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We previously showed that HIV-1 subtype C viruses elicit potent but highly type-specific neutralizing antibodies (nAb) within the first year of infection. In order to determine the specificity and evolution of these autologous nAbs, we examined neutralization escape in four individuals whose responses against the earliest envelope differed in magnitude and potency. Neutralization escape occurred in all participants, with later viruses showing decreased sensitivity to contemporaneous sera, although they retained sensitivity to new nAb responses. Early nAb responses were very restricted, occurring sequentially and targeting only two regions of the envelope. In V1V2, limited amino acid changes often involving indels or glycans, mediated partial or complete escape, with nAbs targeting the V1V2 region directly in 2 cases. The alpha-2 helix of C3 was also a nAb target, with neutralization escape associated with changes to positively charged residues. In one individual, relatively high titers of anti-C3 nAbs were required to drive genetic escape, taking up to 7 weeks for the resistant variant to predominate. Thereafter titers waned but were still measurable. Development of this single anti-C3 nAb specificity was associated with a 7-fold drop in HIV-1 viral load and a 4-fold rebound as the escape mutation emerged. Overall, our data suggest the development of a very limited number of neutralizing antibody specificities during the early stages of HIV-1 subtype C infection, with temporal fluctuations in specificities as escape occurs. While the mechanism of neutralization escape appears to vary between individuals, the involvement of limited regions suggests there might be common vulnerabilities in the HIV-1 subtype C transmitted envelope.  相似文献   

The circulating recombinant form (CRF) 07_BC is the most prevalent HIV-1 strain among injection drug users (IDUs) in Taiwan. It contains a 7 amino-acid deletion in its p6gag. We conducted a cohort study to compare viral loads and CD4 cell count changes between patients infected with subtype B and CRF07_BC and to elucidate its mechanism. Twenty-one patients infected with CRF07_BC and 59 patients with subtype B were selected from a cohort of 667 HIV-1/AIDS patients whom have been followed up for 3 years. Generalized estimated equation was used to analyze their clinical data and the results showed that patients infected with CRF07_BC had significantly lower viral loads (about 58,000 copies per ml less) than patients with subtype B infection (p = 0.002). The replicative capacity of nine CRF07_BC and four subtype B isolates were compared and the results showed that the former had significantly lower replicative capacity than the latter although all of them were CCR5- tropic and non-syncytium inducing viruses. An HIV-1-NL4-3 mutant virus which contains a 7 amino-acid deletion in p6gag (designated as 7d virus) was generated and its live cycle was investigated. The results showed that 7d virus had significantly lower replication capacity, poorer protease-mediated processing and viral proteins production. Electron microscopic examination of cells infected with wild-type or 7d virus demonstrated that the 7d virus had poorer and slower viral maturation processes: more viruses attached to the cell membrane and higher proportion of immature virions outside the cells. The interaction between p6gag and Alix protein was less efficient in cells infected with 7d virus. In conclusion, patients infected with CRF07_BC had significantly lower viral loads than patients infected with subtype B and it may due to the deletion of 7 amino acids which overlaps with Alix protein-binding domain of the p6gag.  相似文献   

We use a mathematical model to determine the factors affecting the delayed or rare coreceptor switch in HIV-1 subtype C infected individuals. The model takes into account the two main target cells for the CXCR4-tropic and CCR5-tropic virus and includes the the lytic and non-lytic immune responses. Computer-based simulations and a sensitivity analysis of the model predict that a persistent immune response suppresses the CXCR4-tropic virus to low levels and hence preventing a phenotypic switch. However, not only should the immune response be persistent, but it should have an efficient lytic immune response rather that an efficient non-lytic response. In addition, we also find that the availability of macrophage cells and enhanced viral kinetics are also crucial for the dominance of the R5 strain. We suggest that an altered host environment probably as a result of immune activation may explain the difference in coreceptor switching kinetics between HIV-1 subtype B and subtype C individuals.  相似文献   



A minority of HIV-1 positive individuals treated with antiretroviral therapy (ART) in primary HIV-1 infection (PHI) maintain viral suppression on stopping. Whether this is related to ART duration has not been explored.


And Methods: Using SPARTAC trial data from individuals recruited within 6 months of seroconversion, we present an observational analysis investigating whether duration of ART was associated with post-treatment viraemic control. Kaplan-Meier estimates, logistic regression and Cox models were used.


