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Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of combined supplementation of α-galactosidase and xylanase on nutrient digestibility and growth performance in growing pigs. Experiment 1 had a 2 × 2 Latin square design, where eight barrows (45.0 ± 0.52 kg body weight [BW]) were fitted with a simple T-cannula in the distal ileum and received a basal diet without or with supplementation of α-galactosidase (12 U/kg diet) and xylanase (15 AXC/kg diet) within two periods of 10 d. The apparent ileal digestibility (AID) and apparent total tract digestibility of nutrients, pH, viscosity of digesta and digestive enzyme activities were assessed. In Experiment 2, a total of 432 growing pigs (initial BW 44.7 ± 0.66 kg) were allocated to four treatments. Diets were based on corn and soybean meal and had a normal or reduced nutrient level (reduced by 0.42 kJ digestible energy [DE] per kg and 0.8% crude protein). Both diets were offered without or with supplementation of α-galactosidase and xylanase. The growth performance was assessed within a 43-d feeding period, where at the end, biochemical serum indices were estimated. In Experiment 1, the enzyme-supplemented diet had a greater contents of DE and DE/gross energy ratio (p < 0.05), and a higher AID of Arg, raffinose, stachyose and arabinoxylan (p < 0.05). In Experiment 2, the low nutrient level caused lower daily gain (p < 0.05), which was partially compensated by enzyme addition. Enzyme addition also increased the serum concentration of Lys (p < 0.05). Moreover, it appears that the tested enzyme supplementation could increase dietary DE, serum total amino acid concentrations and decrease serum urea nitrogen.  相似文献   

The exogenous enzymes are less consistent in their effects as their beneficial effects depend upon the types and level non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) present in the diets. Therefore, exogenous enzymes should be selected on the basis of types and amount of the NSP in the pig diets. The objectives of the present experiments were to investigate the effects of dietary level of mannan and β-mannanase supplementation on growth performance, apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of energy and nutrients, and blood metabolites of growing pigs. In Exp. 1, 96 barrows were randomly allotted to four treatments on the basis of BW. There were four replicates in each treatment with six pigs per replicate. The dietary treatments were a corn–soybean meal (SBM)-based control diet and three other diets consisted of the control diet supplemented with 400, 800 or 1600 U of β-mannanase/kg diet. The final BW, average daily gain (ADG) and blood glucose increased (linear, P<0.05) with increasing concentrations of dietary β-mannanase. The ATTD of dry matter (DM), gross energy (GE) and β-mannan was higher (linear, P<0.05) with increase in dietary β-mannanase concentrations. In Exp. 2, 288 barrows were allotted to six treatments in a 2×3 factorial arrangement of mannan level (high v. low) and addition of β-mannanase (0, 400 or 800 U/kg diet). There were four replicates in each treatment with 12 pigs/replicate. Pigs were fed corn–SBM-based low-mannan diet (6.1 g/kg) or high-mannan (25.2 g/kg) diet in which corn and SBM were partially replaced with 50 g/kg diet palm kernel meal. All diets were fed in meal form for 42 days. Pigs fed diets supplemented with β-mannanase had greater (P<0.05) final BW, ADG, feed to gain (F : G), the ATTD of DM, GE, and β-mannan and blood glucose concentration compared with pigs fed diets without β-mannanase. In addition, the final BW, ADG, F : G and the ATTD of GE and β-mannan were reduced (P<0.05) in low mannan level. The dietary level of mannan and the β-mannanase supplementation had no effects (P>0.05) on the concentrations of blood total cholesterol, triacylglycerides and blood urea nitrogen. These results indicate that supplementation of β-mannanase to low- or high-mannan diets have potential to improve the performance of growing pigs. In addition, palm kernel meal may partially replace corn and SBM without reducing pig performance if β-mannanase is added to diet.  相似文献   

