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Transient receptor potential vanilloid (TRPV) channels, which include the thermosensitive TRPV1–V4, have large cytoplasmic regions flanking the transmembrane domain, including an N-terminal ankyrin repeat domain. We show that a multiligand binding site for ATP and calmodulin previously identified in the TRPV1 ankyrin repeat domain is conserved in TRPV3 and TRPV4, but not TRPV2. Accordingly, TRPV2 is insensitive to intracellular ATP, while, as previously observed with TRPV1, a sensitizing effect of ATP on TRPV4 required an intact binding site. In contrast, ATP reduced TRPV3 sensitivity and potentiation by repeated agonist stimulations. Thus, ATP and calmodulin, acting through this conserved binding site, are key players in generating the different sensitivity and adaptation profiles of TRPV1, TRPV3, and TRPV4. Our results suggest that competing interactions of ATP and calmodulin influence channel sensitivity to fluctuations in calcium concentration and perhaps even metabolic state. Different feedback mechanisms likely arose because of the different physiological stimuli or temperature thresholds of these channels.  相似文献   

Inada H  Procko E  Sotomayor M  Gaudet R 《Biochemistry》2012,51(31):6195-6206
The TRPV4 calcium-permeable cation channel plays important physiological roles in osmosensation, mechanosensation, cell barrier formation, and bone homeostasis. Recent studies reported that mutations in TRPV4, including some in its ankyrin repeat domain (ARD), are associated with human inherited diseases, including neuropathies and skeletal dysplasias, probably because of the increased constitutive activity of the channel. TRPV4 activity is regulated by the binding of calmodulin and small molecules such as ATP to the ARD at its cytoplasmic N-terminus. We determined structures of ATP-free and -bound forms of human TRPV4-ARD and compared them with available TRPV-ARD structures. The third inter-repeat loop region (Finger 3 loop) is flexible and may act as a switch to regulate channel activity. Comparisons of TRPV-ARD structures also suggest an evolutionary link between ARD structure and ATP binding ability. Thermal stability analyses and molecular dynamics simulations suggest that ATP increases stability in TRPV-ARDs that can bind ATP. Biochemical analyses of a large panel of TRPV4-ARD mutations associated with human inherited diseases showed that some impaired thermal stability while others weakened ATP binding ability, suggesting molecular mechanisms for the diseases.  相似文献   

Ankyrin repeat domain-encoding genes are common in the eukaryotic and viral domains of life, but they are rare in bacteria, the exception being a few obligate or facultative intracellular Proteobacteria species. Despite having a reduced genome, the arthropod strains of the alphaproteobacterium Wolbachia contain an unusually high number of ankyrin repeat domain-encoding genes ranging from 23 in wMel to 60 in wPip strain. This group of genes has attracted considerable attention for their astonishing large number as well as for the fact that ankyrin proteins are known to participate in protein-protein interactions, suggesting that they play a critical role in the molecular mechanism that determines host-Wolbachia symbiotic interactions. We present a comparative evolutionary analysis of the wMel-related ankyrin repeat domain-encoding genes present in different Drosophila-Wolbachia associations. Our results show that the ankyrin repeat domain-encoding genes change in size by expansion and contraction mediated by short directly repeated sequences. We provide examples of intra-genic recombination events and show that these genes are likely to be horizontally transferred between strains with the aid of bacteriophages. These results confirm previous findings that the Wolbachia genomes are evolutionary mosaics and illustrate the potential that these bacteria have to generate diversity in proteins potentially involved in the symbiotic interactions.  相似文献   

Designed ankyrin repeat proteins (DARPins) that specifically bind to almost any target can be obtained by ribosome display or phage display from combinatorial libraries. Although DARPins are already very stable molecules, molecular dynamics simulations, equilibrium denaturation experiments, structural studies, and recent NMR experiments suggested that the unfolding of the original C-terminal capping repeat (C-cap), taken from a natural ankyrin repeat protein, limits the stability of the initial DARPin design. Several point mutations had been introduced to optimize the C-cap and were shown to indeed further increase the stability of DARPins. We now determined crystal structures of DARPins with one or three full-consensus internal repeats (NI1C or NI3C) between an N-terminal capping repeat and mutants of the C-cap. An NI1C mutant, in which the C-cap was only extended by three additional helix-forming residues, showed no structural change but reduced B-factors in the C-cap. An NI3C C-cap mutant carrying five additional mutations in the interface to the preceding repeat, previously designed by using the consensus sequence as a guide, showed a rigid-body movement of the C-cap towards the internal repeat. This movement results in an increased buried surface area and a superior surface complementarity and explains the improved stability in equilibrium unfolding, compared to the original C-cap. A C-cap mutant with three additional mutations introducing suitably spaced charged residues did not show formation of salt bridges, explaining why its stability was not increased further. These structural studies underline the importance of repeat coupling for stability and help in the further design of this protein family.  相似文献   

