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The functional gene and three intronless pseudogenes for human triosephosphate isomerase were isolated from a recombinant DNA library and characterized in detail. The functional gene spans 3.5 kilobase pairs and is split into seven exons. Its promoter contains putative TATA and CCAAT boxes and is extremely rich in G and C residues (76%). The pseudogenes share a high degree of homology with the functional gene but contain mutations that preclude the synthesis of an active triosephosphate isomerase enzyme. Sequence divergence calculations indicate that these pseudogenes arose approximately 18 million years ago. We present evidence that there is a single functional gene in the human triosephosphate isomerase gene family.  相似文献   


Key message

In this study, we identified eight DNA MTase genes in maize and the diversity of expression patterns of them was presented by EST mining, microarray and semi-quantitative expression profile analyses.


DNA methylation plays a pivotal role in promoting genomic stability through diverse biological processes including regulation of gene expression during development and chromatin organization. Although this important biological process is mainly regulated by several conserved Cytosine-5 DNA methyltransferases encoded by a smaller multigene family in plants, investigation of the plant C5-MTase-encoding gene family will serve to elucidate the epigenetic mechanism diversity in plants. Recently, genome-wide identification and evolutionary analyses of the C5-MTase-encoding gene family have been characterized in multiple plant species including Arabidopsis, rice, carrot and wheat. However, little is known regarding the C5-MTase-encoding genes in the entire maize genome. Here, genome-wide identification and expression profile analyses of maize C5-MTase-encoding genes (ZmMETs) were performed from the latest version of the maize (B73) genome. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the orthologs from the three species (maize, Arabidopsis and rice) were categorized into four classes. Chromosomal location of these genes revealed that they are unevenly distributed on 6 of all 10 chromosomes with three chromosomal/segmental duplication events, suggesting that gene duplication played a key role in expansion of the maize C5-MTase-encoding gene family. Furthermore, EST expression data mining, microarray data and semi-quantitative expression profile analyses detected in the leaves by two different abiotic stress treatments have demonstrated that these genes had temporal and spatial expression pattern and exhibited different expression levels in stress treatments, suggesting that functional diversification of ZmMET genes family. Overall, our study will serve to present signification insights to explore the plant C5-MTase-encoding gene expression and function and also be beneficial for future experimental research to further unravel the mechanisms of epigenetic regulation in plants.  相似文献   



Unitary pseudogenes are a class of unprocessed pseudogenes without functioning counterparts in the genome. They constitute only a small fraction of annotated pseudogenes in the human genome. However, as they represent distinct functional losses over time, they shed light on the unique features of humans in primate evolution.  相似文献   

We have characterized several Vicia faba genes encoding methionine residue-free group B subunits of the 11S or legumin storage proteins. The respective gene subfamily consists of 10 to 15 members, six of them having been studied by DNA sequence analysis. Four functional genes (LeB2, LeB4, LeB6, LeB7) are highly homologous in their coding region and 0.3 kb of their 3 flanking sequences. On the other hand, two pseudogenes (LeB1, LeB5) have accumulated a large number of mutations including an identical 0.7 kb internal deletion; they are both flanked by a repetitive element. Analysis of sequence changes show that transitions are nearly double as frequent as transversions. CpG is the most infrequent dinucleotide whereas TpA is significantly underrepresented in exon sequences. End points of deletions are correlated with short direct repeats and preferentially found in the two introns. Our studies indicate that the Vicia faba legumin B gene subfamily contains a group of expressed, highly homologous genes as well as more diverged pseudogenes.  相似文献   

Wang HY  Wang IF  Bose J  Shen CK 《Genomics》2004,83(1):130-139

Comprehensive analysis of keratin gene clusters in humans and rodents   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Here, we present the comparative analysis of the two keratin (K) gene clusters in the genomes of man, mouse and rat. Overall, there is a remarkable but not perfect synteny among the clusters of the three mammalian species. The human type I keratin gene cluster consists of 27 genes and 4 pseudogenes, all in the same orientation. It is interrupted by a domain of multiple genes encoding keratin-associated proteins (KAPs). Cytokeratin, hair and inner root sheath keratin genes are grouped together in small subclusters, indicating that evolution occurred by duplication events. At the end of the rodent type I gene cluster, a novel gene related to K14 and K17 was identified, which is converted to a pseudogene in humans. The human type II cluster consists of 27 genes and 5 pseudogenes, most of which are arranged in the same orientation. Of the 26 type II murine keratin genes now known, the expression of two new genes was identified by RT-PCR. Kb20, the first gene in the cluster, was detected in lung tissue. Kb39, a new ortholog of K1, is expressed in certain stratified epithelia. It represents a candidate gene for those hyperkeratotic skin syndromes in which no K1 mutations were identified so far. Most remarkably, the human K3 gene which causes Meesmann's corneal dystrophy when mutated, lacks a counterpart in the mouse genome. While the human genome has 138 pseudogenes related to K8 and K18, the mouse and rat genomes contain only 4 and 6 such pseudogenes. Our results also provide the basis for a unified keratin nomenclature and for future functional studies.  相似文献   

