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Summary. Sperm DNA isolated from sons of three extensively used US Holstein bulls was screened for differences associated with the primary gene structure of the bovine growth hormone (bGH) and prolactin (bPrl) genes. Southern blot analysis of DNA digested with 10 restriction enzymes revealed that offspring from two of the three bull families exhibited polymorphisms around the bGH and bPrl genes. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) around the bGH gene were detected with five enzymes, whereas three enzymes revealed RFLPs around the bPrl gene. At least three structural differences were predicted around the bGH gene. The most common variant hybridization pattern appeared to involve an insertion/deletion located downstream of the conserved 3' Eco RI site. The presence of RFLPs in the genes coding for these pituitary hormones within a familial line may provide the basis for genetic markers associated with lactation and mammary development.  相似文献   

Two bovine populations, a Holstein-Friesian dairy stock and a synthetic (Baladi X Hereford X Simmental X Charolais) beef stock, were screened for restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) at the growth hormone and prolactin genes. Most RFLPs at the growth hormone gene are apparently the consequence of an insertion/deletion event which was localized to a region downstream of the structural gene. The restriction map for the genomic region including the growth hormone gene was extended. Two HindIII RFLPs at the growth hormone locus, as well as several RFLPs at the prolactin gene, seemed to be the consequence of a series of point mutations. The results are discussed in terms of the possibility that minor genomic variability underlies quantitative genetic variation.  相似文献   

Pigs from four Danish and two Swedish populations were examined for restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) at the growth hormone (GH) gene. Polymorphism was detected with the restriction enzymes DraI and TaqI. A comparison of the Danish populations showed significant differences among their allelic frequencies.  相似文献   

Summary DNA polymorphisms in the human immunoglobulin gamma () region have been studied in random Arabo-Berber Tunisians and in a large Tunisian Berber kindred. Haplotypes have then been designated, based on variation in the BamHI restriction fragments containing the C1, C2, C4, and C genes. Two new haplotypes, in addition to the four previously described, have been observed. These new haplotypes, designated H5 and H6, were confirmed by family studies. The H5 haplotype was associated with black African Gm haplotypes · (Gm1,17;..;5,6,11 and Gm1,17;..;5,11) (Gma,z;..;blc3bo and Gma,z;..;blbo) and probably represents a common haplotype in the black population. The haplotype H6 may be derived from H5. One of 39 random Tunisians was homozygous for a multigene deletion. DNA polymorphisms of the C genes, in conjuction with Gm markers, provide highly variable genetic markers important for the characterization of human populations.  相似文献   

Summary Twenty-six unrelated hemophilia A and 70 unrelated normal chromosomes in 184 subjects were studied to determine the frequencies of intragenic and intergenic restriction fragment length polymorphisms associated with the factor VIII:C gene. The incidences for positive BclI and BglI polymorphic sites in the Chinese were 82% and 100%, respectively. Both were higher than in other ethnic groups, while the incidence for XbaI polymorphism was 57%, which is similar to that reported in Caucasians. Using the St 14.1 probe, two polymorphic TaqI allelic systems in the DXS52 region were detectable, with heterozygous rates of 0.712 (for system I, alleles 1 to 8) and 0.495 (for system II, and alleles), respectively. Thus, using a combination of four polymorphisms, it would be possible to offer carrier detection or prenatal diagnosis in 96% of Chinese females at risk.  相似文献   

Genomic DNAs from animals representing six breeds of cattle (Angus, Brahman, Hereford, Holstein, Jersey and Texas Longhorn) were screened with cloned gene probes in a search for restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). Eleven RFLPs were identified using seven different probes: growth hormone, prolactin, osteonectin, alpha A-crystallin, gamma crystallin, fibronectin and 21-steroid hydroxylase. The frequencies of the alleles identified by each probe were calculated and compared in a limited sampling of the six bovine breeds. These polymorphisms greatly enhance the pool of immunogenetic, biochemical and molecular markers available in cattle for linkage analysis, testing of parentage, and distinction of breeds.  相似文献   

The restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) of 3 collagen genes have been studied in two USSR populations. Four high-frequency alleles, also reported in other populations, were observed. The frequencies of alleles for the polymorphic sites MspI and EcoRI of the COL1A2 gene, HindIII of the COL2A1 gene and EcoRI of the COL3A1 gene were found to be 0.836, 0.398, 0.447 and 0.786, respectively, in Russians from Moscow (Caucasians), and 0.883, 0.519, 0.648 and 0.809, respectively, in Buryats from the Baikal region (Mongoloids). The RFLPs showed a fair agreement with the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The frequencies were compared with those of other populations.  相似文献   

