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Muscimol and t-butylbicyclophosphorothionate (TBPS) are known to label two distinct sites within the gamma-aminobutyric acidA (GABAA) receptor complex, i.e., the GABA recognition site and the chloride ionophore, respectively. Age-dependent changes in the specific binding of [3H]muscimol and [35S]TBPS were compared in membranes prepared from the cerebral cortex of rats, 2-800 days old. Perinatal (day 2) binding of muscimol and TBPS represented 8 and 20% of the respective values for adults (day 180). After the first week, muscimol binding increased more rapidly than TBPS binding. Levels near those of adults were reached at day 20 and remained practically unchanged in adulthood (day 180). In aged (780-day-old) rats, the binding of TBPS was significantly reduced, whereas muscimol binding did not change compared with adult values. This decrease of TBPS binding derived from a reduced density of binding sites, rather than from affinity changes. The allosteric responsiveness of TBPS binding to exogenous GABA was also reduced in aged animals. These findings indicate an age-related change in the molecular (structural) organization of the GABAA receptor-chloride ionophore complex in rat cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

Abstract: The effect of lindane administration on the specific binding of ligands to different sites on the GABAA receptor-ionophore complex was studied in the rat brain by receptor mapping autoradiography. [3H]Muscimol (Mus), [3H]flunitrazepam (Flu), and t -[35S]butylbicyclophosphorothionate (TBPS) were used as specific ligands of GABA, benzodiazepine, and picrotoxinin binding sites, respectively. Rats received a single oral dose of 30 mg/kg lindane and they were classified into two groups according to the absence or presence of convulsions. Vehicle-treated groups acted as controls. The effect of the xenobiotic on ligand binding was measured in different brain areas and nuclei 12 min or 5 h after its administration. Lindane induced a generalized decrease in [35S]TBPS binding, which was present shortly after dosing. In addition, [3H]Flu binding was increased in lindane-treated animals, this modification also appearing shortly after administration but diminishing during the studied time. Finally, lindane induced a decrease in [3H]Mus binding, which became more evident over time. These modifications were observed both in the presence and in the absence of convulsions. However, an increase in [3H]-Mus binding was detected shortly after lindane-induced convulsions. The observed decrease in [35S]TBPS binding is in agreement with the postulated action of lindane at the picrotoxinin binding site of the GABAA receptor chloride channel. The effects observed on the binding of [3H]Flu and [3H]Mus may be secondary to the action of lindane as an allosteric antagonist of the GABAA receptor.  相似文献   

The binding of t-[35S]butylbicyclophosphorothionate [( 35S]TBPS) to a site on the GABAA receptor complex is ion dependent. This study was conducted to determine the effects of ion species and concentration on the time course, affinity, and number of sites of [35S]TBPS binding. At a concentration of 200 mM ion, the time to equilibrium for [35S]TBPS binding was shortest for I-, followed by Br- less than Cl- less than F-. A similar rank order was observed for the concentration of ion required to produce half-maximal [35S]TBPS binding. Saturation binding experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of increasing ion concentration on the KD and Bmax of [35S]TBPS binding. The Bmax was independent of both ion species and concentration. The receptor affinity, however, increased with increasing concentration for each ion. Calculated maximal affinity values were not different between ions; however, the EC50 to produce those values was different among ions and ranked in the same order as that for time course and maximal binding data. Association and dissociation rates for [35S]TBPS binding were greater in I- than in Cl-. These data emphasize the importance of ion selection and incubation times on [35S]TBPS binding.  相似文献   

The effect of the general anesthetic propofol on t-[35S]butylbicyclophosphorothionate ([35S]TBPS) binding to unwashed membrane preparations from rat cerebral cortex was studied and compared to that of other general anesthetics (pentobarbital, alphaxalone) which are known to enhance GABAergic transmission. Propofol produced a concentration-dependent complete inhibition of [35S]TBPS binding, an effect similar to that induced by pentobarbital and alphaxalone, although these agents differ markedly in potency (alphaxalone greater than propofol greater than pentobarbital). The concomitant addition of propofol either with alphaxalone or pentobarbital produced an additive inhibition of [35S]TBPS binding, suggesting separate sites of action or different mechanisms of these drugs. Moreover, although bicuculline (0.1 microM) completely antagonized the propofol-induced inhibition of [35S]TBPS binding, the effect of this anesthetic was not due to a direct interaction with the gamma-aminobutyric acidA (GABAA) recognition site. In fact, propofol, like alphaxalone and pentobarbital, markedly enhanced [3H]GABA binding in the rat cerebral cortex. Finally, propofol was able to enhance [3H]GABA binding in membranes previously incubated with the specific chloride channel blocker picrotoxin. Taken together these data strongly suggest that propofol, like other anesthetics and positive modulators of GABAergic transmission, might exert its pharmacological effects by enhancing the function of the GABA-activated chloride channel.  相似文献   

