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Using various agonists, and the specific antagonist BQ-123, we have examined the sensitivity to endothelin of the vascular smooth muscle of the ventral aorta of the spiny dogfish shark, Squalus acanthias. Human endothelin-1 produced significant contraction of isolated vascular smooth muscle rings, with an EC50 of 10 nmol·1-1. The presence of an intact endothelium did not alter this response but the magnitude of the contraction was greater in rings with an intact endothelium. The response to 0.2 mol·1-1 endothelin-1 was equivalent to that of 0.1 mmol·1-1 acetylcholine, and significantly greater than that to 80 mmol·1-1 KCl, suggesting high sensitivity even to the heterologous, mammalian peptide. The Hill plot of the contractile response was a straight line with a slope of 1.12, indicating that a single receptor was mediating the response. Endothelin-1, endothelin-3, and sarafotoxin S6c produced similar concentration-response curves, and the response to endothelin-1 was insensitive to the ETA-specific inhibitor BQ-123. Our data are consistent with the hypothesis that the receptor involved in the contractile response to endothelin of shark aortic vascular smooth muscle is of the ETB-rather than the ETA-type.Abbreviations ACh acetylcholine - ANP atrial natriuretic peptide - CA celiacomesenterie artery - CRC concentration response curve - DMSO dimethylsulphoxide - ET endothelin - STX sarafotoxin - VSM vascular smooth muscle - EDCF endothelium derived contraction factor  相似文献   

Summary The avidin-biotin peroxidase technique was used to determine the distribution of natriuretic peptides in the hearts and brains of the dogfishSqualus acanthias and the Atlantic hagfishMyxine glutinosa. Three antisera were used: one raised against porcine brain natriuretic peptide which cross-reacts with atrial natriuretic and C-type natriuretic peptides (termed natriuretic peptide-like immunoreactivity); the second raised against porcine brain natriuretic peptide which cross-reacts with C-type natriuretic peptide, but not with atrial natriuretic peptide (termed porcine brain natriuretic peptide-like immunoreactivity); and the third raised against rat atrial natriuretic peptide (termed rat atrial natriuretic peptide-like immunoreactivity). Only natriuretic peptide-like immunoreactivity was observed in the heart ofS. acanthias which was most likely due to the antiserum cross-reacting with C-type natriuretic peptide. No immunoreactivity was found in theM. glutinosa heart. In the brain ofS. acanthias, natriuretic peptide-like immunoreactive fibres were located in many areas of the telencephalon, diencephalon, mesencephalon, rhombencephalon, and spinal cord. Extensive immunoreactivity was observed in the hypothalamo-hypophyseal tract and the neurointermediate lobe of the hypophysis. Natriuretic peptide-like immunoreactive perikarya were found in ventromedial regions of the telencephalon and in the nucleus preopticus. Most perikarya had short, thick processes which extended toward the ventricle. Another group of perikarya was observed in the rhombencephalon. Porcine brain natriuretic peptide-like immunoreactive fibres were observed in the telencephalon, diencephalon, mesencephalon, and rhombencephalon, but perikarya were only present in the preoptic area. In theM. glutinosa brain, natriuretic peptide-like immunoreactive fibres were present in all regions. Immunoreactive perikarya were observed in the pallium, primordium hippocampi, pars ventralis thalami, pars dorsalis thalami, nucleus diffusus hypothalami, nucleus profundus, nucleus tuberculi posterioris, and nucleus ventralis tegmenti. Procine brain natriuretic peptide-like immunoreactive perikarya and fibres had a similar, but less abundant distribution than natriuretic peptide-like immunoreactive structures. Although the chemical structures of natriuretic peptides in the brains of dogfish and hagfish are unknown, these observations show that a component of the natriuretic peptide complement is similar to porcine brain natriuretic peptide or porcine C-type natriuretic peptide. The presence of natriuretic peptides in the brain suggest they could be important neuromodulators and/or neurotransmitters. Furthermore, there appears to be divergence in the structural forms of natriuretic peptides in the hearts and brains of dogfish and hagfish.  相似文献   