S-Acylation is a major post-translational modification affecting several cellular processes. It is particularly important for neuronal functions. This modification is catalyzed by a family of transmembrane S-acyltransferases that contain a conserved zinc finger DHHC (zDHHC) domain. Typically, eukaryote genomes encode for 7–24 distinct zDHHC enzymes, with two members also harboring an ankyrin repeat (AR) domain at their cytosolic N termini. The AR domain of zDHHC enzymes is predicted to engage in numerous interactions and facilitates both substrate recruitment and S-acylation-independent functions; however, the sequence/structural features recognized by this module remain unknown. The two mammalian AR-containing S-acyltransferases are the Golgi-localized zDHHC17 and zDHHC13, also known as Huntingtin-interacting proteins 14 and 14-like, respectively; they are highly expressed in brain, and their loss in mice leads to neuropathological deficits that are reminiscent of Huntington''s disease. Here, we report that zDHHC17 and zDHHC13 recognize, via their AR domain, evolutionary conserved and closely related sequences of a [VIAP][VIT]XXQP consensus in SNAP25, SNAP23, cysteine string protein, Huntingtin, cytoplasmic linker protein 3, and microtubule-associated protein 6. This novel AR-binding sequence motif is found in regions predicted to be unstructured and is present in a number of zDHHC17 substrates and zDHHC17/13-interacting S-acylated proteins. This is the first study to identify a motif recognized by AR-containing zDHHCs.  相似文献   

Kidney Ankyrin Repeat-containing Proteins (KANKs) comprise a family of four evolutionary conserved proteins (KANK1 to 4) that localize to the belt of mature focal adhesions (FAs) where they regulate integrin-mediated adhesion, actomyosin contractility, and link FAs to the cortical microtubule stabilization complex (CMSC). The human KANK proteins were first identified in kidney and have been associated with kidney cancer and nephrotic syndrome. Here, we report the distributions and subcellular localizations of the four Kank mRNAs and proteins in mouse tissues. We found that the KANK family members display distinct and rarely overlapping expression patterns. Whereas KANK1 is expressed at the basal side of epithelial cells of all tissues tested, KANK2 expression is mainly observed at the plasma membrane and/or cytoplasm of mesenchymal cells and KANK3 exclusively in vascular and lymphatic endothelial cells. KANK4 shows the least widespread expression pattern and when present, overlaps with KANK2 in contractile cells, such as smooth muscle cells and pericytes. Our findings show that KANKs are widely expressed in a cell type-specific manner, which suggests that they have cell- and tissue-specific functions.  相似文献   

Ankryin repeat proteins comprise tandem arrays of a 33-residue, predominantly α-helical motif that stacks roughly linearly to produce elongated and superhelical structures. They function as scaffolds mediating a diverse range of protein-protein interactions, and some have been proposed to play a role in mechanical signal transduction processes in the cell. Here we use atomic force microscopy and molecular-dynamics simulations to investigate the natural 7-ankyrin repeat protein gankyrin. We find that gankyrin unfolds under force via multiple distinct pathways. The reactions do not proceed in a cooperative manner, nor do they always involve fully stepwise unfolding of one repeat at a time. The peeling away of half an ankyrin repeat, or one or more ankyrin repeats, occurs at low forces; however, intermediate species are formed that are resistant to high forces, and the simulations indicate that in some instances they are stabilized by nonnative interactions. The unfolding of individual ankyrin repeats generates a refolding force, a feature that may be more easily detected in these proteins than in globular proteins because the refolding of a repeat involves a short contraction distance and incurs a low entropic cost. We discuss the origins of the differences between the force- and chemical-induced unfolding pathways of ankyrin repeat proteins, as well as the differences between the mechanics of natural occurring ankyrin repeat proteins and those of designed consensus ankyin repeat and globular proteins.  相似文献   