The characteristics of [3H]strychnine and t-[35S]-butylbicyclophosphorothionate ([35S]TBPS) binding to sites associated with glycine- and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-gated chloride channels were compared in the presence of a series of anions with known permeabilities through these channels. Good correlations were found between (a) the potencies (EC50) of these anions to stimulate radioligand binding and their permeabilities relative to chloride; (b) the affinities (KD) of these radioligands in the presence of fixed concentrations of these anions and their relative permeabilities; (c) the potencies (EC50) of these anions to stimulate [35S]TBPS and [3H]strychnine binding; and (d) the affinities (KD) of [3H]strychnine and [35S]TBPS measured at a fixed concentration of these anions. These studies support electrophysiological and biochemical observations demonstrating similarities between glycine- and GABA-gated chloride channels, and suggest that anions enhance [3H]strychnine and [35S]TBPS binding through specific anion binding sites located at the channels.  相似文献   

Abstract: The multisubunit γ-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptor is heterogeneous in molecular and pharmacological aspects. We used quantitative autoradiographic techniques to generate detailed pharmacological profiles for the binding of the GABAA-receptor ionophore ligand tert -[35S]butylbicyclophosphorothionate ([35S]TBPS) and its modulation by GABA and the GABAA antagonists bicuculline and 2'-(3'-carboxy-2',3'-propyl)-3-amino-6- p -methoxyphenylpyrazinium bromide (SR 95531). Regional differences in the actions of bicuculline and SR 95531 were correlated with the expression of 13 GABAA subunits in brain as reported previously. In some brain regions SR 95531 reduced [35S]TBPS binding much more than bicuculline, as illustrated by high ratios of bicuculline- to SR 95531-modulated [35S]TBPS binding. This ratio correlated positively with α2-subunit mRNA levels. Binding that was equally affected by SR 95531 and bicuculline occurred prominently in regions with abundant α1 mRNA expression. The present findings thus reveal a novel pharmacological heterogeneity based on differences between α1 and α2 subunit-containing GABAA receptors. The data aid in developing GABAA-receptor subtype-specific antagonists and in establishing receptor domains critical for the actions of GABAA antagonists.  相似文献   

t-[35S]Butylbicyclophosphorothionate Binding Sites in Invertebrate Tissues   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Specific high affinity binding of the cage convulsant t-[35S]butylbicyclophosphorothionate (TBPS) was observed in membrane homogenates of housefly heads and crayfish abdominal muscles. [35S]TBPS binding in these two invertebrate tissues was inhibited by biologically active cage convulsants, picrotoxin analogs, and barbiturates. The housefly binding sites were inhibited most potently by several insecticides. Approximately 50% of total binding was displaceable by excess (0.1 mM) nonradioactive TBPS, picrotoxinin, ethyl bicyclophosphate, or dieldrin. Optimal binding assay conditions for housefly homogenates included pH 7.5, 22 degrees C temperature, 0.3 M chloride concentration, and incubation for 60 min; for crayfish homogenates, 4 degrees C temperature and 150-min incubations were optimal. Scatchard plots of equilibrium binding indicated one site in both tissues (KD = 50 nM, Bmax = 250 fmol/mg protein in housefly; KD = 25 nM, Bmax = 100 fmol/mg protein in crayfish). Association kinetics in housefly were consistent with one rate constant (k+1 = 8 X 10(6) M-1 min-1), but dissociation was described better by two rate constants (k-1 = 0.28 min-1 and 0.042 min-1; calculated KD values of 80 nM and 12 nM). Displacement by cage convulsants showed Hill numbers near 0.5, also consistent with two populations of affinity, while displacement by other drugs showed Hill numbers near 1.0. [35S]TBPS binding in insects was most potently inhibited by the insecticides dieldrin (IC50 = 50 nM), aldrin, and lindane (200 nM), in a stereospecific manner, consistent with this binding site being the receptor for biological toxicity. [35S]TBPS binding was also inhibited by relatively high concentrations of some pyrethroid insecticides, such as deltamethrin and cypermethrin (1-2 microM).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effect of early undernutrition and dietary rehabilitation on [3H]gamma-aminobutyric acid ([3H]GABA) binding in rat brain cerebral cortex and hippocampus was examined. Undernourished animals were obtained by exposing their mothers to a protein-deficient diet during both gestation and lactation. Saturation analysis of [3H]GABA binding in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus revealed high- and low-affinity components in the undernourished group, whereas control animals possessed only a low-affinity site. The concentration of low-affinity binding sites was greater in the undernourished animals. Rehabilitation of undernourished animals completely abolished the binding site differences. Treatment of brain membranes with Triton X-100 yielded two binding components in both the undernourished and control animals, although the concentration of lower affinity sites was still greater in the undernourished group. Neither the efficacy nor the potency of GABA to activate benzodiazepine binding in cerebral cortex was modified by undernutrition. These data suggest that early undernourishment modifies the characteristics of [3H]GABA binding, perhaps by reducing the brain content of endogenous inhibitors of the higher affinity binding site. The lack of effect on GABA-activated benzodiazepine binding suggests the possibility that neither the high- nor the low-affinity GABA binding sites are coupled to this receptor component.  相似文献   

