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Much current vision research is predicated on the idea--and a rapidly growing body of evidence--that visual percepts are generated according to the empirical significance of light stimuli rather than their physical characteristics. As a result, an increasing number of investigators have asked how visual perception can be rationalized in these terms. Here, we compare two different theoretical frameworks for predicting what observers actually see in response to visual stimuli: Bayesian decision theory and empirical ranking theory. Deciding which of these approaches has greater merit is likely to determine how the statistical operations that apparently underlie visual perception are eventually understood.  相似文献   

While it is generally accepted that honeybees (Apis mellifera) are capable of using the pattern of polarized light in the sky to navigate to a food source, there is little or no direct behavioural evidence that they actually do so. We have examined whether bees can be trained to find their way through a maze composed of four interconnected tunnels, by using directional information provided by polarized light illumination from the ceilings of the tunnels. The results show that bees can learn this task, thus demonstrating directly, and for the first time, that bees are indeed capable of using the polarized-light information in the sky as a compass to steer their way to a food source.  相似文献   

Motion capture is usually performed on only a few steps of over-ground locomotion, limited by the finite sensing volume of most capture systems. This makes it difficult to evaluate walking over longer distances, or in a natural environment outside the laboratory. Here we show that motion capture may be performed relative to a mobile platform, such as a wheeled cart that is moved with the walking subject. To determine the person’s absolute displacement in space, the cart’s own motion must be localized. We present three localization methods and evaluate their performance. The first detects cart motion solely from the relative motion of the subject’s feet during walking. The others use sensed motion of the cart’s wheels to perform odometry, with and without an additional gyroscope to enhance sensitivity to turning about the vertical axis. We show that such methods are practical to implement, and with present-day sensors can yield accuracy of better than 1% over arbitrary distances.  相似文献   

Flocking bird species tolerate an approaching human up to a certain distance. We measured this distance, i.e., flight distance, to an approaching small boat for 11 waterfowl species. The flight distances correlated positively with flock size and species diversity (Shannon index H′) in species that showed relatively short flight distances when they were in a single-species flock. However, we did not observe such a correlation for single-species flocks that showed relatively long flight distances. Only pochards (Aythya ferina), a species with large individual variation in flight distances, showed a positive correlation between flight distance and flock size in both single- and multispecies flocks. Flight distance seemed to be affected by usage of the water area: flight distances tended to be longer for waterfowl species that use a water area for foraging than for those that use it primarily for resting. Thus, the behavior of actively foraging species may be more affected by human disturbances than that of resting species. Received: March 10, 2001 / Accepted: May 22, 2001  相似文献   

Although it is widely accepted that honeybees use the polarized-light pattern of the sky as a compass for navigation, there is little direct evidence that this information is actually sensed during flight. Here, we ask whether flying bees can obtain compass cues derived purely from polarized light, and communicate this information to their nest-mates through the ‘waggle dance’. Bees, from an observation hive with vertically oriented honeycombs, were trained to fly to a food source at the end of a tunnel, which provided overhead illumination that was polarized either parallel to the axis of the tunnel, or perpendicular to it. When the illumination was transversely polarized, bees danced in a predominantly vertical direction with waggles occurring equally frequently in the upward or the downward direction. They were thus using the polarized-light information to signal the two possible directions in which they could have flown in natural outdoor flight: either directly towards the sun, or directly away from it. When the illumination was axially polarized, the bees danced in a predominantly horizontal direction with waggles directed either to the left or the right, indicating that they could have flown in an azimuthal direction that was 90° to the right or to the left of the sun, respectively. When the first half of the tunnel provided axial illumination and the second half transverse illumination, bees danced along all of the four principal diagonal directions, which represent four equally likely locations of the food source based on the polarized-light information that they had acquired during their journey. We conclude that flying bees are capable of obtaining and signalling compass information that is derived purely from polarized light. Furthermore, they deal with the directional ambiguity that is inherent in polarized light by signalling all of the possible locations of the food source in their dances, thus maximizing the chances of recruitment to it.  相似文献   

