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33 species were compared for 12 disease categories over 3 years of laboratory housing. There were low correlations between popularity, birth, death, and illness rates. Highest rates were: birth, Macaca nemestrina; illness, Pongo pygmaeus; death, Cercopithecus aethiops. Lowest rates were: birth, Lemur catta; illness, Sanguinus mystax; death, Galago crassicaudatus. Galago crassicaudatus and Macaca fasicularus had low disease and high birth rates.  相似文献   

Eighteen years of birth records for three species of Galago at the Duke University Primate Center were examined to determine the effect of gravidity status on neonatal mortality and litter size. Multiparous Galago senegalensis moholi and G crassicaudatus, but not G garnettii, had significantly higher infant survival rates. Gravidity status had no effect on the percentage of multiple births for any of the three species of Galago.  相似文献   

Patterns of sexual dimorphism in body weight among prosimian primates.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Many primatologists believe that there is no sexual dimorphism in body size in prosimian primates. Because this belief is based upon data that came from only a few species and were largely flawed in some aspect of sample quality, I re-examined the extent of sexual dimorphism in body weight, using weights of 791 adult prosimians from 34 taxa recorded over the last 17 years at the Duke University Primate Center. There was no significant sex difference in body weight in 17 species, but males were significantly larger in Nycticebus pygmaeus, Tarsius syrichta, Galago moholi, Galagoides demidovii, Otolemur crassicaudatus and Otolemur garnettii. Moreover, females were significantly larger in Microcebus murinus. Thus, the general lack of sexual dimorphism could be confirmed, notably for lemurs, but prosimians as a group show more variability in sexual size dimorphism than was previously thought. After including previously published data obtained in the wild from 8 additional species, I found significant heterogeneity in the degree of sexual dimorphism at the family level, but only the Indridae and Galagidae were significantly different from each other. Among the prosimian infraorders, the Lorisiformes were significantly more dimorphic than the Lemuriformes. Differences in dimorphism between higher taxonomic groups are discussed in the context of prosimian evolution, concluding that phylogenetic inertia cannot provide a causal explanation for the evolution of sexual dimorphism. The relative monomorphism of most prosimians may be related to allometric constraints and, especially in the Lemuriformes, to selective forces affecting male and female behavioral strategies.  相似文献   

Galagocheles Fain, 1979 (Acari: Cheyletidae), comprising permanent parasites of African prosimian primates (Galagonidae), is revised. An amended diagnosis of the genus based on characters of adults and immatures is given. The type-species, G. lemuricola (Lawrence, 1948), from Otolemur garnetti (Ogilby) (type-host) and O. crassicaudatus Geoffroy, is redescribed, and G. lawrencei n. sp. is described from Galago senegalensis Geoffroy (type-host) and G. moholi Smith. The new species differs from G. lemuricola by its smaller body size, the obtuse posterior end of the opisthosoma in males, and by fine, nude setae ps3 in females. The systematics of the cheyletid tribe Niheliini and host-parasite associations of its species are briefly discussed. The tribe Criokerontini is included to the tribe Niheliini. It is suggested that the ancestors of the tribe Niheliini were predaceous cheyletids associated with the nests of arboreal mammals, and the association of Nihelia spp. on mongooses (Herpestidae) is the result of the host-switching from some ancient arboreal mammal.  相似文献   

Behavioral and neurophysiological studies strongly suggest that visual orienting reflects the integration of sensory, motor, and motivational variables. Relatively little is known, however, regarding the goals that govern visual orienting of animals in their natural environments. Field observations suggest that most nonhuman primates orient to features of their natural environments whose salience is dictated by the visual demands of foraging, locomotion, and social interaction. This hypothesis is difficult to test quantitatively, however, in part because accurate gaze-tracking technology has not been employed in field studies. We here report the implementation of a new, telemetric, infrared-video gaze-tracker to measure visual orienting in freely moving, socially housed prosimian primates (Lemur catta). Two male lemurs tolerated the system at approximately 1/4 body weight, permitting successful measurements of gaze behavior during spontaneous locomotion through both terrestrial and arboreal landscapes, and in both social and asocial environments.  相似文献   

