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Beginning on Day 10 or 11 of the estrous cycle, mature Holstein heifers were given a superovulatory regimen of twice-daily injections of porcine FSH, together with injections of PG with the fifth and sixth FSH injections. Every 12 h from 24 to 60 h after PG administration, the animals received im injections of different doses of the LH releasing hormone antagonist [N-Ac-D-Nal(2)(1), D-pCl-Phe(2), D-Trp(3), D-Arg(6), D-Ala(10)]-LHRH or vehicle. Follicular development was monitored by transrectal ultrasonography every 12 h from 24 to 120 h after PG administration. All animals were given hCG at 72 h after PG injection, and were artificially inseminated. At Day 7 of gestation, the corpora lutea were counted by ultrasonography, and embryos were collected by nonsurgical flushing of the uterus. Treatment with the antagonist resulted in a dose-dependent decrease in the amplitude of the LH surge and in delays in the time of occurrence of the LH surge, ovulation and the shift from estradiol to progesterone production. These results indicate that LHRH antagonists can be used to delay the LH surge and ovulation in superovulated heifers. This finding may be beneficial to studies in the superovulation of cattle.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to test the effectiveness of a new type of conductivity sensor, along with vaginal temperature, at identifying the LH peak associated with estrus in dairy cows. Twelve mature non-lactating Holstein-Friesian cows had their estrous cycles synchronized on two occasions, and then data were collected for the following spontaneous cycles. An indwelling electrodeless plastic-coated toroidal conductivity sensor, which also recorded temperature, was placed in the vagina throughout the cycle. Blood samples were collected for LH measurement, and ultrasound scanning used to confirm ovulation. Although there was a relationship between vaginal mucus conductivity measured by the toroidal sensor and the timing of the LH surge, it was not sufficiently robust in individual cows to be able to identify the time of the LH surge. The mean increase in vaginal temperature at estrus was 0.48 degrees C. An algorithm was developed which used the detected individual cow temperature peak to test the relationship with the LH peak. In 16 out of 21 cases where ovulation was confirmed and data existed, the estimated individual peak was within 4h of the LH surge, in three cases it was +/-6h, and in two instances it was early. In conclusion, the temperature algorithm was able to identify the time of the LH surge and thus predict time of ovulation in a way that would allow effective AI, although this result needs to be tested in lactating cows. However, the toroidal conductivity sensing method was not able to produce data of sufficient quality to develop a predictive relationship in individual cows.  相似文献   

In bovine in vitro embryo production, the IVM step is rather successful with 80% of the oocytes reaching the MII stage. However, the extent to which the process limits the yield of viable embryos is still largely unknown. Therefore, we compared embryonic developmental capacity during IVC of IVF oocytes which had been matured in vitro with those matured in vivo. In vitro maturation was carried out for 22 h using oocytes (n = 417) obtained from 2- to 8-mm follicles of ovaries collected from a slaughterhouse in M199 with 10% fetal calf serum (FCS), 0.01 IU/mL LH, and 0.01 IU/mL FSH. In vivo matured oocytes (n = 219) were aspirated from preovulatory follicles in eCG/PG/anti-eCG-superovulated heifers 22 h after a fixed time GnRH-induced LH surge; endogenous release of the LH surge was suppressed by a Norgestomet ear implant. This system allowed for the synchronization of the in vitro and in vivo maturation processes and thus for simultaneous IVF of both groups of oocytes. The in vitro developmental potential of in vivo matured oocytes was twice as high (P < 0.01) as that of in vitro matured oocytes, with blastocyst formation and hatching rates 11 d after IVC of 49.3 +/- 6.1 (SEM; n = 10 heifers) vs 26.4 +/- 1.0% (n = 2 replicates), and 39.1 +/- 5.1% vs 20.6 +/- 1.4%, respectively. It is concluded that IVM is a major factor limiting in the in vitro production of viable embryos, although factors such as the lack of normal preovulatory development of IVM oocytes contributed to the observed differences.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to describe the changes in serum LH and FSH concentrations in Holstein heifers following intramuscular (i.m.) injection of various dosages of fertirelin acetate and other commerically available GnRH products at their labeled dosages. The design was an incomplete Latin-square which gave nine replicates of each treatment. Treatments administered on Days 8 to 16 of the estrous cycle consisted of saline; 25, 50, 100 or 200 mug fertirelin acetate; 100, 250 or 500 mug gonadorelin; and 10 or 20 mug buserelin. Blood samples were collected via jugular catheters from 1 h before to 8 h after each injection. Log (Base 2) area under the LH and FSH curves (log AUC) were used to evaluate response to fertirelin acetate dosages and to determine difference (LSD: 0.05) and bioequivalence (alpha = 0.05) between the various dosages of GnRH products tested. Significant quadratic dose response relationships were detected for the LH and FSH log AUC data. Plots of the LH log AUC but not the FSH log AUC data suggested that a response plateau was being approached at the higher dosages of fertirelin acetate. Bioequivalence (alpha = 0.05) was based on the assumption that two means are equivalent if they differ by no more than 20% of the reference log AUC mean. Using these criteria fertirelin acetate is 2.5 to 10 times more potent than gonadorelin, whereas buserelin is approximately 10 to 20 times more potent than fertirelin acetate in the bovine for LH and FSH release.  相似文献   