Abstract: The effects of GABA on the kinetics of tert -[35S]butylbicyclophosphorothionate ([35S]TBPS) binding to the convulsant site of GABAA receptors were studied in membrane suspensions from the cerebral cortex of newborn (1-day-old) and adult (90-day-old) rats. TBPS dissociation was biphasic in neonates and adults, indicating that more than one interconvertible state of [35S]TBPS binding sites may be present in the cerebral cortex. In the absence of GABA, the fast ( t 1/2, 11 min) and slow ( t 1/2, 77 min) components of TBPS dissociation in newborn rats were approximately fourfold slower than in adults. The acceleration of the dissociation rates caused by 2 µ M GABA, however, was more robust in neonates than in adults (six- to ninefold vs. twofold increase, respectively). Moreover, the dissociation rates of TBPS in membranes preincubated with 2 µ M GABA (dissociation started by adding 40 µ M picrotoxin) were two- to fourfold slower than in membranes preincubated without GABA (dissociation started by adding 40 µ M picrotoxin plus 2 µ M GABA). Taken together, these results suggest that (1) the closed state of GABAA receptors is associated with a more effective steric barrier for the binding of TBPS in neonates compared with adults, (2) GABA produces a larger acceleration of the binding kinetics of TBPS in neonates than in adults, and (3) long incubations with GABA may cause receptor desensitization, which in turn slows down the dissociation rates of TBPS.  相似文献   

The allosteric modulation of t-[35S]butylbicyclophosphorothionate binding by flunitrazepam was studied in well-washed brain membranes prepared from control and swim-stressed rats. Swim stress has been reported to decrease the KD and increase the Bmax of this radioligand. Flunitrazepam increased radioligand binding with equal potency (EC50 approximately 11 nM) in both groups, but the maximal enhancement (efficacy) produced by this drug was significantly greater in control than in swim-stressed rats. Ro 15-1788 (a benzodiazepine receptor antagonist) blocked the effect of flunitrazepam on t-[35S]butylbicyclophosphorothionate binding in both groups. This increase in t-[35S]butylbicyclophosphorothionate binding resulted from a significant reduction in KD with no alteration in Bmax. The KD values obtained in cortical membranes of control rats after addition of flunitrazepam were not significantly different from those in the swim-stressed group. Preincubation of cortical homogenates from control animals with flunitrazepam prior to extensive tissue washing resulted in Bmax and KD values of t-[35S]butylbicyclophosphorothionate similar to those obtained in stressed animals. These findings suggest that stress and flunitrazepam may share a common mechanism in regulating t-[35S]butylbicyclophosphorothionate binding and support the concept that stress-induced modification of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-gated chloride channels in the CNS results from the release of an endogenous modulator (with benzodiazepine-like properties) of the benzodiazepine-GABA receptor chloride ionophore receptor complex.  相似文献   

