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In bacteria, the Min system plays a role in positioning the midcell division site by inhibiting the formation of the earliest precursor of cell division, the Z ring, at the cell poles. However, whether the Min system also contributes to establishing the precise placement of the midcell Z ring is unresolved. We show that the Z ring is positioned at midcell with a high degree of precision in Bacillus subtilis, and this is completely maintained in the absence of the Min system. Min is therefore not required for correct midcell Z ring placement in B. subtilis. Our results strongly support the idea that the primary role of the Min system is to block Z ring formation at the cell poles and that a separate mechanism must exist to ensure cell division occurs precisely at midcell.  相似文献   

Precise temporal and spatial control of cell division is essential for progeny survival. The current general view is that precise positioning of the division site at midcell in rod-shaped bacteria is a result of the combined action of the Min system and nucleoid (chromosome) occlusion. Both systems prevent assembly of the cytokinetic Z ring at inappropriate places in the cell, restricting Z rings to the correct site at midcell. Here we show that in the bacterium Bacillus subtilis Z rings are positioned precisely at midcell in the complete absence of both these systems, revealing the existence of a mechanism independent of Min and nucleoid occlusion that identifies midcell in this organism. We further show that Z ring assembly at midcell is delayed in the absence of Min and Noc proteins, while at the same time FtsZ accumulates at other potential division sites. This suggests that a major role for Min and Noc is to ensure efficient utilization of the midcell division site by preventing Z ring assembly at potential division sites, including the cell poles. Our data lead us to propose a model in which spatial regulation of division in B. subtilis involves identification of the division site at midcell that requires Min and nucleoid occlusion to ensure efficient Z ring assembly there and only there, at the right time in the cell cycle.  相似文献   

The earliest event in bacterial cell division is the assembly of a tubulin-like protein, FtsZ, at mid-cell to form a ring. In rod-shaped bacteria, the Min system plays an important role in division site placement by inhibiting FtsZ ring formation specifically at the polar regions of the cell. The Min system comprises MinD and MinC, which form an inhibitor complex and, in Bacillus subtilis, DivIVA, which ensures that division is inhibited only in the polar regions. All three proteins localize to the division site at mid-cell and to cell poles. Their recruitment to the division site is dependent on localization of both 'early' and 'late' division proteins. We have examined the temporal and spatial localization of DivIVA relative to that of FtsZ during the first and second cell division after germination and outgrowth of B. subtilis spores. We show that, although the FtsZ ring assembles at mid-cell about halfway through the cell cycle, DivIVA assembles at this site immediately before cell division and persists there during Z-ring constriction and completion of division. We also show that both DivIVA and MinD localize to the cell poles immediately upon spore germination, well before a Z ring forms at mid-cell. Furthermore, these proteins were found to be present in mature, dormant spores. These results suggest that targeting of Min proteins to division sites does not depend directly on the assembly of the division apparatus, as suggested previously, and that potential polar division sites are blocked at the earliest possible stage in the cell cycle in germinated spores as a mechanism to ensure that equal-sized daughter cells are produced upon cell division.  相似文献   



Cell division in Bacillus subtilis takes place precisely at midcell, through the action of Noc, which prevents division from occurring over the nucleoids, and the Min system, which prevents cell division from taking place at the poles. Originally it was thought that the Min system acts directly on FtsZ, preventing the formation of a Z-ring and, therefore, the formation of a complete cytokinetic ring at the poles. Recently, a new component of the B. subtilis Min system was identified, MinJ, which acts as a bridge between DivIVA and MinCD.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We used fluorescence microscopy and molecular genetics to examine the molecular role of MinJ. We found that in the absence of a functional Min system, FtsA, FtsL and PBP-2B remain associated with completed division sites. Evidence is provided that MinCDJ are responsible for the failure of these proteins to localize properly, indicating that MinCDJ can act on membrane integral components of the divisome.