Blood samples were taken once an hour from 17 ewes starting on Day 15 of a natural oestrous cycle and continuing for 4 days or until 36 h after the onset of oestrus. On Days 12, 16, 17 and 18 of the cycle, blood samples were also taken every 5 min for 6 h, between 09:00 and 15:00 h. LH pulse frequency rose and amplitude fell between the luteal and follicular phase of the oestrous cycle ( ). In the period from 48 h before to 40 h past the peak of the preovulatory LH surge, LH pulse frequency did not change. LH pulse amplitude was similar prior to and following the LH surge. During the preovulatory LH surge, LH pulse amplitude rose markedly ( ), with the visible, discrete components of pulses ranging from twice to 20 times those seen prior to or following the surge. The amplitude of LH pulses on the downslope of the LH surge was greater than that on the upslope of the surge (P < 0.05). We conclude that the preovulatory LH surge may consist of an amalgamation of high frequency, high amplitude pulses of LH secretion.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to determine whether vaginal electrical resistance (VER) can be exploited to improve the low reproductive efficiency of the rare Okinawan native Agu pig, in which estrous signs are difficult to ascertain by visual observation. The lowest VER (272.0+/-12.4 units, n=5) and the preovulatory LH surge were detected at 57.6+/-5.3 and 36.8+/-9.6h before the onset of estrus, respectively. The initiation of gradual increase in VER was found after 9.6+/-4.7h following the peak LH, and the higher levels of VER were plateaued during the luteal phase. These VER fluctuations were correlated with changes in plasma LH (P<0.05) and progesterone (P<0.001), but not estrogen. Moreover, the conception rate (41%, n=32) was dramatically improved by artificial insemination at 24 and 34 h after the beginning of the VER increase when compared with insemination at the conventional time (12 and 24h after detection of estrus, 20%, n=45), widely used in commercial pigs (P<0.05). These data suggest that VER fluctuation can be used to estimate the stage of the estrous cycle, and the scheduling artificial insemination according to increase in VER as an index for the preovulatory LH surge could improve Agu reproductive efficacy.  相似文献   

