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Climate-induced warming of the Arctic tundra is expected to increase nutrient availability to soil microbes, which in turn may accelerate soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition. We increased nutrient availability via fertilization to investigate the microbial response via soil enzyme activities. Specifically, we measured potential activities of seven enzymes at four temperatures in three soil profiles (organic, organic/mineral interface, and mineral) from untreated native soils and from soils which had been fertilized with nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) since 1989 (23 years) and 2006 (six years). Fertilized plots within the 1989 site received annual additions of 10 g N⋅m-2⋅year-1 and 5 g P⋅m-2⋅year-1. Within the 2006 site, two fertilizer regimes were established – one in which plots received 5 g N⋅m-2⋅year-1 and 2.5 g P⋅m-2⋅year-1 and one in which plots received 10 g N⋅m-2⋅year-1 and 5 g P⋅m-2⋅year-1. The fertilization treatments increased activities of enzymes hydrolyzing carbon (C)-rich compounds but decreased phosphatase activities, especially in the organic soils. Activities of two enzymes that degrade N-rich compounds were not affected by the fertilization treatments. The fertilization treatments increased ratios of enzyme activities degrading C-rich compounds to those for N-rich compounds or phosphate, which could lead to changes in SOM chemistry over the long term and to losses of soil C. Accelerated SOM decomposition caused by increased nutrient availability could significantly offset predicted increased C fixation via stimulated net primary productivity in Arctic tundra ecosystems.  相似文献   

Soil nitrogen (N) availability and pH constitute major abiotic controls over microbial community composition and activity in tundra ecosystems. On the other hand, mammalian grazers form an important biotic factor influencing resource coupling between plants and soil microorganisms. To investigate individual effects and interactions among soil nutrients, pH, and grazing on tundra soils, we performed factorial treatments of fertilization, liming, and grazer exclusion in the field for 3 years at 2 contrasting tundra habitats, acidic (N-poor) and non-acidic (N-rich) tundra heaths. The effects of all treatments were small in the non-acidic tundra heaths. In the acidic tundra heaths, fertilization decreased the fungal:bacterial ratio as analyzed by soil PLFAs, but there were no effects of liming. Fertilization increased soil N concentrations more drastically in ungrazed than grazed plots, and in parallel, fertilization decreased the fungal:bacterial ratio to a greater extent in the ungrazed plots. Liming, on the other hand, partly negated the effects of fertilization on both soil N concentrations and PLFAs. Fertilization drastically increased the activity of phenol oxidase, a microbial enzyme synthesized for degradation of soil phenols, in grazed plots, but had no effect in ungrazed plots. Taken together, our results demonstrate that grazers have the potential to regulate the fungal:bacterial ratio in soils through influencing N availability for the soil microorganisms.  相似文献   