Three fundamental ontogenetic pathways lead to the development of size differences between males and females. Males and females may grow at the same rate for different durations (bimaturism), grow for the same duration at different rates, or grow at a mix of rate and duration differences. While patterns of growth and the development of adult body size are well established for many haplorhines, the extent to which rate and duration differences affect strepsirrhine growth trajectories remains unclear. Here, we present iterative piecewise regression models that describe the ontogeny of adult body mass for males and females of five lorisoid species (i.e., lorises and galagos) from the Duke Lemur Center. We test the hypotheses that, like most haplorhines, sexual size dimorphism (SSD) is a result of bimaturism, and males and females of monomorphic species grow at the same rate for a similar duration. We confirm that the galagos in this sample (Galago moholi and Otolemur garnettii) show significant SSD that is achieved through bimaturism. Unlike monomorphic lemurids, the lorises in this sample show a diversity of ontogenetic patterns. Loris tardigradus does follow a lemur-like trajectory to monomorphism but Nycticebuscoucang and Nycticebus pygmaeus achieve larger adult female body sizes through a mixture of rate and duration differences. We show that contrary to previous assumptions, there are patterns of both similarity and difference in growth trajectories of comparably sized lorises and galagos. Furthermore, when ontogenetic profiles of lorisoid and lemurid growth are compared, it is evident that lorisoids grow faster for a shorter period of time.  相似文献   

The objective of this project was to better define the similarities and differences in gastrointestinal morphology present in lemur species. Measurements of the gastrointestinal tract of lemurs were obtained at necropsy from the captive population at Duke University Primate Center. Measurements of body length and weight, as well as gastrointestinal length, were recorded from five prosimian species: Propithecus tattersalli, Propithecus verreauxi, Varecia variegata, Hapalemur griseus, and Lemur catta. Photographs and measurements were used to obtain illustrations. Preliminary results suggest differences in gastrointestinal morphology among lemur species that coincide with differences in diet. Distinct sacculations in either the cecum or the colon were present for H. griseus, L. catta, P. verreauxi, and P. tattersalli, but not for V. variegata. The Propithecus specimens possessed a much greater ratio of gastrointestinal length to body length than the other three species. A short, blunt cecum and a shortened and sacculated colon were unique characteristics of the H. griseus specimens. These differences correlate well with a dietary shift from consumption of large amounts of structural plant cell wall (Propithecus sp.) to consumption of variable or moderate amounts (H. griseus, L. catta, and V. variegata). They also suggest that captive groups would benefit from further diet refinement in captivity.  相似文献   

Telomere Biology and Cellular Aging in Nonhuman Primate Cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To determine how cellular aging is conserved among primates, we analyzed the replicative potential and telomere shortening in skin fibroblasts of anthropoids and prosimians. The average telomere length of the New World primates Ateles geoffroyi (spider monkey) and Saimiri sciureus (squirrel monkey) and the Old World primates Macaca mulatta (rhesus monkey), Pongo pygmaeus (orangutan), and Pan paniscus (pigmy chimpanzee) ranged from 4 to 16 kb. We found that telomere shortening limits the replicative capacity of anthropoid fibroblasts and that the expression of human telomerase produced telomere elongation and the extension of their in vitro life span. In contrast the prosimian Lemur catta (ring-tailed lemur) had both long and short telomeres and telomere shortening did not provide an absolute barrier to immortalization. Following a transient growth arrest a subset of cells showing a reduced number of chromosomes overgrew the cultures without activation of telomerase. Here we show that the presence of continuous TTAGGG repeats at telomeres and rigorous control of replicative aging by telomere shortening appear to be conserved among anthropoid primates but is less effective in prosimian lemurs.  相似文献   

We studied the oxygenation of mammalian hemoglobins: mouse (Mus musculus molossinus), rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus domesticus), Japanese monkey (Macaca fuscata), man (Homo sapiens), sheep (Ovis aries), llama (Lama glama), pig (Sus scrofa domesticus), cow (Bos taurus domesticus) and horse (Equus caballus), in the absence of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (DPG) and compared their oxygen affinity in relation to the body weight. The negative correlation between body weight and the oxygen affinity of the whole blood, observed by Schmidt-Nielsen and Larimer (1958), was not observed in the absence of DPG. Our results indicated that an adaptive evolution proposed for hemoglobin in terms of its oxygen affinity vs body weight of the animal can only be appreciated with DPG.  相似文献   

