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Self-association is an inherent property of the lipid-free forms of several exchangeable apolipoproteins, including apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I), the main protein component of high density lipoproteins (HDL) and an established antiatherogenic factor. Monomeric lipid-free apoA-I is believed to be the biologically active species, but abnormal conditions, such as specific natural mutations or oxidation, produce an altered state of self-association that may contribute to apoA-I dysfunction. Replacement of the tryptophans of apoA-I with phenylalanines (ΔW-apoA-I) leads to unusually large and stable self-associated species. We took advantage of this unique solution property of ΔW-apoA-I to analyze the role of self-association in determining the structure and lipid-binding properties of apoA-I as well as ATP-binding cassette A1 (ABCA1)-mediated cellular lipid release, a relevant pathway in atherosclerosis. Monomeric ΔW-apoA-I and wild-type apoA-I activated ABCA1-mediated cellular lipid release with similar efficiencies, whereas the efficiency of high order self-associated species was reduced to less than 50%. Analysis of specific self-associated subclasses revealed that different factors influence the rate of HDL formation in vitro and ABCA1-mediated lipid release efficiency. The α-helix-forming ability of apoA-I is the main determinant of in vitro lipid solubilization rates, whereas loss of cellular lipid release efficiency is mainly caused by reduced structural flexibility by formation of stable quaternary interactions. Thus, stabilization of self-associated species impairs apoA-I biological activity through an ABCA1-mediated mechanism. These results afford mechanistic insights into the ABCA1 reaction and suggest self-association as a functional feature of apoA-I. Physiologic mechanisms may alter the native self-association state and contribute to apoA-I dysfunction.  相似文献   

Protein self-association and protein unfolding are two temperature-dependent processes whose understanding is of utmost importance for the development of biological pharmaceuticals because protein association may stabilize or destabilize protein structure and function. Here we present new theoretical and experimental methods for analyzing the thermodynamics of self-association and unfolding. We used isothermal dilution calorimetry and analytical ultracentrifugation to measure protein self-association and introduced binding partition functions to analyze the cooperative association equilibria. In a second type of experiment, we monitored thermal protein unfolding with differential scanning calorimetry and circular dichroism spectroscopy and used the Zimm?Bragg theory to analyze the unfolding process. For α-helical proteins, the cooperative Zimm?Bragg theory appears to be a powerful alternative to the classical two-state model. As a model protein, we chose highly purified human recombinant apolipoprotein A-I. Self-association of Apo A-I showed a maximum at 21 °C with an association constant Ka of 5.6 × 10(5) M(?1), a cooperativity parameter σ of 0.003, and a maximal association number n of 8. The association enthalpy was linearly dependent on temperature and changed from endothermic at low temperatures to exothermic above 21 °C with a molar heat capacity ΔC(p)° of ?2.76 kJ mol(?1) K(?1). Above 45 °C, the association could no longer be measured because of the onset of unfolding. Unfolding occurred between 45 and 65 °C and was reversible and independent of protein concentration up to 160 μM. The midpoint of unfolding (T(0)) as measured by DSC was 52?53 °C; the enthalpy of unfolding (ΔH(N)(U)) was 420 kJ/mol. The molar heat capacity (Δ(N)(U)C(p)) increased by 5.0 ± 0.5 kJ mol(?1) K(?1) upon unfolding corresponding to a loss of 80?85 helical segments, which was confirmed by circular dichroism spectroscopy. Unfolding was highly cooperative with a nucleation parameter σ of 4.4 × 10(?5).  相似文献   

Exchangeable apolipoproteins can convert between lipid-free and lipid-associated states. The C-terminal domain of human apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) plays a role in both lipid binding and self-association. Site-directed spin-label electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy was used to examine the structure of the apoA-I C terminus in lipid-free and lipid-associated states. Nitroxide spin-labels positioned at defined locations throughout the C terminus were used to define discrete secondary structural elements. Magnetic interactions between probes localized at positions 163, 217 and 226 in singly and doubly labeled apoA-I gave inter- and intramolecular distance information, providing a basis for mapping apoA-I tertiary and quaternary structure. Spectra of apoA-I in reconstituted HDL revealed a lipid-induced transition of defined random coils and beta-strands into alpha-helices. This conformational switch is analogous to triggered events in viral fusion proteins and may serve as a means to overcome the energy barriers of lipid sequestration, a critical step in cholesterol efflux and HDL assembly.  相似文献   