A new protocol for superovulating cattle which allows for control of the timing of ovulation after superstimulation with FSH was developed. The preovulatory LH surge was blocked with the GnRH agonist deslorelin, and ovulation was induced by injection of LH. In Experiment 1, heifers (3-yr-old) were assigned to a control group (Group 1A, n = 4) or a group with deslorelin implants (Group 1B, n = 5). On Day -7, heifers in Group 1A received a progestagen CIDR-B((R))device, while heifers in Group 1B received a CIDR-B((R))device + deslorelin implants. Both groups were superstimulated with twice daily injections of FSH (Folltropin((R))-V): Day 0, 40 mg (80 mg total dose on Day 0); Day 1, 30 mg; Day 2, 20 mg; Day 3, 10 mg. On Day 2, heifers were given PGF (a.m.) and CIDR-B((R)) devices were removed (p.m.). Three heifers in Group 1A had a LH surge and ovulated, whereas neither of these events occurred in Group 1B (with deslorelin implants) heifers. In Experiment 2, heifers (3-yr-old) were assigned to 1 of 4 equal groups (n = 6). On Day -7, heifers in Group 2A received a norgestomet implant, while heifers in Groups 2B, 2C and 2D received norgestomet + deslorelin implants. Heifers were superstimulated with FSH starting on Day 0 as in Experiment 1. On Day 2, heifers were given PGF (a.m.) and norgestomet implants were removed (p.m.). Heifers in Groups 2B to 2D were given 25 mg LH (Lutropin((R))): Group 2B, Day 4 (a.m.); Group 2C, Day 4 (p.m.); Group 2D, Day 5 (a.m.). Heifers in Group 2A were inseminated at estrus and 12 and 24 h later, while heifers in Groups 2B to 2D were inseminated at the time of respective LH injection and 12 and 24 h later. Injection of LH induced ovulation in heifers in Groups 2B to 2D. Heifers in Group 2C had similar total ova and embryos (15.2 +/- 1.4) as heifers in Group 2A (11.0 +/- 2.8) but greater (P < 0.05) numbers than heifers in Group 2B (7.0 +/- 2.3) and Group 2D (6.3 +/- 2.0). The number of transferable embryos was similar for heifers in Group 2A (5.8 +/- 1.8) and Group 2C (7.3 +/- 2.1) but lower (P < 0.05) for heifers in Group 2B (1.2 +/- 0.8) and Group 2D (1.3 +/- 1.0). The new GnRH agonist-LH protocol does not require observation of estrus, and induces ovulation in superstimulated heifers that would not have an endogenous LH surge.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate whether prolongation of the period of preovulatory follicular development after superovulation reduces heterogeneity of oocytes of stimulated follicles with respect to the potential to mature, to ovulate, to be fertilized and to develop into embryos. Heifers were treated with eCG on Day 10 and prostaglandin (PG) 48 h later. At the time of eCG administration some of the heifers received a norgestomet implant (N) to suppress the LH surge. After 96 to 104 h, N was removed and an LH surge was induced with GnRH (G) (N/G); the other animals served as controls. Matured oocytes (Experiment A: n=9, 139 [N/G] and 11, 125 [Control] heifers, oocytes), zygotes and oviducts (Experiment B: n=8, 44 [N/G] and 9, 72 [Control] heifers, zygotes) and embryos (Experiment C: n=11, 205 [N/G] and 11, 165 [Control] heifers, embryos) were collected at 22 to 26 h, 38 to 52 h and 7 days after the LH surge, respectively. Hatched blastocyst formation of matured oocytes (Experiment A) was analyzed after 11 days of IVC after IVF. In vivo fertilization rate of zygotes, the presence of periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) positive granules in the oviduct (Experiment B) and stage of development of embryos (Experiment C) were analyzed stereomicroscopically. The mean interval between PG and the LH surge was 53.8+/-3 (SD) (N/G) vs. 42.4+/-4 h (Control). The maximum peripheral estradiol-17beta concentration (529+/-36 [SEM] [N/G] vs. 403+/-17 pmol/L [Control]) and the response to superovulation (25.4+/-2 [N/G] vs. 18.7+/-2 [Control]) were higher in N/G than in Control heifers. Hatched blastocyst formation rate (37.4 [N/G] vs. 33.6% [Control]), in vivo fertilization rate (69.0+/-14 [N/G] vs. 73.0+/-10% [Control]) and the yield of total embryos (3.8+/-1 [N/G] vs. 5.6+/-2 [Control]) did not differ between groups. The percentage of heifers with abundant PAS-positive granules in the distal ampulla (0 [N/G] vs. 31% [Control]) was reduced after N/G treatment. Prolongation of the period of preovulatory follicular development increased the number of mature follicles and ovulations but did not result in higher embryo yield, possibly because of an impaired oviductal environment.  相似文献   

