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Transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) is mainly expressed in nociceptive primary sensory neurons and acts as a sensor for heat and capsaicin. The functional properties of TRPV1 have been reported to vary among species and, in some cases, the species difference in its thermal sensitivity is likely to be associated with thermal habitat conditions. To clarify the functional properties and physiological roles of TRPV1 in aquatic vertebrates, we examined the temperature and chemical sensitivities of TRPV1 in masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou ishikawae, Om) belonging to a family of salmonids that generally prefer cool environments. First, behavioral experiments were conducted using a video tracking system. Application of capsaicin, a TRPV1 agonist, induced locomotor activities in juvenile Om. Increasing the ambient temperature also elicited locomotor activity potentiated by capsaicin. RT-PCR revealed TRPV1 expression in gills as well as spinal cord. Next, electrophysiological analyses of OmTRPV1 were performed using a two-electrode voltage-clamp technique with a Xenopus oocyte expression system. Heat stimulation evoked an inward current in heterologously expressed OmTRPV1. In addition, capsaicin produced current responses in OmTRPV1-expressing oocytes, but higher concentrations were needed for its activation compared to the mammalian orthologues. These results indicate that Om senses environmental stimuli (heat and capsaicin) through the activation of TRPV1, and this channel may play important roles in avoiding environments disadvantageous for survival in aquatic vertebrates.  相似文献   

IntroductionVentricular arrhythmias/premature ventricular complexes (VA/PVCs) that can be ablated from within the coronary venous system (CVS) have not been described in the United States Veterans Health Administration (VHA) population. We retrospectively studied the VA/PVCs ablations that were performed in the VHA population.MethodsData from 42 consecutive patients who underwent VA/PVCs ablation at Veterans Affairs Hospital, Indianapolis, IN, with 44 VA/PVCs was included in the study. Patients were divided into two groups (CVS group [n = 10], and non-CVS group [n = 32]) based on where the earliest pre-systolic activation was seen with >95% pacematch.ResultsThe mean age in CVS group was 65 ± 8 years versus 64 ± 12 years (p = 0.69) in non-CVS group. Overall there was a statistically significant reduction in PVC burden post ablation (27.7% (pre-ablation) versus 4.7% (post-ablation). In the 10 patients in the CVS group, either ablation or catheter-related mechanical trauma resulted in complete (n = 6 [60%]) or partial (n = 4 [40%]) long-term suppression of VA/PVCs. Right bundle branch block-type VA/PVC (9/11: 82%) was the most common morphology in the CVS group, whereas in the non-CVS group, this type was seen in only 3/33 (9%). The CVS group (25% of total VA/PVCs) had shorter activation time compared to non CVS group.ConclusionIn our experience VA/PVCs with electrocardiograms suggestive of epicardial origin can often be safely and successfully ablated within the coronary venous system. These arrhythmias have unique features in Veterans patient population.  相似文献   