Taken together, we postulate that the main function of the Min system is to prevent minicell formation adjacent to recently completed division sites by promoting the disassembly of the cytokinetic ring, thereby ensuring that cell division occurs only once per cell cycle. Thus, the role of the Min system in rod-shaped bacteria seems not to be restricted to an inhibitory function on FtsZ polymerization, but can act on different levels of the divisome.  相似文献   

Oscillations of the Min protein system are involved in the correct midcell placement of the divisome during Escherichia coli cell division. Based on molecular interactions of the Min system, we formulated a mathematical model that reproduces Min patterning during cell growth and division. Specifically, the increase in the residence time of MinD attached to the membrane as its own concentration increases, is accounted for by dimerisation of membrane-bound MinD and its interaction with MinE. Simulation of this system generates unparalleled correlation between the waveshape of experimental and theoretical MinD distributions, suggesting that the dominant interactions of the physical system have been successfully incorporated into the model. For cells where MinD is fully-labelled with GFP, the model reproduces the stationary localization of MinD-GFP for short cells, followed by oscillations from pole to pole in larger cells, and the transition to the symmetric distribution during cell filamentation. Cells containing a secondary, GFP-labelled MinD display a contrasting pattern. The model is able to account for these differences, including temporary midcell localization just prior to division, by increasing the rate constant controlling MinD ATPase and heterotetramer dissociation. For both experimental conditions, the model can explain how cell division results in an equal distribution of MinD and MinE in the two daughter cells, and accounts for the temperature dependence of the period of Min oscillations. Thus, we show that while other interactions may be present, they are not needed to reproduce the main characteristics of the Min system in vivo.  相似文献   

The site of cell division in bacterial cells is placed with high fidelity at a designated position, usually the midpoint of the cell. In normal cell division in Escherichia coli this is accomplished by the action of the Min proteins, which maintain a high concentration of a septation inhibitor near the ends of the cell, and a low concentration at midcell. This leaves the midcell site as the only available location for formation of the division septum. In other species, such as Bacillus subtilis, this general paradigm is maintained, although some of the proteins differ and the mechanisms used to localize the proteins vary. A second mechanism of negative regulation, the nucleoid-occlusion system, prevents septa forming over nucleoids. This system functions in Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, and is especially important in cells that lack the Min system or in cells in which nucleoid replication or segregation are defective. Here, we review the latest findings on these two systems.  相似文献   

Cell division in bacteria is governed by a complex cytokinetic machinery in which the key player is a tubulin homologue, FtsZ. Most rod‐shaped bacteria divide precisely at mid‐cell between segregated sister chromosomes. Selection of the correct site for cell division is thought to be determined by two negative regulatory systems: the nucleoid occlusion system, which prevents division in the vicinity of the chromosomes, and the Min system, which prevents inappropriate division at the cell poles. In Bacillus subtilis recruitment of the division inhibitor MinCD to cell poles depends on DivIVA, and these proteins were thought to be sufficient for Min function. We have now identified a novel component of the division‐site selection system, MinJ, which bridges DivIVA and MinD. minJ mutants are impaired in division because MinCD activity is no longer restricted to cell poles. Although MinCD was thought to act specifically on FtsZ assembly, analysis of minJ and divIVA mutants showed that their block in division occurs downstream of FtsZ. The results support a model in which the main function of the Min system lies in allowing only a single round of division per cell cycle, and that MinCD acts at multiple levels to prevent inappropriate division.  相似文献   

The Min system, consisting of MinC, MinD, and MinE, plays an important role in localizing the Escherichia coli cell division machinery to midcell by preventing FtsZ ring (Z ring) formation at cell poles. MinC has two domains, MinCn and MinCc, which both bind to FtsZ and act synergistically to inhibit FtsZ polymerization. Binary fission of E. coli usually proceeds symmetrically, with daughter cells at roughly 180° to each other. In contrast, we discovered that overproduction of an artificial MinCc-MinD fusion protein in the absence of other Min proteins induced frequent and dramatic jackknife-like bending of cells at division septa, with cell constriction predominantly on the outside of the bend. Mutations in the fusion known to disrupt MinCc-FtsZ, MinCc-MinD, or MinD-membrane interactions largely suppressed bending division. Imaging of FtsZ-green fluorescent protein (GFP) showed no obvious asymmetric localization of FtsZ during MinCc-MinD overproduction, suggesting that a downstream activity of the Z ring was inhibited asymmetrically. Consistent with this, MinCc-MinD fusions localized predominantly to segments of the Z ring at the inside of developing cell bends, while FtsA (but not ZipA) tended to localize to the outside. As FtsA is required for ring constriction, we propose that this asymmetric localization pattern blocks constriction of the inside of the septal ring while permitting continued constriction of the outside portion.  相似文献   