Specific binding of [35S]t-butylbicyclophosphorothionate (TBPS) to membranes from cerebral hemispheres of adult rat and chicken was determined over a range of radioligand concentrations from 0.25 to 500 nM. Scatchard plots of these data were curvilinear and nonlinear regression analysis indicated binding to two sites that differ in affinity. For rat cerebrum, KD(1) = 1.15 nM, Bmax(1) = 0.085 pmol/mg; KD(2) = 232 nM, Bmax(2) = 16.9 pmol/mg. For chicken cerebrum, KD(1) = 1.39 nM, Bmax(1) = 0.111 pmol/mg; KD(2) = 166 nM, Bmax(2) = 17.6 pmol/mg. This multiplicity of [35S]TBPS binding was further confirmed when unlabeled TBPS or picrotoxinin displaced radioligand. The displacement curves were biphasic and yielded Hill coefficients from 0.65 to 0.70. These displacement curves were also resolved into two components with distinct IC50 values for unlabeled TBPS (rat, 1.55 and 271 nM; chicken, 2.40 and 224 nM). The IC50 values were similar to the dissociation constants obtained from equilibrium binding measurements.  相似文献   

Abstract: Endomorphin-1 is a peptide whose binding selectivity suggests a role as an endogenous ligand at μ-opioid receptors. In the present study, the effect of endomorphin-1 on μ receptor-coupled G proteins was compared with that of the μ agonist DAMGO by using agonist-stimulated [35S]GTPγS binding in rat brain. [35S]GTPγS autoradiography revealed a similar localization of endomorphin-1 and DAMGO-stimulated [35S]GTPγS binding in areas including thalamus, caudate-putamen, amygdala, periaqueductal gray, parabrachial nucleus, and nucleus tractus solitarius. Naloxone blocked endomorphin-1-stimulated labeling in all regions examined. Although the distribution of endomorphin-1-stimulated [35S]GTPγS binding resembled that of DAMGO, the magnitude of endomorphin-1-stimulated binding was significantly lower than that produced by DAMGO. Concentration-effect curves of endomorphin-1 and DAMGO in thalamic membranes confirmed that endomorphin-1 produced only 70% of DAMGO-stimulated [35S]GTPγS binding. Differences in maximal stimulation of [35S]GTPγS binding between DAMGO and endomorphin-1 were magnified by increasing GDP concentrations, and saturation analysis of net endomorphin-1-stimulated [35S]GTPγS binding revealed a lower apparent B max value than that obtained with DAMGO. Endomorphin-1 also partially antagonized DAMGO stimulation of [35S]GTPγS binding. These results demonstrate that endomorphin-1 is a partial agonist for G protein activation at the μ-opioid receptor in brain.  相似文献   

Significant differences were demonstrated between the long-sleep (LS) and short-sleep (SS) selected mouse lines in the abilities of barbiturates and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) to inhibit t-[35S]butylbicyclophosphorothionate [( 35S]TBPS) binding to well-washed cerebral cortical membranes. Thus, using phenobarbital to initiate the dissociation of [35S]TBPS, the extent of inhibition was significantly greater in LS mice (but not SS mice) than would be predicted using equilibrium conditions. Pentobarbital had the opposite effect, causing [35S]TBPS to dissociate to a greater extent in SS than LS membranes. [35S]TBPS binding was dissociated from LS and SS membranes by GABA to a greater and lesser extent, respectively, than would be predicted from equilibrium studies. Because no line differences in the potencies of these drugs to inhibit [35S]TBPS binding were found using equilibrium conditions, these results indicate that the association rates of barbiturates and GABA may be different between these lines. These findings are consistent with neurochemical studies indicating differences in the benzodiazepine/GABA receptor-chloride channel complex in these selected lines and may explain their differential sensitivities to certain agents acting through this supramolecular complex.  相似文献   

The effect of in vivo administration of ethanol on the gamma-aminobutyric acidA (GABAA) receptor-coupled chloride channel was studied by measuring ex vivo t-[35S]butylbicyclophosphorothionate ([35S]TBPS) binding in the rat cerebral cortex. Intragastric administration of ethanol (0.5-1 g/kg) elicited in 40 min a significant decrease of [35S]TBPS binding to unwashed cortical membrane preparations, an effect mimicked by diazepam (0.5-1 mg/kg, i.p.). However, Scatchard plot analysis indicated that, unlike the case with diazepam, the decrease was entirely due to a reduction in the apparent affinity of [35S]TBPS receptors with no change in the total number of binding sites. Moreover, ethanol, like diazepam, reduced the increase of [35S]TBPS binding elicited by isoniazid (350 mg/kg, s.c.), an inhibitor of the GABAergic transmission. Finally, ethanol markedly potentiated the inhibitory action of diazepam on [35S]TBPS binding. The results suggest that ethanol, like benzodiazepines, enhances the function of the GABAA-coupled chloride channel.  相似文献   

