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Demographic parameters of the polygynous Rock Sparrow Petronia petronia were investigated in a small patchy population in the Italian Alps. The population included two distinct breeding patches that differed in altitude and breeding success. Survival parameters were estimated by capture–recapture analysis of 170 individually marked animals. At the whole population level (Cormack–Jolly Seber model), no sex difference in local survival probability was detected. We then used a multisite capture–recapture approach (Arnason–Schwarz model) to investigate patch-specific survival probability and between-patch dispersal rate conditional on survival. Female local survival in the higher-altitude patch (mean ± se: 0.54 ± 0.04) was significantly greater than in the other patch (0.37 ± 0.04), probably because permanent emigration from the study area was greater. In the higher-altitude patch, breeding dispersal was constrained by the altitude limit and breeding movements were directed toward the patch at lower altitude. The probability of changing patch in the next breeding season was significantly higher for females (range 0.16–0.21) than for males (0.01–0.03). Breeding success varied between years and patches, being lower in the patch where frequency of polygamy and female local mortality were higher.  相似文献   

朱鹮繁殖期的活动区和栖息地利用   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
20 0 0~ 2 0 0 2年 ,我们应用标记识别法和地理信息系统对朱繁殖期的活动性、活动区和栖息地利用进行了研究。结果表明 :朱在越冬期、繁殖期和繁殖后期的觅食距离存在差异 ,分别为 2 82 1± 1 4 88km、0 5 6 3± 0 6 81km和 1 70 6± 0 834km ,但同一时期中不同个体间的觅食距离无显著差异。不同年份中 ,朱在越冬期和繁殖期的觅食距离无显著差异 ;在繁殖后期 ,由于受到干旱等气候因素的影响 ,两年的觅食距离差异显著。一天中觅食距离最远的是 10 :0 0~ 12 :0 0 ,最近的是 0 6 :0 0~ 0 8:0 0。不同时间段中觅食行为的比例差异显著 ,0 6 :0 0~ 10 :0 0和 16 :0 0~ 18:0 0为取食高峰期 ,中午和夜宿前的休息和理羽行为则高于其他时间段。MCP法和 90 %Kernel法的计算结果表明 ,其中 8只观测次数较多的朱在繁殖期的平均活动区面积分别为10 0 8± 4 9 8hm2 和 175 6± 91 3hm2 ,5 0 %Kernel法计算的活动区的核心面积为 4 3 8± 2 1 5hm2 。朱个体间的繁殖活动区重叠强度较大 ,达到各自活动区的 2 4 5 %± 2 7 3%。朱营巢比较密集 ,配对亲鸟间的活动区重叠强度和其他个体的重叠强度无显著差别。栖息地利用研究表明 ,朱对针阔混交林的利用率显著低于研究区内的可利用率 ,对水田的利用  相似文献   

Winder VL  Emslie SD 《PloS one》2012,7(2):e32257


Mercury is a persistent, biomagnifying contaminant that can cause negative effects on ecosystems. Marshes are often areas of relatively high mercury methylation and bioaccumulation. Nelson''s Sparrows (Ammodramus nelsoni) use marsh habitats year-round and have been documented to exhibit tissue mercury concentrations that exceed negative effects thresholds. We sought to further characterize the potential risk of Nelson''s Sparrows to mercury exposure by sampling individuals from sites within the range of each of its subspecies.

Methodology/Principal Findings

From 2009 to 2011, we captured adult Nelson''s Sparrows at sites within the breeding range of each subspecies (A. n. nelsoni: Grand Forks and Upham, North Dakota; A. n. alterus: Moosonee, Ontario; and A. n. subvirgatus: Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick) and sampled breast feathers, the first primary feather (P1), and blood for total mercury analysis. Mean blood mercury in nelsoni individuals captured near Grand Forks ranged from 0.84±0.37 to 1.65±1.02 SD ppm among years, between 2.0 and 4.9 times as high as concentrations at the other sites (P<0.01). Breast feather mercury did not vary among sites within a given sampling year (site means ranged from 0.98±0.69 to 2.71±2.93 ppm). Mean P1 mercury in alterus (2.96±1.84 ppm fw) was significantly lower than in any other sampled population (5.25±2.24–6.77±3.51 ppm; P≤0.03).


