-II) around position 310, which is well known to constitute an extreme mutational hotspot of length polymorphism, as these mutations are frequently observed in the general human population. A critical revision of the findings in previous studies indicates a lack of proper methodological standards, which eventually led to an overinterpretation of the role of the mtDNA in CLL tumorigenesis.


Our results suggest that mtDNA instability is not the primary causal factor in B-CLL. A secondary role of mtDNA mutations cannot be fully ruled out under the hypothesis that the progressive accumulation of mtDNA instabilities could finally contribute to the tumoral process. Recommendations are given that would help to minimize erroneous interpretation of sequencing results in mtDNA studies in tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA Evolution in Mice     
Stephen D. Ferris  Richard D. Sage  Ellen M. Prager  Uzi Ritte    Allan C. Wilson 《Genetics》1983,105(3):681-721
This study extends knowledge of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) diversity in mice to include 208 animals belonging to eight species in the subgenus Mus. Highly purified mtDNA from each has been subjected to high-resolution restriction mapping with respect to the known sequence of one mouse mtDNA. Variation attributed to base substitutions was encountered at about 200 of the 300 cleavage sites examined, and a length mutation was located in or near the displacement loop. The variability of different functional regions in this genome was as follows, from least to most: ribosomal RNA, transfer RNA, known proteins, displacement loop and unidentified reading frames.—Phylogenetic analysis confirmed the utility of the Sage and Marshall revision of mouse classification, according to which there are at least four species of commensal mice and three species of aboriginal mice in the complex that was formerly considered to be one species. The most thoroughly studied of these species is Mus domesticus, the house mouse of Western Europe and the Mediterranean region, which is the mitochondrial source of all 50 of the laboratory strains examined and of the representatives of wild house mice introduced by Europeans to North and South America during the past few hundred years.—The level of mtDNA variation among wild representatives of (M. musculus) and several other mammalian species. By contrast, among the many laboratory strains that are known or suspected to stem from the pet mouse trade, there is little interstrain variation, most strains having the "old inbred" type of domesticus mtDNA, whose frequency in the 145 wild mice examined is low, about 0.04. Also notable is the apparent homogeneity of mtDNA in domesticus races that have fixed six or more fused chromosomes and the close relationship of some of these mtDNAs to those of karyotypically normal mice.—In addition, this paper discusses fossil and other evidence for the view that in mice, as in many other mammals, the average rate of point mutational divergence in mtDNA is 2–4% per million years. From this, it is estimated that the commensal association between mice and our ancestors began more than a million years ago, i.e., at an early stage in the evolution of Homo erectus.  相似文献   

