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Synopsis The ranging and feeding behaviour of the butterflyfishChaetodon austriacus (Chaetodontidae) was studied at eight sites along the Red Sea coast of Saudi Arabia. This species was strongly paired and was found to defend territories intraspecifically, predominantly by display and non-aggressive advertisement. Frequencies of overt aggression were relatively low. Two other species of butterflyfish were aggressed against occasionally, but this did not appear to be space-related.C. austriacus fed entirely on scleractinian corals, primarilyAcropora, but included a variety of other genera in the diet. Territories appeared to be defended primarily for feeding and were significantly larger (1.6 times) at 10–15 m on the fore-reef slope than at the 1–2 m deep reef-edge. The availability of coral differed by a similar amount between depths, cover being 1.7 times greater in shallow water. Feeding rates did not differ significantly between depths.  相似文献   

Environmental determinants of butterflyfish social systems   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Synopsis Butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae) display a variety of social systems, including monogamous pair-bonds, harems, and schooling with group spawning. The range of reproductive options available to butterflyfishes is shaped by their general life history characteristics, such as broadcast spawning with widely dispersed pelagic larvae, large body size and low adult mortality. The distribution and quality of food resources are major determinants of group size and mobility, thereby influencing the relative costs and benefits of available options, and determining specific social systems. Planktivorous and corallivorous butterflyfishes exemplify the relationship between food resources and social systems. Pelagic plankton is a patchy, but temporally and spatially unpredictable food resource which is efficiently exploited by fish in mobile schools. Neither sex is able to monopolize food resources necessary for the other sex, and plantivorous butterflyfishes appear constrained to spawn in groups. In contrast, corals are stable and predictable in space and time, favoring residence in one area and territorial defense of that space by coral-feeding butterflyfishes. Females defend food resources from other females, and males defend territories containing a female from other males. Males attempt to defend areas containing more than one female, but are unsuccessful. A monogamous social system results. This system favors the evolution of cooperative behavior between mates to increase female fecundity, as long as the male has an opportunity of sharing in that reproduction. Mate removal experiments conducted on two monogamous coral-feeding species,Chaetodon multicinctus andChaetodon quadrimaculatus reveal a division of labor between male and female pair-mates. Paired males assume most of the territorial defense activities, allowing their mates to feed more.  相似文献   

Synopsis The herbivorous surgeonfish Acanthurus lineatus aggressively maintained feeding territories in the surf zone of the outer reef flat in American Samoa. Intertidal territories were re-established each morning, as well as after displacement by low tides or rough surf. Day-to-day site fidelity of recognizable individuals was high: 99.9% return rate per day for adults (15–20 cm), 99.6% for juveniles (8–13 cm), and 97.2% for recruits (2.5–5 cm). Fish fed on turf algae primarily in the afternoon (80% of available time), and spent 10% of their time on active territorial defense and 2–13% of their time on forays from their territory. On average, a fish defended its territory 1900 times daily and took 17 000 bites (= 7400 bites m–2 d–1), but rough surf reduced feeding by 60% and defense by 75%. High territorial defense requirements significantly reduced feeding rates. Although the distribution and behavior of this species in Samoa was in large part similar to that reported for it elsewhere (Australia, Indian Ocean), there were notable differences: in Samoa A. lineatus densities within colonies were greater (0.4 fish m–2), territory size was smaller (2.3 m2), and defense rate against intruders was greater (2.5 attacks min–1). These differences in Samoa may be related to their smaller body size, greater abundance or increased food supply caused by hurricane damage to reefs which has enhanced the algal turfs that A. lineatus feeds upon.  相似文献   

Spawning migrations in the monogamous butterflyfish,Chaetodon trifasciatus   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Spawning and related behavior of a monogamous butterflyfish,Chaetodon trifasciatus, were observed at Kuroshima Island, Okinawa, Japan. Each heterosexual pair defended a feeding territory in the daytime. Spawning occurred at dusk on the days around full or new moon in the daytime. Spawning occurred at dusk on the days around full or new moon in the vicinity of offshore tidal currents. Spawning migration to such sites occurred in pairs, the feeding territories of which were located in areas of inshore currents. In the evening each pair established a small temporary territory, which they spawned adjacent to and slept within until the next morning. The distribution of sleeping sites as well as tidal current directions may determine the spawning sites of this butterflyfish.  相似文献   