This review of rat sensory perception spans eight decades of work conducted across diverse research fields. It covers rat vision, audition, olfaction, gustation, and somatosensation, and describes how rat perception differs from and coincides with ours. As Nagel's seminal work (1974) implies, we cannot truly know what it is like to be a rat, but we can identify and acknowledge their perceptual biases. These primarily nocturnal rodents are extremely sensitive to light, with artificial lighting frequently causing retinal degeneration, and their vision extends into the ultraviolet. Their olfactory sensitivity and ultrasonic hearing means they are influenced by environmental factors and conspecific signals that we cannot perceive. Rat and human gustation are similar, being opportunistic omnivores, yet this sense becomes largely redundant in the laboratory, where rodents typically consume a single homogenous diet. Rat somatosensation differs from ours in their thigmotactic tendencies and highly sensitive, specialised vibrissae. Knowledge of species-specific perceptual abilities can enhance experimental designs, target resources, and improve animal welfare. Furthermore, the sensory environment has influences from neurone to behaviour, so it can not only affect the senses directly, but also behaviour, health, physiology, and neurophysiology. Research shows that environmental enrichment is necessary for normal visual, auditory, and somatosensory development. Laboratory rats are not quite the simple, convenient models they are sometimes taken for; although very adaptable, they are complex mammals existing in an environment they are not evolutionarily adapted for. Here, many important implications of rat perception are highlighted, and suggestions are made for refining experiments and housing.  相似文献   

Many works demonstrate the benefits of using highly polymorphic markers such as microsatellites in order to measure the genetic diversity between closely related breeds. But it is sometimes difficult to decide which genetic distance should be used. In this paper we review the behaviour of the main distances encountered in the literature in various divergence models. In the first part, we consider that breeds are populations in which the assumption of equilibrium between drift and mutation is verified. In this case some interesting distances can be expressed as a function of divergence time, t, and therefore can be used to construct phylogenies. Distances based on allele size distribution (such as (δμ)2 and derived distances), taking a mutation model of microsatellites, the Stepwise Mutation Model, specifically into account, exhibit large variance and therefore should not be used to accurately infer phylogeny of closely related breeds. In the last section, we will consider that breeds are small populations and that the divergence times between them are too small to consider that the observed diversity is due to mutations: divergence is mainly due to genetic drift. Expectation and variance of distances were calculated as a function of the Wright-Malécot inbreeding coefficient, F. Computer simulations performed under this divergence model show that the Reynolds distance [57]is the best method for very closely related breeds.  相似文献   

The contribution of head movement to the control of roll responses in flying locusts (Locusta migratoria) has been examined (i) on a flight balance, recording the angles through which the locust turns when following an artificial horizon; (ii) by recording activity in a pair of flight muscles in restrained conditions; and (iii) by observations on free flying locusts. Responses were compared when the head was free to turn about the thorax, as normal, and when the head was waxed to the thorax, blocking any relative motion between the two (head-fixed). These experiments suggest that the major signal generating corrective roll manoeuvres is the visual error between the angle of the head and the horizon, rather than a signal that includes a measure of the head-thorax angle.
1.  On the flight balance in the head-free condition the roll angle of the thorax was consistently less than in the head-fixed state, and followed the stimulus with longer response lags. Furthermore, the difference between the angle of the thorax assumed during head-free and head-fixed rolls was close to the angle of the head relative to the thorax during head-free responses.
2.  Records of activity of the forewing first basalar muscles (M97) were made during rotation of the horizon about immobilized animals. When the head could follow the horizon, the relative latency between activity in the left and right basalar muscles decreased as the head position turned to approach the displaced horizon. When head-fixed, the relative latency was directly proportional to horizon angle.
3.  The relative latency between left and right M97 flight muscles correlates better with the visual error signal than with the horizon position signal, lagging by approximately 40 ms.
4.  In the open air, head-fixed locusts appear able to fly as well as head-free locusts.
These data suggest that the reduction in visual inputs caused by compensatory motion of the head during roll manoeuvres is not functionally replaced by inputs from cervical proprioceptors. Some reasons why the locust may nevertheless allow head movement relative to the thorax during flight are discussed.  相似文献   

The indoor microbiome is a complex system that is thought to depend on dispersal from the outdoor biome and the occupants'' microbiome combined with selective pressures imposed by the occupants'' behaviors and the building itself. We set out to determine the pattern of fungal diversity and composition in indoor air on a local scale and to identify processes behind that pattern. We surveyed airborne fungal assemblages within 1-month time periods at two seasons, with high replication, indoors and outdoors, within and across standardized residences at a university housing facility. Fungal assemblages indoors were diverse and strongly determined by dispersal from outdoors, and no fungal taxa were found as indicators of indoor air. There was a seasonal effect on the fungi found in both indoor and outdoor air, and quantitatively more fungal biomass was detected outdoors than indoors. A strong signal of isolation by distance existed in both outdoor and indoor airborne fungal assemblages, despite the small geographic scale in which this study was undertaken (<500 m). Moreover, room and occupant behavior had no detectable effect on the fungi found in indoor air. These results show that at the local level, outdoor air fungi dominate the patterning of indoor air. More broadly, they provide additional support for the growing evidence that dispersal limitation, even on small geographic scales, is a key process in structuring the often-observed distance–decay biogeographic pattern in microbial communities.  相似文献   

