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The effects of sodium butyrate-mediated alterations in chromatin structure on the yields of X-ray-induced chromosomal aberrations were studied in human peripheral blood lymphocytes. Unstimulated (G0) lymphocytes were pre-treated with sodium butyrate (5 mM) for 24 h, X-irradiated and then stimulated to pass through the cell cycle. Cells in their first post-radiation metaphase were scored for chromosomal aberrations. In parallel biochemical experiments nucleoid sedimentation technique was used to examine the induction and repair of DNA-strand breaks. The results show that sodium butyrate pre-treatment leads to a significant increase in the frequencies of dicentrics and rings, but not of fragments. The data from biochemical studies suggest that the numbers and rates of repair of X-ray-induced DNA-strand breaks are the same in butyrate-treated and untreated cells. We therefore suggest that the observed effect is probably a consequence of butyrate-induced conformational changes in the chromatin of G0 lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Stable and unstable chromosome aberrations in human lymphocytes exposed to 2 and 4Gy of X-rays in G(0) were analyzed in M1 and M2 cells harvested at 72h to investigate how the scoring protocol influences the yields of aberrations transmitted through one mitosis. Metaphase chromosomes 2, 3, and 5 were painted using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) whole chromosome probes, together with a pan-centromeric probe and stained by the harlequin-FISH method, to allow the cell cycle status of each cell to be determined as it was scored. A strict scoring criterion was adopted so that each metaphase had to contain 46 centromeres and each dicentric/centric ring had to have an acentric present. In addition to scoring the painted material, unstable aberrations in the whole genome were also recorded. The yield of complete dicentrics decreased by more than a factor of 2 in going from M1 to M2. The decrease was greater at the lower dose. Two-way translocations appeared stable, but one-way translocations decreased. This suggests that if translocation yields are to be used for biological dosimetry purposes, then the two-way type should be used.  相似文献   

Bimolane has been commonly used in China for the treatment of psoriasis and various types of cancer. Patients treated with bimolane have been reported to have an increased risk of developing therapy-related leukemias. Although bimolane has been identified as a human leukemia-inducing agent, little is known about its genotoxic effects, and a systematic study of the types of chromosomal alterations induced by this compound has not been performed. In this study, a combination of immunochemical, molecular and conventional cytogenetic techniques has been used to study the chromosomal alterations induced by bimolane in cultured human lymphocytes. Immunochemical staining with the CREST antibody indicated that bimolane induces micronuclei (MN) originating primarily from chromosome breakage. Interestingly fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with differentially labeled chromosomes 1 and 9 centromeric probes indicated that bimolane also caused non-disjunction and polyploidy. Consistent with this, an expedited analysis of Giemsa-stained metaphase chromosomes in bimolane-treated lymphocytes revealed a high frequency of polyploidy/hyperdiploidy as well as dicentric chromosomes, and premature centromeric division (PCD). In addition, bimolane was also found to produce binucleated cells, possibly through an interference with normal functioning of intermediate filaments. As a follow-up to these studies, three different types of commercially available bimolane formulations obtained from different Chinese manufacturers were also evaluated. The effects seen with the formulated bimolane were similar to those seen with the synthesized compound. Our studies indicate that bimolane effectively induces a variety of cellular and chromosomal changes in cultured lymphocytes and that similar alterations occurring in bone marrow stem cells could contribute to the development of the secondary cancers seen in bimolane-treated patients.  相似文献   

C. Nowak  G. Obe 《Human genetics》1984,66(4):335-343
Summary Post-treatment of mutagen-treated human peripheral lymphocytes with a single-strand specific endonuclease from Neurospora crassa leads to a significant elevation of the rate of structural chromosomal aberrations. Our results indicate that DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) are ultimate lesions for the formation of chromosomal aberrations in the G1 and G2 phase of the cell cycle and probably also in the S-phase. Post-treatment of X-irradiated G2 cells with polyethylene glycol (PEG) leads to an elevation of the frequencies of chromatid type aberrations. This result is taken as an indication that nucleases from PEG-damaged lysosomes transform lesions in X-ray damaged chromosomes to DSB. With respect to the origin of chromosomal aberrations, our results are in favour of the breakage and reunion hypothesis of K. Sax, and not of Revell's exchange hypothesis.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. K. L. Radenbach on occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

