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Summary This paper reports the results of the first detailed study of the morphology of exocrine glands in two species of the ant subfamily Leptanillinae. Workers of Leptanilla escheri and L. japonica possess a large, unpaired sternal gland in the VIIth abdominal sternite, and an hypertrophied poison gland which is surrounded by a massive muscle layer. The sternal gland is absent in the queen of L. japonica, and the poison gland is highly degenerated. The queen is, however, endowed with a series of large, paired, intersegmental tergal and sternal glands, which occur between the IVth through the VIIth segments. The queen also posseses large spiracular plate glands.  相似文献   

Exocrine glands extrude both proteins and salt. Fluid secretion is related to a modification of the membrane permeability of secreting cells. This permeability change may be measured as an increase of labelled ion fluxes or as a rise of membrane conductance. It involves Na+, K+, Cl- and Ca2+ ions. Intracellular Ca2+ acts as "second messenger" in the development of the electrical response. Recent recordings using the "patch-clamp" technique have revealed three types of ion channel activated by secretory agents. These channels are sensitive to internal Ca2+ ions. They are respectively selective to K+, Cl- and positively charged monovalent ions. Two models suggesting possible roles for these channels in the secretion process are presented. However, evaluation of such models is presently restricted by numerous uncertainties on the function of secreting cells in vivo. Information is notably lacking concerning the exact composition of the secreted fluid, and the exchanges between exocrine glands and blood circulation.  相似文献   

We found a hitherto unknown gland in the trochanter of several ant species. The gland occurs at the proximal ventral part of the trochanter in all legs. It consists of a thickening of the tegumental epithelium, the lining cuticle of which is characterized by narrow vertical pores that lead the secretion to the outside. Its function is probably that of producing lubricant substances to allow optimal manoeuvrability of the articulation between the trochanter and the coxa.  相似文献   

In the last 15 years, remarkable progress has been realized in identifying the genes that encode the ion-transporting proteins involved in exocrine gland function, including salivary glands. Among these proteins, Ca2+-dependent K+ channels take part in key functions including membrane potential regulation, fluid movement and K+ secretion in exocrine glands. Two K+ channels have been identified in exocrine salivary glands: (1) a Ca2+-activated K+ channel of intermediate single channel conductance encoded by the KCNN4 gene, and (2) a voltage- and Ca2+-dependent K+ channel of large single channel conductance encoded by the KCNMA1 gene. This review focuses on the physiological roles of Ca2+-dependent K+ channels in exocrine salivary glands. We also discuss interesting recent findings on the regulation of Ca2+-dependent K+ channels by protein–protein interactions that may significantly impact exocrine gland physiology.  相似文献   

Flexibility in task performance is essential for a robust system of division of labour. We investigated what factors determine which social insect workers respond to colony-level changes in task demand. We used radio-frequency identification technology to compare the roles of corpulence, age, spatial location and previous activity (intra-nest/extra-nest) in determining whether worker ants (Temnothorax albipennis) respond to an increase in demand for foraging or brood care. The less corpulent ants took on the extra foraging, irrespective of their age, previous activity or location in the nest, supporting a physiological threshold model. We found no relationship between ants that tended the extra brood and corpulence, age, spatial location or previous activity, but ants that transported the extra brood to the main brood pile were less corpulent and had high previous intra-nest activity. This supports spatial task-encounter and physiological threshold models for brood transport. Our data suggest a flexible task-allocation system allowing the colony to respond rapidly to changing needs, using a simple task-encounter system for generalized tasks, combined with physiologically based response thresholds for more specialized tasks. This could provide a social insect colony with a robust division of labour, flexibly allocating the workforce in response to current needs.  相似文献   

Morphology of the exocrine glands of the frog skin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Frog skin contains three distinct types of exocrine glands: granular (poison), mucous, and seromucous. The granular gland forms a syncytial secretory compartment within the acinus, which is surrounded by smooth muscle cells. The mucous and seromucous glands are easily identifiable as distinct glands. The serous and mucous secretory cells are arranged in a semilunar configuration opposite the ductal end and are filled with granules. Within the acinus, located at the ductal pole of the gland, are distinct groups of cells with few or no granules in the cytoplasm. In both the mucous and seromucous gland there is a cell type with abundant mitochondria; the one in the mucous gland is located in the region adjacent to the secretory cells. The duct of these glands is two-layered, with the individual cells appearing morphologically similar to the layers of the skin epithelium as the duct traverses the skin. The duct appears to be patent throughout its length. The morphological heterogeneity and distinct distribution of the cell types within the gland acinus may be indicative of a functional heterogeneity that allows the production of distinctly different types of secretion from the same gland type, depending on the type of stimulus.  相似文献   

The article reviews a poorly explored issue of secretive physiology-recretion from blood by glandulocites of various endocrinal glands of hydrolytic ferments and hormones that have been synthesized by digestive and endocrinal glands. The article discusses potential physiological role of the recretion function and the diagnostic significance of information obtained from analysis of recreted ferments and hormones in exosecretions.  相似文献   

