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The present study tests the hypothesis that the structure of extracellular domain Loop 2 can markedly affect ethanol sensitivity in glycine receptors (GlyRs) and γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptors (GABAARs). To test this, we mutated Loop 2 in the α1 subunit of GlyRs and in the γ subunit of α1β2γ2GABAARs and measured the sensitivity of wild type and mutant receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes to agonist, ethanol, and other agents using two-electrode voltage clamp. Replacing Loop 2 of α1GlyR subunits with Loop 2 from the δGABAAR (δL2), but not the γGABAAR subunit, reduced ethanol threshold and increased the degree of ethanol potentiation without altering general receptor function. Similarly, replacing Loop 2 of the γ subunit of GABAARs with δL2 shifted the ethanol threshold from 50 mm in WT to 1 mm in the GABAA γ-δL2 mutant. These findings indicate that the structure of Loop 2 can profoundly affect ethanol sensitivity in GlyRs and GABAARs. The δL2 mutations did not affect GlyR or GABAAR sensitivity, respectively, to Zn2+ or diazepam, which suggests that these δL2-induced changes in ethanol sensitivity do not extend to all allosteric modulators and may be specific for ethanol or ethanol-like agents. To explore molecular mechanisms underlying these results, we threaded the WT and δL2 GlyR sequences onto the x-ray structure of the bacterial Gloeobacter violaceus pentameric ligand-gated ion channel homologue (GLIC). In addition to being the first GlyR model threaded on GLIC, the juxtaposition of the two structures led to a possible mechanistic explanation for the effects of ethanol on GlyR-based on changes in Loop 2 structure.Alcohol abuse and dependence are significant problems in our society, with ∼14 million people in the United States being affected (1, 2). Alcohol causes over 100,000 deaths in the United States, and alcohol-related issues are estimated to cost nearly 200 billion dollars annually (2). To address this, considerable attention has focused on the development of medications to prevent and treat alcohol-related problems (35). The development of such medications would be aided by a clear understanding of the molecular structures on which ethanol acts and how these structures influence receptor sensitivity to ethanol.Ligand-gated ion channels (LGICs)2 have received substantial attention as putative sites of ethanol action that cause its behavioral effects (612). Research in this area has focused on investigating the effects of ethanol on two large superfamilies of LGICs: 1) the Cys-loop superfamily of LGICs (13, 14), whose members include nicotinic acetylcholine, 5-hydroxytryptamine3, γ-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA), γ-aminobutyric acid type C, and glycine receptors (GlyRs) (10, 11, 1520) and 2) the glutamate superfamily, including N-methyl d-aspartate, α-amino-3-hydroxyisoxazolepropionic acid, and kainate receptors (21, 22). Recent studies have also begun investigating ethanol action in the ATP-gated P2X superfamily of LGICs (2325).A series of studies that employed chimeric and mutagenic strategies combined with sulfhydryl-specific labeling identified key regions within Cys-loop receptors that appear to be initial targets for ethanol action that also can determine the sensitivity of the receptors to ethanol (712, 18, 19, 2630). This work provides several lines of evidence that position 267 and possibly other sites in the transmembrane (TM) domain of GlyRs and homologous sites in GABAARs are targets for ethanol action and that mutations at these sites can influence ethanol sensitivity (8, 9, 26, 31).Growing evidence from GlyRs indicates that ethanol also acts on the extracellular domain. The initial findings came from studies demonstrating that α1GlyRs are more sensitive to ethanol than are α2GlyRs despite the high (∼78%) sequence homology between α1GlyRs and α2GlyRs (32). Further work found that an alanine to serine exchange at position 52 (A52S) in Loop 2 can eliminate the difference in ethanol sensitivity between α1GlyRs and α2GlyRs (18, 20, 33). These studies also demonstrated that mutations at position 52 in α1GlyRS and the homologous position 59 in α2GlyRs controlled the sensitivity of these receptors to a novel mechanistic ethanol antagonist (20). Collectively, these studies suggest that there are multiple sites of ethanol action in α1GlyRs, with one site located in the TM domain (e.g. position 267) and another in the extracellular domain (e.g. position 52).Subsequent studies revealed that the polarity of the residue at position 52 plays a key role in determining the sensitivity of GlyRs to ethanol (20). The findings with polarity in the extracellular domain contrast with the findings at position 267 in the TM domain, where molecular volume, but not polarity, significantly affected ethanol sensitivity (9). Taken together, these findings indicate that the physical-chemical parameters of residues at positions in the extracellular and TM domains that modulate ethanol effects and/or initiate ethanol action in GlyRs are not uniform. Thus, knowledge regarding the physical-chemical properties that control agonist and ethanol sensitivity is key for understanding the relationship between the structure and the actions of ethanol in LGICs (19, 31, 3440).GlyRs and GABAARs, which differ significantly in their sensitivities to ethanol, offer a potential method for identifying the structures that control ethanol sensitivity. For example, α1GlyRs do not reliably respond to ethanol concentrations less than 10 mm (32, 33, 41). Similarly, γ subunit-containing GABAARs (e.g. α1β2γ2), the most predominantly expressed GABAARs in the central nervous system, are insensitive to ethanol concentrations less than 50 mm (42, 43). In contrast, δ subunit-containing GABAARs (e.g. α4β3δ) have been shown to be sensitive to ethanol concentrations as low as 1–3 mm (4451). Sequence alignment of α1GlyR, γGABAAR, and δGABAAR revealed differences between the Loop 2 regions of these receptor subunits. Since prior studies found that mutations of Loop 2 residues can affect ethanol sensitivity (19, 20, 39), the non-conserved residues in Loop 2 of GlyR and GABAAR subunits could provide the physical-chemical and structural bases underlying the differences in ethanol sensitivity between these receptors.The present study tested the hypothesis that the structure of Loop 2 can markedly affect the ethanol sensitivity of GlyRs and GABAARs. To accomplish this, we performed multiple mutations that replaced the Loop 2 region of the α1 subunit in α1GlyRs and the Loop 2 region of the γ subunit of α1β2γ2 GABAARs with corresponding non-conserved residues from the δ subunit of GABAAR and tested the sensitivity of these receptors to ethanol. As predicted, replacing Loop 2 of WT α1GlyRs with the homologous residues from the δGABAAR subunit (δL2), but not the γGABAAR subunit (γL2), markedly increased the sensitivity of the receptor to ethanol. Similarly, replacing the non-conserved residues of the γ subunit of α1β2γ2 GABAARs with δL2 also markedly increased ethanol sensitivity of GABAARs. These findings support the hypothesis and suggest that Loop 2 may play a role in controlling ethanol sensitivity across the Cys-loop superfamily of receptors. The findings also provide the basis for suggesting structure-function relationships in a new molecular model of the GlyR based on the bacterial Gloeobacter violaceus pentameric LGIC homologue (GLIC).  相似文献   

