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The protein-protein docking problem is one of the focal points of activity in computational biophysics and structural biology. The three-dimensional structure of a protein-protein complex, generally, is more difficult to determine experimentally than the structure of an individual protein. Adequate computational techniques to model protein interactions are important because of the growing number of known protein structures, particularly in the context of structural genomics. Docking offers tools for fundamental studies of protein interactions and provides a structural basis for drug design. Protein-protein docking is the prediction of the structure of the complex, given the structures of the individual proteins. In the heart of the docking methodology is the notion of steric and physicochemical complementarity at the protein-protein interface. Originally, mostly high-resolution, experimentally determined (primarily by x-ray crystallography) protein structures were considered for docking. However, more recently, the focus has been shifting toward lower-resolution modeled structures. Docking approaches have to deal with the conformational changes between unbound and bound structures, as well as the inaccuracies of the interacting modeled structures, often in a high-throughput mode needed for modeling of large networks of protein interactions. The growing number of docking developers is engaged in the community-wide assessments of predictive methodologies. The development of more powerful and adequate docking approaches is facilitated by rapidly expanding information and data resources, growing computational capabilities, and a deeper understanding of the fundamental principles of protein interactions.  相似文献   

The protein-protein docking problem is one of the focal points of activity in computational biophysics and structural biology. The three-dimensional structure of a protein-protein complex, generally, is more difficult to determine experimentally than the structure of an individual protein. Adequate computational techniques to model protein interactions are important because of the growing number of known protein structures, particularly in the context of structural genomics. Docking offers tools for fundamental studies of protein interactions and provides a structural basis for drug design. Protein-protein docking is the prediction of the structure of the complex, given the structures of the individual proteins. In the heart of the docking methodology is the notion of steric and physicochemical complementarity at the protein-protein interface. Originally, mostly high-resolution, experimentally determined (primarily by x-ray crystallography) protein structures were considered for docking. However, more recently, the focus has been shifting toward lower-resolution modeled structures. Docking approaches have to deal with the conformational changes between unbound and bound structures, as well as the inaccuracies of the interacting modeled structures, often in a high-throughput mode needed for modeling of large networks of protein interactions. The growing number of docking developers is engaged in the community-wide assessments of predictive methodologies. The development of more powerful and adequate docking approaches is facilitated by rapidly expanding information and data resources, growing computational capabilities, and a deeper understanding of the fundamental principles of protein interactions.  相似文献   

We present a new version of the Protein-Protein Docking Benchmark, reconstructed from the bottom up to include more complexes, particularly focusing on more unbound-unbound test cases. SCOP (Structural Classification of Proteins) was used to assess redundancy between the complexes in this version. The new benchmark consists of 72 unbound-unbound cases, with 52 rigid-body cases, 13 medium-difficulty cases, and 7 high-difficulty cases with substantial conformational change. In addition, we retained 12 antibody-antigen test cases with the antibody structure in the bound form. The new benchmark provides a platform for evaluating the progress of docking methods on a wide variety of targets. The new version of the benchmark is available to the public at http://zlab.bu.edu/benchmark2.  相似文献   

Protein-protein interactions depend on a host of environmental factors. Local pH conditions influence the interactions through the protonation states of the ionizable residues that can change upon binding. In this work, we present a pH-sensitive docking approach, pHDock, that can sample side-chain protonation states of five ionizable residues (Asp, Glu, His, Tyr, Lys) on-the-fly during the docking simulation. pHDock produces successful local docking funnels in approximately half (79/161) the protein complexes, including 19 cases where standard RosettaDock fails. pHDock also performs better than the two control cases comprising docking at pH 7.0 or using fixed, predetermined protonation states. On average, the top-ranked pHDock structures have lower interface RMSDs and recover more native interface residue-residue contacts and hydrogen bonds compared to RosettaDock. Addition of backbone flexibility using a computationally-generated conformational ensemble further improves native contact and hydrogen bond recovery in the top-ranked structures. Although pHDock is designed to improve docking, it also successfully predicts a large pH-dependent binding affinity change in the Fc–FcRn complex, suggesting that it can be exploited to improve affinity predictions. The approaches in the study contribute to the goal of structural simulations of whole-cell protein-protein interactions including all the environmental factors, and they can be further expanded for pH-sensitive protein design.  相似文献   

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Computational simulation of protein-protein docking can expedite the process of molecular modeling and drug discovery. This paper reports on our new F2 Dock protocol which improves the state of the art in initial stage rigid body exhaustive docking search, scoring and ranking by introducing improvements in the shape-complementarity and electrostatics affinity functions, a new knowledge-based interface propensity term with FFT formulation, a set of novel knowledge-based filters and finally a solvation energy (GBSA) based reranking technique. Our algorithms are based on highly efficient data structures including the dynamic packing grids and octrees which significantly speed up the computations and also provide guaranteed bounds on approximation error.


