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H Amrein  M Gorman  R N?thiger 《Cell》1988,55(6):1025-1035

In the Frasier syndrome there is an association between XY gonadal dysgenesis and chronic renal failure. Owing to an observed sex reversal, the Y chromosomes of two girls with this syndrome have been analyzed. Using molecular-biology techniques, no major alterations of the known sex-determining area of the Y chromosome were found. Furthermore, the sequence did not reveal impairment of the recently described testis-determining factor SRY. These data suggest that in the Frasier syndrome, XY sex reversal and renal failure could be the result of either faulty gene(s) located downstream in the sex differentiation pathway during embryogenesis, or impaired SRY regulation. Preliminary results on the Wilms' tumor suppressor gene WT1, a candidate for acting downstream to SRY, are also provided.  相似文献   

The sex-determining region of the Y chromosome (SRY) plays a key role in human sex determination, as mutations in SRY can cause XY sex reversal. Although some SRY missense mutations affect DNA binding and bending activities, it is unclear how others contribute to disease. The high mobility group domain of SRY has two nuclear localization signals (NLS). Sex-reversing mutations in the NLSs affect nuclear import in some patients, associated with defective importin-beta binding to the C-terminal NLS (c-NLS), whereas in others, importin-beta recognition is normal, suggesting the existence of an importin-beta-independent nuclear import pathway. The SRY N-terminal NLS (n-NLS) binds calmodulin (CaM) in vitro, and here we show that this protein interaction is reduced in vivo by calmidazolium, a CaM antagonist. In calmidazolium-treated cells, the dramatic reduction in nuclear entry of SRY and an SRY-c-NLS mutant was not observed for two SRY-n-NLS mutants. Fluorescence spectroscopy studies reveal an unusual conformation of SRY.CaM complexes formed by the two n-NLS mutants. Thus, CaM may be involved directly in SRY nuclear import during gonadal development, and disruption of SRY.CaM recognition could underlie XY sex reversal. Given that the CaM-binding region of SRY is well-conserved among high mobility group box proteins, CaM-dependent nuclear import may underlie additional disease states.  相似文献   

Summary The syndrome of 46,XX true hermaphroditism is a clinical condition in which both ovarian and testicular tissue are found in one individual. Both Mullerian and Wolffian structures are usually present, and external genitalia are often ambiguous. Two alternative mechanisms have been proposed to explain the development of testicular tissue in these subjects: (1) translocation of chromosomal material encoding the testicular determination factor (TDF) from the Y to the X chromosome or to an autosome, or (2) an autosomal dominant mutation that permits testicular determination in the absence of TDF. We have investigated five subjects with 46,XX true hermaphroditism. Four individuals had a normal 46,XX karyotype; one subject (307) had an apparent terminal deletion of the short arm of one X chromosome. Genomic DNA was isolated from these individuals and subjected to Southern blot analysis. Only subject 307 had Y chromosomal sequences that included the pseudoautosomal boundary, SRY (sex-determining region of Y), ZFY (Y gene encoding a zinc finger protein), and DXYS5 (an anonymous locus on the distal short arm of Y) but lacked sequences for DYZ5 (proximal short arm of Y) and for the long arm probes DYZ1 and DYZ2. The genomic DNA of the other four subjects lacked detectable Y chromosomal sequences when assayed either by Southern blotting or after polymerase chain reaction amplification. Our data demonstrate that 46,XX true hermaphroditism is a genetically heterogeneous condition, some subjects having TDF sequences but most not. The 46,XX subjects without SRY may have a mutation of an autosomal gene that permits testicular determination in the absence of TDF.  相似文献   

