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Extensive empirical work has shown that species richness decreases roughly exponentially or quadratically with latitude. What appears to be a latitudinal gradient in fact may simply be a negative correlation of latitude with area at that latitude, due to convergence of lines of meridian at the poles. There is simply less area at high latitudes, which means fewer niches and fewer opportunities for speciation, hence diminished biodiversity at high latitudes. Similarly, analytic geometry of a cone shows that species number should decrease linearly with altitude on a conical mountain. Here, I provide an explicit mathematical model of the area hypothesis of species richness along latitude and altitude gradients. I re-analyze a previously published latitudinal gradient dataset and show that species number is a linear function of the predicted area and that species number is more fully explained by predicted area than by a quadratic function of latitude. However, analytic geometry is not needed if precise measures of area are known.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the termites of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, one of the most threatened biodiversity hotspots in the world, in regularly spaced sites from 7° S to 27° S latitude. To our knowledge, this is the only report of a latitudinal survey of termites at species level performed with a standardized sampling protocol. We evaluate termite diversity and abundance, and describe patterns of species composition based on feeding groups along the latitudinal gradient. We also describe the relative contribution of environmental variables to explain diversity patterns. Termite assemblages were investigated by standardized surveys at 15 Atlantic Forest sites, on six transects divided into five sections of 10 m², with 30 sections per site (or 300 m²/site), which were investigated by one trained person for one hour. Observed species richness and abundance were negatively correlated with latitude. The influence of latitude was explained mainly by variables related to temperature, precipitation and ambient energy (potential evapotranspiration). Our results also suggest that temperature exerts a greater constraint on Atlantic Forest termites than productivity, because ambient productivity increases with latitude in this forest but termite diversity decreases. Termite species richness in the Atlantic Forest showed a different pattern than those described for other organisms, increasing in diversity where the coastal‐forest strip narrows. Overall, our results indicate comparatively high termite species richness at northeastern sites and a significant impoverishment of termite assemblages in the southeastern and southern regions of the Atlantic Forest.  相似文献   

Much of the world's tropical forests have been affected by anthropogenic disturbance. These forests are important biodiversity reservoirs whose diversity, structure and function must be characterized across the successional sequence. We examined changes in structure and diversity along a successional gradient in the lowlands of New Guinea. To do this, we measured and identified all stems ≥5 cm diameter in 19 0.25 ha plots ranging in age from 3 to >50 yr since disturbance. We also measured plant functional traits related to establishment, performance, and competitive ability. In addition, we examined change in forest structure, composition, species diversity, and functional diversity through succession. By using rarefaction to estimate functional diversity, we compared changes in functional diversity while controlling for associated differences in stem and species density. Basal area and species density increased with stand age while stem density was highest in intermediate secondary forests. Species composition differed strongly between mature and secondary forests. As forests increased in basal area, community‐weighted mean wood density and foliar carbon increased, whereas specific leaf area and proportion of stems with exudate decreased. Foliar nitrogen peaked in medium‐aged forests. Functional diversity was highest in mature forests, even after accounting for differences in stem and species diversity. Our study represents one of the first attempts to document successional changes in New Guinea's lowland forest. We found robust evidence that as succession proceeds, communities occupy a greater range of functional trait space even after controlling for stem and species density. High functional diversity is important for ecological resiliency in the face of global change.  相似文献   

Mapping landscape variation in tree species richness (SR) is essential to the long term management and conservation of forest ecosystems. The current study examines the prospect of mapping field assessments of SR in a high-elevation, deciduous forest in northern Iran as a function of 16 biophysical variables representative of the area’s unique physiography, including topography and coastal placement, biophysical environment, and forests. Basic to this study is the development of moderate-resolution biophysical surfaces and associated plot-estimates for 202 permanent sampling plots. The biophysical variables include: (i) three topographic variables generated directly from the area’s digital terrain model; (ii) four ecophysiologically-relevant variables derived from process models or from first principles; and (iii) seven variables of Landsat-8-acquired surface reflectance and two, of surface radiance. With symbolic regression, it was shown that only four of the 16 variables were needed to explain 85% of observed plot-level variation in SR (i.e., wind velocity, surface reflectance of blue light, and topographic wetness indices representative of soil water content), yielding mean-absolute and root-mean-squared error of 0.50 and 0.78, respectively. Overall, localised calculations of wind velocity and surface reflectance of blue light explained about 63% of observed variation in SR, with wind velocity accounting for 51% of that variation. The remaining 22% was explained by linear combinations of soil-water-related topographic indices and associated thresholds. In general, SR and diversity tended to be greatest for plots dominated by Carpinus betulus (involving ≥ 33% of all trees in a plot), than by Fagus orientalis (median difference of one species). This study provides a significant step towards describing landscape variation in SR as a function of modelled and satellite-based information and symbolic regression. Methods in this study are sufficiently general to be applicable to the characterisation of SR in other forested regions of the world, providing plot-scale data are available for model generation.  相似文献   