When Cellulomonas flavigena CDBB-531 was grown on glucose, xylose, glycerol, solka floc, sugarcane bagasse or xylan, xylanase activity was found only in the fermentation broth, while -xylosidase activity was always associated with the cells. Both enzymes were inducible, sugar-cane bagasse was the best inducer, solka floc and avicel were moderately good, while xylan was poor. A synergistic effect on xylanase and -xylosidase synthesis was observed when cellulose and hemicellulose were used together as carbon sources. When this strain was grown on glucose, cellobiose, arabinose or xylose, only low levels of both enzymes were detected. These results indicate that xylanase and -xylosidase were carbon-source-repressed by readily metabolizable substrates. The effect of glycerol on enzymes that were already induced was studied. The addition of glycerol caused a significant decrease in the levels of xylanases, while -xylosidase activity remained unchanged.  相似文献   

The effect of feeding pigs in a three-phase feeding (3PF) system or a daily-phase feeding (DPF) system on growth performance, body composition, and N and P excretions was studied on 8 pens of 10 pigs each. Feeds for the 3PF and DPF treatments were obtained by mixing two feeds, one with a high nutrient concentration and the other with a low nutrient concentration. The DPF pigs tended (P=0.08) to consume more feed (+3.7%) than the 3PF pigs, but only during the first feeding phase. The DPF pigs consumed 7.3% less protein (P<0.01) but a similar amount of total P. For the whole growing period, the DPF pigs tended (P=0.08) to gain more weight (+2.4%) than the 3PF pigs, mainly because of faster growth (P=0.02) during the first feeding period. At the end of the experiment, total body protein mass was similar in the two treatment groups, but the DPF pigs had 8% more body lipids (P=0.04) than the 3PF pigs. Daily multiphase feeding reduced N excretion by 12% (P<0.01) but did not significantly reduce P excretion. In addition, feed costs, nutrient intake and nutrient excretion under the two feeding strategies were simulated and compared after different approaches were used to formulate complete feeds for each phase of the 3PF system, as well as the two feeds used in the DPF program. Simulated feed intake and growth was similar to those observed in the animal experiment. In comparison with the simulated 3PF system, the feed cost for the DPF pigs was reduced by 1.0%, the simulated N and P intakes were reduced by 7.3% and 4.4%, respectively, and the expected N and P excretions were reduced by 12.6% and 6.6%, respectively. The concomitant adjustment of the dietary concentration of nutrients to match the evaluated requirements of pig populations can be an efficient approach to significantly reduce feeding costs and N and P excretions in pig production systems.  相似文献   

The implementation of precision feeding in growing–finishing facilities requires accurate estimates of the animals’ nutrient requirements. The objectives of the current study was to validate a method for estimating the real-time individual standardized ileal digestible (SID) lysine (Lys) requirements of growing–finishing pigs and the ability of this method to estimate the Lys requirements of pigs with different feed intake and growth patterns. Seventy-five pigs from a terminal cross and 72 pigs from a maternal cross were used in two 28-day experimental phases beginning at 25.8 (±2.5) and 73.3 (±5.2) kg BW, respectively. Treatments were randomly assigned to pigs within each experimental phase according to a 2×4 factorial design in which the two genetic lines and four dietary SID Lys levels (70%, 85%, 100% and 115% of the requirements estimated by the factorial method developed for precision feeding) were the main factors. Individual pigs’ Lys requirements were estimated daily using a factorial approach based on their feed intake, BW and weight gain patterns. From 25 to 50 kg BW, this method slightly underestimated the pigs’ SID Lys requirements, given that maximum protein deposition and weight gain were achieved at 115% of SID Lys requirements. However, the best gain-to-feed ratio (G : F) was obtained at a level of 85% or more of the estimated Lys requirement. From 70 to 100 kg, the method adequately estimated the pigs’ individual requirements, given that maximum performance was achieved at 100% of Lys requirements. Terminal line pigs ate more (P=0.04) during the first experimental phase and tended to eat more (P=0.10) during the second phase than the maternal line pigs but both genetic lines had similar ADG and protein deposition rates during the two phases. The factorial method used in this study to estimate individual daily SID Lys requirements was able to accommodate the small genetic differences in feed intake, and it was concluded that this method can be used in precision feeding systems without adjustments. However, the method’s ability to accommodate large genetic differences in feed intake and protein deposition patterns needs to be studied further.  相似文献   