Three members of the human zinc finger Krüppel family, ZNF11/KOX2, ZNF22/KOX15, and ZNF25/KOX19, have been regionally localized to the pericentromeric region of chromosome 10 by in situ chromosomal hybridization and somatic cell hybrid analysis. ZNF25/KOX19 is located centromeric to a breakpoint in chromosome band 10q11.2 in the chromosome region 10p11.2-q11.2, whereas ZNF22/KOX15 maps distal to it in band 10q11.2. Sequences hybridizing to the KOX2 probe are found at two loci, ZNF11A and ZNF11B, that map proximal and distal to the 10q11.2 breakpoint, respectively. The two ZNF11 loci probably represent two related sequences in 10p11.2-q11.2. This cluster of ZNF/KOX genes is of particular interest since the loci for multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A and 2B (MEN2A and MEN2B) syndromes have been assigned to this region by linkage analysis.  相似文献   

A neocentromere in the DAZ region of the human Y chromosome   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We describe a novel rearranged human Y chromosome consisting of an inverted duplication of the long arm heterochromatin and a small amount of euchromatin: rea(Y)(qter-q11.2::q11.2-qter). The normal centromere has been deleted and a neocentromere containing CENP-A, -C, -E and Mad2 but not CENP-B has formed close to the breakpoint. A 2.7 Mb yeast artificial chromosome contig spanning the breakpoint was constructed and the breakpoint was localised to a region of <120 kb close to the DAZ gene cluster. Combined immunofluorescence and fluorescence in situ hybridisation showed that the centromeric protein-binding domain of the neocentromere was located near the breakpoint and within the DAZ cluster.  相似文献   

A full-term 46,XY female newborn presented with respiratory failure due to a right-sided diaphragmatic hernia. During surgical repair, exploration revealed isolated dextrocardia and hypoplasia of the right lung. Neither gonads nor wolffian or müllerian structures could be palpated. Cardiac catheterization demonstrated defects of the ventricular septum, hypoplasia of the right pulmonary artery, persistence of the left vena cava superior and a patent ductus arteriosus. Anthropometric data were normal at birth, but fell below the 3rd percentile during follow-up. Body proportions displayed a predominance of the upper compared to the lower segment. Endocrine studies indicated no defect of steroid biosynthesis and no functional gonadal tissue. Using genetic analyses of various loci within the testis-determining region of the Y chromosome, a mutation could not be detected. The patient died from pneumonia at the age of 19 months. Postmortem examination confirmed the diagnosis of gonadal agenesis.  相似文献   

The human Y chromosome is the sex determining chromosome. The number of proteins associated with this chromosome is 196 and 107 of the 196 proteins have yet not been characterised. Here, we describe the analysis of these 107 proteins by computing various physicochemical properties using sequence and predicted structural data to elucidate molecular function. We present the derived data in the form a form a database made freely available for download, review, refinement and update.


http://puratham.googlepages.com/ or http://puratham.googlepages.com/ftpconnection  相似文献   

杨仙荣  王美琴  李少华 《遗传》2014,36(9):849-856
人类Y染色体由于其性别决定的特殊功能和独有的进化史一直以来都备受关注。Y染色体起源于常染色体,经历了严重的退化过程。由于其缺乏重组,蛋白编码基因少,重复序列多所以研究进展缓慢。近年来,随着比较基因组及测序技术的快速发展,对人类Y染色体最终命运的争论不断加剧,Y染色体的研究正逐步成为热点。文章综述了人类Y染色体的结构、遗传特点、起源及进化过程,并根据目前的研究进展对Y染色体的最终命运进行了讨论,提出了作者的一些看法,以期为从事遗传及性染色体进化的研究者提供参考。  相似文献   

Unlike the majority of flowering plants, which possess hermaphrodite flowers, white campion (Silene latifolia) is dioecious and has flowers of two different sexes. The sex is determined by the combination of heteromorphic sex chromosomes: XX in females and XY in males. The Y chromosome of S.latifolia was microdissected to generate a Y-specific probe which was used to screen a young male flower cDNA library. We identified five genes which represent the first active genes to be cloned from a plant Y chromosome. Here we report a detailed analysis of one of these genes, SlY1 (S.latifolia Y-gene 1). SlY1 is expressed predominantly in male flowers. A closely related gene, SlX1, is predicted to be located on the X chromosome and is strongly expressed in both male and female flowers. SlY1 and SlX1 encode almost identical proteins containing WD repeats. Immunolocalization experiments showed that these proteins are localized in the nucleus, and that they are most abundant in cells that are actively dividing or beginning to differentiate. Interestingly, they do not accumulate in arrested sexual organs and represent potential targets for sex determination genes. These genes will permit investigation of the origin and evolution of sex chromosomes in plants.  相似文献   

