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Killer cells (K cells) enriched from human blood mononuclear cells which mediate antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) were examined for surface markers. Sixty-seven percent of the E-rosette-negative, sIg-negative cells reacted with anti-T cell serum (AMT) previously shown to react with immunochemically defined T-cell antigens. Phytohemagglutinin induced 25% of K cells to express an E-rosette receptor. When these induced cells were isolated, greater than 98% reacted with AMT and 17% expressed the Fc receptor for IgG. Furthermore, they retained their functional capacity in ADCC. These findings demonstrate that an E-rosette receptor can be induced on human K cells. The data suggest the K-cell fraction included a population of thymus-dependent lymphocytes which can function as effector cells in ADCC.  相似文献   

Hybridomas have been prepared that secrete monoclonal antibodies against three different surface antigens of normal human mammary epithelial cells by fusion of mouse myeloma cells with spleen cells from mice and rats immunized with delipidated human milk fat globules. Using a novel method for molecular weight determination, the three different monoclonal antibodies, BLMRL-HMFG-Mc3, BLMRL-HMFG-McR2, and BLMRL-HMFG-Mc5, were found to identify molecules with apparent molecular weights of 46,000, 70,000, and 400,000 daltons, respectively. The latter is a mucin-like glycoprotein with a high sugar content and has not previously been described as a component of the human milk fat globule or of human mammary epithelial cell membranes. Single-cell quantitation of binding of monoclonal BLMRL-HMFG-Mc5 to three breast tumor cell lines using a Microscope Spectrum Analyzer and indirect immunofluorescence revealed a heterogeneous expression. Further, using a competitive radioimmunoassay, it was found that breast tumor cell lines differed by at least 10-fold in the 400,000-molecular-weight antigen content. None of the three antigens are detectable on several nonbreast cell lines, including normal breast fibroblasts.  相似文献   

A double immunogold-labeling method in immunoelectron microscopy was used for simultaneous detection of two antigens by monoclonal antibodies [OKT 8 (CD 8), anti-Leu-7, anti-Leu-11b (CD 16)] on lymphocytes in suspension. The combination of gold probe size (5 nm and 15 nm) and monoclonal antibody was found to be decisive for detecting double-labeled cells with the OKT 8+, Leu-11b+ phenotype. The combinations of OKT 8 labeled with the 5-nm gold probe (OKT 8(5] and anti-Leu-11b with the 15-nm gold probe (Leu-11b15) gave double-labeled cells; the reverse situation, using OKT 8 with a 15-nm gold probe (OKT 8(15] and anti-Leu-11b with a 5-nm gold probe (Leu-11b5), did not. Double-labeled OKT 8+, Leu-7+ cells were detected irrespective of which gold probe combination was applied. Our findings indicate that although the double immunogold-labeling method is well suited for study of lymphocyte subsets, it is important to determine suitable combinations of gold probe sizes and monoclonal antibodies for the lymphocyte subset under study, taking into account surface antigen density, so that double labeling ensues.  相似文献   

The use of live cell microscopy has made a number of contributions to the study of apoptosis. Many of the tools and techniques are available that allow us to image the key events that occur during cell death including mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization, mitochondrial transmembrane potential changes, translocation of Bcl-2 family members, caspase activation, phosphatidylserine flip and plasma membrane rupture. We discuss these techniques here and highlight the advantages and drawbacks of using such approaches to study apoptosis.  相似文献   