This study compared the effects of different bedding depths on the chemical and microbiological characteristics of the bedding material used to raise pigs during growing and finishing. The experiment was conducted in two pens housing 5 pigs from 60 to 145 days of age, with rice husk beddings 0.50 or 0.25 m deep. Four lots of pigs (replicates) were raised over time in each bedding depth: each bedding was used by two consecutive lots. Bedding samples were collected quarterly to determine the most probable number (MPN) of thermophilic and mesophilic bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes. Contents of N, P, K, C, organic, mineral and dry matter, C:N ratio and pH were also determined. The MPN of thermophilic bacteria was higher for the 0.50 m than for the 0.25 m bedding (p < 0.05). The compost of 0.25 m deep bedding had a higher N, P and K content than that from the 0.50 m bedding (p < 0.05). Thus, the use of the 0.25 m deep bedding would be recommended due to its greater agronomical value in comparison with the deeper bedding.  相似文献   

Sainfoin is a protein-rich legume with an ideal amino acid profile and therefore could partly replace soybeans in the diets of growing pigs. However, sainfoin also contains a non-negligible amount of condensed tannins (CTs), which can act as antinutritional factors. Bioactive plant compounds, like hydrolysable tannins, have been suggested to be suitable in entire male (EM) production, as they impair the development of accessory sex glands and, by that, reduce boar taint compound levels without negatively impacting growth. It is unknown whether, similar to hydrolysable tannins, CTs from sainfoin reduce the incidence of boar taint without impacting growth performance, carcass traits, and meat quality. For the experiment, 48 Swiss Large White EM were assigned within litter to one of four grower (25–60 kg BW) and finisher (60–105 kg BW) diets supplemented with 0 (T0), 5 (T5), 10 (T10), and 15% (T15) sainfoin meal, respectively. The four diets were designed to be isocaloric and isoproteic. Increasing the dietary sainfoin level had no negative effect on growth performance or the carcass characteristics. Despite leading to a similar feed intake between the treatment groups, increasing the dietary sainfoin levels tended (P ≤ 0.08) to reduce the number of feeder visits but increased the time spent at the feeder as well as the feed intake per visit during the finisher period. By increasing sainfoin intake, the levels of C18:3n-3 and long-chain homologs linearly increased (P < 0.01) in the backfat and intramuscular fat (IMF), whereas in the backfat, but not the IMF, the 18:2n-6 levels decreased (P < 0.01). The latter triggered a greater (P < 0.01) desaturation rate (C18:1n-9/C18:0) of the saturated fatty acids, resulting in a greater (P < 0.01) proportion of monounsaturated fatty acid. Apart from a linear decrease (P = 0.02) in the androstenone levels in the longissimus thoracis (LT), increasing the sainfoin intake had no effect on the level of boar taint in the LT and backfat. As determined by the elevated correlation coefficient, skatole and indole levels, but not androstenone levels, in the adipose tissue seem to be reliable proxies for their respective levels in LT and, therefore, in pork. In conclusion, sainfoin is a suitable homegrown protein source for grower finisher pigs and can be included at up to 15% in the diet to replace 7% of soybean in a diet without producing any noteworthy effects on growth, whereas the impact of CTs on boar taint was limited.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the effects of rumen-protected γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) on feed intake, growth performance and expression of related genes in growing lambs. A total of 24 lambs weaned at age of 50 days were divided into four block of six based on their BW, six lambs within a block were allocated to three pairs, which were then assigned randomly to three treatments with addition of rumen-protected GABA at levels of 0, 70 or 140 mg/day for 6 weeks. Dry matter intake was recorded weekly in three consecutive days, and BW was recorded every two weeks. At the end of the trial, four lambs from each group were slaughtered, and duodenum and ileum mucosa were obtained for measurement of mRNA abundance of GABA receptor and cholecystokinin receptor. Dry matter intake was higher (P<0.01) in the lambs fed 140 mg/day GABA than that in the control or 70 mg GABA-fed lambs. Average daily gain and nutrients digestibility were not different (P>0.05) among treatments. Lambs fed 140 mg/day GABA had higher mRNA abundance of GABA-B receptor (P<0.01) and lower mRNA abundance of cholecystokinin-2 receptor (P<0.01) in duodenum mucosa. Serum CCK content was lower (P<0.01) in lambs fed 140 mg/day GABA than that in control. It is indicated that GABA may enhance feed intake by regulating GABA- and cholecystokinin-related genes.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the efficacy of β-mannanase supplementation to a diet based on corn and soya bean meal (SBM) on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), faecal coliforms and lactic acid bacteria, and noxious gas emission in growing pigs. A total of 140 pigs [(Landrace × Yorkshire) × Duroc; average body weight 25 ± 3 kg] were randomly allotted to a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement with dietary treatments consisting of hulled or dehulled SBM without or with supplementation of 400 U β-mannanase/kg. During the 6 weeks of experimental feeding, β-mannanase supplementation had no effect on body weight gain, feed intake and gain:feed (G:F) ratio. Compared with dehulled SBM, feeding hulled SBM caused an increased feed intake of pigs in the entire trial (p = 0.05). The G:F ratio was improved in pigs receiving dehulled SBM (p < 0.05). Dietary treatments did not influence the total tract digestibility of dry matter, nitrogen and gross energy. Enzyme supplementation reduced (p < 0.05) the population of faecal coliforms and tended to reduce the NH3 concentration after 24 h of fermentation in a closed box containing faecal slurry. Feeding hulled SBM tended to reduce NH3 emission on days 3 and 5 of fermentation. In conclusion, mannanase supplementation had no influence on growth performance and nutrient digestibility but showed a positive effect on reducing coliform population and tended to reduce NH3 emission. Dehulled SBM increased G:F ratio and hulled SBM tended to reduce NH3 emission.  相似文献   