165 participants reached plasma viral loads (VL) <400 copies/ml at the time of stopping therapy (ART stop). After ART stop, 159 experienced confirmed VL ≥400 copies/ml during median (IQR) follow-up of 167 (108,199) weeks.Most participants experienced VL rebound within 12 weeks from ART stop, however, there was a suggestion of a higher probability of remaining <400 copies/ml for those on ART >12 weeks compared to ≤12 weeks (p=0.061). Cumulative probabilities of remaining <400 copies/ml at 12, 52 and 104 weeks after ART stop were 21% (95%CI=13,30), 4% (1,9), and 4% (1,9) for ≤12 weeks ART, and 32% (22,42), 14% (7,22), and 5% (2,11) for >12 weeks.In multivariable regression, ART for >12 weeks was independently associated with a lower probability of being ≥400 copies/ml within 12 weeks of ART stop (OR=0.11 (95%CI=0.03,0.34), p<0.001)). In Cox models of time to VL ≥400 after 12 weeks, we only found an association with female sex (OR=0.2, p=0.001).


Longer ART duration in PHI was associated with a higher probability of viral control after ART stop.

Trial Registration

Controlled-Trials.com 76742797 http://www.controlled-trials.com/ISRCTN76742797.  相似文献   

HIV incidence estimates are used to monitor HIV-1 infection in the United States. Use of laboratory biomarkers that distinguish recent from longstanding infection to quantify HIV incidence rely on having accurate knowledge of the average time that individuals spend in a transient state of recent infection between seroconversion and reaching a specified biomarker cutoff value. This paper describes five estimation procedures from two general statistical approaches, a survival time approach and an approach that fits binomial models of the probability of being classified as recently infected, as a function of time since seroconversion. We compare these procedures for estimating the mean duration of recent infection (MDRI) for two biomarkers used by the U.S. National HIV Surveillance System for determination of HIV incidence, the Aware BED EIA HIV-1 incidence test (BED) and the avidity-based, modified Bio-Rad HIV-1/HIV-2 plus O ELISA (BRAI) assay. Collectively, 953 specimens from 220 HIV-1 subtype B seroconverters, taken from 5 cohorts, were tested with a biomarker assay. Estimates of MDRI using the non-parametric survival approach were 198.4 days (SD 13.0) for BED and 239.6 days (SD 13.9) for BRAI using cutoff values of 0.8 normalized optical density and 30%, respectively. The probability of remaining in the recent state as a function of time since seroconversion, based upon this revised statistical approach, can be applied in the calculation of annual incidence in the United States.  相似文献   

上海市卫生检疫局送检了一例HIV - 1和HIV - 2抗体检测均呈阳性的双重感染样品 ,对其感染的HIV前病毒的 gag和env基因区进行了序列分析 ,首次阐明我国发现的HIV双重感染样品的HIV部分基因特征。从HIV感染者淋巴细胞 (peripheralbloodmononuclearcells,PBMC)中提取前病毒DNA ,分别使用HIV 1和HIV 2特异性引物用套式PCR扩增HIV 1和HIV 2的部分基因区。PCR产物不经克隆直接测序 ,经GenBank检索并使用GCG软件包进行序列分析。结果表明 ,其中感染的HIV 2毒株中gag基因区与德国株HI2PEI2KR相似 ,基因离散率仅为8 1% ,env基因C2 -V3区与来自几内亚比绍的HIV 2U0 5 35 8株最近 ,离散率为 13 0 4% ,在其 gp36区发现与HIV 2U0 5 35 8基因离散率为 10 6 3% ,两个毒株均属HIV 2中的A亚型。而其HIV 1型毒株在 gag和env区都与从尼日利亚分离的H92NG0 83株相似 ,属HIV 1的G亚型。本文首次对我国发现的HIV 2型毒株进行了主要基因区的序列分析 ,表明在非洲较常见的HIV 2A亚型和HIV 1G亚型毒株 ,已随援外劳工传入我国。  相似文献   

