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Acute and chronic demyelination are hallmarks of CNS infection by the neurotropic JHM strain of mouse hepatitis virus. Although infectious virus is cleared by CD8+ T cells, both viral RNA and activated CD8+ T cells remain in the CNS during persistence potentially contributing to pathology. To dissociate immune from virus-mediated determinants initiating and maintaining demyelinating disease, mice were infected with two attenuated viral variants differing in a hypervariable region of the spike protein. Despite similar viral replication and tropism, one infection was marked by extensive demyelination and paralysis, whereas the other resulted in no clinical symptoms and minimal neuropathology. Mononuclear cells from either infected brain exhibited virus specific ex vivo cytolytic activity, which was rapidly lost during viral clearance. As revealed by class I tetramer technology the paralytic variant was superior in inducing specific CD8+ T cells during the acute disease. However, after infectious virus was cleared, twice as many virus-specific IFN-gamma-secreting CD8+ T cells were recovered from the brains of asymptomatic mice compared with mice undergoing demyelination, suggesting that IFN-gamma ameliorates rather than perpetuates JHM strain of mouse hepatitis virus-induced demyelination. The present data thus indicate that in immunocompetent mice, effector CD8+ T cells control infection without mediating either clinical disease or demyelination. In contrast, demyelination correlated with early and sustained infection of the spinal cord. Rapid viral spread, attributed to determinants within the spike protein and possibly perpetuated by suboptimal CD8+ T cell effector function, thus ultimately leads to the process of immune-mediated demyelination.  相似文献   

Cerebral malaria (CM) develops in a small proportion of persons infected with Plasmodium falciparum and accounts for a substantial proportion of the mortality due to this parasite. The actual pathogenic mechanisms are still poorly understood, and in humans investigations of experimental CM are unethical. Using an established Plasmodium berghei-mouse CM model, we have investigated the role of host immune cells at the pathological site, the brain. We report in this study the detailed quantification and characterization of cells, which migrated and sequestered to the brain of mice with CM. We demonstrated that CD8(+) alphabeta T cells, which sequester in the brain at the time when neurological symptoms appear, were responsible for CM mortality. These observations suggest a mechanism which unifies disparate observations in humans.  相似文献   

CD8+T细胞在多发性硬化中的致病性作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
梅云华  徐凌云 《生命科学》2006,18(3):244-246
多发性硬化是T细胞介导的自身免疫性疾病。先前对它的研究大多集中在CD4 T细胞的致病和调节性作用上,但是,近几年来越来越多的证据表明CD8 T细胞也参与多发性硬化的病理损伤过程。 CD8 T细胞存在于MS病灶部位,髓鞘抗原特异性CD8 T细胞也从MS患者的血液和脑脊液中分离得到,CD8 T细胞通过直接杀伤或释放细胞因子和趋化因子等间接参与MS的病理过程。本文就近几年关于CD8 T细胞在多发性硬化中的致病性作用的研究进展予以介绍。  相似文献   

A long-standing paradox in cellular immunology has been the conditional requirement for CD4(+) Th cells in priming of CD8(+) CTL responses. We propose a new dynamic model of CD4(+) Th cells in priming of Th-dependent CD8(+) CTL responses. We demonstrate that OT II CD4(+) T cells activated by OVA-pulsed dendritic cells (DC(OVA)) are Th1 phenotype. They acquire the immune synapse-composed MHC II/OVAII peptide complexes and costimulatory molecules (CD54 and CD80) as well as the bystander MHC class I/OVAI peptide complexes from the DC(OVA) by DC(OVA) stimulation and thus also the potential to act themselves as APCs. These CD4(+) Th-APCs stimulate naive OT I CD8(+) T cell proliferation through signal 1 (MHC I/OVAI/TCR) and signal 2 (e.g., CD54/LFA-1 and CD80/CD28) interactions and IL-2 help. In vivo, they stimulate CD8(+) T cell proliferation and differentiation into CTLs and induce effective OVA-specific antitumor immunity. Taken together, this study demonstrates that CD4(+) Th cells carrying acquired DC Ag-presenting machinery can, by themselves, efficiently stimulate CTL responses. These results have substantial implications for research in antitumor and other aspects of immunity.  相似文献   

