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Summary .  We consider variable selection in the Cox regression model ( Cox, 1975 ,  Biometrika   362, 269–276) with covariates missing at random. We investigate the smoothly clipped absolute deviation penalty and adaptive least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) penalty, and propose a unified model selection and estimation procedure. A computationally attractive algorithm is developed, which simultaneously optimizes the penalized likelihood function and penalty parameters. We also optimize a model selection criterion, called the   IC Q    statistic ( Ibrahim, Zhu, and Tang, 2008 ,  Journal of the American Statistical Association   103, 1648–1658), to estimate the penalty parameters and show that it consistently selects all important covariates. Simulations are performed to evaluate the finite sample performance of the penalty estimates. Also, two lung cancer data sets are analyzed to demonstrate the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

This article investigates an augmented inverse selection probability weighted estimator for Cox regression parameter estimation when covariate variables are incomplete. This estimator extends the Horvitz and Thompson (1952, Journal of the American Statistical Association 47, 663-685) weighted estimator. This estimator is doubly robust because it is consistent as long as either the selection probability model or the joint distribution of covariates is correctly specified. The augmentation term of the estimating equation depends on the baseline cumulative hazard and on a conditional distribution that can be implemented by using an EM-type algorithm. This method is compared with some previously proposed estimators via simulation studies. The method is applied to a real example.  相似文献   

Dewanji A  Sengupta D 《Biometrics》2003,59(4):1063-1070
In competing risks data, missing failure types (causes) is a very common phenomenon. In this work, we consider a general missing pattern in which, if a failure type is not observed, one observes a set of possible types containing the true type, along with the failure time. We first consider maximum likelihood estimation with missing-at-random assumption via the expectation maximization (EM) algorithm. We then propose a Nelson-Aalen type estimator for situations when certain information on the conditional probability of the true type given a set of possible failure types is available from the experimentalists. This is based on a least-squares type method using the relationships between hazards for different types and hazards for different combinations of missing types. We conduct a simulation study to investigate the performance of this method, which indicates that bias may be small, even for high proportion of missing data, for sufficiently large number of observations. The estimates are somewhat sensitive to misspecification of the conditional probabilities of the true types when the missing proportion is high. We also consider an example from an animal experiment to illustrate our methodology.  相似文献   

Summary In a typical randomized clinical trial, a continuous variable of interest (e.g., bone density) is measured at baseline and fixed postbaseline time points. The resulting longitudinal data, often incomplete due to dropouts and other reasons, are commonly analyzed using parametric likelihood‐based methods that assume multivariate normality of the response vector. If the normality assumption is deemed untenable, then semiparametric methods such as (weighted) generalized estimating equations are considered. We propose an alternate approach in which the missing data problem is tackled using multiple imputation, and each imputed dataset is analyzed using robust regression (M‐estimation; Huber, 1973 , Annals of Statistics 1, 799–821.) to protect against potential non‐normality/outliers in the original or imputed dataset. The robust analysis results from each imputed dataset are combined for overall estimation and inference using either the simple Rubin (1987 , Multiple Imputation for Nonresponse in Surveys, New York: Wiley) method, or the more complex but potentially more accurate Robins and Wang (2000 , Biometrika 87, 113–124.) method. We use simulations to show that our proposed approach performs at least as well as the standard methods under normality, but is notably better under both elliptically symmetric and asymmetric non‐normal distributions. A clinical trial example is used for illustration.  相似文献   

Analysis of microarray data is associated with the methodological problems of high dimension and small sample size. Various methods have been used for variable selection in highdimension and small sample size cases with a single survival endpoint. However, little effort has been directed toward addressing competing risks where there is more than one failure risks. This study compared three typical variable selection techniques including Lasso, elastic net, and likelihood-based boosting for high-dimensional time-to-event data with competing risks. The performance of these methods was evaluated via a simulation study by analyzing a real dataset related to bladder cancer patients using time-dependent receiver operator characteristic(ROC) curve and bootstrap.632+ prediction error curves. The elastic net penalization method was shown to outperform Lasso and boosting. Based on the elastic net, 33 genes out of 1381 genes related to bladder cancer were selected. By fitting to the Fine and Gray model, eight genes were highly significant(P 0.001). Among them, expression of RTN4, SON, IGF1 R, SNRPE, PTGR1, PLEK, and ETFDH was associated with a decrease in survival time, whereas SMARCAD1 expression was associated with an increase in survival time. This study indicates that the elastic net has a higher capacity than the Lasso and boosting for the prediction of survival time in bladder cancer patients.Moreover, genes selected by all methods improved the predictive power of the model based on only clinical variables, indicating the value of information contained in the microarray features.  相似文献   