Myrmecochorous dispersal distances: a world survey   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Abstract. Myrmecochorous dispersal distances are reviewed; the seed dispersal curve generated by ants shows a characteristic peak at short distances and a long tail, a shape suited to small densities of safe sites. Mean global distance is of 0.96 m (n= 2524) with a range of 0.01–77 m. Data have been broken down by geography (Northern hemisphere v. Southern hemisphere), taxonomy (ant subfamilies) and ecology (vegetation: sclerophyllous v. mesophyllous). Although a statistical difference exists between dispersal curves from the Northern hemisphere and the Southern hemisphere, this may be an artefact of lack of data from mesophyllous myrmecochores from this hemisphere. The four ant subfamilies do show also numerical differences but could not be subjected to statistical analysis. A difference between the shape of dispersal curve for sclerophyllous myrmecochores and mesophyllous myrmecochores has also been detected. We hypothesize that this difference is related to the myrmecological communities from both types of vegetation: dispersing ants from sclerophyllous vegetation would have smaller nest densities and/or bigger foraging areas than dispersing ants from mesic environments.  相似文献   

pathmatrix is a tool used to compute matrices of effective geographical distances among samples using a least‐cost path algorithm. This program is dedicated to the study of the role of the environment on the spatial genetic structure of populations. Punctual locations (e.g. individuals) or zones encompassing sample data points (e.g. demes) are used in conjunction with a species‐specific friction map representing the cost of movement through the landscape. Matrices of effective distances can then be exported to population genetic software to test, for example, for isolation by distance. pathmatrix is an extension to the geographical information system (GIS) software arcview 3.x.  相似文献   

鸟类和其他动物经常死于车撞, 每年因车撞而死亡的个体可达数百万只。为什么有的物种比其他物种更易于死于车撞的问题,迄今未研究过。该文推测物种本身所具有的冒险行为可能是这些物种的某些个体更常死于车撞的一个原因。此外,不同物种个体在公路上的行为、个体数量、栖息地偏好、繁殖社会性以及健康状况都可能是影响个体车撞风险的潜在因素。2001—2006 年,对丹麦一个农村地区进行定期统计取样, 得到该地区不同种鸟类个体被车撞死事件发生的频率,以及周边环境中 50 种鸟类的个体数量数据, 并利用这些数据来检验我们的预测。车撞频率随鸟类个体数量线性增加和位于道路上或者低空飞越道路的个体所占比例增加,这两个因素几乎无法解释鸟类车撞频率差异。在考虑到丰富度这个因素后,发现那些鸟类惊飞距离短、面对潜在危险而更具有冒险性的物种个体更易遭遇车撞而亡。另外, 独居的物种、疟原虫感染率高的物种及因体型大而拥有大法氏囊的物种个体死于车撞的频率更高。这些发现表明, 一系列反映冒险行为、视敏度和健康状况的因子导致某些鸟类物种易受到车撞影响。  相似文献   

Blue-throated hummingbirds produce elaborate songs extending into the ultrasonic frequency range, up to 30 kHz. Ultrasonic song elements include harmonics and extensions of audible notes, non-harmonic components of audible syllables, and sounds produced at frequencies above 20 kHz without corresponding hearing range sound. To determine whether ultrasonic song elements function in intraspecific communication, we tested the hearing range of male and female blue-throated hummingbirds. We measured auditory thresholds for tone pips ranging from 1 kHz to 50 kHz using auditory brainstem responses. Neither male nor female blue-throated hummingbirds appear to be able to hear above 7 kHz. No auditory brainstem responses could be detected between 8 and 50 kHz at 90 dB. This high-frequency cutoff is well within the range reported for other species of birds. These results suggest that high-frequency song elements are not used in intraspecific communication. We propose that the restricted hummingbird hearing range may exemplify a phylogenetic constraint.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to explore the latent dimensions that underlie people’s use of adjectives that can describe weather and climate conditions. A sample of 1,011 university undergraduate students residing the southeastern United States evaluated the weather and climate of that region using 143 English language adjectives. Data were collected over a two-year period during various weather and seasonally related climatic conditions. Polychoric correlations among the adjective ratings were calculated; the matrix of correlations was factor analyzed. Twelve underlying factors related to weather and climate perceptions were observed: 1. threatening, severe, violent, 2. dismal, drab, dark, 3. cold and wintry, 4. hot and summery, 5. tranquil and pleasant, 6. stormy and wet, 7. bright and clear, 8. blowing and blustery, 9. damp and moist, 10. cloudy and cool, 11. predictable and unchanging, and 12. hazy and dusty. A second-order factor analysis revealed two factors pertaining to weather valence: 1. bad or extreme and 2. good or routine conditions. The study results were noteworthy in revealing some of the basic linguistic dimensions along which people perceive and experience weather and climate at the current time in the southeastern United States. The study also represents the use of a new technique for biometeorologists to use in assessing climate perceptions in culturally and climatically diverse regions.  相似文献   

