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We have studied the conductance properties of unmodified monoglyceride membranes as a function of monoglyceride chain length. As membrane thickness decreases from 31 to 20 nm, the steepness of the current-voltage (I-V) curve increases from 80 mV per e-fold current increase to 52 mV per e-fold current increase. The zero-voltage conductance increases more than 1,000-fold and the apparent activation energy of conductance decreases from 18.4 to 14.2 kcal/mol. We have analyzed our results using both the Nernst-Planck equation and absolute rate theory. Both approaches are consistent with our results and give consistent values for the parameters describing the I-V curves. We conclude that both the surface ion concentration and the distance from the surface of the membrane at which the energy of an ion rises appreciably above its value in solution (position of the barrier) are invariant with thickness.  相似文献   

Transport at the nanoscale: temperature dependence of ion conductance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Temperature dependent ion conductance in nanopores is measured in a wide range of electrolyte concentrations and compared with molecular modeling. Single outer membrane protein F (OmpF) channels from E. coli are reconstituted into planar lipid bilayers. In qualitative agreement with the experimental data, applied-field molecular dynamics unraveled atomistic details of the ion transport. Comparing the temperature dependence of the channel conductance with that of the bulk conductivity in the range from 0 to 90°C revealed that at low salt concentrations the transport is mainly driven along the pore surface. Increasing the salt concentration saturates the surface charge transport and induces ion transport in the center of the nanopore. The confinement of the nanopore then favors the formation of ion pairs. Stepping up the temperature reduces the life time of the ion pairs and increases the channel conductance more than expected from the bulk behavior.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic rate may be strongly limited by internal conductance from the intercellular airspace to the chloroplast stroma (g(i)). However, the effects of growth and leaf temperature on g(i) are still unclarified. In this work, we determined the temperature dependence of g(i) in spinach leaves grown at 30/25 degrees C (high temperature; HT) and 15/10 degrees C (low temperature; LT), using the concurrent measurements of the gas exchange rate and stable carbon isotope ratio. Moreover, we quantified the effects of g(i) on the temperature dependence of the photosynthetic rate. We measured g(i) and the photosynthetic rate at a CO(2) concentration of 360 microl l(-1) under saturating light (A(360)) at different leaf temperatures. The optimum temperature for A(360) was 28.5 degrees C in HT leaves and 22.9 degrees C in LT leaves. The optimum temperatures for g(i) were almost similar to those of A(360) in both HT and LT leaves. There was a strong linear relationship between A(360) and g(i). The photosynthetic rates predicted from the C(3) photosynthesis model taking account of g(i) agreed well with A(360) in both HT and LT leaves. The temperature coefficients (Q(10)) of g(i) between 10 and 20 degrees C were 2.0 and 1.8 in HT and LT leaves, respectively. This suggests that g(i) was determined not only by physical diffusion but by processes facilitated by protein(s). The limitation of the photosynthetic rate imposed by g(i) increased with leaf temperature and was greater than the limitation of the stomatal conductance at any temperature, in both HT and LT leaves. This study suggests that g(i) substantially limits the photosynthetic rate, especially at higher temperatures.  相似文献   