The effect of intramuscular injections of vitamin E on growth, carcass traits, intramuscular collagen (IMC) characteristics and decorin of growing lambs was studied. A total of 24 15-day-old Ile de France suckling male lambs were divided into two groups and weekly intramuscular injections of DL-α-tocopheryl acetate (control group, 0 IU; Vitamin E treatment, 150 IU) were given until the lambs were 64 days old. Lambs were individually weighted at 15, 29, 43, 57 days of age and at slaughter (71 days old). Dry matter intake and average daily weight gain were recorded. Hot and cold carcass weights were recorded and dressing percentages were calculated after dressing and chilling (2°C to 4°C for 24 h). Carcass shrink losses were calculated as well. Longissimus muscle (LM) pH and area were measured. The pelvic limb was removed and its percentage was calculated based on cold carcass weight. IMC and decorin analyses were assessed on LM and semimembranosus muscle (SM). DL-α-tocopheryl acetate treatment reduced (P<0.05) collagen maturity and increased (P<0.05) decorin in both LM and SM muscles of growing lambs, while it did not affect IMC content. In addition, vitamin E did not influence growth, carcass weight, dressing percentage, carcass shrink losses and area of LM but decreased (P<0.05) the pelvic limb percentage. The LM pH values were higher (P<0.05) in vitamin group than in control group. Furthermore, different IMC characteristics between the muscles (P<0.01) were apparent. Multiple intramuscular injections of DL-α-tocopheryl acetate influence extracellular matrix in lambs, which could affect meat tenderness.  相似文献   

Behavior and average daily gain were evaluated after mixing pigs amongst litters or maintaining them as littermate groups, after weaning and initially limit or full fed. Limit fed mixed groups fought most and gained least of the treatment groups. Limit fed littermate groups fought least of the groups. Limit feeding after moving and mixing pigs amongst litters may reduce pathological conditions but was not demonstrated to reduce behavioral stress, as indicated by the expression of agonistic behavior.  相似文献   

