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In striking contrast to the general increase in diving ability with body mass in seabirds, amongst the Procellariiformes, the deepest dives appear to be by the smallest species. Here, we use recently developed, miniaturized time depth recorders to provide the first accurate measurement of dive depth and duration in two small Procellariiformes: Common (Pelecanoides urinatrix) and South Georgian diving petrel (P. georgicus), and compare their diving performance in relation to body mass with that of 58 seabirds from four orders. The 20 common and six South Georgia diving petrels in our study dived to considerable depths and for long periods (respective mean ± SD of 10.5 ± 4.6 and 18.1 ± 3.6 m, and 36.4 ± 9.1 and 44.2 ± 5.9 s). In relation to body mass, these dives are closely comparable to those of small alcids, which are considered to be diving specialists, and much greater than in closely related petrels. Previous work has shown that diving petrels and small alcids share a number of convergent morphological traits; our data reveal these are manifested in terms of diving ability.  相似文献   

White-chinned petrels Procellaria aequinoctialis and grey petrels Procellaria cinerea are among the most frequently killed seabird species by accidental bycatch, and both species have received strong conservation concern. Data on population size are required to evaluate the impact of bycatch and to establish management plans. We estimated the population size of both species at Kerguelen, Southern Indian Ocean, from 2004 to 2006 by explicitly taking into account detection probability of burrows using distance sampling and burrow occupancy. A total of 31 line-transects were distributed across the eastern part of Kerguelen, representing a total length of 566 km. Detectability was low (from 0.19 to 0.54 for white-chinned petrels, 0.58 for grey petrels). Burrow densities varied from 1.37±0.67 to 25.77±5.23 burrows ha−1 for white-chinned petrels and was 2.78±0.79 burrows ha−1 for grey petrels. For white-chinned petrels, these densities were extrapolated to the entire surface area of vegetation and there were 234 000 (186 000–297 000) active burrows on Kerguelen. For grey petrels, the number of active burrows for the eastern part of Kerguelen was 3400 (1900–5600). Based on these estimates, the potential biological removal method suggests that the additional mortality on birds caused by the fisheries operating around Kerguelen can be considered a serious threat for the species at least at the regional scale of the Southern Indian Ocean, especially for grey petrels.  相似文献   

During the incubation period, white-chinned petrels, Procellaria aequinoctialis, repeatedly make foraging trips of several thousand kilometres in the open ocean from their small isolated breeding island. To test whether these birds rely on geomagnetic information to home, we displaced five individuals and released them in the open sea 300-360 km from home. They were prevented both from using route-based information during the passive displacement from the breeding island to the release site, and from using the geomagnetic field at the release site and on their way home (by carrying a mobile magnet on the head). They were equipped with satellite transmitters to record their homing movements. The five petrels homed efficiently (in 17-32 h) along paths that were on average slightly less than twice the homing distance. This showed that, at least when within a few hundred kilometres of home, white-chinned petrels are able to home successfully by relying only on nongeomagnetic site-dependent information. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

The white-chinned petrel (Procellaria aequinoctialis) is the seabird most often killed on longlines in the Southern Ocean and is listed as vulnerable to extinction. We estimated the population breeding at the Prince Edward Islands, the last breeding site for the nominate subspecies that lacks a recent population estimate. White-chinned petrel burrows are largely confined to deep, muddy soils, usually on slopes below 200?m, but locally up to 420?m. After correcting for count bias, Marion Island has an estimated 29,900 nests (95?% CI 27,700–32,400). Burrow occupancy rates at the start of the incubation period were 65?% during one-off surveys, but repeat surveys found that at least 73?% of burrows were occupied and 87?% of burrows showed signs of occupancy. This suggests that there were roughly 24,000 occupied nests on Marion Island (95?% CI 20,000–28,000). A more cursory survey on Prince Edward Island yielded 14,700 burrows, suggesting that there are 9,000–15,000 occupied nests. The nominate subspecies of white-chinned petrel occupies approximately 974,200 nests (95?% CI 678,000–1,286,000), with the Prince Edward Islands, the third most important breeding site, after South Georgia and Kerguelen. Assuming that populations breeding at islands in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans winter in different regions, the impact of fishery bycatch is likely to have had a greater impact on the Indian Ocean population. The Marion Island survey provides a baseline against which future population changes can be assessed.  相似文献   