Endocrine cells exhibiting immunoreactivity to FMRFamide-like, LPLRFamide-like, neuropeptide Y(NPY)-like and peptide YY(PYY)-like peptides were found in the periphery of the Brockmann bodies of the cod, Gadus morhua, and rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. No immunoreactivity or very weak labelling was found with antisera to pancreatic polypeptide (PP). Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)-like immunoreactivity was found in nerve fibres, whereas labelling with VIP antiserum in endocrine cells disappeared after preincubation with nonimmune serum. There were always more immunoreactive cells in the rainbow trout than in the cod. No immunoreactivity could be seen with antisera to gastrin/cholecystokinin (CCK) or enkephalin. Double-labelling studies were performed to study the colocalization of the peptides in peripheral endocrine cells. Cells immunoreactive to NPY were also labelled with antisera to FMRFamide, LPLRFamide and PYY. The co-localization pattern of NPY varied; in some Brockmann bodies, a population of the immunoreactive cells showed co-localization and others contained NPY-like immunoreactivity only, whereas in other Brockmann bodies, all NPY-labelled cells also contained FMRFamide-like, LPLRFamide-like and PYY-like immunoreactivity. Cells immunoreactive to PYY similarly contained FMRFamide-like, LPLRFamide-like and NPY-like immunoreactivity, comparable to the patterns observed with NPY. Glucagon-like immunoreactivity was found at the periphery of the Brockmann bodies. A subpopulation of the glucagon-containing cells contained NPY-like immunoreactivity. PYY-like immunoreactivity was also found co-localized with glucagon-like immunoreactivity, as were FMRFamide-like and LPLRFamide-like immunoreactivity. Therefore, either NPY-like and PYY-like immunoreactivity together with FMRFamide-like and LPLRFamide-like immunoreactivity occur in the same endocrine cells of the Brockmann body of the cod and rainbow trout, or a hybrid NPY/PYY-like peptide recognized by both NPY and PYY antisera is present in the Brockmann body.  相似文献   

Cote  D.  Ollerhead  L.M.N.  Gregory  R.S.  Scruton  D.A.  McKinley  R.S. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,483(1-3):121-127
We monitored swimming speed of 2–3 year-old juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) from August to December 1999, using a 2-D location finding acoustic telemetry system in a coastal area of Newfoundland, Canada. We concurrently monitored the locations of 22–41 individuals by triangulation using a fixed hydrophone array. We estimated average swimming speeds at intervals of 60–120 s and compared them over a 1 to 17 °C thermal range, three diel periods, and five substrates (sand, gravel, sand-sparse boulder, boulder, and kelp). However, cod did not exhibit a change in swimming speed over the temperature range studied. Increased activity and foraging rates (expressed as swimming speeds) were expected to increase at elevated temperatures due to increased metabolic demands. Activity did vary significantly with diel cycle and substrate. Swimming speeds were significantly lower at night during September and October. Results for August and November were inconclusive, while swimming speed was significantly lower during the day in December. We observed significantly reduced average swimming speeds in structurally complex substrates (e.g. rock, cobble and kelp) in September and October. Our results suggest that activity of juvenile cod in the wild does not vary with temperature as predicted from studies in the laboratory. Instead, activity varied with diel cycles and structural complexity, variables that influence an individual's ability to forage and seek refuge, potentially altering individual fitness.  相似文献   

Fifty-four primer pairs were designed for expressed sequence tag (EST) sequences containing perfect di- and tri-nucleotide motifs and characterised in 96 unrelated fish. Twenty markers were successfully amplified with number of alleles from 2 to 10 per locus and observed and expected heterozygosity ranging from 0.01 to 0.56 and 0.03 to 0.70, respectively. Loci Gmo-C213, Gmo-C246 and Gmo-C247 deviated from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. Genetic linkage disequilibrium analysis between all pairs of the loci showed significant departure from the null hypothesis between loci Gmo-C213 and Gmo-C222, Gmo-C233 and Gmo-C229, C223 and Gmo-C236 and C229 and Gmo-C236. The gene identity was determined at 10 of the loci, confirming the associated microsatellites as Type I markers. These microsatellite markers provide useful tools for studies of population genetics, reproductive ecology and constructing linkage maps of Atlantic cod.  相似文献   