急性酒精中毒是一种有害的临床病理状态,短时间内摄入大量的乙醇,会造成多脏器功能损害,通常包括中枢神经抑制、呼吸循环功能障碍、代谢紊乱及免疫系统异常,严重者导致死亡.为了探索急性酒精中毒导致死亡的原因,采用腹腔注射的方法构建了重度急性酒精中毒小鼠模型,发现在模型早期(至迟0.5 h)高迁移率族蛋白1(high mobility group box-1 protein,HMGB1)已显著升高,体外实验也证实酒精导致细胞HMGB1释放,应用单克隆抗体阻断HMGB1有显著的保护作用,这种保护作用是通过降低损伤性炎症反应实现的.在此模型中发现,HMGB1在急性酒精中毒中有着重要的中介作用,调控急性系统性炎症反应,并决定了急性酒精中毒疾病的进程与结局.  相似文献   

Mutations in the leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) gene are associated with late-onset, autosomal-dominant, familial Parkinson''s disease (PD) and also contribute to sporadic disease. The LRRK2 gene encodes a large protein with multiple domains, including functional Roc GTPase and protein kinase domains. Mutations in LRRK2 most likely cause disease through a toxic gain-of-function mechanism. The expression of human LRRK2 variants in cultured primary neurons induces toxicity that is dependent on intact GTP binding or kinase activities. However, the mechanism(s) underlying LRRK2-induced neuronal toxicity is poorly understood, and the contribution of GTPase and/or kinase activity to LRRK2 pathobiology is not well defined. To explore the pathobiology of LRRK2, we have developed a model of LRRK2 cytotoxicity in the baker''s yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Protein domain analysis in this model reveals that expression of GTPase domain-containing fragments of human LRRK2 are toxic. LRRK2 toxicity in yeast can be modulated by altering GTPase activity and is closely associated with defects in endocytic vesicular trafficking and autophagy. These truncated LRRK2 variants induce similar toxicity in both yeast and primary neuronal models and cause similar vesicular defects in yeast as full-length LRRK2 causes in primary neurons. The toxicity induced by truncated LRRK2 variants in yeast acts through a mechanism distinct from toxicity induced by human α-synuclein. A genome-wide genetic screen identified modifiers of LRRK2-induced toxicity in yeast including components of vesicular trafficking pathways, which can also modulate the trafficking defects caused by expression of truncated LRRK2 variants. Our results provide insight into the basic pathobiology of LRRK2 and suggest that the GTPase domain may contribute to the toxicity of LRRK2. These findings may guide future therapeutic strategies aimed at attenuating LRRK2-mediated neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