Tape recordings of two types of vocalisations were used to assess burrow occupancy by white-chinned petrels (Procellaria aequinoctialis) at South Georgia. Birds responded to the rattle call on 74% of occasions and a wheezy call on 85%, with only 10% failing to respond to both calls played one after the other. Occupancy was determined throughout the pre-egg and incubation period and results confirmed what is known about patterns of occupancy by white-chinned petrels. Adults in burrows known to hatch a chick responded on average to 69% of recordings during incubation and less than 10% in only 4% of burrows. Significant inter-site and inter-annual variations in occupancy were recorded, suggesting that this method is sensitive to changes in the number of petrels returning to breed. A sampling protocol for providing population indices for monitoring purposes is recommended. Accepted: 6 March 2000  相似文献   

The use of seabirds to assess marine contamination by trace elements in areas remote from pollutant emission points has already been done at various latitudes. Nevertheless, little information is available concerning the Southern Indian Ocean. Determining the contaminants levels, there appears necessary not only due to several deleterious effects reported in literature, but also as previous studies have highlighted elevated concentrations of cadmium (Cd) and mercury (Hg) in mollusks, crustaceans and fish. Within this context, the white-chinned petrel appears as a key species due to its lifespan, diet and trophic position. Thirty-three accidentally killed (collision with lights/bycatch in longline vessels) individuals collected in Kerguelen waters were analysed for Cd, copper (Cu), Hg, selenium (Se) and zinc (Zn) in liver, kidney, pectoral muscle, feathers and for mature males, testis. Elevated Hg concentrations (average 58.4 μg g?1 dw in liver) are likely due to the presence of mesopelagic prey in the diet of Procellaria aequinoctialis. Cd concentrations (average of 65.7 μg g?1 dw in kidney) can be attributed to a high level of fisheries offal consumption, as well as crustacean and squid ingestion. Correlation of Hg with Se indicates its detoxification by co-precipitation, and correlation of Cd with Zn suggests its displacement by Cd on metallothioneins binding sites. This work also indirectly confirms ecological data (range and diet composition) from the wintering period of the species, which is rather scarce. Seasonal diet change and moulting accounted more for the obtained results than sex of the birds.  相似文献   

The non-target bycatch of sharks in pelagic longline (PLL) fisheries represents a potential source of compromise to shark populations worldwide. Moreover, shark bycatch and depredation (damage inflicted on gear, bait, and catch) complicates management of sharks and other species, and can undermine the operations and financial interests of the pelagic longline industry. Thus, deducing means to reduce shark interactions is in the best interest of multiple stakeholder groups. Prior to doing so, however, the extent, cause and effect of these interactions must be better understood. In this review we address or conduct the following in relation to the U.S. Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean PLL fishery: (1) U.S. management governing shark interactions in the Atlantic; (2) the primary species encountered and historical shark catch data associated with PLL fishing in the Atlantic; (3) a historical comparison of area-specific shark species catch records between the two primary sources of shark catch data in this fishery; (4) the conditions and dynamics that dictate shark interactions in this fishery, and potential means to reduce these interactions, and; (5) a synthesis of the estimated impacts of this fishery on shark populations relative to other fisheries in the Atlantic. As has been found in other PLL fisheries, the blue shark (Prionace glauca) is clearly the shark species most commonly encountered in this fishery in the Atlantic, and receives the majority of attention in this review. U.S. management areas with high relative shark species diversities had a greater divergence in historical shark species percent-compositions between data sources (Pelagic Observer Program versus mandatory pelagic Logbook databases); this complicates the ability to conclude which species are most impacted by PLL fishing in those areas. The current fishing effort by the U.S. PLL fleet is small compared to that of PLL fishing targeting sharks in the Atlantic by non-U.S. fleets, and therefore poses a comparatively lower threat to the stability of Atlantic shark populations. However, incidental shark encounters are inevitable in U.S. Atlantic PLL fishing operations. Thus, it is in the best interest of all stakeholders in the Atlantic to better understand the extent and conditions governing these interactions, and to explore methods to reduce both their occurrence and those aspects leading to higher rates of incidental shark mortality.  相似文献   