Restriction maps were constructed for the two human 21-hydroxylase genes (21-OHA and 21-OHB) by using DNA from subjects homozygous for a deletion of each gene. Comparing the patterns of these two genes, a KpnI restriction site occurred in the 21-OHA gene in place of a TaqI site in the 21-OHB gene about 1-kb from the 5' end of the gene, and an extra EcoRI site was located 500 bp 5' to the common EcoRI site. The DNA of fourteen unrelated normal subjects was digested with nine restriction endonucleases (AccI, BamHI, BgIII, EcoRI, HindIII, KpnI, MspI, SacI and TaqI). Restriction fragment length polymorphisms were found with EcoRI, HindIII and AccI that resulted from polymorphic endonuclease sites outside the genes.  相似文献   

Summary. Genomic DNAs from animals representing six breeds of cattle (Angus, Brahman, Hereford, Holstein, Jersey and Texas Longhorn) were screened with cloned gene probes in a search for restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). Eleven RFLPs were identified using seven different probes: growth hormone, prolactin, osteonectin, α A-crystallin, γ crystallin, fibronectin and 21-steroid hydroxylase. The frequencies of the alleles identified by each probe were calculated and compared in a limited sampling of the six bovine breeds. These polymorphisms greatly enhance the pool of immunogenetic, biochemical and molecular markers available in cattle for linkage analysis, testing of parentage, and distinction of breeds.  相似文献   

Abstract DNA from several species of fast growing mycobacteria displayed a characteristic restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) pattern when hybridizated to a Mycobacterium fortuitum 16S rRNA gene fragment. The resulting patterns were identical when comparing different strains belonging to the same species. The RFLP results were consistent with those obtained by DNA-DNA hybridization studies. Using this approach, we have been able to identify the number of copies for 16S rRNA genes in several fast-growing mycobacteria.  相似文献   

Two Agaricus species, A. brunnescens (a commercial mushroom) and A. bitorquis (a wild, edible species), were examined for restriction fragment length polymorphisms. EcoRI-digested nuclear DNA from isolates of both species were cloned in plasmid vector pUC18. Ten random recombinant clones were used in Southern DNA-DNA hybridizations to probe EcoRI-digested DNA from 11 A. brunnescens isolates (7 commercial, 2 wild type, and 2 homokaryotic) and 7 A. bitorquis isolates. Most cloned fragments were polymorphic in both species. There were fewer different genotypes than expected, however, in the sample of commercial A. brunnescens strains. DNA from homokaryotic strains showed fewer bands in most hybridizations than DNA from heterokaryotic strains. All A. bitorquis isolates could be distinguished from each other as well as from every A. brunnescens strain. Putative homokaryons were detected by the loss of polymorphic bands among protoplast regenerates from one commercial strain and two strains collected in the wild.  相似文献   

Cloned cDNAs coding for eye-lens fibre cell-membrane proteins, MIP and MP70, were used to detect restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) in genomic DNA from inbred mice with autosomally inherited cataracts. Whereas distinct RFLPs associated with the MIP gene were identified in the Cba Cat and Nct mutants, no such genetic variation was associated with the MP70 gene. RFLPs associated with the mouse MIP gene may provide informative DNA markers in gene linkage studies of murine hereditary cataracts.  相似文献   

Hemicastration of Holstein bulls at 3 months of age resulted in increased (P<0.005) testicular weitht and testis sperm cell content at 330 days after treatment, but did not alter sperm cell concentration in the remaining hypertrophied testis. Radioimmuroassay of blood hormones at 1, 6, 12, and 24 weeks after treatment revealed that unilateral castration did not alter (P>0.1) basal levels or GnRH response profiles of either LH or testosterone compared to intact bulls. Hemicastration caused FSH to be elevated (P<0.01) compared to intact bulls at all sampling periods in both unstimulated and GnRH stimulated bulls. Prolactin varied with season and was greater (P<0.001) in hemicastrated bulls than in intact bulls at 1 and 6 weeks after treatment. Results indicate that unilateral castration at 3 months of age caused testicular hypertrophy of both steroidogenic and gametogenic function and this phenomena may be triggered by increased FSH or prolactin secretion, or both. Further, results indicate different testicular regulation mechanisms exist for pituitary LH and FSH release in bulls.  相似文献   

An F2 population of pea (Pisum sativum L.) consisting of 174 plants was analysed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) techniques. Ascochyta pisi race C resistance, plant height, flowering earliness and number of nodes were measured in order to map the genes responsible for their variation. We have constructed a partial linkage map including 3 morphological character genes, 4 disease resistance genes, 56 RFLP loci, 4 microsatellite loci and 2 RAPD loci. Molecular markers linked to each resistance gene were found: Fusarium wilt (6 cM from Fw), powdery mildew (11 cM from er) and pea common Mosaic virus (15 cM from mo). QTLs (quantitative traits loci) for Ascochyta pisi race C resistance were mapped, with most of the variation explained by only three chromosomal regions. The QTL with the largest effect, on chromosome 4, was also mapped using a qualitative, Mendelian approach. Another QTL displayed a transgressive segregation, i.e. the parental line that was susceptible to Ascochyta blight had a resistance allele at this QTL. Analysis of correlations between developmental traits in terms of QTL effects and positions suggested a common genetic control of the number of nodes and earliness, and a loose relationship between these traits and height.  相似文献   