Synopsis Factors that structure preferences among food corals were examined for the obligate coral-feeding butterflyfishChaetodon multicinctus. In the field, fish show a simple repetitious pattern of foraging composed of (1) pre-encounter search for coral colonies, and (2) post-encounter inspection/orientation, bite, and consumption of polyps. Rose coral,Pocillopora meandrina, and the massive coral,Porites lobata, were taken in higher proportions than their percentage substrate cover, while finger coral,Porites compressa, was taken in lower proportion. Paired presentations of coral colonies in the lab gave similar results:Poc. meandrina was preferred overPor. lobata which was preferred overPor. compressa. Poc. meandrina tissue had the highest energy content, lowest handling time, and highest profitability. Energy content did not differ amongPorites tissues, but handling time was greater and more inspective eye movements were made while foraging on the branched finger coral,Por. compressa. Experimental manipulation of coral colony morphology indicate preferences amongPorites are most likely structured by handling costs. Predictions of a simple prey-choice foraging model are supported in theC. multicinctus system if abundance of the branched coralPor. compressa is estimated as that available to fishes rather than percentage substrate cover. The relative size and abundance of stinging nematocysts are also consistent with observed foraging patterns in the field, but await immunological confirmation. Coral-feeding butterflyfishes offer unique opportunities to test models of foraging ecology in reef fishes, and the direction of future studies is suggested.  相似文献   

Synopsis The reproductive biology of the coral reef butterflyfish,Chaetodon multicinctus, was investigated by histological examination of gonads sampled over an 18 month period from a shallow inshore population on Oahu, Hawaii. Most gonads developed directly from previously undifferentiated tissue. Ovarian development (the structural formation of lamellae and primary oocytes) was observed in fish ≥44 mm and testicular development (the formation of spermatogenic crypts) in fish ≥62 mm standard length (SL). In addition, testis formation was identified within the ovarian lamellae of several differentiated but immature fish. It is hypothesized that prematurational sex change may facilitate monogamy within the highly competitive social structure of this site attached species. Oocyte development in mature females was marked by distinct phases of primary growth, the formation of yolk vesicles, and vitellogenesis. Spawning activity was histologically identified by the maturation and hydration of fully yolked oocytes, and presence of postovulatory follicles. Recently spawned females from field collections and experimental gonadotropin-treatments exhibited postovulatory follicles that were estimated to persist at least 24 h after ovulation. Atresia of yolked oocytes was classified into four stages of cell degeneration and resorption. Monthly analyses of oocyte development and atresia within the sample population show thatC. multicinctus has a protracted annual spawning season with a major peak during the early spring and evidence of spawning activity among some individuals in the fall. Histological analyses of spawning activity provide more accurate and unambiguous information than do traditional gonadosomatic assays in this and probably other coral reef fishes.  相似文献   

Diurnal fishes responded rapidly to decreased light levels during a total solar eclipse and sought shelter in the reef. Nocturnal fishes sometimes left the cover of their daytime habitats. The activity cycles of diurnal reef fishes appear to be a direct response to changes in light level.  相似文献   

Daytime vertical distribution behaviour of settlement-stage reef-fish larvae in the upper 18 m was documented by diver observations of 497 pelagic larvae of 7 species 100-1000 m offshore of Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef. Four species were studied on 2 sides of the island. Depth amplitude and depth frequency differed among species, locations and times. Four pomacentrids had modal depths in the upper 30-50% of the water column. A lutjanid and 2 chaetodontids had modal depths 0-2 m deeper than the deepest-swimming pomacentrid. On the leeward side, 6 of 7 species swam deeper and/or more variably offshore. On the windward side, 1 of 4 species swam deeper or more variably offshore. No larvae swam deeper than 18 m on the leeward side, but 31% of larvae of 3 species did so on the windward side. Three of 4 species swam deeper and/or more variably on the windward than leeward side. Vertical distributions in relatively shallow water are apparently strongly influenced by water-column depth and bottom type.  相似文献   