In an effort to better define the molecular mechanism of the functional specificity of human sex-determining region on the Y chromosome (SRY), we have carried out equilibrium binding assays to study the interaction of the full-length bacterial-expressed protein with a DNA response element derived from the CD3epsilon gene enhancer. These assays are based on the observation of the fluorescence anisotropy of a fluorescein moiety covalently bound to the target oligonucleotide. The low anisotropy value due to the fast tumbling of the free oligonucleotide in solution increases substantially upon binding the protein to the labeled target DNA. Our results indicate that the full-length human wild-type SRY (SRY(WT)) forms a complex of high stoichiometry with its target DNA. Moreover, we have demonstrated a strong salt dependence of both the affinity and specificity of the interaction. We have also addressed the DNA bending properties of full-length human SRY(WT) in solution by fluorescence resonance energy transfer and revealed that maximal bending is achieved with a protein to DNA ratio significantly higher than the classical 1:1. Oligomerization thus appears, at least in vitro, to be tightly coupled to SRY-DNA interactions. Alteration of protein-protein interactions observed for the mutant protein SRY(Y129N), identified in a patient presenting with 46,XY sex reversal, suggests that oligomerization may play an important role in vivo as well.  相似文献   

Progression through the meiotic cell cycle is an essential part of the developmental program of sporogenesis in plants. The duet mutant of Arabidopsis was identified as a male sterile mutant that lacked pollen and underwent an aberrant male meiosis. Male meiocyte division resulted in the formation of two cells instead of a normal tetrad. In wild type, male meiosis extends across two successive bud positions in an inflorescence whereas in duet, meiotic stages covered three to five bud positions indicating defective progression. Normal microspores were absent in the mutant and the products of the aberrant meiosis were uni- to tri-nucleate cells that later degenerated, resulting in anthers containing largely empty locules. Defects in male meiotic chromosome organization were observed starting from diplotene and extending to subsequent stages of meiosis. There was an accumulation of meiotic structures at metaphase 1, suggesting an arrest in cell cycle progression. Double mutant analysis revealed interaction with dyad, a mutation causing chromosome cohesion during female meiosis. Cloning and molecular analysis of DUET indicated that it potentially encodes a PHD-finger protein and shows specific expression in male meiocytes. Taken together these data suggest that DUET is required for male meiotic chromosome organization and progression.  相似文献   

Two equal cell populations with Y-heterochromatin of different lengths were found in a sterile male with azoospermia. There was no evidence for translocation of the heterochromatic material to other chromosomes. Both cell lines have the same Q-, C- and Ag-NOR patterns of chromosomal differential staining. The Y-chromosomes of both the father and brother were as long as the longest of the two populations in the proband. This intraindividual heteromorphism of Y-chromosome is, probably, a result of Y-heterochromatin deletion during the first mitotic division of the zygote, with the loss of a fragment as long as the difference between the long and the short Y populations in the proband. Intraindividual chromosomal heteromorphism is a convenient model to study reasons for variability in the heterochromatin regions of chromosomes.  相似文献   

We have analysed the sequence organization of the DNA in the pericentric region of the long arm of the human Y chromosome. The structures of one cosmid and three yeast artificial chromosome clones were determined. The region consists of a mosaic of the known 5, 48 and 68 base-pair tandemly repeated sequences and at least five novel repeated sequence families. A long range-map of approximately 3.5 x 10(6) base-pairs of genomic DNA was constructed that placed the clones between about 500 x 10(3) and 850 x 10(3) base-pairs from the long arm edge of the centromeric alphoid DNA array.  相似文献   

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