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Phenobarbital (1-2 × 10-4M) markedly increases the frequency of miniature end-plate potentials at the neuromuscular synapse of the frog. This effect was seen in calcium free media containing EGTA. The drug probably acts presynaptically at an intracellular locus to increase the presynaptic free calcium concentration. 相似文献
In experiments on neuromuscular junctions in the frog m. cutaneous-pectoris, changes in the intensity and asynchronicity of transmitter release during high-frequency (10 and 50 sec-1) rhythmic stimulation of the motor nerve were investigated using extracellular recording. At low extracellular Ca2+ concentrations, rhythmic stimulation resulted in a gradual enlargement of the quantum content of end-plate currents (EPC), the so-called facilitation. The latter phenomenon was accompanied by an increase in the average value and variance of synaptic delays of single-quantum EPC, a shift of the main mode of their distribution towards greater values, and an increase in the latency of the nerve ending responses. The above-described changes reduce the magnitude of facilitation in the neuromuscular synapse. 相似文献
The interaction between the cholinergic and purinergic receptors in the frog neuromuscular junction was studied using a standard microelectrode technique. The inhibitory action of an acetylcholine analog, carbachol, on transmitter release virtually disappeared when the releasing machinery was initially blocked by adenosine, indicating the existence of a functional cross-talk between the purinergic and cholinergic receptors. 相似文献
New Step in Transmitter Release at the Myoneural Junction 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
QUANTAL release of acetylcholine from vesicles in the presynaptic terminals of neuromuscular synapses is well established1–3, even if some doubts persist4. The mechanism by which acetylcholine (or any other transmitter at other synapses) is transferred from the vesicles into the synaptic gap, however, is unknown. A calcium influx into the terminal is associated with release of transmitter5, as is an electrical field change6. 相似文献
Strunsky E. G. Borisover M. D. Nikolsky E. E. Vyskočil F. 《Neurochemical research》2001,26(8-9):891-897
The effects of carbachol (CCh) on the frequency (f) of the miniature endplate potentials were tested at temperatures between 5 and 30°C. Higher CCh concentrations, 1 × 10–5 and 5 × 10–6 M, reduced the f to 60% and the temperature dependence was negligible. However, an inverse temperature dependence was found when low concentrations 3 × 10–7 and 6 × 10–7 M were applied. The depression of f was 40–50% in 5–10°C but only 10–20% of the control in the 25 and 30°C. During application of CCh, the new steady of f was reached at temperatures between 5 and 30°C within 17–20 min (Q10 = 1.07). Much greater temperature dependence of recovery was observed during washing out CCh (Q10 = 1.6). The temperature-independence of the steady state effects of CCh, good agreement with Langmuir adsorption-desorption theory and non-steady kinetics indicate that physical rather than receptor-mediated events are responsible for the depression of f. 相似文献
An Excess-Calcium-Binding-Site Model Predicts Neurotransmitter Release at the Neuromuscular Junction
Ellyn Gray Joshua Karslake Benjamin?B. Machta Sarah?L. Veatch 《Biophysical journal》2013,104(12):2751-2763
Despite decades of intense experimental studies, we still lack a detailed understanding of synaptic function. Fortunately, using computational approaches, we can obtain important new insights into the inner workings of these important neural systems. Here, we report the development of a spatially realistic computational model of an entire frog active zone in which we constrained model parameters with experimental data, and then used Monte Carlo simulation methods to predict the Ca2+-binding stoichiometry and dynamics that underlie neurotransmitter release. Our model reveals that 20–40 independent Ca2+-binding sites on synaptic vesicles, only a fraction of which need to bind Ca2+ to trigger fusion, are sufficient to predict physiological release. Our excess-Ca2+-binding-site model has many functional advantages, agrees with recent data on synaptotagmin copy number, and is the first (to our knowledge) to link detailed physiological observations with the molecular machinery of Ca2+-triggered exocytosis. In addition, our model provides detailed microscopic insight into the underlying Ca2+ dynamics during synapse activation. 相似文献
