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Seagrass fragments and seeds are important dispersal mechanisms by which individuals can be transported to new habitats. While dispersal distances of these free-floating stages have been recently investigated in some detail, almost nothing is known about how long fragments or seedlings may remain viable in the water-column. This study reports on the results of an experiment in which both mature and seedling life-history stages of the temperate seagrass, Zostera marina L. were successfully maintained hydroponically over a 1-month-period. It is suggested that a potential application of this hydroponic growth approach could be seedling culture for restoration activities.  相似文献   

Summary Photosynthetic responses of the temperate seagrass, Zostera marina L., were examined by manipulations of photon flux density in an eelgrass bed in Great Harbor, Woods Hole, MA during August 1981. Sun reflectors and light shading screens were placed at shallow (1.3 m) and deep (5.5 m) stations in the eelgrass bed to increase (+35% to +40%) and decrease (-55%) ambient photon flux densities. The portion of the day that light intensities exceeding the light compensation point for Z. marina (H comp) and the light saturation point (H sat) were determined to assess the impact of the reflectors and shades. The H comp and H sat periods at the deep station shading screen were most strongly affected; H comp was reduced by 11% and H sat was reduced by 52%. Light-saturated photosynthetic rates, dark respiration rates, leaf chlorophyll content, chlorophyll a/b, PSUO 2 size, PSU density, leaf area, specific leaf area, leaf turnover times and leaf production rates were determined at the end of three sets of 1- to 2-week experiments. None of the measured parameters were affected by the photon flux density manipulations at the shallow station; however, at the deep station leaf production rates were significantly reduced under the shading screen and chlorophyll a/b ratios were higher at the reflector. These results indicate that adjustment to short-term changes in light regime in Z. marina is largely by leaf production rates. Further, the most dramatic changes in the periods of compensating or saturating photon flux densities had the greatest impact on the measured photosynthetic responses.  相似文献   

The initial discovery in May 2009 of eelgrass (Zostera marina) seeds in fecal samples of wild-caught northern diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin terrapin) was the first field evidence of eelgrass seed ingestion in this species. This finding suggested the potential of terrapins as seed dispersers in eelgrass beds, which we sampled for two additional years (2010 and 2011). Seeds were only found in feces of terrapins captured prior to June 8 in all three years, coinciding with eelgrass seed maturation and release. Numbers of seeds in terrapin feces varied annually and decreased greatly in 2011 after an eelgrass die off in late 2010. The condition of seeds in terrapin feces was viable-mature, germinated, damaged, or immature. Of terrapins captured during time of seed release, 97% were males and juvenile females, both of which had head widths <30 mm. The fraction of individuals with ingested seeds was 33% for males, 35% for small females, and only 6% for large (mature) females. Probability of seed ingestion decreased exponentially with increasing terrapin head width; only males and small females (head width <30 mm) were likely to be vectors of seed dispersal. The characteristic that diamondback terrapins have well-defined home ranges allowed us to estimate the number of terrapins potentially dispersing eelgrass seeds annually. In seagrass beds of the Goodwin Islands region (lower York River, Virginia), there were 559 to 799 terrapins, which could disperse between 1,341 and 1,677 eelgrass seeds annually. These would represent a small proportion of total seed production within a single seagrass bed. However, based on probable home range distances, terrapins can easily traverse eelgrass meadow boundaries, thereby dispersing seeds beyond the bed of origin. Given the relatively short dispersion distance of eelgrass seeds, the diamondback terrapin may be a major source of inter-bed seed dispersal and genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Samples of green and brown leaves of eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) were incubated in seawater without an additional carbon source. Parallel leaf samples were used for acridine orange bacterial counting and water-soluble aniline blue estimation of fungal biovolume. The incubations produced no evidence that there is an eelgrass counterpart for the chytridialean symbiont which is very common in turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum König). Sterile mycelium (i.e., living mycelium without identifiable propagules) was the most prevalent fungal form on incubated samples from submerged sites, whereas Dendryphiella salina and Sigmoidea sp. (marina?) were prevalent on brown leaves from the wrack line. Attempts to assay fungal biovolume in field samples indicated that the sterile mycelium observed after incubation represented the outgrowth of formerly dormant propagules or weakly established microcolonies. It was calculated that fungal biomass could not account for more than 0.5% of leaf mass, and it was probably much smaller than this, for no fungal structures were observed even in concentrated leaf homogenates. Bacterial densities fell within the range reported for other particulate substrates. A speculative estimate of bacterial productivity was 1.4× the standing stock per day.  相似文献   