The unimodal species richness-altitude distribution pattern seems to be universal. To investigate the validity of this phenomenon in homogeneous substrate and vegetation conditions, we sampled beech-dominated forests in five volcanic mountain ranges in the Western Carpathians. European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) formed monodominant closed-canopy stands at altitudes from 300 to 1,200 m. Along this gradient, the influence of beech on understory plant species richness was expected to be strong and uniform. The shape of the species richness-altitude relationship was analyzed for three datasets: herb layer, shrub layer, and both layers merged together. Contrary to prediction, the studied species richness-altitude relationship was inversely unimodal, with a minimum at intermediate altitudes. Quadratic regression models were statistically significant for all three datasets (P<0.001) and the explained variability ranged from 12 % to 20 %. The possible explanation for the observed pattern is twofold. In the central part of the altitudinal gradient, low species richness is due to strong competition by monodominant beech with accumulation of leaf litter and uptake soil resources, mainly water. This influence is somewhat released towards the margins of the gradient. Secondly, the species pool from the neighbouring communities increases species richness only in the lower parts of the altitudinal gradient.  相似文献   

Large plants are often more conspicuous and more attractive for associated animals than small plants, e.g. due to their wider range of resources. Therefore, plant size can positively affect species richness of associated animals, as shown for single groups of herbivores, but studies usually consider intraspecific size differences of plants in unstandardised environments. As comprehensive tests of interspecific plant size differences under standardised conditions are missing so far, we investigated effects of plant size on species richness of all associated arthropods using a common garden experiment with 21 Brassicaceae species covering a broad interspecific plant size gradient from 10 to 130 cm height. We recorded plant associated ecto- and endophagous herbivores, their natural enemies and pollinators on and in each aboveground plant organ, i.e. flowers, fruits, leaves and stems. Plant size (measured as height from the ground), the number of different plant organ entities and their biomass were assessed. Increasing plant size led to increased species richness of associated herbivores, natural enemies and pollinating insects. This pattern was found for ectophagous and endophagous herbivores, their natural enemies, as well as for herbivores associated with leaves and fruits and their natural enemies, independently of the additional positive effects of resource availability (i.e. organ biomass or number of entities and, regarding natural enemies, herbivore species richness). We found a lower R2 for pollinators compared to herbivores and natural enemies, probably caused by the high importance of flower characteristics for pollinator species richness besides plant size. Overall, the increase in plant height from 10 to 130 cm led to a 2.7-fold increase in predicted total arthropod species richness. In conclusion, plant size is a comprehensive driver of species richness of the plant associated arthropods, including pollinators, herbivores and their natural enemies, whether they are endophagous or ectophagous or associated with leaves or fruits.  相似文献   

物种丰富度分布格局及其形成机制的研究对于生物多样性保护具有重要意义。为了解中国两栖动物物种丰富度分布格局,本文利用中国省级尺度两栖动物物种分布数据和环境信息,结合GIS和数理统计方法,探讨两栖动物物种丰富度的地理分布格局与环境因子之间的关系。研究结果表明:(1)物种丰富度随纬度增加呈逐渐递减趋势,但缺乏显著的经度梯度。丰富度最高的地区主要集中在南方,我国北方、西北干旱区和青藏高原北部地区丰富度较低;(2)最优模型由年均温、最冷月均温、净初级生产力、年降水量变化范围、月均降水量标准差组成,多层次方差分解表明,最冷月均温的独立解释能力(17.6%)高于年均温(11.5%);(3)方差分解表明,季节性因子的独立解释能力(5.6%)低于热量因子(6.1%),但高于水分因子(4.5%),因此我们认为季节性因子也是限制中国两栖动物分布的重要因素。  相似文献   