The sedimentation behavior of canine apolipoprotein (apo) A-I in 0.02 M EDTA, pH 8.6, was studied as a function of protein concentration by the techniques of sedimentation velocity and sedimentation equilibrium in the analytical ultracentrifuge. At concentrations of less than 1 g/liter, apo-A-I exhibited a monomodal sedimentation pattern, with apparent sedimentation coefficients which varied from 2.3 to 3.5 S with increasing protein concentrations. Above 1.5 g/liter, apo-A-I had two well resolved peaks with s20,w values of 4.15 S and 5.75 S. The proportion of the 5.75 S component increased with increasing apo-A-I concentrations, with a concomitant decrease of the 4.15 S component. By sedimentation equilibrium ultracentrifugation with both the conventional and meniscus-depletion methods, the apparent weight-average molecular weight of apo-A-I was found to be concentration-dependent. At a protein concentration of 5.25 g/liter, an apparent weight average molecular weight of 138,000 was determined, indicating that molecular species larger than a tetramer (monomer molecular weight = 28,000) were present in solution. When analyzed in terms of a reversible self-associating system, the experimental data could best be described according to a monomer-dimer-tetramer-octamer model, as previously reported from human apo-A-I (Vitello, L. B., and Scanu, A. M. (1975) J. Biol. Chem. 251, 1131-1136). The equilibrium constants were: K2 = 4.5 liters/g, K4 = 470 liters3/g3, and K8 = 41,600 liters7/g7, respectively.  相似文献   

We have identified a novel mutation in apoA-I (serine 36 to alanine; S36A) in a human subject with severe hypoalphalipoproteinemia. The mutation is located in the N-terminal region of the protein, which has been implicated in several functions, including lipid binding and lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) activity. In the present study, the S36A protein was produced recombinantly and characterized both structurally and functionally. While the helical content of the mutant protein was lower compared with wild-type (WT) apoA-I, it retained its helical character. The protein stability, measured as the resistance to guanidine-induced denaturation, decreased significantly. Interestingly, native gel electrophoresis, cross-linking, and sedimentation equilibrium analysis showed that the S36A mutant was primarily present as a monomer, notably different from the WT protein, which showed considerable oligomeric forms. Although the ability of S36A apoA-I to solubilize phosphatidylcholine vesicles and bind to lipoprotein surfaces was not altered, a significantly impaired LCAT activation compared with the WT protein was observed. These results implicate a region around S36 in apoA-I self-association, independent of the intact C terminus. Furthermore, the region around S36 in the N-terminus of human apoA-I is necessary for LCAT activation.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) accepts cholesterol and phospholipids from ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1)-expressing cells to form high-density lipoprotein (HDL). Human apoA-I has two tertiary structural domains and the C-terminal domain (approximately amino acids 190–243) plays a key role in lipid binding. Although the high lipid affinity region of the C-terminal domain of apoA-I (residues 223–243) is essential for the HDL formation, the function of low lipid affinity region (residues 191–220) remains unclear. To evaluate the role of residues 191–220, we analyzed the structure, lipid binding properties, and HDL formation activity of Δ191–220 apoA-I, in comparison to wild-type and Δ223–243 apoA-I. Although deletion of residues 191–220 has a slight effect on the tertiary structure of apoA-I, the Δ191–220 variant showed intermediate behavior between wild-type and Δ223–243 regarding the formation of hydrophobic sites and lipid interaction through the C-terminal domain. Physicochemical analysis demonstrated that defective lipid binding of Δ191–220 apoA-I is due to the decreased ability to form α-helix structure which provides the energetic source for lipid binding. In addition, the ability to form HDL particles in vitro and induce cholesterol efflux from ABCA1-expressing cells of Δ191–220 apoA-I was also intermediate between wild-type and Δ223–243 apoA-I. These results suggest that despite possessing low lipid affinity, residues 191–220 play a role in enhancing the ability of apoA-I to bind to and solubilize lipids by forming α-helix upon lipid interaction. Our results demonstrate that the combination of low lipid affinity region and high lipid affinity region of apoA-I is required for efficient ABCA1-dependent HDL formation.  相似文献   