C. Li  J.H. Xue  Z. Ma 《Theriogenology》2009,71(6):1011-1017
The objective was to investigate the feasibility of improving embryo yield in superovulated cows following insemination with sex-sorted semen by prior immunization against inhibin. Twenty-eight heifers were allocated into three groups: High (n = 10), Low (n = 10), and Control (n = 8). The High group received one primary (1 mg) and two booster (0.5 mg) vaccinations (28-d intervals) with a recombinant inhibin α-subunit in 1 mL of white oil adjuvant, whereas the Low group received half that dose, and the Control group received only adjuvant. After the last immunization, all heifers underwent a standard superovulation treatment (decreasing doses of pFSH for 4 d), followed by two AI with 2 × 106 sex-sorted semen after the onset of estrus. Inhibin-immunized heifers had higher (P < 0.01) plasma antibody titres, and an earlier onset of estrus (P < 0.05) than Control heifers. The total number of embryo/ova, transferable, and grade 1 embryos in the High group (15.4 ± 1.9, 5.7 ± 0.7, and 3.8 ± 1.0, respectively) was significantly greater than that of the Control group (9.1 ± 1.2, 3.1 ± 0.5, and 0.6 ± 0.2), but was intermediate (P > 0.05) in the Low group (13.0 ± 2.3, 4.4 ± 0.7, and 1.2 ± 0.3). There were no significant differences among groups in number of unfertilized ova and degenerated embryos. The High group also had higher (P > 0.05) plasma progesterone concentrations on the day of embryo collection. In conclusion, immunization against inhibin improved both embryo quantity and quality following superovulation and insemination with sex-sorted semen.  相似文献   

Nine heifers were pre-synchronized (PGF2α, 12 days) and assigned into three groups with 6 repetitions each: (1) CL (~8 days old, n=13); (2) DIB+CL (n=18); (3) DIB+EB (150 μg of PGF2α and 2mg estradiol benzoate, n=18). After progesterone (P4) device removal (8 days) and/or final PGF2α, heifers were injected with either GnRH or EB in a 3×2 factorial totalling 49 observations (5 were excluded). The blood sampling schedule: every 12 h during P4 period; for LH pulse frequency on Days 3-5, every 15 min for 6 h during P4 period; after P4 removal and EB treatment, samples were collected every 3 h for 24 h or after GnRH every 1 h for 10 h. Ovarian follicle number and diameter were evaluated by ultrasonography every 12 h until the last blood sample and then 24 h and 48 h later. After device insertion (12 h), the DIB+CL group had a lesser LH concentration than the DIB+EB group. After 36 h, all DIB+CL-treated heifers had less LH than CL-heifers, and after 60 h, the DIB+EB group had less LH than the CL-group. Considering all P4 groups combined, LH peak amplitude was greater after GnRH compared to EB treatment but total area of LH peak amplitude and time to first peak was less. The CL-group had fewer follicles and a greater largest follicle diameter than DIB+CL and DIB+EB groups. When treated with EB, the DIB+CL group had a lesser ovulation rate at 24 h than the CL- and DIB+EB-groups. Fixed time artificial insemination (FTAI) protocols promoted a pre-ovulatory LH peak, independent of previous exposure to the DIB coupled with a CL or not. The progesterone excess interfered with FSH and LH secretion, follicular development and ovulation within 24 h.  相似文献   



The prediction of the genetic disease risk of an individual is a powerful public health tool. While predicting risk has been successful in diseases which follow simple Mendelian inheritance, it has proven challenging in complex diseases for which a large number of loci contribute to the genetic variance. The large numbers of single nucleotide polymorphisms now available provide new opportunities for predicting genetic risk of complex diseases with high accuracy.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We have derived simple deterministic formulae to predict the accuracy of predicted genetic risk from population or case control studies using a genome-wide approach and assuming a dichotomous disease phenotype with an underlying continuous liability. We show that the prediction equations are special cases of the more general problem of predicting the accuracy of estimates of genetic values of a continuous phenotype. Our predictive equations are responsive to all parameters that affect accuracy and they are independent of allele frequency and effect distributions. Deterministic prediction errors when tested by simulation were generally small. The common link among the expressions for accuracy is that they are best summarized as the product of the ratio of number of phenotypic records per number of risk loci and the observed heritability.


