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Reeders  H. H.  Bij de Vaate  A. 《Hydrobiologia》1990,200(1):437-450
In the evaluation of the role of lake restoration programmesin situ measurements of the filtration rate of the freshwater musselDreissena polymorpha have been performed in Lake Wolderwijd, The Netherlands. The filtration rate mainly depends on the suspended matter content of the water, and shows an inverse exponential relationship with this factor. The filtration activity is temperature indifferent between approx. 5 and 20 °C. At low temperatures the filtration rate drops abruptly, at high temperatures gradual inhibition occurs. The filtration rate shows a sigmoidal relation with the length of the mussel. The largestD. polymorpha have a diminished filtration rate compared to animals of smaller size. This might be a degenerative feature of the oldest mussels. In Lake Wolderwijd a population density of 675 per m2 is required to compensate phytoplankton growth by grazing. Manipulation of the size of the population can be executed by adding suitable substrates for the mussel.  相似文献   

Martin Sprung 《Hydrobiologia》1995,304(2):133-146
Food uptake ofDreissena polymorpha from two shallow water sites and one site at a 9 m depth in lakes was monitored over the course of 1 1/2 years. Feeding was characterized by the filtration capacity and ingestion capacity (i.e. the unrestricted maximum rates) at ambient temperature. The available food was estimated as seston dry weight, as seston ash free dry weight and as seston volume (sum of the volumes of the particles in the water column). The filtration capacity and ingestion capacity varied strongly during the course of the year by more than 1:10, with maximum values during late spring and early summer. The filtration capacity was correlated with water temperature, the ingestion capacity with temperature and seston concentration. However, at identical water temperatures both capacities were higher in spring than in autumn. At the 9 m site, filtration and ingestion capacity was also significantly influenced by lack of oxygen caused by stratification during summer. In the allometric equations by which both capacities (C) were related to body weightW (C=a W b ), an exponent b of 0.89±0.14 (mean±95% confidence interval) was calculated for the filtration capacity and 1.00±0.18 for the ingestion capacity. Both exponents did not vary significantly during the course of the year. The seasonal trend of the incipient limiting concentration (i.e. the seston concentration at which the intestine is filled to its capacity when the animal filters at maximum rate) was less pronounced. It showed a significantly positive correlation with seston concentration and a negative correlation with temperature. Except during the spring bloom, the incipient limiting concentration was in the range of the seston volume registered at the sites. Gross growth efficiencies were highly variable. An annual average between 5 and 20% was calculated. Growth efficiencies were lower at the shallow water sites with the highest seston concentrations.  相似文献   

The effects of contaminated river water on the filtration rate of zebra mussels from a clean reference site were studied. After a 48-h exposure period to filtered water from the rivers Rhine, Meuse and Amstel (The Netherlands), the filtration rate was measured. It was demonstrated that water from contaminated locations inhibited the filtration rate. Inhibition was higher during low water levels in the rivers Rhine and Meuse than during high water levels, suggesting that contaminants are diluted during high water levels. It is concluded that the shortterm filtration assay with D. polymorpha can be used for assessing water quality.  相似文献   

Byssus thread production ofD. polymorpha under different conditions of temperature, salinity and agitation were studied in the laboratory. The acclimation to salinity and temperature greatly affects the byssus production ofD. polymorpha. Byssus production of mussels was significantly reduced when temperature increased beyond 20°C and decreased below 10°C. Mussels with cut threads (for counting), produced a substantially increased number of threads. However, mussels with uncut byssus threads were comparatively more mobile. Byssus production of mussels did not vary significantly at salinities up to 3. Beyond this salinity byssus production was reduced significantly. Mussels increased their byssus production with increasing frequency of agitation.  相似文献   