An Excess-Calcium-Binding-Site Model Predicts Neurotransmitter Release at the Neuromuscular Junction
Markus Dittrich John M. Pattillo J. Darwin King Soyoun Cho Joel R. Stiles Stephen D. Meriney 《Biophysical journal》2013
Despite decades of intense experimental studies, we still lack a detailed understanding of synaptic function. Fortunately, using computational approaches, we can obtain important new insights into the inner workings of these important neural systems. Here, we report the development of a spatially realistic computational model of an entire frog active zone in which we constrained model parameters with experimental data, and then used Monte Carlo simulation methods to predict the Ca2+-binding stoichiometry and dynamics that underlie neurotransmitter release. Our model reveals that 20–40 independent Ca2+-binding sites on synaptic vesicles, only a fraction of which need to bind Ca2+ to trigger fusion, are sufficient to predict physiological release. Our excess-Ca2+-binding-site model has many functional advantages, agrees with recent data on synaptotagmin copy number, and is the first (to our knowledge) to link detailed physiological observations with the molecular machinery of Ca2+-triggered exocytosis. In addition, our model provides detailed microscopic insight into the underlying Ca2+ dynamics during synapse activation. 相似文献
Fatty Acid Degradation in Escherichia coli: Requirement of Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate and Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate Receptor Protein for Enzyme Synthesis 总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5

The strong repression of inducible synthesis of the enzymes of fatty acid degradation by glucose can be partially relieved by the addition of cyclic adenosine 3',5' monophosphate (cyclic AMP) to the growth medium. This reversal of the glucose effect by cyclic AMP is not observed in a mutant (K29) that is unable to grow on fatty acids as sole carbon source and that was found to synthesize low levels of several enzymes specified by the fad regulon. In a revertant selected for the ability to grow on oleate these effects are concomitantly relieved. By both genetic (co-transduction of the mutation with the strA locus) and biochemical experiments (an extract of the mutant strain does not show the cyclic AMP-dependent stimulation of the deoxyribonucleic acid-directed in vitro synthesis of the enzymes of the gal operon), it is demonstrated that the mutant lacks functional cyclic AMP receptor protein (CR protein). It is concluded that, like many other inducible enzyme systems, expression of the enzymes of the fad system requires cyclic AMP and the CR protein. 相似文献
Regulation of Depolarization-Dependent Release of Neurotransmitters by Adenosine: Cyclic AMP-Dependent Enhancement of Release from PC12 Cells 总被引:1,自引:7,他引:1
We have used pheochromocytoma cells, clone PC12, as a model system for studying the effects of adenosine on neurosecretion. Exposure of the cells to adenosine or 2-chloroadenosine caused immediate activation of adenylate cyclase, increases in cellular cyclic AMP content, and inhibition of SAM-dependent phospholipid N-methylation and protein carboxymethylation. However, the effects on methylation were only observed with concentrations of adenosine 100 times greater than those that elevated cyclic AMP. Exposure of the cells to adenosine and 2-chloroadenosine did not alter the release of [3H]norepinephrine [(3H]NE) in the absence of depolarization. However, depolarization-dependent release of [3H]NE was markedly elevated by short (1-20 min) pretreatments with adenosine or 2-chloroadenosine. The enhancement of release was observed irrespective of the nature of the depolarizing stimulus (elevated K+, carbamylcholine, or veratridine). Release of [3H]acetylcholine in