We typed the progeny of two sets of genetic crosses to determine the map locations for loci containing sequences related to the ferritin light chain (Ft11) gene. Twelve loci were positioned on 11 different chromosomes. One of these genes mapped to a position on Chr 7 predicted to contain the expressed gene on the basis of the previously determined position of the human homolog on 19q13.3-q13.4. Received: 23 July 1997 / Accepted: 20 September 1997  相似文献   

The open reading frame (ORF) of the human Tom20 gene (hTom20) was amplified by PCR from a HeLa cDNA library using primers based on the sequence of HUMRSC145 and cloned into a pET15b vector. Amplification of human genomic DNA using these primers yielded a DNA fragment of the same size as that of the ORF of hTom20 cDNA. Sequencing of this fragment revealed that: (1) it has the same number of base pairs as the ORF of hTom20 cDNA (438 bp); and (2) the two sequences differ by 14 single base pair substitutions (97% similarity) causing eight changes in the amino acid sequence and two premature stop codons. Further amplification of human genomic DNA adaptor-ligated libraries using primers based on HUMRSC145 revealed three different sequence-related genomic regions; one corresponding to the fragment referred above, another corresponding to the hTom20 gene, and a third fragment of which the sequence differs from the ORF of hTom20 cDNA by only 22 base pair substitutions and a deletion of 4 bp. We conclude that, in addition to the hTom20 gene, there are two genomic DNA sequences (Ψ1Tom20 and Ψ2Tom20) that are processed pseudogenes of hTom20. Aspects concerning their evolutionary origin are discussed. Received: 12 September 1997 / Accepted: 29 November 1997  相似文献   

30K proteins (30KPs) are classified into the lepidopteran-specific Lipoprotein_11 family. They are involved in various physiological processes such as energy storage, embryonic development, and immune response in the silkworm. To date, 30KPs were only found in Bombyx mori and Manduca sexta. Moreover, the C-termini of ENF peptide binding proteins (ENF-BPs) show similarity to 30KPs. ENF peptides are multifunctional insect cytokines and involved in growth regulation and defense reaction, whereas ENF-BPs act as active regulators of ENF peptides. In order to get insights into this gene family in Lepidoptera, we performed an extensive survey of lepidopteran-derived genome and EST datasets. We identified 73 30KP homologous genes in 12 lepidopteran species, of which 56 are novel members. The structural and phylogenetic analyses revealed that these genes could be classified into three groups: ENF-BP genes, typical 30KP genes, and serine/threonine-rich 30KP (S/T-rich 30KP) genes. The C-terminal regions are common to all the three subfamilies, but the N-termini are highly variable. We found a novel subfamily of Lipoprotein_11 and named it S/T-rich 30KP according to its exclusive S/T-rich domain in the N terminus. ENF-BP was also found to contain a special domain in the N terminus, which is homologous to Pp-0912 of Pseudomonas putida. Microarray data and semi-quantitative RT-PCR showed that the three groups have their respective temporal–spatial expression patterns. S/T-rich 30KP genes have enriched expression in the mature testis and might be involved in spermiogenesis or fertilization. Typical 30KP genes are expressed mainly in the fat body and integument at the larvae and pupae stages. ENF-BP genes are expressed predominantly in the hemocyte. The differential spatial–temporal expression profiles revealed the functional divergence of three Lipoprotein_11 subfamilies.  相似文献   

Adrenodoxin is a small iron/sulfur protein serving as an electron-transport intermediate for all mitochondrial forms of cytochrome P450. Southern blots of normal genomic DNA cleaved with six restriction endonucleases probed with full-length human adrenodoxin cDNA revealed complex patterns indicating the presence of multiple adrenodoxin genes. Southern blots of DNA from a panel of mouse/human somatic cell hybrids identified cross-hybridizing adrenodoxin DNA in two loci, chromosome 11q13----qter and chromosome 20cen----q13.1. Examination of adrenodoxin clones from a genomic DNA library in phage lambda revealed some clones bearing gene fragments interrupted by introns and other clones bearing processed pseudogenes. By probing the mouse/human hybrids with unique intronic DNA and by correlating restriction maps of the phage clones with that of uncloned genomic DNA, we show that the authentic transcribed adrenodoxin gene lies on chromosome 11, while pseudogenes lie on chromosome 20.  相似文献   

We have assigned six members of the human beta-actin multigene family to specific human chromosomes. The functional gene, ACTB, is located on human chromosome 7, and the other assigned beta-actin-related sequences are dispersed over at least four different chromosomes including one locus assigned to the X chromosome. Using intervening sequence probes, we showed that the functional gene is single copy and that all of the other beta-actin related sequences are recently generated in evolution and are probably processed pseudogenes. The entire nucleotide sequence of the functional gene has been determined and is identical to cDNA clones in the coding and 5' untranslated regions. We have previously reported that the 3' untranslated region is well conserved between humans and rats (Ponte et al., Nucleic Acids Res. 12:1687-1696, 1984). Now we report that four additional noncoding regions are evolutionarily conserved, including segments of the 5' flanking region, 5' untranslated region, and, surprisingly, intervening sequences I and III. These conserved sequences, especially those found in the introns, suggest a role for internal sequences in the regulation of beta-actin gene expression.  相似文献   