Investigating the incidence and prevalence of HIV-1 superinfection is challenging due to the complex dynamics of two infecting strains. The superinfecting strain can replace the initial strain, be transiently expressed, or persist along with the initial strain in distinct or in recombined forms. Various selective pressures influence these alternative scenarios in different HIV-1 coding regions. We hypothesized that the potency of the neutralizing antibody (NAb) response to autologous viruses would modulate viral dynamics in env following superinfection in a limited set of superinfection cases. HIV-1 env pyrosequencing data were generated from blood plasma collected from 7 individuals with evidence of superinfection. Viral variants within each patient were screened for recombination, and viral dynamics were evaluated using nucleotide diversity. NAb responses to autologous viruses were evaluated before and after superinfection. In 4 individuals, the superinfecting strain replaced the original strain. In 2 individuals, both initial and superinfecting strains continued to cocirculate. In the final individual, the surviving lineage was the product of interstrain recombination. NAb responses to autologous viruses that were detected within the first 2 years of HIV-1 infection were weak or absent for 6 of the 7 recently infected individuals at the time of and shortly following superinfection. These 6 individuals had detectable on-going viral replication of distinct superinfecting virus in the env coding region. In the remaining case, there was an early and strong autologous NAb response, which was associated with extensive recombination in env between initial and superinfecting strains. This extensive recombination made superinfection more difficult to identify and may explain why the detection of superinfection has typically been associated with low autologous NAb titers.  相似文献   

Deciphering immune events during early stages of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection is critical for understanding the course of disease. We characterized the hierarchy of HIV-1-specific T-cell gamma interferon (IFN-γ) enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISPOT) assay responses during acute subtype C infection in 53 individuals and associated temporal patterns of responses with disease progression in the first 12 months. There was a diverse pattern of T-cell recognition across the proteome, with the recognition of Nef being immunodominant as early as 3 weeks postinfection. Over the first 6 months, we found that there was a 23% chance of an increased response to Nef for every week postinfection (P = 0.0024), followed by a nonsignificant increase to Pol (4.6%) and Gag (3.2%). Responses to Env and regulatory proteins appeared to remain stable. Three temporal patterns of HIV-specific T-cell responses could be distinguished: persistent, lost, or new. The proportion of persistent T-cell responses was significantly lower (P = 0.0037) in individuals defined as rapid progressors than in those progressing slowly and who controlled viremia. Almost 90% of lost T-cell responses were coincidental with autologous viral epitope escape. Regression analysis between the time to fixed viral escape and lost T-cell responses (r = 0.61; P = 0.019) showed a mean delay of 14 weeks after viral escape. Collectively, T-cell epitope recognition is not a static event, and temporal patterns of IFN-γ-based responses exist. This is due partly to viral sequence variation but also to the recognition of invariant viral epitopes that leads to waves of persistent T-cell immunity, which appears to associate with slower disease progression in the first year of infection.For more than a decade, there has been a wealth of evidence to show that human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-specific cytotoxic T-cell (CTL) responses play a role in the control of HIV-1 and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection. In humans, the first appearance of CTL in primary HIV-1 infection coincides with the decline of peak viremia (7, 27), while depletion of CD8+ T cells in SIV infection resulted in elevated viremia (45). Additionally, polymorphisms in HLA class I-restricted CTL responses are associated with differential HIV-1 disease outcomes (25), and the emergence of viral escape within CTL epitopes during acute and chronic SIV or HIV-1 infection demonstrates the effectiveness of CD8+ T cells to exert viral selection pressure (21). Dissecting the specificity of HIV-1-specific CD8+ T-cell responses that associate with the control of viral replication during acute/early infection is thought to be critical for the design of vaccines and potential immunotherapeutic strategies aimed at stimulating these responses.Preferential targeting of class I-restricted CTL epitopes in Gag during early and chronic HIV-1 infection has been associated with lower viral loads (15, 25, 34, 48, 55), whereas Env- and Nef-specific CD8+ T-cell responses have been associated with higher viremia (15, 34, 55). Increasing evidence suggests that patterns of immunodominant HIV-specific CD8+ T-cell responses restricted by specific HLA alleles are major determinants of the viral set point (47). In addition, Goonetilleke et al. (17) have provided insight into the rapidity of early escape and the contribution of the first HIV-specific CD8+ T-cell responses to the transmitted/founder virus in control of acute viremia. The restriction of CTL epitopes by HLA-B*5801, for example, has also been associated with better viral control (16, 24). However, the temporal nature of epitope-specific responses that associate with viral control has not been explored. Recently, we found no association between the magnitude and breadth of gamma interferon (IFN-γ) enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISPOT) assay responses at a static 3-month time point with the viral set point at 12 months (22). The unpredictability of early T-cell responses with later viral control could be a result of HIV variability resulting in epitope escape from humoral and T-cell pressure (1, 8). For example, the impact of CTL pressure on shaping viral diversity at a human population level has been observed through HLA imprinting (6, 9, 44), and several studies have shown that certain selected escape mutations can compromise viral fitness (10, 29, 33, 39). Other studies have also demonstrated that the selection of escape variants in chronic HIV-1 and SIV infection can result in the loss of immune control and disease progression (3, 20). Assessing the nature of T-cell responses longitudinally and relating the patterns of contemporaneous viral recognition with viral diversity may represent alternative insights into factors associated with set point and disease progression.As the global AIDS epidemic continues to expand in sub-Saharan Africa, and South Africa in particular, the need to implement a preventive vaccine through the public health sector remains paramount. To date, several prototype antibody and T-cell-based candidate vaccine trials have been completed worldwide (37), and the recent failure of a phase IIb Ad5-Gag-Pol-Nef HIV-1 vaccine trial has emphasized the challenge of producing an effective T-cell-based vaccine against HIV. Data from the recent ALVAC and AIDSVAX (RV144) trials in Thailand have provided modest efficacy of a vaccine regimen in reducing HIV infection (42), and while the immune mechanisms for this are as yet unclear, these findings have created a platform for identifying immune responses that correlate with protection.The identification of the earliest targets of T cells during acute HIV-1 infection would be helpful in understanding the evolution of immunity when a host first encounters the virus and also would provide insight into the host-pathogen interplay when there is a rapidly changing target. We describe some of the earliest T-cell responses that occur during acute subtype C HIV-1 infection, how these change over time and associate with early disease progression, as well as the kinetics of these changes in relation to autologous viral escape.  相似文献   