Rabbits were immunized with rat peritoneal mast cells (RMC) in complete Freund's adjuvant. The antisera (anti-RMC) were checked for their reactivity with RMC by intradermal skin tests in rats. The best serum was selected and absorbed with rat liver cells and rat immunoglobulins, including IgE. The absorbed serum (anti-RMCabs), as well as the anti-RMC serum, were then tested for their reactivity with RMC. Both sera were cytotoxic to RMC but only anti-RMC was cytotoxic for rat lymph node cells. Both sera gave positive reactions in rat skin, as seen by the permeability to Evan's blue dye. The binding of rat IgE to RMC was also inhibited by both sera. A control rabbit anti-rat sarcoma serum absorbed with liver cells did not show any interaction with RMC. When 125I-labeled RMC surface antigens were precipitated with anti-RMCabs and analyzed by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, several components were observed. Among these was one with a mobility identical to that of a mast cell surface component that had previously been identified as the receptor for IgE or at least a component thereof.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (McAb) against human ejaculated sperm were developed from mice immunized with sperm membrane preparations. A solid-phase radioimmunoassay, with dried sperm as antigen, was employed in McAb screening. The tissue and species specificity of monoclonal antibodies HS 2, 4 and 6 were evaluated after absorption of antibody preparations with heterologous sperm, human serum or seminal plasma or cells from other human organs. The sensitivity of HS 2, 4 and 6 antigens to trypsin exposure was determined: HS 4 antigen was highly sensitive while HS 2 and 6 were not. The regional distribution of McAb 4 on intact sperm cells was determined by immunofluorescence staining. HS 4 may be a sperm-coating antigen based on its presence on sperm and in seminal plasma. This possibility led to an investigation of its role in sperm capacitation. HS 4 antibody binding was reduced when capacitated sperm were compared with noncapacitated cells. HS 4 antibody, when present during capacitation and insemination, was without effect on sperm motility or fusion with zona-free hamster eggs. Trypsin removal of as much as 60% of HS 4 antigen from the cell population also did not impact on sperm function. To identify the molecular correlate of HS 4 antigen, membrane components were extracted from washed sperm with Nonidet P-40, concentrated by acetone precipitation and analyzed electrophoretically in SDS-urea on 10% polyacrylamide slab gels. Immunoassays on protein blots with peroxidase-coupled second antibody identified a single reactive species in the molecular weight range of 130,000. Multiple reactive components were detected in blot transfers of seminal plasma.  相似文献   

Zahn M  Renken J  Seeger S 《FEBS letters》1999,443(3):337-340
A fluorimetric multi-parameter cell sensor at the single cell level is presented which makes it possible to observe the physiological behavior of different cell lines, different physiological parameters, and statistical data at the same time. Different cell types were immobilized at predefined positions with high accuracy using optical tweezers and adhesion promoting surface layers. The process is applicable to both adherent and non-adherent cells. Coating of the immobilization area with mussel adhesive protein was shown to be essential for the process. Intracellular proton and calcium concentrations in different cell classes were simultaneously imaged and the specific activation of T lymphocytes was demonstrated. This method should be especially useful for drug screening due to the small sample volume and high information density.  相似文献   

We have characterized adhesion molecules on the surface of multipotential human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) and identified molecules whose ligands are present on mature hematopoietic cells. Flow cytometric analysis of hMSCs identified the expression of integrins: alpha1, alpha2, alpha3, alpha5, alpha6, alphav, beta1, beta3, and beta4, in addition to ICAM-1, ICAM-2, VCAM-1, CD72, and LFA-3. Exposure of hMSCs to IL-1alpha, TNFalpha or IFNgamma up-modulated ICAM-1 surface expression, whereas only IFNgamma increased both HLA-class I and -class II molecules on the cell surface. Whole cell-binding assays between the hMSCs and hematopoietic cell lines showed that T lymphocytic lines bound hMSCs with higher affinity than lines of either B lymphocytes or those of myeloid lineage. Experiments using autologous T lymphocytes isolated from peripheral blood mononuclear cells showed that hMSCs exhibited increased affinity for activated T-lymphocytes compared to resting T cells by quantitative whole cell binding and rosetting assays. Flow cytometric analysis of rosetted cells demonstrated that both CD4+ and CD8+ cells bound to hMSCs. To determine the functional significance of these findings, we tested the ability of hMSCs to present antigen to T lymphocytes. hMSCs pulsed with tetanus toxoid stimulated proliferation and cytokine production (IL-4, IL-10, and IFNgamma) in a tetanus-toxoid-specific T cell line. Maximal cytokine production correlated with maximal antigen-dependent proliferation. These data demonstrate physiological outcome as a consequence of interactions between hMSCs and human hematopoietic lineage cells, suggesting a role for hMSCs in vivo to influence both hematopoietic and immune function(s).  相似文献   

Recently, we demonstrated the feasibility of a chemical synthetic lethality screen in cultured human cells. We now demonstrate the principles for a genetic synthetic lethality screen. The technology employs both an immortalized human cell line deficient in the gene of interest, which is complemented by an episomal survival plasmid expressing the wild-type cDNA for the gene of interest, and the use of a novel GFP-based double-label fluorescence system. Dominant negative genetic suppressor elements (GSEs) are selected from an episomal library expressing short truncated sense and antisense cDNAs for a gene likely to be synthetic lethal with the gene of interest. Expression of these GSEs prevents spontaneous loss of the GFP-marked episomal survival plasmid, thus allowing FACS enrichment for cells retaining the survival plasmid (and the GSEs). The dominant negative nature of the GSEs was validated by the decreased resident enzymatic activity present in cells harboring the GSEs. Also, cells mutated in the gene of interest exhibit reduced survival upon GSE expression. The identification of synthetic lethal genes described here can shed light on functional genetic interactions between genes involved in normal cell metabolism and in disease.  相似文献   