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To rationalize the distinctive biological behavior of apolipoprotein (apo)A-I and apoA-II in light of differences in their respective structures, properties, and physico-chemical behavior. RECENT FINDINGS: The distinctive metabolic behavior of apoA-I compared with that of apoA-II, which are revealed as differences in their interactions with the HDL receptor, scavenger receptor class B type I, can be understood in terms of their physico-chemical properties. Detergent and chaotropic perturbation of HDL unmasks properties that distinguish apoA-I from apoA-II and emulate the secondary effects of lecithin: cholesterol acyltransferase, cholesteryl ester transfer protein, and phospholipid transfer protein - the key protein factors in HDL remodeling, that is, formation of lipid-free apoA-I but not apoA-II and particle fusion. Thus, of the two major HDL apolipoproteins, apoA-I is the more plastic and labile and this difference gives apoA-I a unique physiological role that has been verified in mouse models of HDL metabolism. SUMMARY: The compositions, structures, and properties of HDL particles are important determinants of the mechanisms by which these antiatherogenic lipoproteins are metabolized. Although the plasma lipid transfer proteins and lipid-modifying enzymes are important determinants of HDL processing, the distinctive structures and properties of apoA-I and apoA-II, the two major HDL proteins, determine in different ways the thermodynamic stability of HDL - the former through its greater plasticity and the latter by its higher lipophilicity. These distinctions have been revealed by physico-chemical studies of HDL stability in the context of numerous studies of enzyme and lipid transfer activities and of the interaction of HDL with its hepatic scavenger receptor.  相似文献   

ABCA1, a member of the ATP-binding cassette family, mediates the efflux of cellular lipids to free apolipoproteins, mainly apoA-I. The role of the C-terminal domain of apoA-I in this process has been evaluated by measuring the efflux capacity of a truncated form (apoA-I-(1-192)) versus intact apoA-I in different cellular models. In stimulated J774 macrophages, cholesterol efflux to apoA-I-(1-192) was remarkably lower than that to the intact apoA-I. The truncated apoA-I, lacking an important lipid-binding domain, was also significantly less efficient in removing phospholipids from stimulated macrophages. No difference was detected with stimulated Tangier fibroblasts that do not express functional ABCA1. The C-terminal domain of apoA-I is clearly involved in ABCA1-driven lipid efflux. Independent of the interaction with the cell surface, it may be the decreased ability of the truncated apoA-I to recruit membrane phospholipids that impairs its capacity to promote cell cholesterol efflux.  相似文献   

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the fifth most common neoplasm with more than 500 000 new cases diagnosed yearly. Although major risk factors of HCC are currently known, the identification of biological targets leading to an early diagnosis of the disease is considered one of the priorities of clinical hepatology. In this work we have used a proteomic approach to identify markers of hepatocarcinogenesis in the serum of a knockout mice deficient in hepatic AdoMet synthesis (MAT1A(-/-)), as well as in patients with HCC. Three isoforms of apolipoprotein A-I (Apo A-I) with different pI were identified in murine serum. Isoform 1 is up-regulated in the serum of MAT1A(-/-) mice much earlier than any histological manifestation of liver disease. Further characterization of the differential isoform by electrospray MS/MS revealed specific oxidation of methionine 85 and 216 to methionine sulfoxide while the sequence of the analogous peptides on isoforms 2 and 3 showed the nonoxidized methionine residues. Enrichment of an acidic isoform of Apo A-I was also assessed in the serum of hepatitis B virus patients who developed HCC. Specific oxidation of methionine 112 to methionine sulfoxide and tryptophans 50 and 108 to formylkinurenine were identified selectively in the up-regulated isoform. Although it is not clear at present whether the occurrence of these modifications has a causal role or simply reflects secondary epiphenomena, this selectively oxidized Apo A-I isoform may be considered as a pathological hallmark that may help to the understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of HCC.  相似文献   