response to elevated K+ also was increased by adenosine pretreatment. These effects of adenosine and 2-chloroadenosine on neurotransmitter release closely paralleled elevation of cellular cyclic AMP but not inhibition of methylation. Taken together, the results show that adenosine, probably acting through adenosine receptors coupled to stimulation of adenylate cyclase, is able to modulate the neurosecretory process in PC12 cells. Furthermore, the enhancement of release occurred even though the extent of depolarization (measured as 86Rb+ flux through the acetylcholine receptor channel) and the amount of 45Ca2+ which entered upon depolarization were unchanged. Therefore, the enhancement of release produced by elevated cyclic AMP appeared to reflect increased efficiency of the stimulus-secretion coupling process. 相似文献
We studied the molecular mechanisms responsible for nitric oxide (NO)-evoked modulation of the synaptic function in the frog neuromuscular junction using inhibitors of adenylate and guanylate cyclases and analogs of cyclic nucleotides. It was shown that application of an exogenous donor of NO, sodium nitroprusside, decreased transmitter release and increased the amplitude of voltage-dependent potassium current of the nerve endings. Our results indicate that NO regulates transmitter release and potassium current in the frog neuromuscular junction both via cAMP- and cGMP-dependent mechanisms. 相似文献
John B. Harris 《Journal of neurochemistry》1987,48(3):702-708
Acetylcholine (ACh) synthesis in homogenates of rat soleus muscles had two components. One component, specifically inhibited by bromoacetylcholine (BrACh), had a Km for choline of 0.26 mM; the other, resistant to BrACh, had a Km for choline of 45 mM. The component with a low Km was absent from denervated muscle, and was identical in kinetic terms to ACh synthesising activity in homogenates of sciatic nerve. It is therefore considered choline acetyltransferase (ChAT)-specific. The use of BrACh as a specific inhibitor of ChAT activity allowed the calculation of ACh synthesis at individual motor end-plates in the soleus muscle of the rat: 2.1 X 10(-3) nmol h-1. Since the number of muscle fibres and the number of motor units are known for this muscle, ACh synthesis per motor unit could be calculated: 0.15 nmol h-1. It is concluded that BrACh can be used as a specific inhibitor of ChAT activity in homogenates of skeletal muscle and that its use will obviate the necessity of dividing biopsied muscle or small rodent muscles into neural and aneural segments. 相似文献
A Novel Ras-interacting Protein Required for Chemotaxis and
Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate Signal Relay in
Dictyostelium 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3

Susan Lee Carole A. Parent Robert Insall Richard A. Firtel 《Molecular biology of the cell》1999,10(9):2829-2845
We have identified a novel Ras-interacting protein from Dictyostelium, RIP3, whose function is required for both chemotaxis and the synthesis and relay of the cyclic AMP (cAMP) chemoattractant signal. rip3 null cells are unable to aggregate and lack receptor activation of adenylyl cyclase but are able, in response to cAMP, to induce aggregation-stage, postaggregative, and cell-type-specific gene expression in suspension culture. In addition, rip3 null cells are unable to properly polarize in a cAMP gradient and chemotaxis is highly impaired. We demonstrate that cAMP stimulation of guanylyl cyclase, which is required for chemotaxis, is reduced ~60% in rip3 null cells. This reduced activation of guanylyl cyclase may account, in part, for the defect in chemotaxis. When cells are pulsed with cAMP for 5 h to mimic the endogenous cAMP oscillations that occur in wild-type strains, the cells will form aggregates, most of which, however, arrest at the mound stage. Unlike the response seen in wild-type strains, the rip3 null cell aggregates that form under these experimental conditions are very small, which is probably due to the rip3 null cell chemotaxis defect. Many of the phenotypes of the rip3 null cell, including the inability to activate adenylyl cyclase in response to cAMP and defects in chemotaxis, are very