Irradiated Compared with Nonirradiated NSG Mice for the Development of a Human B-Cell Lymphoma Model     
Deepti Chadalavada  Trinka W Adamson  John C Burnett  Robert W Chen  John J Rossi 《Comparative medicine》2014,64(3):179-185
NOD.Cg-Prkdcscid Il2rgtm1Wjl/SzJ (NSG) mice are a superior strain for the engraftment of human tumors, as they provide an ideal model to explore the potency, toxicity, and dosage of therapeutic drugs. Although whole-body nonlethal irradiation is often performed to enhance engraftment, the need for irradiation to establish a human B-cell lymphoma model using the NSG strain has not been addressed. In the current study, a mouse model of B-cell lymphoma was established by intravenous injection of human B-cell lymphoma Z138 cells into mice with and without irradiation. Tumor development, signs of engraftment, survivability of engrafted mice, histopathology, and immunohistochemistry were evaluated. Potential sex-associated variations in the model were assessed also. Irradiation of NSG mice did not enhance tumor cell engraftment, and nonirradiated animals had increased survivability. Mice with irradiation survived for a median of 27 d before being euthanized due to signs of morbidity, whereas those without irradiation had a median survival of 35 d. Both irradiated and nonirradiated mice were normal in activity until 3 wk after the injection of cells. At that time, the mice started to show signs of lymphoma including ruffled fur, decreased activity, and hindlimb paralysis. There were no significant differences in evaluated parameters between male and female mice. Therefore, we conclude that a model of B-cell lymphoma can successfully be established by using Z138 cells in nonirradiated male and female NSG mice.Abbreviations: NHL, nonHodgkin lymphoma; NSG, NOD.Cg-Prkdcscid Il2rgtm1Wjl/SzJThe National Cancer Institute defines nonHodgkin lymphoma (NHL) as cancer of lymphocytes, and it affects various organs of the immune system, including lymph nodes, spleen, and bone marrow. The several different forms of NHL include slow-progressing, fast-progressing, B-cell, and T-cell types.6 Mantle cell lymphoma is a rare type of aggressive B-cell lymphoma (occurring in about 6% of lymphoma patients in the United States2) and is extremely difficult to treat. Patients with mantle cell lymphoma are treated with chemotherapeutic drugs, radiotherapy and transplantation of bone marrow,7 but the lymphoma relapses after 3 to 4 y in nearly 50% of the patients.4 Therefore, it is essential to develop strategies for enhancing the therapeutic options in patients with B-cell lymphoma and specific drugs that can cure the disease or prevent its relapse. Because animal experiments enable the preclinical testing of promising therapeutics for subsequent evaluation in humans, the development of an appropriate animal model is crucial.Mice engrafted with human tumors act as a model for testing various therapeutic drugs for their potency, toxicity, and dosing.1 Severe immunodeficient mice (SCID) mice have widely been used to disseminate tumor cells in vivo,13 where the cells are engrafted via intravenous injection.10,24 These mice have been used to develop a mouse model for human Burkitt lymphoma (a type of B-cell lymphoma) by using the Daudi cell line or SU-DHL-4 cells.23 In these experiments, hindlimb paralysis and solid tumor development were observed as characteristic signs of lymphoma in the engrafted mice.9,23 Whereas one group observed hindlimb paralysis even without irradiation of mice, the other did not see this development in any of their nonirradiated animals.23 However, irradiation altered the pattern of tumor growth and the animals’ responses to various chemotherapeutic drugs. It also led to variations in the animals’ immune status in general and made them more susceptible to thyomas.23 Therefore, whether to irradiate mice prior to the injection of B-cell lymphoma cells has been a topic of debate.The development of NOD.Cg-Prkdcscid Il2rgtm1Wjl/SzJ (NSG) mice has provided a valuable tool for the development of a B-cell lymphoma model, because they lack mature B and T cells and various cytokines such as IL2, 4, 7, 9, 15, and 21, leading to impaired development of NK cells.14,20 Some studies have shown that irradiating mice prior to the injection of various tumor cells enhances the engraftment and growth rate of the tumor,3,21 but immunocompromised mice, especially NSG mice, are known to be sensitive to irradiation and subsequently may manifest increased morbidity and mortality.12 In addition, the irradiation process can cause considerable distress in mice, and many institutions and IACUC require close monitoring and special care of mice after irradiation.16 In our lab, mice routinely are provided with nutritional and fluid supplements and are placed on heating pads after irradiation, to prevent dehydration and death. Given irradiation''s potential negative effect on animal health and the irradiation-associated variations reported in similar animal models, the elimination of irradiation may yield a less stressful and more reliable model for NHL.The objective of the current study was to compare irradiated and nonirradiated NSG mice as a model for a specific type of B-cell NHL, mantle cell lymphoma. We evaluated engraftment, the development of clinical signs, and survival and potential sex-associated differences in each of those parameters in both irradiated and nonirradiated NSG mice injected with Z138 (mantle cell lymphoma) cells.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA Mutations Provoke Dominant Inhibition of Mitochondrial Inner Membrane Fusion     
Cécile Sauvanet  Stéphane Duvezin-Caubet  Bénédicte Salin  Claudine David  Aurélie Massoni-Laporte  Jean-Paul di Rago  Manuel Rojo 《PloS one》2012,7(11)
Mitochondria are highly dynamic organelles that continuously move, fuse and divide. Mitochondrial dynamics modulate overall mitochondrial morphology and are essential for the proper function, maintenance and transmission of mitochondria and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). We have investigated mitochondrial fusion in yeast cells with severe defects in oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) due to removal or various specific mutations of mtDNA. We find that, under fermentative conditions, OXPHOS deficient cells maintain normal levels of cellular ATP and ADP but display a reduced mitochondrial inner membrane potential. We demonstrate that, despite metabolic compensation by glycolysis, OXPHOS defects are associated to a selective inhibition of inner but not outer membrane fusion. Fusion inhibition was dominant and hampered the fusion of mutant mitochondria with wild-type mitochondria. Inhibition of inner membrane fusion was not systematically associated to changes of mitochondrial distribution and morphology, nor to changes in the isoform pattern of Mgm1, the major fusion factor of the inner membrane. However, inhibition of inner membrane fusion correlated with specific alterations of mitochondrial ultrastructure, notably with the presence of aligned and unfused inner membranes that are connected to two mitochondrial boundaries. The fusion inhibition observed upon deletion of OXPHOS related genes or upon removal of the entire mtDNA was similar to that observed upon introduction of point mutations in the mitochondrial ATP6 gene that are associated to neurogenic ataxia and retinitis pigmentosa (NARP) or to maternally inherited Leigh Syndrome (MILS) in humans. Our findings indicate that the consequences of mtDNA mutations may not be limited to OXPHOS defects but may also include alterations in mitochondrial fusion. Our results further imply that, in healthy cells, the dominant inhibition of fusion could mediate the exclusion of OXPHOS-deficient mitochondria from the network of functional, fusogenic mitochondria.  相似文献   

