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Adenylate cyclase (AC) was localized ultracytochemically in certain tissues of the regenerating planarian Dugesia lugubris. Studies were carried out from one hour after injury up to the 5th day of regeneration. It was found that the greatest amount of active AC appears during the initial hours of regeneration in the membranes of the muscle cells near the wound, in the epithelial cells surrounding the wound, and in rhabdite-forming cells and neoblasts.  相似文献   

Fibronectin (FN)-like protein has been localized by immunoelectron microscopy in the extracellular matrix (ECM) of planaria Dugesia lugubris s.l. The immunolabeling was present in both intercellular spaces of epidermal cells and the basement membrane, however the amount and distribution of gold particles seemed to be substantially different. FN-like material increased markedly during the passage of migrating cells through the basement membrane from the parenchyma to the epidermis. Gold particles were often found at cell-matrix contacts. Our result suggest that FN-like molecules detected in planarian ECM may be involved not only in cell adhesion but also in promoting cell migration and in regulating the epidermal cell turnover.  相似文献   

Two species belonging to the Dugesia gonocephala group are found in the area of Montpellier, France. The karyology of these two species, D. gonocephala s. str. and S. subtentaculata, and of fissiparous Dugesia races has been studied.Two populations belonging to D. gonocephala s. str. are diploids with a chromosome number of 16, whereas the specimens of a third population are sexual aneuploids; the majority of cells possess 24 chromosomes, but some cells contain 23 or 25. The specimens attributable to D. subtentaculata are triploids, the most notable karyological feature being the presence of a single unmatched acrocentric chromosome. The fissiparous Dugesia strains are all aneuploids, the most common chromosome number being 27 with up to three small B-chromosomes.  相似文献   

The presence of an alpha-smooth muscle (alpha-sm) actin-like protein in planaria (Dugesia lugubris s.l.) is reported. The protein shows a 42 kDa molecular weight determined by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and is specifically recognized by the mammalian anti alpha-sm actin monoclonal antibody. When a planarian is induced to regenerate by head amputation, the immunostaining of the alpha-sm actin-like molecule becomes important in the area of growing blastema, reaching a maximum between 70-120 hours after injury. Conventional electron microscopy at the 4-day-regeneration stage shows that blastema-forming cells are a homogeneous population whose morphological features resemble those of migrating mesenchyme-like cells; only the myoblasts show a recognizable phenotype. The immunocytochemical localization of alpha-sm actin-like molecule by immunoperoxidase (light microscopy) and immunogold stains (electron microscopy) was carried out on both intact and injured worms. The antigen was localized mainly at the basal portion of the epidermal cells and in the undifferentiated mesenchyme-like cells. Myoblasts, but not differentiated myofibers, were also labelled by this antibody. The results indicate that in the lower Eumetazoan planarians, as well as in vertebrates, the alpha-sm actin can be considered to be a marker for myoid differentiation. The suggestion that alpha-sm actin can be used as a marker for mesenchyme-like cells in vertebrates and in invertebrates is also discussed.  相似文献   

Wrona  Frederick J. 《Hydrobiologia》1986,132(1):287-293
The ontogenetic changes in the distribution, abundance, and size of rhabdoids were examined in an undisturbed laboratory population of Dugesia polychroa. Irrespective of triclad age, rhabdoids in the epidermis and parenchyma were more abundant on the dorsal than the ventral side of the body. No significant differences were found in the abundance of epidermal or parenchymal rhabdoids among the anterior, medial, and posterior regions of the body. Rhabdoid number and size changed significantly with triclad age, with a marked depression coinciding with the onset of cocoon production. Rhabdoid discharge was correlated with physical and/or physiological disturbance and occurred in the absence of any overt environmental disturbance. Simple allometric relationships were observed between rhabdoid size and number on one hand and body plan area on the other. Different allometric trends were observed from field-collected individuals compared to the undisturbed laboratory population. The potential function of rhabdoids in the Tricladida is discussed in light of these findings.  相似文献   