Novel restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) in inbred rats were revealed with the human N-ras gene as probe. Three fragments hybridizing to the probe were detected by Southern blot hybridization under highly stringent conditions, and one of the fragments showed variation in inbred rat strains. Furthermore, on hybridization under low-stringency conditions, an additional fragment hybridizing to the probe was observed, and this fragment also showed interstrain variation. These two variant fragments showed different distributions in 27 inbred rat strains and segregated in backcross progeny as codominant alleles of independent single autosomal loci. Therefore, the loci for these RFLPs were named Nras-1 and Nras-2, respectively. Analyses of linkages between the RFLPs and 11 other loci revealed that the Nras-2 locus was closely linked to the c locus (3.7 +/- 2.6%), which belongs to rat linkage group I.  相似文献   

Polymorphisms of the prolactin (bPRL) and growth hormone (bGH) genes were studied comparatively in the Russian and German Black-and-White and Yaroslavl cattle breeds. Two polymorphisms were studied for each gene. In the case of the bPRL gene, the polymorphism of the 5-untranslated region was examined by microsatellite analysis and the RsaI polymorphism of exon 3, by RFLP analysis. In the case of the bGH gene, the MspI polymorphism of intron III and the AluI polymorphism of exon 5 were assessed by RFLP analysis. Differences in allele and genotype frequencies were observed both between and within breeds. The heterozygosity at the RsaI marker was low (9.4%) in the Russian Black-and-White breed; that at the microsatellite of the bPRL gene was low (3.2–24%) in all breeds examined. Homozygotes BB at the bPRL gene, which had not been reported earlier for European cattle breeds, were detected in the German Black-and-White and Yaroslavl breeds (at frequencies 0.16 and 0.13, respectively). The frequency of allele MspI(–) of the bGH gene in the Yaroslavl breed was extremely low (0.02), comparable only with that of the Holstein cattle (0.02). The heterozygosity at the AluI polymorphism was higher than at the MspI polymorphism of the bGH gene and reached 55% in the Yaroslavl breed. Genotype BB of the RsaI polymorphism of the bPRL gene tended to show a negative association with the fat content in milk. The genotypes of the AluI polymorphism of the bGH gene were associated with the fat content in milk in the Yaroslavl (F=4.56, P=0.013) and German Black-and-White (F=4.1, P=0.041) breeds: the highest fat content in milk was observed in the subsample of cows with heterozygous genotype VL.Translated from Genetika, Vol. 41, No. 2, 2005, pp. 229–236.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Khatami, Lazebny, Maksimenko, Sulimova.  相似文献   

Cloned cDNAs coding for eye-lens fibre cell-membrane proteins, MIP and MP70, were used to detect restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) in genomic DNA from inbred mice with autosomally inherited cataracts. Whereas distinct RFLPs associated with the MIP gene were identified in the Cba Cat and Nct mutants, no such genetic variation was associated with the MP70 gene. RFLPs associated with the mouse MIP gene may provide informative DNA markers in gene linkage studies of murine hereditary cataracts.  相似文献   

Polymorphisms of the prolactin (bPRL) and growth hormone (bGH) genes were studied comparatively in the Russian and German Black-and-White and Yaroslavl cattle breeds. Two polymorphisms were studied for each gene. In the case of the bPRL gene, the polymorphism of the 5'-untranslated region was examined by microsatellite analysis and the RsaI polymorphism of exon 3, by RFLP analysis. In the case of the bGH gene, the MspI polymorphism of intron III and the AluI polymorphism of exon 5 were assessed by RFLP analysis. Differences in allele and genotype frequencies were observed both between and within breeds. The heterozygosity at the RsaI marker was low (9.4%) in the Russian Black-and-White breed; that at the microsatellite of the bPRL gene was low (3.2-24%) in all breeds examined. Homozygotes BB at the bPRL gene, which had not been reported earlier for European cattle breeds, were detected in the German Black-and-White and Yaroslavl breeds (at frequencies 0.16 and 0.13, respectively). The frequency of allele MspI(-) of the bGH gene in the Yaroslavl breed was extremely low (0.02), comparable only with that of the Holstein cattle (0.02). The heterozygosity at the AluI polymorphism was higher than at the MspI polymorphism of the bGH gene and reached 55% in the Yaroslavl breed. Genotype BB of the RsaI polymorphism of the bPRL gene tended to show a negative association with the fat content in milk. The genotypes of the AluI polymorphism of the bGH gene were associated with the fat content in milk in the Yaroslavl (F = 4.56, P = 0.013) and German Black-and-White (F = 4.1, P = 0.014) breeds: the highest fat content in milk was observed in the subsample of cows with heterozygous genotype VL.  相似文献   

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