1型人免疫缺陷病毒(HIV-1)感染靶细胞是一个包含病毒膜蛋白和细胞膜受体相互作用的多极化过程,CCR5和CXCR4作为趋化因子受体参与这一过程,并且是M嗜性和T嗜性HIV-1感染的重要共受体。文章总结了作者在HIV-1共受体方面的工作,对趋化因子受体作为新的治疗HIV-1感染的工具的最新进展做了简要综述。  相似文献   

The concentration of total IgA and the specificity and molecular size of IgA anti-human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) type-1 antibodies in plasma obtained from individuals at different stages of HIV infection were analyzed. The concentration of total IgA in the plasma was not decreased even in the late stage of HIV infection, in contrast with those of total IgG and IgM. The IgA anti-HIV antibodies differed to the IgG anti-HIV antibodies in their specificity as determined by Western blotting. The IgA antibodies mainly bind to Env glycoproteins. The IgA anti-HIV antibodies in plasma were detected between IgG and IgM by gel filtration, suggesting the presence of polymeric IgA anti-HIV antibodies. These results indicate that the production of non-specific IgA in plasma is enhanced by unknown mechanisms in every stages of HIV infection, and suggest that IgA anti-HIV antibodies in plasma which are possibly polymeric and have unique specificity may play an important role in HIV infection.  相似文献   

从河南HIV-1流行区感染者中克隆HIV-1 B亚型gag基因,通过序列比对获得其一致性共有序列,对该共有序列按照哺乳动物优势密码子的使用原则进行优化,以Western blot方法比较优化前后gag基因体外表达量.发现对gag基因进行密码子优化可显著提高其表达水平.将优化后的mod.gag基因插入重组腺病毒载体,构建了重组病毒rAdV-mod.gag.在BALB/c小鼠体内分别以108PFIJ及108PFU rAdV-mod.gag疫苗单独免疫两次均可产生较高水平的gag特异性细胞免疫反应.由此得出结论,对gag基因的密码子优化是成功的;表达优化后gag基因的重组腺病毒疫苗,可以在小鼠体内诱导较强的gag基因特异性CTL应答.  相似文献   

