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The present article is the first comprehensive treatment of phytogeography of Thermopsis (Fabaceae) in the world. Thermopsis is one of the few genera within Fabaceae with the distribution pattern of the East Asia-North American disjunction. The distribution patterns of 5 recognized sections (including a new one) covering 21 species in Thermopsis are analyzed, and the results show four centres of frequency of the genus: the Eastern Asiatic Region (9 spp. / 3 sects., including 4 endemic species), the Irano-Turanian Region (7 spp./3 sects., including 3 endemic species), the Rocky Mountain Region (7 spp./2 sects., all endemic), and the Atlantic North American Region (3 spp. / 1 sect., all endemic). In the light of the fact that most species and sections, a number of phylogenetic series of the genus, and the most primitive sections and most advanced sections in Thermopsis occur in the East Asia, the Eastern Asiatic Region might be the centre of diversity of the genus. As the Irano-Turanian Region and the Rocky Mountain Region were just second to that of Eastern Asiatic Region in number of sections and species, and many polyploids appeared in these regions, they were considered as the secondary centres of distribution and speciation of the genus. The speciation looks to be frequent and complex in these regions, and many new taxa have been described from there while many new reduced or incorporated taxa have happened over there. However, recent molecular data has shown that two reduced taxa of Thermopsis are distinct in these regions. Based on the modern distribution patterns and evolutionary trends in morphological characters of the genus, and available fossil record of the genus and the historical geology, we speculate that Thermopsis had already existed on Eurasia and North America before the Late Miocene, and probably originated from an ancestral form of Sophora-like taxa with lupine alkaloids somewhere in the Laurasia in the Early Tertiary or Late Cretaceous. After the separation of the two continents, species on different continents developed distinctly under influences of different evolutionary factors. In Asia, the late Tertiary orogeny, disappearing of the Tethys and aridity and freezing caused by the Quaternary glaciation were the main forces to promote the speciation and evolutionary processes, whereas in North America it was the Quaternary glaciation and the orogeny of partial area to promote evolution of the genus. According to the evolutionary trends in Thermopsis and the distribution pattern of the primitive taxa, Sino-Japanese Subregion of Eastern Asiatic Region may be considered asthe centre of primitive forms of Thermopsis.  相似文献   

豆科黄华属的植物地理研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
首次全面论述了全世界黄华属(豆科)植物地理。黄华属是豆科少数几个东亚-北美间断分布属之一。对黄华属5组21种的分布进行了分析,发现本属4个频度分布中心依次是:东亚地区(8种/3组,其中特有种4种),伊朗-土兰地区(7种/3组,其中特有种3种),落基山地区(7种/2组,均为特有种)及大西洋北美地区(3种/1组,均为特有种)。基于以下事实:在东亚地区存在本属最多的组与种;在此区可以见到黄华属系统发育系列;该属最原始的组种及最进化的组种也在该区出现等,可以认为东亚地区是该属的现代分布中心及分化中心。伊朗-土兰地区(中亚东部至喜马拉雅)及落基山地区所含种、组数仅次于东亚地区,而且多倍体现象多发生于这两区,因此可认为是本属的次生分布中心及分化中心。在此二地区,物种分化较活跃且复杂,先后描述了很多新种和变种,也曾进行过较多的归并处理。最近的分子生物学证据不断揭示,在这地区曾被归并的一些分类群存在着较大不同,从而提醒分类学家对年轻区系中物种分化较活跃的类群进行分类处理时,无论是建新分类群还是对某些类群进行归并,应持谨慎态度。作者根据黄华属植物的现代地理分布、形态演化趋势、现有的化石及地质历史资料,推测黄华属植物在中新世之前早已形成,并且在晚第三纪欧亚大陆与北美大陆失去陆地连接之前在两大陆已经存在,很可能是于早第三纪或晚白垩纪在劳亚古陆上起源于一个含羽扇豆生物碱的古槐成员。两大陆分离后,在不同的成种因子的影响下,形成了各自的演化格局:在亚洲,晚第三纪的喜马拉雅造山运动、古地中海消失及第四纪冰川作用引起的旱化、寒化,促进了该属植物的强烈分化;而在北美,第四纪的冰川作用及局部的山体隆起,可能是促进该属植物演化的主要动力。根据黄华属植物的系统演化趋势及原始类群的分布式样分析,东亚地区的中国-日本亚区可能是本属植物的原始类型中心。  相似文献   