Operational interactions between odontocetes (i.e., toothed whales) and longline gear are a global phenomenon that may threaten the conservation of odontocete populations and the economic viability of longline fisheries. This review attempts to define the issue, summarize the trends and geographical extent of its occurrence over the last half century, explore the potential impact on odontocetes and on fisheries, and describe potential acoustic and physical mitigation solutions. Reports of odontocete bycatch rates are highly variable (between 0.002 and 0.231 individuals killed per set) and at least 20 species may be involved. Information about marine mammal population size, migration patterns and life history characteristics are scarce, although at least one population may be in decline due to losses attributable to longline bycatch. Information about the financial impact of depredation on pelagic longline fisheries is also scarce, although estimates of daily fleet‐wide losses range between US$1,034 and US$8,495 (overall fleet income was not reported). Such biological and financial losses may be unsustainable. Recent developments in acoustic and physical mitigation technologies have yielded mixed results. Acoustic mitigation technologies have no moving parts, although require complex electronics. To date, they are insufficiently developed and their efficacy has been difficult to assess. Physical mitigation technologies generally require complex moving parts, although they are relatively simple to develop and assess. Further development and testing remains necessary before widespread implementation would be possible. Development of these approaches should be prioritized and a “toolbox” of various strategies and solutions should be compiled, because a single panacea to the problem is unlikely to emerge.  相似文献   

The effects of temporal, spatial, environmental and operational effects on seabird incidental mortality in the legal Patagonian toothfish longline fishery operating, between 2003 and 2006, in French exclusive economic zones of Crozet and Kerguelen Islands were analysed. During the study period, the mean bycatch rate varied from 0.05 to 0.12 birds per 1,000 hooks. Two species were concerned by incidental mortality: white-chinned petrels (88%) and grey petrels (11.5%). Males of white-chinned petrel seemed more at a risk than females. Logbooks data tended to underreport mortality when compared with dedicated fishery observers. The results indicate that temporal (season or phenology) and spatial (area) factors reflecting mortality risk for seabirds played the most significant role in the incidental mortality of the two species. Operational (integrated weight mainline, number of scaring lines and number of hooks hauled) and environmental factors (wind/vessel angle, moon brightness) were also influential, although less significantly, in increasing this mortality risk. Our two steps analyses by separately modelling the probability of presence and the abundance given presence suggest that the decrease in seabird bycatch over the period was mainly due to an important decrease in probability (occurrence) of mortality.  相似文献   

Diving behaviour of jellyfish equipped with electronic tags   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Jellyfish are one of the most abundant and conspicuous membersof our coastal marine fauna and are now known to play majortrophic roles in marine systems. However, little is known aboutthe movements and behaviour of individuals. We equipped individualcompass jellyfish (Chrysaora hysoscella) (n = 15) off the Dinglecoast, Ireland, with miniature time-depth recorders to log theirdepth over periods of a few hours. Vertical movements were extensive,with all jellyfish changing their depth during tracking. A rangeof vertical movements were seen including initial diving fromthe surface down to a maximum of 29.6 m after device attachment,some jellyfish remaining near the bottom, some moving up anddown in mid-water and some moving back near the surface. Theseresults show that jellyfish actively reposition themselves inthe water column over small time-scales and open the way formore extensive studies equipping jellyfish with electronic tags.  相似文献   

1. In order to study and predict population distribution, it is crucial to identify and understand factors affecting individual movement decisions at different scales. Movements of foraging animals should be adjusted to the hierarchical spatial distribution of resources in the environment and this scale-dependent response to environmental heterogeneity should differ according to the forager's characteristics and exploited habitats. 2. Using First-Passage Time analysis, we studied scales of search effort and habitat used by individuals of seven sympatric Indian Ocean Procellariiform species fitted with satellite transmitters. We characterized their search effort distribution and examined whether species differ in scale-dependent adjustments of their movements according to the marine environment exploited. 3. All species and almost all individuals (91% of 122 individuals) exhibited an Area-Restricted Search (ARS) during foraging. At a regional scale (1000s km), foraging ranges showed a large spatial overlap between species. At a smaller scale (100s km, at which an increase in search effort occurred), a segregation in environmental characteristics of ARS zones (where search effort is high) was found between species. 4. Spatial scales at which individuals increased their search effort differed between species and also between exploited habitats, indicating a similar movement adjustment for predators foraging in the same habitat. ARS zones of the two populations of wandering albatross Diomedea exulans (Crozet and Kerguelen) were similar in their adjustments (i.e. same ARS scale) as well as in their environmental characteristics. These two populations showed a weak spatial overlap in their foraging distribution, with males foraging in more southerly waters than females in both populations. 5. This study demonstrates that predators of several species adjust their foraging behaviour to the heterogeneous environment and these scale-dependent movement adjustments depend on both forager and environment characteristics.  相似文献   