A role for Stat5 in CD8+ T cell homeostasis   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Cytokine signals are known to contribute to CD8+ memory T cell homeostasis, but an exact understanding of the mechanism(s) has remained elusive. We have now investigated the role of Stat5 proteins in this process. Whereas Stat5a and Stat5b KO mice have decreased numbers of CD8+ T cells, Stat5-transgenic mice have an increased number of these cells. Stat5b-transgenic mice exhibit increased Ag-induced cell death of CD4+ T cells and augmented proliferation and Bcl-2 expression in CD8+ T cells, providing a basis for this finding. Moreover, CD8+ memory T cells are substantially affected by Stat5 levels. These findings identify Stat5 proteins as critical signaling mediators used by cytokines to regulate CD8+ T cell homeostasis.  相似文献   

The impact of the immune system on the etiopathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, is a rapidly growing area of investigation. Evidence from human patients and animal models implicates neurotropic viral infections, and specifically the antiviral immune response of brain-infiltrating CD8+ T cells, as potential drivers of disease pathology. While infiltration and retention of CD8+ T cells within the brain following viral infection is associated with improved survival, CD8+ T cells also contribute to neuronal death and gliosis which underlie cognitive impairment in several disease models. Here we review the role of antiviral CD8+ T cells as potential mediators of cognitive impairment and highlight the mechanisms by which brain-resident CD8+ T cells may contribute to neurodegenerative disease pathology.  相似文献   

The alphaEbeta7 integrin CD103 may direct lymphocytes to its ligand E-cadherin. CD103 is expressed on T cells in lung and gut and on allograft-infiltrating T cells. Moreover, recent studies have documented expression of CD103 on CD4+ regulatory T cells. Approximately 4% of circulating CD8+ T cells bear the CD103 molecule. In this study, we show that the absence or presence of CD103 was a stable trait when purified CD103- and CD103+ CD8+ T cell subsets were stimulated with a combination of CD3 and CD28 mAbs. In contrast, allostimulation induced CD103 expression on approximately 25% of purified CD103- CD8+ T cells. Expression of CD103 on alloreactive cells was found to be augmented by IL-4, IL-10, or TGF-beta and decreased by addition of IL-12 to MLCs. The alloantigen-induced CD103+ CD8+ T cell population appeared to be polyclonal and retained CD103 expression after restimulation. Markedly, in vitro-expanded CD103+ CD8+ T cells had low proliferative and cytotoxic capacity, yet produced considerable amounts of IL-10. Strikingly, they potently suppressed T cell proliferation in MLC via a cell-cell contact-dependent mechanism. Thus, human alloantigen-induced CD103+ CD8+ T cells possess functional features of regulatory T cells.  相似文献   

In humans, spontaneous autoimmune attack against cardiomyocytes often leads to idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (IDCM) and life-threatening heart failure. HLA-DQ8 transgenic IAb knockout NOD mice (NOD.DQ8/Ab(0); DQA1*0301, DQB1*0302) develop spontaneous anticardiomyocyte autoimmunity with pathology very similar to human IDCM, but why the heart is targeted is unknown. In the present study, we first investigated whether NOD/Ab(0) mice transgenic for a different DQ allele, DQ6, (DQA1*0102, DQB1*0602) would also develop myocarditis. NOD.DQ6/Ab(0) animals showed no cardiac pathology, implying that DQ8 is specifically required for the myocarditis phenotype. To further characterize the cellular immune mechanisms, we established crosses of our NOD.DQ8/Ab(0) animals with Rag1 knockout (Rag1(0)), Ig H chain knockout (IgH(0)), and beta(2)-microglobulin knockout (beta(2)m(0)) lines. Adoptive transfer of purified CD4 T cells from NOD.DQ8/Ab(0) mice with complete heart block (an indication of advanced myocarditis) into younger NOD.DQ8/Ab(0) Rag1(0) animals induced cardiac pathology in all recipients, whereas adoptive transfer of purified CD8 T cells or B lymphocytes had no effect. Despite the absence of B lymphocytes, NOD.DQ8/Ab(0)IgH(0) animals still developed complete heart block, whereas NOD.DQ8/Ab(0)beta(2)m(0) mice (which lack CD8 T cells) failed to develop any cardiac pathology. CD8 T cells (and possibly NK cells) seem to be necessary to initiate disease, whereas once initiated, CD4 T cells alone can orchestrate the cardiac pathology, likely through their capacity to recruit and activate macrophages. Understanding the cellular immune mechanisms causing spontaneous myocarditis/IDCM in this relevant animal model will facilitate the development and testing of new therapies for this devastating disease.  相似文献   

