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The signaling lymphocyte activation molecule (SLAM)-associated protein (SAP or SH2D1A) is an important regulator of immune function which, when mutated or deleted, causes the X-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome (XLP). Because B cell lymphoma is a major phenotype of XLP, it is important to understand the function of SAP in B cells. Here we report that SAP is expressed endogenously in mouse splenic B cells, is inducibly expressed in the human BJAB cells, and co-localizes and interacts with CD22. We also show that SAP binding to the inhibitory immunoreceptor CD22 regulates calcium mobilization in B cells. Moreover, forced expression of SAP leads to constitutive CD22 tyrosine phosphorylation and decreased Ca2+ response in B cells. Biochemical analysis reveals that, in response to IgM cross-linking, the phosphorylation of Syk, Blnk, or PLCγ2 and their interactions with one another were either diminished or completely abolished in SAP-expressing cells compared to cells that lack SAP. Collectively our work identifies a novel role for SAP in B cells and extends its function to inhibitory immunoreceptor signaling and calcium mobilization.  相似文献   

TpMRK was identified as a stress‐responsive mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK)‐related kinase and has been shown to play a critical role in the stress signalling in Tetrahymena cells. Here, we found that the mRNA expression of TpMRK was correlated with cell division of Tetrahymena with decreased expression occurring in cells prior to entering synchronous cell division induced by heat treatment. Notably, cell division was delayed with a lower division index of 40% after exposure to hydrogen peroxide while 85% of cells underwent cell division synchronously at 75 min after heat treatment without the oxidative exposure. Furthermore, inactivation of TpMRK signalling by p38 MAPK inhibitor SB203580 or MEK inhibitor PD 98059 partially derepressed cell division induced by hydrogen peroxide. Our data suggest that oxidative stimuli might cause aberration of synchronous cell division of Tetrahymena through activating the TpMRK cascade. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recognition of antigen by the B cell antigen receptor (BCR) determines the subsequent fate of a B cell and is regulated in part by the involvement of other surface molecules, termed coreceptors. CD22 is a B cell-restricted coreceptor that gets rapidly tyrosyl-phosphorylated and recruits various signaling molecules to the membrane following BCR ligation. Although CD22 contains three immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motifs (ITIMs), only the two carboxyl-terminal ITIM tyrosines are required for efficient recruitment of the SHP-1 phosphatase after BCR ligation. Furthermore, Grb2 is inducibly recruited to CD22 in human and murine B cells. Unlike SHP-1, Grb2 recruitment to CD22 is not inhibited by specific doses of the Src family kinase-specific inhibitor PP1. The tyrosine residue in CD22 required for Grb2 recruitment (Tyr-828) is distinct and independent from the two ITIM tyrosines required for efficient SHP-1 recruitment (Tyr-843 and Tyr-863). Individually both Lyn and Syk are required for maximal phosphorylation of CD22 following ligation of the BCR, and together Lyn and Syk are required for all of the constitutive and induced tyrosine phosphorylation of CD22. We propose that the cytoplasmic tail of CD22 contains two domains that regulate signal transduction pathways initiated by the BCR and B cell fate.  相似文献   

The CD22 extracellular domain regulates B lymphocyte function by interacting with alpha2,6-linked sialic acid-bearing ligands. To understand how CD22 ligand interactions affect B cell function in vivo, mouse anti-mouse CD22 mAbs were generated that inhibit CD22 ligand binding to varying degrees. Remarkably, mAbs which blocked CD22 ligand binding accelerated mature B cell turnover by 2- to 4-fold in blood, spleen, and lymph nodes. CD22 ligand-blocking mAbs also inhibited the survival of adoptively transferred normal (73-88%) and malignant (90%) B cells in vivo. Moreover, mAbs that bound CD22 ligand binding domains induced significant CD22 internalization, depleted marginal zone B cells (82-99%), and reduced mature recirculating B cell numbers by 75-85%. The CD22 mAb effects were independent of complement and FcRs, and the CD22 mAbs had minimal effects in CD22AA mice that express mutated CD22 that is not capable of ligand binding. These data demonstrate that inhibition of CD22 ligand binding can disrupt normal and malignant B cell survival in vivo and suggest a novel mechanism of action for therapeutics targeting CD22 ligand binding domains.  相似文献   