香溪河流域河岸带植物群落物种丰富度格局   总被引:37,自引:9,他引:37  
通过不同海拔高度的样带调查来研究香溪河流域河岸植物群落物种丰富度格局,并探讨河岸带中生物多样性维持的生态学机制。结果表明:河岸植物群落总的物种丰富度、乔木层物种丰富度和草本层物种丰富度沿海拔梯度均表现出相似的格局特征,利用抛物线方程进行拟合,物种丰富度与海拔之间有显著的相关性。灌木层物种丰富度和藤本植物物种丰富度格局特征不明显,且物种丰富度与坡度相关,在流域尺度上,海拔对物种丰富度有着重要的控制作用;在局部尺度上,季节性洪水干扰导致的空间异质性和小地形对群落的生物多样性有着重要的影响,研究结果支在于总的物种多样性在原始河流的中间河段将达到最大值的预测。  相似文献   

Avian diversity is under increasing pressures. It is thus critical to understand the ecological variables that contribute to large scale spatial distribution of avian species diversity. Traditionally, studies have relied primarily on two-dimensional habitat structure to model broad scale species richness. Vegetation vertical structure is increasingly used at local scales. However, the spatial arrangement of vegetation height has never been taken into consideration. Our goal was to examine the efficacies of three-dimensional forest structure, particularly the spatial heterogeneity of vegetation height in improving avian richness models across forested ecoregions in the U.S. We developed novel habitat metrics to characterize the spatial arrangement of vegetation height using the National Biomass and Carbon Dataset for the year 2000 (NBCD). The height-structured metrics were compared with other habitat metrics for statistical association with richness of three forest breeding bird guilds across Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) routes: a broadly grouped woodland guild, and two forest breeding guilds with preferences for forest edge and for interior forest. Parametric and non-parametric models were built to examine the improvement of predictability. Height-structured metrics had the strongest associations with species richness, yielding improved predictive ability for the woodland guild richness models (r2 = ∼0.53 for the parametric models, 0.63 the non-parametric models) and the forest edge guild models (r2 = ∼0.34 for the parametric models, 0.47 the non-parametric models). All but one of the linear models incorporating height-structured metrics showed significantly higher adjusted-r2 values than their counterparts without additional metrics. The interior forest guild richness showed a consistent low association with height-structured metrics. Our results suggest that height heterogeneity, beyond canopy height alone, supplements habitat characterization and richness models of forest bird species. The metrics and models derived in this study demonstrate practical examples of utilizing three-dimensional vegetation data for improved characterization of spatial patterns in species richness.  相似文献   

该研究以中条山油松人工林群落为研究对象,研究林下不同大小的子群落对群落物种丰富度分布格局的贡献,并确定影响该区域群落物种丰富度分布格局的关键种,为区域物种多样性保护提供理论依据.结果 表明:(1)该地区林下物种频度分布格局呈明显右偏,且不同样方物种丰富度存在明显差异.(2)常见种对群落丰富度分布格局的贡献大于稀有种.(...  相似文献   

利用对铜壁关自然保护区多次考察形成的种子植物数据库,结合通过GIS生成的区域数字高程模型(DEM)数据,分析了该区域种子植物物种丰富度及物种密度沿海拔梯度的变化特征。结果表明, 科、属、种的丰富度随海拔的升高,先增加后降低,在中海拔区域达到最大值,科、种的丰富度最大值出现在海拔1400~1800 m的范围内,属的丰富度最大值出现在1000~1400 m的海拔范围。科、属、种的密度随海拔升高先下降后上升,再下降后再上升;且最大值都出现在保护区最高海拔3000~3400 m的范围内。物种丰富度和物种密度分布格局明显受到海拔梯度的影响,海拔梯度综合了水热条件等诸多因素。铜壁关种子植物科、属、种水平上的物种丰富度的海拔分布格局符合中域效应假说;同时还对目前常用的计算物种密度的"对数模型"方法的普遍适用性提出质疑。  相似文献   