Spatio-temporal oscillations of the Min proteins are essential for selecting the cell division site in Escherichia coli. These oscillations are a key example of a biological phenomenon that can only be understood on a systems level rather than on the level of its individual components. Here, we review the key concepts that mathematical modelling has added to our understanding of the Min system. While several different mechanisms have been proposed, in all cases the oscillations emerge from a dynamic instability of a uniform protein distribution. To generate this instability, however, the various mechanisms rely on different features of Min protein interactions and transport. We critically evaluate these mechanisms in light of recent experimental evidence. We also review the effects of fluctuations caused by low cellular concentration of Min proteins, and describe how stochastic effects may potentially influence Min protein dynamics.  相似文献   

Bacterial cell division is driven by an FtsZ ring in which the FtsZ protein localizes at mid-cell and recruits other proteins, forming a divisome. In Escherichia coli, the first molecular assembly of the divisome, the proto-ring, is formed by the association of FtsZ polymers to the cytoplasmic membrane through the membrane-tethering FtsA and ZipA proteins. The MinCDE system plays a major role in the site selection of the division ring because these proteins oscillate from pole to pole in such a way that the concentration of the FtsZ-ring inhibitor, MinC, is minimal at the cell center, thus favoring FtsZ assembly in this region. We show that MinCDE drives the formation of waves of FtsZ polymers associated to bilayers by ZipA, which propagate as antiphase patterns with respect to those of Min as revealed by confocal fluorescence microscopy. The emergence of these FtsZ waves results from the displacement of FtsZ polymers from the vicinity of the membrane by MinCD, which efficiently competes with ZipA for the C-terminal region of FtsZ, a central hub for multiple interactions that are essential for division. The coupling between FtsZ polymers and Min is enhanced at higher surface densities of ZipA or in the presence of crowding agents that favor the accumulation of FtsZ polymers near the membrane. The association of FtsZ polymers to the membrane modifies the response of FtsZ to Min, and comigrating Min-FtsZ waves are observed when FtsZ is free in solution and not attached to the membrane by ZipA. Taken together, our findings show that the dynamic Min patterns modulate the spatial distribution of FtsZ polymers in controlled minimal membranes. We propose that ZipA plays an important role in mid-cell recruitment of FtsZ orchestrated by MinCDE.  相似文献   

The earliest stage of cell division in bacteria is the formation of a Z ring, composed of a polymer of the FtsZ protein, at the division site. Z rings appear to be synthesized in a bi‐directional manner from a nucleation site (NS) located on the inside of the cytoplasmic membrane. It is the utilization of a NS specifically at the site of septum formation that determines where and when division will occur. However, a Z ring can be made to form at positions other than at the division site. How does a cell regulate utilization of a NS at the correct location and at the right time? In rod‐shaped bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis, two factors involved in this regulation are the Min system and nucleoid occlusion. It is suggested that in B. subtilis, the main role of the Min proteins is to inhibit division at the nucleoid‐free cell poles. In E. coli it is currently not clear whether the Min system can direct a Z ring to the division site at mid‐cell or whether its main role is to ensure that division inhibition occurs away from mid‐cell, a role analogous to that in B. subtilis. While the nucleoid negatively influences Z‐ring formation in its vicinity in these rod‐shaped organisms, the exact relationship between nucleoid occlusion and the ability to form a mid‐cell Z ring is unresolved. Recent evidence suggests that in B. subtilis and Caulobacter crescentus, utilization of the NS at the division site is intimately linked to the progress of a round of chromosome replication and this may form the basis of achieving co‐ordination between chromosome replication and cell division.  相似文献   