The objective was to evaluate the inclusion of macaúba seed cake (MSC) meal in diets for growing rabbits by assessing their growth and slaughtering performance, haematological traits, nutritional contribution of caecotrophs, in vitro digestibility, degradability and fermentation parameters. A total of 88 rabbits were distributed to four groups with 22 animals each and fed diets containing 0, 50, 100 and 150 g/kg of MSC, respectively. The in vitro assays were conducted employing cecum inoculum on the same dietary treatments. The inclusion of MSC yielded a quadratic effect on in vitro dry matter digestibility (< 0.001). The maximum amount of produced gas was raised linearly with the inclusion of MSC (p = 0.016). MSC linearly reduced several variables as the nutritional contribution of caecotrophs in dry matter (p = 0.017) and crude protein (p = 0.014), live weight at 51 d (p = 0.024), body weight gain (p = 0.039), average daily feed intake (ADFI) (p = 0.001) and feed conversion ratio (FCR) (p = 0.007) in the first period evaluated (30–50 d); furthermore the ADFI and FCR the second (51–72 d) and whole period (30–72 d) (p < 0.001). MSC addition caused a quadratic effect on white blood cells count (p = 0.026) and a linear decrease of eosinophils (p = 0.045). In conclusion, the inclusion of up to 150 g/kg of MSC improves the in vitro digestibility and fermentation potential of the diets, reflecting on the ADFI and FCR of the animals, although adverse effects are observed on the weight of the commercial carcass and nutritive contribution of the caecotrophs.  相似文献   

This research aimed at assessing the effects of a ceiling fan ventilation system on health, feeding, social behaviour and growth response of finishing young bulls fattened indoors during a mild summer season. A total of 69 Charolais young bulls were housed in six pens without any mechanical ventilation system (Control) and in six pens equipped with ceiling fans. The experimental period lasted 98 days from June until mid-September 2014. Four experimental days were considered in order to assess the effect of the ventilation system under two different microclimatic conditions: 2 alert days at monthly interval with temperature humidity index (THI) between 75 and 78, and 2 normal days with THI⩽74. Health and behaviour of the bulls were evaluated through 8-h observation sessions starting after morning feed delivery. The study was carried out during a rather cool summer with a climate average THI of 68.9 and 4 days with average THI>75. Despite these mild climate conditions, ceiling fans lowered litter moisture and acted as a preventive measure for bulls’ dirtiness (odd ratio=47.9; 95% CI 19.6 to 117.4). The risk of abnormal breathing was increased for Control bulls (odd ratio=40.7; 95% CI 5.4 to 304.2). When exposed to alert THI conditions, respiration rate and panting scores increased and rumination duration dropped in Control bulls compared with bulls provided with a ceiling fan. During observations under alert THI, bulls spent less time eating, more time being inactive and consumed more water compared with normal THI conditions. Bulls’ daily dry matter intake measured during the observation sessions decreased on alert compared with normal THI days (P<0.001) due to a drop of intake during the daylight hours. Ceiling fan treatment had no effect on bulls’ growth performance or water consumption but these results most likely depended on the mild climate conditions. Ceiling fans proved to mitigate some of the negative effects of heat stress on bulls’ behaviour (rumination, lying down and drinking water) and respiration rate, however. The lack of a significant improvement of bulls’ growth response should not discourage beef farmers from using ceiling fans in indoor systems, considering the likely increase in frequency and intensity of heat waves in the planet’s temperate areas induced by global warming.  相似文献   

Apparent ileal digestibility (AID) of energy, dry matter (DM), nitrogen (N) and amino acids and standardized ileal digestibility (SID) of amino acids in low quality soybean meals with different CP concentration (SBM 44% CP and SBM 48% CP) with or without 400 U β-mannanase/kg supplementation were evaluated in 20 cannulated barrows ((Landrace×Yorkshire)×Duroc) with an average BW of 25.08±3.42 kg. A N-free diet was used to determine basal endogenous losses of amino acids. The supplementation of β-mannanase improved (P<0.05) AID of DM compared with non-supplemented diet. However, enzyme supplementation did not improve (P>0.05) AID of N and energy. The type of SBM (SBM 44% CP v. SBM 48% CP) had no effect on AID of DM, N and energy. β-mannanase improved (P<0.05) AID of sum of essential amino acids, arginine, histidine, lysine, valine and glycine. The SID of lysine was higher (P<0.05) in enzyme supplemented than in non-supplemented diets. Larger AID and SID of threonine and proline (P<0.05) were observed in SBM 48% CP than in SBM 44% CP. In conclusion, the supplementation of enzyme improved AID of arginine, histidine, lysine, valine and glycine, but it did not cause marked difference in SID of these amino acids except for lysine. The low nutrient digestibility of the SBM sources used in the present experiment might have favoured the positive effect of β-mannanase supplementation.  相似文献   