In diabetic patients, hyperglycaemia results in the non enzymatic glycation of many proteins including apolipoprotein A-I. We purified glycated apo A-I and compared its lipid binding properties to those of normal apo A-I. Analysis of tryptophan fluorescence spectra and of fluorescence quenching in the presence of iodine showed that glycation of apo A-I induces a decrease in the stability of the lipid-apoprotein interaction and in that of the apoprotein self-association. Repetitive ultracentrifugations of High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) samples containing radioiodinated apo A-I or glycated apo A-I revealed that glycation of the apoprotein facilitates its dissociation from HDL. These results suggest that the non enzymatic glycation of apo A-I may affect the structural cohesion of HDL particles.  相似文献   

Adipocyte plasma membranes purified from omental fat tissue biopsies of massively obese subjects possess specific binding sites for high-density lipoprotein (HDL3). This binding was independent of apolipoprotein E as HDL3 isolated from plasma of an apolipoprotein E-deficient individual was bound to a level comparable to that of normal HDL3. To examine the importance of apolipoprotein A-I, the major HDL3 apolipoprotein, in the specific binding of HDL3 to human adipocytes, HDL3 modified to contain varying proportions of apolipoproteins A-I and A-II was prepared by incubating normal HDL3 particles with different amounts of purified apolipoprotein A-II. As the apolipoproteins A-I-to-A-II ratio in HDL3 decreased, the binding of these particles to adipocyte plasma membranes was reduced. Compared to control HDL3, a 92 +/- 3.1% reduction (mean +/- S.E., n = 3) in maximum binding capacity was observed along with an increased binding affinity for HDL3 particles in which almost all of the apolipoprotein A-I had been replaced by A-II. The uptake of HDL cholesteryl ester by intact adipocytes as monitored by [3H]cholesteryl ether labeled HDL3, was also significantly reduced (about 35% reduction, P less than 0.005) by substituting apolipoprotein A-II for A-I in HDL3. These data suggest that HDL binding to human adipocyte membranes is mediated primarily by apolipoprotein A-I and that optimal delivery of cholesteryl ester from HDL to human adipocytes is also dependent on apolipoprotein A-I.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that sidedness of interfacial arginine (Arg) in apoA-I mimetic peptides, similar to that observed in apoA-I (Bashtovyy, D. et al. 2011. Sequence conservation of apolipoprotein A-I affords novel insights into HDL structure-function. J. Lipid Res. 52: 435–450.), may be important for biological activity, we compared properties of 4F and analogs, [K4,15>R]4F and [K9,13>R]4F, with Lys>Arg substitutions on the right and left side, respectively, of the 4F amphipathic helix. Intraperitoneal administration of these peptides into female apoE null mice (n = 13 in each group) reduced en face lesions significantly compared with controls; 4F and [K4,15>R]4F were equally effective whereas [K9,13>R]4F was less effective. Turnover experiments indicated that [K4,15>R]4F reached the highest, whereas [K9,13>R]4F had the lowest, plasma peak levels with a similar half life as the [K4,15>R]4F analog. The half life of 4F was two times longer than the other two peptides. The order in their abilities to associate with HDL in human plasma, generation of apoA-I particles with pre-β mobility from isolated HDL, lipid associating ability, and sensitivity of lipid complexes to trypsin digestion was: 4F>[K4,15,>R]4F>[K9,13>R]4F. These studies support our hypothesis that the sidedness of interfacial Arg residues in the polar face of apoA-I mimetics results in differential biological properties.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that the helical repeat formed by residues 143;-164 of apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) contributes to lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) activation. To identify specific polar residues involved in this process, we examined residue conservation and topology of apoA-I from all known species. We observed that the hydrophobic/hydrophilic interface of helix 143;-164 contains a cluster of three strictly conserved arginine residues (R149, R153, and R160), and that these residues create the only significant positive electrostatic potential around apoA-I. To test the importance of R149, R153, and R160 in LCAT activation, we generated a series of mutant proteins. These had fluorescence emission, secondary structure, and lipid-binding properties comparable to those of wild-type apoA-I. Mutation of conserved residues R149, R153, and R160 drastically decreased LCAT activity on lipid-protein complexes, whereas control mutations (E146Q, D150N, D157N, R171Q, and A175R) did not decrease LCAT activity by more than 55%. The markedly decreased activities of mutants R149, R153, and R160 resulted from a decrease in the maximal reaction velocity V(max) because the apparent Michaelis-Menten constant K(m) values were similar for the mutant and wild-type apoA-I proteins.These data suggest that R149, R153, and R160 participate in apoA-I-mediated activation of LCAT, and support the "belt" model for discoidal rHDL. In this model, residues R149, R153, and R160 do not form salt bridges with the antiparallel apoA-I monomer, but instead are pointing toward the surface of the disc, enabling interactions with LCAT. - Roosbeek, S., B. Vanloo, N. Duverger, H. Caster, J. Breyne, I. De Beun, H. Patel, J. Vandekerckhove, C. Shoulders, M. Rosseneu, and F. Peelman. Three arginine residues in apolipoportein A-I are critical for activation of lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase J. Lipid Res. 2001. 42: 31;-40.  相似文献   