Cell surface molecules on lymphocytes positively or negatively modulate the Ag receptor signaling, and thus regulate the fate of the cell. CD22 is a B cell-specific cell surface protein that contains multiple ITIMs in the cytoplasmic tail, and critically regulates B cell activation and survival. CD22 regulation on B cell signaling is complex because CD22 can have both positive and negative roles in various contexts. We generated phosphospecific polyclonal Abs reacting four major CD22 tyrosine motifs (Y762, Y807, Y822, and Y842) and analyzed the pattern and intensity of phosphorylation of these tyrosine residues. The tyrosine motifs, Y762, Y822, and Y842, are considered as ITIM, whereas the other, Y807, is suggested to be important for Grb2 recruitment. Approximately 10% of the four tyrosine residues were constitutively phosphorylated. Upon anti-IgM ligation, CD22 Y762 underwent most rapid phosphorylation, whereas all four tyrosine residues were eventually phosphorylated equally at approximately 35% of all CD22 molecules in the cell. By contrast, anti-CD40 stimulation specifically up-regulated anti-IgM-induced phosphorylation of tyrosines within two ITIM motifs, Y762 and Y842, which was consistent with in vivo finding of the negative role of CD22 in CD40 signaling. Thus, CD22 phosphorylation is not only quantitatively but also qualitatively regulated by different stimulations, which may determine the outcome of B cell signaling.  相似文献   

Dendritic cell-dependent inhibition of B cell proliferation requires CD22   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent studies have shown that dendritic cells (DCs) regulate B cell functions. In this study, we report that bone marrow (BM)-derived immature DCs, but not mature DCs, can inhibit BCR-induced proliferation of B cells in a contact-dependent manner. This inhibition is overcome by treatment with BAFF and is dependent on the BCR coreceptor CD22; however, it is not dependent on expression of the CD22 glycan ligand(s) produced by ST6Gal-I sialyltransferase. We found that a second CD22 ligand (CD22L) is expressed on CD11c(+) splenic and BM-derived DCs, which does not contain ST6Gal-I-generated sialic acids and which, unlike the B cell-associated CD22L, is resistant to neuraminidase treatment and sodium metaperiodate oxidation. Examination of splenic and BM B cell subsets in CD22 and ST6Gal-I knockout mice revealed that ST6Gal-I-generated B cell CD22L plays a role in splenic B cell development, whereas the maintenance of long-lived mature BM B cells depends only on CD22 and not on alpha2,6-sialic acids produced by ST6Gal-I. We propose that the two distinct CD22L have different functions. The alpha2,6-sialic acid-containing glycoprotein is important for splenic B cell subset development, whereas the DC-associated ST6Gal-I-independent CD22L may be required for the maintenance of long-lived mature B cells in the BM.  相似文献   

Signaling through CD70 regulates B cell activation and IgG production   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
CD70, the cellular ligand of the TNF receptor family member CD27, is expressed transiently on activated T and B cells and constitutively on a subset of B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia and large B cell lymphomas. In the present study, we used B cells constitutively expressing CD70 to study the functional consequences of signaling through CD70. In vitro, CD70 ligation with anti-CD70 mAbs strongly supported proliferation and cell cycle entry of B cells submitogenically stimulated with either anti-CD40 mAb, LPS, or IL-4. In this process, the cell surface receptors CD25, CD44, CD69, CD95, and GL7 were up-regulated, whereas the expression of CD21, CD62L, surface IgM (sIgM), and sIgD was decreased. Addition of CD70 mAb to low dose LPS-stimulated CD70-positive B cells strongly diminished IgG secretion and enhanced production of IgM. Signaling through CD70 on B cells was dependent on the initiation of both PI3K and MEK pathways. In vivo exposure to either CD70 mAb or the CD70 counterreceptor CD27 down-regulated CD62L and sIgM on CD70-positive B cells. CD70 signaling during T cell-dependent immune responses also decreased IgG-specific Ab titers. Together, the in vitro and in vivo data demonstrate that CD70 has potent reverse signaling properties in B cells, initiating a signaling cascade that regulates expansion and differentiation.  相似文献   

