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The regulatory properties of mouse pancreatic amylase genes include exclusive expression in the acinar cells of the pancreas and dependence on insulin and glucocorticoids for maximal expression. We have characterized a murine pancreatic amylase gene, Amy-2.2y, whose promoter sequence is 30% divergent from those of previously sequenced amylase genes. To localize sequences required for tissue-specific and hormone-dependent activation, we established two lines of transgenic mice. The first line contained a single copy of the complete Amy-2.2y gene as well as 9 kilobases of 5'-flanking sequence and 5 kilobases of 3'-flanking sequence. The second line carried a minigene which included 208 base pairs of 5'-flanking sequence and 300 base pairs of 3'-flanking sequence. In both lines the transgene was expressed at high levels exclusively in the pancreas. Both constructs were dependent on insulin and induced by dexamethasone. Thus, the transferred genes contained the sequences required for tissue-specific and hormonally regulated expression.  相似文献   

Tissue-specific methylation of a CpG island in transgenic mice.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
G Gundersen  A B Kolst?  F Larsen  H Prydz 《Gene》1992,113(2):207-214
Clustering of CpG dinucleotides in CpG-rich islands is a characteristic feature of mammalian genomes. Such CpG islands are frequently associated with genes and usually hypomethylated, regardless of the gene activity. This is the case for the CpG island of the murine Thy-1 gene. A transgenic line containing multiple copies of a truncated, concatemeric CpG island from the Thy-1.1 allele (Thy-1.2 background) showed that a stable fraction (approx. 0.20) became fully methylated in somatic tissues of homozygous mice with respect to testable restriction sites, while the remaining copies were methylation-free, i.e., this methylation appears to be an 'all-or-none' phenomenon. DNA from extraembryonic tissues (placenta and yolk sac) and epididymal sperm showed, however, an even higher degree of methylation in two distinct patterns. In the extraembryonic tissue, partial methylation of each copy was seen, whereas in sperm a high degree of 'all-or-none' methylation (greater than 0.35) was observed.  相似文献   

We have introduced a hybrid gene, pVVim2, composed of the 5' region of the hamster vimentin gene encoding the head and rod domain of vimentin and the 3' region of the hamster desmin gene encoding the tail domain of desmin, into the germ line of mice by pronuclear injection. RNA and protein analysis of mice transgenic for this construct showed that the pVVim2 gene was expressed at high levels in a developmental and tissue-specific manner. This indicates that the vimentin-derived segment of the fusion gene contains all the regulatory elements required for vimentin-specific expression. Immunohistochemical staining of fibroblast cultures derived from the transgenic mice with antibodies specific for vimentin and desmin demonstrated that the pVVim2 protein is assembled into filaments that co-localize with the endogenous vimentin filaments. The expression of pVVim2 protein in mesenchymal cells does not interfere with the function of vimentin in these cells.  相似文献   

A chimeric plasmid containing about 2/3 of the rat skeletal muscle actin gene plus 730 base pairs of its 5' flanking sequences fused to the 3' end of a human embryonic globin gene (D. Melloul, B. Aloni, J. Calvo, D. Yaffe, and U. Nudel, EMBO J. 3:983-990, 1984) was inserted into mice by microinjection into fertilized eggs. Eleven transgenic mice carrying the chimeric gene with or without plasmid pBR322 DNA sequences were identified. The majority of these mice transmitted the injected DNA to about 50% of their progeny. However, in transgenic mouse CV1, transmission to progeny was associated with amplification or deletion of the injected DNA sequences, while in transgenic mouse CV4 transmission was distorted, probably as a result of insertional mutagenesis. Tissue-specific expression was dependent on the removal of the vector DNA sequences from the chimeric gene sequences prior to microinjection. None of the transgenic mice carrying the chimeric gene together with plasmid pBR322 sequences expressed the introduced gene in striated muscles. In contrast, the six transgenic mice carrying the chimeric gene sequences alone expressed the inserted gene specifically in skeletal and cardiac muscles. Moreover, expression of the chimeric gene was not only tissue specific, but also developmentally regulated. Similar to the endogenous skeletal muscle actin gene, the chimeric gene was expressed at a relatively high level in cardiac muscle of neonatal mice and at a significantly lower level in adult cardiac muscle. These results indicate that the injected DNA included sufficient cis-acting control elements for its tissue-specific and developmentally regulated expression in transgenic mice.  相似文献   