Kobayashi  Shun  Gale  Stephan W.  Denda  Tetsuo  Izawa  Masako 《Plant Ecology》2019,220(4-5):457-466
Plant Ecology - Inferring pollinators from floral traits is problematic because many flowers do not conform to a prescribed phenotype by which they may be assigned to any one particular pollination...  相似文献   

Reproductive phenology, floral biology, degree of self‐incompatibility, and floral visitors of Erythrina falcata were studied in an Argentinean population. Flowering occurs during the dry season from late August to late October. Flower lifetime is 5–6 d. Phylogenetic studies indicate that E. falcata, together with E. fusca and E. crista‐galli, are included in a basal clade within Erythrina. Its phylogenetic position, floral morphology, and nectar characteristics suggest a hummingbird–passerine mixed pollination system. The flowers are nontubular, and the vexillum (the upper petal of the corolla) covers the other remaining floral parts until displaced by a visiting passerine (Icterus cayanensis) or a hummingbird (Amazilia chionogaster). Both birds act as pollen vectors. Bees were observed as occasional pollinators. Nectar production begins at anther dehiscence and coincides with maximum stigmatic receptivity. The base of the keel forms a secondary nectar reservoir. Controlled pollinations showed that this species is self‐incompatible, although a few fruits develop from selfing. Pollen:ovule ratio (43,200:7) is as expected for a xenogamous plant. Only 1 percent of the flowers set seeds under natural conditions. Possible explanations for the low reproductive success are discussed.  相似文献   

郭艳峰  刘妍  蒋谦才  孙红梅 《广西植物》2016,36(11):1318-1324
猪屎豆( Crotalaria pallida)为典型的蝶形花植物,分布极广,是路边或遭破坏生境中最常见的先锋种之一,野外观察未发现其有营养生殖的现象,主要为种子繁殖。该研究通过对自然生境中猪屎豆开花物候、访花昆虫及繁育系统的研究,旨在从繁殖的角度阐述其快速扩张的能力。结果表明:尽管猪屎豆的主要访花昆虫是蜜蜂,但蜜蜂的访花频率极低[(1.73±1.30)次/花序·h-1],且在整个花期内花药和柱头均被龙骨瓣包裹,蜜蜂访花时未成功接触柱头和花粉,不能实现传粉,因此蜜蜂不是猪屎豆有效的传粉昆虫,这与假说“蝶形花普遍是对膜翅目昆虫,尤其是对蜜蜂传粉的适应”不一致。人工授粉结果显示,猪屎豆为自交亲和种,不存在无融合生殖现象,其繁殖主要通过主动自交生产种子来实现,且在自交过程中长短花药都参与主动自交。这种自交方式不同于其他蝶形花植物的主动自交仅由短花药实现。对猪屎豆而言,长短花药均参与自交能够增加柱头的授粉几率,保证其在不利的生境中成功结籽,是其成功扩张的关键因素之一。  相似文献   

Schutte, A.L. 1995. Five new species of the genus Liparia (Fabaceae) from South Africa. - Nord. J. Bot. 15: 149–156. Copenhagen. ISSN 0107–055X.
Five distinct new species of the genus Liparia are described, namely L. bonaespei, L. confusa, L. congesta, L. rafnioides and L. triata . These species are, like many of the species included in the recently enlarged generic concept of Liparia , also localized, and are all endemic to the Cape Province of South Africa.  相似文献   