This study advances the understanding of the relative power of case control and population studies of disease. The predictions represent an upper bound of accuracy which may be achievable with improved effect estimation methods. The formulae derived will help researchers determine an appropriate sample size to attain a certain accuracy when predicting genetic risk.  相似文献   

Heifers between Days 6 and 10 of the cycle were allocated at random to groups of 8 and treated with (i) a 4% progesterone-releasing intravaginal device (PRID) + oestrogen capsule for 12 days; (ii) 4% PRID for 12 days; (iii) 20% PRID for 12 days; (iv) 4% for 14 days; or (v) 20% PRID for 14 days. Blood was obtained daily during treatment and at 2- or 4-h intervals for 72 h after removal of PRIDs. Some animals were sampled every 20 min for 4.676 h on the 3rd day after PRID insertion, and 1 day before and 36 h after removal of the PRID insertion, and 1 day before and 36 h after removal of the PRID. During progesterone treatment there was: (i) no correlation between concentrations of progesterone and LH within days; (ii) a significant negative correlation between progesterone and days (P less than 0.01) and also between progesterone and LH over days (P less than 0.01); (iii) the overall correlation co-efficient between LH and days was positive (P less than 0.05). The amplitude of LH or FSH episodes was not affected as progesterone concentrations declined during PRID treatment, but the number of LH (but not FSH) episodes was increased (p less than 0.01). After PRID removal, the amplitude of both LH and FSH episodes increased (P less than 0.01). We suggest that progesterone is part of a negative feedback complex on LH secretion in cattle and that this effect is apparently mediated through frequency of episodic LH release.  相似文献   

The effects of chronic treatment with norgestomet on follicular dynamics, corpus luteum growth and function as well as the temporal relationships among body temperature, oestrous behaviour, the luteinizing hormone (LH) surge and ovulation following implant removal were studied in 16 Holstein heifers. Oestrous cycles of the heifers were initially synchronized using 2 injections of prostaglandin F-2 alpha (PGF-2 alpha) 12 days apart. The heifers were then implanted with a norgestomet ear implant for 9 days, beginning either at the middle of the synchronized cycle (dioestrus) or at the end of the synchronized cycle (pro-oestrus). Follicular dynamics, corpus luteum growth and regression, and plasma progesterone were not affected by norgestomet treatment at dioestrus. The dominant follicle present at the time of norgestomet implantation in the pro-oestrus group was maintained during the 9-day implant period of 6 of 8 heifers and ovulated after implant removal. Time from implant removal to onset of standing oestrus and time to LH peak following implant removal were highly correlated with the time of ovulation (r = 0.92 and 0.96, respectively). Onset of standing oestrus and the LH peak and the onset of standing oestrus and peak vaginal and rectal temperatures were also highly correlated (r = 0.96, 0.82 and 0.81, respectively). It is concluded that any decrease in pregnancy rates following treatment with norgestomet is not due to asynchrony among oestrus, the LH surge and ovulation.  相似文献   

The mechanism for a reported temporal association between ovulation and a transient disruption in the periovulatory increase in LH concentrations was studied in nine mares treated with human chorionic gonadotropin when the preovulatory follicle was ≥32 mm. Examinations for ovulation detection and blood collection were done at 2-h intervals and the results were retrospectively centralized to ovulation (Hour 0). Concentrations of LH began to increase (P < 0.03) rapidly at Hour ?18, decreased (P < 0.04) between Hours 0 and 6, and again increased (P < 0.0001) after Hour 12. A progressive decrease (P < 0.0001) in estradiol between Hours ?30 and 24 was interrupted temporarily by an increase (P < 0.01) between Hours ?2 and 0 and a decrease (P < 0.007) between Hours 0 and 2. Results indicated that a disruption and depression in the periovulatory LH surge occurred at the time of detected ovulation in mares and was temporally associated with a transient increase in estradiol during an overall progressive decline. The disruption in LH concentrations is attributable to the estradiol increase, based on a reported negative effect of estradiol on LH. The source of the circulating estradiol was likely from the discharge of estradiol-laden follicular fluid into the abdomen during ovulation and rapid absorption of estradiol into the circulation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was two-fold: (1). to compare recovery of embryos/ova from superovulated Holstein heifers by flushing the uterine horns through insertion of the catheter very close to the tip of the horn (deep) or just after the uterine bifurcation (shallow) and (2). to evaluate the hormonal and superovulatory response to estradiol benzoate (EB) treatment prior to superovulation. Ten Holstein heifers (12-16 months) underwent two superovulatory treatments in a cross-over design. Heifers were treated with decreasing doses of FSH from Days 8 to 12.5 of a synchronized estrous cycle. At 4 days prior to superovulation, half of the heifers received EB (5mg, i.m.) or served as Controls, followed by the alternative treatment in the subsequent superovulation. At embryo recovery, one uterine horn was flushed with deep ( approximately 7 cm caudal to the tip of the horn) and the other with shallow ( approximately 5 cm cranial to the beginning of the uterine bifurcation) flushing techniques. Embryos/ova were recovered, counted, and scored. Number of ovulations was estimated by ultrasound. Pretreatment with EB reduced circulating FSH and regressed the first wave dominant follicle with no change in number of large follicles, number of ovulations, number of embryos/ova recovered, or number of transferable embryos. The shallow flushing technique was superior to the deep technique for number of embryos/ova recovered per horn (5.4+/-1.1 versus 3.9+/-0.8) or percentage of embryos/ova recovered per CL (63.9+/-8.6% versus 37.4+/-6.5%). Thus, flushing the entire uterine horn increased recovery of embryos/ova.  相似文献   