The diving behaviour of 15 dugongs (Dugong dugon) was documented using time-depth recorders (TDRs), which logged a total of 39,507 dives. The TDRs were deployed on dugongs caught at three study sites in northern Australia: Shark Bay, the Gulf of Carpentaria and Shoalwater Bay. The average time for which the dive data were collected per dugong was 10.4±1.1 (S.E.) days. Overall, these dugongs spent 47% of their daily activities within 1.5 m of the sea surface and 72% less than 3 m from the sea surface. Their mean maximum dive depth was 4.8±0.4 m (S.E.), mean dive duration was 2.7±0.17 min and the number of dives per hour averaged 11.8±1.2. The maximum dive depth recorded was 20.5 m; the maximum dive time in water >1.5 m deep was 12.3 min. The effects of dugong sex, location (study site), time of day and tidal cycle on diving rates (dives per hour), mean maximum dive depths, durations of dives, and time spent ≤1.5 m from the surface were investigated using weighted split-plot analysis of variance. The dugongs exhibited substantial interindividual variation in all dive parameters. The interaction between location and time of day was significant for diving rates, mean maximum dive depths and time spent within 1.5 m of the surface. In all these cases, there was substantial variation among individuals within locations among times of day. Thus, it was the variation among individuals that dominated all other effects. Dives were categorised into five types based on the shape of the time-depth profile. Of these, 67% of dives were interpreted as feeding dives (square and U-shaped), 8% as exploratory dives (V-shaped), 22% as travelling dives (shallow-erratic) and 3% as shallow resting dives. There was systematic variation in the distribution of dive types among the factors examined. Most of this variation was among individuals, but this differed across both time of day and tidal state. Not surprisingly, there was a positive relationship between dive duration and depth and a negative relationship between the number of dives per hour and the time spent within 1.5 m of the surface after a dive.  相似文献   

The enteric pathogen Salmonella enterica is exposed to a number of stressful environments during its life cycle within and outside its various hosts. During intestinal colonisation Salmonella is successively exposed to acid pH in the stomach, to the detergent-like activity of bile, to decreasing oxygen supply, to the presence of multiple metabolites produced by the normal gut microflora and finally it is exposed to cationic antimicrobial peptides present on the surface of epithelial cells. There are four major regulators controlling relevant stress responses in Salmonella, namely RpoS, PhoPQ, Fur and OmpR/EnvZ. Except for Fur, inactivation of genes encoding the other stress regulators results in attenuated virulence and such mutants can therefore be considered as vaccine candidates. In contrast, a decrease in oxygen supply monitored by Fnr and ArcAB, or oxidative stress controlled by OxyR and SoxRS is not regarded as a stress associated with host colonisation since inactivation of either of these systems does not result in reductions in colonisation. The role of quorum-sensing through luxS and sdiA is also considered as a regulator of virulence and colonisation.  相似文献   

Summary This paper describes a concurrent investigation of individual variation in diet, diving patterns and performance of blue-eyed shags Phalacrocorax atriceps breeding at South Georgia. Within one day individual shags exhibited one of three foraging strategies: short diving (4 birds, all dives 120 s) and mixed diving (15 birds, predominantly long but with a few short dives). The mean number of dives per day was significantly higher in shags that only made short dives (mean=172.0, SE=43.2) than birds with a mixed diving strategy (mean=40.5, SE=4.7) and birds that made only long dives (mean=30.8, SE=1.8). Diet was assessed using hard remains recovered from pellets regurgitated by the shags. Small nototheniid fish (c. 10 kJ per item) were by far the commonest prey but most pellets contained additional items. The frequency of pellets with additional items of higher energy value than nototheniid fish (10.c. 900 kJ per item), lower energy value (>1–10 kJ per item) and both higher and lower energy items was strikingly similar to the frequency of shags making long, short and both long and short dives respectively. Predicted aerobic dive limits suggested that during long dives, blue-eyed shags were probably sustained by anaerobic metabolism. Models of prey capture rates demonstrated that for both long and short diving, many items must be caught per dive when birds are feeding on prey at the lower end of the energy range. Predicted capture rates for the commonest recorded prey (small fish) differ markedly between the two diving strategies.  相似文献   