As B cells mature during ontogeny the CD22 human differentiation Ag is exported from the cytoplasm onto the membrane. Surface expression is lost in terminal differentiation and after activation. In tonsils, CD22 is expressed on the surface of 60 to 80% of the dense B cells. Some IgM+ dense cells, however, and buoyant in vivo activated B cells are CD22-. This differential expression of CD22 and the finding that an anti-CD22 mAb augmented anti-Ig induced B cell proliferation suggested that CD22 may play a role in B cell activation. In this study we have found that CD22+ but not CD22- B cells could be triggered by anti-IgM or anti-IgD to have increased free intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i). The presence of CD22 rather than of IgD seems to determine the ability of B cells to respond to anti-Ig with a [Ca2+]i flux. Also the proliferative response to anti-Ig or anti-Ig + B cell growth factor was restricted to the CD22+ population. Anti-CD22 mAb, although not inducing [Ca2+]i on their own after binding to B cells, did augment [Ca2+]i fluxes by anti-Ig when cross-linked. Together these results suggest that CD22 may regulate triggering of B cells through surface Ig perhaps by acting as a "bridge" to transmit an early signal into the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Recombinant adenoviruses have been used as vehicles for gene therapy as well as vaccination against infectious diseases and cancer. Efficient activation of host B cell response to adenoviral vectors that leads to the generation of protective, neutralizing Ab, represents a major barrier for gene therapy, but an attractive feature for vaccine development. What regulate(s) potent B cell response to adenoviral vectors remains incompletely defined. In this study, we showed that type I IFNs induced upon adenoviral infection are critical for multiple stages of adaptive B cell response to adenovirus including early B cell activation, germinal center formation, Ig isotype switching as well as plasma cell differentiation. We further demonstrated that although type I IFN signaling on dendritic cells was important for the production of virus-specific IgM, the generation of protective neutralizing Ab critically depended on type I IFN signaling on both CD4 T and B cells. The results may suggest potential strategies for improving adenovirus-mediated gene therapy in vivo and/or the design of effective vaccines for cancer and infectious diseases.  相似文献   

CTLs and NK cells use the perforin/granzyme cytotoxic pathway to kill virally infected cells and tumors. Human regulatory T cells also express functional granzymes and perforin and can induce autologous target cell death in vitro. Perforin-deficient mice die of excessive immune responses after viral challenges, implicating a potential role for this pathway in immune regulation. To further investigate the role of granzyme B in immune regulation in response to viral infections, we characterized the immune response in wild-type, granzyme B-deficient, and perforin-deficient mice infected with Sendai virus. Interestingly, granzyme B-deficient mice, and to a lesser extent perforin-deficient mice, exhibited a significant increase in the number of Ag-specific CD8(+) T cells in the lungs and draining lymph nodes of virally infected animals. This increase was not the result of failure in viral clearance because viral titers in granzyme B-deficient mice were similar to wild-type mice and significantly less than perforin-deficient mice. Regulatory T cells from WT mice expressed high levels of granzyme B in response to infection, and depletion of regulatory T cells from these mice resulted in an increase in the number of Ag-specific CD8(+) T cells, similar to that observed in granzyme B-deficient mice. Furthermore, granzyme B-deficient regulatory T cells displayed defective suppression of CD8(+) T cell proliferation in vitro. Taken together, these results suggest a role for granzyme B in the regulatory T cell compartment in immune regulation to viral infections.  相似文献   

The B cell-specific antigen CD22 is a 130/140-Kd complex and is unique among human B cell antigens, since its surface expression is restricted to a subpopulation of Ig+ B cells. Here the function of the CD22 antigen was evaluated by using the mAb HD6, directed against one of the epitopes on the molecule. The HD6 antibody was constimulatory with anti-Ig in inducing small, dense tonsillar cells to proliferate; however, the antibody by itself was devoid of stimulatory activity. Anti-CD22 antibody also induced more anti-Ig-treated B cells to leave G0 and enter the G1 phase of the cell cycle. It also was constimulatory with low-m.w. BCGF and with an antibody to a 50-Kd polypeptide, Bp50, which mediates a BCGF-like activity. Results of kinetic experiments and analysis of different B cell fractions suggested that anti-CD22 acts during an early phase of B cell activation, probably by amplifying the anti-Ig signal. F(ab')2 fragments of anti-CD22 HD6 were as effective as the whole antibody in inducing augmentation of B cell proliferation, showing that the Fc portion of the molecule was not required for the activity. The results of these experiments, together with the intriguing distribution of the Bp 130/140 antigen in B cell ontogeny, suggest that this molecule plays an important role in the process that leads to B cell activation and proliferation.  相似文献   

The binding of antigen to the B cell receptor (BCR) results in a cascade of signalling events that ultimately drive B cell activation. Uncontrolled B cell activation is regulated by negative feedback loops that involve inhibitory co-receptors such as CD22 and CD32B that exert their functions following phosphorylation of immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibition motifs (ITIMs). The CD22-targeted antibody epratuzumab has previously been shown to inhibit BCR-driven signalling events, but its effects on ITIM phosphorylation of CD22 and CD32B have not been properly evaluated. The present study therefore employed both immunoprecipitation and flow cytometry approaches to elucidate the effects of epratuzumab on direct phosphorylation of key tyrosine (Tyr) residues on both these proteins, using both transformed B cell lines and primary human B cells. Epratuzumab induced the phosphorylation of Tyr822 on CD22 and enhanced its co-localisation with SHP-1. Additionally, in spite of high basal phosphorylation of other key ITIMs on CD22, in primary human B cells epratuzumab also enhanced phosphorylation of Tyr807, a residue involved in the recruitment of Grb2. Such initiation events could explain the effects of epratuzumab on downstream signalling in B cells. Finally, we were able to demonstrate that epratuzumab stimulated the phosphorylation of Tyr292 on the low affinity inhibitory Fc receptor CD32B which would further attenuate BCR-induced signalling. Together, these data demonstrate that engagement of CD22 with epratuzumab leads to the direct phosphorylation of key upstream inhibitory receptors of BCR signalling and may help to explain how this antibody modulates B cell function.  相似文献   