Daytime vertical distribution behaviour of settlement-stage reef-fish larvae in the upper 18?m was documented by diver observations of 497 pelagic larvae of 7 species 100–1000?m offshore of Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef. Four species were studied on 2 sides of the island. Depth amplitude and depth frequency differed among species, locations and times. Four pomacentrids had modal depths in the upper 30–50% of the water column. A lutjanid and 2 chaetodontids had modal depths 0–2?m deeper than the deepest-swimming pomacentrid. On the leeward side, 6 of 7 species swam deeper and/or more variably offshore. On the windward side, 1 of 4 species swam deeper or more variably offshore. No larvae swam deeper than 18?m on the leeward side, but 31% of larvae of 3 species did so on the windward side. Three of 4 species swam deeper and/or more variably on the windward than leeward side. Vertical distributions in relatively shallow water are apparently strongly influenced by water-column depth and bottom type.  相似文献   

Most hypotheses attempting to explain the evolution of reversed sexual dimorphism (RSD) assume that size-related differences in foraging ability are of prime importance, but the studies on sex-specific differences in foraging behaviour remain scarce. We compare the foraging behaviour of males and females in a seabird species with a RSD by using several miniaturised activity and telemetry loggers. In red-footed boobies males are 5% smaller and 15% lighter than females, but have a longer tail than females. Both sexes spend similar time on the nest while incubating or brooding. When foraging at sea, males and females spend similar time foraging in oceanic waters, forage in similar areas, spend similar proportion of their foraging trip in flight, and feed on similar prey—flying fishes and flying squids—of similar size. However, compared to males, females range farther during incubation (85 km vs. 50 km), and furthermore feed mostly at the extremity of their foraging trip, whereas males actively forage throughout the trip. Males are much more active than females, landing and diving more often. During the study period, males lost mass, whereas females showed no significant changes. These results indicate that males and females of the red-footed boobies differ in several aspects in their foraging behaviour. Although some differences found in the study may be the direct result of the larger size of females, that is, the slightly higher speeds and deeper depths attained by females, others indicate clearly different foraging strategies between the sexes. The smaller size and longer tail of males confer them a higher agility, and could allow them to occupy a foraging niche different from that of females. The higher foraging effort of males related to its different foraging strategy is probably at the origin of the rapid mass loss of males during the breeding period. These results suggest that foraging differences are probably the reason for the differential breeding investment observed in boobies, and are likely to be involved in the evolution and maintenance of RSD.  相似文献   

Three types of "shake", given by male Mallards, Anas platyrhynchos, during Social Display, exhibit a crious "directional bias" in that the first sideways turn of the head tends to be made towards one of the females present. An investigation of the phenomenon by means of film suggests that directional bias reliably reflects a male's "interest" in a particular female. Evolutionary implications and the possible role of directional bias in social communication are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

To know if the variation in the number of settling fish larvae can be dampened by density-dependent postsettlement mortality, we investigated the relationship between settler density and predator-induced mortality of a coral reef damselfish, Chromis viridis. Totals of 2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, and 20 fish of 10 or 20 mm total length were released in experimental cages enclosing a coral head of Porites rus (to provide settlement habitat) and five predators. The results showed that the mortality rate of both 10- and 20-mm fish was density independent.  相似文献   

In protogynous sex-changing fishes, females are expected to compete for the opportunity to change sex following the loss of a dominant male and may exhibit growth and behavioural traits that help them maintain their dominant status after sex change. A male removal experiment was used to examine changes in female growth and behaviour associated with sex change in the haremic wrasse Halichoeres miniatus and to test whether any changes in growth associated with sex change were recorded in otolith microstructure. Dominant females began displaying male-characteristic behaviour almost immediately after the harem male was removed. The frequency of interactions between females increased following male removal. In contrast, feeding frequency of females decreased. The largest one to three females in each social group changed sex following male removal and exhibited an increase in growth associated with sex change. Sex changers grew more than twice as fast as non-sex changers during the experimental period. This growth acceleration may enable new sex-changed males to rapidly reach a size where they can defend the remaining harem from other males. An optical discontinuity (check mark) was present in the otoliths of sex-changed fish, and otolith accretion rate increased significantly after the check mark, corresponding with the increased growth rate of sex-changing females. Wild caught males, but not females, exhibited an analogous check mark in their otoliths and similar increases in otolith increment widths after the check. This indicates that an increase in growth rate is a regular feature of sex-change dynamics of H. miniatus. Communicated by Environment Editor Prof. Rob van Woesik  相似文献   