Isolated, endothelium-free rings of vascular smooth muscle (VSM) from the ventral aorta of the dogfish shark, Squalus acanthias, were used to examine the vasoactive effects of various adenosine agonists. Cumulative addition of 2-chloroadenosine (2 Cl-ADO) over the concentration range 10 nM-1 mM resulted in a biphasic response, with a significant increase in tension at 1 microM and a more significant decline in tension at 100 microM and 1 mM, suggesting that this tissue may possess both A1 and A2 adenosine receptors. N6-Cyclopentyladenosine (N-6 CPA) and N6-(2-phenylisopropyl)adenosine, R(-)isomer (R-PIA), generally considered to be more A1 specific, also produced slight, but significant increases in tension, but only at relatively high concentrations. The more specific A1 agonist, N6-(25)-[2-endo-norbonyl] adenosine [(S)-ENBA] produced a significant increase in tension at 1 pM, reaching 28% above control at 10 nM. The response to (S)-ENBA was also biphasic, with a fall in tension at 10 microM. The relatively non-specific agonist 5'-N-ethylcarboxamidoadenosine (NECA) produced a small, but significant, increase in tension at 1 microM, with no subsequent decline in tension at higher concentrations. These results allow us to assign a tentative structure-activity relationship (SAR) for an increase in tension of (S)-ENBA much much greater than R-PIA greater than or equal to 2-Cl ADO = N-6 CPA = NECA; for the decrease, the SAR is (S)-ENBA greater than 2-Cl ADO greater than R-PIA greater than N-6 CPA = NECA.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary Chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) stanniocalcin was purified, partially identified and tested for bioactivity in an assay on the intestinal calcium uptake in a marine teleost (Gadus morhua). Basic ethanol extraction, ion exchange chromatography, gel filtration and reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography resulted in the isolation of a homogenous glycoprotein that appears as a 46-kDa product under non-reducing conditions and as a 23-kDa product under reducing conditions after sodium dodecylsulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The glycoprotein is likely to be a homodimer composed of two subunits of 23 kDa each. Further characterization indicates homology to Australian eel, sockeye salmon, coho salmon and rainbow trout stanniocalcin, and the glycoprotein is thus concluded to be stanniocalcin. Stanniocalcin-like immunoreactivity was demonstrated in the corpuscles of Stannius of the Atlantic cod, with a specific antiserum raised against purified chum salmon stanniocalcin. The physiological importance and the biological activity of chum salmon stanniocalcin was tested by evaluating its effect on intestinal calcium uptake by the Atlantic cod in vitro. The intestine was perfused, both vascularly and through the intestinal lumen, and the calcium mucosa-to-serosa flux was measured using 45Ca2+ as a tracer. Stanniocalcin decreased the intestinal calcium uptake in a dose-related manner by 13.5% and 22.4% at doses of 2.2 and 10.9 nM stanniocalcin, respectively. The results establish the intestine as a target organ for stanniocalcin in marine teleosts.Abbreviations BIS balanced intestinal solution - CS corpuscles of Stannius - dpm disintegrations per minute - FW freshwater - J in Ca influx of calcium across the intestinal mucosa - MW molecular weight - NRS normal rabbit serum - PBS phosphate buffered saline - PBST phosphate buffered saline containing 0.05% Tween-20 - PITC phenyl isothiocyanate - rp-HPLC reverse phase - SW seawater - STC phenyl isothiocyanate - rp-HPLC reverse phase - SW seawater - STC stanniocalcin - TFA Trifluoroacetic acid - Tris Tris(hydroxymethyl) aminomethan - V volume per fraction  相似文献   