The Role of Mitochondrial DNA Mutations in Hearing Loss     
Yu Ding  Jianhang Leng  Fan Fan  Bohou Xia  Pan Xu 《Biochemical genetics》2013,51(7-8):588-602
Mutations in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) are one of the most important causes of hearing loss. Of these, the homoplasmic A1555G and C1494T mutations at the highly conserved decoding site of the 12S rRNA gene are well documented as being associated with either aminoglycoside-induced or nonsyndromic hearing loss in many families worldwide. Moreover, five mutations associated with nonsyndromic hearing loss have been identified in the tRNASer(UCN) gene: A7445G, 7472insC, T7505C, T7510C, and T7511C. Other mtDNA mutations associated with deafness are mainly located in tRNA and protein-coding genes. Failures in mitochondrial tRNA metabolism or protein synthesis were observed from cybrid cells harboring these primary mutations, thereby causing the mitochondrial dysfunctions responsible for deafness. This review article provides a detailed summary of mtDNA mutations that have been reported in deafness and further discusses the molecular mechanisms of these mtDNA mutations in deafness expression.  相似文献   

Mutations in FBXL4 Cause Mitochondrial Encephalopathy and a Disorder of Mitochondrial DNA Maintenance     
Penelope?E. Bonnen  John?W. Yarham  Arnaud Besse  Ping Wu  Eissa?A. Faqeih  Ali?Mohammad Al-Asmari  Mohammad?A.M. Saleh  Wafaa Eyaid  Alrukban Hadeel  Langping He  Frances Smith  Shu Yau  Eve?M. Simcox  Satomi Miwa  Taraka Donti  Khaled?K. Abu-Amero  Lee-Jun Wong  William?J. Craigen  Brett?H. Graham  Kenneth?L. Scott  Robert McFarland  Robert?W. Taylor 《American journal of human genetics》2013,93(3):471-481

Mutations in FBXL4 Cause Mitochondrial Encephalopathy and a Disorder of Mitochondrial DNA Maintenance     
Penelope?E. Bonnen  John?W. Yarham  Arnaud Besse  Ping Wu  Eissa?A. Faqeih  Ali?Mohammad Al-Asmari  Mohammad?A.M. Saleh  Wafaa Eyaid  Alrukban Hadeel  Langping He  Frances Smith  Shu Yau  Eve?M. Simcox  Satomi Miwa  Taraka Donti  Khaled?K. Abu-Amero  Lee-Jun Wong  William?J. Craigen  Brett?H. Graham  Kenneth?L. Scott  Robert McFarland  Robert?W. Taylor 《American journal of human genetics》2013,93(4):773