Summary Often a binary variable is generated by dichotomizing an underlying continuous variable measured at a specific time point according to a prespecified threshold value. In the event that the underlying continuous measurements are from a longitudinal study, one can use the repeated‐measures model to impute missing data on responder status as a result of subject dropout and apply the logistic regression model on the observed or otherwise imputed responder status. Standard Bayesian multiple imputation techniques ( Rubin, 1987 , in Multiple Imputation for Nonresponse in Surveys) that draw the parameters for the imputation model from the posterior distribution and construct the variance of parameter estimates for the analysis model as a combination of within‐ and between‐imputation variances are found to be conservative. The frequentist multiple imputation approach that fixes the parameters for the imputation model at the maximum likelihood estimates and construct the variance of parameter estimates for the analysis model using the results of Robins and Wang (2000, Biometrika 87, 113–124) is shown to be more efficient. We propose to apply ( Kenward and Roger, 1997 , Biometrics 53, 983–997) degrees of freedom to account for the uncertainty associated with variance–covariance parameter estimates for the repeated measures model.  相似文献   

Summary .  Little and An (2004,  Statistica Sinica   14, 949–968) proposed a penalized spline of propensity prediction (PSPP) method of imputation of missing values that yields robust model-based inference under the missing at random assumption. The propensity score for a missing variable is estimated and a regression model is fitted that includes the spline of the estimated logit propensity score as a covariate. The predicted unconditional mean of the missing variable has a double robustness (DR) property under misspecification of the imputation model. We show that a simplified version of PSPP, which does not center other regressors prior to including them in the prediction model, also has the DR property. We also propose two extensions of PSPP, namely, stratified PSPP and bivariate PSPP, that extend the DR property to inferences about conditional means. These extended PSPP methods are compared with the PSPP method and simple alternatives in a simulation study and applied to an online weight loss study conducted by Kaiser Permanente.  相似文献   

The paper deals with discrete-time regression models to analyze multistate-multiepisode failure time data. The covariate process may include fixed and external as well as internal time dependent covariates. The effects of the covariates may differ among different kinds of failures and among successive episodes. A dynamic form of the logistic regression model is investigated and maximum likelihood estimation of the regression coefficients is discussed. In the last section we give an application of the model to the analysis of survival time after breast cancer operation.  相似文献   

Summary In medical research, the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves can be used to evaluate the performance of biomarkers for diagnosing diseases or predicting the risk of developing a disease in the future. The area under the ROC curve (ROC AUC), as a summary measure of ROC curves, is widely utilized, especially when comparing multiple ROC curves. In observational studies, the estimation of the AUC is often complicated by the presence of missing biomarker values, which means that the existing estimators of the AUC are potentially biased. In this article, we develop robust statistical methods for estimating the ROC AUC and the proposed methods use information from auxiliary variables that are potentially predictive of the missingness of the biomarkers or the missing biomarker values. We are particularly interested in auxiliary variables that are predictive of the missing biomarker values. In the case of missing at random (MAR), that is, missingness of biomarker values only depends on the observed data, our estimators have the attractive feature of being consistent if one correctly specifies, conditional on auxiliary variables and disease status, either the model for the probabilities of being missing or the model for the biomarker values. In the case of missing not at random (MNAR), that is, missingness may depend on the unobserved biomarker values, we propose a sensitivity analysis to assess the impact of MNAR on the estimation of the ROC AUC. The asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators are studied and their finite‐sample behaviors are evaluated in simulation studies. The methods are further illustrated using data from a study of maternal depression during pregnancy.  相似文献   

We investigate the possible bias due to an erroneous missing at random assumption if adjusted odds ratios are estimated from incomplete covariate data using the maximum likelihood principle. A relation between complete case estimates and maximum likelihood estimates allows us to identify situations where the bias vanishes. Numerical computations demonstrate that the bias is most serious if the degree of the violation of the missing at random assumption depends on the value of the outcome variable or of the observed covariate. Implications for the analysis of prospective and retrospective studies are given.  相似文献   