Abstract: The binding of [3H]bicuculline methochloride (BMC) to mammalian brain membranes was characterized and compared with that of [3H]γ-aminobutyric acid ([3H]GABA). The radiolabeled GABA receptor antagonist showed significant displaceable binding in Tris-citrate buffer that was improved by high concentrations of chloride, iodide, or thiocyanate, reaching >50% displacement in the presence of 0.1 M SCN?. An apparent single class of binding sites for [3H]BMC (KD= 30 nM) was observed in 0.1 M SCN? for fresh or frozen rat cortex or several regions of frozen and thawed bovine brain. The Bmax was about 2 pmol bound/mg of crude mitochondrial plus microsomal membranes from unfrozen washed and osmotically shocked rat cortex, similar to that for [3H]GABA. Frozen membranes, however, showed decreased levels of [3H]BMC binding with no decrease or an actual increase in [3H]GABA binding sites. [3H]BMC binding was inhibited by GABA receptor specific ligands, but showed a higher affinity for antagonists and lower affinity for agonists than did [3H]GABA binding. Kinetics experiments with [3H]GABA binding revealed that low- and high-affinity sites showed a similar pharmacological specificity for a series of GABA receptor ligands, but that whereas all agonists had a higher affinity for slowly dissociating high-affinity [3H]GABA sites, bicuculline had a higher affinity for rapidly dissociating low-affinity [3H]GABA sites. This reverse potency between agonists and antagonists during assay of radioactive antagonists or agonists supports the existence of agonist- and antagonist-preferring conformational states or subpopulations of GABA receptors. The differential affinities, as well as opposite effects on agonist and antagonist binding by anions, membrane freezing, and other treatments, suggest that [3H]BMC may relatively selectively label low-affinity GABA receptor agonist sites. This study, using a new commercially available preparation of [3H]bicuculline methochloride, confirms the report of bicuculline methiodide binding by Mohler and Okada (1978), and suggests that this radioactive GABA antagonist will be a valuable probe in analyzing various aspects of GABA receptors.  相似文献   

t-[3H]Butylbicycloorthobenzoate [( 3H]TBOB; 22 Ci/mmol) was prepared by reductive dechlorination of its 4-chlorophenyl analog with tritium gas. This new radioligand binds reversibly to fresh washed rat brain P2 membranes in 500 mM NaCl plus 50 mM sodium-potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) at 25 degrees C, with 80-90% specific relative to total binding, a KD of 61 +/- 15 nM, and a Bmax of 1.6 +/- 0.5 pmol/mg of protein. [3H]TBOB association with its binding site(s) is monophasic, but its dissociation is biphasic. The binding characteristics of [3H]TBOB are essentially identical to those of t-[35S]butylbicyclophosphorothionate [( 35S]TBPS) with respect to pH dependence, stimulation by anions, regional distribution in the brain, and pharmacological profile. Saturation analyses and dissociation studies further indicate that TBOB and TBPS have a common binding site. However, binding of the two radioligands differs in respect to temperature effects. In contrast to [35S]TBPS, which exhibits negligible binding at 0 degrees C, [3H]TBOB binds to rat brain membranes at 0, 25, and 37 degrees C with similar KD values. [3H]TBOB with its long radioactive half-life and temperature-independent KD is a valuable supplement to [35S]TBPS in further biochemical and pharmacological characterization of the gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor-ionophore complex.  相似文献   