Ankyrin repeat containing proteins are one of the most abundant solenoid folds. Usually implicated in specific protein-protein interactions, these proteins are readily amenable for design, with promising biotechnological and biomedical applications. Studying repeat protein families presents technical challenges due to the high sequence divergence among the repeating units. We developed and applied a systematic method to consistently identify and annotate the structural repetitions over the members of the complete Ankyrin Repeat Protein Family, with increased sensitivity over previous studies. We statistically characterized the number of repeats, the folding of the repeat-arrays, their structural variations, insertions and deletions. An energetic analysis of the local frustration patterns reveal the basic features underlying fold stability and its relation to the functional binding regions. We found a strong linear correlation between the conservation of the energetic features in the repeat arrays and their sequence variations, and discuss new insights into the organization and function of these ubiquitous proteins.  相似文献   

Ankyrin repeat (ANK) C3HC4-type RING finger (RF) genes comprise a large family in plants and play important roles in various physiological processes of plant life. In this study, we identified 187 ANK C3HC4-type RF proteins from 29 species with complete genomes and named the ANK C3HC4-type RF proteins the XB3-like proteins because they are structurally related to the rice (Oryza sativa) XB3. A phylogenetic relationship analysis suggested that the XB3-like genes originated from ferns, and the encoded proteins fell into 3 major groups. Among these groups, we found that the spacing between the metal ligand position 6 and 7, and the conserved residues, which was in addition to the metal ligand amino acids, in the C3HC4-type RF were different. Using a wide range of protein structural analyses, protein models were established, and all XB3-like proteins were found to contain two to seven ANKs and a C3HC4-type RF. The microarray data for the XB3-like genes of Arabidopsis, Oryza sative, Zea mays and Glycine max revealed that the expression of XB3-like genes was in different tissues and during different life stages. The preferential expression of XB3-like genes in specified tissues and the response to phytohormone and abiotic stress treatments of Arabidopsis and Zea mays not only confirmed the microarray analysis data but also demonstrated that the XB3-like proteins play roles in plant growth and development as well as in stress responses. Our data provide a very useful reference for the identification and functional analysis of members of this gene family and also provide a new method for the genome-wide analysis of gene families.  相似文献   

Ankyrin repeat domain protein 2 (ANKRD2) translocates from the nucleus to the cytoplasm upon myogenic induction. Overexpression of ANKRD2 inhibits C2C12 myoblast differentiation. However, the mechanism by which ANKRD2 inhibits myoblast differentiation is unknown. We demonstrate that the primary myoblasts of mdm (muscular dystrophy with myositis) mice (pMBmdm) overexpress ANKRD2 and ID3 (inhibitor of DNA binding 3) proteins and are unable to differentiate into myotubes upon myogenic induction. Although suppression of either ANKRD2 or ID3 induces myoblast differentiation in mdm mice, overexpression of ANKRD2 and inhibition of ID3 or vice versa is insufficient to inhibit myoblast differentiation in WT mice. We identified that ANKRD2 and ID3 cooperatively inhibit myoblast differentiation by physical interaction. Interestingly, although MyoD activates the Ankrd2 promoter in the skeletal muscles of wild-type mice, SREBP-1 (sterol regulatory element binding protein-1) activates the same promoter in the skeletal muscles of mdm mice, suggesting the differential regulation of Ankrd2. Overall, we uncovered a novel pathway in which SREBP-1/ANKRD2/ID3 activation inhibits myoblast differentiation, and we propose that this pathway acts as a critical determinant of the skeletal muscle developmental program.  相似文献   