The coast of the Yellow Sea in China, like many other temperate coastal zones, has been experiencing a dramatic decline in the abundance of seagrass. Intensive efforts have been made to restore seagrass communities along the coast to restore the function of the coastal ecosystem. Transplanting adult Zostera marina shoots is labor‐intensive, time‐consuming, expensive, and detrimental to donor beds; thus, restoring seagrass communities through the use of seeds is highly valued in current, large‐scale restoration trials. In this study, an effective method for collecting, processing, and storing Z. marina seeds was developed. From 2009 to 2013, respectively, 122,000, 421,000, 364,000, 1,041,000, and 1,091,000 seeds were successfully collected. Two‐way analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed the interaction between salinity and temperature significantly affected the cumulative germination rate (CGR) (p < 0.01) during the storage period and the viability (p < 0.01) of seeds after storage. The germination rate after storage was significantly affected by salinity and temperature (p < 0.01). The highest viability (89.8 ± 1.0%) and germination rate (75.6 ± 4.5%) were found among seeds stored at 4°C and a salinity of 44.5 psu for 7 months. The cost for planting 1 ha of sea bottom with Z. marina seeds ranged from $2,613 to $80,900 depending on the seeding density and seed loss during storage. The average cost per Z. marina seed in this study was $0.00586.  相似文献   

Pumas (Puma concolor; also known as mountain lions and cougars) in southern California live among a burgeoning human population of roughly 20 million people. Yet little is known of the consequences of attendant habitat loss and fragmentation, and human-caused puma mortality to puma population viability and genetic diversity. We examined genetic status of pumas in coastal mountains within the Peninsular Ranges south of Los Angeles, in San Diego, Riverside, and Orange counties. The Santa Ana Mountains are bounded by urbanization to the west, north, and east, and are separated from the eastern Peninsular Ranges to the southeast by a ten lane interstate highway (I-15). We analyzed DNA samples from 97 pumas sampled between 2001 and 2012. Genotypic data for forty-six microsatellite loci revealed that pumas sampled in the Santa Ana Mountains (n = 42) displayed lower genetic diversity than pumas from nearly every other region in California tested (n = 257), including those living in the Peninsular Ranges immediately to the east across I-15 (n = 55). Santa Ana Mountains pumas had high average pairwise relatedness, high individual internal relatedness, a low estimated effective population size, and strong evidence of a bottleneck and isolation from other populations in California. These and ecological findings provide clear evidence that Santa Ana Mountains pumas have been experiencing genetic impacts related to barriers to gene flow, and are a warning signal to wildlife managers and land use planners that mitigation efforts will be needed to stem further genetic and demographic decay in the Santa Ana Mountains puma population.  相似文献   

Abstract The laborious process of manual seagrass transplanting has often limited the size of seagrass restoration efforts. This study tested the efficiency of a mechanized planting boat, previously used for transplanting Halodule wrightii, relative to manual transplanting methods for establishing Zostera marina in Chesapeake Bay. Eelgrass planting was conducted at two sites, one each in the Rappahannock and James rivers, in October 2001. The methods were evaluated by three criteria: (1) initial planting success = proportion of attempted planting units (PUs) initially established (number confirmed in sediment by divers/number attempted); (2) survival = proportion of the initially established PUs persisting over 1, 4, and 24 weeks; and (3) efficiency = labor (in person·seconds) invested in each surviving PU. Initial planting success was significantly lower for the planting boat (24 and 56% at the Rappahannock and James sites, respectively) than for manual transplanting (100% at both sites). At the Rappahannock site, survival of initially established PUs declined over time for both methods, but while mean survival was always higher for manually planted rows, differences in survival between methods were not statistically significant. At the James site, survival to 1 and 4 weeks was significantly lower for the machine than for the manual method, but survival to 24 weeks was not significantly different. While the machine was able to attempt PUs faster than the manual method (2.2 s/PU vs. 5.8 s/PU, respectively), this speed was offset by poorer planting success rates, resulting in a much greater total labor investment for each machine‐planted PU that persisted to 24 weeks than for each similarly persisting manually planted PU (40.6 person·seconds/PU and 22.4 person·seconds/PU, respectively, averaged across sites). In summary, those PUs successfully planted by the machine survived similarly to PUs planted by hand, but as a result of poorer initial planting success, the machine required a greater investment of labor and plant donor stock for each PU surviving to 24 weeks. Therefore, in its tested configuration this planting boat is not a significant improvement over the manual method for transplanting eelgrass.  相似文献   