This study brings a survey of the exocrine glands in the legs of Vespula vulgaris wasps. We studied workers, males, virgin queens as well as mated queens. A variety of 17 glands is found in the different leg segments. Among these, five glands are novel exocrine structures for social insects (trochanter-femur gland, ventrodistal tibial gland, distal tibial sac gland, ventral tibial gland, and ventral tarsomere gland). Most leg glands are present in the three leg pairs of all castes. This may indicate a mechanical function. This is likely for the numerous glands that occur near the articulation between the various leg segments, where lubricant production may be expected. Other possible functions include antenna cleaning, acting as a hydraulic system, or pheromonal. Further research including leg-related behavioural observations and chemical analyses may help to clarify the functions of these glandular structures in the legs.  相似文献   

The chemistry of the exocrine glands of three species of the small and little-known ant subfamily Cerapachyinae has been examined for the first time. The mandibular glands of Cerapachys jacobsoni contained acetophenone and skatole, but some individuals contained, in addition, 4-methyl-3-heptanone and 3-octanol. The mandibular glands of the new species, presently known as Cerapachys sp. 15 of FI contained 4-methyl-3-heptanone, as the major substance but also 4-methyl-3-heptanol, methyl 6-ethylsalicylate, and traces of 4,5-dimethyl-4-hexen-3-one and homomanicone. The Dufour glands of C. jacobsoni contained a mixture of higher aldehydes, acetates and other esters, with a small amount of hydrocarbons, all in the range C11–C20. The Dufour glands of Cylindromyrmex whymperi contained a mixture of long-chain epoxides, the second ant species to display them. The sternal glands of C. whymperi contain a recruitment pheromone, but only partial identification of the contents was possible. The venom glands of all three species were devoid of volatile material. The Dufour glands of Cerapachys sp. 15 of FI and the mandibular glands of C. whymperi had no detectable volatile contents.  相似文献   

Potassium-chloride cotransporters (KCCs) encoded by at least four homologous genes are believed to contribute to cell volume regulation and transepithelial ion transport. We have studied KCC polypeptide expression and immunolocalization of KCCs in rat salivary glands and pancreas. Immunoblot analysis of submandibular, parotid, and pancreas plasma membrane fractions with immunospecific antibodies raised against mouse KCC1 revealed protein bands at ca 135 kDa and ca 150 kDa. Immunocytochemical analysis of fixed salivary and pancreas tissue revealed basolateral KCC1 distribution in rat parotid and pancreatic acinar cells, as well as in parotid, submandibular, and pancreatic duct cells. KCC1 or the polypeptide product(s) of one or more additional KCC genes was also expressed in the basolateral membranes of submandibular acinar cells. Both immunoblot and immunofluorescence signals were abolished in the presence of the peptide antigen. These results establish the presence in rat exocrine glands of KCC1 and likely other KCC polypeptides, and suggest a contribution of KCC polypeptides to transepithelial Cl(-) transport.  相似文献   

Insect societies face constant challenges from disease agents. Ants deploy diverse antimicrobial compounds against pathogens and the key sources are metapleural glands (MGs). Are MG products passively secreted and used indiscriminately or are they selectively used when ants are challenged by pathogens? In 26 species from five subfamilies, ants use foreleg movements to precisely groom the MG opening. In the absence of experimental infection, MG grooming rates are low and workers groom themselves after contacting the MGs. The derived leaf-cutter ants (Atta and Acromyrmex) also groom their fungal gardens, substrata (leaves), queens and nest-mates after MG grooming. Atta respond to a challenge by fungal conidia by increasing the rate of MG grooming, but do not do so when an inert powder is applied. This increase occurs in the first hour after a potential infection, after which it returns to baseline levels. Ants with open MGs produce more infrabuccal pellets (IP) than ants with sealed MGs and conidia within pellets from the former are less likely to germinate. Thus, ants selectively groom their MGs when disease agents are present, suggesting that they also selectively use their MG secretions, which has important implications for understanding the evolution of hygienic behaviour in social groups.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of formic acid in the poison glands of formicine ants is closely related to the C-1 metabolism of the glandular cells. Experiments utilizing radiolabeled amino acids revealed that serine is a major precursor, contributing both its α and β carbons to formic acids. 5,10[14C]methylene H4folate and 5,10[14C]methenyl H4folate also serve as precursors of formic acid in the poison gland, suggesting that they are intermediates in the pathway. Furthermore, these H4folate derivatives were isolated from poison glands following incubation with [3-14C]serine and proved radioactive. The glandular cells are also exceptionally rich in the enzymes responsible for these reactions, supporting the proposed pathway.Although this pathway has been established in various organism, the uniqueness of the poison gland system is that it accumulates formic acid to large extent, yet avoids its cytotoxicity. This is made possible by a combination of the biochemical characteristics of the pathway and the special morphological features of the poison gland.  相似文献   