Sympatric populations of Lemur catta and Lemur fulvus show major differences in their occupation of canopy forest levels. Lemur catta is usually found in the lowest levels of the forest, and uses the ground for travel over 65% of the time. Lemur fulvus uses the upper levels of the canopy forest and is observed on the ground in less than 2% of all observations. Comparison of hindlimb musculoskeletal anatomy show statistically significant differences in the lengths of the long bones and the height of the talus. Differences also occur in ranges of tibio-talar and mid-talar joint mobility. The details of insertion of the biceps femoris muscle are distinct in the two species as is the relative mass of muscle associated with flexion of the pedal digits, and flexion of th tibio-talar joint. The metric and morphological differences in the hindlimb anatomy of Lemur catta and Lemur fulvus are consistent with differences in habitat and substrate utilization.  相似文献   

Primates - The habitats of Galago moholi are suspected to be largely fragmented, while the species is thought to be expanding further into the southernmost fringe of its range, as well as into...  相似文献   

Male displacement of copulatory (sperm) plugs from female vaginas provides further evidence for sperm competition in ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta), a gregarious prosimian species with a multimale, multifemale mating system. During two mating seasons, I studied two groups of free-ranging ring-tailed lemurs on St. Catherines Island, GA, USA. I observed 22 mating pairs in which males achieved penile intromission. Copulatory plug displacement by males occurred in 9 cases. Plugs were displaced during copulation by male penes upon withdrawl following deep vaginal thrusting. In every case of copulatory plug displacement, the male displacing a plug mated to ejaculation with the estrous female. In a mating system in which females typically mate with more than one male during estrous, often in succession, copulatory plug displacement may function to disrupt or preclude other males' successful insemination of estrous females. The effects of sperm plug displacement on paternity in Lemur catta are unknown, as no study had heretofore documented copulatory plug displacement in this species. The first-male mating advantage suggested for Lemur catta should be re-evaluated where mating order is known, and copulatory plug displacement during mating, or lack thereof, is identified. Because there is a tendency for first-mating males to mate-guard for longer periods of time in Lemur catta, the latency period between the first mate's ejaculation and that of subsequent mates may be an important determinant of male fertilization success.  相似文献   

A model is presented to express how effectively animals increase the exposed surface area of their food by chewing. It includes a coefficient of masticatory effectiveness (E) the value of which increases with effectiveness of exposing new food surface area with each chew. Humans and other species of primates differ significantly in their values of E; among the nonhuman primates studies, Lemur catta has a higher coefficient than Lemur fulvus, and both have higher coefficients than either Varecia variegatus or Galago crassicaudatus argentatus. The differences among the coefficients to these prosimians are correlated with variations in specific features of the molar morphology. Of six lower molar shearing crests considered, the relative length of the post-metacristid correlates most highly with the coefficient of masticatory effectiveness for the prosimian species. Also, among comparable-sized prosimians, E correlates significantly with the absolute postmetacristid length. Both these findings indicate that the relative size of molar shearing crests is related significantly to how effectively an animal chews its food. There are also implications for an adaptation to a high-fiber diet.  相似文献   

The excretion pattern of estradiol was studied in the slow loris Nycticebus coucang) and the ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta) in order to compare steroid excretion in two representative prosimian species. Daily urinary estrone conjugate measurements in the female loris provided little information when applied over prolonged periods. As a result of these negative data, a metabolic study was performed to determine if estrogen excretion patterns in the slow loris differed from those in the lemur, where urinary assays proved a useful tool in characterizing reproductive cycles. Radio-labeled estradiol was injected intravenously, and serial urine and fecal collections were analyzed for radiolabeled metabolites. The results of these studies demonstrate that more than 92% of the radiolabel was excreted in the feces of the loris, in contrast to only 16% excreted in the feces of the lemur.  相似文献   

Sexual and associated patterns of behavior of lesser galagos (Galago moholi) were recorded during an 18-month study conducted at the Nylsvley Nature Reserve in South Africa. Animals were trapped and fitted with radio transmitter belts in order to monitor nocturnal activities during twice-yearly mating seasons. Most copulations occurred during the last week in May, while a subsidiary (post-partum) mating season occurred in late September-early October. Females came into estrus sequentially during the May season. Adult males exhibited increase in body weight and testes volume during the mating season, changes which were most pronounced among the larger males (> 226 g). Larger males also had the greatest mating success, initiating 88% of observed copulations. Sixty-seven percent of matings involved more than one male copulating with the same female during her estrus, which lasted 1-3 days. Mounts were prolonged (range 2-53 min, mean 9.0 min) and males copulated repeatedly (2-5 times) with the same partner during a single night. These observations of sexual behavior and of large relative testes size in free-ranging lesser galagos are consistent with the occurrence of a dispersed mating system involving sperm competition in this nocturnal prosimian species.  相似文献   