The improved affinity functions show superior performance compared to their traditional counterparts in finding correct docking poses at higher ranks. We found that the new filters and the GBSA based reranking individually and in combination significantly improve the accuracy of docking predictions with only minor increase in computation time. We compared F2 Dock 2.0 with ZDock 3.0.2 and found improvements over it, specifically among 176 complexes in ZLab Benchmark 4.0, F2 Dock 2.0 finds a near-native solution as the top prediction for 22 complexes; where ZDock 3.0.2 does so for 13 complexes. F2 Dock 2.0 finds a near-native solution within the top 1000 predictions for 106 complexes as opposed to 104 complexes for ZDock 3.0.2. However, there are 17 and 15 complexes where F2 Dock 2.0 finds a solution but ZDock 3.0.2 does not and vice versa; which indicates that the two docking protocols can also complement each other.


The docking protocol has been implemented as a server with a graphical client (TexMol) which allows the user to manage multiple docking jobs, and visualize the docked poses and interfaces. Both the server and client are available for download. Server: http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~bajaj/cvc/software/f2dock.shtml. Client: http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~bajaj/cvc/software/f2dockclient.shtml.  相似文献   

In many protein-protein docking algorithms, binding site information is used to help predicting the protein complex structures. Using correct and accurate binding site information can increase protein-protein docking success rate significantly. On the other hand, using wrong binding sites information should lead to a failed prediction, or, at least decrease the success rate. Recently, various successful theoretical methods have been proposed to predict the binding sites of proteins. However, the predicted binding site information is not always reliable, sometimes wrong binding site information could be given. Hence there is a high risk to use the predicted binding site information in current docking algorithms. In this paper, a softly restricting method (SRM) is developed to solve this problem. By utilizing predicted binding site information in a proper way, the SRM algorithm is sensitive to the correct binding site information but insensitive to wrong information, which decreases the risk of using predicted binding site information. This SRM is tested on benchmark 3.0 using purely predicted binding site information. The result shows that when the predicted information is correct, SRM increases the success rate significantly; however, even if the predicted information is completely wrong, SRM only decreases success rate slightly, which indicates that the SRM is suitable for utilizing predicted binding site information.  相似文献   

一般的蛋白质对接程序能够提供大量的待选构象,但其中仅含有少量的正确构象。现在对接的主要工作在于如何从这些大量构象中挑出正确构象。我们先前的研究工作证明蛋白质界面比非界面表面具有更高的能量。在这里,我们使用由chen等人提出的一个用于检验、设计对接程序的蛋白质复合物标准库中的非抗原-抗体复合物,将侧链能量运用到对接中,并比较了侧链能量和残基配对倾向性、残基组成倾向性、残基保守性在对接中的表现。单独使用这四项的正确构象的平均百排分位排序分别为:38.6±19.6、26.3±20.8、22.7±16.6和37.8±26.1,但是对于个别蛋白,侧链能量的表现要优于其它的三个参数。我们将四个参数综合起来考虑,发展了一个新的打分函数,平均百排分位排序为22.2±7.8,并且提高了筛选效率。  相似文献   

Protein-protein docking programs can give valuable insights into the structure of protein complexes in the absence of an experimental complex structure. Web interfaces can facilitate the use of docking programs by structural biologists. Here, we present an easy web interface for protein-protein docking with the ATTRACT program. While aimed at nonexpert users, the web interface still covers a considerable range of docking applications. The web interface supports systematic rigid-body protein docking with the ATTRACT coarse-grained force field, as well as various kinds of protein flexibility. The execution of a docking protocol takes up to a few hours on a standard desktop computer.  相似文献   