Abstract: The binding of [3H] γ-aminobutyric acid ([3H]GABA) and [3H]muscimol has been studied in purified synaptic plasma membrane (SPM) preparations from rat brain. Scatchard analysis of specific binding (defined as that displaced by 100 μMγ-aminobutyrate) indicated that the binding of both radiolabelled ligands was best described by a two component Langmuir adsorption isotherm. The apparent KD and Bmax values for [3H]GABA at 4°C were KD1, 20 nM; KD2,165 nM; Bmax1, 0.48 pmol;Bmax2, 6.0 pmol. mg?1; for [3H]muscimol at 4°C they were: KD1, 1.75 nM; KD2, 17.5 nM; Bmaxl, 0.84 pmol. mg?1; Bmax2, 4.8 pmol.mg?1; and for [3H]muscimol at 37°C they were: KD1, 7.0 nM; Km, 60 nM; Bmax], 0.5 pmol-mg?1; Bmax2, 7.2 pmol-mg1. Under the experimental conditions used, the similar Bmilx values for [3H]GABA and [3H]muscimol binding to the SPM preparations suggests that the high- and low-affinity components for the two radiolabeled ligands are identical. The effects of the GAB A antagonist bicuculline on the binding of [3H]muscimol at 4CC and 37°C were studied. At 4°C, antagonism of muscimol binding appeared to be competitive at the high-affinity site but noncompetitive at the low-affinity site. At 37°C, antagonism was again competitive at the high-affinity site but was of a mixed competitive/noncompetitive nature at the low-affinity site. Assuming that binding to the high-affinity site is associated with the pharmacological actions of bicuculline, the apparent KD values obtained suggest a pA2 value of 5.3 against [3H]muscimol at 4°C and 37°C. This figure is in good agreement with several estimates of the potency of bicuculline based on pharmacological measurements. Results from displacement studies using [3H]GABA and [3H]muscimol suggest that [3H]GABA might be a more satisfactory ligand than [3H]muscimol in GABA radioreceptor assays.  相似文献   

The interaction of isoproterenol with beta-adrenergic receptor (beta AR) binding sites was measured in membranes prepared from rat brain cerebral cortical slices previously incubated in the presence or absence of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor agonists. Both GABA and baclofen, but not isoguvacine, altered beta AR agonist binding by increasing the affinity of both the low- and high-affinity binding sites and by increasing the proportion of low-affinity receptors. The response to baclofen was stereoselective, and the effect of GABA was not inhibited by bicuculline. The results suggest that GABAB, but not GABAA, receptor activation modifies the coupling between beta AR and stimulatory guanine nucleotide-binding protein, which may in part explain the ability of baclofen to augment isoproterenol-stimulated cyclic AMP accumulation in brain slices.  相似文献   

An antagonistic effect of calcium on the action of morphine was studied in rat hippocampal slices. The effect of repeated administration of morphine on gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) release and binding of [3H]nitrendipine, a calcium antagonist, was also examined. (1) In rat brain hippocampal slices, morphine enlarged the amplitude of the field potentials evoked in pyramidal neurons, disinhibiting them through basket cells. When the calcium concentration was elevated, potentiation of the field potentials by morphine was reduced. Decrease of the calcium concentration, on the other hand, enhanced the potentiating effect of morphine. Following repeated administration of morphine, its enhancing effect on the field potentials in slices was not observed. (2) In hippocampal membrane fractions obtained from rats repeatedly treated with morphine, enhancement of [3H]nitrendipine binding was observed. (3) In hippocampal slice preparations from rats receiving morphine repeatedly, K+ (45 mM)-stimulated [3H]GABA efflux was enhanced. The above results indicate that morphine antagonizes calcium, thereby reducing the release of transmitters. Furthermore, increase in calcium channels following repeated treatment of rats with morphine may explain the mechanism underlying development of tolerance.  相似文献   

The binding of [3H]diazepam and [3H]ethyl-beta-carboline carboxylate (beta-CCE) to rat brain membranes has been studied following injection of the ligand via a tail vein. "Ex vivo" binding was avoided by homogenising the tissue in an excess of unlabelled ligand. The dissociation rate constant for [3H]diazepam and [3H]beta-CCE was approximately 0.46 min-1 at 0 degree C. Displacement of [3H]diazepam by beta-CCE in vivo showed regional variation: the dose of beta-CCE required to inhibit 50% of [3H]diazepam binding in the cerebellum was one quarter of that required in the cortex, hippocampus, or striatum. However, when diazepam was used to displace [3H]beta-CCE in vivo the converse occurred: the dose needed for 50% inhibition in the cerebellum was more than four times that required in the other three regions. These findings support suggestions from in vitro experiments that two receptors exist with different affinities for benzodiazepines and beta-carbolines. The benzodiazepine receptor antagonist Ro 15-1788 did not differentiate between the two receptor subtypes.  相似文献   

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