How cells manage to get equal distribution of their structures and molecules at cell division is a crucial issue in biology. In principle, a feedback mechanism could always ensure equality by measuring and correcting the distribution in the progeny. However, an elegant alternative could be a mechanism relying on self‐organization, with the interplay between system properties and cell geometry leading to the emergence of equal partitioning. The problem is exemplified by the bacterial Min system that defines the division site by oscillating from pole to pole. Unequal partitioning of Min proteins at division could negatively impact system performance and cell growth because of loss of Min oscillations and imprecise mid‐cell determination. In this study, we combine live cell and computational analyses to show that known properties of the Min system together with the gradual reduction of protein exchange through the constricting septum are sufficient to explain the observed highly precise spontaneous protein partitioning. Our findings reveal a novel and effective mechanism of protein partitioning in dividing cells and emphasize the importance of self‐organization in basic cellular processes.  相似文献   

In both rod-shaped Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli cells, Min proteins are involved in the regulation of division septa formation. In E. coli , dynamic oscillation of MinCD inhibitory complex and MinE, a topological specificity protein, prevents improper polar septation. However, in B. subtilis no MinE is present and no oscillation of Min proteins can be observed. The function of MinE is substituted by that of an unrelated DivIVA protein, which targets MinCD to division sites and retains them at the cell poles. We inspected cell division when the E. coli Min system was introduced into B. subtilis cells. Expression of these heterologous Min proteins resulted in cell elongation. We demonstrate here that E. coli MinD can partially substitute for the function of its B. subtilis protein counterpart. Moreover, E. coli MinD was observed to have similar helical localization as B. subtilis MinD.  相似文献   

细菌细胞分裂位点的调控机制及其研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大肠杆菌细胞内共有3个潜在的分裂位点,一个在细胞中部,另外两个位于细胞的两极。正常情况下,细菌仅利用中部的分裂位点以二分裂方式进行细胞的对称分裂。大肠杆菌细胞分裂时,中部潜在分裂位点的选择受到min操纵子(含minC、minD、minE3个基因)的精细调控。minC基因所编码的MinC蛋白是细胞分裂的抑制因子,与具有ATPase活性的MinD蛋白结合后被激活。在MinE蛋白的作用下,MinC和MinD蛋白在大肠杆菌细胞的两极问来回振荡。整个振荡周期中,MinC蛋白在细胞两极的两个潜在分裂位点处所停留的时间较长,分裂复合物无法正常组装,因而细胞两极的潜在分裂位点被屏蔽;而MinC蛋白在细胞中部的分裂位点所停留的时间较短,不能有效地抑制分裂复合物的组装,因此,各种细胞分裂蛋白在中部的分裂位点组装形成稳定的分裂复合物,使正常的细胞分裂得以进行。  相似文献   

Corbin BD  Yu XC  Margolin W 《The EMBO journal》2002,21(8):1998-2008
The MinCDE proteins help to select cell division sites in normal cylindrical Escherichia coli by oscillating along the long axis, preventing unwanted polar divisions. To determine how the Min system might function in cells with multiple potential division planes, we investigated its role in a round-cell rodA mutant. Round cells lacking MinCDE were viable, but growth, morphology and positioning of cell division sites were abnormal relative to Min+ cells. In round cells with a long axis, such as those undergoing cell division, green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusions to MinD almost always oscillated parallel to the long axis. However, perfect spheres or irregularly shaped cells exhibited MinD movement to and from multiple sites on the cell surface. A MinE-GFP fusion exhibited similar behavior. These results indicate that the Min proteins can potentially localize anywhere in the cell but tend to move a certain maximum distance from their previous assembly site, thus favoring movement along the cell's long axis. A new model for the spatial control of division planes by the Min system in round cells is proposed.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2020,118(12):2905-2913
The cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus possesses a circadian clock in the form of a group of proteins whose concentrations and phosphorylation states oscillate with daily periodicity under constant conditions. The circadian clock regulates the cell cycle such that the timing of the cell divisions is biased toward certain times during the circadian period, but the mechanism underlying this phenomenon remains unclear. Here, we propose a mechanism in which a protein limiting for division accumulates at a rate proportional to the cell volume growth and is modulated by the clock. This “modulated rate” model, in which the clock signal is integrated over time to affect division timing, differs fundamentally from the previously proposed “gating” concept, in which the clock is assumed to suppress divisions during a specific time window. We found that although both models can capture the single-cell statistics of division timing in S. elongatus, only the modulated rate model robustly places divisions away from darkness during changes in the environment. Moreover, within the framework of the modulated rate model, existing experiments on S. elongatus are consistent with the simple mechanism that division timing is regulated by the accumulation of a division limiting protein in a phase with genes whose activity peaks at dusk.  相似文献   