Little is known about the contribution of bacteria and fungi to decomposition of different carbon compounds in arctic soils, which are an important carbon store and possibly vulnerable to climate warming. Soil samples from a subarctic tundra heath were incubated with 13C-labeled glucose, acetic acid, glycine, starch, and vanillin, and the incorporation of 13C into different phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA; indicative of growth) and neutral lipid fatty acids (NLFA; indicative of fungal storage) was measured after 1 and 7 days. The use of 13C-labeled substrates allowed the addition of substrates at concentrations low enough not to affect the total amount of PLFA. The label of glucose and acetic acid was rapidly incorporated into the PLFA in a pattern largely corresponding to the fatty acid concentration profile, while glycine and especially starch were mainly taken up by bacteria and not fungi, showing that different groups of the microbial community were responsible for substrate utilization. The 13C-incorporation from the complex substrates (starch and vanillin) increased over time. There was significant allocation of 13C into the fungal NLFA, except for starch. For glucose, acetic acid, and glycine, the allocation decreased over time, indicating use of the storage products, whereas for vanillin incorporation into fungal NLFA increased during the incubation. In addition to providing information on functioning of the microbial communities in an arctic soil, our study showed that the combination of PLFA and NLFA analyses yields additional information on the dynamics of substrate degradation.Bacteria and fungi comprise more than 90% of the soil microbial biomass and are the main agents for decomposition of organic matter in soil. Until recently it was thought that these two organism groups could be lumped together in this respect, and total microbial biomass or total activity (respiration) was often the only variable included in soil microbiology studies of decomposition and soil organic matter turnover (39). However, there is increasing evidence suggesting that whether decomposition is performed by bacteria or fungi, thereby channeling energy through the bacterial or the fungal food web, has profound effects on the ecosystem. Such effects can have direct influence on the higher trophic levels in the food web (30) or indirect effects on nutrient mineralization rates (14) and nutrient transfer (19, 20), and they can even determine the extent of carbon sequestration in the soil (37). The situation becomes even more complex when the impact of changes in climate, nitrogen availability, and litter input on the balance between bacteria and fungi is taken into account. The Arctic region has been identified as an area that will be especially vulnerable to these changes (3).Little is known about the contribution of bacteria and fungi to the utilization of plant-derived carbon substrates in arctic soils. Differentiation of the bacterial and fungal contributions to decomposition has hitherto relied to a large extent on changes in bacterial and fungal biomasses, for example, by analysis of patterns of phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) (40). PLFA are components of the cell membrane, and some of the PLFA extracted from the soil are characteristic for a certain microbial group in the environment. However, for changes in PLFA concentrations after the addition of substrates to be detected, substrates often have to be added at unrealistically large amounts. Even then only small changes in the PLFA concentrations will often be detected (35).One way of overcoming these problems is to follow the incorporation of 13C label from added substrates into specific fatty acids (8, 17). This approach adds a new dimension—metabolic function—to the study of soil microbial communities without the need of cultivation. It also increases the sensitivity in tracing responses of organism groups to different substrates as the addition of substrates at low and more realistic concentrations with high specific 13C label will induce large changes in the 13C concentration of the PLFA without changing the total amount of PLFA.Carbon-13 labeling has been used to follow uptake of recent photosynthates (11, 13, 27), pure substrates (10, 12, 32, 33, 41), and complex labeled plant material (28, 41, 43, 44) into PLFA although seldom in arctic soils. However, microorganisms incorporate carbon not only into phospholipids (indicating growth) but also into storage products, for example, when a nutrient other than carbon is limiting growth or under growth-restricting conditions. Thus, with excess carbon both bacteria and fungi will store carbon for later need, for example, as polyhydroxyalkanoate or glycogen (bacteria) and triacylglycerols (fungi). Thus, neutral lipid fatty acids (NLFA) of fungal origin can be used to indicate storage in fungi (4). Degraded PLFA, resulting in diacylglycerols, will also end up in the corresponding NLFA fraction, and NLFA has thus been suggested as an indicator of recently dead bacterial biomass (42). Therefore, the NLFA/PLFA ratio serves two purposes: for fungal lipids a higher NLFA/PLFA ratio would indicate allocation of lipids to energy storage while for bacterial lipids it would indicate turnover of this bacterial group. However, the latter will probably be of minor importance during short incubations. As far as we know, no studies on soil microorganisms have used incorporation of 13C from substrates to indicate both effects on growth (incorporation into PLFA) and storage (incorporation into NLFA).We assessed the uptake of 13C-labeled substrates into lipid biomarkers of different microbial groups in a laboratory incubation experiment using soil from an arctic tundra heath. The selected substrates represented carbon sources present in soil. Glucose, acetic acid, and glycine are simple compounds common in plant root exudates, and glycine is also a nitrogen source. Starch is a very common polysaccharide in plant residues. Vanillin is a common product of lignin depolymerization (18) containing a phenol ring and is often used as a model substance to indicate lignin degradation. Starch and vanillin are therefore examples of more complex substrates and are supposedly more difficult to decompose. We followed the incorporation of the label into different PLFA and NLFA over time. We hypothesized that 13C from the simple compounds would be more rapidly incorporated into microbial PLFA than 13C from the more complex substrates (more rapid growth), and thus we expected 13C emanating from the complex substrates to increase in concentration in the PLFA and NLFA over time. We also hypothesized that bacteria would be better than fungi in utilizing simple compounds while the label from the more complex substrates would preferentially be incorporated into PLFA, indicating fungi (6, 29). We also expected 13C from the C-rich substrates to be incorporated into NLFA (fungal storage) to a larger extent than C from glycine, which also serves as a nitrogen source (4). However, with time the carbon in storage structures would decrease as it would be used for growth or maintenance energy.  相似文献   

