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Selected branches of red spruce {Picea rubens Sarg.) saplings growing at 900 m in elevation on Camels Hump Mountain, Vermont, were treated with an acrylic polymer antitranspirant (Adkar Cloud Cover) in October 1989. Winter injury was subsequently apparent on first-year foliage on 1 February 1990. Addition of antitranspirant significantly increased chloroform extractable wax (plus antitranspirant) weight and cuticle (plus antitranspirant) thickness. The treatment reduced cuticular transpiration under laboratory conditions, but did not lessen the severity of visually apparent winter injury. Xylem water potential of damaged and undamaged branches did not differ. Fresh to dry weight ratios revealed a tendency for damaged needles to desiccate rapidly following winter injury. Foliar pigment concentrations were negatively correlated with severity of winter damage. These results suggest that winter desiccation plays a minor role in inducing winter injury to red spruce foliage.  相似文献   

粤北石灰岩地区的藓类植物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
粤北石灰岩地区共有藓类植物40科,110属,196种(含3亚种、6变种),其中含广东新记录3科21属,60种,中国新记录变种1个,本地区的区系地理成分中,热带、亚热带成分占最主要地位(41.3%),东亚成分略少(33.7%),还含有14.7%的北温带成分及4.3%的中国特有成分。  相似文献   


In mosses, separate and combined sexes are evolutionarily labile, yet factors selecting for this variation are unknown. In this study, we investigate phylogenetic correlations between sexual system and five life-history traits (asexual reproduction, chromosome number, gametophore length, spore size, and seta length). We assigned states to species on a large-scale phylogeny of mosses and used maximum likelihood analyses to test for the correlations and investigate the sequence of trait acquisition. Mosses in lineages with separate sexes were significantly more likely to be large, whereas those in lineages with combined sexes had higher chromosome numbers. Moreover, evolutionary transitions to separate sexes were more likely to occur in lineages with small spores. There was no support for a correlation between asexual reproduction and separate sexes. These results suggest that sexual system evolution is influenced by traits affecting mate availability and the dispersal of gametes and spores, and provides evidence for the existence of syndromes of life-history traits in mosses.  相似文献   

种子耐税水性的研究(综述)   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
种子耐脱水性是近年植物生理学中的一个研究热点。本文综述种子发育、热稳蛋白、糖的积累以及抗氧化系统等与耐脱水性的关系。同时针对顽拗性种子具有明显的对脱水的敏感性,介绍了提高种了耐脱水性的可能途径。  相似文献   

种子脱水耐性与糖的关系   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
糖类在植物种子中的累积随种子的发育阶段和种子类型不同而不同,并与种子脱水耐性的变化相联系。许多正常性植物种子的发育伴随着某些糖的累积,这些糖的累积已被认为在种子脱水耐性获得中起重要作用。但糖对种子脱水耐性的影响不是单独的,而是与ABA和蛋白质等物质协同作用。种子脱水耐性不仅与糖的种类和含量有关,而且与种子所处的生理状态和发育进程有关。本文综述了种子脱水耐性与糖关系的研究进展。  相似文献   

Chloroplast development during sporogenesis in Mnium cuspidatum, M. medium, M. rostratum, Aulacomnium heterostichum, Bartramia pomiformis, and Timmia megapolitana is as follows: During the early mitotic divisions in the sporogenous area of the capsule the number of plastids is reduced from many to one cup-shaped plastid per sporogenous cell. This single plastid divides during the early spore-mother-cell stage. A second division of plastids produces four plastids within each spore-mother-cell. A massive accumulation of starch occurs within each of the four plastids. Following meiosis, the single plastid allocated to each spore produces distinct lobes that are “blebbed” off as proplastids. A photosynthetic membrane system is established within the many proplastids as each spore matures.  相似文献   

中国东部武夷山风景区苔藓中的缓步动物   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨潼 《动物分类学报》2008,33(2):348-353
记述了采自中国东部福建省武夷山风景区苔藓中的缓步动物11种,包括:日本棘影熊虫Echiniscus japonicus Morikawa,1951中国东部新纪录种;结痂棘影熊虫Echiniscus scabrospinesus Fontoura,1982中国东部新纪录种;华美假棘影熊虫Pseudechiniscus facettalis Petersen,1951中国东部新纪录种;迟缓小斑熊虫Milnesium tardigradum(Doyère,1840);埃卡门大生熊虫Macrobiotus ariekammensis Weglarska,1965中国东部新纪录种;节值大生熊虫,模式亚种Macrobiotus harms worthi harmsworthi Murray,1907;华丽大生熊虫Macrobiotus richtersi Murray,1911;陆栖大生熊虫Macrobiotus terricola Miheli,1949;异常拉玛熊虫Ramazzottius anomalus(Ramazzotti,1962)中国新纪录种;肥曲拉玛熊虫Ramazzottius oberhaeuseri(Doyère,1840);黄色具矛熊虫Doryphoribius flavus(Iharos,1966)中国东部新纪录种。所有的标本均保存于中国科学院水生生物研究所。  相似文献   