The Min system in Escherichia coli directs division to the centre of the cell through pole-to-pole oscillations of the MinCDE proteins. We present a one-dimensional stochastic model of these oscillations which incorporates membrane polymerization of MinD into linear chains. This model reproduces much of the observed phenomenology of the Min system, including pole-to-pole oscillations of the Min proteins. We then apply this model to investigate the Min system during cell division. Oscillations continue initially unaffected by the closing septum, before cutting off rapidly. The fractions of Min proteins in the daughter cells vary widely, from 50%-50% up to 85%-15% of the total from the parent cell, suggesting that there may be another mechanism for regulating these levels in vivo.  相似文献   

Cytokinesis in bacteria such as Escherichia coli is orchestrated by FtsZ, a tubulin-like protein that forms a circumferential Z ring at the division site. The Z ring then recruits a number of other essential cell division proteins, ultimately assembling the cytokinetic machine that splits the cell. It has been known for some time that the MinCDE proteins and the bacterial nucleoid provide positional information to negatively regulate cytokinesis. Recently, direct visualization of Z rings and Min proteins in whole cells have contributed important new insights into the molecular mechanisms behind this fundamental cellular process. This review summarizes and integrates these insights.  相似文献   

Cell division in Escherichia coli starts with assembly of FtsZ protofilaments into a ring-like structure, the Z-ring. Positioning of the Z-ring at midcell is thought to be coordinated by two regulatory systems, nucleoid occlusion and the Min system. In E. coli, nucleoid occlusion is mediated by the SlmA proteins. Here, we address the question of whether there are additional positioning systems that are capable of localizing the E. coli divisome with respect to the cell center. Using quantitative fluorescence imaging we show that slow growing cells lacking functional Min and SlmA nucleoid occlusion systems continue to divide preferentially at midcell. We find that the initial Z-ring assembly occurs over the center of the nucleoid instead of nucleoid-free regions under these conditions. We determine that Z-ring formation begins shortly after the arrival of the Ter macrodomain at the nucleoid center. Removal of either the MatP, ZapB, or ZapA proteins significantly affects the accuracy and precision of Z-ring positioning relative to the nucleoid center in these cells in accordance with the idea that these proteins link the Ter macrodomain and the Z-ring. Interestingly, even in the absence of Min, SlmA, and the putative Ter macrodomain – Z-ring link, there remains a weak midcell positioning bias for the Z-ring. Our work demonstrates that additional Z-ring localization systems are present in E. coli than are known currently. In particular, we identify that the Ter macrodomain acts as a landmark for the Z-ring in the presence of MatP, ZapB and ZapA proteins.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli cells contain potential division sites at midcell and adjacent to the cell poles. Selection of the correct division site at midcell is controlled by three proteins: MinC, MinD, and MinE. It has previously been shown (D. Raskin and P. de Boer, Cell 91:685-694, 1997) that MinE-Gfp localizes to the midcell site in an MinD-dependent manner. We use here Gfp-MinD to show that MinD associates with the membrane around the entire periphery of the cell in the absence of the other Min proteins and that MinE is capable of altering the membrane distribution pattern of Gfp-MinD. Studies with the isolated N-terminal and C-terminal MinE domains indicated different roles for the two MinE domains in the redistribution of membrane-associated MinD.  相似文献   

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