Allo- and heteroantisera against cerebellar tissue from young postnatal mice detect surface antigens on a nullipotent mouse embryonal teratocarcinoma line, F-9. These antigens are operationally identical to the NS-4 and NS-5 antigens described previously. Antigenic specificities are shared with brain, kidney, and sperm.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Apoptosis is a complex phenomenon during which several events occur. A growing interest exists on the role and functionality of mitochondria during this type of cell death. The responsibility of modifications in mitochondrial membrane potential (Delta Psi) in triggering apoptosis is under investigation. METHODS: We evaluated Delta Psi changes in HL60 cells treated with staurosporine (STS). Flow cytometry and confocal microscopy have been used to analyze samples stained with two Delta Psi-sensitive probes, JC-1 and MitoTrackertrade mark Red CMXRos. RESULTS: At the cellular level, we found heterogeneic behavior. Indeed, after STS treatment, some cells displayed typical markers of apoptosis and a collapse in Delta Psi. Others were apoptotic with no changes in Delta Psi, others changed Delta Psi without being apoptotic, and others were healthy. The same heterogeneic response to STS was found at the single organelle level. In a given cell, some mitochondria were depolarized whereas others were not. CONCLUSION: In this model of apoptosis, changes in Delta Psi can be different among cells of the same type and among different organelles of the same cell. The collapse in Delta Psi is thus a heterogeneic phenomenon that seems to be an ancillary event following the irreversible phase of the apoptotic process.  相似文献   

Transformed baby hamster kidney (BHK) cells were tested for surface antigens by an immunocytoadhesion method. The cells were sensitized with rabbit antisera to cell clones transformed by polyoma or by BK virus and then rosetted with erythrocytes coated with antibody to rabbit immunoglobulin. These antisera detected common antigens on BHK cells transformed by either of three papovaviruses, polyoma, BK, or SV40, but apparently not on normal BHK cells.  相似文献   

After 24 h of continuous labeling with radioactive precursors, a high molecular weight heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HS-PG) was isolated from both the medium and cell layer of human colon carcinoma cells (WiDr) in culture. The medium HS-PG eluted from a diethylaminoethyl anion exchange column with 0.45-0.50 M NaCl, had an average density of 1.46-1.49 g/ml on dissociative CsCl density-gradient ultracentrifugation, and eluted from Sepharose CL-2B with a Kav = 0.57. This proteoglycan had an estimated Mr of congruent to 8.5 X 10(5), with glycosaminoglycan chains of Mr = 3 X 10(4) which were all susceptible to HNO2 deaminative cleavage. Deglycosylation of the HS-PG with polyhydrogen fluoride resulted in a 3H-core protein with Mr congruent to 2.4 X 10(5). The cell layer contained a population of HS-PG with characteristics almost identical to that released into the medium but with a larger Mr = 9.5 X 10(5). Furthermore, an intracellular pool contained smaller heparan sulfate chains (Mr congruent to 1 X 10(4)) which were mostly devoid of protein core. In pulse chase experiments, only the large cell-associated HS-PG was released (approximately 58%) into the medium as intact proteoglycan and/or internalized and degraded (approximately 42%), with a t1/2 = 6 h. However, the small intracellular component was never released into the medium and was degraded at a much slower rate. When the cells were subjected to mild proteolytic treatment, only the large cell-associated HS-PG, but none of the small component, was displaced. Addition of exogenous heparin did not displace any HS-PG into the medium. Both light and electron microscopic immunocytochemistry revealed that the cell surface reacted with antibody against an HS-PG isolated from a basement membrane-producing tumor. Electron microscopic histochemistry using ruthenium red and/or cuprolinic blue revealed numerous 10-50-nm diam granules and 70-220-nm-long electron-dense filaments, respectively, on the surface of the tumor cells. The results indicate that colon carcinoma cells synthesize HS-PGs with distinct structural and metabolic characteristics: a large secretory pool with high turnover, which appears to be synthesized as an integral membrane component and localized primarily at the cell surface, and a small nonsecretory pool with low turnover localized predominantly within the cell interior. This culture system offers an opportunity to investigate in detail the mechanisms involved in the regulation of proteoglycan metabolism, and in the establishment of the neoplastic phenotype.  相似文献   

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