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This study was performed to determine whether exercise produces vasodilatation in regions of the brain that are associated with motor functions despite the associated vasoconstrictor effect of hypocapnia. Total and regional cerebral blood flow (CBF) were measured with microspheres in dogs during treadmill exercise of moderate intensity. Flow was also measured at rest after stimulation of ventilation with doxapram. During moderate exercise, total CBF was not changed significantly, but regional flow was increased in structures associated with motor-sensory control; blood flow to motor-sensory cortex, neocerebellar and paleocerebellar cortex, and spinal cord increased 30 +/- 7%, 39 +/- 8%, and 29 +/- 4%, respectively (P less than 0.05). After doxapram, which increased arterial blood pressure and decreased arterial PCO2 to levels similar to those during exercise, total CBF decreased and there was no redistribution of CBF. These results indicate that exercise in conscious dogs increases blood flow in regions of the brain associated with movement despite the associated vasoconstrictor stimulus of arterial hypocapnia. Thus, during exercise, local dilator influences that presumably result from increases in metabolism predominate over a potent constrictor stimulus in regulation of cerebral vascular resistance.  相似文献   

The mammalian diaphragm is composed of two separate muscles (costal and crural) connected by a central tendon that serves as a piston head for drawing air into the lungs. The two muscles are described as having different embryological origins, segmental innervations, and mechanical functions [De Troyer A, Sampson M, Sigrist S, and Macklem PT. Science 213: 237-238, 1981; De Troyer A, Sampson M, Sigrist S, and Macklem PT. J Appl Physiol 53: 30-39, 1982]. On the basis of regional blood flow measurements, the two muscles appear to be nonuniformly recruited at rest, but we anticipated that the two muscles would become uniformly recruited at heavy exercise to efficiently support the high energy requirements of ventilation. We used fluorescent microspheres to measure regional blood flow within the two muscles as an index of muscle recruitment from rest to heavy treadmill exercise in well-trained foxhounds. However, the heterogeneity of blood flow at rest persisted as exercise workloads were increased. Blood flow per gram of muscle remained twofold greater in ventral than dorsal regions of both muscles from rest to heavy exercise. This pattern was matched by a twofold greater regional mechanical advantage in ventral than dorsal regions of the two muscles measured anatomically. Hence blood flow was preferentially and efficiently distributed to those regions capable of generating the greatest inspiratory power independent of muscle mass. The two muscles were recruited from rest to heavy exercise as a single functional unit, not as two muscles under separate control.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of amrinone, a drug known to augment cardiac output and dilate peripheral vascular beds, on diaphragm blood flow. Studies were performed on 12 anesthetized mechanically ventilated dogs in which strips of left costal diaphragm were developed in situ. Strip blood flow was assessed with a drop counter attached to a catheter tied into the phrenic veins' draining strips. Strip tension was measured with an isometric force transducer. Amrinone was administered as an intravenous bolus of 2 mg/kg followed by a continuous infusion of 25 micrograms.kg-1.min-1. Amrinone increased cardiac output and resting diaphragm blood flow [from 1.8 +/- 0.1 to 3.2 +/- 3 (SE) l/min and from 13 +/- 2 to 29 +/- 6 (SE) ml.100 g-1.min-1, respectively, P less than 0.001 for both comparisons]. Amrinone also increased blood flow during periods of rhythmic contraction (tension time indexes of 0.1-0.4, P less than 0.05 for comparisons of flow with and without amrinone at each tension time index) and increased the magnitude of the postcontraction hyperemia (P less than 0.02 for comparisons of hyperemic flow with and without amrinone at tension time indexes of 0.3 and 0.4). Graded occlusion of the inferior vena cava produced reductions in arterial pressure, cardiac output, and diaphragm blood flow both before and after amrinone. Both cardiac output and diaphragm blood flow were greater after amrinone, however, at all levels of blood pressure examined. These findings indicate that amrinone can override diaphragm vasoregulatory systems and augment diaphragm blood flow.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Five chair-restrained baboons were trained with operant techniques and a food reward to perform dynamic leg exercise. Cardiac output and blood flows to most tissues were determined by radioactive microsphere distribution. After 2 min of exercise mean arterial blood pressure had increased by 11 +/- 3% (SE), heart rate by 34 +/- 7%, cardiac output by 50 +/- 12%, and O2 consumption by 157 +/- 17%. The blood flow to exercising leg muscle increased by 585 +/- 338% and to the myocardium by 35 +/- 19%. Blood flow to torso and limb skin fell by 38 +/- 4 and 38 +/- 6%, respectively, and similar reductions occurred in adipose tissue blood flow. Nonworking skeletal muscle blood flow decreased by 30 +/- 10%. Renal blood flow was lowered by 16 +/-2%. The lower visceral organs had more variable responses, but when grouped together total splanchnic blood flow fell by 21 +/- 9%. Blood flow to the brain was unchanged with exercise, whereas spinal cord perfusion increased 23 +/- 3%. Thus during short dynamic exercise baboons redistributed blood flow away from skin, fat, nonworking muscles, and visceral organs to supply the needs of exercising muscles. Our data suggest the baboon is a useful animal model for investigating vascular responses of tissues, such as torso skin, adipose, individual visceral organs, and the spinal cord, that cannot be examined in humans.  相似文献   