Prey intake and selection were related to within-shoal position for Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) engaged in annual migration across the Newfoundland shelf in the northwest Atlantic. Comparisons made among fish occupying five regions from the front to rear of a large (>10 km across) migrating shoal indicated that leading fish, or scouts, were larger, ate more food by weight, and had a more varied diet than did fish at other positions. Also, scouts consumed more preferred prey types (fish and pelagic invertebrates) than did fish at other positions. In contrast, trailing fish consumed few fish prey but a larger proportion of benthic invertebrates. Our results are the first to document systematic heterogeneous feeding success among members of a free-ranging and migrating fish shoal in the open ocean.  相似文献   

Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) and helospectin are two vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)-related neuropeptides that have recently been demonstrated in the mammalian gut; the aim of this study was to reveal their occurrence and localisation in the gastrointestinal tract, swimbladder, urinary bladder and the vagal innervation of the gut of teleosts, using immunohistochemical methods on whole-mounts and sections of these tissues from the Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua and the rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Both PACAP-like and helospectin-like peptides were present in the gut wall of the two species. Immunoreactive nerve fibres were found in all layers but were most frequent in the myenteric plexus and along the circular muscle fibres. Immunoreactivity was also demonstrated in nerves innervating the swimbladder wall, the urinary bladder and blood vessels to the gut. Immunoreactive nerve cell bodies were found in the myenteric plexus of the gut and in the muscularis mucosae of the swimbladder. In the vagus nerve, non-immunoreactive nerve cells were surrounded by PACAP-immunoreactive fibres. Double staining revealed the coexistence of PACAP-like and helospectin-like peptides with VIP in all visualized nerve fibres and in some endocrine cells. It is concluded that PACAP-like and helospectin-like peptides coexist with VIP in nerves innervating the gut of two teleost species. The distribution suggests that both PACAP and helospectin, like VIP, are involved in the control of gut motility and secretion.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring heavy metals and synthetic compounds are potentially harmful for testicular function but evidence linking heavy metal exposure to reduced semen parameters is inconclusive. Elucidation of the exact stage at which the toxicant interferes with spermatogenesis is difficult because the various germ cell stages may have different sensitivities to any given toxicant, germ cell development is influenced by supporting testicular somatic cells and the presence of inter-Sertoli cell tight junctions create a blood-testis barrier, sequestering meiotic and postmeiotic germ cells in a special microenvironment. Sharks such as Squalus acanthias provide a suitable model for studying aspects of vertebrate spermatogenosis because of their unique features: spermatogenesis takes place within spermatocysts and relies mainly on Sertoli cells for somatic cell support; spermatocysts are linearly arranged in a maturational order across the diameter of the elongated testis; spermatocysts containing germ cells at different stages of development are topographically separated, resulting in visible zonation in testicular cross sections. We have used the vital dye acridine orange and a novel fluorescence staining technique to study this model to determine (1) the efficacy of these methods in assays of apoptosis and blood-testis barrier function, (2) the sensitivity of the various spermatogonial generations in Squalus to cadmium (as an illustrative spermatotoxicant) and (3) the way that cadmium might affect more mature spermatogenic stages and other physiological processes in the testis. Our results show that cadmium targets early spermatogenic stages, where it specifically activates a cell death program in susceptible (mature) spermatogonial clones, and negatively affects blood-testis barrier function. Since other parameters are relatively unaffected by cadmium, the effects of this toxicant on apoptosis are presumably process-specific and not attributable to general toxicity.This study was mainly carried out during summer fellowships at the Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory, Salsbury Cove, Maine, USA, and partly with financial support from the National Research Foundation of South Africa.  相似文献   

The cells responsible for the clearance of collagen were studied in cod. Cod collagen labelled with the lysosomal trap-label 125I-tyramine cellobiose was cleared from the circulation with a t1/2 of 15 min. 1 h After injection 75%, 17% and 8% of the label were recovered in the heart, liver and blood, respectively. 24 h After administration of collagen labelled conventionally with 125I to allow escape of labelled degradation product from the site of uptake, 80% of the label had left the heart, signifying degradation. When collagen was tagged with 125I-tyramine cellobiose, heart-associated radioactivity did not decrease after 24 h, indicating intralysosomal degradation. Fluorescence microscopy revealed that i.v. injected fluorescently-labelled collagen accumulated in discrete vesicles of cells lining the endocardial blood space of both atrium and ventricle. Conventional and immuno-electron microscopy showed that these cells contained numerous coated pits and vesicles reflecting active endocytosis, and that ligand lined the limiting membrane of early endosomes. Intravenously injected 2 m latex accumulated mainly in kidney. We conclude that the population of non-macrophagic endocardial cells are important for the turnover of collagen in cod. These cells therefore resemble sinusoidal endothelial cells of salmon kidney and mammalian liver.  相似文献   

