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Effects of pesticide practices on insect biodiversity in peach orchards   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To examine the effects of pesticides on insect biodiversity, a population survey was conducted in conventionally managed, low-input, and organic peach orchards. Pitfall traps were used to sample a total of 6489 insects representing 151 species at seven study sites. Results of a population survey suggest that pesticide application adversely affected insect biodiversity in peach orchards and that the magnitude of the adverse effect might be greater for herbicide application than for insecticide application. The usefulness of carabids and ants as biological indicators of the effects of pesticides was also evaluated. Results suggest that the ant species Tetramorium tsushimae is a good indicator in peach orchards. In contrast, carabids are not suitable indicators.  相似文献   

桃园害虫及天敌群落动态研究   总被引:30,自引:13,他引:30  
通过对桃园害虫天敌群落的系统调查,应用主分量分析法、最优分割法和模糊聚类分析方法进行分析.结果表明,群落具有明显的主导因素和时间格局;对桃园节肢动物群落55种节肢动物的数量变化进行模糊聚类分析,选置信水平λ=0.47,将其分为4个时期,利用最优分割法,将害虫天敌的发生量分为3段,利用主分量分析法,明确了主要害虫及其天敌种类.  相似文献   

桃园节肢动物群落相对丰盛度的季节动态研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
以合肥市杏花林果科技示范园为例,研究了桃园节肢动物群落物种的组成和数量,对植食类、捕食类、寄生类和其它类4种功能类群的相对丰盛度作了详尽的阐述。捕食类同植食类的相对丰盛度变化趋势一致,说明捕食类节肢动物是桃树生长期植食类害虫的重要天敌。  相似文献   

为了探究浙江主要桃产区(嘉兴、富阳、奉化)桃园昆虫群落结构和多样性,本实验使用马来氏网法、灯诱法、黄盘法等采集各桃园昆虫,并鉴定到科、属、种,将其分为天敌类昆虫、害虫类昆虫,进而筛选出优势种等。结果显示,共采集昆虫标本23247号,其中嘉兴桃园13826号,富阳桃园5577号,奉化桃园3844号;鞘翅目、鳞翅目、半翅目、双翅目等为优势类群。不同桃园昆虫群落多样性(Shannon-Wiener)指数和均匀度指数为富阳奉化嘉兴,物种丰富度为富阳奉化嘉兴,优势集中性指数为富阳奉化嘉兴。稳定性分析的结果表明富阳桃园昆虫群落中,天敌类昆虫对害虫类昆虫能起到较好的调控,拥有较强的适应和抵抗外界干扰的能力。综合以上各项昆虫群落分析的结果,表明富阳桃园的昆虫群落稳定性最高。  相似文献   

We attempted a population survey of spider mites and phytoseiid mites in Japanese peach orchards with different pesticide practices; however, we had difficulty discriminating phytoseiid mites. To estimate phytoseiid mite species composition, ribosomal gene fragments were amplified from genomic DNA of five phytoseiid mite species using PCR. Cloning and nucleotide sequencing of amplified fragments identified species-specific polymorphic sites. Newly amplified fragments from recombinant plasmids were mixed in various ratios to produce standard DNA template mixtures. After direct sequencing, the signal ratios between two nucleotides at each species-specific polymorphic site were calculated and shown against the corresponding expected ratios. Quadratic regression equations were used to estimate the phytoseiid mite species composition. Results showed that the phytoseiid mite species composition changed during the survey period and varied among study sites.  相似文献   

Browsing by overabundant deer modifies plant communities and alters forest regeneration, which can indirectly impact associated insect fauna. We tested the hypothesis that the response of insect communities to changes in deer abundance should depend on the strength of their association with plants, which we considered as a key functional trait. Seven years after a deer density control experiment was established in partly harvested forests on Anticosti Island (Quebec, Canada), we evaluated the effects of reducing white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) density from >20 down to 15, 7.5 and 0 deer km?2, on four insect taxa representing different levels of dependence on plants. As predicted by our hypothesis, the sensitivity of insect taxa to deer density decreased along a gradient representing their degree of association with plants. Carabidae remained unaffected, while Apoidea and Syrphidae communities differed between uncontrolled and reduced deer densities, but not as clearly as for Lepidoptera. As expected, insect communities responded faster in harvested than in forested areas because vegetation changes more rapidly in open habitats. For most insect taxa, dominant species were the most strongly affected by deer density reduction, but it was clearly stronger for predator taxa (Syrphidae and Carabidae). A fast recovery of rare species was observed for macro Lepidoptera. Reducing deer density down to 15 deer km?2 is sufficient to restore insect diversity on Anticosti Island, but it is unlikely to be efficient in all situations, particularly when competing tree regeneration is firmly established.  相似文献   