Several studies have reported an extensive regional heterogeneity in myocardial blood flow. The reported coefficients of variation for regional myocardial perfusion range from about 0.2 to 0.4 in normotensive animals. The spatial distribution of myocardial perfusion during haemorrhagic hypotension seems not to have been assessed. The goal of the present study was to determine the regional heterogeneity in myocardial blood flow within the rabbit left ventricle during normal conditions and after haemorrhagic hypotension. Radioactive microspheres were infused into the left ventricle in barbiturate anaesthetized rabbits over either 30 or 120 sec. The haemorrhagic hypotension was induced by bleeding, so that mean arterial blood pressure was reduced to about 50% of control. The left ventricles were divided into samples of about 0.025 g each. Regional heterogeneity in the blood flow was expressed as the coefficient of variation corrected for the Poisson distribution of microspheres (CVc). The CVc was 0.37 +/- 0.09 (mean +/- SD) during control and 0.41 +/- 0.11 after bleeding, the CVc obtained after bleeding being somewhat higher than during control (P < 0.05). We obtained a high correlation coefficient (tau about 0.68) between regional perfusion values at control and after bleeding which indicates a stable perfusion pattern within the myocardium. We conclude that the regional distribution of coronary blood flow within the left ventricle is markedly heterogenous during control condition and that this pattern is not changed during haemorrhagic hypotension.  相似文献   

Effects of emphysema on diaphragm blood flow during exercise   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chronichyperinflation of the lung in emphysema displaces the diaphragmcaudally, thereby placing it in a mechanically disadvantageous positionand contributing to the increased work of breathing. We tested thehypothesis that total and regional diaphragm blood flows are increasedin emphysema, presumably reflecting an increased diaphragm energeticdemand. Male Syrian Golden hamsters were randomly divided intoemphysema (E; intratracheal elastase 25 units/100 g body wt) andcontrol (C; saline) groups, and experiments were performed 16-20wk later. The regional distribution of blood flow withinthe diaphragm was determined by using radiolabeled microspheres inhamsters at rest and during treadmill exercise (walking at 20 feet/min,20% grade). Consistent with pronounced emphysema, lung volume per unitbody weight was greater in E hamsters (C, 59.3 ± 1.8; E, 84.5 ± 5.0 ml/kg; P < 0.001) and arterialPO2 was lower both at rest (C, 74 ± 3; E, 59 ± 2 Torr; P < 0.001) and during exercise (C, 93 ± 3; E, 69 ± 4 Torr; P < 0.001). At rest, total diaphragm blood flow was not different between C and Ehamsters (C, 47 ± 4; E, 38 ± 4 ml · min1 · 100 g1;P = 0.18). In both C and E hamsters,blood flow at rest was lower in the ventral costal region of thediaphragm than in the dorsal and medial costal regions and the cruraldiaphragm. During exercise in both C and E hamsters, blood flowsincreased more in the dorsal and medial costal regions and in thecrural diaphragm than in the ventral costal region. Total diaphragmblood flow was greater in E hamsters during exercise (C, 58 ± 7; E,90 ± 14 ml · min1 · 100 g1;P = 0.03), as a consequence ofsignificantly higher blood flows in the medial and ventral costalregions and crural diaphragm. In addition, exercise-induced increasesin intercostal (P < 0.005) andabdominal (P < 0.05) muscle bloodflows were greater in E hamsters. The finding that diaphragm blood flowwas greater in E hamsters during exercise supports the contention thatemphysema increases the energetic requirements of the diaphragm.