Jung KH  Lee J  Dardick C  Seo YS  Cao P  Canlas P  Phetsom J  Xu X  Ouyang S  An K  Cho YJ  Lee GC  Lee Y  An G  Ronald PC 《PLoS genetics》2008,4(8):e1000164
Functional redundancy limits detailed analysis of genes in many organisms. Here, we report a method to efficiently overcome this obstacle by combining gene expression data with analysis of gene-indexed mutants. Using a rice NSF45K oligo-microarray to compare 2-week-old light- and dark-grown rice leaf tissue, we identified 365 genes that showed significant 8-fold or greater induction in the light relative to dark conditions. We then screened collections of rice T-DNA insertional mutants to identify rice lines with mutations in the strongly light-induced genes. From this analysis, we identified 74 different lines comprising two independent mutant lines for each of 37 light-induced genes. This list was further refined by mining gene expression data to exclude genes that had potential functional redundancy due to co-expressed family members (12 genes) and genes that had inconsistent light responses across other publicly available microarray datasets (five genes). We next characterized the phenotypes of rice lines carrying mutations in ten of the remaining candidate genes and then carried out co-expression analysis associated with these genes. This analysis effectively provided candidate functions for two genes of previously unknown function and for one gene not directly linked to the tested biochemical pathways. These data demonstrate the efficiency of combining gene family-based expression profiles with analyses of insertional mutants to identify novel genes and their functions, even among members of multi-gene families.  相似文献   

Viral and transposon vectors have been employed in gene therapy as well as functional genomics studies. However, the goals of gene therapy and functional genomics are entirely different; gene therapists hope to avoid altering endogenous gene expression (especially the activation of oncogenes), whereas geneticists do want to alter expression of chromosomal genes. The odds of either outcome depend on a vector's preference to integrate into genes or control regions, and these preferences vary between vectors. Here we discuss the relative strengths of DNA vectors over viral vectors, and review methods to overcome barriers to delivery inherent to DNA vectors. We also review the tendencies of several classes of retroviral and transposon vectors to target DNA sequences, genes, and genetic elements with respect to the balance between insertion preferences and oncogenic selection. Theoretically, knowing the variables that affect integration for various vectors will allow researchers to choose the vector with the most utility for their specific purposes. The three principle benefits from elucidating factors that affect preferences in integration are as follows: in gene therapy, it allows assessment of the overall risks for activating an oncogene or inactivating a tumor suppressor gene that could lead to severe adverse effects years after treatment; in genomic studies, it allows one to discern random from selected integration events; and in gene therapy as well as functional genomics, it facilitates design of vectors that are better targeted to specific sequences, which would be a significant advance in the art of transgenesis.  相似文献   

The ZFY gene family in humans and mice   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
For several years, ZFY (zinc finger gene on the Y chromosome) was considered the best candidate for the human testis-determining gene TDF. This gene and its close relatives have been intensely studied in the hope of understanding the molecular biology of sex determination, particularly in humans and mice. Now that there is overwhelming evidence that ZFY and TDF are distinct loci, we are left with a large body of data, and a question: what do these genes really do?  相似文献   

CD45 is a transmembrane protein tyrosine phosphatase, which in mammals plays an important role in T and B cell receptor and cytokine signaling. Recently, a catfish cDNA was shown to contain all characteristic CD45 features: an alternatively spliced amino-terminus, a cysteine-rich region, three fibronectin domains, a transmembrane region, and two phosphotyrosine phosphatase domains. However, analyses of CD45 cDNAs from various catfish lymphoid cell lines demonstrated that catfish CD45 is unique in that it contains a large number of alternatively spliced exons. Sequence analyses of cDNAs derived from the catfish clonal B cell line 3B11 indicated that this cell line expresses up to 13 alternatively spliced exons. Furthermore, sequence similarity among the alternatively spliced exons suggested duplication events. To establish the exact number and organization of alternatively spliced exons, a bacterial artificial chromosome library was screened, and the catfish functional CD45 gene plus six CD45 pseudogenes were sequenced. The catfish functional CD45 gene spans 37 kb and contains 49 exons. In comparison, the human and pufferfish CD45 genes consist of 34 and 30 exons, respectively. This difference in the otherwise structurally conserved catfish gene is due to the presence of 18 alternatively spliced exons that were likely derived through several duplication events. In addition, duplication events were also likely involved in generating the six pseudogenes, truncated at the 3 ends. A similarly 3 truncated CD45 pseudogene is also present in the pufferfish genome, suggesting that this specific CD45 gene duplication occurred before catfish and pufferfish diverged (400 million years ago).  相似文献   

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