In this study the thermal and denaturant induced unfolding of apolipoprotein A-I (apo A-I) and the monomer form of apolipoprotein A-I(Milano) (apo A-I(M)) was followed. Dimer apo A-I(M) was reduced with dithiothreitol, which was present in the protein solutions in all experiments. Thermal denaturation is followed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and far-UV and near-UV CD. Both apo A-I and monomer apo A-IM have a broad asymmetric DSC peak that could be deconvoluted into three non two-state transitions, apo A-I being more stable than the monomer apo A-IM. Estimation of melting of tertiary structure by near-UV CD is lower than that for secondary structure determined from far-UV. This together with the non two-state unfolding of the proteins observed with DSC is indicative of unfolding via a molten globular-like state. Apo A-I and monomer apo A-I(M) are equally susceptible to guanidinum chloride, half-unfolded at 1.2 M denaturant. The presence of 0.5 and 1.0 M denaturant, lower and equalize the denaturation temperatures of the proteins, respectively.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) has important physiologic roles in reverse cholesterol transport, as a component of HDL; however, apoA-I also exists in lipid-poor or lipid-free forms that are key intermediates in HDL metabolism and acceptors of lipids from cells. The aim of this study was to examine the structure and stability of the central and C-terminal regions of lipid-free apoA-I. To this end, five Cys mutants of proapoA-I were constructed and expressed in Escherichia coli: V119C, A124C, A154C, A190C, and A232C. These mutants were specifically labeled with 6-acryloyl-2-dimethylaminonaphthalene (acrylodan, AC) and were examined by CD spectroscopy and a variety of fluorescence methods. The results showed that the introduction of Cys residues and their covalent labeling with AC did not affect the overall structure and stability of apoA-I. However, AC fluorescence properties revealed that different segments of the central and C-terminal half of apoA-I have distinct folding and stability properties. From fluorescence energy transfer data, average distances between the N-terminal region containing Trp residues and the various AC locations were obtained. The current results, together with previously published observations, led to the construction of a three-dimensional model for the folding of lipid-free apoA-I.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) is the main protein of plasma high-density lipoproteins (HDL, or good cholesterol) that remove excess cell cholesterol and protect against atherosclerosis. In hereditary amyloidosis, mutations in apoA-I promote its proteolysis and the deposition of the 9-11 kDa N-terminal fragments as fibrils in vital organs such as kidney, liver, and heart, causing organ damage. All known amyloidogenic mutations in human apoA-I are clustered in two residue segments, 26-107 and 154-178. The X-ray crystal structure of the C-terminal truncated human protein, Δ(185-243)apoA-I, determined to 2.2 ? resolution by Mei and Atkinson, provides the structural basis for understanding apoA-I destabilization in amyloidosis. The sites of amyloidogenic mutations correspond to key positions within the largely helical four-segment bundle comprised of residues 1-120 and 144-184. Mutations in these positions disrupt the bundle structure and destabilize lipid-free apoA-I, thereby promoting its proteolysis. Moreover, many mutations place a hydrophilic or Pro group in the middle of the hydrophobic lipid-binding face of the amphipathic α-helices, which will likely shift the population distribution from HDL-bound to lipid-poor/free apoA-I that is relatively unstable and labile to proteolysis. Notably, the crystal structure shows segment L44-S55 in an extended conformation consistent with the β-strand-like geometry. Exposure of this segment upon destabilization of the four-segment bundle probably initiates the α-helix to β-sheet conversion in amyloidosis. In summary, we propose that the amyloidogenic mutations promote apoA-I proteolysis by destabilizing the protein structure not only in the lipid-free but also in the HDL-bound form, with segment L44-S55 providing a likely template for the cross-β-sheet conformation.  相似文献   