Herbivores impact nutrient availability and cycling, and the net effect of herbivory on soil nutrients is generally assumed to be positive in nutrient-rich environments and negative in nutrient-poor ones. This is, however, far from a uniform pattern, and there is a recognized need to investigate any interactive effects of herbivory and habitat fertility (i.e., plant C/N ratios) on soil nutrient availabilities. We determined long-term effects of reindeer on soil extractable nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) and their net mineralization rates along a fertility gradient of plant carbon (C) to N and P ratios in arctic tundra. Our results showed that reindeer had a positive effect on soil N in the more nutrient-poor sites and a negative effect on soil P in the more nutrient-rich sites, which contrasts from the general consensus. The increase in N availability was linked to a decrease in plant and litter C/N ratios, suggesting that a shift in vegetation composition toward more graminoids favors higher N cycling. Soil P availability was not as closely linked to the vegetation and is likely regulated more by herbivore-induced changes in soil physical and chemical properties. The changes in soil extractable N and P resulted in higher soil N/P ratios, suggesting that reindeer could drive the vegetation toward P-limitation. This research highlights the importance of including both the elements N and P and conducting studies along environmental gradients in order to better understand the interactive effects of herbivory and habitat fertility on nutrient cycling and primary production.  相似文献   

Adjustment of pot culture nutrient solutions increased root colonization and sporulation of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi. Paspalum notatum Flugge and VAM fungi were grown in a sandy soil low in N and available P. Hoagland nutrient solution without P enhanced sporulation in soil and root colonization of Acaulospora longula, Scutellospora heterogama, Gigaspora margarita, and a wide range of other VAM fungi over levels produced by a tap water control or nutrient solutions containing P. However, Glomus intraradices produced significantly more spores in plant roots in the tap water control treatment. The effect of the nutrient solutions was not due solely to N nutrition, because the addition of NH4NO3 decreased both colonization and sporulation by G. margarita relative to levels produced by Hoagland solution without P.  相似文献   

Lin  Yang  Slessarev  Eric W.  Yehl  Scott T.  D’Antonio  Carla M.  King  Jennifer Y. 《Ecosystems》2019,22(4):754-766
Ecosystems - Elevated nutrient deposition often increases primary productivity in terrestrial ecosystems and thus has the potential to increase the flux of carbon (C) into soils. An important step...  相似文献   

气候变化导致长白山苔原由灌木苔原向灌草苔原演化,对土壤呼吸及碳循环造成了重要影响。为了明确植被变化对苔原土壤呼吸的影响,该研究选取了长白山苔原典型的群落,测定分析了不同草本植物盖度下的土壤呼吸的季节动态变化及差异。结果表明:(1)在生长季,3个群落下不同变化阶段样地的土壤呼吸速率均有明显的动态变化,均呈单峰型变化特征;草本植物盖度增加没有改变土壤呼吸的季节动态变化趋势。(2)草本植物盖度增加对土壤呼吸速率有显著影响,随着草本植物盖度的增加,土壤呼吸速率也逐渐增大。(3)不同植物群落下土壤呼吸不同,在草本植物盖度相同的条件下土壤呼吸速率依次为:牛皮杜鹃 小叶章群落>牛皮杜鹃 地榆群落>笃斯越桔 苔草群落。(4)不同群落草本植物盖度增加对土壤呼吸的增速效应不同,牛皮杜鹃 小叶章群落的土壤呼吸增速最快,笃斯越桔 苔草群落的次之,牛皮杜鹃 地榆群落最小;草本植物盖度的增加也使3个群落之间土壤呼吸的差值出现明显的变化。  相似文献   

The addition of 0.25, 0.5, or 1.0% glucose to a soil (K) amended with either 6% kaolinite (K6K) or montmorillonite (K6M) or the adjustment of the C/N ratio of the soils from 23/1 to 10/1 with NH4NO3 eliminated the inhibition of Aspergillus niger by Serratia marcescens, regardless of whether the fungus and bacterium were inoculated into the same or separate sites in the soils. The adjustment of the C/N ratio to 15/1 or of the C/P ratio from 1,000/1 to 100/1 with KH2PO4 did not eliminate the antagonism. However, with the higher glucose and NH4NO3 amendments, S. marcescens died out in the K and K6K (but not in the K6M) soils, apparently due to reductions in pH that resulted from the increased metabolism induced by added nutrients. In soils amended with CaCO3, S. marcescens did not die out, but the inhibition of A. niger by S. marcescens or Agrobacterium radiobacter was eliminated or reduced by the addition of glucose, but not of NH4NO3, and was influenced by the clay mineralogy and pH of the soils. When NH4NO3 was added to the soils adjusted with CaCO3 to pH values above 6.0, growth of A. niger was inhibited, regardless of whether bacteria were present or not, as a result of the volatilization of NH3. Bacillus cereus and another species of Bacillus did not inhibit A. niger under any of the environmental conditions. There was a direct correlation between the degree of inhibition and the rate of glucose utilization by the various bacteria, indicating that the antagonism of A. niger by some bacteria in soil was the result primarily of a competition for carbon and that this competition was influenced by other environmental factors, such as pH and clay mineralogy.  相似文献   