Transient receptor potential vanilloid subtype I (TRPV1) is a thermosensory ion channel that is also gated by chemical substances such as vanilloids. Adjacent to the channel gate, this polymodal thermoTRP channel displays a TRP domain, referred to as AD1, that plays a role in subunit association and channel gating. Previous studies have shown that swapping the AD1 in TRPV1 with the cognate from the TRPV2 channel (AD2) reduces protein expression and produces a nonfunctional chimeric channel (TRPV1-AD2). Here, we used a stepwise, sequential, cumulative site-directed mutagenesis approach, based on rebuilding the AD1 domain in the TRPV1-AD2 chimera, to unveil the minimum number of amino acids needed to restore protein expression and polymodal channel activity. Unexpectedly, we found that virtually full restitution of the AD1 sequence is required to reinstate channel expression and responses to capsaicin, temperature, and voltage. This strategy identified E692, R701, and T704 in the TRP domain as important for TRPV1 activity. Even conservative mutagenesis at these sites (E692D/R701K/T704S) impaired channel expression and abolished TRPV1 activity. However, the sole mutation of these positions in the TRPV1-AD2 chimera (D692E/K701R/S704T) was not sufficient to rescue channel gating, implying that other residues in the TRP domain are necessary to endow activity to TRPV1-AD2. A biophysical analysis of a functional chimera suggested that mutations in the TRP domain raised the energetics of channel gating by altering the coupling of stimuli sensing and pore opening. These findings indicate that inter- and/or intrasubunit interactions in the TRP domain are essential for correct TRPV1 gating.  相似文献   

Ankyrin repeat and LEM-domain containing protein 1 (ANKLE1) is a GIY-YIG endonuclease with unknown functions, mainly expressed in mouse hematopoietic tissues. To test its potential role in hematopoiesis we generated Ankle1-deficient mice. Ankle1Δ/Δ mice are viable without any detectable phenotype in hematopoiesis. Neither hematopoietic progenitor cells, myeloid and lymphoid progenitors, nor B and T cell development in bone marrow, spleen and thymus, are affected in Ankle1Δ/Δ-mice. Similarly embryonic stress erythropoiesis in liver and adult erythropoiesis in bone marrow and spleen appear normal. To test whether ANKLE1, like the only other known GIY-YIG endonuclease in mammals, SLX1, may contribute to Holliday junction resolution during DNA repair, Ankle1-deficient cells were exposed to various DNA-damage inducing agents. However, lack of Ankle1 did not affect cell viability and, unlike depletion of Slx1, Ankle1-deficiency did not increase sister chromatid exchange in Bloom helicase-depleted cells. Altogether, we show that lack of Ankle1 does neither affect mouse hematopoiesis nor DNA damage repair in mouse embryonic fibroblasts, indicating a redundant or non-essential function of ANKLE1 in mouse.  相似文献   

N-myristoyltransferase (NMT) plays critical roles in the modulation of various signaling molecules, however, the regulation of this enzyme in diverse cellular states remains poorly understood. We provide experimental evidence to show for the first time that for the isoform 1 of human NMT (hNMT1), the regulatory roles extend into the catalytic core. In our present study, we expressed, purified, and characterized a truncation mutant devoid of 28 N-terminal amino acids from the catalytic module (Δ28-hNMT1s) and compared its properties to the full-length catalytic domain of hNMT1. The deletion of the N-terminal peptide had no effect on the enzyme stability. Our findings suggest that the N-terminal region in the catalytic module of hNMT1 functions serves as a regulatory control element. The observations of an ~3 fold increase in enzymatic efficiency following removal of the N-terminal peptide of hNMT1s indicates that N-terminal amino acids acts as an inhibitory segment and negatively regulate the enzyme activity. Our findings that the N-terminal region confers control over activity, taken together with the earlier observations that the N-terminal of hNMT1 is differentially processed in diverse cellular states, suggests that the proteolytic processing of the peptide segment containing the inhibitory region provides a molecular mechanism for physiological up-regulation of myristoyltransferase activity.  相似文献   

The c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) are involved in many biological processes such as proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, and inflammation and occur in highly similar isoforms in eukaryotic cells. Isoform-specific functions and diseases have been reported for individual JNK isoforms mainly from gene-knockout studies in mice. There is, however, a high demand for intracellular inhibitors with high selectivity to improve the understanding of isoform-specific mechanisms and for use as therapeutic tools. The commonly used JNK inhibitors are based on small molecules or peptides that often target the conserved ATP binding site or docking sites and thus show only moderate selectivity. To target novel binding epitopes, we used designed ankyrin repeat proteins (DARPins) to generate alternative intracellular JNK inhibitors that discriminate two very similar isoforms, JNK1 and JNK2. DARPins are small binding proteins that are well expressed, stable, and cysteine-free, which makes them ideal candidates for applications in the reducing intracellular environment. We performed ribosome display selections against JNK1α1 and JNK2α1 using highly diverse combinatorial libraries of DARPins. The selected binders specifically recognize either JNK1 or JNK2 or both isoforms in vitro and in mammalian cells. All analyzed DARPins show affinities in the low nanomolar range and isoform-specific inhibition of JNK activation in vitro at physiological ATP concentrations. Importantly, DARPins that selectively inhibit JNK activation in human cells were also identified. These results emphasize the great potential of DARPins as a novel class of highly specific intracellular inhibitors of distinct enzyme isoforms for use in biological studies and as possible therapeutic leads.  相似文献   