Our study further characterized mercury in Nelson''s Sparrows near Grand Forks; we documented localized and potentially harmful mercury concentrations, indicating that this area may represent a biological mercury hotspot. This finding warrants further research to determine if wildlife populations of conservation or recreational interest in this area may be experiencing negative effects due to mercury exposure. We present preliminary conclusions about the risk of each sampled population to mercury exposure.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic changes to the landscape and climate have resulted in secondary contact between previously allopatric species. This can result in genetic introgression and reverse speciation when closely related species are able to hybridize. The Golden-winged Warbler has declined or been extirpated across much of its range where it has come into secondary contact with the Blue-winged Warbler. Genetic screening previously showed that introgression had occurred range-wide with the exception of Manitoba, Canada. Our goal was to reassess the genetic status of the Golden-winged Warbler population in Manitoba and to examine the demographics and habitat use of phenotypic and genetic hybrids. From 2011 to 2014, we sampled and screened mtDNA from 205 Golden-winged Warblers and hybrids in southeast Manitoba. In 2012, we monitored all Golden-winged Warbler territories within those sites and measured territory- and landscape-level habitat variables. Of the birds screened, 195 had a phenotype that matched their mtDNA type, two were phenotypic hybrids, and eight showed a phenotypic-mtDNA mismatch (cryptic hybrids). We found no difference in the habitat used by Golden-winged Warblers compared with hybrids at either scale. The low proportion of hybrids found in Manitoba and the lack of a distinguishable difference in habitat use by Golden-winged Warblers and hybrids indicates that the exclusion of hybrid birds from Golden-winged Warbler habitat is unlikely to be a successful conservation strategy. The best way to manage for Golden-winged Warblers is to slow the habitat loss and fragmentation that continues within Manitoba and to actively manage early-successional deciduous forest using tools such as fire and logging.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between abundance and geographic range structure of 258 North American landbirds. For this purpose we used six measures of range structure based upon fractal geometry and geostatistics, and three ecological characteristics that can influence avian distribution. Permanent residents (PRs) that were abundant showed little fragmentation of their abundance surface at the periphery of their breeding range. Conversely, common Neotropical migrants (NTMs) exhibited low fragmentation of their central populations the abundance surface was smoother for PRs than NTMs or short-distance migrants (SDMs). indicating that changes in abundance occurred more gradually across space for this group. The areas of high abundance for grassland species had little demographic fragmentation, but other populations showed little spatial autocorrelation in abundance. Species that bred in late-successional forests were relatively rare compared to species breeding in other habitat types. Among carnivores. PRs had a higher average abundance than either NTMs or SDMs. Although carnivores had more distributional gaps within their ranges than other trophic groups, the number of gaps did not differ between rare and abundant species, indicating that increased abundance did not change their presence. absence distribution maps. Knowledge of patterns and variations of geographic range structure among species may provide insights into processes that shape and maintain the biodiversity of a continent.  相似文献   

Hannu Pys 《Oikos》2001,94(2):365-373
The applicability of ideal free, ideal despotic and ideal preemptive habitat selection models to explain dynamics of habitat distribution of breeding mallards ( Anas platyrhynchos ) was explored. Data from 35 lakes studied between 1985 and 2000 were used to examine overall habitat distribution of breeding pairs, breeding success in different habitats, within-year order of habitat occupation, and density dependence of habitat distribution and breeding success. Two habitat types, rich and poor, were defined based on the structure and luxuriance of shore vegetation; each lake belonged to one or the other of the habitat types. Breeding pairs used the rich habitat more than expected, breeding density also being higher there than in the poor habitat. Both average brood density and breeding success were higher in the rich habitat than in the poor. Breeding success was not density dependent, neither when analysed separately for the habitat types, nor in the study area in general. Within season, arriving mallard pairs did not occupy rich lakes earlier than poor lakes. An isodar analysis based on between-year variation of the breeding density in rich and poor habitats revealed that habitat distribution of breeding pairs was not density dependent. By contrast, density in the rich habitat increased and proportional use of the poor habitat decreased with increasing overall population density, i.e. the rich habitat got increasingly crowded. None of the habitat selection models considered was applicable to explain the dynamics of habitat distribution of breeding mallards.  相似文献   