Nutritional requirements of the Iberian pig, a slow-growing, obese porcine breed, are not well defined and seem to differ from those of conventional or high-performing pigs. The effects of the dietary protein content and the feeding level on the utilisation of metabolisable energy (ME) and the rates of gain, protein, and fat deposition were studied with 81 Iberian castrates growing from 50 to 100 kg body weight (BW) by using the comparative slaughter technique. The animals were fed 4 diets providing 145, 120, 95, and 70 g ideal crude protein (CP) per kg dry matter (DM), and containing 13.94, 14.29, 14.56, and 14.83 MJ ME per kg DM, respectively. Three levels of feeding were evaluated: 0.60, 0.80, and 0.95 × ad libitum intake. Growth rate increased (linear and quadratic, P < 0.001) as the dietary ideal CP content decreased. It also increased with the feeding level (linear, P < 0.001; quadratic, P < 0.05). Gain:feed and gain:ME intake improved by decreasing the ideal CP content in the diet (linear, P < 0.001 and P < 0.05, respectively; quadratic P < 0.001 for both variables). Increasing the feeding level improved linearly gain:feed and gain:ME intake ( P < 0.001). Protein deposition (PD):ME intake ranged between 1.23 and 1.44 g/MJ, and it showed a tendency to reach the maximum value when the diet providing 95 g ideal CP per kg DM was fed (quadratic, P = 0.078). When this diet was offered at 0.95 × ad libitum, PD reached a maximum value of 71 g/day. This dietary treatment resulted in average values for average daily gain and retained energy (RE) of 854 g/day and 21.4 MJ/day, respectively. The average rate of gain was 19.93 g/MJ increase in ME intake, equivalent to an energy cost of 50.2 kJ ME per g gain, irrespective of the dietary ideal CP content. Also, the overall marginal efficiency of protein deposition (ΔPD:ΔME; g/MJ) was 1.34. Increasing the feeding level led to increases in PD (linear, P <  0.001) and RE (linear, P <  0.001; quadratic, P <  0.01) irrespective of the dietary ideal CP concentrations. Between 50 and 100 kg BW, the chemical composition of 1 kg gain averaged 78, 592, 28.7, and 284 g for CP, fat, ash, and water respectively. The net efficiency of use of ME for growth ( kg) and the maintenance energy requirements were 0.606 and 396 kJ/kg BW 0.75 per day, respectively. The results support earlier findings that the genotype has marked effects on protein and energy metabolism of growing pigs and underline important compositional differences of the Iberian pig compared with conventional or modern porcine genotypes.  相似文献   

Soil salinization is detrimental to plant growth and yield in agroecosystems worldwide. Epichloë endophytes, a class of clavicipitaceous fungi, enhance the resistance of host plants to saline-alkali stress. This study explored the effects of the systemic fungal endophyte Epichloë coenophiala on the root microbial community and growth performance of tall fescue (Lolium arundinaceum) growing under different saline-alkali stress conditions. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was conducted to analyze the direct and indirect effects (mediated by root microbial community diversity and soil properties) of the endophyte on the growth of tall fescue under saline-alkali stress. The endophyte-infected plants produced higher shoot and root biomass compared to endophyte-free plants under saline-alkali stress (200 and 400 mM). Endophyte infection increased the fungal community diversity and altered its composition in the roots, decreasing the relative abundance of Ascomycota and increasing that of Glomeromycota. Furthermore, endophyte infection decreased the bacterial community diversity and the relative abundance of dominant Proteobacteria. SEM showed that endophyte infection increased the shoot and root biomass under saline-alkali stress (200 and 400 mM) by increasing the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal diversity in the roots, and soil total nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations. Therefore, it is important to examine aboveground microbes as factors influencing plant growth in saline-alkali stress by affecting belowground microbes and soil chemical properties.  相似文献   