Regional blood flow in anemia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Effect of norepinephrine on diaphragm contractility and blood flow   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent studies have shown that diaphragm fatigue can be reversed by mechanical augmentation of phrenic arterial flow. The purpose of the present experiment was to determine whether it was possible to pharmacologically augment diaphragm blood flow and reverse fatigue by the administration of norepinephrine. Four groups of studies were performed, all employing our previously described in situ isometric canine diaphragm strip preparation (Supinski et al., J. Appl. Physiol. 60: 1789-1796, 1986). Group I studies examined the effects of norepinephrine on the contractility of the nonfatigued diaphragm in normotensive dogs, group II studies examined the effects of this drug on the contractility of the fatigued diaphragm in normotensive animals, and group III studies examined the effect of this drug on the contractility of the fatigued diaphragm in hypotensive animals. Group IV studies examined the effect of norepinephrine in normotensive animals in which the phrenic artery was cannulated and pump perfused at constant flow. Fatigue was induced in group II, III, and IV studies by rhythmically stimulating the diaphragm via intramuscular electrodes. Norepinephrine had no effect on the contractility of the nonfatigued diaphragm (group I). In normotensive (group II) and hypotensive animals (group III), norepinephrine elicited dramatic increases in arterial blood pressure and phrenic arterial flow and produced a significant upshift in the force-frequency curve of the fatigued diaphragm. However, when phrenic flow was held constant (group IV experiments), norepinephrine failed to augment the contractility of the fatigued diaphragm. These results indicate that 1) norepinephrine can increase phrenic blood flow and augment the contractility of the fatigued diaphragm in both normotensive and hypotensive conditions and 2) this effect of norepinephrine to partially reverse fatigue is secondary to its action to augment diaphragmatic blood flow.  相似文献   

Altered perfusion of the bronchial mucosal plexus relative to the adventitial plexus may contribute to geometric changes in the airway wall and lumen. We studied bronchial perfusion distribution in sheep by using fluorescent microspheres at baseline and during intrabronchial artery challenge with methacholine chloride (MCh; n = 7). Additionally, we measured airway resistance (Raw) during MCh with control or increased perfusion (n = 9). Raw with MCh was significantly greater for high than control flow. Microspheres in histological sections lodged predominantly in the mucosa (60%), and this was not altered by MCh. However, more microspheres lodged in airways >1-mm in diameter during MCh and increased perfusion than MCh and control flow. In airways < or =1 mm in diameter, fewer microspheres lodged during control than increased flow. If the number of microspheres represents regional agonist access to airway smooth muscle, then the differences observed in Raw can be explained by the distribution of agonist. During challenge, there was greater MCh delivery to larger airways during increased flow and less delivery to smaller airways during control flow. The results demonstrate the effects of axial perfusion distribution on Raw.  相似文献   

We used 15-microns radiolabeled microspheres to study the regional distribution of blood flow (Q) among parasternal (PS), transversus thoracis, and external (EI) and internal intercostal muscles (II) in nine anesthetized supine mongrel dogs. We measured Q (ml.min-1.100 g-1) in each intercostal space (ICS) during spontaneous breathing, inspiratory resistive loading, and mechanical ventilation following paralysis. At necropsy the EI, II, and PS were excised and sampled separately for each ICS. During paralysis there was no consistent gradient in Q among the PS, II, and EI muscles. During spontaneous breathing, Q to PS increased linearly by 125% between the first and fourth to sixth ICS, Q to EI decreased progressively from the first/second ICS to the fifth/sixth ICS, whereas Q to the II was uniform. During inspiratory resistive loading, in which mouth pressures of -16 +/- 4 cmH2O were generated, the PS gradient was similar to that during spontaneous breathing. Also, Q to the EI increased in the cranial interspaces (P less than 0.02), whereas Q to the II of the seventh/eighth ICS was greater than that of the first/second ICS (P less than 0.001). Furthermore, with loading, ventrodorsal gradients in Q appeared within both EI and II interspaces. There was no consistent gradient in Q within the transversus thoracis muscle during any of the interventions. Our results demonstrate nonuniform Q within PS, EI, and II during both spontaneous and inspiratory resistive loaded breathing. On the assumption that changes in Q reflect changes in activation, our results suggest systematic topographical patterns of recruitment of rib cage respiratory muscles.  相似文献   

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