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猕猴桃属植物九个新种   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了猕猴桃属植物 9个新种 ,这是在猕猴桃种质资源调查及种质圃建立的过程中收集的 ,其中 4个是作为毛花猕猴桃 (ActinidiaerianthaBenth) ,黄毛猕猴桃 (ActinidiafulvicomaHance)和网脉猕猴桃 (Actini diacylindricavar.reticulata)的特异类型收集的 ,5个当时即被认为是新种收集的 ,经多年栽培 ,植株开花结果 ,并经认真观测后定为新种  相似文献   

CARRETERO, J. L., 1992. A new species of Anthemis L. (Asteraceae) from Central Spain. A new species of Anthemis is described from the eastern Toledo Mountains. The morphological relationships to other taxa, as well as the chorology and ecology of the new species are presented.  相似文献   

Fourteen species of the genus Autosticha Meyrick,1886 are recorded from Taiwan,China.The genus Cynicocrates Meyrick,1935 is proposed as a new synonym of Autosticha,and its type species A.tachytoma (Meyrick,1935) comb.nov.is transferred to Autosticha.Autosticha cordiformis sp.nov.is described as new,and A.tachytoma is redescribed with male for the first time.A checklist of all the described species in Taiwan is given.Photographs of the new species and the newly combined species are provided.  相似文献   

A specimen collected in southern Tibet in 1928, hitherto identified only as "Arenanu sp.", is found to represent a new species of the subgenus Odontostemma . The new species resembles A. littledalei , the species that forms the basis of the monotypic genus Gooringia , characterized by a dwarf habit, a tetramerous perianth and only two or three stamens. Several other species of Arenaria subgenus Odontostemma resemble A. littledalei in habit and one ( A. saginoides ) is tetramerous, but hitherto none has been found with its extremely reduced androecium. The new species has an identical androecium to A. littledalei and its discovery leaves no doubt that Gooringia should not be recognized taxonomically at any rank. The new species is described as A. pharensis McNcill & Majumdar and a table compares its diagnostic features with those of A. littledalei and five other dwarf Arenaria species of sibgrnus Odontostemma from the mountains of Sikkim, Tibet, Yunnan and Tsinghai.  相似文献   

Larvae and adults of Anisakis, recovered from the beaked whales Mesoplodon layardii and Ziphius cavirostris from the Mediterranean Sea and South African waters, were analysed morphologically and by molecular markers (allozymes). A new Anisakis species was identified, showing fixed allele differences at a number of loci from the other Anisakis spp. tested (A. simplex complex, A. physeteris). The lack of hybrid or recombinant genotypes in mixed infections with A. pegreffii, A. simplex C and A. physeteris, as well as the high values of genetic distance (average DNei = 1.65 from the members of the A. simplex complex, and DNei = 3.09 from A. physeteris) showed that the new species is reproductively isolated. This new Anisakis species is morphologically different from the other Anisakis retained by Davey (1971) as either good species or species inquirendae. The name Anisakis ziphidarum n. sp. is proposed for the new species.  相似文献   

A key is given to the North American species of Austrolimnius, one of which is described as new. A new species from Venezuela is described, and new locality records in North and South America are listed for previously described species.  相似文献   

