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Mucolipidosis II (MLII) is a lysosomal storage disorder caused by loss of N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphotransferase, which tags lysosomal enzymes with a mannose 6-phosphate marker for transport to the lysosome. In MLII, the loss of this marker leads to deficiency of multiple enzymes and non-enzymatic proteins in the lysosome, leading to the storage of multiple substrates. Here we present a novel mouse model of MLII homozygous for a patient mutation in the GNPTAB gene. Whereas the current gene knock-out mouse model of MLII lacks some of the characteristic features of the human disease, our novel mouse model more fully recapitulates the human pathology, showing growth retardation, skeletal and facial abnormalities, increased circulating lysosomal enzymatic activities, intracellular lysosomal storage, and reduced life span. Importantly, MLII behavioral deficits are characterized for the first time, including impaired motor function and psychomotor retardation. Histological analysis of the brain revealed progressive neurodegeneration in the cerebellum with severe Purkinje cell loss as the underlying cause of the ataxic gait. In addition, based on the loss of Npc2 (Niemann-Pick type C 2) protein expression in the brain, the mice were treated with 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin, a drug previously reported to rescue Purkinje cell death in a mouse model of Niemann-Pick type C disease. No improvement in brain pathology was observed. This indicates that cerebellar degeneration is not primarily triggered by loss of Npc2 function. This study emphasizes the value of modeling MLII patient mutations to generate clinically relevant mouse mutants to elucidate the pathogenic molecular pathways of MLII and address their amenability to therapy.  相似文献   

We describe a method to reconstitute chromatin complexes from reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-purified histones. The complexes reconstituted in this way exhibit the same structural characteristics as their equivalent native counterparts. Furthermore, this method works independently of the acid- or salt-extracted origin of the histones used for the HPLC fractionation. The potential of this method for the reconstitution of chromatin particles consisting of sequence-defined DNA templates and well-defined histone variants and/or their posttranslationally modified isoforms is discussed.  相似文献   

重构胚核染色体重塑对于核移植的成功是必要的。供体核在卵胞质内将会发生一系列的形态学变化,包括核膜破裂、成熟前的染色体凝集,然后重新形成新的核结构,指导着整个胚胎的发育过程。本综述对发生在核移植重构胚染色体中的生物学事件进行了简要阐述。  相似文献   

We present a new approach to model dose rate effects on cell killing after photon radiation based on the spatio-temporal clustering of DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) within higher order chromatin structures of approximately 1–2 Mbp size, so called giant loops. The main concept of this approach consists of a distinction of two classes of lesions, isolated and clustered DSBs, characterized by the number of double strand breaks induced in a giant loop. We assume a low lethality and fast component of repair for isolated DSBs and a high lethality and slow component of repair for clustered DSBs. With appropriate rates, the temporal transition between the different lesion classes is expressed in terms of five differential equations. These allow formulating the dynamics involved in the competition of damage induction and repair for arbitrary dose rates and fractionation schemes. Final cell survival probabilities are computable with a cell line specific set of three parameters: The lethality for isolated DSBs, the lethality for clustered DSBs and the half-life time of isolated DSBs.By comparison with larger sets of published experimental data it is demonstrated that the model describes the cell line dependent response to treatments using either continuous irradiation at a constant dose rate or to split dose irradiation well. Furthermore, an analytic investigation of the formulation concerning single fraction treatments with constant dose rates in the limiting cases of extremely high or low dose rates is presented. The approach is consistent with the Linear-Quadratic model extended by the Lea-Catcheside factor up to the second moment in dose. Finally, it is shown that the model correctly predicts empirical findings about the dose rate dependence of incidence probabilities for deterministic radiation effects like pneumonitis and the bone marrow syndrome. These findings further support the general concepts on which the approach is based.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2020,118(9):2066-2076
Interactions of chromatin with bivalent immunoglobin nucleosome-binding antibodies and their monovalent (papain-derived) antigen-binding fragment analogs are useful probes for examining chromatin conformational states. To help interpret antibody-chromatin interactions and explore how antibodies might compete for interactions with chromatin components, we incorporate coarse-grained PL2-6 antibody modeling into our mesoscale chromatin model. We analyze interactions and fiber structures for the antibody-chromatin complexes in open and condensed chromatin, with and without H1 linker histone (LH). Despite minimal and transient interactions at physiological salt, we capture significant differences in antibody-chromatin complex configurations in open fibers, with more intense interactions between the bivalent antibody and chromatin compared to monovalent antigen-binding fragments. For these open chromatin fiber morphologies, antibody binding to histone tails is increased and compaction is greater for bivalent compared to monovalent and antibody-free systems. Differences between monovalent and bivalent binding result from antibody competition with internal chromatin fiber components (nucleosome core and linker DNA) for histone tail (H3, H4, H2A, H2B) interactions. This antibody competition for tail contacts reduces tail-core and tail-linker interactions and increases tail-antibody interactions. Such internal structural changes in open fibers resemble mechanisms of LH condensation, driven by charge screening and entropy changes. For condensed fibers at physiological salt, the three systems are much more similar overall, but some subtle tail interaction differences can be noted. Adding LH results in less-dramatic changes for all systems, except that the bivalent complex at physiological salt shows cooperative effects between LH and the antibodies in condensing chromatin fibers. Such dynamic interactions that depend on the internal structure and complex-stabilizing interactions within the chromatin fiber have implications for gene regulation and other chromatin complexes such as with LH, remodeling proteins, and small molecular chaperones that bind and modulate chromatin structure.  相似文献   