In this study, we attempted a population survey of spiders in peach orchards with and without pesticide application; however, we had difficulty discriminating them. To identify spiders, we determined the nucleotide sequences of a ca. 640-bp region in the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene from 17 species belonging to eight families. To identify five wolf spiders (Araneae: Lycosidae), which are the most abundant spiders in peach orchards in Okayama Prefecture, PCR and restriction fragment length polymorphism were developed on the basis of the COI gene sequences. Population survey results suggest that pesticide applications adversely affect spider populations in peach orchards.  相似文献   

Abstract. Short-term field experiments are often used to predict and evaluate long-term management effects. Based on a mowing experiment in two calcareous fens near Lake Neuchâtel, Switzerland, we investigated whether short-term treatment effects (i.e. during the first four years) were confirmed by long-term results (13 - 14 yr). Plots were mown in summer or in winter or left unmown. The main long-term trends in overall species composition (based on percentage cover estimates) were already observable in the first four years: mown and unmown plots diverged, whereas summer-cut and winter-cut plots remained similar. At the individual species level, however, short-term and long-term treatment effects differed considerably: many species whose abundance seemed affected by treatments during the first four years showed no response in the long term, and vice versa. These discrepancies were similar when based on cover estimates or on counts of shoots. Species responses did actually depend on the time scale considered. Short-term and long-term treatment effects on species richness were similar (i.e. a decrease in unmown plots), although only long-term effects were significant. Treatment effects on the above-ground biomass varied considerably, and short-term trends (lower biomass in unmown plots) differed from long-term trends (higher biomass in unmown plots). Our sites showed little overall change in species composition during the period investigated, and treatment effects were low compared with other similar experiments. If study sites are less stable or treatment effects more drastic, a short-term evaluation is expected to be even less reliable. Knowledge on species dynamics at a site may help to choose the adequate spatial and temporal scale of investigation, and thus increase the efficiency of management experiments.  相似文献   

Short-term effects of amoxicillin on bacterial communities in manured soil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Antibiotic-resistant bacteria, nutrients and antibiotics that enter the soil by means of manure may enhance the proportion of bacteria displaying antibiotic resistance among soil bacteria and may affect bacterial community structure and function. To investigate the effect of manure and amoxicillin added to manure on soil bacterial communities, microcosm experiments were performed with two soil types and the following treatments: (1) nontreated, (2) manure-treated, (3) treated with manure supplemented with 10 mg amoxicillin kg(-1) soil and (4) treated with manure supplemented with 100 mg amoxicillin kg(-1) soil, with four replicates per treatment. Manure significantly increased the total CFU count and the amoxicillin-resistant CFU count of both soil types. However, only the soil with a history of manure treatment showed a significant increase in the relative number of amoxicillin-resistant bacteria as a result of amoxicillin amendment. The majority of plasmids exogenously isolated from soil originated from soil treated with amoxicillin-supplemented manure. All 16 characterized plasmids carried the bla-TEM gene, and 10 of them belonged to the IncN group. The bla-TEM gene was detected in DNA directly extracted from soil by dot-blot hybridization of PCR amplicons and showed an increased abundance in soil samples treated with manure. Molecular fingerprint analysis of 16S rRNA gene fragments amplified from soil DNA revealed significant effects of manure and amoxicillin on the bacterial community of both soils.  相似文献   

The effects of long-term nitrogen loading on grassland insect communities   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Just as long-term nitrogen loading of grasslands decreases plant species richness and increases plant biomass, we have found that nitrogen loading decreases insect species richness and increases insect abundances. We sampled 54 plots that had been maintained at various rates of nitrogen addition for 14 years. Total insect species richness and effective insect diversity, as well as herbivore and predator species richness, were significantly, negatively related to the rate of nitrogen addition. However, there was variation in trophic responses to nitrogen. Detritivore species richness increased as nitrogen addition increased, and parasitoids showed no response. Insect abundances, measured as the number of insects and insect biovolume (an estimate of biomass), were significantly, positively related to the rate of nitrogen addition, as were the abundances of herbivores and detritivores. Parasitoid abundance was negatively related to the rate of nitrogen addition. Changes in the insect community were correlated with changes in the plant community. As rates of nitrogen addition increased, plant species richness decreased, plant productivity and plant tissue nitrogen increased, and plant composition shifted from C4 to C3 grass species. Along this gradient, total insect species richness and effective insect diversity were most strongly, positively correlated with plant species richness. Insect biovolume was negatively correlated with plant species richness. Responses of individual herbivores varied along the nitrogen gradient, but numbers of 13 of the 18 most abundant herbivores were positively correlated with their host plant biomass. Although insect communities did not respond as strongly as plant communities, insect species richness, abundance, and composition were impacted by nitrogen addition. This study demonstrates that long-term nitrogen loading affects the entire food chain, simplifying both plant and insect communities. Received: 18 May 1999 / Accepted: 5 January 2000  相似文献   