The high-resolution refinement of docked protein-protein complexes can provide valuable structural and mechanistic insight into protein complex formation complementing experiment. Monte Carlo (MC) based approaches are frequently applied to sample putative interaction geometries of proteins including also possible conformational changes of the binding partners. In order to explore efficiency improvements of the MC sampling, several enhanced sampling techniques, including temperature or Hamiltonian replica exchange and well-tempered ensemble approaches, have been combined with the MC method and were evaluated on 20 protein complexes using unbound partner structures. The well-tempered ensemble method combined with a 2-dimensional temperature and Hamiltonian replica exchange scheme (WTE-H-REMC) was identified as the most efficient search strategy. Comparison with prolonged MC searches indicates that the WTE-H-REMC approach requires approximately 5 times fewer MC steps to identify near native docking geometries compared to conventional MC searches.  相似文献   

蛋白质-蛋白质分子对接方法是研究蛋白质分子间相互作用与识别的重要理论方法。该方法主要涉及复合物结合模式的构象搜索和近天然结构的筛选两个问题。在构象搜索中,分子柔性的处理是重点也是难点,围绕这一问题,近年来提出了许多新的方法。针对近天然结构的筛选问题,目前主要采用三种解决策略:结合位点信息的利用、相似结构的聚类和打分函数对结构的评价。本文围绕以上问题,就国内外研究进展和本研究小组的工作作详细的综述,并对进一步的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

X-ray crystallography and NMR can provide detailed structural information of protein-protein complexes, but technical problems make their application challenging in the high-throughput regime. Other methods such as small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) are more promising for large-scale application, but at the cost of lower resolution, which is a problem that can be solved by complementing SAXS data with theoretical simulations. Here, we propose a novel strategy that combines SAXS data and accurate protein-protein docking simulations. The approach has been benchmarked on a large pool of known structures with synthetic SAXS data, and on three experimental examples. The combined approach (pyDockSAXS) provided a significantly better success rate (43% for the top 10 predictions) than either of the two methods alone. Further analysis of the influence of different docking parameters made it possible to increase the success rates for specific cases, and to define guidelines for improving the data-driven protein-protein docking protocols.  相似文献   

Bacterial microcompartments (MCPs) are protein-bound organelles that carry out diverse metabolic pathways in a wide range of bacteria. These supramolecular assemblies consist of a thin outer protein shell, reminiscent of a viral capsid, which encapsulates sequentially acting enzymes. The most complex MCP elucidated so far is the propanediol utilizing (Pdu) microcompartment. It contains the reactions for degrading 1,2-propanediol. While several experimental studies on the Pdu system have provided hints about its organization, a clear picture of how all the individual components interact has not emerged yet. Here we use co-evolution-based methods, involving pairwise comparisons of protein phylogenetic trees, to predict the protein-protein interaction (PPI) network governing the assembly of the Pdu MCP. We propose a model of the Pdu interactome, from which selected PPIs are further inspected via computational docking simulations. We find that shell protein PduA is able to serve as a “universal hub” for targeting an array of enzymes presenting special N-terminal extensions, namely PduC, D, E, L and P. The varied N-terminal peptides are predicted to bind in the same cleft on the presumptive luminal face of the PduA hexamer. We also propose that PduV, a protein of unknown function with remote homology to the Ras-like GTPase superfamily, is likely to localize outside the MCP, interacting with the protruding β-barrel of the hexameric PduU shell protein. Preliminary experiments involving a bacterial two-hybrid assay are presented that corroborate the existence of a PduU-PduV interaction. This first systematic computational study aimed at characterizing the interactome of a bacterial microcompartment provides fresh insight into the organization of the Pdu MCP.  相似文献   

In this article we present evidence for a relationship between chromosome gene loci and the topological properties of the protein-protein interaction network corresponding to the set of genes under consideration. Specifically, for each chromosome of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome, the distribution of the intra-chromosome inter-gene distances was analyzed and a positive correlation with the distance among the corresponding proteins of the protein-protein interaction network was found. In order to study this relationship we used concepts based on non-parametric statistics and information theory.We provide statistical evidence that if two genes are closely located, then it is likely that their protein products are closely located in the protein-protein interaction network, or in other words, that they are involved in the same biological process.  相似文献   