Genetic Analysis of 63 Mutations Affecting Maize Kernel Development Isolated from Mutator Stocks   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
M. J. Scanlon  P. S. Stinard  M. G. James  A. M. Myers    D. S. Robertson 《Genetics》1994,136(1):281-294
Sixty-three mutations affecting development of the maize kernel were isolated from active Robertson's Mutator (Mu) stocks. At least 14 previously undescribed maize gene loci were defined by mutations in this collection. Genetic mapping located 53 of these defective kernel (dek) mutations to particular chromosome arms, and more precise map determinations were made for 21 of the mutations. Genetic analyses identified 20 instances of allelism between one of the novel mutations and a previously described dek mutation, or between new dek mutations identified in this study; phenotypic variability was observed in three of the allelic series. Viability testing of homozygous mutant kernels identified numerous dek mutations with various pleiotropic effects on seedling and plant development. The mutations described here presumably arose by insertion of a Mu transposon within a dek gene; thus, many of the affected loci are expected to be accessible to molecular cloning via transposon-tagging.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA Variation Dictates Expressivity and Progression of Nuclear DNA Mutations Causing Cardiomyopathy     
Meagan J. McManus  Martin Picard  Hsiao-Wen Chen  Hans J. De Haas  Prasanth Potluri  Jeremy Leipzig  Atif Towheed  Alessia Angelin  Partho Sengupta  Ryan M. Morrow  Brett A. Kauffman  Marc Vermulst  Jagat Narula  Douglas C. Wallace 《Cell metabolism》2019,29(1):78-90.e5

Identification of rad27 Mutations That Confer Differential Defects in Mutation Avoidance, Repeat Tract Instability, and Flap Cleavage          下载免费PDF全文
Yali Xie  Yuan Liu  Juan Lucas Argueso  Leigh A. Henricksen  Hui-I Kao  Robert A. Bambara    Eric Alani 《Molecular and cellular biology》2001,21(15):4889-4899
In eukaryotes, the nuclease activity of Rad27p (Fen1p) is thought to play a critical role in lagging-strand DNA replication by removing ribonucleotides present at the 5' ends of Okazaki fragments. Genetic analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae also has identified a role for Rad27p in mutation avoidance. rad27Delta mutants display both a repeat tract instability phenotype and a high rate of forward mutations to canavanine resistance that result primarily from duplications of DNA sequences that are flanked by direct repeats. These observations suggested that Rad27p activities in DNA replication and repair could be altered by mutagenesis and specifically assayed. To test this idea, we analyzed two rad27 alleles, rad27-G67S and rad27-G240D, that were identified in a screen for mutants that displayed repeat tract instability and mutator phenotypes. In chromosome stability assays, rad27-G67S strains displayed a higher frequency of repeat tract instabilities relative to CAN1 duplication events; in contrast, the rad27-G240D strains displayed the opposite phenotype. In biochemical assays, rad27-G67Sp displayed a weak exonuclease activity but significant single- and double-flap endonuclease activities. In contrast, rad27-G240Dp displayed a significant double-flap endonuclease activity but was devoid of exonuclease activity and showed only a weak single-flap endonuclease activity. Based on these observations, we hypothesize that the rad27-G67S mutant phenotypes resulted largely from specific defects in nuclease function that are important for degrading bubble intermediates, which can lead to DNA slippage events. The rad27-G240D mutant phenotypes were more difficult to reconcile to a specific biochemical defect, suggesting a structural role for Rad27p in DNA replication and repair. Since the mutants provide the means to relate nuclease functions in vitro to genetic characteristics in vivo, they are valuable tools for further analyses of the diverse biological roles of Rad27p.  相似文献   

Reversion of Frameshift Mutations by Mutator Genes in Escherichia coli   总被引:15,自引:6,他引:9  
Eli C. Siegel  Freja Kamel 《Journal of bacteriology》1974,117(3):994-1001
The Escherichia coli mutator genes mutU4, mutS3, and mut-25 (a possible allele of mutL), previously known to induce transitional base changes, increased significantly the frequencies of reversion of lacZ frameshift mutations. mutT1, previously shown to induce only the transversion of adenine-thymine to cytosine-guanine, had no effect on the reversion of lacZ frameshift mutations. With mutator genes other than mutT1, small increases were found in the frequencies of reversion of trpA frameshift mutations.  相似文献   