Summary The basolateral potassium conductance of cells of most epithelial cells plays an important role in the transcellular sodium transport inasmuch as the large negative equilibrium potential of potassium across this membrane contributes to the electrical driving force for Na+ across the apical membrane. In the present study, we have attempted to establish, theI-V curve of the basolateral membrane of theAmphiuma collecting tubule, a membrane shown to be K+ selective. TransepithelialI-V curves were obtained in short, isolated perfused collecting tubule segments. The shunt conductance was determined using amiloride to block the apical membrane Na+ conductance. In symmetrical solutions, the shuntI-V curve was linear (conductance: 2.2±0.3 mS·cm–2). Transcellular current was calculated by subtracting the shunt current from the transepithelial current in the absence of amiloride. Using intracellular microelectrodes, it was then possible to measure the basolateral membrane potential simultaneously with the transcellular current. The basolateral conductance was found to be voltage dependent, being activated by hyperpolarization: conductance values at –30 and –80 mV were 3.6±1.0 and 6.6±1.0 mS·cm–2, respectively. BasolateralI-V curves were thus clearly different from that predicted by the constant field model. These results indicate that the K+-selective basolateral conductance of an amphibian collecting tubule shows inward (anomalous) rectification. Considering the electrogenic nature basolateral Na–K-pump, this may account for coupling between pump-generated potential and basolateral K+ conductance.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effects of temperature on the conductance and voltage-dependent kinetics of cardiac gap junction channels between pairs of seven-day embryonic chick ventricle myocytes over the range of 14–26°C. Records of junctional conductance (G j ) and steady-state unit junctional channel activity were made using the whole-cell double patch-clamp technique while the bath temperature was steadily changed at a rate of about 4°C/min. The decrease inG j upon cooling was biphasic with a distinct break at 21°C. In 12 cell pairs,Q 10 was 2.2 from 26 to 21°C, while between 21 and 14°C it was 6.5. The meanG j at 22°C (G j22 ) was 3.0±2.1 nS, ranging in different preparations from 0.24 to 6.4 nS. At room temperature, embryonic cardiac gap junctions contain channels with conductance states near 240, 200, 160, 120, 80 and 40 pS. In the present study, we demonstrate that cooling decreases the frequency of channel openings at all conductance levels, and at temperatures below 20°C shifts the prevalence of openings from higher to lower conductance states: all 240 pS openings disappear below 20°C; 200 pS openings are suppressed at 17°C; below 16°C 160 and 120 pS events disappear and only 80 and 40 pS states are seen. Temperature also affected the voltage-dependent kinetics of the channels. Application of a 6 sec, 80 mV voltage step across the junction (V j80 ) caused a biexponential decay in junctional conductance. Decay was faster at lower temperatures, whereas the rate of recovery ofG j after returning toV j0 was slowed. Cooling reduced the fast decay time constant, increased both recovery time constants, and decreased the magnitude of GitGj decay, thus leaving a 10–16% larger residual conductance (G ss/G init,±80 mVV j ) at 18 than at 22°C. From these results we propose that embryonic chick cardiac gap junctions contain at least two classes of channels with different conductances and temperature sensitivities.  相似文献   

Acetylcholine-induced membrane conductance was investigated in superior cervical ganglion neurons using a patch-clamp technique. It was found that hyperpolarization and depolarization produce an increase and a reduction in acetylcholine (ACh) conductance. This reduction was unconnected with either reversal of the current induced by iontophoretic ACh application or the presence of Ca ions in the external solution. The time constant of relaxation (r) of this current, produced by a jump in membrane potential, was found to increase e-fold when the membrane was hyperpolarized by 70 mV, matching the voltage dependence of ACh conductance. This led to the hypothesis that voltage-dependent ACh-induced conductance is entirely determined by the voltage dependence of nicotinic receptor channel gating kinetics.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 167–171, March–April, 1988.  相似文献   