Partial reduction of molecular oxygen produces reactive oxyradicals, including the superoxide anion radical (O - 2 ) and hydroxyl radical (·OH). The gas gland functions under hyperoxic and acidic conditions and therefore is likely to be subjected to enhanced oxidative stress. Aspects of pro- and antioxidant processes in gas gland were compared with other tissues likely to be subject to differing degrees of oxyradical production, viz. liver (site of chemically-mediated oxyradical production), gills and skeletal muscle. Antioxidant enzyme activities (superoxide dismutase, catalase, selenium-dependent and total glutathione peroxidase) per g wet weight were highest in liver and lowest in muscle. Catalase and glutathione peroxidase activies per g wet weight were higher in gills than in gas gland, whereas the reverse was seen for superoxide dismutase. Cytosolic superoxide dismutase activities per mg protein were two- and nine-fold higher in gas gland than in liver and gills. The pH characteristics of the antioxidant enzymes were generally similar in all the tissues. Glutathione, vitamin E and unsaturated (peroxidizable) lipid levels were generally highest in liver followed by gas gland. Lipid peroxidation (malonaldehyde equivalents) was evident in all tissues except gas gland. Hydrogen peroxide and O - 2 were involved in the NAD(P)H-dependent ferric/EDTA-mediated formation of ·OH (as measured by 2-keto-4-methiolbutyrate oxidation) by mitochondrial and postmitochondrial fractions of gas gland. Tissue maximal potentials for ·OH production paralled superoxide dismutase but not catalase or glutathione peroxidase activities. Overall, the results confirm the presence of effective antioxidant defences in gas gland and support previous workers' contentions of a central role for superoxide dismutase in this process.Abbreviations EDTA di-sodium ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid - G-6-P glucose-6-phosphate - GPX total glutathione peroxidase - GSH reduced glutathione - GSSG oxidised glutathione - GST glutathion-S-transferase - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - KMBA 2-keto-4-methiolbutyric acid - MOPS 3-[N-morpholino] propane-sulphonic acid - PMS postmitochondrial supernatant - Se-GPX selenium-dependent glutathion peroxidase - SOD superoxide dismutase - TCA trichloroacetic acid  相似文献   

Summary The autonomic nervous and possible adrenergic humoral control of blood pressure and heart rate during hypoxia was investigated in Atlantic cod. The oxygen tension in the water was reduced to 4.0–5.3 kPa (i.e.. PwO2=30–40 mmHg), and the fish responded with an immediate increase in ventral and dorsal aortic blood pressure (P va P da), as well as a slowly developing bradycardia. The plasma concentrations of circulating catecholamines increased during hypoxia with a peak in the plasma level of noradrenaline occurring before the peak for adrenaline. Bretylium was used as a chemical tool to differentiate between neuronal and humoral adrenergic control of blood pressure and heart rate (f H) during hypoxia. The increase in P va and P da in response to hypoxia was strongly reduced in bretylium-treated cod, which suggests that adrenergic nerves are responsible for hypoxic hypertension. In addition, a small contribution by circulating catecholamines to the adrenergic tonus affecting P va during hypoxia was suggested by the decrease in P va induced by injection of the -adrenoceptor antagonist phentolamine. The cholinergic and the adrenergic tonus affecting heart rate were estimated by injections of atropine and the -adrenoceptor antagonist sotalol. The experiments demonstrate an increased cholicholinergic as well as adrenergic tonus on the heart during hypoxia.  相似文献   