The highly modular nature of protein kinases generates diverse functional roles mediated by evolutionary events such as domain recombination, insertion and deletion of domains. Usually domain architecture of a kinase is related to the subfamily to which the kinase catalytic domain belongs. However outlier kinases with unusual domain architectures serve in the expansion of the functional space of the protein kinase family. For example, Src kinases are made-up of SH2 and SH3 domains in addition to the kinase catalytic domain. A kinase which lacks these two domains but retains sequence characteristics within the kinase catalytic domain is an outlier that is likely to have modes of regulation different from classical src kinases. This study defines two types of outlier kinases: hybrids and rogues depending on the nature of domain recombination. Hybrid kinases are those where the catalytic kinase domain belongs to a kinase subfamily but the domain architecture is typical of another kinase subfamily. Rogue kinases are those with kinase catalytic domain characteristic of a kinase subfamily but the domain architecture is typical of neither that subfamily nor any other kinase subfamily. This report provides a consolidated set of such hybrid and rogue kinases gleaned from six eukaryotic genomes–S.cerevisiae, D. melanogaster, C.elegans, M.musculus, T.rubripes and H.sapiens–and discusses their functions. The presence of such kinases necessitates a revisiting of the classification scheme of the protein kinase family using full length sequences apart from classical classification using solely the sequences of kinase catalytic domains. The study of these kinases provides a good insight in engineering signalling pathways for a desired output. Lastly, identification of hybrids and rogues in pathogenic protozoa such as P.falciparum sheds light on possible strategies in host-pathogen interactions.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2020,118(9):2319-2332
The nuclear morphology of eukaryotic cells is determined by the interplay between the lamina forming the nuclear skeleton, the chromatin inside the nucleus, and the coupling with the cytoskeleton. Nuclear alterations are often associated with pathological conditions as in Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome, in which a mutation in the lamin A gene yields an altered form of the protein, named progerin, and an aberrant nuclear shape. Here, we introduce an inducible cellular model of Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome in HeLa cells in which increased progerin expression leads to alterations in the coupling of the lamin shell with cytoskeletal or chromatin tethers as well as with polycomb group proteins. Furthermore, our experiments show that progerin expression leads to enhanced nuclear shape fluctuations in response to cytoskeletal activity. To interpret the experimental results, we introduce a computational model of the cell nucleus that explicitly includes chromatin fibers, the nuclear shell, and coupling with the cytoskeleton. The model allows us to investigate how the geometrical organization of the chromatin-lamin tether affects nuclear morphology and shape fluctuations. In sum, our findings highlight the crucial role played by lamin-chromatin and lamin-cytoskeletal alterations in determining nuclear shape morphology and in affecting cellular functions and gene regulation.  相似文献   

我们研究发现,有些果蝇基因的外显子和插入序列的碱基组成没有明显区别.这种基因编码的蛋白质C-末端氨基酸序列与其转录的mRNA尾随片段高度亲和.这种母基因与其编码的子蛋白质高度亲和的特性,我们称为母子相亲机制.用这些基因的尾随片段进行同源搜索,然后再分析同源序列所在位置的RNA结构,结果发现:1)位于基因启动子位置的,其结构为茎环结构,说明该同源序列是基因启动子的重要组成部分;2)位于插入序列中的,出现了一种象钥匙一样的结构,它的一端为回文形成的茎环结构,为钥匙的柄,另一端为单链结构,为钥匙的舌.这两种序列可能参与了基因的调控.由此,我们建立了一个的V形的基因调控模型.这个模型包括3个主体:被控基因、编程基因、启动基因.编程基因提供蛋白质与被调控基因的启动子序列结合,决定被调控基因是否可以表达的.而启动基因转录成的RNA通过剪切等加工,产生一种结构象钥匙的microRNA(miRNA),它可以启动被调基因.根据母子相亲机制和V形调控模型,以及回文规则,我们设计出了一种尾随片段搜索筛选法,预测真核生物基因的互控关系.  相似文献   