Illumination of a liquid culture of Synechococcus 6301 at high photon flux density (PFD) elicits a time-dependent first-order exponential decline in relative quantum yield of photosynthetic O2 evolution to some steady-state value. Full photosynthetic activity is restored, also as a time-dependent first-order process, when the photoinhibited culture is transferred to lower PFD. Temperature and irradiation dependence of photoinhibition were measured under conditions which precluded simultaneous recovery from photoinhibition. Also the temperature and irradiation dependence of recovery from photoinhibition were determined under conditions which precluded simultaneous photoinhibition. Kinetics of photoinhibition were sensitive to PFD but relatively independent of temperature. Kinetics of recovery saturated at low PFD but were very temperature dependent at all PFDs. A general equation can be written to predict the change in photosynthetic activity versus time when a cell culture is placed at photoinhibitory PFD, assuming that first-order exponential photoinhibition and first-order exponential recovery from photoinhibition occur simultaneously. The equation can be made specific if the values of the kinetic constant for photoinhibition and for recovery from photoinhibition are known for the particular environmental conditions to which the cells are exposed. These values can be obtained by independently measuring the kinetics of photoinhibition without simultaneous recovery and the kinetics of recovery without simultaneous photoinhibition. The curve of photosynthetic activity versus time for cells placed at high PFD, which is predicted by this equation, precisely fits the experimentally determined kinetics of photoinhibition. This correlation remains valid over a wide range of temperatures and PFDs. Identical results were obtained with the marine cyanobacterium Synechococcus 7002. We conclude that the extent of net photoinhibition over a broad range of conditions represents a sum of individual rates of simultaneous photoinhibition and recovery from photoinhibition. The results support previous proposals that a protein required for photosystem II activity becomes functionally depleted during photoinhibition because protein synthesis or assembly into the membranes cannot keep up with the rate of its inactivation at excessively high PFDs. We also conclude that photoinhibition and light-dependent chilling sensitivity are manifestations of the same phenomenon.Abbreviations CAP chloramphenicol - Chl chlorophyll - PFD photon flux density - PSII photosystem II The authors thank Rockey Butler and Donna Scott for performing many of the preliminary experiments which led to this research. This work was supported by R.A. Welch and University Research Institute Grants to J.J.B.  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of the area-specific conductance of egg-lecithin/cholesterol bilayers formed with n-hexadecane in 1 mM KCl has been studied. From Arrhenius plots the activation energy for conduction was measured as 35 ± 2 kJ/mol. Comparison of this value with those predicted by various mechanisms whereby charge could be translocated through a bilayer indicate that it is extremely unlikely that ions pass directly through the hydrophobic interior. It is possible however, that ions are translocated across the bilayer through aqueous pores (with radius > 1 nm) which are an intrinsic, if fluctuating, part of the bilayer structure.  相似文献   

Temperature is a crucial factor in determining the rates of ecosystem processes, for example, leaf respiration (R) – the flux of plant respired CO2 from leaves to the atmosphere. Generally, R increases exponentially with temperature and formulations such as the Arrhenius equation are widely used in earth system models. However, experimental observations have shown a consequential and consistent departure from an exponential increase in R. What are the principles that underlie these observed patterns? Here, we demonstrate that macromolecular rate theory (MMRT), based on transition state theory (TST) for enzyme‐catalyzed kinetics, provides a thermodynamic explanation for the observed departure and the convergent temperature response of R using a global database. Three meaningful parameters emerge from MMRT analysis: the temperature at which the rate of respiration would theoretically reach a maximum (the optimum temperature, Topt), the temperature at which the respiration rate is most sensitive to changes in temperature (the inflection temperature, Tinf) and the overall curvature of the log(rate) versus temperature plot (the change in heat capacity for the system, ). On average, the highest potential enzyme‐catalyzed rates of respiratory enzymes for R are predicted to occur at 67.0 ± 1.2°C and the maximum temperature sensitivity at 41.4 ± 0.7°C from MMRT. The average curvature (average negative ) was ?1.2 ± 0.1 kJ mol?1 K?1. Interestingly, Topt, Tinf and appear insignificantly different across biomes and plant functional types, suggesting that thermal response of respiratory enzymes in leaves could be conserved. The derived parameters from MMRT can serve as thermal traits for plant leaves that represent the collective temperature response of metabolic respiratory enzymes and could be useful to understand regulations of R under a warmer climate. MMRT extends the classic TST to enzyme‐catalyzed reactions and provides an accurate and mechanistic model for the short‐term temperature response of R around the globe.  相似文献   

Based on a decorated Ising model, the possible existence of multiple phase transitions in biological membranes is explored in this paper. Attempt is made to relate the stimulus-response behavior of membranes with structural order in different temperature regions.  相似文献   