A new genus, Wuacanthus Y.F. Deng, N.H. Xia & H. Peng (Acanthaceae), is described from the Hengduan Mountains, China. Wuacanthus is based on Wuacanthus microdontus (W.W.Sm.) Y.F. Deng, N.H. Xia & H. Peng, originally published in Justicia and then moved to Mananthes. The new genus is characterized by its shrub habit, strongly 2-lipped corolla, the 2-lobed upper lip, 3-lobed lower lip, 2 stamens, bithecous anthers, parallel thecae with two spurs at the base, 2 ovules in each locule, and the 4-seeded capsule. Phylogenetic analyses show that the new genus belongs to the Pseuderanthemum lineage in tribe Justicieae. Wuacanthus is closely related to Pseuderanthemum but differs from the latter by its shorter corolla tube and two minute spurs at the base of each anther-theca. W. microdontus is assessed with the status EN B2ab (iii) based on the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria.  相似文献   

Paulo H. Labiak 《Brittonia》2011,63(1):139-149
Stenogrammitis , a new genus of grammitid ferns, is segregated from Lellingeria based on morphological and molecular evidence. It differs from Lellingeria by linear leaves usually less than 5 mm wide, clathrate iridescent rhizome scales that are glabrous except for a single apical cilium, veins unbranched and only one per segment, fertile veins usually with the dark sclerenchyma visible beneath the sporangia, and x = 33. In contrast, Lellingeria has broader laminae, veins pinnate within the segments, and fertile veins not visible beneath the sporangia. Melpomene, which is sister to Stenogrammitis and Lellingeria, differs from those two genera by reddish setae on the leaves and rhizome scales papillate at the apex. Some species of Stenogrammitis are also distinctive by hemidimorphic laminae that have the fertile portion less dissected than the sterile. Stenogrammitis is pantropical and currently comprises 24 species, 12 of which occur in the Neotropics, six in Africa, four in Madagascar, and two on Pacific Islands. New combinations are made for Stenogrammitis aethiopica, S. anamorphosa, S. ascensionensis, S. boivinii, S. delitescens, S. jamesonii, S. hartii, S. hellwigii, S. hildebrandtii, S. limula, S. luetzelburgii, S. myosuroides, S. nutata, S. oosora, S. paucipinnata, S. prionodes, S. pumila, S. ruglessii, S. rupestris, S. saffordii, S. strangeana, S. tomensis, S. subcoriacea, and S. wittigiana. Lectotypifications are made for Grammitis muscosa, Polypodium itatiayense, P. oosorum var. micropecten, P. serrulatum forma major, P. serrulatum forma minor, S. luetzelburgii, S. myosuroides, and S. wittigiana. Illustrations are presented for the diagnostic characters of the genus, as well as a map with the geographical distribution.  相似文献   

A revision of the genus Dolichos in South Africa (Lesotho and Swaziland included) is presented. This legume genus, belonging to the bean tribe Phaseoleae, mainly has an African distribution, extending into Asia. In South Africa it is represented by nine species, two (D. sericeus and D. trilobus) of which extend into Tropical Africa. Dolichos is closely related to the genus Macrotyloma from which it can be distinguished by the short standard appendages, reticulate pollen and the generally purple flowers (standard appendages long, pollen tuberculate or spinulose and flowers yellow or orange in Macrotyloma). It also has affinities with the genera Dipogon and Lablab. The correct nomenclature, as well as complete synonymy, typification and distribution maps of all the species are provided.  相似文献   