中国蛀果斑螟属分类研究(鳞翅目:螟蛾科:斑螟亚科)   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对中国蛀果斑螟属Assara Walker进行了系统研究,结果表明我国该属有昆虫共11种;突蛀果斑螟As-sara tumidula sp.nov,该种与白斑蛀果斑螟A.korbi(Caradja)相似,两者前翅后缘中部都有一白斑,但新种沿前翅前缘仅有一块白色区域,雄性外生殖器抱器瓣末端略微膨大,呈指状,阳茎端基环两侧臂锥形,雌性外生殖器第8腹节的长大于宽,后表皮突达第8腹节前缘,囊导管端部1/3加宽;蔺江蛀果斑螟A.linjiangensis sp.nov,该种与仓白蛀果斑螟A.palliaella Yamanaka在外形上相似,但前翅有3个黑色圆点,亚外缘线模糊,雌性外生殖器的后表皮突仅达第8腹节后缘,囊突新月形;苍白蛀果斑螟A.pallidella Yamanaka,中国新纪录种;井上蛀果斑螟A.inouei Yamanaka,中国新纪录种;芒果蛀果斑螟A.seminivalis(Turner)中国新纪录种寄主是芒果Mangifera indicaL.和银叶树Heritiera littoralis Aiton;白斑蛀果斑螟A.korbi(Caradja)取食鸦胆子Rhus javanica(L.)上的五倍子;丽江蛀果斑螟A.incredibilis Roesler;黑松蛀果斑螟A.funerella(Ragonot)寄主为黑松Pinus thunbergii Parl;松蛀果斑螟A.hoeneella Roesler寄主马尾松Pinus massoniana Lamb;台湾蛀果斑螟A.formosana Yoshiyasu取食栓叶安息香Styrax suberifolia Hook.et Arn,上蚜虫的虫瘿;白缘蛀果斑螟A.albicostalis Walker。文中编制了中国蛀果斑螟属的分种检索表,并提供了新种和新纪录种的外生殖器特征图,研究标本包括新种模式标本保存在南开大学生物系。  相似文献   

何继龙  储西平 《昆虫学报》1996,39(3):312-316
中国食蚜蝇属一新种记述(双翅目:食蚜蝇科)何继龙,储西平(上海农学院园林环境科学系上海201101)(江苏省农业科学院植物保护研究所南京210014)食蚜蝇属Syphus是Fabricius建立于1775年。此时的食蚜蝇属Syrphus(s.1.)是...  相似文献   

A key to and new findings on the Astragalus sect. Erioceras, are given for the 10 species of this section, which occur within the area covered by the flora of Iran. One species, Astragalus neo-sytinii , is described as a new species. A. sympileicarpus is reported as a new record for the flora of Iran. A. viridis is transferred from A. sect. Erioceras to sect. Xiphidium Sect. Acantherioceras is reduced to the level of subsection. The differences between that section and closely related sections are discussed.  相似文献   

Five species of Anagrus , egg parasites of various leafhopper species (Delphacidae and Cicadellidae, Honioptera), were bred for 3–13 generations in laboratory conditions. Biological and niorphological characteristics as well as attempts at crossbreeding were used to recognise the species Anagrus ensijer Debauche and four new. species. A. ensifer occurred in two varieties. The four new species and the two varieties of A. ensifer are described, and a key is given to both sexes.  相似文献   

庄剑云  魏淑霞 《菌物学报》1994,13(Z1):37-87
摘要:本文报告珠穆朗玛峰地区(中喜马拉雅)的锈菌计25属155种。所有标本系本文第一作者在1990年8月至10月在珠穆朗玛峰自然保护区(定结,吉隆,聂拉木和定日四县境内)进行科学考察时所采,保存在中国科学院微生物研究所真菌标本室。新种和中国新记录有:1.蓝钟花春孢锈菌Aecidium cyananthi J.Y. Zhuang sp. nov.2.坦登春孢锈菌Aecidium tandonii Mitter3.假风铃草鞘锈菌Coleosporium pseudocampanulae Kaneko, Kakishima & Ono4.坎宁安胶锈菌Gymnosporangium cunninghamianum Barclay5.无刺长栅锈菌Melampsoridium inerme Singh & Pandey6.巴克利多胞锈菌Phragmidium barclayi Dietel7.非洲短柄草柄锈菌戴维斯变种Puccinia brachypodii-phoenicoidis Guyot & Halencon var.davisii Cummins & H.C. Greene8.火把花生柄锈菌Puccinia colquhouniicola J.Y. Zhuang sp. nov.9.高山还羊参柄锈菌Puccinia crepidis-montanae Magnus10.迪里厄柄锈菌Puccinia durrieui Ono11.吉隆柄锈菌Puccinia gyirongensis J.Y. Zhuang sp. nov.12.苞茅柄锈菌Puccinia hyparrheniae Cummins13.淡灰柄锈菌Puccinia leucophaea H. Sydow & P. Sydow14.林克柄锈菌Puccinia linkii Klotzsch15.乳突柄锈菌Puccinia mammillata Schroeter16.帕氏柄锈菌Puccinia padwickii Cummins17.鞑靼茜草柄锈菌Puccinia rubiae-tataricae H. Sydow & P. Sydow18.风毛菊柄锈菌Puccinia saussureae Thuemen19.舌岩白菜柄锈菌Puccinia saxifragae-ciliatae Barclay20.葛缕子叶亮蛇床柄锈菌Puccinia selini-carvifoliae Savulescu21.西藏柄锈菌Puccinia thibetana J.Y. Zhuang sp. nov.22.脐景天柄锈菌Puccinia umbilici Guepin23.黄孢柄锈菌Puccinia xanthosperma H. Sydow & P. Sydow24.宫部膨痴锈菌Pucciniastrum miyabeanum Hiratsuka25.樱桃盖痂锈菌Thekopsora pseudo-cerasi Hiratsuka26.桑帕特轮孢锈菌Trochodium sampathense Thirumalachar27.间型拟夏孢锈菌Uredinopsis intermedia Kamei 新种有拉丁文描述,一些重要的种作了讨论。所有的种都列出了学名、寄主、采集地及标本号。  相似文献   