The mechanisms underlying HIV-1 control by protective HLA class I alleles are not fully understood and could involve selection of escape mutations in functionally important Gag epitopes resulting in fitness costs. This study was undertaken to investigate, at the population level, the impact of HLA-mediated immune pressure in Gag on viral fitness and its influence on HIV-1 pathogenesis. Replication capacities of 406 recombinant viruses encoding plasma-derived Gag-protease from patients chronically infected with HIV-1 subtype C were assayed in an HIV-1-inducible green fluorescent protein reporter cell line. Viral replication capacities varied significantly with respect to the specific HLA-B alleles expressed by the patient, and protective HLA-B alleles, most notably HLA-B*81, were associated with lower replication capacities. HLA-associated mutations at low-entropy sites, especially the HLA-B*81-associated 186S mutation in the TL9 epitope, were associated with lower replication capacities. Most mutations linked to alterations in replication capacity in the conserved p24 region decreased replication capacity, while most in the highly variable p17 region increased replication capacity. Replication capacity also correlated positively with baseline viral load and negatively with baseline CD4 count but did not correlate with the subsequent rate of CD4 decline. In conclusion, there is evidence that protective HLA alleles, in particular HLA-B*81, significantly influence Gag-protease function by driving sequence changes in Gag and that conserved regions of Gag should be included in a vaccine aiming to drive HIV-1 toward a less fit state. However, the long-term clinical benefit of immune-driven fitness costs is uncertain given the lack of correlation with longitudinal markers of disease progression.There is broad heterogeneity in the ability of HIV-infected individuals to control virus replication, ranging from elite controllers, who maintain undetectable viral loads without treatment, to rapid progressors, who progress to AIDS within 2 years of infection (9, 22, 32). Many interrelated factors, including host and viral genetic factors involved in antiviral immunity and the viral life cycle, may partially account for the differences in the course of disease progression (10, 11, 30, 41). The complex interplay between host genetic factors and viral factors is exemplified by human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I-restricted cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) responses, which exert considerable immune pressure on the virus, resulting in escape mutations that affect the interaction of viral and host proteins, thereby influencing infection outcome.The exact mechanisms by which some HLA class I alleles, such as HLA-B*57 and HLA-B*27, are associated with slower progression to AIDS, while others, such as B*5802 and B*18, are associated with accelerated disease progression (6, 20, 42), are unclear. The magnitude and/or breadth of HLA-restricted CTL responses to the conserved Gag protein has been correlated inversely with disease progression or markers of disease progression in several studies (12, 21, 28, 31, 35, 43, 46), although there are some exceptions (4, 16, 37), while preferential targeting of the highly variable envelope protein (as occurs in HLA-B*5802-positive individuals) correlates with higher viral loads (21, 29). Protective HLA alleles restrict CTL responses that impose a strong selection pressure on a few specific Gag p24 epitopes, resulting in escape mutations (14) for which fitness costs have been demonstrated either through site-directed mutations introduced into a reference strain background (2, 8, 25, 38) or through in vivo reversion of these mutations after transmission to an HLA-mismatched individual (8, 24). Recent evidence suggests that Gag escape mutations with a fitness cost, particularly those in p24, are a significant determinant of disease progression: the transmitted number of HLA-B-associated polymorphisms in Gag was found to significantly impact the viral set point in recipients (although an associated fitness cost was not shown) (7, 15), and in a small number of infants, decreased fitness of the transmitted virus with HLA-B*5703/5801-selected mutations in Gag p24 epitopes resulted in slower disease progression (33, 39). Also, the number of reverting Gag mutations (thought to revert as a consequence of fitness costs) associated with individual HLA-B alleles was strongly correlated with the HLA-linked viral set point in chronically infected patients (26). A recent in vitro study showed that HLA-associated variation in Gag-protease, with resulting reduced replication capacity, may contribute to viral control in HIV-1 subtype B-infected elite controllers (27). Taken together, these studies suggest that CTL responses restricted by favorable HLA alleles select for escape mutations in conserved epitopes, particularly those in Gag, resulting in a fitness cost to HIV and therefore at least partly explaining the slower disease progression in individuals carrying these alleles.To date, many of the studies investigating the fitness cost of Gag escape mutations and their clinical relevance have concentrated on escape mutations associated with protective HLA alleles, have not assessed fitness consequences in the natural sequence background (in the presence of other escape and compensatory mutations), and/or have focused on a limited number of patients. Most importantly, the majority of studies have focused on HIV-1 subtype B. The present study is the first to use a large population-based approach and clinically derived Gag-protease sequences to investigate comprehensively the relationships between immune-driven sequence variation in Gag, viral replication capacity, and markers of disease progression in chronic infection with HIV-1 subtype C, the most predominant subtype in the epidemic. We assayed the replication capacity of recombinant viruses encoding patient Gag-protease in an HIV-1-inducible green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter cell line and found associations between lower replication capacities, protective HLA alleles, protective HLA-associated mutations, lower baseline viral loads, and higher baseline CD4 counts. However, Gag-protease replication capacity did not correlate with the subsequent rate of CD4 decline.  相似文献   