similar to those of strains carrying a disruption of the gene encoding the putative Ras exchange factor AleA. We demonstrate that aleA null cells also exhibit a defect in cAMP-mediated activation of guanylyl cyclase similar to that of rip3 null cells. A double-knockout mutant (rip3/aleA null cells) exhibits a further reduction in receptor activation of guanylyl cyclase, and these cells display almost no cell polarization or movement in cAMP gradients. As RIP3 preferentially interacts with an activated form of the Dictyostelium Ras protein RasG, which itself is important for cell movement, we propose that RIP3 and AleA are components of a Ras-regulated pathway involved in integrating chemotaxis and signal relay pathways that are essential for aggregation. 相似文献
In experiments on the cutaneothoracic muscle of the frog, we recorded, using the technique of two-electrode voltage clamp at a normal Ca2+ concentration (1.8 mM), multiquantum end-plate currents (EPC) and miniature uniquantum EPC (mEPC). Multiquantum signals, when compared with uniquantum currents, were characterized by longer leading and trailing edges. The quantum composition of multiquantum signals estimated according to the ratios of EPC and mEPC amplitudes was, on average, 27% lower than that calculated according to the ratios of their integral values (areas). These data demonstrate that stimulus-evoked transmitter secretion from the motor nerve endings is noticeably asynchronous. Based on the parameters of the experimental EPC and mEPC, we estimated the temporal course of evoked secretion using various techniques: spectral analysis, a system of linear equations, and Van der Kloot's method. Using convolution with uniquantum signals, we found that spectral analysis is the best technique for such estimation. Calculated parameters of the temporal course of secretion were the following: risetime 0.20 msec and decay time constant 0.33 msec. The respective distribution significantly differed from that of the synaptic delays of extracellularly recorded uniquantum EPC by longer durations (150-200%) of the leading and trailing edges. We hypothesize that these differences are related to the geometry of the junction and the temporal sequence of switching on of the active zones in the nerve ending upon their activation by spreading action potentials. Factors influencing the temporal course of evoked secretion of the transmitter in the junction under study (its asynchronicity, in particular) are discussed. 相似文献
Brainstem encephalitis (BE) and pulmonary edema (PE) are notable complications of enterovirus 71 (EV71) infection.Objective
This study investigated the immunoregulatory characterizations of EV71 neurological complications by disease severity and milrinone treatment.Study Design
Patients <18 years with virologically confirmed EV71 infections were enrolled and divided into 2 groups: the hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) or BE group, and the autonomic nervous system (ANS) dysregulation or PE group. Cytokine and cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) levels, and the regulatory T cell (Tregs) profiles of the patients were determined.Results
Patients with ANS dysregulation or PE exhibited significantly low frequency of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ and CD4+Foxp3+ T cells compared with patients with HFMD or BE. The expression frequency of CD4−CD8− was also significantly decreased in patients with ANS dysregulation or PE. Among patients with ANS dysregulation or PE, the expression frequency of CD4+Foxp3+ increased markedly after milrinone treatment, and was associated with reduction of plasma levels IL-6, IL-8 and IL-10. Plasma concentrations of cAMP were significantly decreased in patients with ANS dysregulation or PE compared with patients with HFMD or BE; however, cAMP levels increased after milrinone treatment.Conclusions
These findings suggested decreased different regulatory T populations and cAMP expression correlate with increased EV71 disease severity. Improved outcome after milrinone treatment may associate with increased regulatory T populations, cAMP expression and modulation of cytokines levels. 相似文献17.