Bryophytes are often viewed as slowly evolving with little genetic variation within and among populations. A study of heavy-metal tolerance was initiated to test the capacity of bryophytes to undergo genetic differentiation in response to natural selection. Tolerance of Funaria hygrometrica to copper and zinc was greater in populations that originated on soil with high concentrations of these metals. Protonemal growth was more inhibited by the metals than was germination, and copper was more toxic than zinc. Zinc and copper tolerances were correlated, but so were the zinc and copper concentrations of native substrates. The pattern of population differentiation for heavy-metal tolerance in this species is much like that of flowering plants. Five populations of Physcomitrium pyriforme, which does not occur on metal-contaminated soil, were all highly tolerant of zinc but extremely intolerant of copper. This species seems to have an inherent tolerance to the former. Significant variation in tolerance to copper and zinc occurred among populations, but tolerance did not correlate with metal contents in native substrates. This pattern differs from that of flowering plants. Normal populations of species that colonize contaminated sites tended to be more tolerant than populations of species that do not colonize such sites. The extensive population differentiation in Funaria hygrometrica augments the evidence from electrophoretic data that there is genetic variation among populations of mosses and liverworts.  相似文献   

不同发育时期黄皮种子脱水敏感性的研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
自花后46d到88d果实成熟.黄皮种子的发芽率由0升至100%.而活力指数逐渐上升,到花后74d达到最大值,之后略有下降.每粒种子的呼吸强度在花后46-67d持续增加,此后则渐渐减弱,但湿藏2d后又回升.黄皮种子的发育明显超前于果实.花后74d时.每粒种子的干重已接近最大值,这时种子活力最大.而果实的鲜重虽然已接近最大值.但其干重却只有成熟时的73%。花后46-53d的种子,其发芽率小于100%,轻微脱水能提高种子的发芽率及活力指数,花后60d至果实成熟.种子发芽率均为100%.这时任何程度的脱水都会引起活力指数的下降,但不同发育时期的黄皮种子耐脱水力有差别.其中以花后67d的耐脱水力最强.花后88d果实成熟时种子的耐脱水力最弱。  相似文献   

藓纲植物化学成分及其生物活性研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
藓纲植物是天然活性产物的重要来源,在自然界分布广泛;但是对藓纲植物的化学成分及其生理活性的研究较少,国内基本属于空白。本文对近年来该领域内的研究成果进行了综述,旨在引起化学家、植物学家及其他相关科学家对此门类研究的兴趣和重视,共同开发这一重要资源。  相似文献   

Several environmental parameters influence the ability of Stauroneis anceps Ehr. to survive periods of dehydration to equilibrium with atmospheric humidity. Cells grown in soil-water are better able to survive desiccation than cells grown in defined medium and cells from older cultures survive better than those from young cultures. Since active culture growth and cell division do not hinder survival, the factor responsible for increased survival in older cultures may be the accumulation of secreted metabolites in the medium. There is no survival when drying occurs in artificial substrata with particles 50 microns or less in diameter. Survival occurs when the particulate matter is 100 microns or larger. Slow drying seems to enhance survival, perhaps by allowing cells to interact longer with environmental organic substances conferring some degree of protection. Desiccated cells are better able to withstand temperature extremes than are vegetative cells in an aqueous environment. Dry cells survived longer than 9 days at 60 C and longer than 8 hr at 80 C but normal cultures were unable to survive 1 hr at 60 C. Temperatures of —15 to —20 C were also sustained more consistently by desiccated cells. Cells stored at vapor pressure deficits of 11.9 mm Hg or higher survived longer than 16 months but storage at 5.9 mm Hg or lower reduced survival time.  相似文献   

1962年美国女生态学家莱切尔、卡逊(R.Carson)发表《寂静的春天》以后,化学农药对环境的污染问题才引起人们重视。DDT、666、艾氏剂、狄氏剂等多种农药,自1972年以来在美国等一些国家中被禁止使用。我国也在1983年禁用了DDT、666。与此同时,随着环境研究的发展,在各地的不同生态系统里,均检测到DDT等有机氯农药残留物。1981年在南极地区的企鹅体内发现了DDT(Ballschmiter et al.1983),  相似文献   

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