Movements can be analysed in terms of horizontal or vertical dimensions, but cetacean movement is ultimately three‐dimensional, and it is the integration of analyses of both horizontal and vertical movements that will provide the most insight about an animal's behaviour. Current field techniques can provide simultaneous information on both diving (vertical movements) and ranging (horizontal movements). We discuss the considerations, techniques and analyses for diving and ranging studies, together with the advantages and disadvantages of each technique. Ranging studies using VHF or satellite‐linked radio‐transmitters have evolved alongside studies of diving behaviour using time–depth recorders, and problems associated with deployment and attachment techniques apply to both. The diving (and concurrent ranging behaviour) of 13 species of odontocetes has been studied using time–depth recorders or acoustic transponders with VHF‐or satellite‐transmitters. However, differences in sampling techniques used, and summary statistics presented, have made comparisons difficult. We review these issues and suggest parameters that should be presented in future studies of diving and ranging. In general, studies should be consistent in their presentation of the basic parameters and statistics, and provide enough information for the reader to assess the limitations of the data.  相似文献   

Finfishing in the Southern Ocean began morethan 30 years ago at South Georgia and theKerguelen Islands. Although the fisheryextended further south for a few years in thesecond half of the 1970s, these two islandsremained the most important fishing groundsuntil 1996/97. Longlining for Dissostichuseleginoides began in 1985/86 and remainedrestricted to South Georgia and the KerguelenIslands for more than 10 years. Catches rarelyexceeded 12,000 tonnes in one season. Thefishery, however, is important because the fishare valuable and highly priced. The Commissionfor the Conservation of Antarctic Marine LivingResources (CCAMLR) is regulating fishing in theSouthern Ocean. CCAMLR first receivedinformation on this fishery and its possiblehigh by-catch of albatrosses and larger petrelswas first estimated in 1991. From 1996/97 onwards, illegal, unreportedand unregulated (IUU) fishing expandeddramatically within a single season. Limitedcontrol could be exerted in those areas whichwere under national jurisdiction. A number ofdetrimental effects from fishing activitiescould be seen on birds and mammals. Estimatedcatches in the illegal fishery amounted toseveral tens of thousands of birds per seasonwith little appparent reduction over the firstfour seasons. The sudden development of theillegal fishery placed a great strain onCCAMLR's fishery management. Vessels fishinglegally gradually improved their compliancewith CCAMLR conservation measures over the lastcouple of years. This may be insignificant compared to the potential in the IUU fisheriesbut testifies to our ability to makesignificant improvement using simple mitigationmethods.After setting precautionary catch limits in1997, CCAMLR was able to adopt a `CatchDocumentation Scheme' (CDS) in November 1999which came into force on 7 May 2000. Mauritius,the main port where IUU fish were landed in2000, was willing to accede to CCAMLR and adoptthe CDS. An International Plan of Action forReducing Incidental Catch of Seabirds inLongline Fisheries was adopted by the FAO inJune 1999 and various activities ofgovernmental and non-governmental groups alsoseemed likely to address the problem moreeffectively with the assistance of the fishingindustry.  相似文献   

Our aim was to describe the free-ranging diving pattern and to determine the location of foraging of pregnant female southern elephant seals, Mirounga leonina , from Peninsula Valdes, Argentina. This colony is unusual in two respects: it is removed from deep water by a broad shallow shelf (345–630 km wide), and colony numbers have been increasing in recent years in contrast to numbers from other southern hemisphere colonies that are stable or in decline. Microprocessor controlled, geolocation-time-depth recorders were deployed on four females, recording a total of 15,836 dives (270 dive days) during the period February to April, 1992. Departing seals crossed the continental shelf quickly (54–5–62–1 h) and did not show signs of foraging until reaching deep water, due east of the colony in the South Atlantic Ocean. Diving was virtually continuous (93% of the time underwater) with overall mean (±S.D.) rates of 2.5±0.2 dives/h, mean dive durations of 22.8 ± 7.1 min (maximum dive duration = 79 min) with 1.6±0.6min surface intervals between dives, and dive depths of 431±193m (maximum dive depth = 1,072 m). The diving pattern of females from Patagonia is similar to that of seals from colonies where numbers are decreasing (Macquarie stock) or are stable (South Georgia Island). Our subjects did not, however, feed in or south of the Antarctic Polar Front, or in cold waters along the Antarctic coast, where seals from declining or stable colonies forage.  相似文献   

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