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Data on the genera Gryllacris A.-Serv., Aphanogryllacris Karny, and Papuogryllacris Griff. (Stenopelmatidae, Gryllacridinae) from the Indo-Malayan and Papuan Regions are reported. The former genera Gigantogryllacris Karny and Pardogryllacris Karny are tentatively included in the genus Gryllacris as subgenera. Eight new species and three new subspecies are described. Neotype of Gryllacris signifera (Stoll) and lectotypes of G. obscura Br.-W., G. obscura sumatrana Griff., G. javanica (Griff.), G. appendiculata Br.-W., G. fuscifrons Gerst., G. sirambeica battaka (Griff.), G. excelsa Br.-W., G. heros Gerst., and Aphanogryllacris sexpunctata Br.-W. are designated. G. athleta Br.-W., G. adjutrix Br.-W., and, probably, Aphanogryllacris sexpunctata obscuriceps Karny are considered to be distinct species. Some insufficiently known taxa are redescribed, the systematic position of several species and subspecies is clarified, and new distributional data are reported.  相似文献   

Material on the Indo-Malayan Gryllacridinae (Stenopelmatidae) of the genera Zalarnaca Gor., Dinolarnaca gen. n., Phryganogryllacris Karny, Neanias Br.-W., and Aancistroger B.-Bien. is considered. A new genus, a new subgenus, 17 new species, and 2 new subspecies are described. Some insufficiently known taxa are redescribed. Systematic position of several species and subspecies is clarified.  相似文献   

A new genus, 26 new species, and 2 new subspecies of the Rhaphidophorinae (Rhaphidophoridae) from the Indo-Malayan Region and the nearest islands are described. These species and subspecies belong to the genera Eurhaphidophora Gor., Neorhaphidophora Gor., Diarhaphidophora gen. n., Stonychophora Karny, and to the first group of the genus Rhaphidophora A.-Serv.  相似文献   

19 new species of the subfamily Rhaphidophorinae (Stenopelmatoidea: Rhaphidophoridae) are described and illustrated. These species belong to the first group of the genus Rhaphidophora A.-Serv.; the material originates from Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos and also from the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, and India.  相似文献   

A list of species of the staphylinid subfamily Euasthetinae from the Baikal Area and adjacent territories is given. Edaphus beszedesi Rtt. and Euasthetus mandschuricus Puthz are new records for Russia, Eu. superlatus Peyer., for Siberia, Eu. laeviusculus Mnnh., for the Baikal Area, and Eu. ruficapillus Lac., for western Siberia. [Records of Eu. bipunctatus and Eu. ruficapillus from “Kamenesch-Podolsk” in the original Russian text actually refer to the misspelled City of Kamenets-Podolskii in Western Ukraine and, thus, the records of these two species for Western Siberia are erroneous.—Ed.]  相似文献   

A collection of blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) from western Iran was examined, four species were recorded. Three new species are described: Tetisimulium iranicum sp. n., Wilhelmia lurestanica sp. n., and Crosskeyellum zagros sp. n. The presence of Tetisimulium coarctatum (Rubzov, 1940) in Iran is confirmed.  相似文献   

本文探讨了中国斑腿蝗科属级分布特征和区系组成特点.结果表明:在我国有分布的斑腿蝗科101个属级阶元中,东洋区成分为62属,占已知属总数的61.4%;其次依次为双区属18属,占17.8%;古北属15属,占14.9%;广布属6属,仅占5.9%;有48属为我国特有属,占总数的47.5%.根据其属级阶元在世界各大动物地理区的分布比较发现我国的斑腿蝗科昆虫与非洲共有性较高,两者亲缘关系相对较近.  相似文献   

Faunistic records for 139 tachinid species from southwestern Turkey (Mu?la province and adjacent Ayd?n, Burdur, Denizli and Antalya provinces) are given. Another 17 species of the study area are known only from published records. The known fauna of Tachinidae of southwestern Turkey thus comprises 156 species. Zoogeographic analysis of the study area revealed that tachinids belong to 29 chorological categories, divided into two supergroups: 122 species (78.2%) are more eurybiontic, and also distributed in northern parts of the Palaearctic region (19 chorological categories belong here), whereas 34 species (21.8%) are distinctly thermophilic, and have a southern type of distribution (10 chorological categories are distinguished). Altogether, 52 species (33.3%) are recorded for the first time from Turkey.  相似文献   

Recent phylogenetic studies have shown that Saxifraga, as currently understood, must be divided into two genera: Saxifraga L. sensu stricto and Micranthes Haw. To better understand the evolutionary history of these two genera, we performed phylogenetic analyses inferred from the nuclear ribosomal sequences from the internal transcribed spacer and the sequences of the plastid DNA (rbcL). Our molecular data confirmed the monophyly of the genus Micranthes and the consistency of the existing systematic treatments based on morphological criteria. Moreover, Micranthes species native from the Iberian Peninsula (i.e. M. clusii, M. lepismigena and M. stellaris) should be included into Micranthes sect. Arabisa.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships between species of akalats (Sheppardia) and alethes (Alethe) were derived from mitochondrial and nuclear sequence data, and phylogeographic pattern was also investigated in three widespread species (two Alethe and one Sheppardia) endemic to the African lowland rainforest biome. Co-distributed species of Alethe and Sheppardia showed similar spatial relationships between the Guineo-Congolian biome and the Western Rift mountains, and preliminary area relationships are shown for species of Sheppardia and Alethe distributed in the Cameroon highlands, the woodland areas north and south of the lowland forest block, and east African montane and lowland forest. Within widespread species, phylogeographic pattern was generally similar, with long branches between Upper and Lower Guinea populations, and between eastern and western Congolian populations. At the interspecific level, the nuclear intron used gave more resolution than the mitochondrial data, which gave poor resolution at basal nodes. While the affinities of some species groups were weakly supported, no support was suggested for the monophyly of Alethe and little for Sheppardia as those genera are currently circumscribed, and taxonomic changes are suggested. As found by previous workers, monophyletic clades corresponding to Muscicapini and Saxicolini of Sibley and Ahlquist (1990) were not recovered, and the membership of any monophyletic 'African forest robin assemblage' needs to be resolved.  相似文献   