We describe the domatia of nine species of the genus Mortoniodendron, based on observations of cleared leaves and scanning electron micrographs. We recognize four kinds of domatia in Mortoniodendron species: cryptpocket, crypt, pocket and tufts of hairs, mostly associated with primary, secondary and tertiary veins. Mortoniodendron anisophyllum and M. costaricense have domatia up to the tertiary and quaternary veins. Moreover, domatia are absent in only two species, M. pentagonum and M. uxpanapense. Although there are reports on the occurrence of domatia in Malvaceae s.l., mainly in Brownlowioideae, Sterculioideae, and Tilioideae subfamilies, they are poorly described, and based on the different types of domatia found in Mortoniodendron we suggest reviewing other genera to better describe the diversity of domatia in Malvaceae s.l.
Resumen  Se describen los domacios presentes en nueve especies del género Mortoniodendron utilizando la técnica de diafanización y el microscopio electrónico de barrido. En el género se observaron cuatro tipos de domacios: criptabolsa, cripta, bolsa y mechón de tricomas, la mayoría asociados a las venas primaria, secundarias y terciarias. Mortoniodendron anisophyllum y M. costaricense tienen domacios hasta las bifurcaciones de venas terciarias y cuaternarias. únicamente en dos especies, M. pentagonum y M. uxpanapense, los domacios están ausentes. A pesar de que se han registrado domacios en miembros de Malvaceae s.l., predominantemente en las subfamilias Brownlowioideae, Sterculioideae y Tilioideae; pocas veces se describe su tipo. Por ello, con base en los diferentes tipos de domacios encontrados en Mortoniodendron sugerimos estudiar otros géneros y confirmar la diversidad en Malvaceae s.l.

Roland Peter 《Hydrobiologia》1995,305(1-3):261-261
A pilot study was performed to assess the regenerative capacities of Dugesia tahitiensis Gourbault, 1977, an exclusively fissiparous planarian species. Animals measuring 9.5–12.5 mm in length were used. Head regeneration rate determined by the appearance of eye spots (Brødsted, 1969: 29–46) was extremely high: at 23 °C, it took 43–59 h to regenerate clearly discernible eye spots in 28 specimens. For comparison, 3.8 days were reported for the regeneration of eye spots in 11.9–12.7 mm long D. tigrina (Girard) at 24 °C (Mead, 1985). As all posterior fragments regenerated a head, irrespective of the cutting level, D. tahitiensis seems to match the Phagocata velata (Stinger) type with a head frequency of 100% at every level (Teshirogi et al., 1977; cf. also Brøndsted, 1969:30).  相似文献   

Cladistic relationships of epacrids and vaccinioids (Ericaceae) are investigated using nucleotide sequence data from the chloroplast encodedmatK gene. Sequences of 56 taxa were aligned and analyzed using parsimony methods. Results show thatVaccinioideae as currently recognized are not monophyletic. The epacrids are sister to a clade that includes theLyonia group, theGaultheria group, and theVaccinieae. Arbutus andPyrola branch early inEricaceae, before the rhododendroid group.Enkianthus is sister to the remainingEricaceae (includingEpacridaceae).Vaccinieae are strongly supported as monophyletic, butVaccinium andAgapetes are polyphyletic.  相似文献   

We have produced monoclonal antibodies (mAb's) against antigens of the fresh-water planarian Dugesia (G.) tigrina (Girard) using standard protocols. Labeling these mAb's with PAP (peroxidase-antiperoxidase) and indirect-immunofluorescence methods, we then determined the distribution of their antigens in the planarian. Out of 112 mAb's that showed some specificity for restricted parts of the planarian, 71 were found to be cell- or tissue-specific — among them 36 for parenchymal cells, 7 for muscle cells, 11 for epidermal cells, 8 for gastrodermis, and 7 to basement membrane. Another 41 showed different, but overlapping, regional specificities, namely to pharynx and parenchyma. So far, we have been unable to isolate specific mAb's against undifferentiated cells (neoblasts). These mAb's should be important tools in study of tissue and cell morphology, regeneration, and growth and degrowth.  相似文献   