The restriction endonuclease Alu I (recognition site AG/CT) produces chromosomal aberrations in isolated human peripheral lymphocytes in vitro. The aberrations are of the chromosome-type when the cells are treated in G1 and of the chromatid-type when the cells are treated in late S, early G2. Additional treatment with ammonium sulphate leads to higher aberration frequencies than treatment with Alu I alone.  相似文献   

The results of an IAEA coordinated programme on radiation induced chromosomal aberrations in human peripheral blood lymphocytes in vitro are presented. In a master experiment, a whole blood sample from one donor was irradiated with 200 R of X-rays. Different fixation times from 46 to 82 h were used. The progression of cells into mitosis was monitored by BrdUrd incorporation. 14 investigators took part in the scoring of chromosomal aberrations. The main conclusions of this study are: (1) The mean frequencies of aberrations changed with fixation time. (2) The number of cells scored as aberrant by different laboratories was very similar, but there was variability in the number of aberrations scored per aberrant cell. (3) The differences in the frequencies of aberrations between laboratories were minimal when the scoring was restricted to the first major peak of mitotic activity and sufficient cells were scored.

It is concluded that using controlled experimental conditions, human peripheral blood lymphocytes can effectively be used as a reliable biological dosimeter for absorbed radiation dose.  相似文献   

The yield of radiation-induced micronuclei in human lymphocytes was assessed by two methods, i.e., by incorporating bromodeoxyuridine or by inhibiting cytokinesis by cytochalasin for identification of cells which have undergone one cell division. The cytochalasin block method was found to be more efficient with a capacity to detect between 60 and 90% of the induced fragments. Dose-response characteristics and the results of fractionation experiments indicate that the yield of micronuclei reflects both classes of acentric fragments, i.e., those associated and independent of exchange type of aberrations.  相似文献   

The dose-response for radiation-induced chromosome aberrations in human lymphocytes is usually fitted to the quadratic model. This assumes that the slope is essentially linear at low doses. Empirical observations of linearity at less than 200 mGy are, however, sparse. Some data have been published indicating a non-linear (threshold) response and these are reviewed. In particular one study with X-rays showed a plateau in response up to 50 mGy and with a significant dip below the control level at 4 mGy. The mechanism proposed to explain non-linearity is that low doses stimulate the enzymic repair capability of lymphocytes. Preliminary data are presented from a large experiment by six laboratories in which the low dose-response for X-rays has been re-examined. The plateau in the dose-response relationship, if it exists, does not extend to doses above approximately 10 mGy. No irradiated cells yielded aberration levels significantly below the control. Over the range 0-300 mGy the response can be fitted to a linear regression. There are, however, variations in sensitivity between cells from different donors. An unexpected finding was that some lymphocytes contained greater than 1 exchange aberrations. This may indicate a small subset of cells that are especially susceptible to the induction of aberrations by low doses.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effect of storage conditions of blood on the direct relationship between radiation-induced chromosome aberrations and apoptosis in human peripheral blood lymphocytes, whole blood was irradiated with 3 Gy X-rays. Directly after irradiation, a sample of blood was analyzed for chromosome damage and proliferation index, after phytohaemagglutinin stimulation and incubation at 37 °C for 56 h. Blood samples were stored for 48 h at 4 and 20 °C with or without phytohaemagglutinin and analyzed for cell viability and apoptosis at 0, 24 and 48 h storage time. After 48 h of storage, unstimulated cultures were stimulated to proliferate. These samples and cultures stimulated immediately before storage were incubated at 37 °C for 56 h and analyzed for chromosome damage and proliferation index. Metaphases were examined for the presence of dicentrics, excess acentrics, and rings. Storage at 20 °C without phytohaemagglutinin for 48 h increases significantly the yield of apoptosis and decreases significantly the yield of dicentrics. During 48 h of storage time the presence of phytohaemagglutinin and the temperature of 4 °C protected the irradiated lymphocytes from apoptosis allowing accurate estimation of the real yield of radiation-induced chromosome damage. Therefore these blood-storage conditions enable analysis in metaphase and may offer some advantages for biodosimetry of absorbed radiation dose.  相似文献   