The intestinal absorption of di- and tri-peptides generally occurs via the oligopeptide transporter, PepT1. This study evaluates the expression of PepT1 in larval Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) during the three weeks following the onset of exogenous feeding. Larval Atlantic cod were fed either wild captured zooplankton or enriched rotifers. cDNA was prepared from whole cod larvae preceding first feeding and at 1000 each Tuesday and Thursday for the following three weeks. Spatial and temporal expression patterns of PepT1 mRNA were compared between fish consuming the two prey types using in situ hybridization and quantitative real-time PCR. Results indicated that PepT1 mRNA was expressed prior to the onset of exogenous feeding. In addition, PepT1 was expressed throughout the digestive system except the esophagus and sphincter regions. Expression slightly increased following first-feeding and continued to increase throughout the study for larvae feeding on both prey types. When comparing PepT1 expression in larvae larger than 0.15-mg dry mass with expression levels in larvae prior to feeding, no differences were detected for larvae fed rotifers, but the larvae fed zooplankton had significantly greater PepT1 expression at the larger size. In addition, PepT1 expression in the zooplankton fed larvae larger than 0.15-mg dry mass had significantly greater expression than rotifer fed larvae of a similar weight. Switching prey types did not affect PepT1 expression. These results indicate that Atlantic cod PepT1 expression was slightly different relative to dietary treatment during the three weeks following first-feeding. In addition, PepT1 may play an important role in the larval nutrition since it is widely expressed in the digestive tract.  相似文献   

We report on evidence of long term stability inthe geographic pattern of geneticdifferentiation among cod (Gadus morhua)collected from 5 spawning banks offNewfoundland and Labrador over a periodspanning three decades (1964–1994) and 2orders of magnitude of population sizevariation. Six microsatellite DNA lociamplified from archived otoliths (1964 and1978) and contemporary (1990s) tissue samplesrevealed fidelity to natal spawning banks overthis period. A two level (spawning bank anddecade) hierarchical and multilocus AMOVAindicated that 1.55% of the total variation inallele frequencies could be attributed(P = 0.036) to spatial structure while novariance component could be attributed totemporal changes. A finer scale analysis amongcod from just 3 of these spawning banksreveals, however, evidence consistent with somepost-collapse mixing between cod from twobanks. In the context of fisheries managementand conservation, the survival of the spatialpattern of genetic differentiation during thepopulation collapse suggests that if recoveryeventually occurs it will likely be throughpopulation re-growth in situ rather thanby migratory influx.  相似文献   

A collagenolytic proteinase was purified from the intestines of Atlantic cod by (NH4)2SO4 fractionation, hydrophobic interaction chromatography (phenyl-Sepharose) and ion-exchange chromatography (DEAE-Sepharose). The proteinase has an estimated molecular weight of 24.1 (±0.5) kDa as determined by SDS-PAGE and belongs to the chymotrypsin family of serine proteinases. The enzyme cleaves native collagen types I, III, IV and V, and also readily hydrolyzes succinyl-l-Ala-l-Ala-l-Pro-l-Phe-p-nitroanilide (sAAPFpna), an amide substrate of chymotrypsin, as well as succinyl-l-Ala-l-Ala-l-Pro-l-Leu-p-nitroanilide, a reported elastase substrate, but had no detectable activity towards several other substrates of these proteinases or of trypsin. The pH optimum of the enzyme was between pH 8.0 and 9.5 and it was unstable at pH values below 7. Maximal activity of the enzyme when assayed against sAAPFpna was centered between 45 and 50°C. Calcium binding stabilized the cod collagenase against thermal inactivation, but even in the presence of calcium, the enzyme was unstable at temperatures above 30°C.  相似文献   