The inhibitory neuromodulator taurine is involved in osmoregulation and cell volume adjustments in the central nervous system. In addition, taurine protects neural cells from excitotoxicity and prevents harmful metabolic events evoked by cell-damaging conditions. The release of taurine in nervous cell preparations is greatly enhanced by glutamate receptor agonists and various cell-damaging conditions. NO-generating compounds also increase taurine release in the mouse hippocampus. The further involvement of the NO/cGMP pathway and protein kinases in preloaded [3H]taurine release from hippocampal slices from adult (3-month-old) and developing (7-day-old) mice in normoxia and in ischemia was now studied using a superfusion system. The release was enhanced by 8-Br-cGMP and the phosphodiesterase inhibitor 2-(2-propyloxyphenyl)-8-azapurin-6-one (zaprinast), particularly in the immature hippocampus, indicating that increased cGMP levels induce taurine release. The release was also increased by the inhibitor of soluble guanylyl cyclase, 1H-(1,2,4)oxadiazolo-(4,3a)quinoxalin-1-one (ODQ) and the protein kinase C activator 4-phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), but only in the adult hippocampus. The ischemia-induced release was also enhanced by increased cGMP levels in both adult and developing mice, whereas protein kinase inhibitors had no effects in any conditions. The results demonstrate that cGMP is able to modulate hippocampal taurine release in both adult and developing mice, the rise in cGMP levels evoking taurine release in normoxia and in ischemia. This could be part of the neuroprotective properties of taurine, being thus important particularly in cell-damaging conditions and in preventing excitotoxicity. 相似文献
Kenji Ezoe Akiko Yabuuchi Tetsuya Tani Chiemi Mori Tetsuya Miki Yuko Takayama Zeki Beyhan Yoko Kato Takashi Okuno Tamotsu Kobayashi Keiichi Kato 《PloS one》2015,10(5)
Cryopreservation of mature oocytes and embryos has provided numerous benefits in reproductive medicine. Although successful cryopreservation of germinal-vesicle stage (GV) oocytes holds promise for further advances in reproductive biology and clinical embryology fields, reports regarding cryopreservation of immature oocytes are limited. Oocyte survival and maturation rates have improved since vitrification is being performed at the GV stage, but the subsequent developmental competence of GV oocytes is still low. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of supplementation of the maturation medium with cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) modulators on the developmental competence of vitrified-warmed GV bovine oocytes. GV oocytes were vitrified-warmed and cultured to allow for oocyte maturation, and then parthenogenetically activated or fertilized in vitro. Our results indicate that addition of a cAMP modulator forskolin (FSK) or 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX) to the maturation medium significantly improved the developmental competence of vitrified-warmed GV oocytes. We also demonstrated that vitrification of GV oocytes led to a decline in cAMP levels and maturation-promoting factor (MPF) activity in the oocytes during the initial and final phases of maturation, respectively. Nevertheless, the addition of FSK or IBMX to the maturation medium significantly elevated cAMP levels and MPF activity during IVM. Taken together, our results suggest that the cryopreservation-associated meiotic and developmental abnormalities observed in GV oocytes may be ameliorated by an artificial increase in cAMP levels during maturation culture after warming. 相似文献
Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate in the Nervous System of Aplysia californica : II. Effect of serotonin and dopamine 总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16

Serotonin and dopamine, both likely transmitter substances in Aplysia, stimulated formation of adenosine-3',5' monophosphate (cAMP) in ganglia, connectives, and identified nerve cell bodies. This widespread distribution suggests that receptors for the response are localized throughout the nervous system, as is adenyl cyclase. Both synthesis of cAMP-3H from precursor previously labeled in incubations with adenine-3H and total content of cAMP were stimulated up to 15-fold. The acetylcholine analogue carbachol, glutamate, norepinephrine, and histamine were inactive. Full stimulation occurred within 2–4 min of applying serotonin; the extent of the effect was half maximal at 6µ serotonin. Even in the continued presence of serotonin, the increased cAMP diminished with time. When serotonin was removed, tissue remained refractory for 15–20 min; sensitivity returned after 25 min. Serotonin stimulated cAMP after removal of extracellular Na, K, or Cl and in isotonic sucrose, with all extracellular ions removed. Elevating Mg, which blocked the stimulation of cAMP caused by synaptic activity, did not affect the response to serotonin. Thus the response appeared to be independent of transmitter release and of changes in synaptic potentials and current flow. The role of cAMP in neuronal functioning remains to be determined. Conditions which markedly increased cAMP in neurons, however, did not affect the rate of RNA synthesis, nor did they alter the distribution of phosphorylated adenine or uridine nucleotides. 相似文献