The BrdU-Giemsa method which facilitates an unequivocal identification of metaphases at different cycles has been utilized to investigate the fate of X-ray-induced chromosome aberrations in the blood lymphocyte culture system of the Indian muntjac which has the lowest diploid number (2n = 6 female/7 male) and easily distinguishable large-sized chromosomes. The results demonstrate that about 50% of dicentrics and only 12% of rings were transmitted from the first cycle to the second. There were as high as 73% abnormal cells in the second cycle as against 94% in the first cycle following 4.0 Gy. However, the frequencies of dicentrics, rings and of abnormal cells were greatly reduced in the third+ cycles. The frequencies of acentric fragments per post-irradiated first, second and third+ division cell were 2.21, 0.64 and 0.24, respectively. In sharp contrast to all earlier reports, about 75% of them were retained as a single acentric fragment in the second cycle. Analysis of fragment segregation during anaphase separation supports this finding. The survival probability of dicentrics and rings was found to be more than 60% in the second and only 18% in the third+ cycle.  相似文献   

Female NMRI mice were irradiated with various doses of X-rays and induced chromosome aberrations were scored in MII oocytes (Dosage: 0.222, 0.666, 2 and 6 Gy). After irradiation with 2 Gy, early zygotes were examined in the 2-cell stage; additional dominant lethals were counted and surviving embryos were examined after 13.5 days of pregnancy. 87.2% of the MII oocytes showed structural chromosomal aberrations after irradiation with 2 Gy. Surviving embryos, however, failed to show any increase in the aberration rate. This result points to (almost) complete elimination of genetically damaged oocytes and zygotes already before birth. In addition to the structural aberrations, aneuploidies were induced. Most of them, however, were hypoploidies. Hence, the study confirmed the well-known susceptibility of oocytes around the time of fertilization for induced chromosome loss. Induced hyperploidies, however, were very rare. Evidence for induction of meiotic non-disjunction was weak. In surviving embryos, no increase in numerical aberrations, either hypoploid or hyperploid was discovered. The significance of these data for the prediction of chromosomal damage due to to ionizing radiation in humans is discussed. Recent risk estimates of UNSCEAR and other agencies represent very cautious upper levels.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of post-treatments with caffeine in G2 on the frequency of X-ray-induced chromatid aberrations was studied in normal and ataxia telangiectasia (A-T) fibroblast and lymphoblastoid cells. Caffeine was found to potentiate the X-ray-induced aberration yield in both normal fibroblast and lymphoblastoid cells. An enhancement was also observed in A-T lymphoblastoid cells, whereas the X-ray-induced aberration frequency in A-T fibroblasts was unaffected by the presence of caffeine. The influence of caffeine on the radiationinduced mitotic inhibition was investigated in normal and A-T fibroblasts; in both types of cell less inhibition was obtained in the presence of caffeine.  相似文献   

The poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitor 3-aminobenzamide had dramatically different effects on X-ray-induced cytogenetic damage in human lymphocytes depending on the stage of the cell cycle in which cells were irradiated. 3-Aminobenzamide (0.08-3.00 mM) potentiated the frequency of chromosomal aberrations when lymphocytes were irradiated in G1, S, or late G2. No effect was observed, however, when lymphocytes were irradiated in G0 or at the S/G2 boundary 6 h before termination of culture. These results indicate that poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase may be involved in chromosomal repair of radiation damage only during specific stages of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

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