Summary In saltwater-acclimated ducks with fully specialized supraorbital salt glands, intracarotid application of acetylcholine (5 nmoles/min/kg b.w.) or porcine vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (pVIP) (240 pmoles/min/kg b.w.) induced secretion from the salt glands at threshold conditions of secretory activity. pVIP-like immunoreactivity could be localized in fibers of the postganglionic secretory nerve ramifying throughout the glandular parenchyma. Both middle-sized arterioles and secretory tubules were innervated, and pVIP-immunoreactive varicose fibers formed peritubular baskets around the basal region of secretory tubules indicating direct innervation of the secretory tissue. pVIP-specific staining could be abolished by preabsorption of the antiserum with peptide extracts of salt-gland tissue. Synthetic pVIP and endogenous VIP from salt glands of the duck co-eluted on the HPLC system, suggesting structural similarity of the peptides. Membrane-binding studies with radioiodinated pVIP revealed the presence of high-affinity binding sites in salt-gland tissue. Affinities of unlabeled pVIP analogues to compete for these binding sites were as follows: pVIP > PHI > pVIP antagonist > secretin > pVIP (10–28) > chicken VIP (16–28). Peptide extracts of salt glands had affinities similar to pVIP. Binding sites could be localized mainly at the apical end of the radially arranged secretory tubules, as demonstrated by receptor autoradiography.It is concluded that, in addition to the classical parasympathetic transmitter acetycholine, VIP serves as neuromodulator/transmitter in cranial parasympathetic control of avian salt-gland secretion by acting on both the arteriolar network and the secretory tubules of the gland.  相似文献   

Nine polymorphic microsatellite markers were identified by screening of 2464 ESTs derived from a cDNA library of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.). About 35 novel microsatellite loci were selected and characterised in 96 individual cod. Nine markers were successfully amplified with number of alleles from 3 to 18 per locus and the average heterozygosity was 0.57 in the panel examined (range 0.29–0.86). All loci followed the Hardy–Weinberg expectation and no significant linkage disequilibrium was found in a test including all pairwise combinations. The gene identity was determined at four of the loci, confirming the associated microsatellites as Type I markers.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical double labelling of the enteric nervous system of the guinea pig ileum was performed with a monoclonal antibody (anti-MYC 033) directed against a peptide sequence of the human c-Myc protein together with antibodies directed against either the neuron-specific antigens neuron-specific enolase or PGP 9.5 or the glia-specific marker S-100 to demonstrate that anti-MYC 033 labelled the nuclei of all enteric neurons but not glia. This strategy was also employed to demonstrate that another anti-c-Myc monoclonal anti-body, anti-MYC 070, labelled the nuclei of all neurons and glia, as well as perhaps all other cells in these preparations. A polyclonal antiserum raised against a peptide sequence of the human c-Fos protein (anti-FOS 4) was shown to label the identical nuclei as anti-MYC 033. The ganglionic density of nuclei labelled by anti-FOS 4 was found to be similar to previous measures of the ganglionic density of neurons. Double labelling with anti-MYC 033 and an antiserum directed against vasoactive intestinal polypeptide was performed to reexamine the ganglionic density of neurons that express this neuropeptide. Our results suggest that the ganglionic density of these neurons might be less than previously determined.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide and various neuropeptides in the myenteric plexus regulate esophageal motility. We sought colocalization of nitric oxide synthase and neuropeptides in frozen sections of mid-portion of smoothmuscled opossum esophagus using NADPH-diaphorase activity to mark the synthase and immunoreactivity to detect peptides. The peptides, all with demonstrated physiological activity in this organ, were calcitonin generelated peptide, galanin, neuropeptide Y, substance P, and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide. The ExtrAvidin Peroxidase immunostain for each peptide was carried up to the final peroxidase reaction with 3-amino-9-ethylcarbazole. The NADPH-diaphorase reaction was applied with short incubation to provide light staining just before the peroxidase reaction was performed. We examined sections for the proportions of singly and dually labeled nerve cells in the myenteric plexus. NADPH-diaphorase activity was highly colocalized with calcitonin gene-related peptide (59%), galanin (54%), and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (53%). It showed little colocalization with neuropeptide Y (10%) and substance P (8%). The proportions of all nerve cells containing each of the substances were: NADPH-diaphorase-33%, calcitonin gene-related peptide-30%, galanin-55%, neuropeptide Y-16%, substance P-35%, and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-58%. We conclude that the nerves responsible for peristalsis in the esophagus may act by releasing nitric oxide along with other inhibitory substances, calcitonin gene-related peptide, galanin, and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, but not excitatory substances, neuropeptide Y and substance P.  相似文献   

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