The study examined the effects of coastal embankment building on fish recruitment in three habitat types (beach-rock, white sand and muddy sand) in the near shore and fringing reef habitats of Moorea lagoon (French Polynesia). The results showed a positive relationship between the presence of embankments and the density and species richness of juvenile fish along the shoreline (whatever the habitat types). However, embankments deteriorated adjacent fringing reefs (decrease of live coral), which led to a decrease of fish density on beach-rock and white sand sites, and a decrease of fish species richness on muddy sand sites.  相似文献   

Synopsis Although hybridization of terrestrial and freshwater organisms has been well-studied, very little work has focused on hybridization among coral reef fish species. In the present paper, eleven examples of probable hybrids between marine angelfishes (Pomacanthidae) are reviewed. Evidence is presented which strongly suggests that the nominal speciesApolemichthys armitagei is invalid and that specimens previously identified as this species represent hybrids betweenA. trimaculatus andA. xanthurus. Of the remaining ten probable pomacanthid hybrids, five are inCentropyge (C. eibli x C. flavissimus, C. eibli x C. vrolikii, C. flavissimus x C. vrolikii, C. loricu0lus x C. potteri, andC. multifasciatus x C. venustus); one inHolacanthus (H. bermudensis x H. ciliaris), and four inPomacanthus (P. arcuatus x P. paru, P. chrysurus x P. maculosus, P. maculosus x P. semicirculatus, andP. sexstriatus x P. xanthometapon). An additional five examples of possible pomacanthid hybrids are described, two inCentropyge, two inChaetodontoplus and one inPomacanthus. Examination of hybrids may provide clues on reproductive behavior, dispersal capabilities, and phylogenetic relationships of species. More studies on hybridization in coral reef fish species, particularly those involving molecular techniques, are needed.  相似文献   

Parasitic castration, the specific blocking of host reproductive output by an individual parasite, is a host-parasite interaction common to many invertebrates, particularly crustaceans, echinoderms and molluscs. It can reduce host density, alter host population dynamics and the evolution of host life history traits. Here we show that parasitisation by a single female cymothoid isopod, Anilocra apogonae, castrates its vertebrate host, the five-lined cardinalfish, Cheilodipterus quinquelineatus. Parasitised male fish fail to mouthbrood their young. The gonads of parasitised fish are smaller and parasitised female fish have substantially fewer and smaller ova than do the gonads of unparasitised fish. As for parasitic castrators of invertebrate hosts, A. apogonae on C. quinquelineatus are uniformly dispersed amongst infested hosts (one adult female isopod per host), are site specific, and their body size is highly correlated with that of their host. These isopods are large relative to the body size of their hosts, averaging 3.8% of the weight of the host. Parasitised fish also weigh less and are shorter than unparasitised fish of the same age. Despite the presence of other potential hosts, A. apogonae only infests C. quinquelineatus. The consistency of the ecological correlates amongst known parasitic castrators suggests that the parasitic castrator host-parasite relationship will be recognised for other parasites of vertebrates.  相似文献   

Synopsis The growth and reproduction of Cantigaster valentini were studied in two sites at Lizard Island, Australia. C. valentini was found to be a gonochore, with a sex ratio very close to 1:1; sexes could be distinguished externally. The growth (in length) of known individuals from both sites was measured at least every two months over two years. Growth rates of males and females decrease as their sizes increase. Growth rates differ between sexes and between sites: males generally grow faster than females and individuals at Mermaid Cove generally grow faster than individuals at Palfrey Island. Spawning is demersal, it occurs daily between 0800 and 1600h, and continues year-round. For females the interval between successive spawnings varies from about 4 days in the warm-water season to about 10 days in the cool-water season. From a comparison of local reproductive output and local recruitment survivorship of larvae in the plankton was estimated to be much higher than in another species (Pomacentrus wardi) for which a similar estimate was available. We suggest that some aspects of the reproductive strategy of C. valentini differ from other, non-toxic reef fishes in ways consistent with a reduced threat of predation upon adults, eggs, and larvae: courtship and spawning are unhurried and occur throughout most of the day; spawning is unrelated to lunar cycles; there is no parental care or defense of fertilized eggs; and embryos often hatch on rising tides.Centre for Environmental and Urban StudiesSenior author's present address: School of Biological Sciences F07, University of Sydney, Sydney 2006, N.S.W., Australia  相似文献   