We studied the reproductive strategy of a Rock Sparrow Petronia petronia population, breeding in nest boxes in the Western Alps (Italy). Over seven years of study (1991–1997) 19% of the females laid second clutches after successfully fledging the first one. Among these, about 50% deserted the first nest when nestlings were 14.3 d old (range=8–19 d), 3.6 d before fledging (range=1–8 d). In all these cases the primary male mate took over all parental duties and successfully reared the young. Inter-clutch time of deserting females was 8.1 d shorter than that of non-deserting double-brooded females. The breeding success of deserting females was significantly greater than that of both single-brooded females and double-brooded females that did not desert their first brood. The fledging success of the second clutches depended on the status of the secondary male: females paired with previously unpaired males had a higher fledging success than those that paired with a polygynous male. The frequency of deserting females varied among years from 0 to 16%, and was significantly and positively correlated with the frequency of males available as mates at the time of desertion. In this study we showed that sequential polyandry with brood desertion is a regularly occurring strategy in the female Rock Sparrow.  相似文献   

M. E.D. Nhlane 《Ostrich》2013,84(1-2):80-82
Nhlane, M.E.D. 2000. The breeding biology of the House Sparrow Passer domesticus at Blantyre, Malawi. Ostrich 71 (1 & 2): 80–82.

The breeding biology of the House Sparrow Passer domesticus was studied from 1989–1990. The birds bred throughout the year at this site. Modal clutch size varied from three to four eggs, with a mean clutch of 3.9. The average incubation period was 11.5 days, and the fledgling period 15.4 days. The clutch size of the House Sparrow varied seasonally and was larger from November to June, and smaller from July to October. Chick mortality at Chikunda was attributed to starvation, abandonment, predation, low birth weight, accidental deaths and parasitism.  相似文献   

K. L. MATHEW  R. M. NAIK 《Ibis》1986,128(2):260-265
Under the tropical regime in Rajkot, India, the House Sparrow Passer domesticus had a prolonged breeding season, so that breeding and moulting of the primaries overlapped. The moult was interrupted commonly in the nesting birds and was observed more frequently in females than in males. It is concluded that moult initiation was not controlled by reproductive hormones in any way. It is also suggested that the reproductive hormones may not be directly involved with moult interruption.  相似文献   

The habitat copying hypothesis states that animals use the reproductive performance of conspecifics to evaluate habitat quality and choose their future breeding site. We used data from Audouin's Gull Larus audouinii (1992–2003), a species adapted to unpredictable environments, to analyse subcolony (as patch) choice within a colony (small spatial scale). We also assessed the suitability of alternative hypotheses to the habitat copying hypothesis. The probability of subcolonies being reoccupied annually increased with their size (as number of nests), which suggests the existence of group adherence effects. Subcolony growth rate was related to its average reproductive success (or patch reproductive success) in the previous year: the higher the reproductive success in a colony, the higher the probability of growth the following year. However, this last result was obtained without considering the effect of colony size on the response variable because colony size is related to it. Therefore, results suggest at the population level that in this system habitat copying might either be one of the strategies used by the species in selecting its breeding habitat, or one of the possible strategies operating alone. The other strategies are group adherence mechanisms, and also the effect of conspecific attraction. At the individual level we failed to find evidence of habitat copying and only the previous success of an individual affected its fidelity to a subcolony. The importance of the lack of environmental predictability in the system is discussed, as predictability is a prerequisite of habitat copying.  相似文献   

Knowledge of a species’ movement behaviour and habitat choice is a prerequisite for assessing its ecological requirements to plan successful conservation strategies. Little is known about these factors in the Rock Firefinch, a recently described species which is probably endemic to the Jos Plateau in central Nigeria. We investigated home range size, habitat use and breeding behaviour of the Rock Firefinch in Amurum forest reserve in central Nigeria during the wet (August–October) and the dry season (November–December) using radiotracking. Birds showed high site fidelity. They mainly moved alone or in pairs but did not have exclusive home ranges. Home range size tended to be larger during the dry season due to long movements to water sources. Birds generally preferred inselberg habitat and avoided farmland. During the dry season they additionally utilized gallery forests where water was readily available, and as a result of having to cross scrub savannah to get to water, scrub savannah was also more heavily used during the dry season. Birds bred between the late rainy (September–October) and the early dry season (November). Nest‐sites were associated with rocky boulders. Both sexes contributed to incubation. Daily egg survival rate calculated using the Mayfield method was 0.89 (0.83–0.95 95% confidence interval); no nests failed during the chick stage, but sample size was only four nests. Of all 14 nests found, 50% were depredated and only 29% of breeding attempts succeeded in producing Rock Firefinch chicks. A second breeding attempt was recorded when the first one failed. Chick production just about compensated adult mortality (measured in a separate study at the site) such that the population is probably stable at present. However, given the large uncertainty in our underlying assumptions, more data are needed to confirm this. We suggest that the presence of inselberg habitat in close proximity to water sources is the essential and limiting resource for this species.  相似文献   