The major histocompatability class II heterodimer (class II) is expressed on the surface of both resting and activated B cells. Although it is clear that class II expression is required for Ag presentation to CD4(+) T cells, substantial evidence suggests that class II serves as a signal transducing receptor that regulates B cell function. In ex vivo B cells primed by Ag receptor (BCR) cross-linking and incubation with IL-4, or B cell lines such as K46-17 micromlambda, class II ligation leads to the activation of protein tyrosine kinases, including Lyn and Syk and subsequent phospholipase Cgamma-dependent mobilization of Ca(2+). In this study, experiments demonstrated reciprocal desensitization of class II and BCR signaling upon cross-linking of either receptor, suggesting that the two receptors transduce signals via common processes and/or effector proteins. Because class II and BCR signal transduction pathways exhibit functional similarities, additional studies were conducted to evaluate whether class II signaling is regulated by BCR coreceptors. Upon cross-linking of class II, the BCR coreceptors CD19 and CD22 were inducibly phosphorylated on tyrosine residues. Phosphorylation of CD22 was associated with increased recruitment and binding of the protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1. Similarly, tyrosine phosphorylation of CD19 resulted in recruitment and binding of Vav and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. Finally, co-cross-linking studies demonstrated that signaling via class II was either attenuated (CD22/SHP-1) or enhanced (CD19/Vav and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase), depending on the coreceptor that was brought into close proximity. Collectively, these results suggest that CD19 and CD22 modulate class II signaling in a manner similar to that for the BCR.  相似文献   

Severe Staphylococcus aureus infections give rise to a pronounced antigen-specific and polyclonal B cell response with elevated serum immunoglobulin levels. However, it has been difficult to correlate the antibody levels with the clinical outcome of sepsis and/or arthritis concerning both protection and pathogenic aspects. Earlier studies have shown that macrophages and neutrophils are of great importance for bacterial clearance. However, deletion of the complete B cell compartment affected neither S. aureus-induced arthritis nor survival. MZ B cells are believed to be of importance for clearance of blood-borne antigens and have been implicated in protection against S. aureus infections. CD22 is a B-cell-specific inhibitory receptor binding to alpha2,6-linked sialic acids, and deficiency in CD22 leads to a 75% reduction of the MZ B cell compartment. CD22-/- mice and congeneic controls were inoculated intravenously with an arthritogenic dose of live S. aureus. No differences between the groups were detected regarding frequency and severity of arthritis, survival, bacterial clearance, or induction of inflammatory response. This study shows explicitly that a reduced MZ B cell compartment in the absence of CD22 expression does not interfere with the inflammatory response during S. aureus infection.  相似文献   

Epithelial cancer cells secrete mucins carrying carbohydrate antigens such as a sialyl-Tn antigen into cancer tissues and/or the bloodstream, in which mucins may interact with CD22 (Siglec-2). Mucins isolated from colon cancer cells and bovine submaxillary mucins bound to CD22 cDNA transfectants and a human B cell line, Daudi cell, and the binding of soluble recombinant CD22 to the mucins was confirmed by means of a plate assay. The binding specificity was demonstrated by the fact that the mucins bound to the recombinant CD22 with an intact ectodomain but not to that with a mutated ectodomain. Daudi cells were stimulated with anti-IgM F(ab′)2 in the presence or absence of mucins. Ligation of mucins to CD22 decreased the phosphorylation of CD22 and SHP-1 recruitment, and the phosphorylation of ERK-1/2 prominently. The in vivo effect of mucins on splenic B cells in the tumor-bearing state was investigated using mucin-producing (TA3-Ha) and non-producing (TA3-St) mammary adenocarcinoma-bearing mice. When fluorescence-labeled epiglycanins were administered to normal mice, a portion of them was taken up by the spleen and became associated with splenic B cells. We found that splenic B cells were reduced in TA3-Ha-bearing mice but not in TA3-St-bearing ones. These results suggest that in the tumor-bearing state a portion of the mucins in the bloodstream was taken up by the spleen and ligated to CD22 expressed on splenic B cells, which may have led to down-regulation of signal transduction.  相似文献   

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