Mutations in FBXL4 Cause Mitochondrial Encephalopathy and a Disorder of Mitochondrial DNA Maintenance     
Penelope E. Bonnen  John W. Yarham  Arnaud Besse  Ping Wu  Eissa A. Faqeih  Ali Mohammad Al-Asmari  Mohammad A.M. Saleh  Wafaa Eyaid  Alrukban Hadeel  Langping He  Frances Smith  Shu Yau  Eve M. Simcox  Satomi Miwa  Taraka Donti  Khaled K. Abu-Amero  Lee-Jun Wong  William J. Craigen  Brett H. Graham  Kenneth L. Scott  Robert McFarland  Robert W. Taylor 《American journal of human genetics》2013

Separation-of-Function Mutations in Saccharomyces cerevisiae MSH2 That Confer Mismatch Repair Defects but Do Not Affect Nonhomologous-Tail Removal during Recombination          下载免费PDF全文
Barbara Studamire  Gavrielle Price  Neal Sugawara  James E. Haber    Eric Alani 《Molecular and cellular biology》1999,19(11):7558-7567
Yeast Msh2p forms complexes with Msh3p and Msh6p to repair DNA mispairs that arise during DNA replication. In addition to their role in mismatch repair (MMR), the MSH2 and MSH3 gene products are required to remove 3' nonhomologous DNA tails during genetic recombination. The mismatch repair genes MSH6, MLH1, and PMS1, whose products interact with Msh2p, are not required in this process. We have identified mutations in MSH2 that do not disrupt genetic recombination but confer a strong defect in mismatch repair. Twenty-four msh2 mutations that conferred a dominant negative phenotype for mismatch repair were isolated. A subset of these mutations mapped to residues in Msh2p that were analogous to mutations identified in human nonpolyposis colorectal cancer msh2 kindreds. Approximately half of the these MMR-defective mutations retained wild-type or nearly wild-type activity for the removal of nonhomologous DNA tails during genetic recombination. The identification of mutations in MSH2 that disrupt mismatch repair without affecting recombination provides a first step in dissecting the Msh-effector protein complexes that are thought to play different roles during DNA repair and genetic recombination.  相似文献   

Recessive Mutations in TRMT10C Cause Defects in Mitochondrial RNA Processing and Multiple Respiratory Chain Deficiencies     
Metodi?D. Metodiev  Kyle Thompson  Charlotte?L. Alston  Andrew?A.M. Morris  Langping He  Zarah Assouline  Marlène Rio  Nadia Bahi-Buisson  Angela Pyle  Helen Griffin  Stefan Siira  Aleksandra Filipovska  Arnold Munnich  Patrick?F. Chinnery  Robert McFarland  Agnès R?tig  Robert?W. Taylor 《American journal of human genetics》2016,98(5):993-1000

Recessive Mutations in TRMT10C Cause Defects in Mitochondrial RNA Processing and Multiple Respiratory Chain Deficiencies     
Metodi?D. Metodiev  Kyle Thompson  Charlotte?L. Alston  Andrew?A.M. Morris  Langping He  Zarah Assouline  Marlène Rio  Nadia Bahi-Buisson  Angela Pyle  Helen Griffin  Stefan Siira  Aleksandra Filipovska  Arnold Munnich  Patrick?F. Chinnery  Robert McFarland  Agnès R?tig  Robert?W. Taylor 《American journal of human genetics》2016,99(1):246

Random Point Mutations with Major Effects on Protein-Coding Genes Are the Driving Force behind Premature Aging in mtDNA Mutator Mice     
Daniel Edgar  Irina Shabalina  Yolanda Camara  Anna Wredenberg  Maria Antonietta Calvaruso  Leo Nijtmans  Jan Nedergaard  Barbara Cannon  Nils-Gran Larsson  Aleksandra Trifunovic 《Cell metabolism》2009,10(2):131-138

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