Dreissena polymorpha population densities and biomass were followed in three Belarusian lakes with different trophic status over a 12-year period subsequent to initial colonization. In all three lakes zebra mussel population densities did not change once they reached a maximum. Application of the Ramcharan et al. [1992. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49: 2611–2620] model for predicting population dynamics of zebra mussels was accurate for two of the three lakes studied. Population density appears to depend on the time since initial colonization, relative abundance of substrate available for colonization, lake morphometry and trophic type. Zebra mussel distribution within lakes was highly patchy, but the degree of dispersion decreased over time after initial colonization, which may be a result of saturation of suitable substrates by zebra mussels as populations increase and reach carrying capacity. In lakes where submerged macrophytes are the dominant substrate for zebra mussel attachment, populations may be less stable than in lakes with a variety of substrates, which will have a more balanced age distribution, and be less impacted by year to year variation in recruitment. Dreissena polymorpha usually reach maximum population density 7–12 years after initial introduction. However, the timing of initial introduction is often very difficult to determine. Both European and North American data suggest that zebra mussels reach maximum density in about 2–3 years after populations are large enough to be detected.  相似文献   

The effect of lead on the filtration rate of the zebra musselDreissena polymorpha was investigated, together with the accumulation of Pb in the soft tissues of the mussels. The NOEC-filtration was 116 g.l–1 (0,56 mol.l–1) and the EC50-filtration was 370 g.l–1 (1.79 mol.l–1). The NOEC-accumulation was the concentration found in the control water (1.4g.l–1). These experiments show that the EC50-filtration for Pb is similar to that for Cd, higher than that for Cu and lower than that for Zn. The water quality criteria for lead allow 25 g Pb.l–1 in surface water. This will not cause short-term effects. Long-term effects may, however, occur, since an accumulation of Pb as low as 16 g.l–1 was recorded in this study.  相似文献   

Freshwater fouling invertebrate zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) harbor a diverse population of microorganisms in the Great Lakes of North America. Among the indigenous microorganisms, selective species are opportunistic pathogens to zebra mussels. Pathogenicity to zebra mussels by opportunistic bacteria isolated from the mussels was investigated in this study. Among the more than 30 bacteria isolated from temperature-stressed mussels, Aeromonas media, A. veronii, A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, and Shewanella putrefaciens are virulent pathogens to juvenile zebra mussels. Inoculation of a bacterial concentration of A. media, A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida and S. putrefaciens at 107 cells per zebra mussel resulted in 100% mortality within 5 days, and only 64.9% for A. veronii. In contrast, mortality was less than 12.3% following inoculation of a sterile phosphate buffer solution as a control. In addition, mortality was dependent on the size of the pathogen population used in inoculation and the incubation temperature, indicating the close relationship between the bacterial population and subsequent death. On the mussel tissue, a dense microbial population was evident from the moribund mussels viewed with Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Opportunistic bacteria invaded and destroyed the D. polymorpha tissue after 7 days of incubation when the bacterial inoculation was larger than 105 per zebra mussel. Our results suggest that mussels are reservoirs of opportunistic pathogenic microorganisms to aquatic organisms and humans and a better understanding of the microbial ecology of the mussels will provide insights to the possible health hazards from these microorganisms.  相似文献   

Martin Sprung 《Hydrobiologia》1995,304(2):117-132
Shell growth of tagged zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) was monitored in lakes at 3 sites over 1 1/2 years. It varied greatly with the season and was almost absent during winter months. Shell growth was significantly correlated with seston concentration, but not with water temperature. The theoretical maximum size (L∞) of the v. Bertalanffy growth equation did not vary seasonally. Tissue weight underwent a pronounced seasonal cycle. In animals of 20 mm shell length, minimum weights recorded in September only corresponded to one quarter to one third of the maxima in late spring. Tissue weight of animals from the 3 sites was distinctly different. Carbohydrate content of the tissue stayed below 10 per cent and tended to be highest in spring. Spring maxima of lipids were very pronounced. These lipids were primarily located in the digestive gland. These data were combined with data of gonad size by Borcherding (1991). Results imply that production of reproductive tissue even continues at a retarded rate during winter months, if food conditions were favourable. With poor food conditions, no production of reproductive tissue was estimated during winter; this, however, was followed by an elevated rate of reproductive tissue production in spring. Weight specific production decreased with a weight exponent of −0.24. Shell and byssus production contributed only in the range of 10 per cent to total production. Reproductive effort showed maxima of 30 to 45%. It increased with shell length at 2 sites and decreased at the other site with the largest animals.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution, settling and growth of the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha Pallas, in Lake IJsselmeer and Lake Markermeer in The Netherlands were studied from 1980 to 1985. In these lakes D. polymorpha is the most important food source for wintering diving ducks. The study was part of an investigation into the carrying capacity of the lakes for these birds.  相似文献   