The seagrass Zostera marina is widely distributed in coastal regions throughout much of the northern hemisphere, forms the foundation of an important ecological habitat, and is suffering population declines. Studies in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans indicate that the degree of population genetic differentiation is location dependent. San Francisco Bay, California, USA, is a high-current, high-wind environment where rafting of seed-bearing shoots has the potential to enhance genetic connectivity among Z. marina populations. We tested Z. marina from six locations, including one annual population, within the bay to assess population differentiation and to compare levels of within-population genetic diversity. Using 7 microsatellite loci, we found significant differentiation among all populations. The annual population had significantly higher clonal diversity than the others but showed no detectible differences in heterozygosity or allelic richness. There appears to be sufficient input of genetic variation through sexual reproduction or immigration into the perennial populations to prevent significant declines in the number and frequency of alleles. In additional depth comparisons, we found differentiation among deep and shallow portions in 1 of 3 beds evaluated. Genetic drift, sweepstakes recruitment, dispersal limitation, and possibly natural selection may have combined to produce genetic differentiation over a spatial scale of 3-30 km in Z. marina. This implies that the scale of genetic differentiation may be smaller than expected for seagrasses in other locations too. We suggest that populations in close proximity may not be interchangeable for use as restoration material.  相似文献   

高等植物大叶藻研究进展及其对海洋沉水生活的适应   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
综述和讨论了目前对海洋沉水植物大叶藻的研究进展 ,主要包括 :(1 )形态解剖结构特点 ,(2 )基本生理研究 ,(3 )耐盐机理 ,(4)生存限制因子 ,(5 )问题与展望。其中着重讨论了大叶藻与海洋沉水生活相适应的一些特点 ,特别是其对海水盐度的适应机理。  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) populations in Maine, USA, are listed as a Distinct Population Segment under the U.S. Endangered Species Act due to reduced spawning runs and juvenile densities. Whenever possible, optimal conservation strategies for endangered populations should incorporate both present and historical knowledge of genetic variation. We assayed genetic diversity at seven microsatellite loci and at the mitochondrial ND1 gene in an endangered wild population of Atlantic salmon captured from the Dennys River from 1963 to 2001 using DNA’s extracted from archival scale and tissue samples. We examined temporal trends of genetic diversity, population structure, and effective population size (Ne). Overall temporal trends of diversity and Ne show significant reductions from 1963 to 2001 raising the possibility that current restoration efforts may be impacted by historical loss of diversity potentially critical to adaptation. Although our results suggest genetic stability in this population from 1963 to 1981, significant differentiation was observed for both the 1995 and 2001 samples compared with all other temporal samples. The presence of an ND1 mtDNA haplotype in this population, historically observed only in European and Newfoundland stocks, may represent previously unrecognized local wild diversity or, alternatively, may represent introgression from non-native fish.  相似文献   

The Baja California peninsula represents a biogeographical boundary contributing to regional differentiation among populations of marine animals. We investigated the genetic characteristics of perennial and annual populations of the marine angiosperm, Zostera marina, along the Pacific coast of Baja California and in the Gulf of California, respectively. Populations of Z. marina from five coastal lagoons along the Pacific coast and four sites in the Gulf of California were studied using nine microsatellite loci. Analyses of variance revealed significant interregional differentiation, but no subregional differentiation. Significant spatial differentiation, assessed using θST values, was observed among all populations within the two regions. Z. marina populations along the Pacific coast are separated by more than 220 km and had the greatest θST (0.13–0.28) values, suggesting restricted gene flow. In contrast, lower but still significant genetic differentiation was observed among populations within the Gulf of California (θST = 0.04–0.18), even though populations are separated by more than 250 km. This suggests higher levels of gene flow among Gulf of California populations relative to Pacific coast populations. Direction of gene flow was predominantly southward among Pacific coast populations, whereas no dominant polarity in the Gulf of California populations was observed. The test for isolation by distance (IBD) showed a significant correlation between genetic and geographical distances in Gulf of California populations, but not in Pacific coast populations, perhaps because of shifts in currents during El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events along the Pacific coast.  相似文献   

羚牛的遗传多样性及其种群遗传结构分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
羚牛是亚洲大陆一种特有的大型珍稀动物,目前正面临着栖息地丧失、片段化和人类活动的严重威胁。为了有效地保护这种濒危动物,全面了解羚牛的种群结构、进化历史和整个分布区内遗传多样性的分布是至关重要的。本研究以mtDNA D-loop330bp基因片段为分子标记,比较分析了来自陕西秦岭、甘肃南部、四川岷山、邛崃山和云南贡山的40个样品的序列差异,根据分布特点将所采集到的羚牛分为3个地理单元,即秦岭、四川和云南。结果表明,在3个地理单元中存在4种单倍型,且地理单元间不存在共享单倍型,相互单倍型之间的平均序列差异为1.66%。进一步分析表明,3个地理单元间的基因流较低,存在着显的遗传分化 ,说明羚牛具有明显的系统地理分布格局。同时提出应将分布于秦岭山区、唐家河青川地区、天全以及云南贡山地区作为独立的管理单元分别加以保护。  相似文献   