We have measured the pressure dependence of the intramolecular excimer formation rate, K(p), for di-(1'-pyrenedecanoyl)-phosphatidylcholine (dipy10PC) probes in single-component lipid multilamellar vesicles (MLV) as a function of temperature. Apparent volumes of activation (V(a)) for intramolecular excimer formation are obtained from the slopes of plots of log K(p) versus P. For liquid-crystalline saturated lipid MLV (DMPC and DPPC), these plots are linear and yield a unique V(a) at each temperature, whereas for unsaturated lipids (POPC and DOPC) they are curvilinear and V(a) appears to decrease with pressure. The isothermal pressure induced phase transition is marked by an abrupt drop in the values of K(p). The pressure to temperature equivalence values, dPm/dT, estimated from the midpoint of the transitions, are 47.0, 43.5, and 52.5 bar degree C-1 for DMPC, DPPC, and POPC, respectively. In liquid-crystalline DMPC, V(a) decreases linearly as a function of temperature, with a coefficient -dVa/dT = 0.65 +/- 0.11 ml degree C-1 mol-1. Using a modified free volume model of diffusion, we show that this value corresponds to the thermal expansivity of DMPC. Both the apparent energy and entropy of activation, Ea and delta Sa, increase with pressure in DMPC, whereas both decrease in POPC and DOPC. This difference is attributed to the sensitivity of the dynamics and/or packing of the dipy10PC probes to the location of the cis-double bonds in the chains of the unsaturated host phospholipids. Finally, the atmospheric pressure values of Ea and delta Sa for the four host MLV examined are shown to be linearly related. The relevance of this finding with respect to the structure of the excimers formed by the dipy10PC probes is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The objective of this review is to draw attention to potential pitfalls in attempts to glean mechanistic information from the magnitudes of standard enthalpies and entropies derived from the temperature dependence of equilibrium and rate constants for protein interactions. Problems arise because the minimalist model that suffices to describe the energy differences between initial and final states usually comprises a set of linked equilibria, each of which is characterized by its own energetics. For example, because the overall standard enthalpy is a composite of those individual values, a positive magnitude for DeltaH(o) can still arise despite all reactions within the subset being characterized by negative enthalpy changes: designation of the reaction as being entropy driven is thus equivocal. An experimenter must always bear in mind the fact that any mechanistic interpretation of the magnitudes of thermodynamic parameters refers to the reaction model rather than the experimental system. For the same reason there is little point in subjecting the temperature dependence of rate constants for protein interactions to transition-state analysis. If comparisons with reported values of standard enthalpy and entropy of activation are needed, they are readily calculated from the empirical Arrhenius parameters.  相似文献   

Temperature often affects maternal investment in offspring. Across and within species, mothers in colder environments generally produce larger offspring than mothers in warmer environments, but the underlying drivers of this relationship remain unresolved. We formally evaluated the ubiquity of the temperature–offspring size relationship and found strong support for a negative relationship across a wide variety of ectotherms. We then tested an explanation for this relationship that formally links life‐history and metabolic theories. We estimated the costs of development across temperatures using a series of laboratory experiments on model organisms, and a meta‐analysis across 72 species of ectotherms spanning five phyla. We found that both metabolic and developmental rates increase with temperature, but developmental rate is more temperature sensitive than metabolic rate, such that the overall costs of development decrease with temperature. Hence, within a species’ natural temperature range, development at relatively cooler temperatures requires mothers to produce larger, better provisioned offspring.  相似文献   