Martin Sprung  Udo Rose 《Oecologia》1988,77(4):526-532
Summary In common with many other suspension feeders, the freshwater mussel Dreissena polymorpha has a maximum filtration rate at low food concentrations and a maximum ingestion rate at high food concentrations. These high rates, which reflect the potential maximum food uptake of the animal, are called the filtration capacity and the ingestion capacity respectively. The ingestion capacity was attained without forming pseudofaeces with Chlamydomonas reinhardii as food. The incipient limiting level could be calculated as the quotient of these two values. A decrease of the filtration rate at high food concentrations was correlated with changes in pumping activity, which showed more frequent interruptions, or a lower level of water transport. Dreissena can filter out particles of diameter greater than 0.7 m from the water. Retention reaches a plateau at about 5 m particle diameter. Scanning electron micrographs of the arrangement of the cilia on the gill filaments are given.  相似文献   

Jost Borcherding 《Oecologia》1991,87(2):208-218
Summary The annual development of the gonads of Dreissena polymorpha was studied at three sampling sites in two lakes over 3 and 1 1/2 years, respectively. A resting stage occurred after the last spawning in summer/autumn. Oogenesis (accompanied by multiplying segmentation of the oogonia and early growth processes of its oocytes) restarted in specimens at least 1 year old at low temperatures (below 10° C) during winter and early spring. At one location (Fühlinger See) the onset of the spawning season was correlated with an increase of water temperatures above 12° C. At 2 m depth, two main spawning periods in May and August were normally recognized, the first at temperatures of 12–16° C, the second at 16–21° C. It was clearly demonstrated for the first time in Dreissena polymorpha that the oocytes became mature in successive cohorts within one gonad. A female mussel may spawn several times during the reproductive season. At 9 m depth, the onset of spawning also started at about 12° C; this occurred in late summer, with two spawning periods within 1 month at a temperature range of 12–16° C. At another location (Heider Bergsee) the size of the gonads and the oocytes was reduced during April of both years studied, when food supply was low simultaneously with rapidly rising water temperatures in this shallow lake. There was no spawning period during spring. The major spawning period was delayed until July (temperatures 19–22°C). This shows (1) the synchronizing influence of low winter temperatures on the annual reproductive cycle and (2) a temperature threshold of at least 12° C for the start of the spawning processes. The results are discussed with regard to the geographical limits of further spread of Dreissena polymorpha.  相似文献   

Summary Studies of predation by roach (Rutilus rutilus) on zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in a large, eutrophic lake showed that there was a clearly marked size threshold ( 160 mm SL) above which roach began to feed on mussels. Roach preying on various sizes of mussels selected them in proportions different from their abundance and accessibility in the habitat. The mean size of mussels ingested by roach of 220 mm and larger, which fed predominantly on Dreissena, closely followed the pattern expected for a constant ratio of mean prey size to mean predator mouth size = 0.59. To explain the size selection we applied an optimal foraging approach, based on the ability of different-sized fish to crush (cost) mussels of different sizes, and hence crushing resistance, and energy contents (benefit). We found that fish smaller than 160 mm, which showed no inclination to eat Dreissena, would only be able to take small mussels with a very high cost/benefit ratio. The real switch to Dreissena would be expected in fish of 230–240 mm that could take most of their prey from highly profitable, numerous, and easily accessible size classes while keeping the mean prey size at the optimal level relative to mean predator mouth size.  相似文献   

