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Fatty acid-binding protein and its relation to fatty acid oxidation   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
A relation between fatty acid oxidation capacity and cytosolic FABP content was found in heart and various muscles of the rat. Other tissues do not show such a relation, since they are involved in more or other pathways of fatty acid metabolism. At postnatal development FABP content and fatty acid oxidation capacity rise concomitantly in heart and quadriceps muscle in contrast to in liver and kidney. A dietary fat content of 40 en. % increased only the FABP content of liver and adipose tissue. Peroxisomal proliferators increased fatty acid oxidation in both liver and kidney, but only the FABP content of liver, and had no effect on heart and skeletal muscle. The FABP content of muscle did not show adaptation to various conditions. Only it increased in fast-twitch muscles upon chronic electrostimulation and endurance training.  相似文献   

Adult male rats have been demonstrated to increase food intake in response to administration of drugs that interfere with oxidation of fatty acids (e.g. methyl palmoxirate and mercaptoacetate [MA]), effects that are larger in animals maintained on a high-fat diet. In contrast, while administration of MA has been reported to stimulate food intake in pre-pubertal female rats, food intake is not stimulated by MA in adult female rats. Instead, administration of MA to adult females results in changes in reproductive behavior and physiology. The present experiments were designed to examine the effects of administration of MA on food intake in adult female rats. The results demonstrated that, as previously reported, food intake was stimulated by MA in adult male rats on low-fat and high-fat diets, but food intake was not stimulated by MA in gonadally-intact adult female rats on either low-fat or high-fat diet. Further, MA did not stimulate food intake in female rats ovariectomized as adults. However, when females were ovariectomized prior to the onset of puberty (postnatal day 25–28), food intake was stimulated by administration of MA in adulthood. Finally, cyclic injections of 17-β-estradiol benzoate given to females ovariectomized prior to the onset of puberty abolished the stimulatory effects of MA on food intake in adult females. Taken together, the data suggest that exposure to estrogens during the time of puberty in female rats can persistently alter adult ingestive responding to signals related to changes in energy utilization.  相似文献   

3-Hydroxydicarboxylic acids are major urinary metabolites derived from fatty acid metabolism. These compounds are produced from the omega-oxidation of 3-hydroxy fatty acids. The production of the precursor 3-hydroxy fatty acids from incomplete beta-oxidation of fatty acids in rat liver mitochondria was investigated. Independent of the chain length or the concentration of fatty acid substrates, the accumulation of 3-hydroxyacyl intermediates was relatively constant at the concentration of 3-5 nmol/mg of mitochondrial protein. The extent of the incomplete oxidation was the same in Percoll gradient-purified mitochondria. Rotenone treatment increased the production of 3-hydroxy fatty acids. 3-Hydroxy fatty acids did not exist as pure L-enantiomer as expected from beta-oxidation. Instead, these metabolites were epimerized to a near racemic mixture of D- and L-isomers with a slightly dominant D-isomer (58 +/- 3%). By using deuterium-isotope labeling, the mechanism of epimerizartion was shown to be a rapid dehydration-rehydration through trans-2-enoyl-CoA. In addition, cis-3 and trans-3 fatty acids were produced; these metabolites were derived from the isomerization of trans-2-enoyl-CoA. Epimerase and isomerase were thought to be enzymes involved in the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids. Current data have shown that the metabolism of these acids is actually through NADPH-dependent reduction pathways. The activities of epimerase and isomerase detected in rat liver mitochondria possibly function mainly in the metabolism of saturated fatty acids in a reverse role to the conventional concept.  相似文献   

The fate of the acetyl-CoA units released during peroxisomal fatty acid oxidation was studied in isolated hepatocytes from normal and peroxisome-proliferated rats. Ketogenesis and hydrogen peroxide generation were employed as indicators of mitochondrial and peroxisomal fatty acid oxidation, respectively. Butyric and hexanoic acids were employed as mitochondrial substrates, 1, omega-dicarboxylic acids as predominantly peroxisomal substrates, and lauric acid as a substrate for both mitochondria and peroxisomes. Ketogenesis from dicarboxylic acids was either absent or very low in normal and peroxisome-proliferated hepatocytes, but free acetate release was detected at rates that could account for all the acetyl-CoA produced in peroxisomes by dicarboxylic and also by monocarboxylic acids. Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation also led to free acetate generation but at low rates relative to ketogenesis. The origin of the acetate released was confirmed employing [1-14C]dodecanedioic acid. Thus, the activity of peroxisomes might contribute significantly to the free acetate generation known to occur during fatty acid oxidation in rats and possibly also in humans.  相似文献   

Evidence supporting a common peroxisomal beta-oxidation pathway for the coenzyme A thioesters of medium-chain-length dicarboxylic acids (DCn-CoA) and monocarboxylic acids (MCn-CoA) has been obtained. Using the mono-CoA esters of dodecanedioic acid (DC12-CoA) and lauroyl-CoA (MC12-CoA) as substrates, parallel inductions of activities and parallel increases in specific activities during purification of peroxisomal fatty acyl-CoA oxidase (EC from rat liver after di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate treatment were seen. The purified enzyme was used for antiserum production in rabbits; antiserum specificity was verified by immunoblot analysis. Coincident losses of oxidase activities with MC12-CoA and DC12-CoA were found in immunotitration experiments with rat liver homogenates, supporting the hypothesis that peroxisomal fatty acyl-CoA oxidase is solely responsible for the oxidation of medium-chain length dicarboxylic acid substrates. Kinetic studies with purified enzyme using the mono-CoA esters of sebacic (DC10-CoA), suberic (DC8-CoA), and adipic (DC6-CoA) acids along with DC12-CoA revealed substrate inhibition. Although these substrates exhibited similar calculated Vmax values, with decreasing chain length, the combination of increasing Km values and decreasing substrate inhibition constant (Ki) caused the maximum obtainable velocity to decrease. These studies offer an explanation for the previously observed limit of the ability of peroxisomes to chain-shorten dicarboxylates and increased urinary excretion of adipic acid when peroxisomal oxidation of dicarboxylic acids is enhanced.  相似文献   