Summary .  In this article, we study the estimation of mean response and regression coefficient in semiparametric regression problems when response variable is subject to nonrandom missingness. When the missingness is independent of the response conditional on high-dimensional auxiliary information, the parametric approach may misspecify the relationship between covariates and response while the nonparametric approach is infeasible because of the curse of dimensionality. To overcome this, we study a model-based approach to condense the auxiliary information and estimate the parameters of interest nonparametrically on the condensed covariate space. Our estimators possess the double robustness property, i.e., they are consistent whenever the model for the response given auxiliary covariates or the model for the missingness given auxiliary covariate is correct. We conduct a number of simulations to compare the numerical performance between our estimators and other existing estimators in the current missing data literature, including the propensity score approach and the inverse probability weighted estimating equation. A set of real data is used to illustrate our approach.  相似文献   

Summary Logistic regression is an important statistical procedure used in many disciplines. The standard software packages for data analysis are generally equipped with this procedure where the maximum likelihood estimates of the regression coefficients are obtained iteratively. It is well known that the estimates from the analyses of small‐ or medium‐sized samples are biased. Also, in finding such estimates, often a separation is encountered in which the likelihood converges but at least one of the parameter estimates diverges to infinity. Standard approaches of finding such estimates do not take care of these problems. Moreover, the missingness in the covariates adds an extra layer of complexity to the whole process. In this article, we address these three practical issues—bias, separation, and missing covariates by means of simple adjustments. We have applied the proposed technique using real and simulated data. The proposed method always finds a solution and the estimates are less biased. A SAS macro that implements the proposed method can be obtained from the authors.  相似文献   

For a linear regression model with random coefficients, this paper considers the estimation of the mean of coefficient vector which, in turn, involves the estimation of variances of random coefficients. The conventional estimation methods for it sometimes provides negative estimates. In order to circumvent this kind of difficulty, a proposal is forwarded and is examined in the light of existing ones.  相似文献   

Wang C  Daniels MJ 《Biometrics》2011,67(3):810-818
Summary Pattern mixture modeling is a popular approach for handling incomplete longitudinal data. Such models are not identifiable by construction. Identifying restrictions is one approach to mixture model identification ( Little, 1995 , Journal of the American Statistical Association 90 , 1112–1121; Little and Wang, 1996 , Biometrics 52 , 98–111; Thijs et al., 2002 , Biostatistics 3 , 245–265; Kenward, Molenberghs, and Thijs, 2003 , Biometrika 90 , 53–71; Daniels and Hogan, 2008 , in Missing Data in Longitudinal Studies: Strategies for Bayesian Modeling and Sensitivity Analysis) and is a natural starting point for missing not at random sensitivity analysis ( Thijs et al., 2002 , Biostatistics 3 , 245–265; Daniels and Hogan, 2008 , in Missing Data in Longitudinal Studies: Strategies for Bayesian Modeling and Sensitivity Analysis). However, when the pattern specific models are multivariate normal, identifying restrictions corresponding to missing at random (MAR) may not exist. Furthermore, identification strategies can be problematic in models with covariates (e.g., baseline covariates with time‐invariant coefficients). In this article, we explore conditions necessary for identifying restrictions that result in MAR to exist under a multivariate normality assumption and strategies for identifying sensitivity parameters for sensitivity analysis or for a fully Bayesian analysis with informative priors. In addition, we propose alternative modeling and sensitivity analysis strategies under a less restrictive assumption for the distribution of the observed response data. We adopt the deviance information criterion for model comparison and perform a simulation study to evaluate the performances of the different modeling approaches. We also apply the methods to a longitudinal clinical trial. Problems caused by baseline covariates with time‐invariant coefficients are investigated and an alternative identifying restriction based on residuals is proposed as a solution.  相似文献   

In this paper, repeated measures with intraclass correlation model is considered when the observations are missing at random. An exact test for the equality of the mean components and simultaneous confidence intervals (Scheffé and Bonferroni inequality types) are given for linear contrasts of the mean components when the missing observations are of a monotone type. When the missing observations are not of the monotone type, the maximum likelihood estimates are obtained numerically by iterative methods given in Srivastava and Carter (1986). These estimators are then used to obtain asymptotic tests and confidence intervals for the equality of mean components and linear contrasts, respectively. An example is given to illustrate the method.  相似文献   

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