Surfactants are well known to increase solubility/mobility of hydrocarbons and can be used to remediate contaminated water and soil. We wanted to explore if Ivey sol® 106 used at less than the critical micelle concentration (CMC) could effectively mobilize PAH (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) from contaminated soil. The first step was to establish a measurement technique. Hence, a column leaching method was undertaken to investigate mobility of PAH-contaminated soil from a former gaswork facility. The methodology was based on a recycled flow of aqueous solution containing CaCl2 0.01M through two different soil columns. In the first column test, the free desorption of hydrocarbons was studied by recycling the solution through the soil column with a peristaltic pump and with a liquid/solid ratio of 2, based on ISO/DIS 18772. The solution was replaced with new solution every three days to aid desorption.

In the second column test, the set-up was similar with the exception of the aforementioned recycling solution. In this case, a second column was filled with a resin, Amberlite XAD-2, which captures PAHs entering the solution through the soil column, cleaning it of hydrocarbons (induced desorption). The results obtained for induced desorption and free desorption with reposition showed that liberation of PAHs in the presence of resins was higher (7%) as opposed to free desorption (below 0.3%). These two experiments demonstrated low mobilization of PAHs.

A third column test was performed using a non ionic surfactant, Ivey-sol® 106, 100 μg g?1 of soil below the CMC in the recycling solution. The introduction of Ivey-sol® 106 at 0.005%w/v increased desorption of PAHs to 32%, thus demonstrating the potential for increased bioavailability of the PAHs for bioremediation of the soil.  相似文献   

Calcium is an important nutrient that can be limiting in many forest ecosystems, where acid deposition and other natural and anthropogenic activities have resulted in significant soil calcium depletion. Calcium’s critical role in physiological and structural processes and its limited mobility and storage in many organisms, make it a potential driver of ecosystem structure and function, but little is known about how changes in soil calcium affect community composition, especially in terrestrial vertebrates. The aim of this study was to establish relationships between the abundances of forest songbird species and soil calcium and to elucidate linking mechanisms by establishing simultaneous relationships with trophic and habitat variables. We measured soil calcium and pH, calcium-rich invertebrate abundances, vegetation, and songbird abundances at 14 interior forest sites across central Pennsylvania representing a range of soil calcium levels. Bird community composition varied with soil calcium and pH, with 10 bird species having the highest abundances in forests with high calcium soils, and five species having the highest abundances with low calcium soils. Bird species associated with low-calcium soils were associated with high densities of mountain laurel (Kalmia latifolia), an acid-loving shrub, whereas bird species associated with high-calcium soils were associated with high densities of saplings and high basal area of acid-sensitive tree species. Homogenization of soil conditions through land-use patterns and soil calcium depletion pose the risk of reducing the beta diversity of bird species across forest areas because community composition varied with soil calcium.  相似文献   

Effects of arbuscular mycorrhzal (AM) fungi on plant growth and nutrition are well-known, but their effects on the wider soil biota are less clear. This is in part due to difficulties with establishing appropriate non-mycorrhizal controls in the field. Here we present results of a field experiment using a new approach to overcome this problem. A previously well-characterized mycorrhizal defective tomato mutant (rmc) and its mycorrhizal wildtype progenitor (76R MYC+) were grown at an organic fresh market tomato farm (Yolo County, CA). At the time of planting, root in-growth cores amended with different levels of N and P, were installed between experimental plants to study localized effects of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal tomato roots on soil ecology. Whilst fruit yield and vegetative production of the two genotypes were very similar at harvest, there were large positive effects of colonization of roots by AM fungi on plant nutrient contents, especially P and Zn. The presence of roots colonized by AM fungi also resulted in improved aggregate stability by increasing the fraction of small macroaggregates, but only when N was added. Effects on the wider soil community including nematodes, fungal biomass as indicated by ergosterol, microbial biomass C, and phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) profiles were less pronounced. Taken together, these data show that AM fungi provide important ecosystem functions in terms of plant nutrition and aggregate stability, but that a change in this one functional group had only a small effect on the wider soil biota. This indicates a high degree of stability in soil communities of this organic farm.  相似文献   