Several recent studies have examined different aspects of mammalian higher order chromatin structure – replication timing, lamina association and Hi-C inter-locus interactions — and have suggested that most of these features of genome organisation are conserved over evolution. However, the extent of evolutionary divergence in higher order structure has not been rigorously measured across the mammalian genome, and until now little has been known about the characteristics of any divergent loci present. Here, we generate a dataset combining multiple measurements of chromatin structure and organisation over many embryonic cell types for both human and mouse that, for the first time, allows a comprehensive assessment of the extent of structural divergence between mammalian genomes. Comparison of orthologous regions confirms that all measurable facets of higher order structure are conserved between human and mouse, across the vast majority of the detectably orthologous genome. This broad similarity is observed in spite of many loci possessing cell type specific structures. However, we also identify hundreds of regions (from 100 Kb to 2.7 Mb in size) showing consistent evidence of divergence between these species, constituting at least 10% of the orthologous mammalian genome and encompassing many hundreds of human and mouse genes. These regions show unusual shifts in human GC content, are unevenly distributed across both genomes, and are enriched in human subtelomeric regions. Divergent regions are also relatively enriched for genes showing divergent expression patterns between human and mouse ES cells, implying these regions cause divergent regulation. Particular divergent loci are strikingly enriched in genes implicated in vertebrate development, suggesting important roles for structural divergence in the evolution of mammalian developmental programmes. These data suggest that, though relatively rare in the mammalian genome, divergence in higher order chromatin structure has played important roles during evolution.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2020,118(12):3041-3050
We propose a simple model for chromatin organization based on the interaction of the chromatin fibers with lamin proteins along the nuclear membrane. Lamin proteins are known to be a major factor that influences chromatin organization and hence gene expression in the cells. We provide a quantitative understanding of lamin-associated chromatin organization in a crowded macromolecular environment by systematically varying the heteropolymer segment distribution and the strength of the lamin-chromatin attractive interaction. Our minimal polymer model reproduces the formation of lamin-associated-domains and provides an in silico tool for quantifying domain length distributions for different distributions of heteropolymer segments. We show that a Gaussian distribution of heteropolymer segments, coupled with strong lamin-chromatin interactions, can qualitatively reproduce observed length distributions of lamin-associated-domains. Further, lamin-mediated interaction can enhance the formation of chromosome territories as well as the organization of chromatin into tightly packed heterochromatin and the loosely packed gene-rich euchromatin regions.  相似文献   

A mesoscale model of DNA is presented (3SPN.1), extending the scheme previously developed by our group. Each nucleotide is mapped onto three interaction sites. Solvent is accounted for implicitly through a medium-effective dielectric constant and electrostatic interactions are treated at the level of Debye-Hückel theory. The force field includes a weak, solvent-induced attraction, which helps mediate the renaturation of DNA. Model parameterization is accomplished through replica exchange molecular dynamics simulations of short oligonucleotide sequences over a range of composition and chain length. The model describes the melting temperature of DNA as a function of composition as well as ionic strength, and is consistent with heat capacity profiles from experiments. The dependence of persistence length on ionic strength is also captured by the force field. The proposed model is used to examine the renaturation of DNA. It is found that a typical renaturation event occurs through a nucleation step, whereby an interplay between repulsive electrostatic interactions and colloidal-like attractions allows the system to undergo a series of rearrangements before complete molecular reassociation occurs.  相似文献   

Translational dynamics of chromatin in interphase nuclei of living Swiss 3T3 and HeLa cells was studied using fluorescence microscopy and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. Chromatin was fluorescently labeled using dihydroethidium, a membrane-permeant derivative of ethidium bromide. After labeling, a laser was used to bleach small (~0.4 μm radius) spots in the heterochromatin and euchromatin of cells of both types. These spots were observed to persist for >1 h, implying that interphase chromatin is immobile over distance scales 0.4 μm. Over very short times (<1 s), a partial fluorescence recovery within the spots was observed. This partial recovery is attributed to independent dye motion, based on comparison with results obtained using ethidium homodimer-1, which binds essentially irreversibly to nucleic acids. The immobility observed here is consistent with chromosome confinement to domains in interphase nuclei. This immobility may reflect motion-impeding steric interactions that arise in the highly concentrated nuclear milieu or outright attachment of the chromatin to underlying nuclear substructures, such as nucleoli, the nuclear lamina, or the nuclear matrix.  相似文献   

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