Travel costs can influence numerous aspects of the lives of primates, including net energy balance (and therefore reproductive success of females) and maximum group size. Despite their potential impact, there has been no systematic comparison of different measures of travel distance. We compared three measures of travel distance in 30 min (actual distance of individuals, straight‐line distance of individuals, and straight‐line distance of groups) and their ratios in a small group and a large group of vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops) and between the large group of vervets and a group of patas monkeys (Erythrocebus patas) of roughly similar size. The large group of vervets traveled farther than the small group regardless of the measure used, but the ratios of the different measures were not significantly different between those groups. Patas monkeys traveled significantly farther than the large group of vervets regardless of the measure used. In both vervets and patas, straight‐line distances of individuals (ISLD) and groups (GSLD) underestimated actual distances traveled by individuals (IAD), but the degree to which they did so differed between species. IAD is more accurate than the other two measures and is preferred for studies of energetics and individual reproductive success, although ISLD or GSLD may be substituted when the ratios of IAD/ISLD or IAD/GSLD do not differ between groups or species. The ratio of IAD/ISLD was larger in vervets than in patas, suggesting that individual vervets meander more over short periods of time than patas. The ratio of ISLD/GSLD was larger in patas than in vervets, suggesting that patas move at angles or across the group's center‐of‐mass whereas vervets move more consistently along with others in their group. This has implications for the formation of spatial subgroups and alliances within groups. Am. J. Primatol. 48:87–98, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Objectives:We studied the effect of different vibration frequencies on spinal cord excitability and heat pain perception. We hypothesized that the effects of vibration on spinal cord reflexes, and, also those on heat pain perception, depend on vibration frequency.Methods:In 9 healthy subjects, we applied vibration over the tibialis anterior muscle at three different frequencies (50, 150, or 250 Hz) on spinal cord reflex excitably, tested with the H reflex and the T wave in the soleus muscle, as well as on sensory and pain perception, tested by measuring warm perception (WT) and heat pain perception thresholds, (HPT) in sites rostral and caudal to vibration. Exams were carried out before, during, and after vibration.Results:The amplitude of the H reflex and T wave significantly decreased during vibration in comparison to baseline. Low frequencies (50 and 150Hz) induced greater reflex suppression than high frequency (250Hz). No significant changes were observed on WT and HPT.Conclusions:The effects of vibratory stimulation can be summarized as frequency-related suppression of the spinal cord excitability without an effect on warm and heat pain perception. The present results may help to design vibration-related interventions intended to diminish spinal cord reflex excitability in spastic patients.  相似文献   

Genetic microdifferentiation has been studied among four endogamous villages of the Bystrica Valley in the Kysuce region of northwest Slovakia, which arose from a single ancestral population about 15 generations ago. Genetic distances and sample kinship between the villages were estimated from the gene frequencies of seven serum-group and isozyme genetic markers. The genetic distance was found to correlate positively (though insignificantly) with the geographic distance, and negatively with the intensity of migration between villages; the sample kinship correlates negatively with geography as well as with the genetic distance. This pattern of genetic structure within the area indicates that the genetic variation among the villages is attributable to the genetic drift. Thus, drift has brought about a detectable differentiation in the area within a limited period of approximately 300 years, in spite of the fact that the villages were not completely genetically isolated from each other. The finding of a negative correlation between the sample kinship and geographic distance indicates that the recent breakdown of genetic isolates in Slovakia is likely to be accompanied with an overall increase of heterozygosity.  相似文献   

Estimation of evolutionary distances between nucleotide sequences   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
A formal mathematical analysis of the substitution process in nucleotide sequence evolution was done in terms of the Markov process. By using matrix algebra theory, the theoretical foundation of Barry and Hartigan's (Stat. Sci. 2:191–210, 1987) and Lanave et al.'s (J. Mol. Evol. 20:86–93, 1984) methods was provided. Extensive computer simulation was used to compare the accuracy and effectiveness of various methods for estimating the evolutionary distance between two nucleotide sequences. It was shown that the multiparameter methods of Lanave et al.'s (J. Mol. Evol. 20:86–93, 1984), Gojobori et al.'s (J. Mol. Evol. 18:414–422, 1982), and Barry and Hartigan's (Stat. Sci. 2:191–210, 1987) are preferable to others for the purpose of phylogenetic analysis when the sequences are long. However, when sequences are short and the evolutionary distance is large, Tajima and Nei's (Mol. Biol. Evol. 1:269–285, 1984) method is superior to others.  相似文献   

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