Seasonal patterns of reproduction in a newly established population of Dreissena polymorpha are described for a site in the western basin of Lake Erie. Reproduction was monitored by histological examination of gonads, analysis of shell length-dry weight relationships, and following abundance of planktonic and settling larvae. Patterns of planktonic larval abundance and settling showed a distinct bimodal pattern in July and August, but conflicted with histological and length-dry weight data that showed spawning was a brief, highly synchronous event occurring in late August. Differences between histological data and abundance of larvae in the plankton can be explained as resulting from drift of larvae from disjunct populations of D. polymorpha which spawned earlier, into the study area. Veliger larvae were present in the plankton at low densities throughout the warm months before and after periods of peak abundances. The presence of these larvae can be explained by a combination of asynchronous spawning among local populations and postponed settlement by planktonic larvae.  相似文献   

Measurements of pseudofaeces production of Dreissena polymorpha were carried out with the aim of developing a biological filter at the freshwater inlet of Lake Volkerak-Zoommeer, the Netherlands. Bioprocessing of polluted suspended matter by suspended cultures of D. polymorpha occurs by filtration and sedimentation of the suspended matter as pseudofaeces. The measurements were conducted under semi-natural conditions.Pseudofaeces production was mainly determined by the dry matter content of the water; the relation is linear. Temperature was of much less importance. This agrees with earlier investigations of the filtration rate of D. polymorpha. Even at the lowest temperature measured during the experiments (6.4 °C) no large decrease in activity was observed. The relation of pseudofaeces production with shell length was sigmoid in shape, in accordance with measurements of the filtration rate.The pseudofaeces produced was slightly more polluted than suspended matter, partly due to a finer grainsize. D. polymorpha from Lake IJsselmeer exposed for 217 days at the intended location of the filter showed bioaccumulation of toxicants, especially organic pollutants and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (up to 10-fold accumulation). The required number of D. polymorpha in the biological filter to treat the waterflow of 14 m3 s–1 entering Lake Volkerak-Zoommeer is 1.24 * 109. The purification efficiency of the filter, the reduction of the amount of toxicants, partly depends on the binding properties of the toxicants and is highest for those strongly bound to suspended matter.  相似文献   

A. F. Richter 《Aquatic Ecology》1986,20(1-2):165-172
Biomanipulation as a tool for lake restoration is discussed mainly using literature data. It is based on the exploitation of the interactions both within and between the trophic levels in an aquatic ecosystem. Important among the interactions are: competition for light and nutrients between aquatic macrophytes and phytoplankton and among different phytoplankton species; grazing by planktonic and benthic filter feeders; and size-selective predation by fish. In several case studies biomanipulation has proved to be successful in restorating mildly eutrophic small waterbodies. However, for long-term stability of the restored ecosystems supplementary measures like reducing the external nutrient loadings are needed. The feasibility of the different biomanipulation measures to improve the water quality in shallow Dutch lakes is discussed. Preliminary results on biomanipulation experiments in enclosures withOscillatoria agardhii and the benthic filter feederDreissena polymorpha are given.  相似文献   

Martin Sprung 《Hydrobiologia》1995,304(2):147-158
Oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion of the zebra musselDreissena polymorpha from 3 sites in lakes were estimated regularly over the course of 1 1/2 years at ambient temperature. They showed a pronounced annual cycle, when expressed in absolute terms (at standard shell length) and in weight specific terms (at standard tissue weight). The atomic ratio of oxygen consumed to ammonia-N released (O/N ratio) was lowest in late summer at all sites (10 to 20) and highest during winter and spring (50 to > 100). The mean body weight exponent pooled from these sites was 0.78 (95% confidence interval±0.07) for the oxygen consumption rate and 0.80 (confidence interval±0.10) for the ammonia excretion rate. Both oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion were significantly correlated with the water temperature at the 2 shallow water sites, where temperature variation was most pronounced. Correlation with seston content or gonad volume were insignificant at these sites. The quotient of filtration capacity to oxygen consumption rate was about 3 times higher at the site with the poorest food conditions compared to the other sites. Net growth efficiency was highly variable; its annual average was 35 to 40 per cent and independent of locality and animal size.  相似文献   