The role of LH in luteolysis and development of the ovulatory follicle and the involvement of GnRH receptors in estradiol (E2) stimulation of LH secretion were studied in heifers. A pulse of PGF, as indicated by a metabolite, was induced by E2 treatment on Day 15 (Day 0 = ovulation) and LH concentration was reduced with a GnRH-receptor antagonist (acyline) on Days 15, 16, and 17. Blood samples were collected every 6 h on Days 14-17 and hourly for 10 h beginning at the Day-15 treatments. Four groups were used (n = 6): control, acyline, E2, and E2/acyline. The number of LH pulses/heifer during the 10 h posttreatment was greater (P < 0.0002) in the E2 group (2.3 ± 0.4, mean ± SEM) than in the acyline group (0.2 ± 0.2) and was intermediate in the E2/acyline group (1.4 ± 0.2). Concentrations of progesterone in samples collected every 6 h on Day 15 showed a group-by-hour interaction (P < 0.02); concentrations decreased in the acyline group but not in the control group. The 12 heifers in the combined acyline and E2/acyline groups had three follicular waves compared to two waves in 10 of 12 heifers in the combined control and E2 groups. Results (1) supported the hypothesis that LH delays the progesterone decrease associated with luteolysis, (2) supported the hypothesis that LH has a positive effect on the continued development and growth of the selected ovulatory follicle, and (3) indicated that E2 stimulates LH production through an intracellular pathway that involves GnRH receptors on the gonadotropes and a pathway that does not involve the receptors.  相似文献   

Oestrus synchronization following prostaglandin-induced luteolysis is variable and dependent on follicle wave status in cattle. Oestradiol benzoate (ODB) has been used following prostaglandin to reduce the interval to oestrus and ovulation, but the effect of follicle wave status at the time of ODB administration is not clear. The aim of this study was to characterize the endocrine and follicular responses following ODB after luteolysis at different stages of the follicle wave. Prostaglandin was administered at either emergence or dominance of the second follicle wave. Twenty-four hours later animals received either 0.5mg ODB in oil or a control oil injection. Follicular development was monitored daily by ultrasonography, oestrous behavior was determined and blood samples were collected. In animals treated with ODB at emergence, there was a reduction (P<0.05) in the maximum diameter of the ovulatory follicle (11.7+/-1.2 mm versus 13.1+/-0.1 mm) and in the interval from prostaglandin to oestrus (52.0+/-2.3 h versus 88.0+/-9.6h), to the LH surge (53.3+/-3.5 h versus 89.1+/-6.5 h) and to ovulation (96+/-0.0 h versus 129.6+/-9.6h), compared with controls. In animals treated with ODB at dominance, there was a reduction (P<0.05) in the interval from prostaglandin to the LH surge (54.0+/-3.1 h versus 70.9+/-4.8 h), but not in the interval from prostaglandin to oestrus (53.3+/-2.7 h versus 65.7+/-4.5 h; P=0.11), to ovulation (96.0+/-0.0 h versus 110.4+/-4.8 h; P=0.12) or the maximum diameter of the ovulatory follicle (12.7+/-0.3 mm versus 13.6+/-0.4 mm; P=0.12), compared with controls. Treatment did not affect (P>0.05) the length of the subsequent oestrous cycle or corpus luteum size. In conclusion, the use of ODB advanced, but did not alter the temporal relationships among oestrus, the LH surge and ovulation, regardless of stage of follicle development at treatment.  相似文献   

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