We characterized 37 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) makers for eelgrass Zostera marina. SNP markers were developed using existing EST (expressed sequence tag)-libraries to locate polymorphic loci and develop primers from the functional expressed genes that are deposited in The ZOSTERA database (V1.2.1). SNP loci were genotyped using a single-base-extension approach which facilitated high-throughput genotyping with minimal optimization time. These markers show a wide range of variability among 25 eelgrass populations and will be useful for population genetic studies including evaluation of population structure, historical demography, and phylogeography. Potential applications include haplotype inference of physically linked SNPs and identification of genes under selection for temperature and desiccation stress.  相似文献   

采用ISSR分子标记技术研究了干热河谷地区(云南的元江、元谋、巧家、保山4个居群)、干热地区(广西、海南2个居群)和湿热地区(西双版纳1个居群)木棉(Bombax malabaricum)居群的遗传多样性。用筛选出的10条引物,对110个个体进行了扩增,共检测到142个位点,多态位点百分率PPB=90.14%,Nei′s基因多样性指数H=0.2530,Shannon′s信息指数I为0.3864;居群间的遗传分化系数GST=0.1870,用AMOVA分析得出的Фst=0.177;研究结果表明木棉具有较高水平的遗传多样性,而居群间的遗传分化较低。我们推断木棉丰富的遗传多样性和有效的基因流是其较好适应性的重要因素。此外,我们建议在干热河谷地区对木棉进行引种时,要在居群内大量取样,并尽可能对不同居群进行取样。  相似文献   

In order to discuss the level of genetic diversity of Bombax malabaricum, we surveyed the genetic diversity of 4 populations (YJ, YM, QJ, DJ) from dry-hot valleys of Yunnan province, 2 populations (GX, HN) from dry-hot regionsand 1 population (BN) from wet-hot region of Yunnan using ISSR molecular markers . Based on 10 selected primers, 142 clear and reproducible DNA fragments were generated. The percentage of polymorphic loci PPB was 90.14%, Nei′s ( 1973) gene diversity H was 0. 2530 and Shannon′s Information index I was 0. 3864 . The coefficient of genetic differentiation( GST ) was 0. 1870 and the Фst was 0. 177 estimated by AMOVA. The results showed high level of genetic diversity within population and low level of genetic differentiation among populations. We inferred that the high level of genetic diversity and effective gene flow of B. malabaricum may play an important role in its better adaptability. Considering the introduction of B. malabaricum in dry-hot regions, we suggest to sample abundantly within populations and involve different populations .  相似文献   

Paphiopedilum micranthum is an endangered pink slipper orchid mainly distributed in the limestone areas of southwestern China. Wild populations of this species have been seriously threatened by excessive collections, rampant smuggling for export, and habitat destruction. We used 15 ISSR markers and 11 SRAP markers to investigate the genetic diversity and structure of 15 natural populations. A high degree of diversity was observed at the species level (ISSR: PPB=9166%, He=03839; SRAP: PPB=9929%, He=02806). Certain degree of genetic differentiation among populations (ISSR: Gst=02577; SRAP: Gst=02383) was detected maybe caused by low gene flow (ISSR: Nm=07201; SRAP: Nm=07991). Consistent with the results of Principal Coordinate Analysis, the UPGMA dendrogram analysis divided the 15 populations into two main clades. In addition to geographic distance, the difference in elevation was another natural factor contributing to this differentiation. Knowledge about genetic diversity and structure gained from our study will be beneficial for the development of reasonable and efficient strategies to conserve this endangered species.  相似文献   

Marine nitrogen-fixing bacteria distributed in the eelgrass bed and seawater of Aburatsubo Inlet, Kanagawa, Japan were investigated using anaerobic and microaerobic enrichment culture methods. The present enrichment culture methods are simple and efficient for enumeration and isolation of nitrogen-fixing bacteria from marine environments. Mostprobable-number (MPN) values obtained for nitrogen-fixing bacteria ranged from 1.1×102 to 4.6×102/ml for seawater, 4.0×104 to 4.3×105/g wet wt for eelgrass-bed sediment, and 2.1 × 105 to 1.2 × 107/g wet wt for eelgrass-root samples. More than 100 strains of halophilic, nitrogen-fixing bacteria belonging to the family Vibrionaceae were isolated from the MPN tubes. These isolates were roughly classified into seven groups on the basis of their physiological and biochemical characteristics. The majority of the isolates were assigned to the genusVibrio and one group to the genusPhotobacterium. However, there was also a group that could not be identified to the generic level. All isolates expressed nitrogen fixation activities under anaerobic conditions, and no organic growth factors were required for their activities.  相似文献   

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