A combined N- and C-terminal truncation variant of human apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) was designed, expressed in Escherichia coli, isolated, and characterized. Hydrodynamic experiments yielded a weight average molecular weight of 34000, indicating apoA-I-(44-186) exists in solution predominantly as a dimer. An axial ratio of 4.2 was calculated for the dimer based on sedimentation velocity experiments. Far-UV circular dichroism spectroscopy of apoA-I-(44-186) in buffer indicated the presence of 65% alpha-helix secondary structure. Guanidine hydrochloride denaturation experiments yielded a transition midpoint of 0.5 M for apoA-I-(44-186). ApoA-I-(44-186) induced solubilization of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine vesicles at a rate comparable to that of full-length apoA-I, displayed lipoprotein binding ability, and was an acceptor of ABCA1-mediated cholesterol efflux from cultured macrophages. Fluorescence quenching studies with KI indicate that the three Trp residues in apoA-I-(44-186) are shielded from the aqueous environment. Taken together, the data indicate that lipid-free apoA-I-(44-186) adopts a folded conformation in solution that possesses lipid binding capability. The central region of apoA-I appears to adopt a globular amphipathic alpha-helix bundle organization that is stabilized by intramolecular and/or intermolecular helix-helix interactions. Lipid association likely results in a conformational adaptation wherein helix-helix contacts are substituted for helix-lipid interactions.  相似文献   

The protein heterogeneity of fractions isolated by immunoaffinity chromatography on anti-apolipoprotein A-I and anti-apolipoprotein A-II affinity columns was analyzed by high resolution two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The two-dimensional gel electrophoresis profiles of the fractions were analyzed and automatically compared by the computer system MELANIE. Fractions containing apolipoproteins A-I + A-II and only A-I as the major protein components have been isolated from plasma and from high density lipoproteins prepared by ultracentrifugation. Similarities between the profiles of the fractions, as indicated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, suggested that those derived from plasma were equivalent to those from high density lipoproteins (HDL), which are particulate in nature. The established apolipoproteins (A-I, A-II, A-IV, C, D, and E) were visible and enriched in fractions from both plasma and HDL. However, plasma-derived fractions showed a much greater degree of protein heterogeneity due largely to enrichment in bands corresponding to six additional proteins. They were present in trace amounts in fractions isolated from HDL and certain of the proteins were visible in two-dimensional gel electrophoresis profiles of the plasma. These proteins are considered to be specifically associated with the immunoaffinity-isolated particles. They have been characterized in terms of Mr and pI. Computer-assisted measurements of protein spot-staining intensities suggest an asymmetric distribution of the proteins (as well as the established apolipoproteins), with four showing greater prominence in particles containing apolipoprotein A-I but no apolipoprotein A-II.  相似文献   

The ability of apolipoprotein E (apoE) to be spared degradation in lysosomes and to recycle to the cell surface has been demonstrated by our group and others, but its physiologic relevance is unknown. In this study, we characterized apoE recycling in primary murine macrophages and probed the effects of HDL and apoA-I on this process. In cells pulsed with (125)I.apoE bound to VLDL, intact apoE was found in the chase medium for up to 24 h after the pulse. Approximately 27 +/- 5% of the apoE internalized during the pulse was recycled after 4 h of chase. Addition of apoA-I and HDL increased apoE recycling to 45 +/- 3% and 46 +/- 3%, respectively, similar to the amount of apoE recycled after pulsing the cells with (125)I.apoE.HDL. In addition, apoA-I-producing macrophages from transgenic mice showed increased apoE recycling at 4 h (38 +/- 3%). Increased ABCA1 expression potentiated apoE recycling, suggesting that recycling occurs via ABCA1. Finally, in the presence of apoA-I, recycled apoE exited the cells on HDL-like particles. These results suggest that apoE recycling in macrophages may be part of a larger signaling loop activated by HDL and directed at maximizing cholesterol losses from the cell.  相似文献   

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