Selenium is a chalcogen element that is essential in animals, but is highly toxic when ingested above the nutritional requirement. Selenite is used as a supplement in patients receiving total parenteral nutrition. However, the therapeutic and toxic doses of selenite are separated by a narrow range. This ambivalent character of selenite implies the presence of cellular mechanisms that precisely control selenite homeostasis. Here, we investigated mechanisms that determine cellular susceptibility to selenite exposure. The resistance to selenite exposure was significantly different among cell lines. We determined the expression levels of TPMT (thiopurine S-methyltransferase) and SLC4A1 (solute carrier family 4 member 1), which encode selenium methyltransferase and selenite transporter, respectively. We also examined the effect of inhibition of Band 3 protein activity, which is encoded by SLC4A1, on the cellular sensitivity to selenite. The data suggest that the expression level of SLC4A1 is the determinant of cellular sensitivity to selenite.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to examine the effects of dietary taurine supplementation on productive performance, nutrient digestibility, antioxidant status, and the gene expression of ileal nutrient transporters in laying quails reared under heat stress (HS). One hundred and eighty laying Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) were fed a basal diet or basal diet supplemented with either 2.5 or 5 g of taurine per kg of diet, and reared at either 22 ± 2 °C for 24 h/d (thermoneutral, TN) or 34 ± 2 °C for 8 h/d (HS) for 12 weeks. The quails reared under HS consumed less feed, produced less egg, and had lower dry matter, organic matter and crude protein apparent digestibilities compared with the quails reared under the TN condition (P = 0.001). However, increasing taurine concentrations in the diet improved feed intake and egg production (P = 0.001), but also the apparent digestibilities (P ≤ 0.027) in quails reared under HS. The greater doses (5 g/kg) of taurine resulted in more responses. The quails reared under HS had greater serum and liver MDA concentrations (P = 0.0001) which decreased with dietary taurine supplementations, particularly greater doses. The gene expressions of ileal PEPT1, EAAT3, CAT1, CAT2, SGLT1, SGLT5, GLUT2, and GLUT5 decreased under HS conditions (P = 0.001). However, supplementing taurine, in a dose-dependent fashion, to the diet of quails reared under HS resulted in increases in the gene expressions of the transporters (P < 0.05) except for CAT1. The results of the present work showed that taurine supplementation, particularly with greater doses (5 g/kg), to the diet of laying quails kept under HS acts as alleviating negative effects of HS, resulting in improvements in productive performance and nutrient digestion, and also upregulation of ileal nutrient transporters.  相似文献   

Methylglyoxal (MG) is a metabolite derived from glycolysis whose levels in the blood and tissues of patients with diabetes are higher than those of healthy individuals, suggesting that MG is associated with the development of diabetic complications. However, it remains unknown whether high levels of MG are a cause or consequence of diabetes. Here, we show that MG negatively affects the expression of uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1), which is involved in thermogenesis and the regulation of systemic metabolism. Decreased Ucp1 expression is associated with obesity and type 2 diabetes. We found that MG attenuated the increase in Ucp1 expression following treatment with isoproterenol in beige adipocytes. However, MG did not affect protein kinase A signaling, the core coordinator of isoproterenol-induced Ucp1 expression. Instead, MG activated c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinases. We found that JNK inhibition, but not p38, recovered isoproterenol-stimulated Ucp1 expression under MG treatment. Altogether, these results suggest an inhibitory role of MG on the thermogenic function of beige adipocytes through the JNK signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Among the many treatments for Bladder cancer (BCa) patients, radiotherapy is an effective way to preserve the bladder. However, as the frequency of irradiation increases, the tumor cells appear "acquired radio-resistance" (ARR) and loss the sensitivity to radiotherapy. To explore the molecular mechanism of ARR, two BCa cell lines, 5637 and T24, were enrolled here and their ARR counterparts, 5637R and T24R, were obtained by exposure to γ-ray of 2 Gy for 30 times. Compared to parental cells, ARR cells have significantly enhanced stem cell-like phenotype, robust DNA damage repair capabilities and elevated expression of zeste homolog 2 (EZH2). Decreasing EZH2 expression, both parental and ARR cells exhibited reduced abilities of forming microsphere and repairing DNA damage, but enhanced cells radio-sensitivity and intracellular autophagy compared to untreated cells. Down-regulation the expression of EZH2 induced an increasing of both LC3 and P62 in parental cells, while in ARR cells, only LC3 increased upon EZH2 reduction. On the other hand, UNC1999 treatment caused the increasing of LC3B and P62 in all cells, suggested that siEZH2 and UNC1999 affect ARR cells autophagy through different mechanisms. In vivo study showed that pre-treated with UNC1999 greatly enhanced T24R cells sensitivity to IR, and knocking down the expression of EZH2 significantly suppressed the tumor growth. Combined with bioinformatics data analysis, we speculate that EZH2 is an important biomolecule linking the diagnosis, radiotherapy and prognosis of BCa. EZH2 targeted therapy may be an effective way to overcome ARR of BCa, and is worthy of in-depth study.  相似文献   