In HIV-1 infection, the early set-point viral load strongly predicts both viral transmission and disease progression. The factors responsible for the wide spectrum of set-point viral loads are complex and likely reflect an interplay between the transmitted virus and genetically defined factors in both the transmitting source partner and the seroconverter. Indeed, analysis of 195 transmission pairs from Lusaka, Zambia, revealed that the viral loads in transmitting source partners contributed only ∼2% of the variance in early set-point viral loads of seroconverters (P = 0.046 by univariable analysis). In multivariable models, early set-point viral loads in seroconverting partners were a complex function of (i) the viral load in the source partner, (ii) the gender of the seroconverter, (iii) specific HLA class I alleles in the newly infected partner, and (iv) sharing of HLA-I alleles between partners in a transmission pair. Each of these factors significantly and independently contributed to the set-point viral load in the newly infected partner, accounting for up to 37% of the variance observed and suggesting that many factors operate in concert to define the early virological phenotype in HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   

Several recent large clinical trials evaluated HIV vaccine candidates that were based on recombinant adenovirus serotype 5 (rAd-5) vectors expressing HIV-derived antigens. These vaccines primarily elicited T-cell responses, which are known to be critical for controlling HIV infection. In the current study, we present a meta-analysis of epitope mapping data from 177 participants in three clinical trials that tested two different HIV vaccines: MRKAd-5 HIV and VRC-HIVAD014-00VP. We characterized the population-level epitope responses in these trials by generating population-based epitope maps, and also designed such maps using a large cohort of 372 naturally infected individuals. We used these maps to address several questions: (1) Are vaccine-induced responses randomly distributed across vaccine inserts, or do they cluster into immunodominant epitope hotspots? (2) Are the immunodominance patterns observed for these two vaccines in three vaccine trials different from one another? (3) Do vaccine-induced hotspots overlap with epitope hotspots induced by chronic natural infection with HIV-1? (4) Do immunodominant hotspots target evolutionarily conserved regions of the HIV genome? (5) Can epitope prediction methods be used to identify these hotspots? We found that vaccine responses clustered into epitope hotspots in all three vaccine trials and some of these hotspots were not observed in chronic natural infection. We also found significant differences between the immunodominance patterns generated in each trial, even comparing two trials that tested the same vaccine in different populations. Some of the vaccine-induced immunodominant hotspots were located in highly variable regions of the HIV genome, and this was more evident for the MRKAd-5 HIV vaccine. Finally, we found that epitope prediction methods can partially predict the location of vaccine-induced epitope hotspots. Our findings have implications for vaccine design and suggest a framework by which different vaccine candidates can be compared in early phases of evaluation.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2020,118(1):44-56
Efficient engagement with the envelope glycoprotein membrane-proximal external region (MPER) results in robust blocking of viral infection by a class of broadly neutralizing antibodies (bnAbs) against human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Developing an accommodation surface that engages with the viral lipid envelope appears to correlate with the neutralizing potency displayed by these bnAbs. The nature of the interactions established between the antibody and the lipid is nonetheless a matter of debate, with some authors arguing that anti-MPER specificity arises only under pathological conditions in autoantibodies endowed with stereospecific binding sites for phospholipids. However, bnAb-lipid interactions are often studied in systems that do not fully preserve the biophysical properties of lipid bilayers, and therefore, questions on binding specificity and the effect of collective membrane properties on the interaction are still open. Here, to evaluate the specificity of lipid interactions of an anti-MPER bnAb (4E10) in an intact membrane context, we determine quantitatively its association with lipid bilayers by means of scanning fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and all-atom molecular dynamic simulations. Our data support that 4E10 establishes electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions with the viral membrane surface and that the collective physical properties of the lipid bilayer influence 4E10 dynamics therein. We conclude that establishment of peripheral, nonspecific electrostatic interactions with the viral membrane through accommodation surfaces may assist high-affinity binding of HIV-1 MPER epitope at membrane interfaces. These findings highlight the importance of considering antibody-lipid interactions in the design of antibody-based anti-HIV strategies.  相似文献   