Three types of membrane interactions were studied in three exocrine systems (the acinar cells of the rat parotid, rat lacrimal gland, and guinea pig pancrease) by freeze- fracture and thin-section electron microscopy: exocytosis, induced in vivo by specific pharmacological stimulations; the mutual apposition of secretory granule membranes in the intact cell; membrane appositions induced in vitro by centrifugation of the isolated granules. In all three glandular cells, the distribution of intramembrane particles (IMP) on the fracture faces of the luminal plasmagranule membrane particles (IMP) on the fracture faces of the lumenal plasmalemma appeared random before stimulation. However, after injection of secretagogues, IMP were rapidly clearly from the areas of granule- plasmalemma apposition in the parotid cells and, especially, in lacrimocytes. In the latter, the cleared areas appeared as large bulges toward the lumen, whereas in the parotid they were less pronounced. Exocytotic openings were usually large and the fracture faces of their rims were covered with IMP. In contrast, in stimulated pancreatic acinar cells, the IMP distribution remained apparently random after stimulation. Exocytoses were established through the formation of narrown necks, and no images which might correspond to early stages of membrane fusion were revealed. Within the cytoplasm of parotid and lacrimal cells (but not in the pancreas), both at rest and after stimulation, secretion granules were often closely apposed by means of flat, circular areas, also devoid of IMP. In thin sections, the images corresponding to IMP-free areas were close granule-granule and granule-plasmalemma appositions, sometimes with focal merging of the membrane outer layers to yield pentalaminar structures. Isolated secretion granules were forced together in vitro by centrifugation. Under these conditions, increasing the centrifugal force from 1,600 to 50,000 g for 10 min resulted in a progressive, statistically significant increase of the frequency of IMP-free flat appositions between parotid granules. In contrast, no such areas were seen between freeze-fractured pancreatic granules, although some focal pentalaminar appositions appeared in section after centrifugation at 50 and 100,000 g for 10 min. On the basis of the observation that, in secretory cells, IMP clearing always develops in deformed membrane areas (bulges, depressions, flat areas), it is suggested that it might result from the forced mechanical apposition of the interacting membranes. This might be a preliminary process not sufficient to initiate fusion. In the pancreas, IMP clearing could occur over surface areas too small to be detected. In stimulated parotid and lacrimal glands they were exceptional. These structures were either attached at the sites of continuity between granule and plasma membranes, or free in the acinar lumen, with a preferential location within exocytotic pockets or in their proximity. Experiments designed to investigate the nature of these blisters and vesicles revealed that they probably arise artifactually during glutaraldehyde fixation. In fact, (a) they were large and numerous in poorly fixed samples but were never observed in thin sections of specimens fixed in one step with glutaraldehyde and OsO(4); and (b) no increase in concentration of phospholipids was observed in the parotid saliva and pancreatic juice after stimulation of protein discharge, as was to be expected if release of membrane material were occurring after exocytosis.  相似文献   

Adenosine deaminase complexing proteins have been localized in four exocrine glands of the rabbit by immunoperoxidase staining employing affinity-purified goat anti-rabbit complexing protein immunoglobulin as the primary antibody. In pancreatic acinar cells and in serous cells of Brunner glands (duodenal glands), staining was concentrated in granular appearing deposits between the nucleus and cell apex. Bile canaliculi, components of the exocrine liver, were also positive for complexing protein. In submaxillary glands, staining was localized in serous demilunes and striated ducts. In each instance staining was blocked by preincubating the primary antibody with complexing protein purified from rabbit kidney.  相似文献   

Conclusion Recent results call for a reinterpretation of the mechanisms underlying the recruitment of intracellular Ca2+ in exocrine glands. One new hypothesis suggested by these developments is that InsP3-sensitive channels liberate Ca2+ ions from secretory vesicles, as illustrated in Fig. 5.  相似文献   

 The distribution of S-100 protein and its α- and β-subunits in bovine exocrine glands was studied by indirect immunohistochemistry. The entire spectrum of salivary glands, glands of the respiratory tract, intestinal glands, male and female genital glands, and skin glands was examined. S-100 and its β-subunit were identified in most serous secretory cells of mixed salivary glands, although secretory acini in some serous glands remained unreactive for these antigens. Mucous cells were constantly negative; mucoid cells were positive in the lacrimal and Harderian gland. The α-subunit of S-100 protein was identified in serous cells but the staining reaction was faint. Subunits of S-100 showed a characteristic distribution along the excretory duct systems of compound glands: S-100 and the β-subunit were present in intercalated duct epithelium, while striated duct epithelium stained for S100-α. Therefore, it is suggested that S100-α is related to resorption and secretion in striated ducts, while S100-β may govern acinar exocytosis and probably regulates proliferation and differentiation of glandular cells. Differing staining intensities for S-100 and its subunits in secretory cells of exocrine glands most probably indicate functional differences with regard to secretory activity and the cell cycle. Accepted: 11 February 1997  相似文献   

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