The enzymes in the human de novo purine synthesis pathway were found to form a cellular complex, the purinosome, upon culturing cells in purine-depleted medium (An, S., Kumar R., Sheets, E. D., and Benkovic, S. J. (2008) Science 320, 103–106). Purinosome formation and dissociation were found to be modulated by several factors, including the microtubule network and cell signaling involving protein phosphorylation. To determine whether the pathway enzymes are in physical contact, we probed for the protein-protein interactions (PPIs) within the purinosome with a novel application of the Tango PPI reporter system (Barnea, G., Strapps, W., Herrada, G., Berman, Y., Ong, J., Kloss, B., Axel, R., and Lee, K. J. (2008) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 105, 64–69). We found PPIs among all six enzymes within the pathway and evidence for a core involving the first three enzymes. We also captured purinosomes under both purine-rich and purine-depleted conditions. The results provide additional insights into the transient nature and topography of the purinosome.  相似文献   

Hub proteins are proteins that maintain promiscuous molecular recognition. Because they are reported to play essential roles in cellular control, there has been a special interest in the study of their structural and functional properties, yet the mechanisms by which they evolve to maintain functional interactions are poorly understood. By combining biophysical simulations of coarse-grained proteins and analysis of proteins-complex crystallographic structures, we seek to elucidate those mechanisms. We focus on two types of hub proteins: Multi hubs, which interact with their partners through different interfaces, and Singlish hubs, which do so through a single interface. We show that loss of structural stability is required for the evolution of protein-protein-interaction (PPI) networks, and it is more profound in Singlish hub systems. In addition, different ratios of hydrophobic to electrostatic interfacial amino acids are shown to support distinct network topologies (i.e., Singlish and Multi systems), and therefore underlie a fundamental design principle of PPI in a crowded environment. We argue that the physical nature of hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions, in particular, their favoring of either same-type interactions (hydrophobic-hydrophobic), or opposite-type interactions (negatively-positively charged) plays a key role in maintaining the network topology while allowing the protein amino acid sequence to evolve.  相似文献   

Hub proteins are proteins that maintain promiscuous molecular recognition. Because they are reported to play essential roles in cellular control, there has been a special interest in the study of their structural and functional properties, yet the mechanisms by which they evolve to maintain functional interactions are poorly understood. By combining biophysical simulations of coarse-grained proteins and analysis of proteins-complex crystallographic structures, we seek to elucidate those mechanisms. We focus on two types of hub proteins: Multi hubs, which interact with their partners through different interfaces, and Singlish hubs, which do so through a single interface. We show that loss of structural stability is required for the evolution of protein-protein-interaction (PPI) networks, and it is more profound in Singlish hub systems. In addition, different ratios of hydrophobic to electrostatic interfacial amino acids are shown to support distinct network topologies (i.e., Singlish and Multi systems), and therefore underlie a fundamental design principle of PPI in a crowded environment. We argue that the physical nature of hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions, in particular, their favoring of either same-type interactions (hydrophobic-hydrophobic), or opposite-type interactions (negatively-positively charged) plays a key role in maintaining the network topology while allowing the protein amino acid sequence to evolve.  相似文献   

Protein-protein interactions (PPI) in nature are conveyed by a multitude of binding modes involving various surfaces, secondary structure elements and intermolecular interactions. This diversity results in PPI binding affinities that span more than nine orders of magnitude. Several early studies attempted to correlate PPI binding affinities to various structure-derived features with limited success. The growing number of high-resolution structures, the appearance of more precise methods for measuring binding affinities and the development of new computational algorithms enable more thorough investigations in this direction. Here, we use a large dataset of PPI structures with the documented binding affinities to calculate a number of structure-based features that could potentially define binding energetics. We explore how well each calculated biophysical feature alone correlates with binding affinity and determine the features that could be used to distinguish between high-, medium- and low- affinity PPIs. Furthermore, we test how various combinations of features could be applied to predict binding affinity and observe a slow improvement in correlation as more features are incorporated into the equation. In addition, we observe a considerable improvement in predictions if we exclude from our analysis low-resolution and NMR structures, revealing the importance of capturing exact intermolecular interactions in our calculations. Our analysis should facilitate prediction of new interactions on the genome scale, better characterization of signaling networks and design of novel binding partners for various target proteins.  相似文献   

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