Across a large mountain area of the western Swiss Alps, we used occurrence data (presence‐only points) of bird species to find suitable modelling solutions and build reliable distribution maps to deal with biodiversity and conservation necessities of bird species at finer scales. We have performed a multi‐scale method of modelling, which uses distance, climatic, and focal variables at different scales (neighboring window sizes), to estimate the efficient scale of each environmental predictor and enhance our knowledge on how birds interact with their complex environment. To identify the best radius for each focal variable and the most efficient impact scale of each predictor, we have fitted univariate models per species. In the last step, the final set of variables were subsequently employed to build ensemble of small models (ESMs) at a fine spatial resolution of 100 m and generate species distribution maps as tools of conservation. We could build useful habitat suitability models for the three groups of species in the national red list. Our results indicate that, in general, the most important variables were in the group of bioclimatic variables including “Bio11” (Mean Temperature of Coldest Quarter), and “Bio 4” (Temperature Seasonality), then in the focal variables including “Forest”, “Orchard”, and “Agriculture area” as potential foraging, feeding and nesting sites. Our distribution maps are useful for identifying the most threatened species and their habitat and also for improving conservation effort to locate bird hotspots. It is a powerful strategy to improve the ecological understanding of the distribution of bird species in a dynamic heterogeneous environment.  相似文献   

Climate warming and habitat transformation are widely recognized as worrying threatening factors. Understanding the individual contribution of these two factors to the change of species distribution could be very important in order to effectively counteract the species range contraction, especially in mountains, where alpine species are strongly limited in finding new areas to be colonized at higher elevations. We proposed a method to disentangle the effects of the two drivers of range change for breeding birds in Italian Alps, in the case of co‐occurring climate warming and shrub and forest encroachment. For each species, from 1982 to 2017, we related the estimated yearly elevational distribution of birds to the correspondent overall average of the daily minimum temperatures during the breeding season and the estimated amount of shrubs and forest cover. Using a hierarchical partitioning approach, we assessed the net contribution (i.e., without the shared effect) of each driver. Both temperature and shrub and forest cover showed a positive trend along the time series and resulted the most likely causes of the significant elevational displacement for 21 of the 29 investigated birds. While shrub and forest cover was found to be an important driver of the expansion of forest bird range toward higher elevations, the effect of temperature on favouring the colonization of previously climatically unsuitable forests at higher elevations was not negligible. Shrub and forest expansion resulted the main driver of the range contraction for edge and open habitat species, which suffered a distribution shrinkage at their lower elevational boundary. In light of climate warming, these results highlighted how the net range loss for edge and open habitat species, caused by shrub and forest encroachment consequent to land abandonment, should be counteracted by implementing proper conservation management strategies and promoting sustainable economic activities in rangeland areas.  相似文献   

运用面积转换矩阵和景观指数对双台河口自然保护区丹顶鹤繁殖生境的变化进行分析。结果表明 ,该地区丹顶鹤繁殖生境的面积不断减小 ,景观异质性和破碎化程度不断增强 ,生境质量不断下降。生境质量的变化将直接引起在该地区丹顶鹤繁殖数量的变化 ,从 1989~1998年 ,在双台河口自然保护区繁殖的丹顶鹤数量逐年下降 ,丹顶鹤的繁殖容量日益减小 ,原因是道路和油井开发强度的不断增大等人类活动的影响。  相似文献   

Habitat modelling is increasingly relevant in biodiversity and conservation studies. A typical application is to predict potential zones of specific conservation interest. With many environmental covariates, a large number of models can be investigated but multi‐model inference may become impractical. Shrinkage regression overcomes this issue by dealing with the identification and accurate estimation of effect size for prediction. In a Bayesian framework we investigated the use of a shrinkage prior, the Horseshoe, for variable selection in spatial generalized linear models (GLM). As study cases, we considered 5 datasets on small pelagic fish abundance in the Gulf of Lion (Mediterranean Sea, France) and 9 environmental inputs. We compared the predictive performances of a simple kriging model, a full spatial GLM model with independent normal priors for regression coefficients, a full spatial GLM model with a Horseshoe prior for regression coefficients and 2 zero‐inflated models (spatial and non‐spatial) with a Horseshoe prior. Predictive performances were evaluated by cross‐validation on a hold‐out subset of the data: models with a Horseshoe prior performed best, and the full model with independent normal priors worst. With an increasing number of inputs, extrapolation quickly became pervasive as we tried to predict from novel combinations of covariate values. By shrinking regression coefficients with a Horseshoe prior, only one model needed to be fitted to the data in order to obtain reasonable and accurate predictions, including extrapolations.  相似文献   