Phosphatidic acid is a key signaling molecule heavily implicated in exocytosis due to its protein-binding partners and propensity to induce negative membrane curvature. One phosphatidic acid-producing enzyme, phospholipase D (PLD), has also been implicated in neurotransmission. Unfortunately, due to the unreliability of reagents, there has been confusion in the literature regarding the expression of PLD isoforms in the mammalian brain which has hampered our understanding of their functional roles in neurons. To address this, we generated epitope-tagged PLD1 and PLD2 knockin mice using CRISPR/Cas9. Using these mice, we show that PLD1 and PLD2 are both localized at synapses by adulthood, with PLD2 expression being considerably higher in glial cells and PLD1 expression predominating in neurons. Interestingly, we observed that only PLD1 is expressed in the mouse retina, where it is found in the synaptic plexiform layers. These data provide critical information regarding the localization and potential role of PLDs in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Alcoholic-related liver disease (ALD) is one of the leading causes of chronic liver disease and morbidity. Unfortunately, the pathogenesis of ALD is still incompletely understood. StARD1 has emerged as a key player in other etiologies of chronic liver disease, and alcohol-induced liver injury exhibits zonal distribution. Here, we report that StARD1 is predominantly expressed in perivenous (PV) zone of liver sections from mice-fed chronic and acute-on-chronic ALD models compared to periportal (PP) area and is observed as early as 10 days of alcohol feeding. Ethanol and chemical hypoxia induced the expression of StARD1 in isolated primary mouse hepatocytes. The zonal-dependent expression of StARD1 resulted in the accumulation of cholesterol in mitochondria and increased lipid peroxidation in PV hepatocytes compared to PP hepatocytes, effects that were abrogated in PV hepatocytes upon hepatocyte-specific Stard1 KO mice. Transmission electron microscopy indicated differential glycogen and lipid droplets content between PP and PV areas, and alcohol feeding decreased glycogen content in both areas while increased lipid droplets content preferentially in PV zone. Moreover, transmission electron microscopy revealed that mitochondria from PV zone exhibited reduced length with respect to PP area, and alcohol feeding increased mitochondrial number, particularly, in PV zone. Extracellular flux analysis indicated lower maximal respiration and spared respiratory capacity in control PV hepatocytes that were reversed upon alcohol feeding. These findings reveal a differential morphology and functional activity of mitochondria between PP and PV hepatocytes following alcohol feeding and that StARD1 may play a key role in the zonal-dependent liver injury characteristic of ALD.  相似文献   

Our poor understanding of the mechanism by which the peptide-hormone H2 relaxin activates its G protein coupled receptor, RXFP1 and the related receptor RXFP2, has hindered progress in its therapeutic development. Both receptors possess large ectodomains, which bind H2 relaxin, and contain an N-terminal LDLa module that is essential for receptor signaling and postulated to be a tethered agonist. Here, we show that a conserved motif (GDxxGWxxxF), C-terminal to the LDLa module, is critical for receptor activity. Importantly, this motif adopts different structures in RXFP1 and RXFP2, suggesting distinct activation mechanisms. For RXFP1, the motif is flexible, weakly associates with the LDLa module, and requires H2 relaxin binding to stabilize an active conformation. Conversely, the GDxxGWxxxF motif in RXFP2 is more closely associated with the LDLa module, forming an essential binding interface for H2 relaxin. These differences in the activation mechanism will aid drug development targeting these receptors.  相似文献   

Transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) is known as a receptor of capsaicin, a spicy ingredient of chili peppers. It is also sensitive to a variety of pungent compounds and is involved in nociception. Here, we focused on the structural characteristics of capsaicin, and investigated whether vanillylmanderic acid (VMA), vanillic acid (VAcid), vanillyl alcohol (VAlc), vanillyl butyl ether (VBE), and vanillin, containing a vanillyl skeleton similar to capsaicin, affected the TRPV1 activities. For detection of TRPV1 activity, intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) was measured in HEK 293 cells heterologously expressing mouse TRPV1 (mTRPV1-HEK) and in mouse sensory neurons. Except for vanillin, four vanilloid analogues dose-dependently increased [Ca2+]i in mTRPV1-HEK. The solutions that dissolved VMA, VAcid and vanillin at high concentrations were acidic, whereas those of VAlc and VBE were neutral. Neutralized VAcid evoked [Ca2+]i increases but neutralized VMA did not. Mutation of capsaicin-sensing sites diminished [Ca2+]i responses to VAcid, VAlc and VBE. VAcid, VMA, and vanillin suppressed the activation of TRPV1 induced by capsaicin. VAcid and VMA also inhibited the acid-induced TRPV1 activation. In sensory neurons, VMA diminished TRPV1 activation by capsaicin or acids. The present data indicate that these structural characteristics of chemical compounds on TRPV1 may provide strategies for the development of novel analgesic drugs targeting nociceptive TRPV1.  相似文献   