Whether IFN-gamma contributes to the per-cell protective capacity of memory CD8(+) T cells against Listeria monocytogenes (LM) has not been formally tested. In this study, we generated LM Ag-specific memory CD8(+) T cells via immunization of wild-type (WT) and IFN-gamma-deficient (gamma knockout (GKO)) mice with LM peptide-coated dendritic cells and compared them phenotypically and functionally. Immunization of WT and GKO mice resulted in memory CD8(+) T cells that were similar in number, functional avidity, TCR repertoire use, and memory phenotype. The protective capacity of memory CD8(+) T cells from immunized WT and GKO mice was evaluated after adoptive transfer of equal numbers of WT or GKO cells into naive BALB/c mice followed by LM challenge. The adoptively transferred CD8(+) T cells from GKO donors exhibited a decreased ability to reduce bacterial numbers in the organs of recipient mice when compared with an equivalent number of Ag-matched WT CD8(+) T cells. This deficiency was most evident early (day 3) after infection if a relatively low infectious dose was used; however, transferring fewer memory CD8(+) T cells or increasing the LM challenge dose revealed a more pronounced defect in protective immunity mediated by the CD8(+) T cells from GKO mice. Our studies identified a decrease in Ag-specific target cell lysis in vivo by CD8(+) T cells from GKO mice as the mechanism for the decreased protective immunity after LM challenge. Further studies suggest that the lack of IFN-gamma production by the Ag-specific CD8 T cells themselves diminishes target cell sensitivity to cytolysis, thereby reducing the lytic potency of IFN-gamma-deficient LM-specific memory CD8(+) T cells.  相似文献   

This study describes the inhibitory effect exerted by activated CD8+ T cells on the replication of HIV in naturally infected CD4+ T cells. Highly purified CD4+ T cells from asymptomatic HIV seropositive individuals were stimulated with anti-TCR mAb-coated beads in the presence of IL-2. HIV was subsequently reproducibly isolated in cell supernatants from all study participants (53 cultures from 42 individuals). Both autologous and allogeneic CD8+ T cells from asymptomatic HIV seropositive and healthy HIV seronegative individuals inhibited the replication of HIV in these cultures in a dose-dependent manner. CD8+ T cells from patients with AIDS showed reduced or no such inhibitory activity. The inhibitory effect was not dependent on direct cell-cell contact: an inhibitory effect was exerted by CD8+ T cells across a semipermeable membrane, and an inhibitory activity was also exerted by the cell-free supernatants from activated CD8+ T cells. These results suggest that activated CD8+ T cells secrete a soluble inhibitor of HIV replication.  相似文献   

In vivo studies have shown that regulatory CD4(+) T cells regulate conventional CD4(+) T cell responses to self- and environmental Ags. However, it remains unclear whether regulatory CD4(+) T cells control CD8(+) T cell responses to self, directly, or indirectly by decreasing available CD4(+) T cell help. We have developed an experimental mouse model in which suppressive and helper T cells cannot mediate their functions. The mouse chimeras generated were not viable and rapidly developed multiple organ autoimmunity. These features were correlated with strong CD8(+) T cell activation and accumulation in both lymphoid and nonlymphoid organs. In vivo Ab treatment and secondary transfer experiments demonstrated that regulatory CD4(+) T cells play an important direct role in the prevention of peripheral CD8(+) T cell-mediated autoimmunity.  相似文献   