A total of 75 species of leafrollers of the family Tortricidae belonging to 41 genera were found in northern and Inner Anatolia between 1999 and 2003. Cochylidia moguntiana (Rössler, 1864) is newly recorded for Turkey, and the first detailed records of Aphelia viburniana (Fabricius, 1787), Epiblema turbidana (Treitschke, 1835), Eucosma conterminana (Guenée, 1845) and Cochylidia rupicola (Curtis,1834) are communicated.  相似文献   

37 species of the weevil families Brentidae, Apionidae, Nanophyidae, Dryophthoridae, Erirhinidae, and Curculionidae are recorded for Turkey or for the Asian part of the country, most of them, for the first time. Some of the species are also newly recorded for other countries.  相似文献   

This study is based upon material of the family Ichneumonidae collected from Erzurum and Tunceli provinces of Turkey between 2011 and 2012. 64 species in 49 genera of the family Ichneumonidae were recorded. Among them, Alloplasta tomentosa (Gravenhorst, 1829), Lissonota (Lissonota) accusator (Fabricius, 1793), Dusona nidulator (Fabricius, 1804), Olesicampe fulviventris (Gmelin, 1790), Olesicampe proterva (Brischke, 1880), Olesicampe radiella (Thomson, 1885), Aptesis nigrocincta (Gravenhorst, 1815), Cryptus moschator (Fabricius, 1787), Pleolophus brachypterus (Gravenhorst, 1815), Hadrodactylus flavofacialis Horstmann, 2000, Lagarotis semicaligata (Gravenhorst, 1820), Coelichneumon (Coelichneumon) consimilis (Wesmael, 1845), Hoplismenus axillatorius (Thunberg, 1822) and Eridolius pictus (Gravenhorst, 1829) are new to the Turkish fauna. A short zoogeographic characterisation is given for each species.  相似文献   

De Smet  W. H.  Van Rompu  E. A.  Beyens  L. 《Hydrobiologia》1993,255(1):463-466
Six water bodies in the region of Kangerlussuaq, West Greenland (67° 30 N, 50° 46 W), and four near Ammassalik, East Greenland (65° 36 N, 37° 38 W) were sampled. Sixty-nine taxa (2 Bdelloidea, 67 Monogononta) are reported, forty-six of which represent new records for Greenland. Proales pejleri n. sp. is described.  相似文献   

In the Volga and Don river basins, 17 stonefly species are known: 16 from the Volga, and 6 from the Don basin. The fauna is dominated by the species with wide, European (Isogenus nubecula, Nemoura flexuosa, N. dubitans, Amphinemura sulcicollis, Brachyptera braueri, Isoperla difformis, I. grammatica, Leuctra hippopus, Xanthoperla apicalis, Siphonoperla burmeisteri) and Transpalaearctic ranges (Taeniorterykh nebulosa, Nemurella pictetii, Amphinemura borealis, Nemoura cinerea, Capnia atra, Leuctra fusca, Isoperla obscura).  相似文献   

Shimalov VV 《Parazitologiia》2007,41(3):201-205
Helminth fauna of Insectivora was investigated in canal banks situated in meliorated territories of Belorussian Polesie during 1996-1999. Thirty-three helminth species were found in the animals examined. Most of the parasites are usual in common shrew Sorex araneus L., which is a predominate insectivore species in canal banks.  相似文献   

Abstract. Within a framework for historical analysis of Eneopterinae biogeography the New Caledonian endemic cricket genus Agnotecous Saussure, 1878 is revised: the eight already known species are diagnosed and six new species described, A. azurensis Desutter‐Grandcolas sp.n. , A. chopardi Desutter‐Grandcolas sp.n. , A. clarus Desutter‐Grandcolas sp.n. , A. doensis Desutter‐Grandcolas sp.n. , A. meridionalis Desutter‐Grandcolas sp.n. and A. occidentalis Desutter‐Grandcolas sp.n. Four species groups are characterized by male genitalic structures. Identification keys are provided for both males and females. A cladistic analysis was performed using fifty‐eight morphological characters. The two resultant topologies, which differ only in topology of three apical species, support the monophyly of Agnotecous and that of the four species groups. Preliminary hypotheses of Eneopterinae historical biogeography are derived from phylogenetic and distributional data.  相似文献   

蝗虫分子系统学研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文从遗传多样性、近缘种鉴别以及分子进化和系统发育重建 3个方面综述了蝗虫分子系统学的研究进展。  相似文献   

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