Ankyrin repeat proteins are elastic materials that unfold and refold sequentially, repeat by repeat, under force. Herein we use atomistic molecular dynamics to compare the mechanical properties of the 7-ankyrin-repeat oncoprotein Gankyrin in isolation and in complex with its binding partner S6-C. We show that the bound S6-C greatly increases the resistance of Gankyrin to mechanical stress. The effect is specific to those repeats of Gankyrin directly in contact with S6-C, and the mechanical ‘hot spots’ of the interaction map to the same repeats as the thermodynamic hot spots. A consequence of stepwise nature of unfolding and the localized nature of ligand binding is that it impacts on all aspects of the protein''s mechanical behavior, including the order of repeat unfolding, the diversity of unfolding pathways accessed, the nature of partially unfolded intermediates, the forces required and the work transferred to the system to unfold the whole protein and its parts. Stepwise unfolding thus provides the means to buffer repeat proteins and their binding partners from mechanical stress in the cell. Our results illustrate how ligand binding can control the mechanical response of proteins. The data also point to a cellular mechano-switching mechanism whereby binding between two partner macromolecules is regulated by mechanical stress.  相似文献   

《Journal of molecular biology》2019,431(15):2852-2868
Recombinant therapeutic proteins are playing an ever-increasing role in the clinic. High-affinity binding candidates can be produced in a high-throughput manner through the process of selection and evolution from large libraries, but the structures of the complexes with target protein can only be determined for a small number of them in a costly, low-throughput manner, typically by x-ray crystallography. Reliable modeling of complexes would greatly help to understand their mode of action and improve them by further engineering, for example, by designing bi-paratopic binders. Designed ankyrin repeat proteins (DARPins) are one such class of antibody mimetics that have proven useful in the clinic, in diagnostics and research. Here we have developed a standardized procedure to model DARPin–target complexes that can be used to predict the structures of unknown complexes. It requires only the sequence of a DARPin and a structure of the unbound target. The procedure includes homology modeling of the DARPin, modeling of the flexible parts of a target, rigid body docking to ensembles of the target and docking with a partially flexible backbone. For a set of diverse DARPin–target complexes tested it generated a single model of the complex that well approximates the native state of the complex. We provide a protocol that can be used in a semi-automated way and with tools that are freely available. The presented concepts should help to accelerate the development of novel bio-therapeutics for scaffolds with similar properties.  相似文献   

Ankyrin repeat (AR) proteins are one of the most abundant classes of repeat proteins and are involved in numerous physiological processes. These proteins are composed of various numbers of AR motifs stacked in a nearly linear fashion to adopt an elongated and nonglobular architecture. One salient feature prevalent in such a structural unit is the TPLH tetrapeptide or a close variant, T/SxxH, which initiates the helix-turn-helix conformation and presumably contributes to conformational stability through a hydrogen-bonding network. In the present study, we investigated the roles of T/SxxH motif in the stability, structure, and function of AR proteins by a systematic and rationalized mutagenic study on, followed by biochemical and biophysical characterization of, gankyrin, an oncogenic protein composed of seven ARs and six T/SxxH tetrapeptides, and P16, a tumor suppressor with four ARs but no TPLH tetrapeptide. Our results showed that this tetrapeptide is ineffectual on global structure and function, but contributes significantly to conformational stability when its stabilizing potentials are fully realized in the local conformation, including (1) the intra-AR hydrogen bonding involving the hydroxyl group; (2) the intra-AR and inter-AR hydrogen bonds involving the imidazole ring; and (3) the hydrophobic interaction associated with the Thr-methyl group. Considering that the capping and close-to-capping units tend to have more sequence diversity and more conformational variation, it could be also generally true that a T/SxxH motif close to the terminal repeats contributes little or even negatively to stability with respect to Ala substitution, but substantially stabilizes the global conformation when located in the middle of a long stretch of ARs.  相似文献   

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