We investigated whether oral tolerance could block the development of an inflammatory response mediated by CD8+ T cells, using a mouse model of oral tolerance of contact sensitivity (CS) to the hapten 2, 4-dinitrofluorobenzene (DNFB). In this system, the skin inflammatory response is initiated by hapten-specific class I-restricted cytotoxic CD8+ T (CTL) cells, independently of CD4 help. Oral delivery of DNFB before skin sensitization blocked the CS response by impairing the development of DNFB-specific CD8+ effector T cells in secondary lymphoid organs. This was shown by complete inhibition of DNFB-specific CTL and proliferative responses of CD8+ T cells, lack of specific IFN-gamma-producing CD8+ T cells, and inability of CD8+ T cells to transfer CS in RAG20/0 mice. RT-PCR and immunohistochemical analysis confirmed that recruitment of CD8+ effectors of CS in the skin at the site of hapten challenge was impaired in orally tolerized mice. Sequential anti-CD4 Ab treatment showed that only depletion of CD4+ T cells during the afferent phase of CS abrogated oral tolerance induction by restoring high numbers of specific CD8+ effectors in lymphoid organs, whereas CD4 depletion during the efferent phase of CS did not affect oral tolerance. These data demonstrate that a single intragastric administration of hapten can block in vivo induction of DNFB-specific CD8+ CTL responsible for tissue inflammation and that a subset of regulatory CD4+ T cells mediate oral tolerance by inhibiting expansion of specific CD8+ effectors in lymph nodes.  相似文献   

This brief review focuses on the way that our understanding of virus-specific CD8(+) T-cell-mediated immunity evolved, giving particular attention to the early impact of the program at the Australian National University. The story developed through a sequence of distinct eras, each of which can be defined in the context of the technologies available at that time. The progress has been enormous, but there is a great deal still to be learned. A particular challenge is to use what we know for human benefit.  相似文献   

Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is one of the best-documented animal models of autoimmune disease. We examined the role of CD8+CD122+ regulatory T cells, which we previously identified as naturally occurring regulatory T cells that effectively regulate CD8+ T cells, in EAE. Depletion of CD8+CD122+ regulatory T cells by in vivo administration of anti-CD122 mAb resulted in persistent EAE symptoms. Transfer of CD8+CD122+ regulatory T cells into EAE mice at the peak EAE score clearly improved symptoms, indicating an important role of CD8+CD122+ regulatory T cells in the recovery phase of EAE. This was further confirmed by an increase and a decrease in the number of infiltrating T cells in the CNS and T cell cytokine production in mice that were depleted of or complemented with CD8+CD122+ cells. Furthermore, transfer of preactivated CD8+CD122+ regulatory T cells resulted in diminished EAE symptoms, especially in the recovery phase of EAE. These results elucidate the essential role of CD8+CD122+ regulatory T cells in the recovery phase of EAE and suggest the preventive effect of preactivated CD8+CD122+ regulatory T cells for EAE.  相似文献   

Memory-phenotype (CD44(hi)) T cells are presumed to represent the long-lived progeny of T cells responding to various environmental antigens. For CD8+ T cells, the background rate of proliferation (turnover) of memory-phenotype cells is increased following exposure to infectious agents. This increase in turnover is controlled by interferons (IFN-I and IFN-gamma) and is mediated by IL-15. Unlike IFNs, IL-15 is directly stimulatory for CD44(hi) CD8+ cells. In addition to controlling proliferation of these cells, IL-15 may also play a vital role in keeping CD44(hi) CD8+ cells alive.  相似文献   