An Analysis of Fish Species Richness in Natural Lakes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is a growing recognition of the need to conserve biodiversity that has been conceptualised in the Convention of Biological Diversity. Maintenance of fish species richness is particularly important, because habitat degradation in inland waters continues to accelerate on a global scale. Here we develop empirical models for predicting fish species richness in natural lakes in various geographical regions of the world. In tropical lakes where fish biodiversity is richer than in temperate lakes, fish species richness can be predicted by a few variables such as lake area and altitude. Low fish species richness in most temperate lakes might be due to the effect of glaciation on colonisation and speciation of fishes. In US, Canadian and northern European lakes, lake acidification is one of the important factors influencing fish species richness. Although limnological characteristics influence fish species richness in temperate lakes, lake area and altitude have greater predictive power. This is in contrast to fish species richness in rivers, which can be reliably predicted by basin area. In the power curves, which describe the relationship between fish species richness and habitat size in lakes and rivers, the exponent is always greater in tropical regions than in temperate regions. Because fish biodiversity is greater in the tropics threats to fish biodiversity through habitat degradation are greater than those in temperate inland waters.  相似文献   

Patterns of Species Richness and Composition in Re-Created Grassland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The success of many prairie restorations is not well documented. A restoration begun in 1975 at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory near Chicago, Illinois allows assessment of restoration efforts as well as changes through time. Data are presented on species richness and composition for 13 restorations planted in successive years between 1975 and 1990 and two remnant prairies. Presence of species was recorded using a stratified random design. Species richness at several scales and non‐metric multidimensional scaling ordination were used to assess trends in the vegetation. Species richness declined through time at all scales examined and was always less in the restored prairies than that found in the remnant prairies. Species composition changed with time but not in the direction of the composition found in the remnants. Our understanding of the maintenance of species richness is not sufficient to allow the re‐creation of patterns of species found in remnant grassland communities.  相似文献   

A major goal and challenge of invasion ecology is to describe and interpret spatial and temporal patterns of species invasions. Here, we examined fish invasion patterns at four spatially structured and hierarchically nested scales across the contiguous United States (i.e., from large to small: region, basin, watershed, and sub-watershed). All spatial relationships in both richness and fraction between species groups (e.g., natives vs. exotics) were positive at large scales. However, contrary to predictions using null/neutral models, the patterns at small scales were hump-shaped (unimodal), not simply negative. The fractions of both domestic (introduced among watersheds within the USA) and foreign (introduced from abroad) exotics increased with area across scales but decreased within each scale. The foreign exotics exhibited the highest dominance (lowest evenness) and spatial variation in distribution, followed by domestic exotics and natives, although on average natives still occupy larger areas than domestic and foreign exotics. The results provide new insight into patterns and mechanisms of fish species invasions at multiple spatial scales in the United States.  相似文献   

The ecological role of biodiversity in achieving successful restoration has been little explored in restoration ecology. We tested the prediction that we are more likely to create persistent, species‐rich plant communities by increasing the number of species sown, and, to some degree, by varying functional group representation, in experimental prairie plantings. There were 12 treatments consisting of 1‐, 2‐, 3‐, 4‐, 8‐, 12‐, and 16‐species mixtures of native perennials representing four functional groups (C4 grasses, C3 grasses, nitrogen‐fixing species, and late‐flowering composites) that predominate within Central Plains tallgrass prairies. In 2000, species were seeded into square plots (6 × 6 m), with five replicates per treatment, on former agricultural land. Annually, we measured total species richness and evenness, target species richness and cover, and richness and cover of resident species (i.e., those emerging from the seed bank). Both target species richness and rate of establishment of target communities were highest in the most species‐rich mixtures, but there was no additional benefit for treatments that contained more than eight species. Richness of resident species did not vary with target species richness; however, cover by resident species was lower in the higher target species treatments. Our results, indicating that establishment of species‐rich prairie mimics can be enhanced by starting with larger numbers of species at the outset, have implications for grassland restoration in which community biodiversity creation and maintenance are key goals.  相似文献   