《Cell host & microbe》2014,15(5):551-563
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The ubiquitously expressed phosphatidylinositol binding clathrin assembly (PICALM) protein associates with the plasma membrane, binds clathrin, and plays a role in clathrin-mediated endocytosis. Alterations of the human PICALM gene are present in aggressive hematopoietic malignancies, and genome-wide association studies have recently linked the PICALM locus to late-onset Alzheimer's disease. Inactivating and hypomorphic Picalm mutations in mice cause different degrees of severity of anemia, abnormal iron metabolism, growth retardation and shortened lifespan. To understand PICALM's function, we studied the consequences of PICALM overexpression and characterized PICALM-deficient cells derived from mutant fit1 mice. Our results identify a role for PICALM in transferrin receptor (TfR) internalization and demonstrate that the C-terminal PICALM residues are critical for its association with clathrin and for the inhibitory effect of PICALM overexpression on TfR internalization. Murine embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) that are deficient in PICALM display several characteristics of iron deficiency (increased surface TfR expression, decreased intracellular iron levels, and reduced cellular proliferation), all of which are rescued by retroviral PICALM expression. The proliferation defect of cells that lack PICALM results, at least in part, from insufficient iron uptake, since it can be corrected by iron supplementation. Moreover, PICALM-deficient cells are particularly sensitive to iron chelation. Taken together, these data reveal that PICALM plays a critical role in iron homeostasis, and offer new perspectives into the pathogenesis of PICALM-associated diseases.  相似文献   

To better understand the principles underlying the substrate specificity of A-type phospholipases (PLAs), a high throughput mass spectrometric assay was employed to study the effect of acyl chain length and unsaturation of phospholipids on their rate of hydrolysis by three different secretory PLAs in micelles and vesicle bilayers. With micelles, each enzyme responded differently to substrate acyl chain unsaturation and double bond position, probably reflecting differences in the accommodative properties of their substrate binding sites. Experiments with saturated acyl positional isomers indicated that the length of the sn2 chain was more critical than that of the sn1 chain, suggesting tighter association of the former with the enzyme. Only the first 9–10 carbons of the sn2 acyl chain seem to interact intimately with the active site. Strikingly, no discrimination between positional isomers was observed with vesicles, and the rate of hydrolysis decreased far more with increasing chain length than with micelles, suggesting that translocation of the phospholipid substrate to the active site is rate-limiting with bilayers. Supporting this conclusion, acyl chain structure affected hydrolysis and spontaneous intervesicle transfer, which correlates with lipid efflux propensity, analogously. We conclude that substrate efflux propensity plays a more important role in the specificity of secretory PLA2s than commonly thought and could also be a key attribute in phospholipid homeostasis in which (unknown) PLA2s are key players.  相似文献   

According to previous observations nitric oxide (NO), as well as an unknown nature mediator are involved in the inhibitory neurotransmission to the intravesical ureter. This study investigates the hydrogen sulfide (H2S) role in the neurogenic relaxation of the pig intravesical ureter. We have performed western blot and immunohistochemistry to study the expression of the H2S synthesis enzymes cystathionine γ-lyase (CSE) and cystathionine β-synthase (CBS), measurement of enzymatic production of H2S and myographic studies for isometric force recording. Immunohistochemical assays showed a high CSE expression in the intravesical ureter muscular layer, as well as a strong CSE-immunoreactivity within nerve fibres distributed along smooth muscle bundles. CBS expression, however, was not consistently observed. On ureteral strips precontracted with thromboxane A2 analogue U46619, electrical field stimulation (EFS) and the H2S donor P-(4-methoxyphenyl)-P-4-morpholinylphosphinodithioic acid (GYY4137) evoked frequency- and concentration-dependent relaxations. CSE inhibition with DL-propargylglycine (PPG) reduced EFS-elicited responses and a combined blockade of both CSE and NO synthase (NOS) with, respectively, PPG and NG-nitro-L-arginine (L-NOARG), greatly reduced such relaxations. Endogenous H2S production rate was reduced by PPG, rescued by addition of GYY4137 and was not changed by L-NOARG. EFS and GYY4137 relaxations were also reduced by capsaicin-sensitive primary afferents (CSPA) desensitization with capsaicin and blockade of ATP-dependent K+ (KATP) channels, transient receptor potential A1 (TRPA1), transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1), vasoactive intestinal peptide/pituitary adenylyl cyclase-activating polypeptide (VIP/PACAP) and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) receptors with glibenclamide, HC030031, AMG9810, PACAP6–38 and CGRP8–37, respectively. These results suggest that H2S, synthesized by CSE, is involved in the inhibitory neurotransmission to the pig intravesical ureter, through an NO-independent pathway, producing smooth muscle relaxation via KATP channel activation. H2S also promotes the release of inhibitory neuropeptides, as PACAP 38 and/or CGRP from CSPA through TRPA1, TRPV1 and related ion channel activation.  相似文献   