Clostridioides difficile is the leading cause of postantibiotic diarrhea in adults. During infection, the bacterium must rapidly adapt to the host environment by using survival strategies. Protein phosphorylation is a reversible post-translational modification employed ubiquitously for signal transduction and cellular regulation. Hanks-type serine/threonine kinases (STKs) and serine/threonine phosphatases have emerged as important players in bacterial cell signaling and pathogenicity. C. difficile encodes two STKs (PrkC and CD2148) and one phosphatase. We optimized a titanium dioxide phosphopeptide enrichment approach to determine the phosphoproteome of C. difficile. We identified and quantified 2500 proteins representing 63% of the theoretical proteome. To identify STK and serine/threonine phosphatase targets, we then performed comparative large-scale phosphoproteomics of the WT strain and isogenic ΔprkC, CD2148, Δstp, and prkC CD2148 mutants. We detected 635 proteins containing phosphorylated peptides. We showed that PrkC is phosphorylated on multiple sites in vivo and autophosphorylates in vitro. We were unable to detect a phosphorylation for CD2148 in vivo, whereas this kinase was phosphorylated in vitro only in the presence of PrkC. Forty-one phosphoproteins were identified as phosphorylated under the control of CD2148, whereas 114 proteins were phosphorylated under the control of PrkC including 27 phosphoproteins more phosphorylated in the ?stp mutant. We also observed enrichment for phosphothreonine among the phosphopeptides more phosphorylated in the Δstp mutant. Both kinases targeted pathways required for metabolism, translation, and stress response, whereas cell division and peptidoglycan metabolism were more specifically controlled by PrkC-dependent phosphorylation in agreement with the phenotypes of the ΔprkC mutant. Using a combination of approaches, we confirmed that FtsK was phosphorylated in vivo under the control of PrkC and that Spo0A was a substrate of PrkC in vitro. This study provides a detailed mapping of kinase–substrate relationships in C. difficile, paving the way for the identification of new biomarkers and therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress is a key factor contributing to the development of diabetes complications. Glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) protect against products of oxidative stress by conjugating glutathione to electrophilic substrates, producing compounds that are generally less reactive and more soluble. The expression and activity of GSTs during diabetes have been extensively studied, but little is known about regulation mechanisms of Pi-class GST (GSTP). The aim of the present study was to evaluate how GSTP is regulated in a Streptozotocin (STZ)-induced murine diabetes model. GST activity and GSTP expression were determined in adult male mice diabetized with STZ. Specificity protein 1 (Sp1) expression and O-glycosylation, as well as the role of AP-1 members Jun and Fos in the regulation of GSTP expression, were also assessed. The results showed that GST total activity and GSTP mRNA and protein levels were decreased in the diabetic liver, and returned to normal values after insulin administration. The insulin-mimetic drug vanadate was also able to restore GST activity, but failed to recover GSTP mRNA/protein levels. In diabetic animals, O-glycosylated Sp1 levels were increased, whereas, in insulin-treated animals, glycosylation values were similar to those of controls. After vanadate administration, Sp1 expression levels and glycosylation were lower than those of controls. Our results suggest that hyperglycemia could lead to the observed increase in Sp1 O-glycosylation, which would, in turn, lead to a decrease in the expression of Sp1-dependent GSTP in the liver of diabetic mice.  相似文献   