Herrera J 《Annals of botany》2005,95(2):345-350
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Different plant organs may show varying degrees of form diversification or conservatism across phylogenetically related taxa. The present study uses data from a recent systematic study of Iberian Papilionoideae to investigate diversification and covariation in reproductive and vegetative plant parts. The appropriateness of imprecise (but comprehensive) taxonomic quantitative information is tested. METHODS: Organ size covariation and phenotypic correlations were studied among tribes, genera and species. Scale relationships were investigated by Reduced Major Axis regression. Variables used were the maximum dimensions of calyx, corolla, keel petal, fruit, seed, stipule, leaflet and petiole. KEY RESULTS: As regards tribe averages, the length of the corolla and that of calyx correlated positively and significantly. In contrast, pod length was unrelated to corolla size and largely tribe-specific. Within genera, the sizes of calyx, corolla and fruit sometimes covaried linearly (e.g. Lathyrus species) and other times did not (Genista, Astragalus). CONCLUSIONS: Information from taxonomic studies can be useful to establish major phenotypic correlations in plants. Results underscore the implications of tribal ownership in the Papilionoideae and illustrate the extensive morphological diversification of pods relative to flowers in this group.  相似文献   

A new genus of rust fungi (Basidiomycota, Pucciniales), with species type Caetea itatiaiaensis, was collected on Piptadenia (Fabaceae) at the Parque Nacional do Itatiaia in the Serra da Mantiqueira, states of Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais, Brazil. This genus is delimited as (i) three-celled teliospores borne on a single pedicel each with a corresponding apical cell and (ii) apical cells giving rise to distally capitate cysts that overhang the teliospore cells.  相似文献   

锦鸡儿属(豆科)一新组合   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
中间锦鸡儿(Caragana korshinskii var. intermedia), 与柠条锦鸡儿(C. korshinskii)和小叶锦鸡儿(C. microphylla)是近缘种.但以前有不同的分类学名称和处理,本文把它作为柠条锦鸡儿的一个变种(C. korshinskii Kom. var. intermedia (Kuang et H. C. Fu) M. L. Zhang & G. H. Zhu)来处理.  相似文献   

The name Ononis rentonarensis is proposed for a new Spanish species belonging to Ononis section Matrix subsection Rhodanlhae, whose distribution is restricted to a few localities in northeastern Alicante Province (E.Spain). Its morphological features, ecology and main relationships and differences with other Spanish species in the subsection are discussed.  相似文献   

Lupinus elaphoglossum Barneby, related toL. crotalarioides Mart. ex Benth., but differing in leaves and stipules, is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

Lupinus rubriflorus Planchuelo, from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, is described and illustrated. This species is related toL. bracteolaris s.l. differing in pubescence, stipules, and floral characters.  相似文献   

Paul A. Fryxell 《Brittonia》1971,23(3):231-237
Dendrosida, here described as new, comprises three taxa:D. batesii Fryxell,D. sharpiana (Miranda) Fryxell ssp.sharpiana, andD. sharpiana ssp.occidentalis Fryxell. The genus is interpreted as a primitive representative of the tribe Malveae, and its relationship to other genera of theAbutilon alliance is discussed. An analysis of mericarp morphology in relation to seed dissemination mechanisms indicates that theAbutilon alliance may be divided into an Abutiloid and a Sidoid group.Dendrosida is included in the latter.  相似文献   

Previous studies recognized three major lineages of the family Costaceae: a South American clade, an Asian clade and a Costus clade. However, the genus Hellenia within the Asian clade has been shown to be non-monophyletic and its morphology has not been studied carefully. Therefore, the complete plastid genomes of Hellenia species were obtained and the monophyly of Hellenia was tested through four different datasets in this study. Plastid phylogenomic analyses of Costaceae revealed that Hellenia is strongly supported as paraphyletic. Two major clades are recovered, namely the Hellenia s.s. subclade and the Parahellenia subclade. Phylogenetic analyses based on an enlarged taxon sampling of the Asian clade using a two chloroplast markers dataset (trnK intron and trnL-F spacer) confirmed the paraphyly of Hellenia. Meanwhile, morphological analyses suggested that members of the Parahellenia subclade differ from the remaining Hellenia species in many characters including inflorescences, bracts, stigma, axillary buds, floral tubes and labellum. According to the present molecular and morphological evidence, the latter subclade is recognized as a new genus, Parahellenia. Two new species are described, four new combinations are made, and identification keys are also provided.  相似文献   

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