Nutrient availability in the arctic is expected to increase in the next century due to accelerated decomposition associated with warming and, to a lesser extent, increased nitrogen deposition. To explore how changes in nutrient availability affect ecosystem carbon (C) cycling, we used radiocarbon to quantify changes in belowground C dynamics associated with long-term fertilization of graminoid-dominated tussock tundra at Toolik Lake, Alaska. Since 1981, yearly fertilization with nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) has resulted in a shift to shrub-dominated vegetation. These combined changes have altered the quantity and quality of litter inputs, the vertical distribution and dynamics of fine roots, and the decomposition rate of soil organic C. The loss of C from the deep organic and mineral soil has more than offset the C accumulation in the litter and upper organic soil horizons. In the litter and upper organic horizons, radiocarbon measurements show that increased inputs resulted in overall C accumulation, despite being offset by increased decomposition in some soil pools. To reconcile radiocarbon observations in the deeper organic and mineral soil layers, where most of the ecosystem C loss occurred, both a decrease in input of new root material and a dramatic increase of decomposition rates in centuries-old soil C pools were required. Therefore, with future increases in nutrient availability, we may expect substantial losses of C which took centuries to accumulate.  相似文献   

Scant information is available on how soil phosphorus (P) availability responds to atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition, especially in the tropical zones. This study examined the effect of N addition on soil P availability, and compared this effect between forest sites of contrasting land‐use history. Effects of N addition on soil properties, litterfall production, P release from decomposing litter, and soil P availability were studied in a disturbed (reforested pine forest with previous understory vegetation and litter harvesting) and a rehabilitated (reforested mixed pine/broadleaf forest with no understory vegetation and litter harvesting) tropical forest in southern China. Experimental N‐treatments (above ambient) were the following: Control (no N addition), N50 (50 kg N ha?1 yr?1), and N100 (100 kg N ha?1 yr?1). Results indicated that N addition significantly decreased soil P availability in the disturbed forest. In the rehabilitated forest, however, soil P availability was significantly increased by N addition. Decreases in soil P availability may be correlated with decreases in rates of P release from decomposing litter in the N‐treated plots, whereas the increase in soil P availability was correlated with an increase in litterfall production. Our results suggest that response of soil P availability to N deposition in the reforested tropical forests in southern China may vary greatly with temporal changes in tree species composition and soil nutrient status, caused by different land‐use practices.  相似文献   

Northern permafrost soils contain important carbon stocks. Here we report the long-term response of carbon stocks in high Arctic dwarf shrub tundra to short-term, low-level nutrient enrichment. Twenty years after experimental nitrogen addition, carbon stocks in vegetation and organic soil had almost halved. In contrast, where phosphorus was added with nitrogen, carbon storage increased by more than 50%. These responses were explained by changes in the depths of the moss and organic soil layers. Nitrogen apparently stimulated decomposition, reducing carbon stocks, whilst phosphorus and nitrogen co-stimulated moss productivity, increasing organic matter accumulation. The altered structure of moss and soil layers changed soil thermal regimes, which may further influence decomposition of soil carbon. If climate warming increases phosphorus availability, any increases in nitrogen enrichment from soil warming or expanding human activity in the Arctic may result in increased carbon sequestration. Where phosphorus is limiting in tundra areas, however, nitrogen enrichment may result in carbon loss.  相似文献   

Libbey  Kaitlin  Hernández  Daniel L. 《Ecosystems》2021,24(6):1348-1360
Ecosystems - Prairies converted from agriculture are known to accumulate carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) and are an important contribution to terrestrial C sequestration. However, estimates of decadal...  相似文献   

蕨类植物碳氮磷化学计量特征及其与土壤养分的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨蕨类植物碳氮磷化学计量特征与土壤养分的关系,对福建省亚热带森林林下芒萁和乌毛蕨地上部分和地下部分的碳、氮、磷(C、N、P)含量和0~10 cm和10~20 cm两个土层的养分含量进行了测定。结果表明,无论是芒萁还是乌毛蕨,地上部分的N、P含量均高于地下部分,而C含量则无显著差异,导致地上部分的C∶N和C∶P均低于地下部分。与乌毛蕨相比,芒萁地上部分的N、P含量更低,地上和地下部分的C含量、C∶N和C∶P以及N、P含量的变异系数和表型可塑性指数则更高,表明芒萁采取了较高的养分利用效率和"表现最大化"的策略,而乌毛蕨则选择了较低的养分利用效率和"表现维持"的方式。两种蕨类植物地上和地下部分的N含量与土壤N含量(0~20 cm)均无显著相关。芒萁两个部位的P含量则均与土壤P含量(0~10 cm和10~20 cm)呈显著正相关,乌毛蕨P含量总体上与土壤P含量的相关性不显著(除地下部分的P含量与10~20 cm土层的P含量呈弱的正相关外)。这表明芒萁具有作为亚热带森林土壤P库指示植物的潜力。  相似文献   

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