P. Vestergaard 《Plant Ecology》1985,62(1-3):383-390
A moving experiment is carried out at eight sites, situated at different levels in a Baltic salt meadow. The plots have been analyzed and mown with a scythe each year in August since 1979. The response of the sites to mowing is expressed as qualitative and quantitative changes in composition of the vegetation. So far, the most distinct changes in composition have been changes in relative importance of species already present in the initial vegetation. The resistance is found to be highest in the upper parts of the geolittoral, and lowest in the Phragmites australis swamp.  相似文献   

Effects of mowing frequency on ground cover composition and on numbers of predators, parasitoids, and select phytophagous arthropods in the ground cover of three reduced‐insecticide pear orchards were determined. Concurrent samples taken in the tree canopy (with beating trays) and in the herbicide strips on the orchard floor (with pitfall traps) tested whether counts of natural enemies in these two habitats were also affected by mowing regime. A reduction in frequency of mowing from two to three times per month (= control) to once per month or once per growing season led to increased cover of grasses, broadleaf plants, and broadleaf plants in flower. Sweep net samples of natural enemies in the ground cover were dominated numerically by spiders (Araneae), parasitic Hymenoptera, and predatory Heteroptera, with lesser numbers of other taxa (Syrphidae, Neuroptera, Coccinellidae). Predators and parasitoids showed substantial increases in numbers associated with decreased mowing frequency. Sweep net counts of aphids, Lygus spp. (Heteroptera: Miridae), and leafhoppers/planthoppers, all potential prey of predators, also increased significantly with decreased mowing frequency. In the pitfall samples, only the European earwig (Forficula auricularia L.) (Dermaptera: Forficulidae) exhibited a change in counts associated with mowing treatment; numbers of earwigs in pitfall traps declined as mowing frequency decreased. For the beat tray samples, mean tray counts for most natural enemy taxa were higher in the less frequently mowed plots, but significantly (P < 0.05) so only for two taxa: spiders and a predatory mirid, Deraeocoris brevis (Uhler) (Heteroptera: Miridae). It remains to be determined whether biological control of pests in the tree canopy can be enhanced by manipulating mowing frequency. Questions raised by this study include whether there is extensive movement by natural enemies between the ground cover and tree canopy, and whether plot size affects the likelihood of showing that mowing frequency influences predator densities in the tree canopy.  相似文献   

【目的】探讨桃园捕食性节肢动物群落特征、结构组成及动态规律,为桃园害虫防治提供依据。【方法】在西北农林科技大学实验站选择树龄5~6年的桃园为调查对象,系统调查园内节肢动物群落的种类和数量,测定群落的相对丰富度、多样性指数(H')、均匀度指数(E)及优势集中性指数(C)等指标,研究园内捕食性节肢动物群落的变化规律。【结果】桃园捕食性节肢动物群落的多样性指数和均匀度指数表现为高-低-高-低的趋势;群落优势度(B)与优势集中性指数呈现低-高-低趋势。食蚜蝇、蜘蛛、瓢虫、步甲和草蛉是桃园主要捕食性节肢动物亚群落。大灰食蚜蝇Metasyrphus corollae和黑带食蚜蝇Episyrphus balteata是食蚜蝇亚群落的优势种群,5月中旬至6月下旬是其发生高峰期;龟纹瓢虫Propylaea japonica是瓢虫亚群落的优势种群,5月中旬至7月下旬是其发生高峰期,随后数量维持在较低水平;龟纹瓢虫鼎斑变型和锚斑变型是桃园最常见的色斑变型,分别占49.6%和29%;蜘蛛亚群落主要包括皿蛛、蟹蛛和球蛛类群,5月上中旬、8月中下旬和10月中旬是其发生高峰期;步甲亚群落的发生高峰期为5月上旬至6月下旬,随后维持在较低的水平;中华草蛉Chrysoperla sinica为草蛉亚群落的优势种群,6月上旬至8月上旬是其发生高峰期。【结论】桃园捕食性节肢动物主要包括捕食性蜘蛛、食蚜蝇、捕食性瓢虫、步甲和草蛉5个亚群落,不同天敌亚群落的结构特征随着季节和气温的变化而相互演替,共同发挥控制害虫的作用。  相似文献   

随着农药减施等果园害虫绿色防控技术推广应用,茶翅蝽Halyomorpha halys在重要的水果种植区域内危害日益严重,有从次要害虫发展为主要害虫的趋势。而桃树作为少数茶翅蝽可以完成整个生活史的果树之一,被害尤为严重。虽有化学药剂对茶翅蝽取得较好的防治效果,但其飞行能力强,易产生抗药等特点,导致防治非常困难。因此,对茶翅蝽的生物防治和生态调控方法愈发得到重视,特别是天敌昆虫得到广泛研究和应用。茶翅蝽的主要天敌是寄生蜂,利用天敌昆虫可以有效控制茶翅蝽的种群数量。此外,基于茶翅蝽嗅觉行为反应构建的"推-拉"防控策略研究得以开展,以达到对茶翅蝽种群的生态调控。本文综述了茶翅蝽对桃生产过程中的危害现状及特点、生态学习性及现阶段防治措施等,并着重总结了针对茶翅蝽成虫的潜在生物防治方法,为茶翅蝽的绿色防控提供新思路。  相似文献   