Digestibility of amino acids (AA) in feed ingredients for pigs has been generally determined by feeding experimental diets containing test feedstuffs as a sole source of N, which may lead to the deficiency or imbalance of AA and hinder an accurate determination of digestibility values. Therefore, the addition of casein in experimental diets may ameliorate the potential negative effects of deficiency or imbalance of AA. In addition, the concentration of test feedstuffs in experimental diets may affect the digestibility of AA in test feedstuffs. Two experiments were conducted with corn distillers’ dried grains with solubles (DDGS) as the test feedstuff to determine the effects of increasing concentrations of casein in experimental diets on standardized ileal digestibility (SID) of AA in DDGS (experiment 1) and to investigate the effects of two concentrations of DDGS in experimental diets with or without the addition of casein on SID of AA in DDGS (experiment 2). In experiment 1, 20 barrows (initial BW = 45.3 ± 1.80 kg) surgically fitted with T-cannulas at the distal ileum were allocated to a quadruplicate 5 × 2 incomplete Latin square design with five diets and two periods. Four isonitrogenous diets containing increasing concentrations of casein from 0 to 165 g/kg with decreasing concentrations of DDGS from 466.8 to 0 g/kg and a N-free diet were prepared. The SID of AA, except for arginine, cysteine, and glycine, in DDGS linearly decreased (P < 0.05) with increasing concentrations of casein in experimental diets. Quadratic response (P = 0.023) was observed in the SID of lysine in DDGS when the concentration of casein in experimental diets increased. In experiment 2, the same 20 barrows (initial BW = 52.8 ± 2.99 kg) and experimental design as experiment 1 were used with different diets, which were prepared as a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement with the concentration of DDGS at 466.8 or 155.6 g/kg and that of casein at 0 or 110 g/kg. Regardless of the addition of casein, pigs fed experimental diets containing 466.8 g/kg DDGS had greater (P < 0.01) SID of indispensable AA, except for tryptophan, in DDGS than those fed diets containing 155.6 g/kg DDGS. In conclusion, the addition of casein in experimental diets did not affect the SID of AA in DDGS, whereas the SID of AA in DDGS decreased as the concentration of DDGS in diets decreased.  相似文献   

Most plant-origin fiber sources used in pig production contains a mixture of soluble and insoluble non-starch polysaccharides (NSP). The knowledge about effects of these sources of NSP on the gut microbiota and its fermentation products is still scarce. The aim of this study was to investigate effects of feeding diets with native sources of NSP on the ileal and fecal microbial composition and the dietary impact on the concentration of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) and lactic acid. The experiment comprised four diets and four periods in a change-over design with seven post valve t-cecum cannulated growing pigs. The four diets were balanced to be similar in NSP content and included one of four fiber sources, two diets were rich in pectins, through inclusion of chicory forage (CFO) and sugar beet pulp, and two were rich in arabinoxylan, through inclusion of wheat bran (WB) and grass meal. The gut microbial composition was assessed with terminal restriction fragment (TRF) length polymorphism and the abundance of Lactobacillus spp., Enterobacteriaceae, BacteroidesPrevotellaPorphyromonas and the β-xylosidase gene, xynB, were assessed with quantitative PCR. The gut microbiota did not cluster based on NSP structure (arabinoxylan or pectin) rather, the effect was to a high degree ingredient specific. In pigs fed diet CFO, three TRFs related to Prevotellaceae together consisted of more than 25% of the fecal microbiota, which is about 3 to 23 times higher (P<0.05) than in pigs fed the other diets. Whereas pigs fed diet WB had about 2 to 22 times higher abundance (P<0.05) of Megasphaera elsdenii in feces and about six times higher abundance (P<0.05) of Lactobacillus reuteri in ileal digesta than pigs fed the other diets. The total amount of digested NSP (r=0.57; P=0.002), xylose (r=0.53; P=0.004) and dietary fiber (r=0.60; P=0.001) in ileal digesta were positively correlated with an increased abundance of BacteroidesPrevotellaPorphyromonas. The effect on SCFA was correlated to specific neutral sugars where xylose increased the ileal butyric acid proportion, whereas arabinose increased the fecal butyric acid proportion. Moreover, chicory pectin increased the acetic acid proportion in both ileal digesta and feces.  相似文献   

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