R Ganss  L Montoliu  A P Monaghan    G Schütz 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(13):3083-3093
The tyrosinase gene encodes the key enzyme of melanin production and is tightly regulated during development. A yeast artificial chromosome covering the mouse tyrosinase gene has been shown to rescue completely the albino phenotype of recipient mouse strains, conferring copy number-dependent, position-independent expression. To investigate the presence of cis-acting regulatory elements responsible for the appropriate expression of the tyrosinase gene, DNase I hypersensitive site mapping was performed. A melanoma cell-specific DNase I hypersensitive site was identified at -12 kb upstream of the tyrosinase gene. Functional analysis of the corresponding cis-acting element in transgenic mice and transient transfection assays revealed properties of a strong cell-specific enhancer. RNA expression levels of the transgene correlate with copy number, which is reflected in coat colour and eye pigmentation of transgenic mice. Full enhancer activity in transient transfections is obtained with a minimal sequence of 200 bp. Protein binding analysis reveals the presence of a melanoma cell-specific complex which might contribute to the faithful expression of the tyrosinase gene.  相似文献   

The expression of a dominant negative glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide receptor (GIPRdn) under the control of the rat pro-insulin gene promoter induces severe diabetes mellitus in transgenic mice. This study aims to gain further insight into the effect of the expression of a dominant negative GIPR on glucose homeostasis and postnatal development of the endocrine pancreas. The diabetic phenotype of GIPRdn transgenic animals was first observed between 14 and 21 days of age (urine glucose>1000 mg/dl). After onset of diabetes, serum glucose was significantly higher and insulin values were significantly lower in GIPRdn transgenic mice vs. non-transgenic littermate controls. Morphometric studies of pancreatic islets and their endocrine cell types were carried out at 10, 30 and 90 days of age. The total islet and total beta-cell volume of transgenic mice was severely reduced as compared to control mice, irrespective of the age at sampling (p<0.05). The total volume of isolated insulin positive cells that were not contained within established islets was significantly reduced in transgenic mice, indicating disturbed islet neogenesis. These findings demonstrate in vivo evidence that intact signaling of G-protein coupled receptors is involved in postnatal islet and beta-cell development and neogenesis of the pancreatic islets.  相似文献   

To investigate the tissue-specific and hormonal regulation of the rat alpha 2u globulin gene family, we introduced one cloned member of the gene family into the mouse germ line and studied its expression in the resulting transgenic mice. Alpha 2u globulingene 207 was microinjected on a 7-kilobase DNA fragment, and four transgenic lines were analyzed. The transgene was expressed at very high levels, specifically in the liver and the preputial gland of adult male mice. The expression in male liver was first detected at puberty, and no expression was detected in female transgenic mice. This pattern of expression is similar to the expression of endogenous alpha 2u globulin genes in the rat but differs from the expression of the homologous mouse major urinary protein (MUP) gene family in that MUPs are synthesized in female liver and not in the male preputial gland. We conclude that these differences between rat alpha 2u globulin and mouse MUP gene expression are due to evolutionary differences in cis-acting regulatory elements. The expression of the alpha 2u globulin transgene in the liver was abolished by castration and fully restored after testosterone replacement. The expression could also be induced in the livers of female mice by treatment with either testosterone or dexamethasone, following ovariectomy and adrenalectomy. Therefore, the cis-acting elements responsible for regulation by these two hormones, as well as those responsible for tissue-specific expression, are closely linked to the alpha 2u globulin gene.  相似文献   