描述了采自中国西北地区的维特疣属Vitronura1新种——陕西维特疣,模式标本保存在中国科学院上海生命科学研究院。新种与属内其它种的区别在于上颚具有7齿,上唇有4根毛,头部背面毛的数量明显少于其它种类,An疣上有2根毛,胸部第2~3节的Di疣上分别有3根毛,腹部第1~4节De疣上分别有3根普通毛和1根感觉毛,腹部第5节的Di疣互相分离。文中同时还编制了该属中国种类检索表。  相似文献   

本文报道了单囊壳属Sphaerotheca的一新种:乌蔹莓单囊壳Sphaerotheca cayratiae Z.Q.Yuan et A.Q.Wang sp.nov.。新种寄生于葡萄科Vitaceae植物角花乌蔹莓Cayratia corniculata(Benth.)Gagnep上,为单囊壳属的寄主科世界新记录。文中对该新种的形态特征作了拉丁文和中文描述,并讨论了新种与本属内相似种的区别。模式标本存于新疆八一农学院植保系真菌标本室。  相似文献   

台湾窗翅叶蝉属种类纪要(半翅目,叶蝉科,大叶蝉亚科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
记述台湾的窗翅叶蝉属Mileewa Distant 11种,其中包括3新种:褐条窗翅叶蝉M.fusciovittata sp.nov.,南投窗翅叶蝉M.nantouensis sp.nov.和尖头窗翅叶蝉M.sharpa sp.nov.,并确认双斑窗翅叶蝉M.bimaculata Cai et He是船茎窗翅叶蝉M.ponta Yang et Li的新异名.文中详细描述了新种的形态特征并绘制了雄性外生殖器构造图,提供了11种的整体图片和分布,编制了分种检索表.研究标本分别保存在贵州大学昆虫研究所(GUGC)、台湾国立自然科学博物馆(NMNS)、台湾农业试验所(TARI)和台湾国立中兴大学(NCHU).  相似文献   

A new species‐group of the dobsonfly genus Protohermes is proposed, the Protohermes xanthodes species‐group. Three species from eastern Asia belonging to the new species‐group are redescribed and illustrated. Phylogenetic relationships among the species in this group, as well as the biogeography of these species, are discussed on the basis of a cladistic analysis.  相似文献   