Hyperhomocysteinemia (HHcy) is considered as a risk factor for several complications, including cardiovascular and neurological disorders. A high methionine low folate (HMLF) diet chronically causes HHcy by accumulating homocysteine in the systemic circulation. Elevated Hcy level is also associated with the incidence of diabetes mellitus. However, very few studies focus on the impact of HMLF diet on glucose homeostasis, and that on gut microbiome profile. HHcy was induced by feeding C57BL/6 mice a HMLF diet for 8 weeks. The HMLF diet feeding resulted in a progressive body weight loss, and development of slight glucose intolerance and insulin resistance in HHcy mice. Notably, the HMLF diet alters the gut microbiome profile and increases the relative abundance of porphyromonadaceae family of bacteria in HHcy mice. These findings provide new insights into the roles of dysregulated glucose homeostasis and gut flora in the pathogenesis of HHcy-related complications.  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2021,27(1):34-37
ObjectiveTreatment with immune-checkpoint inhibitors often results in endocrine immune-related adverse events (irAEs), affecting the pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, and parathyroid glands and pancreas. The mechanism underlying the endocrine irAEs has not been fully elucidated, and it remains unclear why endocrine organs are so commonly affected. In the present study, we evaluated immunostaining patterns of programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) in normal endocrine tissues to determine whether increased expression may explain the predilection of endocrinopathies in patients treated with programmed cell death-1 inhibitors.MethodsNormal formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded endocrine tissues (pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, pancreas, and parathyroid) were collected from our hospital’s pathology tissue archive. The tissues were assessed for membranous and cytoplasmic PD-L1 immunostaining using the Dako 22C3 pharmDx assay on an automated staining platform.ResultsWe examined 49 endocrine tissues, including 12 thyroid, 5 pancreatic, 17 adrenal, 5 parathyroid, and 10 pituitary samples. Samples with less than 1% membranous PD-L1–positive cells were considered negative, while those with more than 1% of PD-L1 membranous staining were considered positive. Immunostaining result of immune-related cells was also evaluated, considering the cytoplasmic PD-L1–positive cells with the same cutoff of 1%. None of the endocrine tissues demonstrated PD-L1 positivity higher than 1% in the relevant cells.ConclusionWhile our results do not suggest a role of PD-L1 expression in the pathogenesis of endocrine irAEs, they may serve as a basis for future studies further investigating the mechanisms of autoimmune, inflammatory, or malignant endocrine conditions.  相似文献   

Improving grain filling in the presernt farming systems is crucial where grain filling is a concern due to the extreme use of chemical fertilizers (CF). A field experiment was conducted at the experimental station of Guangxi University, China in 2019 to test the hypothesis that cattle manure (CM) and poultry manure (PM) combined with CF could improve rice grain filling rate, yield, biochemical and qualitative attributes. A total of six treatments, i.e., no fertilizer (T1), 100% CF (T2), 60% CM + 40% CF (T3), 30% CM + 70% CF (T4), 60% PM + 40% CF (T5), and 30% PM + 70% CF (T6) were used in this study. Results showed that the combined treatment T6increased starch metabolizing enzymes activity (SMEs), such as ADP-glucose phosphorylase (ADGPase) by 8 and 12%, soluble starch synthase (SSS) by 7 and 10%, granule bound starch synthesis (GBSS) by 7 and 9%, and starch branching enzyme (SBE) by 14 and 21% in the early and late seasons, respectively, compared with T2. Similarly, higher rice grain yield, grain filling rate, starch, and amylose content were also recorded in combined treatments. In terms of seasons, higher activity of SMEs , grain starch, and amylose content was noted in the late-season compared to the early season. The increment in these traits was mainly attributed to a lower temperature in the late season during the grain filling period. Furthermore, our results suggested that an increment in starch accumulation and grain filling rate were mainly associated with the enhanced sink capacity by regulating key enzyme activities involved in Suc-to-starch conversion. In-addition, RT-qPCR analysis showed higher expression levels of AGPS2b, SSS1, GBSS1, and GBSE11b genes, which resultantly increased the activities of SMEs during the grain filling period under combined treatments. Linear regression analysis revealed that the activity of ADGPase, SSS, GBSS, and SBE were highly positively correlated with starch and amylose accumulation. Thus, we concluded that a combination of 30% N from PM or CM with 70% N from CF is a promising option in terms of improving rice grain yield and quality. Our study provides a sustainable fertilizer management strategy to enhance rice grain yield and quality at the lowest environmental cost.  相似文献   

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