Thompson AR 《Oecologia》2005,143(1):61-69
Although it is now recognized that mutualistic species are common and can have stable populations, the forces controlling their persistence are poorly understood. To better understand the mechanisms that impact the stability of obligate mutualists, I conducted several field experiments within a sandy coral reef lagoon in Moorea, French Polynesia that manipulated densities of fish (gobies) that interact mutualistically with shrimp. Obligate, mutualistic partnerships of gobies and shrimp are common on Indo-Pacific coral reefs and have been shown previously to interact as follows: shrimp construct burrows in which both species reside, and gobies warn shrimp of predators through tactile communication. Augmentation of gobies by up to 100% above ambient densities within 9 m2 plots produced no change in overall density of gobies or shrimp because gobies competed intraspecifically for a limited number of shrimp burrows and smaller gobies were outcompeted by larger individuals. I used predators to assess the impact of goby removal on the stability of goby and shrimp populations. First, although surveys taken throughout the lagoon revealed no relationship between goby and predator densities, predators correlated negatively with the proportion of adult gobies and positively with the proportion of small gobies paired with large shrimp. Second, experimental augmentation of predators resulted in a dramatic reduction of adult gobies within predator-addition plots, but had no impact on overall densities as immigrants rapidly replaced the missing adult gobies. Furthermore, goby turnover resulted in an increase in the proportion of small gobies paired with large shrimp because body sizes of gobies and shrimp in a burrow were similar prior to predator introduction, and predators apparently had a greater impact on gobies than shrimp. The mechanisms that prevent expansion (intraspecific competition) and collapse (immigration) of goby-shrimp populations likely contribute to local-scale stability of mutualistic populations in other terrestrial and aquatic environments.  相似文献   

The morphology of organisms reflects a balance between their evolutionary history, functional demands, and biomechanical constraints imposed by the immediate environment. In many fish species, a marked shift in the selection regime is evident when pelagic larvae, which swim and feed in the open ocean, settle in their adult benthic habitat. This shift is particularly dramatic in coral‐reef fishes, where the adult habitat is immensely complex. However, whether the adult trophic ecotype affects the morphology of early‐life stages is unclear. We measured a suite of 26 functional‐morphological traits in the head and body of larvae from an ontogenetic series of 16 labrid species. Using phylogenetic comparative methods, we reconstructed the location of adaptive peaks of larvae whose adults are associated with different trophic ecotypes. We found that the morphospace occupation in these larvae is largely driven by divergent adaptations to the adult benthic habitats. The disparity between adaptive peaks is achieved early and does not monotonically increase with size. Our findings thus refute the notion that larvae rapidly acquire the trophic‐specific traits during a metamorphic period immediately prior to settlement. This early specialization might be due to the highly complex musculoskeletal system of the head that cannot be rapidly modified.  相似文献   

Abstract. The involvement of the endocrine system in courtship, mating, maternal behaviour and the gonadotrophic cycle was studied in the earwig, Euborellia annulipes, after application of JH III and, alternatively, precocene II. Topical application of 35 or 122 μg of JH III to newly eclosed females advanced the onset of courtship behaviour from 6.6 ± 1.3 days in acetone-treated controls to 1.4 ± 2.8 and 0.5 ± 2.5 days, respectively. Application of 6 μg of JH III had no effect on the onset of courtship behaviour. Applications of Juvenile Hormone had no significant effect on the age at first mating nor on the duration of mating, though the trend is towards advanced onset. The age at first oviposition was advanced by hormone treatment; clutch size and the proportion of offspring hatching was reduced by hormone treatment. The interclutch interval, size and proportion hatching of the second clutch were not affected by hormone treatment. Topical application of 50 μg of JH III to females on the day of oviposition shortened the total duration of maternal care from 15.4 ± 0.5 to 5.3 ± 1.7 days; whereas in acetone-treated and precocene II-treated groups maternal care lasted 16.1 ± 1.9 and 13.8 ± 1.6 days, respectively. The duration of maternal care was positively correlated with number of offspring hatching and fledging. In a corollary experiment, topical application of JH III significantly enhanced the onset of the second gonadotrophic cycle as assessed by basal follicle length; application of 20 μg of precocene II, either singly or in repeated doses, did not delay growth of basal follicles. Finally, repeated application of as much as 80 μg of precocene II had no effect on basal follicle length, nor on ovary wet weights. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that intermediate to high titres of JH are associated with oocyte growth, mating, and the cessation of maternal care; low titres of JH appear to be associated with the period of maternal behaviour and slow ovarian follicle development.  相似文献   

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