Apple is one of the most important fruits in China, and both yield and quality are greatly affected by insect pests. According to surveys, there are more than 200 species of natural enemies in apple orchards. Few, however, have been closely studied. Major natural enemies including parasitoids, predators and pathogens are briefly described in this review, especially focusing on two parasitoids of Trichogramma dendrolimi Matsumura and Aphelinus mali Haldeman, predatory mites and a pathogenic fungus of Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin as case studies. Augmentation, one important strategy of biological control, supplements the natural control provided by the existing natural enemy community in apple orchards, and greatly increases their efficiency in controlling pests. Conservation biological control is also widely applied in four major apple-producing areas. Based on habitat manipulation, the ground cover planting system helps regulate the microclimate and enhance the biodiversity of apple orchards, effectively conserving the richness and diversity of beneficial insect species. Certain achievements have been made in the main biological control strategies including successful introduction of some exotic natural enemies such as A. mali and Typhlodromus occidentalis Nesbitt, augmentative production and application of biological control agents such as T. dendrolimi, B. bassiana and Bacillus thuringiensis, and further research in conservation of establishing adaptive ground cover planting patterns to local environment. Challenges, however, still exist. Biological control of insect pests in apple orchards is an important part of integrated pest management programs, requiring more research and application in China.  相似文献   

This paper describes the current state of the biological control of insect pests in litchi orchards in China. Litchi is growing in importance as a fruit in China and the control of litchi stink bug, Tessaratoma papillosa (Drury) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) by the solitary egg endoparasitoid Anastatus japonicus (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) is an example of successful classical biological control. This review will cover the current economic status of litchi production in China, the challenges faced in litchi pest management, and possible solutions. The review will also focus on research activities and experiences drawn from many years of experimentation and field work by researchers in an attempt to promote biological control and reduce insecticide use to produce healthier food and a safer environment. Studies on the biology and ecology of T. papillosa and its egg parasitoid A. japonicas will be summarized. The adult longevity and long oviposition period, in combination with the short life cycle, high fecundity, and resistance to harsh environmental conditions make this parasitoid ideal for biological control. The straightforwardness of mass-rearing and easy access to high quality factitious host eggs have made it possible to control T. papillosa with this parasitoid in litchi orchards over large areas in China. Both pest and parasitoid have been thoroughly studied, and A. japonicus has been used in the field for control since late 1960s. The introduction of techniques for mass-rearing of A. japonicus and the parasitoid’s efficacy in controlling T. papillosa once released will be discussed. Finally, we will address the problems currently facing litchi pest management and the importance of conservation biological control in the development and implementation of integrated pest management (IPM).  相似文献   

Petr Starý 《BioControl》1964,9(2):147-152
Résumé Les études de l'auteur sur les pucerons des vergers d'agrumes et de pêchers et leur voisinage, ont montré que la faune aphidienne de certaines plantes est une réserve d'Aphides nuisibles tandis que la faune aphidienne d'autres plantes est économiquement indifférente et représente des h?tes intermédiaires pour les parasites des Aphides nuisibles du premier groupe. Il est proposé de restreindre les plantes du premier groupe, de préserver et de favoriser l'existence de plantes du second groupe comme moyen de lutte intégrée contre certains aphides nuisibles des vergers. L'introduction deAphidius transcaspicus Telenga dans des régions infestées parHyalopterus pruni, est recommandée.   相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2000,21(1):21-28
The inter-relationships between animal body weight, range size, species richness and abundance are currently the basis of macroecology. Using 41 099 insects sampled from 31 Acacia tree canopies in north-east Tanzania, we first documented the basic macroecological patterns. The relationship between body weight and both species richness and abundance was polygonal with the highest insect species richness and abundance occurring at intermediate body weights. Across individual tree communities, the most statistically robust relationships were found between range size, abundance and species richness and they were all linear. In a second part, we focused on the positive abundance-range size relationship and we could test predictions of six of the eight proposed hypotheses to explain this widely documented pattern of community structure. The relationship is most likely explained by the metapopulation hypothesis stating that with more patches being occupied, local abundance in a given patch increases due to a higher rate of immigration from nearby patches. In addition, we found high slopes for the species-area relationship, typical of island systems and thus it seems reasonable to characterise Acacia trees in the savannah as habitat islands for insects.  相似文献   

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