In the present study, a new biological species of Anisakis Dujardin, 1845, was detected in Kogia breviceps and K. sima from West Atlantic waters (coast of Florida) on the basis of 19 (nuclear) structural genes studied by multilocus allozyme electrophoresis. Fixed allele differences at 11 enzyme loci were found between specimens of both adults and larvae of the new species and the other Anisakis spp. tested. Reproductive isolation from A. brevispiculata Dollfus, 1968 was demonstrated by the lack of hybrid or recombinant genotypes in mixed infections in K. breviceps. Genetic distance of the new species from its closest relative, A. brevispiculata, was D(Nei)=0.79. The new species is morphologically different from the other species which have been genetically characterised and from the other Anisakis retained by Davey (1971) as valid or as species inquirendae: the name of Anisakis paggiae n. sp. is proposed for the new taxon. Anisakis Type II larvae (sensu Berland, 1961) from the European hake Merluccius merluccius in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean (Galician coast) and from the scabbard fish Aphanopus carbo in Central Atlantic waters (off Madeira), were identified as A. paggiae n. sp. Its genetic relationships with respect to the seven species previously characterised (A. simplex (Rudolphi, 1809) sensu stricto), A. pegreffii Campana-Rouget & Biocca, 1955, A. simplex, (A. typica (Diesing, 1860), A. ziphidarum Paggi et al., 1998, A. physeteris Baylis, 1923 and A. brevispiculata) were also inferred. Overall, a low genetic identity was detected at allozyme level between the eight Anisakis species. Interspecific genetic identity ranged from I(Nei)=0.68, between the sibling species of the A. simplex complex, to I(Nei)=0.00 (no alleles shared at the considered loci) when A. physeteris, A. brevispiculata and the new species were compared with the other species of the genus. Concordant topologies were obtained using both UPGMA and NJ tree analyses for the considered species. In both analyses, A. paggiae n. sp. clustered with A. brevispiculata. They also indicated two main clades, the first including A. physeteris, A. brevispiculata and A. paggiae n. sp., the second containing all of the remaining species (i.e. A. simplex (s.s.), A. pegreffii, A. simplex, A. typica and A. ziphidarum). A deep separation between these two main Anisakis clades, also supported by high bootstrap values at the major nodes, was apparent. This is also supported by differences in adult and larval morphology, as well as with respect to their main definitive hosts. A morphological key for distinguishing adult A. paggiae n. sp., A. physeteris and A. brevispiculata is presented. Allozyme markers for the identification of any life-history stage of the Anisakis spp. so far studied, as well as ecological data on their definitive host preferences and geographical distribution, are updated.  相似文献   

In the framework of the researches granted by MURST COFIN97, studies on anisakid nematodes, aethiological agents of human anisakidosis, were carried out. The project was aimed to implement the knowledge on the systematics, genetics, ecology and epizootiology of species of the genera Anisakis and Pseudoterranova by applying genetic markers obtained from multilocus allozyme electrophoresis and from PCR-based techniques. The results obtained by allozyme studies allowed to extend the geographic distribution and to detect new definitive and intermediate/paratenic hosts of two sibling species of the A. simplex complex, i.e. A. simplex s.s. and A. pegreffii and to characterise the species A. simplex C, a new sibling species within the A. simplex complex as well as a new species belonging to the genus Anisakis, A. ziphidarum. Combined allozyme and morphological analyses provided markers for the identification of the four sibling species of the Pseudoterranova decipiens complex and their nomenclatural designations. New markers based on PCR-RFLP analysis were used for the identification of sibling species of the Anisakis simplex complex and of another four species of the genus. Genetic markers based on three diagnostic restriction enzymes allowed the identification as A. pegreffii of a larva obtained by endoscopy in a case of human anisakidosis in Southern Italy.  相似文献   

Recent generic realignments of the perennial grasses of the tribe Triticeae necessitate some new name combinations for North American species. Three new species combinations and three new subspecies combinations are made to accommodate six long-anthered and usually cross-pollinating species ofAgropyron sensu A. S. Hitchcock in the genusElytrigia sensu N. N. Tzvelev. Three new species combinations are made to accommodate three long-anthered and usually cross-pollinating species ofElymus sensu A. S. Hitchcock in the genusLeymus sensu N. N. Tzvelev. A complete listing is given of the North American species and subspecies ofElytrigia andLeymus as I perceive them.  相似文献   

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