Maternal immunological tolerance of the semiallogeneic fetus involves several overlapping mechanisms to balance maternal immunity and fetal development. Anti-paternal CD8+ T cells are suppressed during pregnancy in some but not all mouse models. Since semen has been shown to mediate immune modulation, we tested whether exposure to paternal Ag during insemination activated or tolerized anti-paternal CD8+ T cells. The uterine lumen of mated female mice contained male MHC I+ cells that stimulated effector, but not naive, CD8+ T cells ex vivo. Maternal MHC class I+ myeloid cells fluxed into the uterine lumen in response to mating and cross-presented male H-Y Ag to effector, but not naive, CD8+ T cells ex vivo. However, neither unprimed nor previously primed TCR-transgenic CD8+ T cells specific for either paternal MHC I or H-Y Ag proliferated in vivo after mating. These T cells subsequently responded normally to i.p. challenge, implicating ignorance rather than anergy as the main reason for the lack of response. CD8+ T cells responded to either peptide Ag or male cells delivered intravaginally in ovariectomized mice, but this response was inhibited by systemic estradiol (inducing an estrus-like state). Subcutaneous Ag induced responses in both cases. Allogeneic dendritic cells did not induce responses intravaginally even in ovariectomized mice in the absence of estradiol. These results suggest that inhibition of antiallogeneic responses is restricted both locally to the reproductive tract and temporally to the estrous phase of the menstrual cycle, potentially decreasing the risk of maternal immunization against paternal Ags during insemination.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which T cells accumulate in the lungs of patients with pulmonary fibrosis are poorly understood. Because the lung is continually exposed to microbial agents from the environment, we repeatedly exposed C57BL/6 mice to the ubiquitous microorganism, Bacillus subtilis, to determine whether chronic exposure to an inhaled microorganism could lead to T cell accumulation in the lungs and subsequent pulmonary fibrosis. C57BL/6 mice repeatedly treated with B. subtilis for 4 consecutive weeks developed a 33-fold increase in the number of CD4+ T cells and a 354-fold increase in gammadelta T cells in the lung. The gammadelta T cells consisted almost entirely of Vgamma6/Vdelta1+ cells, a murine subset bearing an invariant TCR the function of which is still unknown. Treatment of C57BL/6 mice with heat-killed vs live B. subtilis resulted in a 2-fold increase in the number of CD4+ T cells in the lung but no expansion of gammadelta T cells indicating that gammadelta cells accumulate in response to live microorganisms. In addition, mice treated with heat-killed B. subtilis developed significantly increased pulmonary fibrosis compared with mice treated with the live microorganism. Mice deficient in Vgamma6/Vdelta1+ T cells when treated with B. subtilis had a 231-fold increase in lung CD4+ T cells and significantly increased collagen deposition compared with wild-type C57BL/6 mice, consistent with an immunoregulatory role for the Vgamma6/Vdelta1 T cell subset. These findings indicate that chronic inhalation of B. subtilis can result in T cell accumulation in the lung and fibrosis, constituting a new model of immune-mediated pulmonary fibrosis.  相似文献   

CD8+ T cells are involved in autoimmune and infectious myocarditis and cardiac allograft rejection. The role of selectins in cardiac recruitment of CD8+ T cells is not understood. In this study, the contribution of T cell selectin ligands to effector CD8+ T cell recruitment into the heart was examined using a model of myocarditis, which depends on transfer of OVA peptide-specific CD8+ T cells (OT-I) into mice (CMy-mOva) that express OVA in the heart. alpha-(1,3)-Fucosyltransferase (FucT)-VII-deficient OT-I cells displayed over a 95% reduction in their ability to interact with P-selectin under flow conditions in vitro, compared with wild-type OT-I cells. Interaction of FucT-VII-deficient OT-I cells with E-selectin was reduced approximately 50%. FucT-VII-deficient OT-I cells were also less efficiently recruited into a dermal site of Ag and adjuvant injection. Significantly, FucT-VII-deficient OT-I cells were also impaired in their ability to migrate into CMy-mOva hearts, compared with wild-type OT-I cells. Transfer of FucT-VII-deficient T cells caused less severe early myocarditis and myocyte damage than transfer of wild-type T cells. Combined FucT-IV/VII-deficient OT-I cells displayed a more profound reduction in E-selectin interactions in vitro compared with FucT-VII-deficient T cells, and the FucT-IV/VII-deficient T cells also showed less early recruitment and pathogenicity in the CMy-mOva myocarditis model. These results identify a prominent role for selectin ligands in contributing to effector CD8+ T cell recruitment into the myocardium and indicate that selectin-dependent T cell recruitment is relevant to other tissues besides the skin.  相似文献   

Using transgenic mice that express a constitutively active version of STAT5b, we demonstrate that STAT5 plays a key role in governing B cell development and T cell homeostasis. STAT5 activation leads to a 10-fold increase in pro-B, but not pro-T, cells. Conversely, STAT5 signaling promotes the expansion of mature alphabeta T cells (6-fold increase) and gammadelta and NK T cells (3- to 4-fold increase), but not of mature B cells. In addition, STAT5 activation has dramatically divergent effects on CD8(+) vs CD4(+) T cells, leading to the selective expansion of CD8(+) memory-like T cells and CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells. These results establish that activation of STAT5 is the primary mechanism underlying both IL-7/IL-15-dependent homeostatic proliferation of naive and memory CD8(+) T cells and IL-2-dependent development of CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells.  相似文献   

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