The chromosome numbers of Dugesia japonica Ichikawa et Kawakatsu, 1964, are n = 8, 2x = 16 and 3x = 24; those of Dugesia ryukyuensis Kawakatsu, 1976, are n = 7, 2x = 14 and 3x = 21. The karyotypes of both species include diploid, triploid and mixoploid; aneuploidic and mixoaneuploidic karyotypes may occur. In 785 specimens studied of D. japonica, the occurrence rates of specimens having each karyotype are substantially the same (29–37%). Diploid sexual specimens represented nearly 10% of the total and virtually no triploid or mixoploid sexual specimens were found. The diploid karyotype can be inherited by both sexual and asexual reproduction; the triploid and mixoploid karyotypes will be inherited only by asexual reproduction. In 51 specimens studied of D. ryukyuensis, the different karyotypes are diploid (ca 39%), triploid (ca 57%) and mixoploid (ca 4%). Diploid sexual specimens represented nearly 25% of the total; sexual specimens with tripooidic karyotypes made up nearly 27%. The diploid, triploid and mixoploid karyotypes were also found in juveniles hatched from cocoons. The diploid karytyype is inherited by both sexual and asexual reproductions; the other karyotypes may be inherited by parthenogenesis or self-fertilization (including pseudogamy) and asexual reproduction.  相似文献   

Jay Boyd Best 《Hydrobiologia》1995,305(1-3):259-260
Asexual Dugesia dorotocephala, collected from a new site several miles northwest of Fort Collins, Colorado, appeared similar, at the time of collection, to ones collected from other sites in the same general locale. However, these exhibited marked differences in the more crowded conditions of laboratory culture: abnormally long, 30–50 mm specimens, seemingly unable to fission, developed. Since previous studies of asexual D. dorotocephala had revealed an inhibitory effect of cohorts on fissioning (Best et al., 1969, 1974, 1975; Pigon et al., 1974), experiments were conducted with this new strain to ascertain the effect of population density (group size) on fissioning incidence. Results are described which show that this inhibitory effect of cohorts on fissioning is exaggerated in this new strain.  相似文献   

The species ofBriza L. s. l. are disjunctly distributed between Eurasia and South America. A taxometric analysis has been carried out, using data from electrophoresis of seed polypeptides and published morphological characters. Evidence from a cluster analysis of seed polypeptide data strongly supports the recognition of two different natural groups, a S. American group and a Eurasian group, and is consistent with karyotype data, but does not support the generic groupings of South American taxa derived from the morphological data.  相似文献   

Dugesia japonica Ichikawa et Kawakatsu, 1964, is a common and polymorphic species of freshwater planarian distributed widely in the Far East. In 1976 the geographic populations were separated into 2 subspecies (D.j.japonica and D.j. ryukyuensis). The taxonomy of this species is reconsidered once again from the morphological, anatomical, histological, and karyological viewpoints. From the result of these studies, D.j. ryukyuensis is elevated to the rank of species: D. ryukyuensis Kawakatsu, 1976. D. japonica (n = 8, 2x = 16, 3x = 24) differs from D. ryukyuensis (n = 7, 2x = 14, 3x = 21) in having an asymmetrical penis papilla without a well-developed valve surrounding its basal part, and a well-developed vagina (distribution: the Japanese Islands, Taiwan, the Korean Peninsula, China, and Primorskiy, Northeast Siberia, in Russia). D. ryukyuensis is characterized by an asymmetrical penis papilla with a well-developed valve surrounding its basal part, and a less-developed vagina (distribution: the Southwest Islands of Japan).  相似文献   

Earlier analyses ofrbcL sequences clarified phylogenetic relationships of 16 of 17 subfamilies ofSaxifragaceae s. l. This study investigates the affinities of the monotypicEremosynoideae, the only subfamily ofSaxifragaceae s. l. not examined previously forrbcL sequence variation. Our analyses suggest thatEremosyne is only distantly related to core members ofSaxifragaceae s. l. (i.e.Saxifragoideae = Saxifragaceae s. str.); it is allied instead with members ofAsteridae. A particularly close relationship is indicated betweenEremosyne andEscallonia, another traditional member ofSaxifragaceae s. l. that also appears as part ofAsteridae. Inclusion ofEremosyne withinAsteridae is in agreement with embryology, as well as with 18S rDNA sequence data.  相似文献   