Enumeration of benthic (bottom dwelling) and epiphytic (attached to plants) zebra and quagga mussels (Dreissena polymorpha and D. bugensis, respectively) at Lake Erie near-shore sites in fall of 2000 revealed an unexpected prevalence of the zebra mussel on submerged plants. Even at Buffalo, New York, USA, where benthic dreissenids have been 92–100% quagga mussel since 1996, zebra mussels constituted 30–61% of epiphytes numerically. This may reflect a partitioning of settling space consistent with interspecific competition. A seasonal epiphytic refugium might allow the zebra mussel to persist even where the benthos is almost exclusively quagga mussel. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Intracellular cadmium (Cd2+) ion accumulation and the ability to produce specific Cd2+ ion chelators was studied in the methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha. Only one type of Cd2+ intracellular chelators, glutathione (GSH), was identified, which suggests that sequestration of this heavy metal in H. polymorpha occurs similarly to that found in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, but different to Schizosaccharomys pombe and Candida glabrata which both synthesize phytochelatins. Cd2+ ion uptake in the H. polymorpha wild-type strains appeared to be an energy dependent process. It was found that Δgsh2 mutants, impaired in the first step of GSH biosynthesis, are characterized by increase in net Cd2+ ion uptake by the cells, whereas Δgsh1met1 and Δggt1 mutants impaired in sulfate assimilation and GSH catabolism, respectively, lost the ability to accumulate Cd2+ intracellularly. Apparently H. polymorpha, similarly to S. cerevisiae, forms a Cd-GSH complex in the cytoplasm, which in turn regulates Cd2+ uptake. Genes GSH1/MET1 and GGT1 are involved in maturation and metabolism of cellular Cd-GSH complex, respectively. Transport of [3H]N-ethylmaleimide-S-glutathione ([3H]NEM-SG) conjugate into crude membrane vesicules, purified from the wild-type cells of H. polymorpha appeared to be MgATP dependent, uncoupler insensitive and vanadate sensitive. We suggest that MgATP dependent transporter involved in Cd-GSH uptake in H. polymorpha, is similar to S. cerevisiae Ycf1-mediated vacuolar transporter responsible for accumulation of organic GS-conjugates and Cd-GSH complex.  相似文献   

Protoplasts ofMarchantia polymorpha L. were isolated from suspension cells. Regeneration of cell walls on the surface of the protoplasts began within a few hr of cultivation. New cell walls completely covered the surface of the protoplasts within 48 hr. Coumarin and 2,6-dichlorobenzonitrile treatment inhibited the formation of the new cell wall. In the initial stage of cell wall regeneration, endoplasmic reticula developed remarkably close to the plasma membrane in the protoplasts, but no development of Golgi bodies was observed at the same locus. This may suggest that the Golgi bodies do not play an active role in the cell wall formation, at least not in very early periods of cell wall regeneration. The development of endoplasmic reticula and an ultrastructural change of plasma membrane from smooth to rough may be important in the cell wall formation of protoplasts.  相似文献   

Plant regeneration from callus and protoplasts in Medicago polymorpha   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Seventeen ecotypes of the wild species Medicago polymorpha adapted to a Sardinian (Italy) environment have been evaluated for their response to tissue culture. The accession Samughero-Albi was the more respondent for callus induction and, together with Usassai, showed the highest regeneration capacity on media containing 1 mg l-1 2iP and 0.1 mg l-1 IAA. The morphogenetic response was also affected by the explant source. The hypocotyl-derived-calli were the best regenerating tissues. Regenerated plantlets were difficult to root and it was possible to obtain plants with a well developed root system only after 5–7 weeks of culture on media containing 2iP and IAA both at 0.2 mg l-1. Mesophyll cells were the best protoplast yielding source but only those isolated from roots were able to divide and to regenerate plants. Results are discussed in relation to the genotype specificity for the morphogenetic response and the feasibility of using M. polymorpha in the somatic hybridization with M. sativa.Abbreviations NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid - 6-BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - 2,4-d 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - 2iP N6-2-isopentenyl-adenine - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - GA3 gibberellic acid - GFMS growth regulator free MS medium - Prol proline - Malt maltose  相似文献   

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