The fungal kingdom is replete with unique adaptive capacities that allow fungi to colonize a wide variety of habitats, ranging from marine habitats to freshwater and terrestrial habitats. The diversity, importance, and ecological roles of marine fungi have recently been highlighted in deep-subsurface sediments using molecular methods. Fungi in the deep-marine subsurface may be specifically adapted to life in the deep biosphere, but this can be demonstrated only using culture-based analyses. In this study, we investigated culturable fungal communities from a record-depth sediment core sampled from the Canterbury Basin (New Zealand) with the aim to reveal endemic or ubiquist adapted isolates playing a significant ecological role(s). About 200 filamentous fungi (68%) and yeasts (32%) were isolated. Fungal isolates were affiliated with the phyla Ascomycota and Basidiomycota, including 21 genera. Screening for genes involved in secondary metabolite synthesis also revealed their bioactive compound synthesis potential. Our results provide evidence that deep-subsurface fungal communities are able to survive, adapt, grow, and interact with other microbial communities and highlight that the deep-sediment habitat is another ecological niche for fungi.  相似文献   

根据西藏地衣分类和区系的文献资料,对西藏地衣物种多样性的海拔梯度进行了分析。267个分类群按照生长型或者基物被分为六组。每一组地衣的物种丰度随海拔增加呈现单峰曲线形式的变化。多数组物种丰度的峰值出现在海拔3400~3900m之间,对应于山地寒温带针叶林带的上半部分,比尼泊尔对应类群出现极值的海拔要高。此植物带谱内复杂的生态系统可能是物种多样性高的主要原因。壳状地衣物种丰度的峰值出现在5100~5400m区间则可能是因为该区内高大的树木的消失以及具有充裕的阳光。西藏的地衣物种多样性远低于尼泊尔,两地共有的物种数量很少。对西藏地衣物种多样性的调查不充分应当是其主要原因,因此今后中国地衣学工作者应当加强西藏地衣多样性的研究。  相似文献   

根据西藏地衣分类和区系的文献资料,对西藏地衣物种多样性的海拔梯度进行了分析。267个分类群按照生长型或者基物被分为六组。每一组地衣的物种丰度随海拔增加呈现单峰曲线形式的变化。多数组物种丰度的峰值出现在海拔3400~3900m之间,对应于山地寒温带针叶林带的上半部分,比尼泊尔对应类群出现极值的海拔要高。此植物带谱内复杂的生态系统可能是物种多样性高的主要原因。壳状地衣物种丰度的峰值出现在5100~5400m区间则可能是因为该区内高大的树木的消失以及具有充裕的阳光。西藏的地衣物种多样性远低于尼泊尔,两地共有的物种数量很少。对西藏地衣物种多样性的调查不充分应当是其主要原因,因此今后中国地衣学工作者应当加强西藏地衣多样性的研究。  相似文献   

We report on the species richness patterns of epigaeic beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae and Staphylinidae) along a subtropical elevational gradient of Balang Mountain, southwestern China. We tested the roles of environmental factors (e.g. temperature, area and litter cover) and direct biotic interactions (e.g. foods and antagonists) that shape elevational diversity gradients. Beetles were sampled at 19 sites using pitfall traps along the studied elevational gradient ranging from 1500 m–4000 m during the 2004 growing season. A total of 74416 specimens representing 260 species were recorded. Species richness of epigaeic beetles and two families showed unimodal patterns along the elevational gradient, peaking at mid-elevations (c. 2535 m), and the ranges of most beetle species were narrow along the gradient. The potential correlates of both species richness and environmental variables were examined using linear and second order polynomial regressions. The results showed that temperature, area and litter cover had strong explanatory power of beetle species richness for nearly all richness patterns, of beetles as a whole and of Carabidae and Staphylinidae, but the density of antagonists was associated with species richness of Carabidae only. Multiple regression analyses suggested that the three environmental factors combined contributed most to richness patterns for most taxa. The results suggest that environmental factors associated with temperature, area and habitat heterogeneity could account for most variation in richness pattern of epigaeic beetles. Additionally, the mid-elevation peaks and the small range size of most species indicate that conservation efforts should give attention to the entire gradient rather than just mid-elevations.  相似文献   

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