Summary The kinetics of ionic current mechanisms in excitable membranes are analyzed. It is assumed that there are voltage-dependent reactions occurring in the membrane which are independent of the flow of ionic current. The experimental evidence for this assumption is reviewed in the light of more recent results on the kinetics of conductance changes in cardiac membranes. Rate equations are then obtained using transition state theory and assuming that each reaction is rate limited by only one energy barrier. These equations give simple exponential functions for the voltage dependence of the rates. More complex functions may be obtained by assuming that more than one energy barrier is rate limiting. The single-barrier equations are used to estimate the energies of formation of the transition state. In most cases, the entropy of formation is positive but there is no systematic order in the estimated enthalpies. These results are contrasted with those for the ion permeation process itself which normally has a negative entropy of activation. This contrast reinforces the assumption that the reactions controlling membrane permeability are distinct from the ion permeation process itself. The significance of the positive entropy of formation of the transition state in the permeability reactions is discussed, and it is suggested that the membrane structures underlying these reactions may change their degree of hydration during the formation of the transition state.  相似文献   

A theory of 1f and conductance noise is given for ionic channels in nerve membrane. The theory is based on the assumption that the channels are in constant, stochastically independent, rotational motion within a fluid bilayer membrane. The resulting expression for the current noise power density S contains a conduction noise term consistent withStevens (1972) and Hill & Chen (1972) and a 1f noise term consistent with Lundstrom & McQueen (1974) and Clay & Shlesinger (1976). The expression for S also contains a third term which is the spectrum of the product of the single channel conduction noise and 1f noise correlation functions. This term is independent of the number of channels in the membrane, R. Consequently, the expression for S effectively reduces to a sum of 1f and conduction noise for R 10–100 which is in agreement with noise measurements on squid axon. The theory is applied in detail to potassium squid noise measurements of Conti, DeFelice & Wanke (1975) using the stochastic analysis of single file ion motion developed in our previous paper (Clay & Shlesinger (1976)).  相似文献   

A comparison is made between Arrhenius and transition-state analyses of the temperature dependence of rate constants reported in four published biosensor studies. Although the Eyring transition-state theory seemingly affords a more definitive solution to the problem of characterizing the activation energetics, the analysis is equivocal because of inherent assumptions about reaction mechanism and the magnitude of the transmission coefficient. In view of those uncertainties it is suggested that a preferable course of action entails reversion to the empirical Arrhenius analysis with regard to the energy of activation and a preexponential factor. The former is essentially equivalent to the enthalpy of activation, whereas the magnitude of the latter indicates directly the extent of disparity between the frequency of product formation and the universal frequency factor (temperature multiplied by the ratio of the Boltzmann and Planck constants) and hence the likelihood of a more complicated kinetic mechanism than that encompassed by the Eyring transition-state theory.  相似文献   

We examined the temperature dependence of single-channel properties of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor channel from clonal BC3H-1 cells over a range of 10-40 degrees C. We found temperature sensitivities (Q10 values) of 2-4 for the mean channel open time. The Q10 did not depend strongly on voltage and the voltage dependence of the mean open time was temperature-independent. The Q10 of closing rate of the long-lived open state was 3-4 but the Q10 of closing rate of the brief open state was independent of temperature. The duration of brief closures could be measured only between 10 and 25 degrees C. Since this approached the limit of the experimental time resolution, an accurate determination of the Q10 could not be made. The current decay due to desensitization after rapid application of high concentrations of agonist varied with a Q10 of about 2. The conductance of single channels (the inverse of the ion translocation rate) had a Q10 of 1.3-1.5. We found no obvious nonlinearities in the Arrhenius curves for any of the measured properties.  相似文献   

A model of the squid axon membrane based on the theory of absolute reaction rates generates the rapid potential dependence of the membrane properties from the statistics of a simple gate-closing mechanism. It is shown that the peak negative transient conductance, normalized to the peak inward transient current, has a maximum value which is only weakly dependent upon parameter values, and is basically a property of the proposed mechanism. Those parameters which do influence the normalized peak conductance also affect the potential at which the maximum occurs, enabling an upper limit of 0.10 ± 0.02 mV?1 to be established. Published data are consistent with this value but more precise measurements are desirable. The same limit should be observed in all excitable tissues which depend on the postulated central mechanism. Since other models do not predict such a maximum, experimental measurements of this property can provide a stringent test of the unifying principle suggested.  相似文献   

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