A series of transgenic mice was produced by microinjection of a segment of DNA, containing 460 base pairs of the phosphoenolpyruvate (P-enolpyruvate) carboxykinase promoter-regulatory region ligated to the bovine growth hormone structural gene, into the male pronucleus of fertilized mouse eggs. Founder animals which contained the gene were selected for further analysis and for breeding. The concentration of bovine growth hormone in the serum of animals which were shown to contain the gene ranged from a low of 5 ng/ml serum to approximately 2300 ng/ml serum. Mice with high levels of bovine growth hormone had growth rates double that of their litter mates which did not contain the transgene. The transgene was expressed only in the liver and kidney of the animals studied, and the level of specific mRNA for bovine growth hormone in these tissues could be regulated by diet in a manner similar to the endogenous P-enolpyruvate carboxykinase gene. Feeding the animals a diet high in carbohydrate for 1 week caused a 90% decrease in the concentration of bovine growth hormone in the blood, suggesting that the expression of the chimeric P-enolpyruvate carboxykinase/bovine growth hormone gene is sensitive to insulin. When the same animals were then refed a diet high in protein, but devoid of carbohydrate, the concentration of bovine growth hormone in their blood was induced 30-fold within a week. The administration of dibutyryl cyclic AMP to the transgenic mice caused a 2-fold induction in the level of bovine growth hormone in the serum within 90 min. Thus the region between -460/+73 in the P-enolpyruvate carboxykinase promoter-regulatory region contains sequences which can direct the tissue-specific expression, as well as hormonal and dietary responsiveness, of a linked structural gene.  相似文献   

In our previous study, transgenic mice were generated that expressed human lactoferrin (hLF) in milk using cDNA under control of the 2 kb bovine beta-casein promoter. The expression level of the protein in milk of 7 mice ranged from 1 to 200 microg/ml; 1 to 34 microg/ml in 6 mice and 200 microg/ml in 1 mouse. With the aim of inducing higher expression of the protein, we constructed an expression cassette comprised of 10 kb of the bovine beta-casein gene promoter and the hLF genomic sequence in place of the cDNA. The hLF genomic sequence of about 27 kb, spanning 23 kb of the entire coding region and 4 kb of the 3'-flanking sequence, was placed downstream the bovine beta-casein promoter. In total, 8 transgenic mice were generated from 31 mice (transgenic rate of 25.8%) born from the embryos microinjected with the 40-kb hLF expression cassette. Mammary-specific expression of the transgene was addressed by performing Northern hybridization of the total RNAs from various tissues of transgenic mice. Immunoblot analysis showed that the recombinant protein expressed in milk has the same molecular weight as the native protein. The amount of the protein in milk of 5 mice ranged from 60 to 6,600 microg/ml when judged by ELISA analysis. Three mice expressed the protein at the level higher than 500 microg/ml. These data suggest that the genomic lactoferrin sequence represents a valuable element for the efficient expression of the protein in milk of transgenic animals.  相似文献   

The ornithine decarboxylase [EC] activities in the liver and spleen of tumor-bearing mice increased remarkably, reaching a peak 4 to 6 days after inoculation of tumor cells. On the contrary, the enzyme activity in the kidney decreased during tumor growth and had almost disappeared on day 6 after tumor inoculation. Injection of cell-free tumor homogenate also raised the enzyme activities in the liver and spleen, but did not change the activity in the kidney. No increase in enzyme activity in the liver of mice was observed on injection of homogenates of normal tissues, such as liver, spleen, kidney, and muscle.  相似文献   

Regulation of calcitonin (CT)/calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) RNA processing involves the use of alternative 3' terminal exons. In most tissues and cell lines, the CT terminal exon is recognized. In an attempt to define regulatory sequences involved in the utilization of the CT-specific terminal exon, we performed deletion and mutation analyses of a mini-gene construct that contains the CT terminal exon and mimics the CT processing choice in vivo. These studies identified a 127-nucleotide intron enhancer located approximately 150 nucleotides downstream of the CT exon poly(A) cleavage site that is required for recognition of the exon. The enhancer contains an essential and conserved 5' splice site sequence. Mutation of the splice site resulted in diminished utilization of the CT-specific terminal exon and increased skipping of the CT exon in both the mini-gene and in the natural CT/CGRP gene. Other components of the intron enhancer modified utilization of the CT-specific terminal exon and were necessary to prevent utilization of the 5' splice site within the intron enhancer as an actual splice site directing cryptic splicing. Conservation of the intron enhancer in three mammalian species suggests an important role for this intron element in the regulation of CT/CGRP processing and an expanded role for intronic 5' splice site sequences in the regulation of RNA processing.  相似文献   

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