Biological Jumping Mechanism Analysis and Modeling for Frog Robot   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a mechanical model of jumping robot based on the biological mechanism analysis of frog. By biological observation and kinematic analysis the frog jump is divided into take-offphase, aerial phase and landing phase. We find the similar trajectories of hindlimb joints during jump, the important effect of foot during take-off and the role of forelimb in supporting the body. Based on the observation, the frog jump is simplified and a mechanical model is put forward. The robot leg is represented by a 4-bar spring/linkage mechanism model, which has three Degrees of Freedom (DOF) at hip joint and one DOF (passive) at tarsometatarsal joint on the foot. The shoulder and elbow joints each has one DOF for the balancing function of arm. The ground reaction force of the model is analyzed and compared with that of frog during take-off. The results show that the model has the same advantages of low likelihood of premature lift-off and high efficiency as the frog. Analysis results and the model can be employed to develop and control a robot capable of mimicking the jumping behavior of frog.  相似文献   

Studies investigating heterothermy under natural conditions are particularly scarce for tropical species. However, heterothermy patterns in tropical and subtropical environments often differ markedly from those observed in arctic and temperate species. The investigation of heterothermy in strepsirhine primates has focussed largely on the Malagasy cheirogaleids. In addition, a physiological verification of torpor occurrence in mainland strepsirhines is important with regard to arguments pertaining to the colonization of Madagascar by strepsirhine primates. We measured body temperatures of 11 free-ranging Galago moholi, between February 2002 and September 2003, for 3 consecutive months for each animal. No incidents of heterothermy were recorded throughout the study period. We considered how physiological and ecological aspects of G. moholi biology might have obviated the use of torpor. It was suggested that the breeding pattern observed in G. moholi prevented torpor use whilst increasing fecundity, and that the ecological costs of torpor far outweighed the energetic costs. This study highlights the need for more studies on free-ranging animals to elucidate the physiological, ecological and phylogenetic constraints and determinants of torpor use. Furthermore, if convincing arguments are to be made regarding the possible role of heterothermy in species dispersal, more data from free-ranging animals are needed.  相似文献   

Ma J  Zhou T  Gu W  Sun X  Lu Z 《Bio Systems》2002,65(2-3):199-207
The relative synonymous codon use frequency of 135 MHC genes from four mammal species (Homo sapiens, Pan troglodyte, Macaca mulanta and Rattus norvegicus) is analyzed using a hierarchical cluster method. The result suggests that gene function is the dominant factor that determines codon usage bias, while species is a minor factor that determines further difference in codon usage bias for genes with similar functions. The conclusion may be useful in gene classification and gene function prediction.  相似文献   

Reproductive parameters were compared between two subspecies of the lesser bushbaby, Galago senegalensis braccatusand G. s. moholi.Adult body weights for both male and female G. s. braccatuswere significantly higher than adult body weights of G. s. moholi,as were infant birth weights. The mean gestation length of G. s. braccatuswas significantly longer than that of G. s. moholi. G. s. moholihad a higher incidence of twinning than G. s. braccatus.Puberty in females occurred significantly later in G. s. braccatusthan in G. s. moholi.These differences are of such magnitude that hybridization of G. s. braccatuswith G. s. moholiwould be unlikely. These differences, if augmented by additional evidence, may warrant distinction of the two subspecies at the species level.  相似文献   

Habitat use of two semifree-ranging groups of lemurs, Lemur catta and Lemur fulvus, was studied in relation to abiotic, floristic, and structural characteristics of their enclosure. L. catta was very flexible in the use of the habitat and showed a tendency for random utilization. But this species reacted quickly to changes of the abiotic environment. L. fulvus preferred to stay in areas with dense vegetation but good lateral visibility and close to the food plants. Abiotic factors such as solar radiation and ambient temperature influenced L. fulvus to a lesser extent than L. catta. According to these results L. catta could be considered to be adapted to variable environments where it is advantageous to react quickly to changes of abiotic factors. The conservative habitat use and the limited response to abiotic factors of L. fulvus might reflect adaptations of a species living in a stable environment. If these interpretations prove correct, then this study provides another example of animals born and raised in captivity that have retained habitat preferences of their wild conspecifics.  相似文献   

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