Thirty-nine species and subspecies of the genera Centaurea, Colymbada, Psephellus and Cyanus (all included in Centaurea s.l.) including many rare and endemic taxa of preponderantly Bulgarian distribution have been investigated with Feulgen DNA image densitometry for holoploid and monoploid genome size (C- and Cx-values). Cyanus varies gradually 2.17-fold between 0.74 pg and 1.56 pg (1Cx). In the remaining taxa two major genome size groups are found, which differ about 1.8-fold in Cx-value. Low values occur in Centaurea subgenera Acrolophus, Solstitiaria, Phalolepis (0.77 pg to 0.90 pg, 1Cx) and Jacea (0.95 pg to 1.09 pg, 1Cx), high values in the genera Colymbada (1.65 pg to 1.93 pg, 1Cx) and Psephellus (1.79 pg, 1Cx, in P. marschallianus). Cx-values support a distinction of Colymbada from Centaurea. Genome size variation is discussed with regard to phylogeny, life form (annual versus perennial), polyploidy, chromosome basic numbers, altitude of occurrence and climate, endemism, and rarity.  相似文献   

Extracts of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Greensleeves) cotyledons contained two abundant proteins: vicilin and phytohemagglutinin. Vicilin, a 6.9 S protein fraction at neutral pH, associated to an 18.0 S form at pH 4.5 and had 3 non-identical subunits with molecular weights (MW) of 52,000, 49,000 and 46,000. Phytohemagglutinin, a 6.4 S protein fraction, had 2 non-identical subunits with MW of 34,000 and 36,000. Phytohemagglutinin could be separated by isoelectrofocusing into a mitogenic and non-erythroagglutinating protein with a single subunit of MW=34,000, and a mitogenic and erythroagglutinating protein fraction which contained both subunits. Vicilin is apparently identical with the so called glycoprotein II (A. Pusztai and W.B. Watt, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 365, 57–71, 1970) and with globulin G1 (R.C. McLeester, T.C. Hall, S.M. Sun, F.A. Bliss, Phytochem. 2, 85; 1973), while phytohemagglutinin is identical with globulin G2 (McLeester et al., 1973). Since vicilin and phytohemagglutinin are internationally used names there is no need to introduce new names to describe P. vulgaris reserve proteins. Both proteins are catabolized in the course of seedling growth and are located in the protein bodies, indicating that they are reserve proteins. Vicilin isolated in its 18.0 S form from the cotyledons of young seedlings contains substantial quantities of smaller polypeptides, in addition the 3 original ones. We suggest that the presence of these small polypeptides represents partial breakdown of the vicilin prior to its complete catabolism.  相似文献   

A review of previous studies on the taxonomy, karyology and chorology of a polymorphic species Dugesia japonica from the Far East is presented. Two subspecies are now known: D. j. japonica (n = 8, 2x = 16, 3x = 24) and D. j. ryukyuensis (n = 7, 2x = 14, 3x = 21). An attempt has also been made to determine the definition of the B-chromosome as LB and SB and the variation of the karyotypes of both subspecies is described. Every known karyotype of D. japonica is classified into six groups (see Table 2). D. japonica from many localities has a diploid karyotype (2x), a triploid karyotype (3x) and an orthoploidic mixoploid karyotype of 2x & 3x. The origin and the karyological significance of these karyotypes are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary A polyclonal antibody was raised against trypsin purified from the midgut of blood-fed Aedes aegypti. Using this antibody and our modification of the peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunocytochemical reaction, strong activity was found in the lumen of the midgut at the light-microscopical level. The activity was localized mainly in the posterior part of the distensible, abdominal midgut, along the periphery of the blood bolus and within the peritrophic membrane. Immunoreactivity appeared 8 h after the blood meal and was most prominent around 24 h, coinciding with our previous spectrophotometric determinations of trypsin.At the electron-microscopical level, secretory granules, immunocytochemically labelled with anti-trypsin antibody and protein A-colloidal gold, were first detected about 12 h after the blood meal. At 18 h, the secretory pathway could be followed immunocytochemically from the formation of granules in the Golgi complex until their release by exocytosis in the midgut lumen. By 24 h, there was a reduction in secretory granules, and large lysosomes appeared.The process of secretion described for this mosquito is comparable to similar events in vertebrate secretory systems and the presence of an intracellular trypsinogen is suggested.  相似文献   

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