In bacteria like Escherichia coli, the accumulation of glucose-6-phosphate (G6P) or its analogs such as α-methyl glucoside-6-phosphate (αMG6P) results in stress that appears in the form of growth inhibition. The small RNA SgrS is an essential part of the response that helps E. coli combat glucose-phosphate stress; the growth of sgrS mutants during stress caused by αMG is significantly impaired. The cause of this stress is not currently known but may be due to either toxicity of accumulated sugar-phosphates or to depletion of metabolic intermediates. Here, we present evidence that glucose-phosphate stress results from depletion of glycolytic intermediates. Addition of glycolytic compounds like G6P and fructose-6-phosphate rescues the αMG growth defect of an sgrS mutant. These intermediates also markedly decrease induction of the stress response in both wild-type and sgrS strains grown with αMG, implying that cells grown with these intermediates experience less stress. Moreover, αMG transport assays confirm that G6P relieves stress even when αMG is taken up by the cell, strongly suggesting that accumulated αMG6P per se does not cause stress. We also report that addition of pyruvate during stress has a novel lethal effect on the sgrS mutant, resulting in cell lysis. The phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) synthetase PpsA, which converts pyruvate to PEP, can confer resistance to pyruvate-induced lysis when ppsA is ectopically expressed in the sgrS mutant. Taken as a whole, these results provide the strongest evidence thus far that depletion of glycolytic intermediates is at the metabolic root of glucose-phosphate stress.  相似文献   

裘娟萍  汪琨 《微生物学通报》2010,37(5):0757-0760
精品课程是具有一流教师队伍、一流教学内容、一流教学方法、一流教材、一流教学管理等特点的示范课程。精品课程建设的关键是一流教师队伍的培养。何谓"一流教师"?一流的教师应具有宽宏的气度、高深的学术造诣、精湛的教学艺术、较高的人文素养和良好的心理素质。  相似文献   

Import of secretory proteins into the Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) is an established function of the Sec61 channel. The contribution of the Sec61 channel to export of misfolded proteins from the ER for degradation by proteasomes is still controversial, but the proteasome 19S regulatory particle (RP) is necessary and sufficient for extraction of specific misfolded proteins from the ER, and binds directly to the Sec61 channel. In this work we have identified an import-competent sec61 mutant, S353C, carrying a point mutation in ER-lumenal loop 7 which reduces affinity of the cytoplasmic face of the Sec61 channel for the 19S RP. This indicates that the interaction between the 19S RP and the Sec61 channel is dependent on conformational changes in Sec61p hinging on loop 7. The sec61-S353C mutant had no measurable ER import defects and did not cause ER stress in intact cells, but reduced ER-export of a 19S RP-dependent misfolded protein when proteasomes were limiting in a cell-free assay. Our data suggest that the interaction between the 19S RP and the Sec61 channel is essential for the export of specific substrates from the ER to the cytosol for proteasomal degradation.  相似文献   

Ribosomal “stalk” protein L12 is known to activate translational GTPases EF-G and EF-Tu, but not much is known about its role in relation to other two translational G factors, IF2 and RF3. Here, we have clarified the role of L12 in IF2-mediated initiation of bacterial protein synthesis. With fast kinetics measurements, we have compared L12-depleted 50S subunits with the native ones in subunit association, GTP hydrolysis, Pi (inorganic phosphate) release and IF2 release assays. L12 depletion from 50S subunit slows the subunit association step significantly (∼ 40 fold) only when IF2·GTP is present on the 30S preinitiation complex. This demonstrates that rapid subunit association depends on a specific interaction between the L12 stalk on the 50S subunit and IF2·GTP on the 30S subunit. L12 depletion, however, did not affect the individual rates of the subsequent steps including GTP hydrolysis on IF2 and Pi release. Thus, L12 is not a GTPase activating protein (GAP) for IF2 unlike as suggested for EF-G and EF-Tu.  相似文献   

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