The importance of fat oxidation and fatty acid synthesis were examined in rats fed approximately one half their ad libitum food intake for a period of 13 days followed by 7 days of ad libitum feeding (refed rats). This study was undertaken because previous reports demonstrated that refed rats rapidly accumulated body fat. Our results confirmed this observation: refed rats accrued body fat and body weight at rates that were approximately 3 times higher than controls. Evidence for a period of increased metabolic efficiency was demonstrated by measuring the net energy requirement for maintenance over the refeeding period: refed rats had a reduced metabolic rate during the period of energy restriction (approximately 30% lower than control) and this persisted up to 2 days after the reintroduction of ad libitum feeding. The major factor responsible for the rapid fat gain was a depressed rate of fatty acid oxidation. Calculations of protein and carbohydrate intake over the refeeding period showed that the simplest explanation for the decrease in fatty acid oxidation is fat sparing. This is possible because of the large increase in dietary carbohydrate and protein intake during the refeeding period when metabolic rates are still depressed. The increased carbohydrate and protein may adequately compensate for the increasing energy requirements of the ER rats over the refeeding period affording rats the luxury of storing the excess dietary fat energy.  相似文献   

MLCTs, which are randomly interesterified triacylglycerol containing medium- and long-chain fatty acids in the same glycerol molecule, showed significantly higher acyl-CoA dehydrogenase activity when measured by using butyryl-CoA, octanoyl-CoA, and palmitoyl-CoA as substrates than long-chain triacylglycerol one hour after a single administration to rats. These results suggest that not only medium-chain fatty acid oxidation, but also long-chain fatty acid oxidation were increased in the liver of rats administered with MLCT.  相似文献   

Inhibition of fatty acid oxidation with pent-4-enoate in suckling newborn rats caused a fall in blood [glucose] and blood [ketone bodies] and inhibition of gluconeogenesis from lactate. Glucose utilization was not increased in newborn rats injected with pent-4-enoate. Active fatty acid oxidation appears to be essential to support gluconeogenesis and to maintain normal blood [glucose] in suckling newborn rats.  相似文献   

Seven Z-octadecenoic acids having the double bond located in positions 6Z to 13Z were photooxidized. The resulting hydroperoxy-E-octadecenoic acids [HpOME(E)] were resolved by chiral phase-HPLC-MS, and the absolute configurations of the enantiomers were determined by gas chromatographic analysis of diastereoisomeric derivatives. The MS/MS/MS spectra showed characteristic fragments, which were influenced by the distance between the hydroperoxide and carboxyl groups. These fatty acids were then investigated as substrates of cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1), manganese lipoxygenase (MnLOX), and the (8R)-dioxygenase (8R-DOX) activities of two linoleate diol synthases (LDS) and 10R-DOX. COX-1 and MnLOX abstracted hydrogen at C-11 of (12Z)-18:1 and C-12 of (13Z)-18:1. (11Z)-18:1 was subject to hydrogen abstraction at C-10 by MnLOX and at both allylic positions by COX-1. Both allylic hydrogens of (8Z)-18:1 were also abstracted by 8R-DOX activities of LDS and 10R-DOX, but only the allylic hydrogens close to the carboxyl groups of (11Z)-18:1 and (12Z)-18:1. 8R-DOX also oxidized monoenoic C(14)-C(20) fatty acids with double bonds at the (9Z) position, suggesting that the length of the omega end has little influence on positioning for oxygenation. We conclude that COX-1 and MnLOX can readily abstract allylic hydrogens of octadecenoic fatty acids from C-10 to C-12 and 8R-DOX from C-7 and C-12.  相似文献   

Candida cloacae cells oxidize long-chain fatty acids to their corresponding dicarboxylic acids (dioic acids) at rates dependent on their chain length and degree of saturation. This is despite the well-known toxicity of the fatty acids. Among the saturated substrates, the oxidation is limited to lauric acid (C12). The addition of pristane (5% v/v), which acts as an inert carrier for the poorly water-soluble substrate, boosts the oxidation of lauric acid to a rate that is comparable to that of dodecane. When dissolved in pristane, myristic (C14) and palmitic (C16) acids are effective carbon sources for C. cloacae, but dioic acid production is very low. Media glucose concentration and pH also influence cell growth and productivity. After the glucose is depleted, oxidation is optimal at a low pH. A two-phase (pristane/water) reaction was tested in a 2-l stirred tank bioreactor in which growth and oxidation were separated. A 50% w/w conversion of lauric acid (10 g/l) to dodecanedioic acid was achieved. The bioreactor also alleviated poor mass transfer characteristics experienced in shake flasks.  相似文献   

Beta oxidation of fatty acids   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

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