During the past century, the upland breeding areas of Hen Harriers in Ireland have been extensively afforested. There is no evidence that this species avoids breeding in heavily forested landscapes and, indeed, young commercial forests in their second rotation are often selected as nest‐sites. However, Hen Harriers have coexisted with these forested areas for only a few decades and it is possible that such landscapes are suboptimal. We examined the relationship between breeding success and habitat using a dataset spanning three years and four study areas in the south and west of Ireland. We assessed whether nest success and fledged brood size were related to habitat type, both at the nest‐site and in the surrounding landscape. Neither measure of breeding productivity was related to total forest cover or to percentage cover of closed canopy forest in the landscape. However, in a subset of areas, high cover of second‐rotation pre‐thicket (young forests planted on land from which a first rotation has already been harvested) in the surrounding landscape was associated with low levels of breeding success. This may be due to factors related to predation, disturbance or prey availability. The fact that second‐rotation pre‐thicket is a preferred habitat for nesting in Ireland suggests that Hen Harriers may be making suboptimal decisions in the landscapes available to them.  相似文献   

Despite the acknowledged importance of prescribed fire in creating northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) breeding cover, little research has investigated bobwhite breeding season habitat selection relative to time since fire. In 2016 and 2017, we monitored radio-tagged bobwhite on a 17,000-ha portion of a military installation managed with frequent (every ~3 years) prescribed fires, applied during the growing and dormant seasons. We monitored bobwhite to determine which vegetation characteristics associated with prescribed burning were important to bobwhite breeding season habitat selection at the microsite (i.e., telemetry location compared to nearby random location) and the macrosite scale (i.e., the burn-unit containing the location compared to study area availability). During 2 breeding seasons, we collected 2,315 bobwhite locations and compared percent cover of vegetation, days since burn, basal area, and distance to key landscape features (e.g., stream, wildlife opening) at a subset of microsite locations (301 locations during 2016 and 890 locations during 2017) to paired random locations. At the microsite scale, bobwhite selected lower basal area of hardwoods, greater woody understory cover, greater other (not wiregrass [Aristida stricta]) grass cover, and greater forb cover than at random points. At the macrosite scale, bobwhite selected units with <4.6 m2/ha basal area (combined hardwoods and pines) in 2016 and units with <9.2 m2/ha basal area in 2017. At the macrosite scale, bobwhite selected for areas burned in the dormant season of the same year, avoided areas burned in the growing season of the same year, and used other times since last burn categories proportionate to their availability. The selection for a low basal area at both scales indicates prescribed fire effects would be limited by shading from dense overstory, and the shrubs, grasses, and forbs that provide essential cover for bobwhite during the breeding season will not develop. In lower productivity soil regions similar to our study area, we advise that thinning operations set target basal areas below 10 m2/ha to create and maintain breeding season habitat for northern bobwhite. © 2019 The Wildlife Society  相似文献   

Rock rinds have been used for half a century to date glacial deposits and recently inroads have been developed to use nuclides to provide absolute ages of weathering rinds in pebble clasts. Although maximum and minimum rind thicknesses have helped to elucidate time since deposition and allowed stratigraphic division of deposits at glacial rank, little has been done to investigate the wealth of mineral degradation, growth of alteration products and biomineralization that occur in these weathered crusts. In some cases the mass of microbe-mineral intergrowth is nearly present on a 50%/50% basis, with the biotic mass intergrown with mineral matter to such an extent that it probably controls pH and redox phenomena that act as accelerators in the weathering process. Assuming weathering time spans of 2 × 106 years or more for a complete cycle, eventual clast decomposition is the end product. Here we present evidence of microbe-clast intergrowth from selected sites of Pleistocene age (~70 ka to 2.0 Ma) in the lower Afroalpine of Mt. Kenya and hypothesize about its role in rock decomposition and fossilization of biotic end-members.  相似文献   

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