BackgroundMean duration of recent infection (MDRI) and misclassification of long-term HIV-1 infections, as proportion false recent (PFR), are critical parameters for laboratory-based assays for estimating HIV-1 incidence. Recent review of the data by us and others indicated that MDRI of LAg-Avidity EIA estimated previously required recalibration. We present here results of recalibration efforts using >250 seroconversion panels and multiple statistical methods to ensure accuracy and consensus.MethodsA total of 2737 longitudinal specimens collected from 259 seroconverting individuals infected with diverse HIV-1 subtypes were tested with the LAg-Avidity EIA as previously described. Data were analyzed for determination of MDRI at ODn cutoffs of 1.0 to 2.0 using 7 statistical approaches and sub-analyzed by HIV-1 subtypes. In addition, 3740 specimens from individuals with infection >1 year, including 488 from patients with AIDS, were tested for PFR at varying cutoffs.ResultsUsing different statistical methods, MDRI values ranged from 88–94 days at cutoff ODn = 1.0 to 177–183 days at ODn = 2.0. The MDRI values were similar by different methods suggesting coherence of different approaches. Testing for misclassification among long-term infections indicated that overall PFRs were 0.6% to 2.5% at increasing cutoffs of 1.0 to 2.0, respectively. Balancing the need for a longer MDRI and smaller PFR (<2.0%) suggests that a cutoff ODn = 1.5, corresponding to an MDRI of 130 days should be used for cross-sectional application. The MDRI varied among subtypes from 109 days (subtype A&D) to 152 days (subtype C).ConclusionsBased on the new data and revised analysis, we recommend an ODn cutoff = 1.5 to classify recent and long-term infections, corresponding to an MDRI of 130 days (118–142). Determination of revised parameters for estimation of HIV-1 incidence should facilitate application of the LAg-Avidity EIA for worldwide use.  相似文献   

HIV-1 subtype B replication in the CNS can occur in CD4+ T cells or macrophages/microglia in adults. However, little is known about CNS infection in children or the ability of subtype C HIV-1 to evolve macrophage-tropic variants. In this study, we examined HIV-1 variants in ART-naïve children aged three years or younger to determine viral genotypes and phenotypes associated with HIV-1 subtype C pediatric CNS infection. We examined HIV-1 subtype C populations in blood and CSF of 43 Malawian children with neurodevelopmental delay or acute neurological symptoms. Using single genome amplification (SGA) and phylogenetic analysis of the full-length env gene, we defined four states: equilibrated virus in blood and CSF (n = 20, 47%), intermediate compartmentalization (n = 11, 25%), and two distinct types of compartmentalized CSF virus (n = 12, 28%). Older age and a higher CSF/blood viral load ratio were associated with compartmentalization, consistent with independent replication in the CNS. Cell tropism was assessed using pseudotyped reporter viruses to enter a cell line on which CD4 and CCR5 receptor expression can be differentially induced. In a subset of compartmentalized cases (n = 2, 17%), the CNS virus was able to infect cells with low CD4 surface expression, a hallmark of macrophage-tropic viruses, and intermediate compartmentalization early was associated with an intermediate CD4 entry phenotype. Transmission of multiple variants was observed for 5 children; in several cases, one variant was sequestered within the CNS, consistent with early stochastic colonization of the CNS by virus. Thus we hypothesize two pathways to compartmentalization: early stochastic sequestration in the CNS of one of multiple variants transmitted from mother to child, and emergence of compartmentalized variants later in infection, on average at age 13.5 months, and becoming fully apparent in the CSF by age 18 months. Overall, compartmentalized viral replication in the CNS occurred in half of children by year three.  相似文献   

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